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Anselmo S. Rodiel IV


Title of the article

How to achieve your dreams without sacrificing time with your loved ones

The article (500 words more or less)

Each one of us has different dreams in life, but one thing we have in common is we all
work hard to make these dreams into reality. Pursuing our aspirations in life can be a demanding
journey. We have to make sacrifices, but how can we fulfill our aspirations without sacrificing
time with our family and friends?

First, we need to be focused and disciplined. As we adapt to this fast-paced world, we

must ensure that we prioritize the tasks that will help us achieve our dreams. We must set
boundaries to prevent wasting time on unnecessary tasks.

Second, we must delegate tasks to experts. We cannot do everything on our own, and we
are not the best at everything. By recruiting people who are better than us, nothing is impossible!
We will realize our dreams much faster.

Third, communication is important. No man is an island. We need to communicate

with our loved ones even during our busy days.

As we go along with our lives, many things change; we become separated from our
old routines, we often find ourselves confronted with various challenges and there are
choices that lead us to contemplate sacrificing and drifting apart, whether from our loved
ones or our dreams. However, remember that life is short, and the best thing to do is to
balance everything. We don’t need to neglect our loved ones just to pursue our personal
dreams; vice versa, it’s the opposite we should make them as inspiration and stepping stone
towards reaching our aspirations. That’s why always make sure that even on your busiest
days, you give time to ask how your loved ones are doing. Ensure that you communicate
and make them feel that they are one of the most significant priorities in your life and work
hard to coexist harmoniously your plan and steps to achieve your dreams while also
fulfilling shared experience with those who really matter to you the most.
Bionote (100-200 words)

Attorney Anselmo S. Rodiel IV is a graduate of San Beda University and one of the exemplary
passers in the 2020-2021 Bar Examination. Despite encountering numerous challenges in his
personal journey, he has demonstrated a profound commitment to assisting others in achieving
their dreams, particularly those aspiring to become lawyers. His innovative and strategic teaching
methods have earned him recognition for effectively conveying lessons to students. Guided by
his leadership, he is the founder and president of the Anselmo Rodiel Review Center INC., a Bar
Review Center. He aims to simplify legal topics to aspiring lawyers, so most, if not all, of the
center’s enrollees will pass the Bar.

Atty. Anselmo is not only dedicated to achieving legal excellence but also to uplifting others
along the way, contributing to the progress of the legal profession and the cultivation of
upcoming leaders in the field.

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