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Title: "Hearts Alight"

In the quiet whispers of the night,

Love's tender flame ignites so bright.
A dance of souls, a silent vow,
In the sacred space where dreams endow.

Hearts alight with passion's fire,

A symphony that never tires.
In every beat, a love story told,
In every touch, a bond to hold.

Through every trial, love remains,

A beacon in life's shifting plains.
It knows no bounds, it knows no end,
A steadfast force, a faithful friend.

In love's embrace, we find our home,

Where troubles fade and fears are gone.
Hand in hand, we brave the storm,
With hearts united, forever warm.

So let us cherish love's sweet embrace,

In its glow, find solace and grace.
For in the end, love conquers all,
In its embrace, we stand tall.

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