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Crafting a thesis statement for "The Handmaid's Tale" can be an arduous task.

Margaret Atwood's
dystopian novel is rich with complex themes, intricate characters, and layered symbolism, making it
challenging for students to distill their analysis into a concise and compelling thesis statement.

The novel explores themes of power, oppression, gender roles, and the consequences of
totalitarianism, demanding careful consideration and deep understanding to develop a thesis that
effectively captures its essence. Moreover, navigating the nuanced relationships between characters
and deciphering Atwood's subtle commentary on society adds another layer of difficulty to the

For those facing the daunting task of formulating a thesis statement for "The Handmaid's Tale,"
seeking assistance from professionals can alleviate the burden. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert
guidance and support tailored to students' individual needs. Our team of experienced writers
understands the complexities of literary analysis and can help you articulate a clear and insightful
thesis statement that encapsulates your interpretation of the novel.

By entrusting your academic challenges to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and energy
while ensuring the quality and originality of your work. Let us help you unlock the full potential of
your thesis statement for "The Handmaid's Tale" and achieve academic success.
Their communication is re-invented due to their position within society. Elaine Huang 12th Grade
Humans can only experience life subjectively: each of us is rooted in our own individual positions
that cause us to perceive differing shades of reality. The story takes place in an alternative reality
country called the Republic of Gilead formed more or less in the old borders of the US which is
supposed to be based on traditional values. The main idea of this criticism is that Offred is a
successful character; although not as outrageous as Moira in her obvious rebellion, her blatant
defiances as well as her subversive rebellion enable her to rise about the totalitarian Gilead and
escape the conformity. The effect this has on the reader is to make the novel become more personal
and almost as if it were a handmaids tale. The pigs are permitted to have a ball to entertain
themselves, while the handmaids are only left with their thoughts. Ecological degeneration because
of elevated pollution and nuclear explosions B. I believe the flashbacks we obtain to existence
before Gilead through Offred’s mind actually form a remarkably important function. This
disproportioned power structure between each gender in turn leads to the development of unnatural
relationships developing, with love and desire surpassed by physical sexual activity. Likewise, Sarah,
the servant, has power over Manon. Offred serves as the example of the limited freedom presented
within the society as the chores that she has been assigned with to complete present restriction within
the society. Since Offred cannot rebel against the regime, she attempts to distance herself from
reality by turning to the past, which Atwood shows through juxtaposition. This level of takeover
would require either a large atomic revolution or a biological warfare of great magnitude. The
decisions that were decreed in the two different societies were similar in the sense that there was a
real lack of a democracy system available to everyone. This also shows that Serena Joy is reasserting
her power over Offred following the ceremony where she felt utterly powerless, which is another
feminist interpretation. Margaret Atwood's book, A Handmaid's Tale, can be compared to the
morning after a bad fight within an abusive relationship. This can tell us that there are very strong
views on religion and all the girls must obide by them. These two texts are based and written around
the lives of women. Executed bodies are publicly displayed so the state can demonstrate its power to
those. Useful Linking Words and Phrases to Use in Your Essays - ESLBuzz Learning English. The
Handmaid’s Tale shows the way the government from the U. s. States may be overthrown with a
fanatical group along with a dictatorship established. Look at the bottom of the page to identify
which edition of the text they are referring to. How is it developed thematically and used as a
narrative technique. This is very ironic as the novel is written in the future but displays behaviour as
it were in the past. Her life stories with commander Fred, her relationship with Ofglen and other
Handmaids. There was little mention of a large armed force within the story line suggesting the
takeover and the creation of the new government. Sarah was not supposed to be in that position in
Manon's matrimonial home, and they both shared bedrooms, which brought about more tension and
symbolism that they were almost on the same level in rank. Consider the way a government for
example Gilead is produced and just how individuals in power make an effort to maintain what they
can control. Society active in the punishment of offenders (Salvagings) C. Prior to the ceremony, the
whole household gathers in the living room to hear the Commander read extracts from the bible.
The pigs are permitted to have a ball to entertain themselves, while the handmaids are only left with
their thoughts. Considerations to other world powers, not necessarily superpowers, could influence
and change due to religious beliefs as well as terrorism to bring in change. This shows us the extent
of how much they are restricted and almost treated like children who cant be trusted. Literary
Analysis of The Handmaid s Tale - Cliffs Notes. This can suggest to us that the society is very
totalitarian, in the sense that everyone must obey rules. Atwood explains that sex is applied as a tool
to progress and has lost its meaning in the Gilead society. “I'm not talking about sex, he says. This
also shows that Serena Joy is reasserting her power over Offred following the ceremony where she
felt utterly powerless, which is another feminist interpretation. Prior to the ceremony, the whole
household gathers in the living room to hear the Commander read extracts from the bible. This
emphasizes on the regime demanding total silence which relates to the highlighted themes of control
and oppression. These relationships are similarly ironic because the people perceived as powerless and
as non-entities are the people emotionally troubling the unexpected victims. In chapter sixteen,
immediately after the ceremony Serena Joy told Offred to 'Get up and get out'. Opposite from utopia,
an ideal world, dystopia is definitely the world in most its negative aspects. These two texts are
based and written around the lives of women. Traditionalism and conservative views formed the
mainstream of politics throughout the world, not only in the United States. Margaret Atwood's book,
A Handmaid's Tale, can be compared to the morning after a bad fight within an abusive relationship.
We are uncertain of Sarah's age in 'Property', but it is presumed she is a very young woman. Rivalries
and jealousies between different groupings encouraged B. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Part 3 If the number of vehicles failing
inspection would increase then this would increase the revenue obtained from the vehicle inspection
fees by an additional 15%. Although both narrations may be biased, from the interpretations of what
actually happened (according to them) that we are given, the strong conclusion can be made that they
both successfully explore both relationships in an utterly evil environment being lived in to a far
extent. In today's society it is customary for the bride to adopt the name of the groom. The first
flashback occurs in Chapter 3 and there are brief references to Luke in Chapters 2 and 5. Decreased
birth rate one of the Caucasian population E. Thirdly, both women have strong nerves and do not
give up 22 October Mary vs Offred Introduction The character Mary of the poem Half Hanged Mary
and the character Offred of the story The Handmaid's Tale have many similarities and differences.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. This is 100% legal.
You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Literary Criticism
“Yet, although Offred cannot be considered a more obvious traditional hero like Moira, an
examination of her more subtle rebellion against the oppressive totalitarian regime which governs her
life illustrates the indefatigable nature of the human spirit.” (Novels for Students, Vomume 4, 127)
Literary criticism cont. However, this game was a perverted game unlike the intellectual game of
scrabble and stripped the slave boys who participated of their dignity, whilst giving Manon's
husband uttermost pleasure. The Republic of Gilead was later introduced following the transition
Luyu Chen Mr. Moira later reports seeing her as an old woman working in the colonies.
Offred believed she deserved a sort of compensation, and requested for some hand lotion; a toiletry
the handmaids were deprived of. Readers are made to understand that Offred is aware of this harsh
reality, yet throughout the novel there is no opportunity for her to rebel when even the paintings are
“guarding the room with their narrowed eyes”. The ruling race, class or gender takes advantage to
monopolize language through censorship of literature and control of discourses to fortify their
leadership position. Society active in the punishment of offenders (Salvagings) C. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. What elements of
our own society is Margaret Atwood satirising, and how does her satire work. This mechanism is
achieved through the application of flashback that explains the affair that she has had with her lover
in Luke. They will violate it saying that it’s for the good of all, or the good of the many, or the better
this or better that. Ultimately Atwood’s dystopia of Gilead portrays the negative consequences an
unbalanced patriarchal hierarchy can have and that disjointed power structures result in a disjointed
society. The circumstances of her existence have changed her outlook on life. This resource hasn't
been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this
resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions.
Also, the title 'Property' already indicates complete ownership. Sarah's baby was taken from her, as
shown on page twenty-six, and would be sold when he was older. The Handmaids, conversely, have
very little choice. At the end of the novel it is unclear whether she has. Child bearing started around
the age of thirteen and by twenty, female slaves were expected to have four or more children.
However, this game was a perverted game unlike the intellectual game of scrabble and stripped the
slave boys who participated of their dignity, whilst giving Manon's husband uttermost pleasure. Also,
Manon's husband felt powerful in the sense of using his manhood, and brought this power physically
to bear upon Sarah, despite her attempts to resist whilst Manon was away. It is not unheard of for the
groom to adopt the brides name if there are no other males within the generation to carry on the
bride's family name. Throughout the novel, readers are helped to understand this character’s
increasingly passive nature through Atwood’s use of simile, and by way of juxtaposition and
balanced sentences, empathise with her need for memories and language to cope with daily life in
the illusionary utopia of Gilead. Offred, as the leading character, directs the reader to discover a
changed society from the traditional U.S. that presents freedom ad free ideology. Single mattress
medium-hard, covered with a flocked white spread. They are unable to read and write, with
metonyms and rhyme used as propaganda in an attempt to influence the identity of the handmaids
and encourage them to embrace the conditions provided. Some may interpret the ceremony as rape
as Offred is forced to concieve children for couples who can't conceive on their own. The setting
described by the author helps us to appreciate the theme of power and. See other similar resources
?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. The
narrator of the novel is a handmaid who doesn’t have a name. Our customer service team will review
your report and will be in touch. ?3.50 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?3.50 (no
rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 2 August 2021 Share this Share through
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michellechimbete03 Not the right resource. This novel illustrates a very stereotypical picture on
women and how they are only good for housekeeping and raising children. Traditionalism and
conservative views formed the mainstream of politics throughout the world, not only in the United
How do you tell a narrative from the point of view of that person. RachelPearson36 Unlocking the
Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. Elevated objectification of
ladies through pornography C. I believe that there will be more opportunities for women both in
government and the private sector, and that this is a wiser and less volatile outlook than the more
radical feminist ideas. Manon's husband again demonstrates his power over her as he raped Sarah
against her will, and in turn she bore him a child, Walter. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST,
based on theirfunction 2. This therefore shows us that these girls are almost brainwashed into
thinking that their society is right. Without any historical context relevant this would simply be a
story of entertainment and nothing more. She comes in to contact with a resistance group, but does.
This image is enhanced earlie r with reference to the r emoval. Although the exact Gilead society
would never happen in real life, it is not to say that certain society of the past or even the present
haven t incorporated some of the Gilead society. This style, however, does allow strong emotive
expression which assists in making meaning of the society from her own. The idea that the slaves
have to work for their masters in order to survive shows the power of the plantation owner over the
slaves. Atwood uses juxtaposition and balanced sentences to empathise with Offred's need for
memories and language to cope with daily life in the illusionary utopia of Gilead. In this essay, I
argue that Gilead and native New Orleans are manifestly Evil. Both societies oppressed women and
were utterly intolerant to nonconformists. This emphasizes on the regime demanding total silence
which relates to the highlighted themes of control and oppression. Prior to the ceremony, the whole
household gathers in the living room to hear the Commander read extracts from the bible. This can
suggest to us that the society is very totalitarian, in the sense that everyone must obey rules. The
government of the U.S. monitored the cult closely until such a time determined it was time to action
for the release of the people. Despite the apparent informal atmosphere, the vast difference in class
between the genders sees women effectively sexually enslaved to the Commanders. General Settings
(Margins, Fonts, Spacing, Numbering) Use of Styles for Section Headings. What I feel is partly
relief, because none of these men is Luke. This disproportioned power structure between each gender
in turn leads to the development of unnatural relationships developing, with love and desire
surpassed by physical sexual activity. This mechanism is achieved through the application of
flashback that explains the affair that she has had with her lover in Luke. To encourage child bearing,
some plantation owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced. Any threats
to the society are dealt with by the Armed Forces or local Police Forces. How is it developed
thematically and used as a narrative technique. They are unable to read and write, with metonyms
and rhyme used as propaganda in an attempt to influence the identity of the handmaids and
encourage them to embrace the conditions provided.
Rated 5 out of 5 See all reviews Also included in The Handmaid's Tale Activity Bundle This resource
features a bundle of all of our best-selling lesson plans, materials, and activities for Margaret
Atwood's chilling dystopian novel, The Handmaid's Tale. Atwood explains that sex is applied as a
tool to progress and has lost its meaning in the Gilead society. “I'm not talking about sex, he says.
Every characteristic of her life evolves in order to provide conditions in which to preserve her own
sense of integrity. US, UK, Europe, Canada, South Africa) Ebscohost (ATLAs database). Single
mattress medium-hard, covered with a flocked white spread. Offred explains that she has lost a
remarkable past that promised better lifestyle and resolution to her miserable progress. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. This image is enhanced earlie r with reference to the r
emoval. There is no such space of freedom in this country for women. Discuss the ways in which
atmosphere and suspense are created in the follow. The Republic of Gilead is depicted as the
environment that harbored injustice and tolerated moral degradation in demeaning the role of the
woman. The Republic of Gilead is depicted as the environment that harbored injustice and tolerated
moral degradation in demeaning the role of the woman. And the artists will always protest and
they’ll always get shot. Useful Linking Words and Phrases to Use in Your Essays - ESLBuzz
Learning English. In this sense Atwood explores the division between the physical act of having sex,
and the emotional experience of lovemaking. These countries are viewed as terrorist based or
unstable political governments who will spend what is required to obtain the power. This is very
ironic as the novel is written in the future but displays behaviour as it were in the past. The tulip is
not a reason for disbelief in the hanged man, or vice versa. The author uses symbols such as the
dresses that represents the handmaids fertility, a pig that had more privileges than the women, and
the handmaids labels to expand the readers understanding of Offreds position and emotions, because
as a handmaid, she could never express them fully. As a direct result from encouragement and
influence from literary mentors like Atwood, feminism became the rage. Offred’s identity provides
the basis for the development of meaning throughout the text, with her point of view influential in
developing the plot, setting and secondary character profiles. There was little mention of a large
armed force within the story line suggesting the takeover and the creation of the new government.
This novel illustrates a very stereotypical picture on women and how they are only good for
housekeeping and raising children. This anonymity creates a general sense of fear that makes it easier
to govern the. This case is of the cult within the Waco Texas society that was attacked by the FBI and
forced to surrender under terms not even considered to be humane by some. Women are restricted
and offered the challenge of progressing within the society as the captives converted into
Handmaids. The Republic of Gilead was later introduced following the transition Luyu Chen Mr.
Moira later reports seeing her as an old woman working in the colonies. The first flashback occurs in
Chapter 3 and there are brief references to Luke in Chapters 2 and 5. In each novel different
characters exert elements of power, in Property for example plantation owners literally own the
slaves; in 'The handmaid's tale the novel also deals with elements of ownership too, for example the
motive behind the Commander's wife taking in the handmaid's which is to 'own' children which are
not biologically theirs. It contains four different levels of narrative time: the pre-Revolution past, the
time of the Revolution itself, the Gileadean period, and the post-Gileadean period LeBihan 100.

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