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Senate candidate Katie Porter, D-Calif.

, on Wednesday suggested that the California

primary race was rigged by "an onslaught of billionaires" after losing to her
Democratic opponent, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

The progressive Democrat did not win a single county, earning a statewide total of
just under 14%. She finished nearly twenty points behind both Schiff and
Republican candidate Steve Garvey and came in third place in Orange County,
which she has represented since 2019.

In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Porter said her supporters "had the
establishment running scared – withstanding 3 to 1 in TV spending and an
onslaught of billionaires spending millions to rig this election."

She said the results demonstrated that Californians were "hungry for leaders who
break the mold, can't be bought, and push for accountability in government and
across our economy."

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