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Dika Nugraha

Tugas Tutorial 2

Soal Bagian 1


Dika : what time is it, Tuti?

Tuti : it is twenty to eight.

Dika : there is still fifteen minutes left.

Murni : when the tutorial begin?

Tuti : as the schedule, the tutorial will start at 8 o’clock.

Dika : we have to come to the class on time.

Murni : let’s go to the class now.

Tuti : yeah, it is ten to eight. Come on.


Alam : Hi Andi, would you like to see the Chinese film ‘The Last Emperor’ with me?

Andi : Sorry Alam, I have watched that film two time. Besides, I am doing my tutor assignment now. I
have finished tutorial assignment 2 days ago.

Alam : I have not finished all those numbers yet as well. But I want to watch film before doing the
assignment. I hope it will refresh me.

Andi : yes I think so. How about discussion 5, have you finished it?

Alam : yes, I have finished discussion 5. Then, I have done the practice 5 in the morning, but it has not
finished yet.

Andi : good luck.


Secretary : Universitas Terbuka, Good morning.

Me : Good morning. May I speak to the head of the Primary School Teacher
Education Program, please? The extension in 2010

Secretary : wait a minute please

Staff of the program : PGSD programme, good morning.

Me : good morning. May I speak to the head of PGSD programme?

Staff of the program : sorry, he is doing a meeting now. Would you like to leave a message?
Dika Nugraha

Me : yeah, I want to ask about the score of English for English teacher (PDGK4304)
that does not appear in the application. My name is Dika Nugraha.

Staff of the program : any help?

Me : that’s all. Thanks.

Soal Bagian 1


I go shopping at the supermarket every Sunday. The shop is near from my house. We just
walking to the shop. I buy daily needs such as, kind of fruit, vegetables and milk for my kids. This is
something that we do not to forget to buy it. Then, I buy fish and meat. Besides, I buy shampoo and
soap. We buy this just twice in a month. Sometimes, I buy toys for kids in toys corner. I buy the toys just
once a month.


Vegetable seller: Good morning. Can I help you?

Costumer : yes, please. I want vegetables, they are long beans, carrot, tomatoes and basil in three

Vegetable seller: here it is. What else?

Costumer : I need 1 kg carrot, a half kg of tomatoes and 2 bundles of basil.

Vegetable seller: here it is. There is anything that you want to buy?

Costumer : yes, sure. I want a quarter kg of chili, a half kg of onions.

Vegetable seller: Ok. What else?

Costumer : I think it’s enough. How much must I to pay?

Vegetable seller: wait a minute. The total is 120.000 rupiah.

Costumer : thank you

Vegetable seller: my pleasure


Waitress : Good afternoon. Have you made a reservation before?

You : yes, we have. It is in the name of Akbar.

Waitress : ok, we have four chairs in left corner. Have a sit.

You : could I look the menu?

Dika Nugraha

Waitress : yes, sure. I will come back here to write the order.

You : thank you. Give me time to read the menus.

Waitress : ok

You : hi brothers, what do you want to eat?

Diki : I want roasted gurami and hot orange.

Indra : I want rib soup and guava juice.

Imam : I want steamed carp and avocado juice.

You : ok, I will call the waitress.

Waitress : what do you want sir?

You : the food that we want are lamb curry, roasted gurami, steamed carp and rib soup.

Waitress : Any drinks that want to be ordered?

You : I want mineral water, hot orange, guava juice, and avocado juice.

Waitress : ok do want any dessert?

You : that’s all.

Waitress : thank you for ordering. Wait a minute sir and enjoy the vibes.

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