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Once upon a time there was a man who sold his well to a farmer. Next day when the farmer went to
draw from that well, the man did not allow him to draw the water from it. The man sad that he only sold
the well not the water, so the farmer cannot draw water from the well. The farmer became very sad and
went to the Emperor court. He narrated everything to the Emperor and requested justice.

The Emperor called Zarck and handed over the case to him. Zarck called Peter, the man who sold the
well to the farmer. Zarck asked Peter " Why don't you let him use the water from the well? You have
sold the well to the farmer."

Peter replied "Zarck, I have only sold the well and not the water, he has no right to draw the water from
the well".

Then Zarck smiled and told him "Since you have sold the well to this farmer, and you claim that the
water is yours, then you have no right to keep your we water in the farmer's well". Peter fell silent as if
he realized something.

The next day when the farmer went to draw water from the well, there was no Peter who disturbed him

Moral Lesson: Don't take advantages on other people because you'll definitely pay for it. And we have
this Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

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