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Ahmed Pshtiwan Ahmed

Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

Subject: Motivational letter to access the Master " geotechnical engineering "

God's blessings on you

Dear Scholarship Committee Members,
I am writing to express my strong motivation to pursue a Master's degree in
Geotechnical Engineering at to King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. I
have always been fascinated by the intersection of geology and civil engineering,
and I believe that this program will provide me with the necessary knowledge and
skills to make a significant impact in the field.
Having completed my undergraduate studies in Civil Engineering, I have
developed a solid foundation in the principles and fundamentals of engineering.
Throughout my academic journey, I have been particularly captivated by
geotechnical engineering courses, where I learned about the behavior of soils, the
stability of foundations, and the challenges involved in designing safe and
sustainable infrastructure. These subjects sparked my curiosity and inspired me to
explore this field further.
During my undergraduate studies, I actively sought opportunities to gain practical
experience in geotechnical engineering. I had the privilege of participating in a
research project focused on slope stability analysis, where I learned how to
perform comprehensive field investigations, collect and analyze soil samples, and
apply various geotechnical analysis methods. This hands-on experience reinforced
my passion for geotechnical engineering and ignited my desire to delve deeper into
the subject.
Furthermore, I had the chance to intern at a prestigious engineering consultancy,
where I worked alongside experienced geotechnical engineers on a range of
projects. This invaluable experience allowed me to witness firsthand the challenges
faced in real-world engineering practices and solidified my determination to
contribute to innovative solutions for geotechnical design and construction.
I am particularly drawn to King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals because
of its esteemed reputation in geotechnical engineering education and research. The
multidisciplinary approach adopted by the faculty, along with access to state-of-
the-art laboratories and cutting-edge research facilities, will provide me with an
exceptional learning environment to expand my knowledge and skills in
geotechnical engineering. I am especially excited about the opportunity to
collaborate with renowned researchers in the field and contribute to ongoing
research initiatives.
Moreover, I am confident that the comprehensive curriculum offered in the
Master's program will equip me with a deeper understanding of advanced
geotechnical analysis techniques, soil-structure interaction, and geotechnical
design principles. I am particularly interested in exploring topics such as seismic
geotechnical engineering and geotechnical aspects of sustainable infrastructure, as
they align with my long-term goals of contributing to resilient and environmentally
friendly engineering solutions.
Lastly, I believe that my strong work ethic, dedication to academic excellence, and
passion for geotechnical engineering make me a suitable candidate for this
program. I am driven by the desire to make a meaningful impact in the field and
contribute to society by designing safe and sustainable infrastructure that
withstands the test of time.
I am excited about the prospect of joining the Master's program in Geotechnical
Engineering at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals and learning from
esteemed faculty members and fellow passionate students. I am confident that this
program will provide me with the necessary knowledge, skills, and networking
opportunities to excel in my career as a geotechnical engineer.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to
contribute to the geotechnical engineering community at King Fahd University of
Petroleum & Minerals and beyond. Please find attached my application documents,
including my resume, academic transcripts, and letters of recommendation.

With sincere gratitude and admiration.

Full name: Ahmed Pshtiwan Ahmed
Phone number: +9647702216110

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