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1. What is difference between / and //, * and ** operators?

2. Evaluate the following expression with precedence of operator:

a. X = 2* 3/ 5 + 10 //3 - 1
3. Explain if…else statement with the help of an example.
4. Write statement in Python to find absolute value of -100.
5. Write a program to find maximum of 3 numbers using nested if..else statement.
6. Write a program to input values for Principle, rate and Time and calculate compound interest.
7. Write a program to input age of a person and print message “Eligible to Vote” if age is more
a. than 18 otherwise print message “not eligible to Vote”.
8. Write a program to check whether the entered number by user is even or odd.
9. Find the output:
i. x, y =10, 15
ii. if (x >= y):
iii. z = x + y
iv. else:
v. z = x -y
b. z = z ** 2
c. print “result =“, z
10. Rewrite the following program after finding and correcting syntactical errors and underlining it.
a, b = 0
if (a = b)
a +b = c
print z
11. What will be the output of the following code:
i. A = 3 – 4 + 10
ii. B = 5 * 6
iii. C = 7.0/2.0
iv. D = “Hello” * 3
v. print “Value are :“, A. B, C, D
12. Write a program that takes name of student, marks (out of 100) of 3 subjects from user and
calculate total marks, percentage and grade as per the following criteria:
i. percentage Grade
1. >=75 A
ii. >=60 and <75 B
iii. <60 C
13. Rewrite the code after removing error.
250 = Number
if Number=>750:
print Number Number=Number+100
else print Number*2
14. How many times the loop will execute?
print i

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