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Transformation Workout 0 Ql KL FT 49 min - Abs, Back, Cardio, Chest, Legs, Shoulders (Our next workout is upon us! Complete every rep of this workout to leave pounds of body fat crying in a puddle on the floor. Are you ready? What a silly question, let's go! Dumbbell Squat Clean and Press Jumping Jacks Dumbbell Floor Chest Press Bsets 10 reps 6O sec rest Beets Wrens 45 Exercise number I let's do this! Use aight ——_—Star jumps, because you'te a star. Use a weight that’s comfortable, but woighthere, focus on your form through cchallnging. Remamber, improvement every ep. happens through challenge, High Knees ‘Sumo Dumbbell Squats Butt Kicks 1:00 1:00 Beets BOsecs 3O sec rest sets TO reps 6O sec rest Beets BOsecs 3O secrest This will definitely ot your bleed pumping! Half way through, you're on fire! Try to My favorite way te kick my own butt touen tho dumbbell tthe floor with every Dumbbell Deadiifts Cardio - Running Dumbbell Bent Over Lateral Rear Delt Raises Bsets 10 reps 6O sec rest 6 min Bsets 10 reps 6O sec rest ‘oop that back straight and bend atthe Jump on tho troadmill and slowly try to ‘Youve done it Another workout bites the knee, focus en keeping your chin up incraase your pace every minute, even if dust, have a quick stretch and get outta throughout the movement. that means speed walkinal hore! Page lof IKLIFT Dumbbell Squat Clean and Press rimary muscle group( Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadticeps, Shoulders secondary Hamstrings, Lower Back With dumbbells at your sides, stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and fee pointing slightly outward. Look straight ahead, ‘Squat down until your upper legs are parallel with the floor by bending your knees, keep your back straight With an explosive but controlled movement, push up through your heels and press the dumbbells above your head as you retum to standing position. Stil standing, slowly lower the dumbbells dovn to your chest and then down to your sides by extending your arms. Repeat. Jumping Jacks / Star Jumps rimary muscle aroup(s} Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadriceps. onda ‘Abs, Calves, Hamstrings, Shoulders. Stand with your feet together, arms fully extended with your hands by your sides. This is the start position. Bend your knees slightly then straighten and push through the balls of your feet while straightening your your knees to jump up spreading your legs to wider than hip width apart. ‘As you do so, raise both arms out and up in a smooth arc until your hands meet above your head. ‘As you retum to the ground, bring your feet together and your hands back to your sides ‘with your arms fully extended. Continue without pause for the desired amount of time or repetitions. 1e performed as a timed exercise, completit Insets with a fixed slightly as you raise them to ef 1e your biceps and tric hrep i Dumbbell Floor Chest Press dormers chest econdery Abs, Shoulders, THceps ee Place a pir of dumbbells on the floor. Ll on your backin between the umbels, Bend your knees end move yout fet towards your butt. Grab the dumbbells and hold them above you. Allow your upper arms to remain on the ‘lor, Begin the movement by pushing the dumbbells over your chest. Pause at the top ‘and squeeze your chest muscles. Slowly bring the weights down to the starting position, allowing your arms to rest for a brief moment before beginning the next repetition. High Knees / Front Knee Lifts / Run / Jog on the Spot For a more advanced move, hold your hands straight at hip level and try to touch the knees to your hands as you lift them, Bring the knees towards your hands instead of reaching the hands to the knees! Sumo / Plié Dumbbell Squats rimary muscle group( Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadriceps. ‘econdary ‘Abs, Calves, Hamstrings Stand up straight with a tight core and flat back Position your feet wider than shoulder-wiath, Your toes should be facing out diagonally Holding 2 dumbbell with both hands in front of you, look straight ahead and bend at the knees while driving your hips backward. Your knees should be following your toes in a diagonal line, Complete this wide stance squat by having your thighs come parallel with the ground, Pause and slowly return to the starting position without locking your knees. Repeat. Butt Kicks Primary muscle group(s} Hamstrings, Quadriceps Secondary Glutes & Hip Flexors Standing tall with a tight core and flat back, you will begin the dynamic stretching exercise as if you were running in place. Keep the knees slightly bent at all times.Start slowly and work up to a faster speed. Bring your left foot back and all the way up to the glutes. Return your left foot to the ground and repeat on the other side. Continue this back and forth motion, keeping your arms swinging in motion, uf () on Dumbbell Deadlifts rimary muscle group( Glutes & Hip Flexors, Lower Back ‘econdary ‘Abs, Calves, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Place two dumbbells an the floor. Stand facing the dumbbells with your feet shoulder wiatth apart. Bend knees and hips to lower your torso in a squatting movement,keep your back straight. At the bottom of the squat grip the dumbbells with an overhand grip.keeping your arms fully extended. Return to an upright position holding the dumbbells with your palms facing towards your body and extending your hips forward. Do not round your back. Return the dumbbells to the floor in the same manner you picked them up. Repeat, Cardio - Running / Jogging / Treadmill Quadriceps Glutes & Hip Flexors, Hamstrings No specific instructions for this exercise Dumbbell Bent Over Lateral Rear Delt Raises / Flyes rimary muscle group(s) Shoulders Begin by holding a pair of dumbbells and standing with a braced core. Bend at the SOGX. FES knees slightly and lean forward from the hips. Maintain a flat back throughout. Keeping your elbows slightly bent throughout the movement, lit the dumbbells up and out to the side, Be sure to focus the contraction in the back of the shoulders, Pause at the top of the movernent then slowly bring the dumbbells to the starting position.

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