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The Republic of Gilead

Gilead, the dystopian society depicted in "The Handmaid's Tale," is characterized by a strict and
oppressive regime that emerged in response to social, political, and environmental crises. It presents a
dystopian vision of the Republic of Gilead, a theocratic and totalitarian society that has replaced the
United States. The novel is set in a future where widespread infertility has led to a drastic decline in
the population. In response to this crisis, a radical Christian fundamentalist group seizes control,
imposing a strict social order based on a distorted interpretation of religious principles.
The analysis of Gileadean society reveals several key elements:

1. Class Structure:

- The highest echelon of Gilead's society. Commanders are powerful, influential men who hold key
positions in the government, military, or industry.
- They are the ruling elite, responsible for shaping and enforcing Gilead's policies.
- Commanders are entitled to have Wives, Handmaids, Marthas, and may also have economic

- Wives are the female counterparts to the Commanders. They are women of privilege, married to
the ruling elite.
- Despite their elevated status, Wives lack real power. Their primary role is to manage the household
and oversee the Handmaids.
- They are constrained by societal expectations and are subject to the Commander's authority.

- Fertile women whose primary purpose is to bear children for the Commanders and their Wives.
- Handmaids are subjected to strict regulations and surveillance, and their identities are subsumed
by their assigned roles (e.g., Offred, Ofwarren).
- Their reproductive capabilities define their worth in Gileadean society.

- Women assigned to domestic duties like cooking and cleaning. Marthas are typically infertile or
past childbearing age.
- While not directly involved in reproduction, Marthas play a crucial role in the functioning of
households and supporting the Wives.
- Aunts are women responsible for indoctrinating and training Handmaids. They wield authority
over other women and are involved in enforcing the regime's rules.
- Aunts play a role in the subjugation and control of women, contributing to the oppressive nature of

- Guardians are the lower-ranking male soldiers responsible for maintaining order and enforcing
Gilead's laws.
- They serve as the foot soldiers of the regime, patrolling the streets, conducting arrests, and
suppressing dissent.

Eyes (Secret Police):

- The Eyes are Gilead's secret police force, responsible for surveillance, intelligence gathering, and
eliminating dissent.
- They operate covertly, instilling fear and ensuring compliance with the regime's ideology.
- The Eyes are instrumental in maintaining control, conducting investigations, and carrying out

- The Angels are another category of men in Gilead, but their role is distinct from that of the
- Angels serve as soldiers on the front lines, engaged in military activities and protecting Gilead
from external threats.
- They are considered a lower rank than Commanders but still hold a certain level of prestige
due to their role in defending the nation.

- Econowives are women who fulfill multiple roles, combining aspects of Wives, Handmaids, and
- They are expected to fulfill domestic responsibilities, bear children, and support their husbands
- Econowives represent a lower social class than Wives and Handmaids but have more autonomy in
certain aspects of their lives.

The class structure in Gilead is complex and layered, with each role serving a specific purpose to
uphold the regime's objectives. Power is concentrated at the top with the Commanders, while
individuals in lower classes contribute to the functioning and stability of the society in different ways.
The Eyes and Guardians play crucial roles in maintaining control through surveillance, force, and
punishment. The stratification of roles based on gender, fertility, and obedience underscores the
novel's exploration of the dehumanizing consequences of extreme ideologies.

2. Role of Women:
- Women in Gilead are stripped of their autonomy and reduced to specific roles dictated by their
fertility. Their worth is largely determined by their ability to bear children.
- Handmaids are not allowed to read, write, or engage in any form of intellectual pursuit. Their
existence is defined by their reproductive function.
- Wives, despite their higher social standing, are also constrained by a patriarchal system that limits
their freedom.
- Women in Gilead experience extreme oppression. They are stripped of their rights, forbidden to
read, and relegated to specific roles based on their perceived fertility. The Handmaids, in particular,
exist solely for reproductive purposes and are subjected to a dehumanizing and ritualized mating

3. Control and Surveillance:

- Gilead is a surveillance state where citizens, even within their own homes, are under constant
scrutiny. The Eyes, a secret police force, enforces compliance and eliminates dissent.
- The regime uses fear and punishment, including public executions and the threat of being sent to
the Colonies (a toxic waste disposal site), to maintain control.
- The regime controls language to manipulate perception and limit independent thought. Newspeak-
like language is used to redefine concepts and restrict expression. The regime also controls
information, restricting access to knowledge and rewriting history to suit its narrative.

4. Religious Extremism:
- Gilead claims to be a society based on Christian values, but it is a distorted and oppressive
interpretation of religion.
- The regime uses religious doctrine to legitimize its actions, portraying the suppression of women's
rights as a divine mandate.

5. Loss of Identity:
- Women in Gilead are stripped of their individuality. Handmaids, for example, are given names that
reflect ownership (e.g., Offred, Ofwarren), emphasizing their role as property rather than people.
- Personal relationships are discouraged, and individuals are isolated to prevent any form of
rebellion or resistance.

6. Resistance:
- Despite the oppressive regime, there are subtle acts of resistance. Characters find ways to subvert
the system, whether through small acts of defiance or forming secret alliances.

7. Theocracy and Totalitarianism:

Gilead is a theocratic state where religious doctrine governs all aspects of life. The regime is based on
a distorted interpretation of Christianity, emphasizing rigid gender roles and absolute authority. The
government's control is totalitarian, regulating everything from speech to personal relationships.

8. Dystopian Environmental Factors:

Environmental degradation and declining birth rates are used as justifications for the establishment of
Gilead. The regime exploits fears of ecological collapse and infertility to consolidate power and
impose its authoritarian rule.

9. Ritualized Ceremonies:
The novel depicts ritualized ceremonies, such as the monthly Ceremony, which serves as a grotesque
ritual for the reproduction of society. These ceremonies dehumanize and objectify individuals,
emphasizing the complete control the regime exerts over personal and intimate aspects of life.

10. Fear and Isolation:

The society thrives on fear, instilling a pervasive sense of paranoia. Individuals are isolated from one
another, and even familial relationships are strained. This fear prevents organized resistance and
maintains the regime's control.

9. Historical Allusions:
Gilead is informed by historical and religious elements, drawing parallels to puritanical societies and
authoritarian regimes. The novel incorporates historical references to underline the cyclical nature of
oppression and the potential consequences of extremism.

In conclusion, Gilead in "The Handmaid's Tale" is a complex and oppressive society characterized by
theocratic rule, social stratification, repression of women, surveillance, and control of information.
Atwood's depiction serves as a cautionary tale, exploring the consequences of the erosion of
individual rights and the dangers of unchecked authoritarianism.
The novel doesn't detail how Gilead's government functions; Gilead's official name containing the
term "Republic" suggests the country has a Senate or similar governing body with members being
appointed by some - presumably pseudo-democratic - electoral process.

Individual civil liberties as formerly granted by the suspended U.S. constitution have been replaced by
a system of duties and privileges implemented in a hierarchy of social classes, with everyone being
assigned to a particular class and expected to fulfill certain roles. Much of this legislation is
influenced and justified by a rigid interpretation of scripture. The name Gilead itself is taken from the
Bible, referring to several different locations and individuals and generally translated as "hill of

In particular, Gilead is a patriarchal society, where only men have access to higher education or the
right to keep and bear arms, and only they can hold property, a job, or political positions.

Women are regarded as second-class citizens as they must submit to the authority of men. They are
forbidden to read or write. In the novel, Gilead also discriminates against African-Americans, whom
they refer to in their religious rhetoric as the "Children of Ham"[3]. African-Americans, as well as
Asians, were sent to the Gilead National Homelands in North Dakota, a relocation that was in truth a
genocide. However, the regime later considers this to be a mistake due to international backlash. The
fact that Pearls are accepted from Mexico, a country with a large mestizo population, might indicate
that later Gilead relaxes its racial policy.

Some civil rights however are suspended for good, e.g. freedom of speech ("heresy"), freedom of
religion[4], freedom of the press, freedom of assembly[2]. The Eyes serve as Gilead's political police
force and spies to detect and prosecute noncompliances.

Female Classes

Women are believed to be the "lesser" sex, who should be subject to men. Women's main purpose in
this society is bearing and raising children, which is given particular emphasis due to the possible
rampant infertility present in North America at the time. Women are not allowed to participate in the
government, be educated, hold property or have a career. By law, only women can be considered
infertile, not men, thus placing the blame for the fertility crisis solely on women. Because of these
beliefs, men cannot "factually" be infertile, even if this is the case; to suggest otherwise is heresy.

- Wives are the highest-ranking women.

- Aunts
- Pearl Girls are female missionaries who go abroad to recruit more women for Gilead.

- Handmaids

- Pearls are foreign women recruited to Gilead. Later, they are assigned to a different class.

- Marthas

- Econowives are wed to poor or low-ranking men and must fulfill all functions of a Gileadean

- Unwomen

Male Classes

- The high-ranking men who govern Gilead are known as Commanders of the Faithful.

- Angels are soldiers that serve on the front lines, as well as medical personnel.

- Guardians are used for routine policing, they serve as bodyguards, security officers and
personal drivers to Commanders. They can be promoted to Angels.

- Economen

- Skilled professionals, such as dentists, may mingle with Gilead's elite and have their female
children educated as Daughters rather than Econodaughters.

Law & Punishment

The law is absolute in Gilead. Any rule-breaking or subversion committed in Gilead must be reported
and is harshly punished. Criminals are often executed and their bodies displayed on the Wall as a
severe warning; the Eyes also use excessive torture and other brutal interrogation tactics on their

Abortion and contraception are considered some of the greatest sins. Doctors who performed
abortions before Gilead's establishment are executed. Adultery or fraternization between men and
women is viewed as "fornication" and is punishable by death for all involved. Homosexuality, referred
to as "Gender Treachery," is considered a sin and a crime punishable by death.


Executions are held in public. Women are executed by hanging, with Handmaids being given the rope
to hang the condemned together, thus sharing in the "responsibility" of punishing the wicked. Those
that are spared execution can be sent to the toxic Colonies, where life is short and brutal. The
Colonies are often polluted by rubbish and radioactive waste, and those sent there are tasked with
cleaning up, eventually falling ill and dying slowly and painfully. Some regard being sent to the
Colonies as a fate worse than death. Other punishments meted out to those who break Gilead's laws
include the surgical removal/amputation of body parts e.g. fingers, hands and eyes.

Values and Beliefs

Gilead is a strict, totalitarian regime that bases its laws and customs around only a very literal,
fundamentalist interpretation of the Christian Bible. Its leaders believe that their strict interpretation of
the Bible is the absolute truth, and that in order for people to achieve salvation and live a pure, godly
life, they must follow these. To do otherwise is seen as living in sin, and the guilty must either repent,
or be put to death to prevent them from spreading their evil influence to others[citation needed].

Modesty and purity in all areas of life are greatly emphazised, particularly for women, who are
believed to be more prone to weakness of character and sinAll citizens must follow only Gilead's own
official version of Christianity. No other religion or belief system is tolerated; as Gilead rose to power,
those of other faiths and of other Christian denominations were rounded up or forced to convert after a
brief period of tolerance. Jewish people were given the choice of converting, or leaving for Israel. It is
implied in the novel that those who chose to leave were actually killed in secret. It is stated that
Gilead frequently raids and cracks down on Jews practicing in secret, confiscating Magen Davids,
talliths, and the like.

Refugees from Gilead attempt escape to Canada or Europe, which are apparently still free societies
with minimal influence from Gilead. Several "Save the Women" campaigns exist in England for
former Handmaids who have managed to flee.
Media and Information

The media and the news are heavily censored, and often include propaganda to promote the ideals and
values of Gilead, whilst demonising their enemies. As a result, it is difficult to obtain reliable
information, like the actual Gileadean sphere of control.
To discourage women from reading and writing, public writings or names of any kind, like shop signs,
are removed. Information is instead relayed by signs with pictures or pictograms.
Anything secular media is banned outright and anybody in possession of such items are punished
severely, up to and including execution


Parts of Gilead's economy seems to be centered around slave labour--specifically its food sources
(there is much mention of the "Agricultural Colonies" where prisoners are sent to do farm work)[4].

The transformation of the U.S. democracy into the totalitarian dictatorship of Gilead is given by
isolated events observed by individuals with limited background knowledge, so the actual political
process behind these events remains vague and is left to the reader's estimation.

In "X Soul Scrolls", the narrator, Offred, recalls that after a group of terrorists had assassinated the
U.S. President and machine-gunned members of Congress, the army declared a state of emergency,
and a new emergency administration announced that "Everything is under control", blaming the
attacks on "Islamic fanatics".

The Takeover

Later, when this administration "temporarily" suspended the Constitution, a political activist
suspected them to "have been building up to this", while the populace in majority seemed to approve
the measures following, like roadblocks and censorships for "security reasons", since you "couldn't be
too careful". The closing of pornomarts was greeted by "High time somebody did something".
Then, in quick succession, bank accounts of female holders were frozen, and all employed women
were fired from their jobs. Offred recalls that the entire coup happened so fast that the widespread
emotion among the general population was bewilderment as a new paramilitary force systematically
cleared women out of places of employment. There were a few protest marches at first, but when
protests were quashed by this "new army" as soon as they even started, the population was too
terrified to mount any further reaction.

Middle Gilead Period

Several characters who were alive during the timeframe of The Handmaid's Tale are described as
dying during purges which occurred in the "Middle Gilead Period."
As Gilead progresses to the time of The Testaments, various changes occur. The Gilead National
Homelands Genocide takes place, as ethnic minorities are marched into North Dakota in wintertime
into ghost towns with no supplies, many starving to death or escaping to Canada. The Pearl Girls are
founded, a new category of Aunts that go abroad and convert foreigners to Gilead's religion. The four
Founding Aunts, Lydia, Elizabeth, Helena, and Vidala now have a cult-like status among the women
of Gilead, as well as Baby Nicole - who has been made into a legendary lost child, highlighting the
possibility of betrayal in Gilead.

Late Gilead Period

The term "Middle Gilead Period" implies a "Late Gilead Period" which suggests that Gilead existed
on a scale of decades and not centuries.
In The Testaments, Atwood explains how Gilead eventually fell: as noted in the first novel, the
Commanders of Gilead weren't even loyal to each other, but constantly jockeying for power in a
"byzantine" political landscape marked by betrayal. The Mayday resistance group gradually
accumulated evidence on all of these betrayals, then released the information publicly - spurring a
massive wave of infighting among the Commanders, known as the Ba'al Purge.
This badly weakened Gilead's command structure to the extent that their own military staged a coup
in an attempt to restore basic order, coinciding with a general uprising by Mayday resistance forces, as
well as a concerted counter-attack by the remnant United States holdouts. Faced with these spiraling
external and internal pressures, Gilead collapsed, and the United States was restored.
A century after Gilead fell from power, it was the subject of historical studies in universities and

As Margaret Atwood has explained in various interviews[citation needed], the "Sons of Jacob" and
the "Republic of Gilead" they created, cynically don't actually believe in their own religious
propaganda – almost every member of Gilead in a position of power, such as the Commanders, is at
various points breaking their own rules, or expressing that they are simply using this as rhetoric.
Atwood didn't conceive of Gilead as a Christian totalitarian regime, but a totalitarian fascist regime
rising in the United States which happens to use some empty trappings of religion to justify
itself[citation needed].

Atwood looked at the rise of various totalitarian fascist regimes throughout history and concluded that
it always rises around some central trappings of national identity, and that in her estimation, the
national character of the United States has always been shaped by religious movements. Similarly,
Nazi Germany used trappings of past rhetoric about prior Germanic empires such as Charlemagne's
Carolingian Empire and the pre-World War I German Empire or latched onto pre-existing European
discrimination policies against disempowered groups (Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, left-wing/far-left
Social Democrats and Communists, anti-Nazi Germans etc.) – but fundamentally, this was just a
convenient scapegoat for what was at heart a hyper-nationalist junta that wanted to seize power for
itself. Atwood tried to imagine what a totalitarian regime would look like if it took over the United
States, and as the saying goes, "When fascism comes to America, it will come carrying a cross and
draped in the Stars and Stripes."
Atwood also said that Gilead was partially inspired by the Religious Right's reaction in the 1980s to
the Women's Rights movements of the 1970s, during the Reagan years. Particularly, Atwood was
reacting to large-scale but baseless propaganda being circulated by hard right-wing religious groups
that abortion and contraception access was leading to a "white genocide," and that the birthrate among
White Americans was sharply declining - despite the fact that there was no evidence to support this,
and that census data proved it to be blatantly incorrect
Historical Context

"The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood was published in 1985, and its historical context
is influenced by the social and political climate of that time. While the novel is a work of
speculative fiction, Atwood drew inspiration from various historical events and societal
changes that were occurring during the late 20th century.

1. Second-Wave Feminism:
During the 1960s and 1970s, second-wave feminism gained momentum. This movement
focused on issues such as reproductive rights, gender equality, and women's liberation.
Atwood's novel can be seen as a response to the feminist debates of this era, particularly
regarding women's autonomy and the fear of potential setbacks in the face of conservative

2. Cold War Tensions:

The novel emerged during the latter part of the Cold War, a period marked by ideological
conflicts between the Western and Eastern blocs. The political climate of the time, with its
fear of nuclear annihilation and the specter of totalitarian regimes, likely influenced the
dystopian setting of Gilead in Atwood's work.

3. Religious Conservatism:
The rise of the Christian Right in the United States during the 1970s and 1980s, with its
advocacy for socially conservative values and its influence on politics, may have inspired
Atwood's portrayal of a theocratic regime in Gilead. The novel reflects concerns about the
potential consequences of theocratic rule and the erosion of secular values.

4. Reproductive Rights Debates:

The 1980s saw ongoing debates over reproductive rights, including the landmark Supreme
Court case Roe v. Wade (1973) that legalized abortion in the United States. Atwood's
exploration of reproductive control and the subjugation of women's bodies in "The
Handmaid's Tale" resonates with the societal discussions surrounding women's reproductive
rights during this period.

5. Technology and Surveillance:

Advancements in technology during the late 20th century, particularly in the realm of
surveillance and information gathering, influenced the novel's depiction of a society where
individuals are closely monitored. The fear of invasive technologies and loss of privacy is
woven into the narrative.

In essence, "The Handmaid's Tale" is a product of its historical context, drawing on the fears,
debates, and cultural shifts of the late 20th century. While it is a work of speculative fiction,
Atwood's exploration of themes such as women's rights, theocratic rule, and the consequence
of political extremism reflects the anxieties and concerns of the time in which it was written.

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