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// Define the pin numbers for the components

const int flameSensorPin = 8; // Digital pin for the flame sensor

const int buzzerPin = 4; // Digital pin for the buzzer
const int relayPin = 12; // Digital pin for the relay

void setup() {
// Set the buzzer and relay pins as output
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);

// Set the flame sensor pin as input

pinMode(flameSensorPin, INPUT);

// Initialize the serial communication for debugging


void loop() {
// Read the digital value from the flame sensor
int flameValue = digitalRead(flameSensorPin);

// Print the flame value for debugging

Serial.print("Flame Value: ");

// Check if the flame sensor detects fire (flameValue is HIGH)

if (flameValue == HIGH) {
// Sound the buzzer
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);

// Turn on the relay

digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);

// Print a message indicating fire detection

Serial.println("Fire detected!");
} else {
// Turn off the buzzer
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);

// Turn off the relay

digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);

// Delay for a short period before reading the sensor again


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