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Stem Cell Therapy Thesis Statement

Writing a thesis is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor, especially when delving into complex and
evolving fields like stem cell therapy. Crafting a well-researched and cohesive thesis statement
requires not only extensive knowledge but also critical analysis and synthesis of existing literature,
data, and theories.

The intricacies of stem cell therapy, with its interdisciplinary nature encompassing biology, medicine,
ethics, and technology, further amplify the difficulty of composing a thesis. Researchers must
navigate through a vast array of scientific studies, clinical trials, ethical debates, and regulatory
frameworks to develop a nuanced understanding of the subject matter.

Moreover, formulating a clear and impactful thesis statement demands precision in language and
argumentation. It requires the ability to articulate a unique perspective or hypothesis that contributes
meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge while addressing gaps or controversies within the

Given these challenges, seeking expert assistance can significantly alleviate the burden of thesis
writing. ⇒ ⇔ offers specialized support tailored to the complexities of stem cell
therapy research. With a team of experienced academic writers and subject matter experts, ⇒ ⇔ provides comprehensive assistance at every stage of the thesis-writing process.

From refining research questions and conducting literature reviews to structuring arguments and
ensuring adherence to academic standards, ⇒ ⇔ empowers researchers to produce
high-quality theses that command attention and respect within the scholarly community.

For those embarking on the journey of crafting a thesis on stem cell therapy, entrusting the task to ⇒ ⇔ can streamline the process and enhance the likelihood of success. With their
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Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) are clickable links to these studies. Innocent human
life is valuable no matter how tiny or small it is. Presently the scientist is under the process of
studying the signaling pattern inside and outside each stem cell with their differentiating process.
Now they have learned to alter special cells genetically and use them for special purposes as a stem
cell. Killing human embryos for science are size discrimination, pure and simple”. They possess the
remarkable ability to develop into different cell types in the early growth phase or the embryonic
stage (Pera et al. They are still young-approximately 5 to 6 days old-and grown in a culture in some
Petri dish; they might even be a few years old, having been stored in some freezer soon after their
manufacture (Fisher 2005). Furthermore, the tissue banks test for infectious agents beyond what
blood banks do for blood transfusions. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new
creative ideas for their writing assignments. Kindly guide about a suitable institute in India or
Abroad so I can practice the Therapy after completion of the course. Thanks. Embed Host your
publication on your website or blog with just a few clicks. Because stem cell prolotherapy supplies
natural growth factors (which dextrose prolotherapy using glucose does not), the process is often
faster and more powerful. This way they can more accurately administer the cells and help improve
patient outcomes. In order to harvest these cells, they are removed from the blastocyst, a. The
consequences and medical ethical point of view to stem cell research is important to study as it is
connected with the destruction of a budding life. The sample of concentrated stem cells is then
injected directly into the patient’s affected, painful area. What are stem cells?. “Blank slate” or
unspecialized. Order Supplements Prescription Refills Form Test Yourself with the Online Symptom
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Contact Us. The possibility of these stem cells to replace the dead or diseased cells in tissues of
human body has literally changed the dimension of medical field. This faction is opposed to
embryonic Stem Cell Research which they claim as immoral and characterize as devaluing human
life, much the same as does abortion, drawing a link between the two. Philosophical Transactions:
Biological Sciences, 361(1473), 1477-1497. Resources Dive into our extensive resources on the topic
that interests you. Retrieved from Hyun, I. (2010). The bioethics of stem cell research and therapy.
Stem cells help other diseased or damaged cells to regenerate new tissue offering an alternative to
invasive surgeries and a short recovery time. Stem cells have the following unique characteristics,
uses and healing abilities. This new field of bio-engineered medical treatment could also help replace
the need for donor transplanted organs, therefore helping to avoid some of the risky procedures
when using major surgery. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are self-renewing multipotent cells that
have the capacity to secrete multiple biologic factors that can restore and repair injured tissues.
Typically, these embryos - numbering in hundreds of thousands -- are discarded as medical waste
after an infertile couple's desire for a child has been fulfilled. Embryonic stem cells are the
fundamental building blocks that can develop into kinds of cells in human body. Fullscreen Sharing
Deliver a distraction-free reading experience with a simple link.
The second source is aborted tissues, which are used as stem cells taken from the aborted foetus.
Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. By
using adult stem cells, doctors avoid negative reactions and limit side effects to minor pain from the
needle poke. Here ?s some indications of aging: Poor concentration, loss of memory, tiredness, loss
of energy, general fatigue, mood swings, loss of hair, wrinkles, age spots, reduced sex drive,
insomnia, general aches and pains, loss of skin texture as well as degenerative diseases.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are self-renewing multipotent cells that have the capacity to secrete
multiple biologic factors that can restore and repair injured tissues. This is especially true when using
stem cells from the sources mentioned above. This review has a summary of the research paper:
“Histone H3 lysine methylation K is mediated by Set1 and H3's requirement for cell growth and
rDNA silencing” and a brief conclusion that gives a perspective about the research paper. They are
assigned by your body to replace the damaged cells or those which are either old or in the process of
dying. Then stem cells that help make blood through a process called hematopoiesis are removed
from the patient’s bone marrow and reinfused into the patient’s bloodstream. Stem Cell Research
involves the human embryonic cells. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline
your digital publishing. Philosophical Transactions: Biological, 363(1489), 153-170. Now they have
learned to alter special cells genetically and use them for special purposes as a stem cell. Today I’m
presenting some details about what stem cells are and what they do, as well as the risks, benefits,
uses, and controversy. Being an exact replica, there is potentially less chance of rejection following
transplantation. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease which attacks the neurons in the
brain and spinal cord that control voluntary movement, eventually leading to respiratory failure and
death (Kamel et al. 2008). The current course of action for a patient with ALS is physical therapy
and, if their budget allows, cell replacement therapy. Therefore Stem-Cells can be programmed to
become a healthy replacement to diseased or damaged tissue and organs where matched donor
replacements are in short supply for transplant. Preliminary research has shown that implanting only
the beta islets cells, which produce insulin, do not funciton was well as whe with other types of
islets. The 110 patients participating either received a drug treatment or hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation (HSCT). Type 2 diabetes occurs when the cells resist insulin action and the insulin
produced is not enough to overcome this resistance, the reason behind this resistance is also
unknown but it is strongly assumed that obesity is directly linked to this type of diabetes. Medical
benefits are almost unlimited Cell replacement therapies Design better medications and produce
organs, limbs Human achievement. Thesis. We should increase funding for and remove restrictions
on embryonic stem cell research. Experience. This paper 'Stem Cell Research' tells that Stem cell
research has created more controversies and debates than any other scientific discovery or invention.
Where each having their own advantage and disadvantages that could change the research methods
used that can affect how human trials will be conducted that includes legal and ethical issues. Keep
in mind that as with all therapies, results are expected to vary from person to person, so you might
wind up needing more injections than initially thought in order to experience significant
improvements. Stem cells are non-specialized cells, which has the potential to generate a particular
cell in the body. After many years of debate, now the research method is mainly through Embryonic
Stem Cells. The damage of elastin fibre makes the skin sag, stretch, gets bruised more easily and
heals slowly. Certain studies have found that these advanced samples can contain up to 25 different
growth factors and other beneficial rebuilding substances. Recently years has difficulty in walking
especially staircase, on wheelchair, poor sleeping quality and. Stem cell therapy triggers our body's
natural healing process by using adult stem cells in one's own body.
These stem cells can turn into all different types of human tissue that are needed for regeneration and
have many different uses in regenerative medicine. Their use is not controversial, as there is no need
for the destruction of an embryo. Scientific research has shown that differentiated cells can be taken
from the body, reprogrammed (converted) back to be Stem-Cells (called Induced Pluripotent Stem-
Cells or IPS) and grown in the laboratory, then injected back into the body’s damaged organs to help
repair the damage. Stem cells are extracted in the office from the targeted area on the patient.
Research is something which should bring about light and glory to the human society rather than
darkness and murderous concepts. The possibility of these stem cells to replace the dead or diseased
cells in tissues of human body has literally changed the dimension of medical field. You are able to
leave at the conclusion of the procedure. But this state of innocence lasts only three to five days, and
if scientists can seize on this small window of opportunity, they can isolate and coax it to develop
into any of the 220 types of human cell lines. Then the concentrated stem cells will be injected into
the damaged tissue. Rommel Luis III Israel Postgraduate Diploma in Hospital Management and
Operational Excellence - Broc. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. Stem cell research is definitely an act involving destruction of
persons and government or legislative bodies should do everything they can to stop it. In fact it is a
proven fact that adult stem cells also have similar possibilities. The controversies and debate on stem
cell research concentrate on the point whether the embryo is an individual person or not. They can
differentiate to replace the dead cells as well as secrete stimulant factors to activate surrounding
cells in the microenvironment, enhancing the tissue repair process. PCR,polymerase chain
reaction.Basic concept of PCR. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also
objective and unbiased. In order to harvest these cells, they are removed from the blastocyst, a.
Significant post procedure pain will typically resolve during the first few days after the procedure. It
has been shown by the research conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in mice that
Type I Diabetes can be cured by the use of embryonic stem cells, which produce sufficient quantities
of pancreatic endocrine hormones and insulin. Adult stem cells do have some relevance in this
research, but they are not so pliant and therefore they cannot be programmed to differentiate into
more than a few of the necessary 220 cell lines.Scientifically, an airtight argument in support of the
use of embryos - which, alas, does nothing to address the moral and ethical concerns. Embryonic
stem cell is considered to be the most promising one because it is undifferentiated and it can easily
develop into the targeted tissue. Resources Dive into our extensive resources on the topic that
interests you. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 361(1473), 1477-1497. The point is
not what it is now but the point is what it would be in future. The usability of stem cell therapy is
wide but for this the destruction of young life cannot be allowed on ethical grounds. Preliminary
research has shown that implanting only the beta islets cells, which produce insulin, do not funciton
was well as whe with other types of islets. A good research question provides purpose to your
research and clarifies the direction. These stem cells have matured and are considered adult stem
cells. An embryo in the mother’s womb is a growing offspring and in no situation can be exploited
for the purpose of medical enhancement or scientific experiments.
Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 361(1473), 1463-1475. Eventually, your body loses
its ability to heal properly due to age, life illnesses and traumas.It is at this point that some chronic
problems may start. Typically, these embryos - numbering in hundreds of thousands -- are discarded
as medical waste after an infertile couple's desire for a child has been fulfilled. Adult neural stem
cells can be harvested from brain tissue, either from a deceased donor or through biopsy, and then
grown in a culture (Ormerod et. al., 2008). ASCs will not expand nearly as much as ESCs in culture
and will differentiate into a limited number of neuron types. Killing human embryos for science are
size discrimination, pure and simple”. Our Regenerative Medicine team provides our patients access
to the most advanced treatment options with proven results. Stem cell research is a new technology,
and a stem cell has the capability to develop into 220 varieties of cells. Stem cells have the unique
ability to form many different types of tissue including bone, cartilage, muscle, etc. These stem cells
have matured and are considered adult stem cells. This way they can more accurately administer the
cells and help improve patient outcomes. Because of this their have been instances of American
companies moving to the UK to continue their work. Autologous (your own) adult stem cells are
used in regenerative medicine to treat patients with chronic pain and tissue degeneration. Your
consultation may include diagnostic testing to ensure that stem cell therapy is an appropriate
treatment option for you. It is also the subject of immense scientific, ethical, and political debate.
Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) are clickable links to medically peer-reviewed
studies. You are able to leave at the conclusion of the procedure. Although bone marrow transplants
are the most common of stem cell therapies, there are many degenerative diseases which stem cells
hold great promise to curing. Neurons are very specific cells in the brain and spinal cord and possess
a special set of neurotransmitters depending on their function; this poses problems when harvesting
ASCs (Zhang et. al., 2006). The ASCs needed to treat ALS must be able to specialize and replace
degenerating neurons affected by the disease. The procedure is a relatively fast procedure, taking
about 45 minutes to 1 hour in total and healing time depends on the area being treated. Expansion
means that cells are obtained and then cultured for several days to increase the volume of cells by
orders of magnitude (e.g., from millions to billions). The embryo has many vital stem cells than adult
cells and cord cells and is appropriate for stem cell therapy Cons Many believe that the embryo has
the potentiality of life and that it should be protected and preserved. The killing of a developing
baby is completely unacceptable practice and dignity of every human life should be highly regarded
at all cost. Stem Cells: Cells that do not yet have a specific function or job in the organism.. Where
do we get Stem Cells. Another is umbilical cord blood, rich in stem cells. Stem cells and he cure of
major diseases by Stem cells. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. I saw
pictures of scarred heart tissue from a heart attack that disappeared after the injection of stem cells.
Even though, stem cell therapy has many promising, the homicidal factor attached to it makes it a
core unethical and immoral activity. The point is not what it is now but the point is what it would be
in future. One of the most common things I hear from my readers is, “Dr.
Because of this their have been instances of American companies moving to the UK to continue their
work. With the growing epidemic of childhood and adult obesity, insulin resistance, and. Thesis
Statement: Stem cell research may lead to the cure to all sorts of diseases, including diabetes, cancer,
and many others. The stem cells present in the embryos have the unique capability of regenerating
when introduced in the body of diseased or injured person. Stem cells have the unique ability to
form many different types of tissue including bone, cartilage, muscle, etc. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. Then stem cells that help make blood through a process called
hematopoiesis are removed from the patient’s bone marrow and reinfused into the patient’s
bloodstream. The research paper has worked to show that the existence of H3K 4 di and tri
methylation depends on Set1 and RBBP-5. By Martin Brothers. Background. Embryo- a beginning
or undeveloped state of something Stem- a primary plant axis that develops buds and shoots instead
of roots Cells- the smallest structural unit of living matter capable of functioning independently. The
coursework for the programs is designed to give the foundational knowledge of the subject and train
you professionally through practical experiments for the emerging job roles in the field. For most
sever cases, it is difficult to acquire large enough grafts from the patient making it necessary to use
autologous grafts. Their use is not controversial, as there is no need for the destruction of an embryo.
Destroying babies to initiate scientific experimenting projects shows how much the world has
doomed in to malicious activities. The sample of concentrated stem cells is then injected directly into
the patient’s affected, painful area. Fundamental of mesenchymal stem cells as a promising candidate
in regenerativ. One of the most important concerns is that embryonic stem-cells are taken from
human embryos. A stem cell is a kind of cell that has the potential to divide or multiply indefinitely
in culture. Although biopsy from the patient receiving treatment is an option, the ASCs required
come from the brain or spinal cord and can be very dangerous to harvest this way. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The
consequences and medical ethical point of view to stem cell research is important to study as it is
connected with the destruction of a budding life. What makes this therapy attractive for use with
microfluidics is that the cells native development is on a 2 dimensional surface. Today I’m presenting
some details about what stem cells are and what they do, as well as the risks, benefits, uses, and
controversy. Then go on to set up your thesis statement, which is the single most important sentence
in a persuasive essay, and the foundation of everything you will be writing Stem Cell Research Paper
Topics, Idea and Thesis Statement Stem cell research is a subject of great fascination and intrigue.
There have been a great debate relating to the ethical perspective of carrying out the Stem Cell
Research. Role of Regulatory authorities in Quality education, practice, and rights of. This high
concentration of cells makes an effective anti- aging serum that battles wrinkles, lines, and
discoloration that becomes more evident as you grow older. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect
content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. These are referred to as “ induced
pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)” and are the type used in many of the treatments described above. SCs
have the capacity to undergo cell division even after remaining quiescent for long periods of time
yet, in organs such as the pancreas and the heart, they divide only in exceptional circumstances.
Urine can also be tested for the presence of ketones to check if the patient has auto-antibodies.
The argument on the allogeneic side (using other people’s cells) is that MSCs lose activity and
potency with age, so why use old dysfunctional cells when you can use young, active, and robust
cells. This process is illustrated in the following diagram that illustrates the steps required in growing
converted fat cells into Stem-Cells that can be used in healing the damaged body parts. With the
growing epidemic of childhood and adult obesity, insulin resistance, and. Therefore Stem-Cells can
be programmed to become a healthy replacement to diseased or damaged tissue and organs where
matched donor replacements are in short supply for transplant. They’re currently limited by the FDA
to be used exclusively for cosmetic procedures. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free reading
experience with a simple link. Retrieved from Marzilli, A. (2007). Stem cell research and cloning.
Stem cells serve as a source to replace these abnormal islets cells. Articles Get discovered by sharing
your best content as bite-sized articles. So where's the sense in arguing on behalf of an embryo which
is destined to perish anywayIt must come as a relief to stem cell researchers that more and more
people are shaking off their knee-jerk response to the emotionally-loaded issue and finally buying
into this view: the results of a Harris Poll (2004) showed that 73 per cent of the people interviewed
approved of the research, compared to 61 per cent in 2001. Their use is not controversial, as there is
no need for the destruction of an embryo. Stem cells have the following unique characteristics, uses
and healing abilities. Stem cells offer a great way for researchers to see the effects of a new medicine
before it’s used on humans. Being an exact replica, there is potentially less chance of rejection
following transplantation. Thesis Statement: Stem cell research may lead to the cure to all sorts of
diseases, including diabetes, cancer, and many others. An embryo in the mother’s womb is a growing
offspring and in no situation can be exploited for the purpose of medical enhancement or scientific
experiments. We’re here to break down joint pain stem cell therapy so that you can make an
informed decision. The type of stem cells that your treatment requires will depend on what is being
treated and the patient’s personal medical history, among other factors. Shoulder injuries can result
from overuse, sports, work accidents and degeneration. Digital Sales Sell your publications
commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. Resources Dive into our extensive
resources on the topic that interests you. Stem cells from perinatal tissue can be given to anyone
without the need for blood or genetic matching. Depending on the type of treatment needed, it’s also
possible to visit a neurologist, cardiologist, etc. Hip flexion, hyperextended knees, deformity of legs
and foot. Donors are few and far between and the necessary cells are very specific for this particular
procedure. The first treatment is for burn victims who require skin grafts in order to survive.
However, in just a short time this area of regenerative medicine has come leaps and bounds and is
being considered as a potential therapy for a number of different maladies. This way they can more
accurately administer the cells and help improve patient outcomes. In order to harvest these cells,
they are removed from the blastocyst, a. Prolotherapy starts repair process by mobilizing growth
factors in the area via lengthy process of multiple injections.
Nursing Care of Patients with Life Threatening Conditions, High Acuity Situat. Some key factors
that produce facial skin aging Facial skin is at the mercy of multiple factors as people age; lifestyle
choices, smoking (smoking produces free radicals that destroy cells which later leads to premature
wrinkles), nutrition, and exposure to the sun and natural elements, all contribute to premature skin
aging. Shoulder conditions treated with stem cell therapy include: rotator cuff tears labral tears
shoulder arthritis KNEE The knee is one of the most common joints susceptible to injury and
degeneration. However, stem cell treatment is generally considered extremely safe. This review has a
summary of the research paper: “Histone H3 lysine methylation K is mediated by Set1 and H3's
requirement for cell growth and rDNA silencing” and a brief conclusion that gives a perspective
about the research paper. By: Katie Goss. Overview. What is a embryonic stem cell. The professional
studies various aspects of stem cells including embryonic stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, cancer
stem cells, developmental studies, stem cell genomes, and translational research to perform the task.
Umbilical cord blood, the placenta and even the amniotic fluid have in fact been found to be rich in
stem-cells (McGuckin et al 245-255). Keratinocytes can be made into an epidermal equivalent and
transplanted to the patient. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) are clickable links to
medically peer-reviewed studies. As per (Hyun,2010,pg 71-75) “Those who oppose embryonic stem
cell research believe for religious or other personal reasons that all pre-implanted embryos have a
moral standing equal to all living persons, regardless of whether they are located in a fertility clinic
dish or in a woman’s body”. To become a Stem Cell Therapist, you necessarily need to take up a
course in Regenerative medicine. The concept and subject of embryonic stem cell research has been
an ongoing controversy by medics and politicians in the United States for many years. They are able
to become any type of cell in the human body. Stem Cell Research involves the human embryonic
cells. Full description Save Save Essay on Stem Cells For Later 0% 0% found this document useful,
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document. The main function of stem cells is to maintain and repair tissue. Stem cell research has
already cured thousands of people. The major difference between these two cells is their potential to
differentiate or morph into specific cells (skin cells, blood cells, bone cells, etc.). So, are we willing
to commit murder in the name of science And if we are, then where does it end By pushing the
limits of morality, we are only helping to create a society where life is so cheap that one person can
use another without compunction or accountability. There are even proposals to create new non-
embryonic organisms which can produce human stem-cells. Because it’s common to remove stem
cells from areas of stored body fat, some refer to stem cell therapy as “Adipose Stem Cell Therapy”
in some cases. ( 1 ). This procedure would not be possible without using stem cells to replace the
damaged and degenerating neurons. But manipulating an embryo that is a developing infant for the
recovering of an adult being is completely atrocious and cruel act. As per (President Council,2011)“
Either the early embryo is a person with the right to life, in which case stem cell research is wrong, or
early embryo is not a person, and then there is no moral objection to stem cell research work” But
everyone understands that embryo is a living form in an early stage with a potentiality to grow in to
a person. Like other types of non-invasive treatments and prolotherapy techniques, some mild side
effects after injections are normal. There remains a lot to learn about the potential uses of stem cell
therapies, and how scientists can continue to explore transforming unspecialized adult stem cells into
the types of specialized cells needed. Until now the material for stem cell research has been the
remaining of babies left after abortion procedure. Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad
Pontificia Bolivariana. Compared to other single treatment of stem cells center, multi-.

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