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Struggling with crafting a compelling thesis statement on resistance to change? You're not alone.

Tackling such a complex and nuanced topic requires a deep understanding of organizational behavior,
psychology, and change management principles. Many students find themselves grappling with the
intricacies of formulating a strong thesis that effectively addresses the various facets of resistance to

From understanding the psychological barriers individuals face when confronted with change to
analyzing the organizational dynamics that contribute to resistance, there's no shortage of challenges
in developing a coherent and insightful thesis statement.

Moreover, the pressure to produce original research and contribute novel insights to the field can
further intensify the difficulty of the task. It's not uncommon for students to feel overwhelmed by
the sheer magnitude of literature and theories surrounding resistance to change, making it
challenging to navigate and synthesize existing knowledge into a cohesive argument.

Fortunately, there's a solution to alleviate some of the burdens associated with crafting a thesis on
resistance to change. offers professional assistance tailored to your specific needs.
Our team of experienced writers specializes in a variety of academic disciplines, including
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The existence of infrastructure also accelerate the inflow of local and foreign investors to invest and
create employment opportunities for the local community. When you download this product, the
downloaded ZIP will contain this product in both standard and widescreen format. The traditional
view of conflict is that it is disruptive and represents a form of abnormal behaviour, and that it
should be controlled and changed. New technology has the highest possible threat capacity in
creating an unknown outcome for an employee and creating anxiety over learning and using new
skills that were not needed before the new technology was implemented. According to Agocs
(1997), resistance to change is most often experienced within “the behavior of individuals, small
groups or categories of employees such as middle manager, supervisors, shop floor, or unionized
workers who are opposed to or unsupportive of changes that top management wishes to implement”
(p. 919). It is often in the challenge of one’s power that resistance is developed. It is for this reason
that some members of the organization come out and demand that the status quo be maintained.
Watzlawick, P., (1974): Change; The challenge of problem formation and problem solution.
Management can be a part of this if they refuse to properly implement and enforce new policies that
are designed to support change. If possible, work on a solution that does not negatively impact
others or impede the success of the project in order to re-establish buy-in and commitment.
Hypothesis: As the length of the wire increases, the resistance of the wire will increase. When
training has been attempted, frontline workers have not learned much from the (usually vendor
provided) classroom instruction. Frequently, they are seen as not having sufficient computer skills.
MPAG Training Operational Plan is designed for a period of five (5) year period from 2010 to 2015.
Conflict is not necessarily a bad thing and if properly managed can have potentially positive
outcomes. Taiwan is a major science and technical device OEM countries. The ultimate aim of
development is to make more gains for an organization as opposed to preventing a loss as it comes
out in the issue of change. In demonstrating why a particular change should not take place, the
employee will be required to show that the restraining forces exceed the driving forces. On the one
hand, it can protect people from being forced into situations that may not be in their best interests or
that may be harmful to them. A number of activities are supposed to be done so that change is well
managed in an organization. Impactful Methods to Benefit Organizational Knowledge Management
and Continuo. In order to mitigate resistance from clients, it is important for the counselors to
recognize the expectations that the clients have when they are seeking counseling. In this model, it is
assumed that the parts all function together and that when one part is not working, it is shed from
the collective. Some times Changes can reduce power or authority of individuals. To reduce the
resistance to change there is no universal way but some probable approaches are suggested in
different management literature. Businesses must respond to these changes to remain competitive
and continue to meet the needs of their customers. They need. One of the most important parts of
implementing change is that the end result should reflect the intended result. After this has been
established, the team members are asked to verbalize their feelings of resistance and those feelings
are written out and put on display so that the whole group can visualize the emotions that are being
felt. It is likely to distinguish between a culturally leaning macro-approach to the collective human
side and a cognitively oriented micro-approach to the more individual human side of deliberate
change. Moreover, if the change is to be affected through the cooperation of those loosing experts, it
would even be more difficult to affect the change successfully. 4. Fear of Increase in Responsibility
Sometimes, a change may result in increase in responsibility of managers. Any change may create
some uncertainties in the minds of the employees.
According to Landells and Albrecht 2017, politics in the workplace plays a significant role in the
decision-making process. Through not knowing about motherhood and not understanding childhood
development, the mother shows the mistakes she made during Emily s. With the availability of
training in accordance with the terms of reference, it can improve the performance of employees in
addition to producing a quality product or service to the organization or customer. Moreover, it is
very much essential to determine success rate for creating a suitable structure of change
management. This is because human capital is Key Asset to the Public Administration. In the systems
thinking approach boundaries must be porous, the lines meshed so that when one team member must
cross into another team members’ area, there is no conflict, but rather an attitude of team positivist
attitudes towards the assigned goals. Manipulation and Co-optation is a political tactic that brings
people into the decision making process to obtain their support of change, or at least, get them not to
resist it. If individuals want to change their behavior, group norms act as a constraint. Change
Management Model The systems thinking approach has the best possibility of promoting the
adaptation to change within an organizational environment. They have specific procedures of
selection, training, role, and other socialization techniques. You have to be political to get ahead in
organizations. As an author, you ought to deal with your time and compose the precise thing that
individuals need. The trouble is that 12 consecutive hours of work make a person physically and
emotionally exhausted (Reid, and Dawson, 2000). It is great to realize that you will share your
involvement in every day schedule time and bunches of individuals like this choice but you can get
ultius for best work. New York: American Management Association. Codella, D. (2018, May 30). 4
strategies for dealing with difficult stakeholders. This study also presented a literature survey that
established this fact. For them, change is a reduction of budgets or cut-offs of their staff’s size. If
information is inaccurate and not adequate then it is necessary to. They might not learn what is
needed, do not convey what they learn to practice, or resist the training experience itself. If the
employees want to propose an alternative change, they will be required to show that driving forces
of the new proposed change exceed the restraining forces. In demonstrating why a particular change
should not take place, the employee will be required to show that the restraining forces exceed the
driving forces. Burnes (1996) indicates one of the weaknesses of the leadership literature is that it
tends to concentrate on the traits of individual managers and their relations with subordinates, and
that a good manager in one organisation will be a good manager in all organisations. Organisation
development (OD) is concerned with the diagnosis of organisational health and performance, and the
ability of the organisation to adapt to change. The Human Resource Management Division and will
implement various changes and improvements to align human capital management practices with the
vision, mission and objectives to be achieved and the nation state. Secondly, because of application
of informational Technology and service system, information network and digital device made
communication easily and effectively, besides, new technology narrow the boundary of whole earth.
Help them identify any benefits they may personally realize through the change. Person-Centred
Improvement - What Does it Look Like, and How Does it Fit with. Understanding feelings requires
a great deal of empathy and support. KaiNexus Building a Culture of Empowerment: Reflections on
Lessons Learned Building a Culture of Empowerment: Reflections on Lessons Learned KaiNexus
Managing Transformation Projects, Improvements, and Learning in a Virtual Env. Ellicudate the six
stages and present information using this PPT slide.
My research has also shown that any organization, operating in the global multinational
circumference, organizational change is inevitable for confirming its existence in the ever-changing
business world and ensuring the smooth running of its operations (Markovic, 2012). A cognitive
analysis of behavior that is similar to resistance yields a deeper understanding of how people
transform and learn and presents greater opportunities for productive technology deployment.
Managing the stress of organizational change - law enforcement agencies. Individual Reasons For
Resistance To Change Habit Security (Job Security) Economic Factors Fear of Unknown Selective
Information Processing Organizational Reasons For Resistance To Change Structural Inertia Limited
Focus on Change Group Inertia Threat To Expertise Threat To Established Power Relationships
Threat To Established Resource Allocation How To Overcome Resistance To Change in the
Organization. Firstly, the major cause is industrial revolution, it began in the eighteenth century, stem
machine and equipment became time-saving and labor-saving devices; also, ships and transportation
system lead communication and trading widely. Under manipulation; some key members can be
talked to and given incentives so that they can back the initiative. MPAG Training Operational Plan
is designed for a period of five (5) year period from 2010 to 2015. Upload Read for free FAQ and
support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Fear
of reduced job opportunities due to change in technology. KaiNexus Mindfulness and Lean -
Webinar by Dave Kippen Mindfulness and Lean - Webinar by Dave Kippen KaiNexus My Favorite
Mistake, Your Favorite Mistake. They are aware of their duties, responsibilities and superior's
behavior. If information is inaccurate and not adequate then it is necessary to. In other words, driving
forces activate their own restraining forces. Ways of dealing with resistance while effecting change
Dealing with resistance is important since it will assist in creating the required environment for the
effecting of the required change. Once the system is changed, the employee has to learn a new set of
rules about the structure of their job. Without transitions, there is not growth, therefore in order to
best manage resistance to change, an organic, flexible ideology will best serve reducing resistance to
change. Therefore, those who do not have the power of top management can be considered
susceptible to resistance behaviors. Key Concepts. anaerobic threshold controlled frequency
breathing (CFB) cooling-down detraining drafting duration economy of movement fartlek training.
If any of these aspects are especially weak, the management within the organization can change
these aspects in order to prepare for a transition. Best Representation of topics, really appreciable. An
imbalance must be created between the driving and restraining forces. Financial Rewards Rarely
Reinforce Behavioral Change. The Power of Process: The Role of the System Architect The Power of
Process: The Role of the System Architect 4 Key Steps to Get Buy-In 4 Key Steps to Get Buy-In
Recently uploaded Aspire 2024 Turning Point Slides with Dr. Sam Collins Aspire 2024 Turning
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Bibliography Andrew Thomson, Christopher Mabey, John Storey, Colin Gray and Paul Iles(2001),
Changing Patterns of Management Development, UK, Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Employees tend to
speculate what would be their new roles and responsibilities and how their superiors will respond to
them. Organisation development (OD) is concerned with the diagnosis of organisational health and
performance, and the ability of the organisation to adapt to change. Frequently, they are seen as not
having sufficient computer skills. Although English is the lingua franca of scientific publishing, there
has been a. Sources of employee resistance can be established at organizational as well as
international levels of cultural inertia, as well as at the individual level of negative career insinuation.
The foundational definition of an organization within this approach is that an organization is a
functioning organism that depends on all of the actors to perform in order to create productivity.
This demand can be very difficult for some employees if they are not very well prepared to work
differently6 from how they are used to. Conflict is not necessarily a bad thing and if properly
managed can have potentially positive outcomes. Organizations in the modern business environment
face rapid change driven by globalization and continuous technological innovation. Methods to
Manage Resistance Resistance to change does not disappear but ferments and can grow into
sabotage. I Stand Here Ironing, written by Tillie Olsen, is described to resist easy optimism (Galenet
4). Each member of the enterprise contributes something different but they must all contribute
towards a common goal. It is not possible to find the members of the organization coming out to
voice their concerns as far as the change is concerned. Such as person may “shake things up,” “take
the heat,” and then be replaced. Participation ensure commitment in implication of changes.
Secondly. Introducing our premium set of slides with Key Strategies To Overcome Resistance To
Change. It is the middle position that is often not fully explored before change is made towards that
situation. This may involve providing information, addressing concerns, and addressing any
underlying emotional issues that may be contributing to the resistance. The Intersection of Culture
and Technology: Capturing Improvement Where it Ha. Amadeo Avogadro. Calculations with Moles:
Converting moles to grams. With the availability of training in accordance with the terms of
reference, it can improve the performance of employees in addition to producing a quality product or
service to the organization or customer. The value chain activities consist of primary and support
activities. Communication of any decisions made by the senior management of the organization to
the juniors in the organization will also assist in avoiding the element of surprise that engenders
resentment on the side of the junior members of the organization. They therefore use all that is
within their power to ensure that the old way of doing things is maintained. Passive resistance does
not involve any action and the resisting group of people can appear to be willing when in the real
sense they are not. Change Management Model The systems thinking approach has the best
possibility of promoting the adaptation to change within an organizational environment. They find
security in the job possess and the system that they are doing. If for example the system is being
changed when the organization had just invested in an expensive investment that will be rendered
useless by the new system, it is possible that some of the members of the organization who perceive
this as wastage will come out and oppose any attempt to implement the change. Timing of
introduction of change can have a considerable impact on. International Journal of Strategic Change
Management, 5 3, 189-218. Some persons take the change as an indication of their poor performance
on the job while some others may assume that their position would soon be abolished. Employees can
use this model to show the various drivers of change by ranking them in terms of importance (Jex,
2002: 442). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Ways of
dealing with resistance while effecting change Dealing with resistance is important since it will assist
in creating the required environment for the effecting of the required change. According to Agocs
(1997), resistance to change is most often experienced within “the behavior of individuals, small
groups or categories of employees such as middle manager, supervisors, shop floor, or unionized
workers who are opposed to or unsupportive of changes that top management wishes to implement”
(p. 919). It is often in the challenge of one’s power that resistance is developed. This reduces
uncertainty and boosts confidence, turning resistance into enthusiasm and driving better adoption
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Change may create fear of economic loss due
to the following reasons. Therefore, the change begins to work as it is assessed, utilized, and made
as a part of the entity, otherwise it is rejected. The expert person or group loosing the responsibility
for performance may resist the proposed change. These antibiotics have revamped the way medicine
is practiced. Introduction of new technology, reshuffling in organizations structure (levels,
departments, authority or responsibility) or reallocation of resources may disrupt the existing power
relationship and may adversely affect some of the top executives. To manage resistance before the
project even begins, make sure that your leadership team is aligned, has a clear vision of the change,
and is committed to the project. Learning Feedback with LEGO - The Building Blocks of Giving
and Receiving Fee. This will not only promote the success of the business but it will also lead to
economic growth. As a result, many attempts have been made to organize technologies among
frontline workers who are in contact with the details of everyday operations or have comprehensive
knowledge of equipment. The current study also dwelt on Oreg’s contention that resistance to change
is more holistic and based on disposition. In the case of management of an organization that plans to
change the present work system, many employees would feel that it may pose a threat to their job
security. Recognizing their efforts and acknowledging their achievements, both individually and as a
team, instills a sense of belonging and loyalty. In this era of rapidly changing environment, change of
all kinds at different aspects, levels and degrees are occurring everywhere, every minute whether
internally or externally. Journal of Business Ethics. 16(9), 917-931. Baker, S. L. (n.d.) Managing
resistance to change. Nurses have four free days after three working days and are able to get
acquainted with all their patients and learn about their problems. However, last time this schedule
was widely discussed as there are a lot of doubts appeared around it (Reid, and Dawson, 2000). The
writer would particularly emphasize the importance of empathy and authenticity in creating an
efficient working environment. This comfort makes work more enjoyable and helps to develop
friendships. The more input people have into defining the changes that will affect their work the
more they will take ownership for the results. You can similarly convert our content to any other
desired screen aspect ratio. It is paramount to note that a majority of individuals. The most critical
variable in the change process is a leader's personal integrity: Does. In understanding the concept of
the organization in these terms, the concept of change is then promoted. Despite progresss in the
intervention of malignant tumors, multi-drug opposition ( MDR ) is a chief signifier of opposition
against a assortment of anticancer agents and a major obstruction to bettering the endurance of
malignant neoplastic disease patients. In creating their schedule, their processes, and their confidence
about the way in which they do their job, the paper based system has been the knowledge that has
promoted their efficiency. The findings from this study are expected to benefit organizations and
managers in understanding individual resistance to change and provide insight about overcoming it.
As humans, we tend to resist change when we feel content and familiar with our surroundings and
ourselves. Work brings natural respect and self-worth and when this is threatened by changes that
will no longer leave the worker as an expert in his or her product, that threat will be met with
resistance that can undermine the goals of the changes that are being put into place. Keynote: My
Favorite Mistake, Your Favorite Mistake. A leader with stronger influence and have command from
According to Agocs (1997), resistance to change is most often experienced within “the behavior of
individuals, small groups or categories of employees such as middle manager, supervisors, shop floor,
or unionized workers who are opposed to or unsupportive of changes that top management wishes to
implement” (p. 919). It is often in the challenge of one’s power that resistance is developed. Similar
to managing other forms of resistance, the best way to deal with sabotage is to identify and confront
the saboteur as early as possible. In the systems thinking approach boundaries must be porous, the
lines meshed so that when one team member must cross into another team members’ area, there is no
conflict, but rather an attitude of team positivist attitudes towards the assigned goals. If you cannot
resolve the matter with the stakeholder directly, then you must get help from your project sponsor.
Communication is an important element during times of transition. By continuing we’ll assume
you’re on board with our cookie policy. If the other departments are not willing to change, change in
accounting department cannot be implemented. It can offer a check-and-balance that protects
important systems or practices from change that is too fast. How the change is presented can make
the biggest difference in the outcome of the change. Keynote: My Favorite Mistake, Your Favorite
Mistake. One of the prime areas where resistance is developed is when new technology is brought
into a workplace. When you download this product, the downloaded ZIP will contain this product in
both standard and widescreen format. Culture refers to the inter-subjectively communal meanings of
societies as well as organizations (Smircich, 1983). Hence, as has been established; “behaviour
change is the key mediating variable in organisational change” (Jex, 2002: 444). Such employees
even if they know that the change to be impressed will impact the organization positively, they keep
on resisting such models until their ego desires are gratified Agboola et. Keynote: My Favorite
Mistake, Your Favorite Mistake. Many people think things are already fine and don't understand the
need for change. This study also presented a literature survey that established this fact. Now that
components can be obtained easily, nonetheless, reactive methods of maintenance are considered to
be needlessly expensive. Those nurses who are over 55 years old are not against the change in
schedule. It is paramount to note that a majority of individuals. People in work organizations
develop some sort of information relationships and any change breaking these relationships will be
strongly resisted. Fear of reduced job opportunities due to change in technology. The most critical
variable in the change process is a leader's personal integrity: Does. Enter your email to receive a
notification when a new article is published. The first is having in place a work culture that is flexible
and has a positive approach to the outcomes of change, and second is to have high levels of
information about the changes and the expected outcomes of those changes. Many people find
change, or the thought of change, painful and frustrating. Politics, conflict, and change are real,
pervasive, and important, and they create uncertainty, turmoil, and stress. It is for this reason that
some members of the organization come out and demand that the status quo be maintained. Sexuality
Matters: Everything you wanted to know about sex, but were afraid (.
Resistance to change can take on a variety of forms and manifests itself in either passive or active
behaviors. Conflict is not necessarily a bad thing and if properly managed can have potentially
positive outcomes. Thus, lack of clarifications about the nature of change invites resistance from the
employees. These factors can be exacerbated by a lack of communication, transparency, or
participation in the change process, or by a lack of support or resources to help people adapt to the
new situation. Resistance can have serious negative consequences for any change process.
Discussion and Conclusion In understanding the way in which change will have an effect in an
organization, it is imperative to understand the structure of all organizations, then overlay this with
the work culture of a specific organization. Therefore, decreasing the restraining forces is normally a
more effective way to encourage change than increasing the driving forces. Presenting this set of
slides with name 5 Types Of Resistance To Change. Mullins (1996) states that the extent to which
employees accept the culture of the organisation will have a significant effect on climate.
Organisations therefore have to consider whether the impact a change will have upon the other
factors will help the business to remain sustainable (Hertwich, 2006: 10). Due to the unique
dimensions that the counseling process is associated with, it is quite natural for some of the clients in
counseling to develop some form of resistance towards the process. Secondly, it is possible that when
a new way of doing things is introduced in an organization, some people who were used to doing
things the old way will find it hard to handle things in the current system. If the employees want to
propose an alternative change, they will be required to show that driving forces of the new proposed
change exceed the restraining forces. Once the system is changed, the employee has to learn a new
set of rules about the structure of their job. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and
is available for immediate download. The two organisational states or context are convergent and
divergent and the two matching leadership styles are transactional and transformational. Learning
how to effectively manage stakeholder resistance is vital to the success of transformational projects.
Most people feel threatened and confused by the challenge of change. One of the biggest challenges
of managing resistance to change is finding ways to address the underlying concerns and motivations
of those who are resistant. The more input people have into defining the changes that will affect their
work the more they will take ownership for the results. Top management should try to get rid of
politics in organizations. Hiring a custom essay writer is more difficult than it seems: choosing the
right company, the. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. When
attempting to gain a group's support for needed change, the greatest leverage. It is difficult for them
to work for 12 consecutive hours because of their age (Reid, and Dawson, 2000). They in addition
suppose that life cycles of equipment are impulsive and that the most cost-effective approach to
maintenance is to milk an asset for all it is worth by running it to failure. Employee involvement
method on the other hand entails cooperation between the management and the employees in
initiating and implementing organizational change. A strong support system fosters a positive work
environment and helps build resilience, making it easier for employees to embrace and adapt to
change. Then the Lewin process of effecting and managing change can be followed in all its phases
starting with diagnosis, going to unfreezing, then to movement where the required change is
implemented, then refreezing and lastly renewal. The negative side of organizational change is the
fact that it makes it difficult to implement change plans, thus making it hard for the organization to
remain competitive.

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