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Q3 Module7: Critiquing a Literary Selection Based on the Feminist, Historical, and Reader-Response Approaches

Independent Activity: 1 What A Man Can do, A Woman Can do, too! Let’s be feminists!
What are the things you are willing to give up for the one you love? Should women always be the ones to sacrifice
themselves for the ones they love? As we read the text, let’s feel how love can be painful to some.
Amador Daguio was a poet, novelist, and teacher during the pre-war. He was from Laoag, Ilocos Norte but grew up in
Mountain Province. His story the Wedding Dance is about a married couple who cannot have a child, that is why Awiyao has to
leave his wife for another woman.
Wedding Dance (Summary) Amador Daguio

There was a couple named Awiyao and Lumnay. They were married for a long time but Awiyao her husband has to marry another
girl named Madulimay because Lumnay cannot bear a child. On the night of the wedding of Awiyao and Madulimay, Awiyao went to
his and Lumnay's house where they used to live to personally invite his former wife to join the dance but Lumnay refuses to join.
Lumnay is the best dancer in their tribe. They had a heart-to-heart talk about their separation, and on their conversation, they found out
that the couple still had a thing on each other. They still love each other but they have to separate because their tribe’s custom is--every
man in that tribe should have one (or more) child that would carry his name and if his wife cannot give him a child he can marry
another woman. It's a man's necessity to have a child. Lumnay can hardly let go of her husband. The two both agreed that if Awiyao's
second marriage did not work, he will go back to Lumnay's arms and this was sealed by the beads that Lumnay will keep. Then Awiyao
goes back to the wedding because someone is calling him already. After being fetched by others, Lumnay decided to go to the wedding
not to dance or to join the celebration but to stop the wedding. She decided to break the unwritten law of her tribe, but when she is near
all her guts to stop the wedding suddenly disappeared. She decided to break the unwritten law of her tribe, but when she is near all her
guts to stop the wedding suddenly disappeared. She did not have the courage to break into the wedding feast. Lumnay walked away
from the dancing ground, away from the village. She went to the mountain instead and in the mountain is where she diverted all her
bitterness in her and she partly reminisce their story of Awiyao.
Question to ponder: If you were Lumnay, were you also willing to sacrifice your own happiness because the society told you to do so? Why or
why not?

Independent Activity 1: CHOOSE to be a FEMINIST! Directions: Choose the best answer in each question.
1. What did Lumnay show when she was convincing Awiyao to stay with her?
A. apprehensiveness and worry C. cowardice and heroism
B. courage and confidence D. fear and anxiety
2. Awiyao still left his wife despite his love for her for their tribe’s custom was more important that his wife. It is
manifested that Awiyao was living in a patriarchal society. What does patriarchal mean?
A. a system of society or government controlled by both men and women
B. a system of society or government controlled by men
C. a system of society or government controlled by old people
D. a system of society or government controlled by women
3. Lumnay’s roles in the story are often stressed as those concerning with being modest, tender, and submissive.
What does submissive mean?
A. disobedient B. defiant C. incompliant D. submitting to others
4. What problem had Lumnay experienced in her tribe?
A. being in a condemnatory society C. being in a judgmental society
B. being in a historical society D. being in a patriarchal society
5. At the end of the story Lumnay had failed to denounce her idea against their tradition. What does denounce mean?
A. condemn B. commend C. endorse D. entrust

Independent Activity 2: Let’s be HISTORICAL by traveling the past!

Directions: Read the story and answer the activity that follows.
Carlos Bulosan was a prolific writer and poet, best remembered as the author of America Is in the Heart, a landmark semi-
autobiographical story about the Filipino immigrant experience. In 1930, he immigrated to America from the Philippines, and he had
suffered dreadful conditions as a worker.
Summary of “America Is In The Heart: Chapter 13 Carlos Bulosan

As Carlos lies in the dark ship steerage, he wonders why he left home and what will become of him in America. He sneaks out of
steerage with other passengers to sun himself, but the first-class passengers complain and force the Filipinos back into steerage. Soon,
a meningitis outbreak hits the people in steerage. The waiters refuse to bring the steerage passengers food, and the environment is
unbearably hot. Carlos befriends another young man from Pangasinan named Marcelo, and when the ship docks in Honolulu, the
epidemic is checked and they are allowed to leave steerage. A young American girl sees the Filipinos lying in the sun and calls them
“half-naked savages.” She demands that those “monkeys” be shipped back where they came from. In June, Carlos arrives in Seattle
with only 20 cents and finds a hotel in the Filipino district on King Street. Marcelo receives a telegram informing him that his brother
has died in California. The hotel proprietor tells the Filipinos that because they have no money, they will be sold for $5 each to work
in the Alaskan fish canneries. At the cannery, the drunken contactor threatens the workers’ lives if they fail to obey his orders. There,
Carlos befriends Conrado Torres, a journalism student at the University of Oregon, and Paulo Lorca, a law school graduate from Los
Angeles. Both men want to unionize the cannery workers, who endure filthy bunkhouses, dangerous working conditions, and
company henchmen who violently suppress union activity. The company also skims Filipino workers’ wages. One day, a woman
named La Belle who often associates with Conrado and Paulo accuses Conrado of being the father of her new baby. A local official
tells Conrado he must marry La Belle and stay on the island for seven years, as required by law. Paulo then claims, falsely, that the
baby is his and agrees to stay on the island himself. It is the last time Carlos sees Paulo.
Directions: Complete the sentences below. Before each number, draw a sun if your answer is Philippines and draw a star
if your answer is America.
________ 1. Carlos wanted to go to ________________ to help his family from poverty.
________ 2. Carlos and other Filipinos experienced discrimination and racism in __________________.
________ 3. Carlos left his family in the ______________ to work abroad.
________ 4. Carlos was born and raised in the _______________________.
________ 5. Carlos served as the voice of Filipinos in _____________to stop the discrimination and racism they
were experiencing from the hands of the Americans.

Independent Activity:3 R. S.V.P Respond, if you please.

Directions: Read the text with understanding and answer the given questions that follow.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal
26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and
with all your mind’[a] ; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] ”
28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”
29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They
stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.
31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.
32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.
34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey,
brought him to an inn and took care of him.
35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I
return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have. ’
36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” The Parable
of the Good Samaritan was taken from the Bible on Luke 10:25-37.

Directions: Read the questions below and choose the best answer.
1. Who among these people below manifests the qualities of the good Samaritan?
A. a celebrity gives donation to the poor while the press covers the event
B. an employee gives a gift to his boss on her birthday
C. a girl tries to save a kitten from being mauled by naughty boys
D. a police officer helps citizens to answer the call of duty

2. What do you think is the greatest reward for helping people unconditionally?
A. fame and fortune B. health and happiness C. material blessings D. spiritual blessings

3. Which of these actions is parallel to the deeds of the good Samaritan?

A. cleaning the environment C. letting a stranger stay in your house
B. giving relief goods to the typhoon victims D. paying your community taxes 16

4. How would you justify the actions of the Levite and the priest who decided not to help the man who got
A. They didn’t know the person lying in the middle of the road.
B. They didn’t want to get involved with any trouble the man could bring
C. There is no justification to what they did. They will go to hell!
D. They were concerned for their own safety.

5. What is the best lesson that the story teaches you?

A. Friends in need are friends indeed.
B. The best time to give your help to people is when they need it.
C. When travelling in unfamiliar places, always be prepared.
D. You reap what you sow.
POST ASSESSMENT for Module7 A. Maybe C. Not sure
B. No D. yes
Directions: Read and understand each question carefully.
Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of POST ASSESSMENT for Module7
1. Which of the following literary approaches is against a Directions: Read and understand each question carefully.
patriarchal society? Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of
A. Feminist C. Reader-response paper.
B. Historical D. Sexism 1. Which of the following literary approaches is against a
2. Which literary approaches talks about protests against patriarchal society?
women for being marginalized and oppressed? A. Feminist C. Reader-response
A. Feminist C. Reader-response B. Historical D. Sexism
B. Historical D. Sexism 2. Which literary approaches talks about protests against
3. Which of the following literary approaches involves women for being marginalized and oppressed?
reader’s reaction as a vital part in understanding a text? A. Feminist C. Reader-response
A. Feminist C. Reader-response B. Historical D. Sexism
B. Historical D. Sexism 3. Which of the following literary approaches involves
4. Which of the following literary approaches involves reader’s reaction as a vital part in understanding a text?
author’s reflection on life and time? A. Feminist C. Reader-response
A. Feminist C. Reader-response B. Historical D. Sexism
B. Historical D. Sexism 4. Which of the following literary approaches involves
5. What do we call the involvement of reading, interpretation, author’s reflection on life and time?
and commentary of a specific text? A. Feminist C. Reader-response
A. Literature C. literary texts B. Historical D. Sexism
B. literary criticism D. literary theory 5. What do we call the involvement of reading, interpretation,
6. Which literary approach means re-reading a literary text and commentary of a specific text?
from the point of view of women? A. Literature C. literary texts
A. Feminist C. Reader-response B. B. literary criticism D. literary theory
Historical D. Sexism 6. Which literary approach means re-reading a literary text
7. Which literary approach emphasizes how religion, culture, from the point of view of women?
and social values affect readings? A. Feminist C. Reader-response B.
A. Feminist C. Reader-response Historical D. Sexism
B. Historical D. Sexism 7. Which literary approach emphasizes how religion, culture,
8. What kind of literary approach is applied in the story and social values affect readings?
“Wedding Dance” by Amador Daguio? A. Feminist C. Reader-response
A. Feminist C. Reader-response B. Historical D. Sexism
B. Historical D. Sexism 8. What kind of literary approach is applied in the story
9. Where do we find imbalance of power in the story “Wedding Dance” by Amador Daguio?
“Wedding Dance?” A. Feminist C. Reader-response
A. asking for love B. Historical D. Sexism
B. being mistreated by tribe’s customs 9. Where do we find imbalance of power in the story
C. choosing the one you want to marry “Wedding Dance?”
D. marrying another person A. asking for love
10. What kind of literary approach is applied in the story B. being mistreated by tribe’s customs
“Parable of the Good Samaritan”? C. choosing the one you want to marry
A. Feminist C. Reader-response D. marrying another person
B. Historical D. Sexism 10. What kind of literary approach is applied in the story
11. What morals were clearly shown in the story “Parable of “Parable of the Good Samaritan”?
the Good Samaritan”? A. Feminist C. Reader-response
A. determination and perseverance B. Historical D. Sexism
B. fairness and equality 11. What morals were clearly shown in the story “Parable of
C. humility and dedication the Good Samaritan”?
D. mercy and compassion A. determination and perseverance
12. What literary approach is used in the story “America Is B. fairness and equality
in The Heart” written by Carlos Bulosan? C. humility and dedication
A. Feminist C. Historical D. mercy and compassion
B. Reader-response D. Sexism 12. What literary approach is used in the story “America Is
13. Why did Carlos Bulosan decide to leave his mother land in The Heart” written by Carlos Bulosan?
and to go to America? A. Feminist C. Historical
A. to meet the President of America B. to B. Reader-response D. Sexism
study and work in America C. to visit 13. Why did Carlos Bulosan decide to leave his mother land
his relatives in America D. to and to go to America?
visit the beautiful places in America A. to meet the President of America B. to
14. Why did Carlos Bulosan decide to write his famous text, study and work in America C. to visit
“America Is In The Heart?” his relatives in America D. to
A. To be popular in America visit the beautiful places in America
B. To earn money 14. Why did Carlos Bulosan decide to write his famous text,
C. To stop the discrimination and racism among “America Is In The Heart?”
Filipinos A. To be popular in America
D. To be in the White House and support his family B. To earn money
in the Philippines C. To stop the discrimination and racism among
15. Did Carlos Bulosan write his famous text “America Is In Filipinos
The Heart” based from his real life experiences?
D. To be in the White House and support his family A. Maybe C. Not sure
in the Philippines B. No D. yes
15. Did Carlos Bulosan write his famous text “America Is In
The Heart” based from his real life experiences?
Quarter 3Third Summative Test (M6&7)

Name: __________________________ Section: ___________ Date: _______ Score:________________

A. Identify who or what is referred to in the following statements.

1. He is one of the proponents of moralist approach.
A. Karl Marx B. Norman Holland C. Plato D. Roman Jakobson
2. It implies the ways in which people are alienated from one another because of power, money, and politics.
A. historical B. Marxists C. moralist D. structuralist
3. This kind of literary criticism is against patriarchy and sexism.
A. feminist B. historical C. Marxist D. reader-response
4. It sees a literary work mainly as a reflection of its author’s life and times or the life and times of the characters
in the work.
A. feminist B. historical C. moralist D. structuralist
5. He is the proponent of reader-response.
A. Aristotle B. Norman Holland C. Roman Jakobson D. Simone de Beauvoir
B. Determine the elements of short story described in the following statements. Choose your answer from the choices
A. character B. conflict C. plot D. setting E. theme
6. Awiyao has left his wife Lumnay because she couldn't give him a child.
7. Between eight and nine o’clock in the morning. A dark leaden-colored mass is creeping over the sky towards
the sun. Red zigzags of lightning gleam here and there across it.
8. Mulan is a girl, the only child of her honored family.
9. An age-old vendetta between two powerful families erupts into bloodshed. A group of masked Montagues risk
further conflict by gatecrashing a Capulet party. A young lovesick Romeo Montague falls instantly in love
with Juliet Capulet, who is due to marry her father’s choice, the County Paris.
10. Appearances are deceiving and the desire to be someone else often causes a person to lose the chance of
happiness in the present moment.
C. Determine the values implied by the following statements.
A. contentment B. determination C. faith D. honesty E. love
11. He said to himself, “No mortal has ever been there before, but I must try to bring back my beloved Eurydice.
12. The man replied, “Your Majesty, I am nothing but a servant, but my family and I don’t need too much – just a
roof over our heads and warm food to fill our tummies.”
13. He longed for Eurydice so deeply that he decided to follow her to the underworld.
14. God put his hand into the river and took out a silver ax. The woodcutter said it wasn’t his. God continued.
looking and then found a golden ax. The woodcutter refused to accept it too! What good is a golden ax to a poor
woodcutter? He needed his iron ax. God finally smiled and pulled out his iron ax. The woodcutter was extremely happy
and thanked God for finding his ax.
D. Put a check (/) mark on the blank if the following statements show equality between men and women and cross (x)
mark if not.
15. Husbands held the power and often imposed their will onto their wives. The wives had no other choice but to
bend to the husband's will.
16. Mulan is praised by the emperor and the assembled inhabitants of the city, who bow to her in an unprecedented
17. Girls were taught to cook, to take care of the family, and then get married. Studying was off-limits to girls.
18. When she is in the third grade, however, her father informs her that since she is a girl, he will not be paying
for her to go to college. Since her father is not wealthy enough to send all of his children to college,
he will only send the male heirs.
E. Read the following lines and identify the literary approach to which they belong. Choose your answer from the
choices below.
A. Feminist C. Marxist E. Reader-Response
B. Historical D. Moralist F. Structuralist
19. Huck runs away from his abusive father and, with his companion, the runaway slave Jim, makes a long and
frequently interrupted voyage down the Mississippi River on a raft.
20. Through the open window, the air-steeped outdoors passed into his room, enveloping him, stealing into his
very thought.
21. "If Madame sees that someone has carried it for me, she will beat me."
22. ‘“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all
your mind’. and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”
23. The scarlet A worn by Hester Prynne stands for "adulterer." Because her daughter Pearl was born more than
nine months after Hester left her husband in England to come to America, her fellow Puritans know that
she was impregnated by someone to whom she was not married.
24. Late at night, guards on the battlements of Denmark's Elsinore castle are met by Horatio Prince Hamlet's
friend from school. The guards describe a ghost they have seen that resembles Hamlet's father, the
recently deceased king.
25. Mulan, who just got rejected by the matchmaker because she had set her on fire, decides to prove that she is
worth something and steals away to fit her father's place the Chinese army.
13. E
Key to Correction: Module 6&7 14. D
15. X
1. C 16. /
2. B 17. X
3. A 18. X
4. B 19. C
5. B 20. F
6. B 21. C
7. D 22. E
8. A 23. A, B or D
9. C 24. F
10. E 25. A
11. B
12. A

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