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Characteristics of Good Product Design: Function or performance,Appearance

N MANAGEMENT FUNCTION: Selection of Product and Design,Selection of Production Process,Selection of Right Production
Capacity,Production Planning,Production Control,Quality and Cost Control,Functions of Production Management,Inventory
Control,Maintenance Replacement of Machines.importance of production management: reduces cost of production,enables
in introducing new products,assist in facing competition,achievement of firm's objectives,firm expansion,fuller utilization of
resources.Types of Production System:1) Job production2) Batch production3) Mass production4) Process
production.Objectives of Strategic Management:The objectives of SM are: Setting Direction: It aims to establish a clear
direction for the organization by defining its vision, mission, and long-term goals. It helps align the efforts of the organization
towards a common purpose.\Creating Competitive Advantage: It identifies and develops strategies that give the organisation a
competitive edge. This includes leveraging strengths, exploiting opportunities, and mitigating risks to outperform competitors.\
Resource Allocation: Effective SM ensures optimal allocation of resources, including financial, human, and technological assets.
It involves allocating resources based on priorities, maximizing efficiency, and achieving the desired outcomes.\Adapting to
Change: It helps organizations adapt to the dynamic business environment by scanning for external factors, anticipating
changes, and formulating proactive strategies. It enables the organization to stay agile and responsive to market shifts and
emerging trends.\Enhancing Performance: The ultimate objective of SM is to enhance overall organizational performance. This
includes achieving financial growth, increasing market share, improving operational efficiency, and delivering value to
stakeholders.\Long-Term Sustainability: It focuses on ensuring the long-term sustainability and viability of the organization. It
involves strategically considering the social, environmental, and ethical aspects to foster responsible and sustainable business
practices. Product design It mean determining the shape standard and Pattern of the product.PD definition:Product design is
the process of ideating, developing, and refining products that meet specific market needs and solve user problems .definition
of Production design is the art of creating a film's aesthetic through its set—and production designers are the architects of a
film's setting. Meaning of production:Production is not the application of tools to materials but is the application of logic to
words. Meaning of management:It is the art of getting things done throw and with people informmally organised groups.
Definition of production management:According to harding production management is concern with those process correct
input and output.Meaning of production management:It mean the application of organising directing and controlling ( transfer
input and output of production activity).

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