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Pastor Stephen Bohr

President/Speaker | Secrets Unsealed
Dear friend of Secrets Unsealed,
Momentous events are taking place in the religious world even
as I write. Probably most of you have already seen the video
where clergyman Tony Palmer of the Celtic Anglican Tradi-
4 Testimony Time
Read all about it and be encouraged. Secrets
Unsealed is reaching souls around the world.
Ministry Update

tion delivered a message from Pope Francis I to a convention of

Pentecostal leaders led by Kenneth Copland. Editor
In the video, Palmer, the Pope and Copland F e a t u r e Aileen Pyburn

6 Reflections
appealed to the Christian world to unite in Layout & Design
the essentials of the Christian faith while
leaving the resolution of doctrinal differences on Phoebe the Jennifer Arruda

to when we get to heaven. Deaconess Office Hours

A lesser known event took place on March 9, 2014 when Women's Ordination. A sign of the times. 8:30am- 5:30pm PST
Ulf Ekman, Senior Pastor of the largest charismatic mega

church in Scandinavia announced to his church on the Sunday morning worship
8:00am - 12:00pm PST
hour that he was resigning his position and joining the Roman Catholic Church.
His main reason was that his church is ‘part of the ongoing Protestant fragmenta- Although they're hard to pronounce, Subscriber Services
tion of Christendom.’
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events. For this reason I have decided to produce a 2-hour DVD response which magazine, please contact
we will post on You Tube for a worldwide audience as soon as it is ready. The pro- A Disaster us at the address below.
duction will highlight the relevance of the book The Great Controversy and stress of Spoken
the importance of Christian unity but only upon the foundation of doctrinal truth.
We hope and pray that this presentation will encourage many in the religious and
Proportions, Part 2 Feedback
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secular world to do further research. Out of the abundance of the heart a person comments, suggestions
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34Parable 16: The

their stand on the Lord’s side.

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ed for our Building Project Phase 3
have been received. Please join us
Yours in Christ, in praising the Lord for His good-
ness in supplying all our needs. We
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are eternally grateful to everyone
Allen Goede, from his sister Jeannette Bigsby you’ve moved or if you
for supporting us in our building are accidently receiving
project through your prayers, and Pearl, Ruth, and Roger Keller, from Phyllis Wrate more than one issue.
2 your financial support. 3
Blessing of Truth Eye Opener
“My husband and I watch you most “I'm 27 years old and currently live
days. Sometimes we can't get Pastor in Gdańsk, Poland. Just recently and
Bohr on our Christian satellite, and actually by accident I became familiar
the times are always different. Pastor with your series of 24 elders. The first
Bohr is a blessing to us. He has a way encounter with you was on 3ABN dis-
of explaining scripture in a way that is cussion panel on women's ordination.
understandable. We hope that we can I have to say that you inspire me and I
get his study of the scriptures at a regu- thank God for people like you. As it was
lar time each day. Is that why you are said by apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 14:20, Eph.
building your own network? Thank you 4:14, Heb. 5:12-14 we all need to become
so much for the blessing of teaching us more mature and be able to digest the
the truth.” “solid food,” to be able to look behind
Pamela & Vince, Zimbabwe the first impression of the written Word
of God. Thank you so much for all the
One of the World's Most Powerful Ministries Worth Eternity work and endurance.”
“Thank God for this ministry and many Maciek, Poland
“Blessings to all of you who are working in one of the most powerful Adventist
ministries in the world! May God bless you all! I have followed your work for about alike. I just love it all. They add a very big
three years, and I can say that you are one of my biggest inspirations. I can’t explain blessing to my soul that is worth eternity.” ANCHOR
to you how my faith has grown as a result of watching, listening and reading the Genami, Facebook “I wish I could be part of Anchor School
materials that you have done. of Theology, but I'm not able due to dis-
Thanks to you, I understand what it means to think, to live, to act as Adven- Wealth of Knowledge tance. God bless your ministry in a spe-
tist in authentic sense of the word! Thanks to you, I understand the importance of “I am truly amazed with the wealth of cial way during this new year. Every day
the Adventist message and the urgency to be spread everywhere and to everyone. knowledge that Pastor Bohr has. May I listen to Pastor Bohr's Revelation CDs.
I would like to single out especially the following series from you that helped me a God continue to give him wisdom. I understand much better this special
lot, The Three Angels’ Messages, His Way Is In the Sanctuary, Catching Up to Jesus, What a great teacher. I watch him on book of the Bible now. Praise the Lord. I
and Mary, the Mother of Jesus. And there are a lot of other series and sermons that 3ABN on Wednesday at 1pm, the same also had the chance to share it with my
helped me to connect the things in my head, especially authentic Adventist things, program is repeated at 8pm on Fri- family in Europe (Spain and Austria)
most of them presented at GYC events. Also, I have to mention that thanks to you day. Wow! Wow! I am so grateful such during my holiday last year. They were
I started to appreciate the Spirit of Prophecy and understood the wealth legacy that sagacity concerning the Bible. I recently very interested.”
we Adventists have. Now the SOP is a part of my daily life, daily spiritual food. watched the series on the 24 Elders. It Louise, Australia
One other thing that impresses me is your seriousness and stability about the issues gave me a new perspective. I’m an elder
that are shaking the Adventist nowadays, for example issues about women’s ordina- in my church so I found out that what I Beautiful Transformation
tion and issues about the Trinity. I really experience your ministry as an established used to teach was totally different from “Thank you so much for sending out the
ROCK that can’t be moved by the strange winds of doctrines that are blowing from what I learned from Pastor Bohr. I was magazines. They are truly a blessing. I
everywhere (from outside and inside). I’m happy for each of your successes, for a lot convinced with the amount of Spirit read them through numerous times.
of successes of Secrets Unsealed. Especially I’m happy because of ANCHOR School of Prophecy quotations. Please I would Your ministry has helped so many peo-
of Theology! I strongly believe that that school will continue your tradition of teach- like to enroll for your school of Theol- ple who I personally know. It's beautiful
ing AUTHENTIC Adventism.” ogy next year. God bless you all.” seeing such transformation in people.”
Saso, Macedonia Elder Vince Tabitha, Australia

4 5
Al Reimche and Sue Smith, “Reflections The Bible Supports the Ordination/
on the Theology and Practice of Ordi- Commissioning of Women Pastors,”
nation in the Seventh-day Adventist Special Constituency Edition (August
Church,’ draft dated 10/3/2012, p. 6. 2012), pp. 45, 47.
It is significant that the seven page
document does not make any refer- Women on the
ence whatsoever to 1 Timothy 3:1-7 or Scholar’s List
Titus 1:5-9. The reason is obvious. If the But there are problems with our schol-
authors had included these passages in ar’s sweeping generalizations. Scripture
the document, their thesis that all posi- is clear that Phoebe did minister in and
tions of leadership are open to women to the church of Cenchrea. But there is
would have been instantly overthrown no clear evidence in the text to suggest
because both of these passages restrict that she was ever ordained or that she
the office of elder/overseer to men who was a deacon in the sense of a church
are husbands of one wife and manage office. The fact that scholars are divid-
their homes wisely. ed on Phoebe’s role and status in the
church of Cenchrea should lead us to be
Women in Ministry cautious about making definitive state-
In an attempt to prove that we should ments. We will come back to Phoebe a
ordain women to pastoral leadership, little later in this article.
a well-known and highly respected What about the other women who
Adventist scholar provided a list of lead- are mentioned by our respected schol-
ership positions which were presumably ar? As I have shown in a previous article
filled by women in the New Testament (Secrets Unsealed Ministry Update,
Church. After admitting that “women “Reflections on Junia”, First Quarter
did not immediately receive full and 2014), the evidence is inconclusive that
equal participation with men in the min- Junia was an apostle or even a female for
istry of the church” the author goes on that matter. Philippians 4:2, 3 nowhere
A s I have studied the literature on
women’s ordination, I have found
that Adventist egalitarians frequent-
in the Apostolic Church.
For example, after providing the
usual New Testament references (but no
to confidently state with great certainty:
“However, Phoebe is mentioned as a
says that the women at the church of
Philippi were leaders but rather that
ly make sweeping generalizations to quotations) in favor of women in posi- ‘deacon’ (Rom. 16:1); Junia was a female they were fellow-laborers with Paul.
impress the reader with the idea that in tions of pastoral leadership, the North apostle (Rom. 16:7), and leaders of the My wife is a fellow-laborer with me in
New Testament times it was common- Pacific Union Women in Leadership Ad church at Philippi were women (Phil. ministry, but this does not mean that
place for women to occupy positions of Hoc Committee released the following 4:2, 3). Priscilla assumed an authorita- she is an ordained elder/overseer in the
pastoral leadership. Oftentimes general statement: “We see no teaching that pro- tive teaching role over men (Acts 18), and church or the head of our household!
statements are made, and only Scripture hibits the church from appointing wom- the ‘Elect Lady’ (2 John) may well have Furthermore, nowhere in Acts 18
references are given, and readers are left en to any position of ministry or leader- been a prominent church leader with a are we told that Priscilla assumed an
with the impression that women served ship and much that suggests such actions congregation under her care.” Richard authoritative teaching role over men.
in every leadership position conceivable to be entirely appropriate.” John McVay, Davidson, Pacific Union Recorder “Yes: Rather, the text clearly explains that

66 7
Priscilla and Aquila both taught Apollos that in our denominational history from Letter 33, 1893 quoted in 9MR 25. number of women in the history of
the word of God more accurately (Acts 1872 to 1915 women were licensed to Thus it would appear, by Ellen our church have received Ministerial
18:26), not in a public worship setting, preach, several served as very successful White’s own testimony, that Dr. Caro Licenses, my research has indicated that
but rather on a one-to-one basis in pri- evangelists, some were conference trea- was a credentialed minister, and some the only woman who ever received a
vate! It was after Apollos had taught pub- surers and others served as conference Adventist egalitarians have argued Ministerial Credential in the history of
licly in the synagogue that both Priscilla departmental directors. What is most that if she was credentialed then she the Seventh-day Adventist church from
and Aquila took him aside privately and frequently deemphasized is the fact that must have been ordained. But was she its inception until recent times was
explained the Scriptures to him. That none of these women were ever ordained a credentialed minister? According to Ellen G. White. And I have shown in
Priscilla participated with her husband to positions of pastoral leadership on a The Seventh-day Adventist Yearboook a recent article (Secrets Unsealed Min-
in teaching Apollos proves nothing of local, regional, or global level. None of of 1894 (one year after Ellen White istry Update, “Reflections on Deborah
substance for Adventist egalitarians them received a ministerial credential or wrote!) Dr. Caro received a Ministerial and Huldah”, Third Quarter 2013) that
because there is nothing in Scripture served as pastors or elders of churches License, not a Ministerial Credential Ellen G. White was never ordained, she
that would forbid women from serv- or as Conference, Union or General and Ellen White herself recognized this was never referred to as ‘Elder White’ or
ing as a Bible instructors along with Conference presidents. And none of fact when she stated: “She [Sister Caro] ‘Pastor White,’ never pastored a church,
their husbands! There have been many them were ever addressed with the title is a queenly woman, tall, and every way never occupied a position of leader-
successful husband and wife ministry of ‘Elder’ or ‘Pastor’. proportioned. Sister Caro not only does ship at any level of our denominational
teams in the history of the Seventh-day her business, but she has a ministerial structure and strongly denied that she
Adventist Church. Dr. Margaret Caro license and bears many burdens in their was the leader of the denomination.
And finally, with regards to the Elect Some egalitarian Adventists have sug- church at Napier [New Zealand]. She On March 5, 1899 Pastor D. W. Rea-
Lady of 2 John 2, there is not the slight- gested that there was at least one oth- speaks to the people, is intelligent and vis asked the chair of the General Con-
est hint in the text to indicate that she er woman besides Ellen White who every way capable. She supports her ference Ministerial Credentials and
was an apostle, an elder/overseer or received a ministerial credential. Ellen three sons—two in Battle Creek, and Licenses Committee to clarify the dif-
even a deaconess. Nor is there any evi- White wrote about Dr. Margaret Caro, one in England who is studying law. … ference between a Ministerial License
dence that she was ordained and was a prominent New Zealand Adventist Dr. Caro supports the home. Sister Caro and a Ministerial Credential. In his
the leader of a specific local church. dentist: “Sister Caro is a superior dentist. takes in a great deal of money, but noth- own words: “I have wanted to know for
Ellen White identifies this woman as “a She has all the work she can do. She is a ing is expended in luxuries. She is sup- some time what is the difference between
helper in the gospel work, a woman of tall stately woman, but sociable and com- porting young men in the Bible school ministerial credentials and ministerial
good repute and wide influence” (Ellen panionable. You would love her if you at Melbourne, besides some in America. license.”
G. White, Acts of the Apostles, p. 554). should see her. She does not hoard her The Lord blesses this noble, unselfish The Chair answered: “Ministerial
There were many women in the apos- means; she puts it into bags which wax woman. Her work is about double when credentials are granted to ordained
tolic church who could fit this descrip- not old. She handles an immense amount compared with the patronage of the other ministers in good standing, and engaged
tion who were never ordained or served of money, and she uses the money to edu- dentists in Napier.” Manuscript 22, 1893 in active labor. Ministerial licenses are
as elders/overseers of churches, women cate young men to become laborers for granted to licentiates—those who are
such as Lydia, Dorcas and Priscilla. the Master. I am greatly attached to her. Ministerial License and engaged in preaching, but who have not
She holds her diploma as dentist and her Ministerial Credential yet been ordained to the gospel minis-
Women in credentials as minister. She speaks to In the times of Ellen White (as well try.” Minutes of the March 5, 1899 Gen-
Adventist History the church when there is no minister, so as today) there was a clear difference eral Conference Daily Bulletin, 147.50
Some Adventist egalitarians such as Bert you see that she is a very capable woman. between a Ministerial License and a
Haloviak, have carefully documented Her husband is a physician and surgeon.” Ministerial Credential. While a good

8 9
Not Opposed to sulted with me to ask for guidance as Scriptures always maintain this order it is in God’s plan to give to women the
Women in Ministry to what she should do. Was my wife the in the family relation. ‘For the husband ordained offices of the church. By this we
Contrary to what many Adventist egali- head of our household because she man- is the head of the wife, even as Christ is do not mean to depreciate their labors,
tarians would have us believe, Adventist aged our finances? Of course not! the head of the church.’ Eph. 5:23. Man service, or devotion. The sphere of wom-
complementarians are not opposed to Actually, during that time I felt some- is entitled to certain privileges which an is equal [italics in the original] to
women serving in various ministries in what like Potiphar who delegated the are not given to woman; and he is sub- that of man. She was made a help meet,
the church. In fact, Adventist comple- administrative responsibilities of his jected to some duties and burdens from or fit, for man, but that does not [ital-
mentarians strongly encourage women house to Joseph and therefore did not which the woman is exempt. A woman ics in original] mean that her sphere [or
to use their Spirit-given gifts, but within concern himself with anything except may pray, prophesy, exhort, and com- role] is identical [italics in original] to
the clear biblical parameters that God the food he ate (cf. Genesis 39:9). Did fort the church, but she cannot occupy that of man’s. The interests of the church
has established in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Joseph’s position as the ‘Chief Finan- the position of a pastor or ruling elder. and the world generally would be better
Titus 1:5-9. cial and Operating Officer’ of Potiphar’s This would be looked upon as usurping served if the distinctions given in God’s
As I was writing this article, a wom- goods make him the head of Potiphar’s authority over the man, which is here [1 word were regarded.” Signs of the Times,
an was elected treasurer of the Central household? Of course not! Although Timothy 2:12] prohibited.” “Question Corner # 176: Who Should
California Conference where I serve as a Potiphar remained the head of the Be Church Officers?” January 24, 1895.
pastor. Did I disagree theologically with household, Ellen White assures us that Signs of the Times Several things stand out in this
this appointment? Not at all! When I he treated Joseph as a son rather than Some seventeen years later, the church answer:
heard that she had been chosen, there a servant and Joseph became his “con- still held to the same view. In the Ques- • There are some positions in the
was no doubt in my mind that she was fidant and companion” (YI March 11, tion Corner of the January 24, 1895 issue church for which women are better
the best qualified person for the job and 1897; CC 366). Did Joseph usurp Poti- of Signs of the Times a reader asked the qualified than men.
I warmly congratulated her and wished phar’s position as head of the household? editors the following question: “Should
The evidence indicates otherwise! I am women be elected to offices in the church • Those positions do not include the
her the best in her new responsibility.
sure that when important administra- when there are enough brethren?” office of ordained elders.
But it bears noting that our conference
president, (whose position is equiva- tive issues surfaced which were beyond The response of the editors was • Women are disqualified to be elders
lent to regional overseeing elders such Joseph’s realm of authority to resolve, he unequivocal: “If by this is meant the because they fail to meet the Scrip-
as Timothy and Titus in the apostolic consulted with Potiphar, the head of the office of elder, we should say at once, ture qualifications in 1 Timothy and
church) in harmony with the Bible cri- household. No. But there are offices in the church Titus.
teria and denominational policy, is the which women can fill acceptably, and • Deaconesses are assistants to the
‘husband of one wife’. J. H. Waggoner Editorial oftentimes there are found sisters in the male deacons in the church.
For several years in the past, my wife As early as December 19, 1878 an edi- church who are better qualified for this
torial appeared in Signs of the Times than brethren, such offices, for instance • The editors openly admitted that
managed the finances of our household.
where J. H. Waggoner clearly stated as church clerk, treasurer, librarian of although women and men are equal
Our salaries were deposited in the bank
the view of the church of that time on the tract society, etc., as well as the office in the sight of God their functions in
and she made sure the bills were paid on
the issue of women’s ordination to the of deaconess, assisting the deacons in the church are different.
time. This lifted a great burden from my
shoulders. Although my wife managed church office of ‘elder’: “The divine looking after the poor, and in doing such • Things in the church and the world
our household finances, she never made arrangement, even from the beginning, other duties as would naturally fall to would be better served if the dis-
unilateral decisions. When a decision is this, that the man is the head of the their lot. The qualifications for church tinctions given in God's word were
requiring a large and unusual expendi- woman. Every relation is disregarded elder are set forth in 1 Tim. 3:1-7 and regarded.
ture was needed, my wife always con- or abused in this lawless age. But the in Titus 1:7-9. We do not believe that

10 11
In spite of the fact that at the time and building up the church. We need regarding the 1895 statement: “There White worked part time and their
there was in society a great cultural to branch out more in our methods of is no documentary evidence that EGW ministry was not one of leadership
push in favor of women’s ordination, labor. Not a hand should be bound, not was calling for the ordination of women in the church. The job description
there was no outcry for the editor to a soul discouraged, not a voice should be to gospel ministry in the RH article. The of visiting the sick, looking after the
resign because of his ‘sexist’ remarks hushed; let every individual labor, pri- immediate internal context (‘visit the young, and ministering to the neces-
and there is no evidence that there was vately or publicly, to help forward this sick, look after the young, and minister sities of the poor is what today we call
any negative reaction on the part of the grand work. Place the burdens upon men to the necessities of the poor’) may sug- a ‘deaconess’.
readers. It is also interesting that on the and women of the church that they may gest she had in mind the work of a dea- • Ellen White did affirm that women
very same page there was an article on grow by reason of the exercise, and thus coness. The opinion of EGW’s personal who were engaged in this part-time
obedience written by Ellen G. White. become effective agents in the hand of the secretary, Clarence C. Crisler, writing work should be set apart by the lay-
If she did not agree with the editor’s Lord for the enlightenment of those who within one year of Mrs. White’s death, ing on of hands for this particular
response to the question, why didn’t sit in darkness.” was to the effect that EGW was refer- work. This is in line with the vote of
she take the opportunity to correct This quote leaves no doubt that Ellen ring to ordination of deaconesses rather the 59th General Conference session
him? White approved of some type of ordi- than gospel ministers.” Quoted in, Vin- which approved the ordination of
nation or setting apart for women. Yet cent E. White Jr. The Twenty-First Cen- deaconesses.
Ellen White’s a careful reading indicates that Ellen tury Deacon and Deaconess: Reflecting
White was not describing the work of on the Biblical Model, p. 33 • It would be a gigantic leap of logic
1895 Statement to state that because a woman is set
In an attempt to prove that women a pastor or elder/overseer but rather the
basic duties of what today we call a ‘dea- apart by the laying on of hands to be
should be ordained as pastors and Analysis of Ellen White’s a deaconess, she is entitled to serve as
elders/overseers, some women’s ordina- coness’. 1895 Statement
tion advocates have misused an Ellen G. In his penetrating book which is What shall we say then about Ellen
White statement which was published based on his doctoral dissertation, The White’s 1895 statement? The simple
in the Review and Herald on July 9, Twenty-First Century Deacon and Dea- answer is that it has nothing to do with
1895, just six months after the editors of coness: Reflecting on the Biblical Mod- women being set apart as pastors or
Signs of the Times had stated that wom- el, Vincent E. White Jr. rebukes those elders/overseers of the church. Several
en should not be ordained as elders. who misuse this Ellen White quotation. facts emerge from a careful exegesis of
Here is the statement: “Women who After lamenting that the church for over the statement:
are willing to consecrate some of their one hundred years has discontinued
the practice of ordaining deaconesses, • The title of the original article is ‘The
time to the service of the Lord should be
White explains: “And to add insult to Duty of the Minister and the People’
appointed to visit the sick, look after the
injury, proponents for the ordination thus clearly establishing a distinction
young, and minister to the necessities of
of female elders and female pastors are between the pastor and the laity in
the poor. They should be set apart to this
misusing Ellen G. White’s statement, the church.
work by prayer and laying on of hands.
In some cases they will need to counsel made in 1895 in favor of the ordination • Every individual in the church,
with the church officers or the minister; of deaconesses, to support their posi- whether male or female, should be
but if they are devoted women, main- tion.” Vincent E. White Jr. The Twenty- involved in ministry. All should be
taining a vital connection with God, they First Century Deacon and Deaconess: involved in enlightening those who
will be a power for good in the church. Reflecting on the Biblical Model, p. 31. sit in darkness.
This is another means of strengthening The White Estate added its testimony • The women referenced by Ellen

12 13
an elder/overseer which is an entirely gations in Rome. But was she a deacon? nitions. The Louw-Nida Lexicon gives feed them. The evidence indicates that
different function! Here are the words of the apostle Paul: the meaning, ‘a woman who is active Phoebe provided this service or ministry
• It is clear that these women were not “I commend to you Phoebe our sister, in helping—‘helper, patroness.’ Thayer’s by supplying shelter and food for those
ministers or officers of the church who is a servant [diakonon] of the church Lexicon defines the word as: ‘a female who passed through the area. And when
because we are told that they might in Cenchrea, that you may receive her guardian, protectress, patroness, caring Paul was there, she hosted him as well.
need to counsel with the church offi- in the Lord in a manner worthy of the for the affairs of others and aiding them Though Ellen White had no knowl-
cers or the minister. saints, and assist her in whatever busi- with her resources.’ Arndt and Grin- edge of Biblical languages, her descrip-
ness she has need of you; for indeed she grich define the word as: ‘protectress, tion of Phoebe agrees with the defini-
Questions has been a helper of many and of myself patroness, helper.’ tions that are provided by the lexicons.
As I stated at the beginning of this arti- also” (Romans 16:1, 2). The overwhelming majority of Bible A careful reading indicates that Phoebe
cle, Adventist egalitarians who believe What does this text actually say about versions translate the word as ‘help’ or had the spiritual gift of hospitality and
that women should be ordained to pas- Phoebe and what does it not say? Does ‘helper’. A handful of versions use syn- was foremost in providing lodging and
toral leadership, have appealed to Phoe- the text tell us that she was ordained to onyms such as ‘assisted’, ‘succourer’, food for those who visited the church of
be as support for their view. Some not the office of deacon in the church? Does ‘benefactor’. The ESV renders the word, Cenchrea. In her own words: “Phoebe
only see Phoebe as a female deacon but it say that she was an apostle or an elder/ ‘patron’ which the dictionary defines as entertained the apostle, and she was
have ascended her to the church office overseer? A careful study of the text ‘a person who gives financial or other in a marked manner an entertainer of
of minister on the same level with the clearly indicates that the answer to these support to a person, organization, cause, strangers who needed care. Her exam-
apostle Paul. This makes it imperative questions is no! The text simply tells us or activity.’ Synonyms in the Thesaurus ple should be followed by the churches of
to examine the evidence to see if their that she was a diakonon and a helper of are philanthropist, benefactor, sup- today.” Ellen G. White, Testimonies for
arguments are valid. There are three Paul and many others. porter, advocate, defender, helper, and the Church, volume 6, p. 343
questions we will seek to answer: What is the meaning of the word financier. The Contemporary English This statement makes clear that
‘helper’? The Exegetical Dictionary of Version and Young’s Literal Translation Phoebe was not a simple church mem-
• Did the church office of ‘female dea- the New Testament explains that the do use the word ‘leader’, but this mean- ber. She was a prominent and outstand-
con’ exist in the apostolic church and original meaning of the word ‘helper’ ing is incongruous with the context. ing church member! She was not a mere
was Phoebe a deacon? (prostatis, which is used only here in After all, are we to believe that Phoebe entertainer of strangers. She was so ‘in
• If the office did exist, did the female the New Testament) is one ‘who looks was the leader of many including the a marked manner’. But does this mean
deacons belong to the same leader- after the legal protection of strangers great apostle Paul who stated that He that she was an ordained deacon?
ship group as the males? and freedmen’. Kenneth Vine has fur- did not consider himself “at all inferior While Paul affirmed that Phoebe
ther defined the meaning of the word: to the most eminent apostles?” (2 Corin- was a prostatis for him and others, Ellen
• If the office did exist, did the women
“Prostatis [‘helper’] was the title thians 11:5) White interprets this by saying that
deacons serve in positions of pasto-
of a citizen in Athens, who had the Phoebe was an entertainer of the apostle
ral leadership such as apostles and
responsibility of seeing to the welfare Ellen White and Phoebe and of strangers. It is clear that Ellen
of resident aliens who were without Cenchrea was the eastern port of White interpreted the word prostatis as
civic rights. Among the Jews it signified Corinth which was a metropolitan and ‘one who entertains.’ But what did Ellen
Who was Phoebe? a wealthy patron of the community.” White mean by the words ‘entertained’
Let’s answer our first question. The cosmopolitan center through which
Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical people from every corner of the empire and ‘entertainer’? The 1828 edition of
apostle Paul highly commended the
Words, ‘prostatis’ 1985, Thomas Nelson passed. The constant flux of people Webster’s Dictionary defines the word
ministry of Phoebe and recommended
Publishers. through the region would have made it ‘entertain’ in the following manner:
her without reservation to the congre-
Other Lexicons provide similar defi- necessary for the church to lodge and “To receive into the house and treat

14 15
with hospitality, either at the table only, ence to help the transients who passed similar to those devolving upon deacons. vant’ or ‘minister’. But does this mean
or with lodging also.” through. Their ministry is one of mercy to the that every member of the church has
Webster’s Dictionary goes on to give But the question that begs to be poor, the sick, and the desolate. This is been called to the church office of dea-
a Biblical example of the meaning of answered is this: Was Phoebe ordained an area in which women likewise exer- con? Further, can a gigantic leap of
the word by referring to the experience to the church office or is the word simply cise their functions and graces. But there logic be taken that because Phoebe was
of Abraham who unbeknownst, enter- used in a more general sense to describe is no more warrant to posit an office than a diakonon she was entitled to serve in
tained angels: her as someone who had the spiritual in the case of the widows who, prior to the office of an apostle, pastor or elder/
“Be not forgetful to entertain strang- gift of hospitality or service? their becoming the charge of the church, overseer?
ers; for thereby some have entertained It is difficult to answer this question must have borne the features mentioned
angels unawares.” with absolute certainty from the text in I Timothy 5:9, 10.” A Clear Distinction
It is well known that Abraham enter- itself. Bible commentators and transla- We must now say a few more things
tained angels by offering them water, a tions are divided on the issue. While Every Believer about Ellen White’s previously quoted
place to rest and food (Hebrews 13:2; some scholars and Bible versions indi- a Diakonon 1895 statement. While I believe that
Genesis 18:3-5). cate that Phoebe was a deacon or dea- It must also be noted that Jesus admon- the job description that Ellen White
coness in the sense of a church office, ished each and every one of His follow- provided strongly suggests that she was
Diakonon in the others believe that the word is used in a ers to be a diakonos in the broad sense describing the office of ‘deaconess’, it
New Testament general sense to describe one who served of rendering a service or ministering to must be admitted that she did not use
The various Bible versions do not agree the needs of the transients who passed others. But this does not mean that all of the specific word. A search on the Ellen
on the meaning of the masculine noun through the region. I believe that Joseph those who minister have been called to G. White CD Rom indicates that she
diakonon. While most render the word Fitzmeyer is correct when he remarked the church office of deacon. Let’s notice used the actual word ‘deaconess’ only
‘servant’, others translate ‘minister’, concerning Romans 16:1, 2: several texts where Jesus used the word once.
‘deacon’, ‘deaconess’, ‘leader’, or ‘helper’. “There is no way of being sure that diakonos in the general sense of service: We will take a look at this lone state-
This broad range of translations should there existed an ‘order’ of deaconesses Jesus counseled His disciples: “But he ment in a few moments but before we
lead us to be cautious about making in the church at this period.” (Joseph A. who is greatest among you shall be your do, we must answer our second ques-
hasty and definitive statements about Fitzmeyer, “The Letter to the Romans,” servant [diakonos]” (Matthew 23:11). In tion: If the office of deaconess existed in
Phoebe’s status in the church of Cen- The Jerome Bible Commentary, 53:136) another place, Jesus admonished His the apostolic church, did the deaconess-
chrea. John Murray is even more pointed: disciples: “If anyone desires to be first, es belong to the same leadership group
Clearly, the combination of the word “Though the word for ‘servant’ is the he shall be last of all and servant [diako- as the males? Did Ellen White believe
prostatis [‘entertainer’] with diakonon same as is used for deacon in the instanc- nos] of all” (Mark 9:35). To Andrew and that male deacons and female deacon-
[‘servant’] in Romans 16:2 is descrip- es cited [Phil. 1:1; I Tim. 3:8-13], yet the Philip Jesus said: “If anyone serves [dia- esses were in the identical leadership
tive of one who serves or ministers to word is also used to denote the person konee] Me, let him follow Me; and where group or did she believe that they were
the needs of others through the spiri- performing any type of ministry. If Phoe- I am, there My servant [diakonos] will two distinct offices?
tual gift of hospitality. The apostle Paul be ministered to the saints, as is evident be also. If anyone serves [diakonee] Me, Vincent White has conclusively
leaves no doubt that Phoebe carried out from verse 2, then she would be a servant him My Father will honor” (John 12:26). shown in his doctoral dissertation, that
this important ministry or service in the of the church and there is neither need It is clear that in each of these verses the office of ‘deacon’ and ‘deaconesses’
church of Cenchrea. No doubt, as Ken- nor warrant to suppose that she occupied the word diakonos could have been are complimentary, but different. Each
neth Vine indicates, she must have been or exercised what amounted to an eccle- translated with the word ‘minister’ just office is unique and distinctive. For this
a woman of considerable means who siastical office comparable to that of the as well as ‘servant’. As stated before, reason, the church elects a head deacon-
used her financial resources and influ- deaconate. The services performed were every follower of Jesus should be a ‘ser- ess and a head deacon. I have yet to see

16 17
a deacon who is a deaconesses or a dea- practice in the Apostolic Constitutions is not your appointed work.” Ellen G. of the church, which could not with pro-
coness who is a deacon! And yet some simply did not exist in New Testament White, Manuscript Releases, volume 21, priety be performed by men. They were
egalitarians have argued that Phoebe times so Paul, being an expert in Greek, pp. 97, 98 chosen in general out of the most experi-
was a deacon right along with the males! could not have used it. The female noun This statement leaves no doubt that enced of the church; and were ordinarily
The distinction between male dea- diaconissa, from which we derive our deaconesses have distinctive duties widows, who had borne children. Some
cons and female deaconesses is made word ‘deaconess,’ did not exist until toward the female constituency of the ancient constitutions required them to
clear in the Apostolic Constitutions (ca. long after the times of Paul so he could church, duties that cannot be carried be forty, others fifty, and others sixty
380 AD) where female deacons (‘dea- not have used it either. Further, Phoebe out by males. This clearly indicates that years of age. It is evident that they were
conesses’) are described with the mas- could not have been in the same group the offices of male deacon and female ordained to their office, by the imposition
culine noun diakonos preceded by the with the male deacons because the job deaconess, though related, are not the of the hands of the bishop; and the form
feminine definite article. On the other description of deacons in 1 Timothy same office. It is to be noted that Ellen of prayer used on the occasion is extant
hand male deacons, in conformity with 3:12 requires them to be husbands of White also drew a clear distinction in the Apostolical Constitution” Adam
Greek grammar, are described with the one wife. This, in itself, would disquali- between the office of an ordained elder Clarke’s Electronic Database Commen-
masculine definite article. fy Phoebe from being in the same group and the office of a female deaconess. tary, Romans 16:1.
But didn’t the apostle Paul describe with the male deacons. Ellen White’s counsel squares per-
Phoebe with the male noun diakonon? fectly with the prescription in the Apos- Are Bible
Wouldn’t this place her in the same Ellen White’s tolic Constitution which stipulates that Translations Biased?
group with the male deacons? Yes to the Lone Statement “deaconesses were to be ordained for the Let’s move on now to our third ques-
first question and no to the second. Now let’s examine the lone reference ministrations toward women. She was tion: If the office of deaconess existed
It is important to remember that the where Ellen White used the word referred to as the assistant to the dea- in the apostolic church, did the women
masculine noun diakonon as it applies ‘deaconess’. Ellen White was writing a con, and was to be present at all inter- serve in positions of pastoral leadership
to Phoebe does not have any definite rebuke to Elder A. T. Jones who had tak- views between women and the priest, such as apostle and elder/overseer? This
article, masculine or feminine. Though en it upon himself to counsel women in bishop or deacon.” (Maurice Riley, is an important question because some
grammatically the noun is masculine, it the church who came to him with their The Deaconess: Walking in the New- egalitarians have argued that the word
must be interpreted as feminine because personal problems: ness of Life. Second Edition (Newark, diakonon should be translated ‘minis-
Phoebe was a woman. The question is: “You are not to set such an example NJ: Christian Associates Publications, ter’, meaning that Phoebe was a female
Why did Paul use a masculine noun that women will feel at liberty to tell you 1993). minister in the same category as the
to describe a female? Was it because the grievances of their home life, and to The noted Bible commentator, Adam apostle Paul.
she belonged to the same group as the draw upon your sympathies. When a Clarke, described the distinction The former Dean of the Andrews
male deacons? The answer is no. Paul woman comes to you with her troubles, between the roles of male deacons and University Theological Seminary has
was simply following the rules of Greek tell her plainly to go to her sisters, to tell female deaconesses in the post-apostolic argued that various translations of
grammar! Although the female definite her troubles to the deaconesses of the church in similar terms: “There were dea- Romans 16:1, 2 have been biased in
article was used with the masculine church. Tell her that she is out of place conesses in the primitive church, whose favor of men and against women in
noun much later in the Apostolic Con- in opening her troubles to any man, for business it was to attend the female con- ministry: “The KJV, NKJV, NASB and
stitutions, there is not a single instance men are easily beguiled and tempted. verts at baptism; to instruct the catechu- ESV consistently translate diakonos
in the New Testament where the mas- Tell the one who has thrown her case mens, or persons who were candidates for as ‘minister’ when the word is used in
culine noun diakonos was used with upon you that God has not placed this baptism: to visit the sick, and those who connection to a male person, but not so
the feminine definite article. It appears burden upon any man. You are not wise were in prison; and, in short, perform when it comes to Phoebe. I think this
that this incongruous grammatical to take these burdens upon yourself. It those religious offices, for the female part shows a strange bias against women in

18 19
ministry. Since through the centuries ‘servant’ for Phoebe, for Paul and for oth- Phoebe was a female deacon commonly apart by ordination to serve in pastoral
the King James Version has had such an ers who ministered in the church. There take the extra-biblical, post-apostolic leadership positions such as elders/over-
important impact on our understand- is no bias in these translations. Does the evidence and argue it back into Romans seers. It doesn’t even necessarily mean
ing of the doctrine of the church, could fact that the word diakonos is used for 16:1, 2. This can be a risky and tenuous that they were set apart in the apostolic
it be that our modern attitudes toward Phoebe, Paul and others mean that they procedure. The same method is used church to the office of ‘deacon’. There is a
women in ministry have been shaped by were all on the same level of leadership in by Protestant and Roman Catholic vast difference between women who are
biased translators?” the church? Was Phoebe an apostle? Was scholars who attempt to prove that the involved in ministry and women ‘minis-
I do agree with the Dean that it would Paul a deacon? No to these questions! expression ‘Lord’s Day’ in Revelation ters’, as we use the word in the parlance
have been more consistent for the KJV, The common word simply means that 1:10 is a reference to Sunday. They argue of today! All pastors, elders and deacons
NKJV, NASB and ESV to translate the they both ministered to the needs of the that because the early church fathers should minister but not all who minister
word diakonon as ‘minister’ or ‘servant’ saints within the realm of their specific taught that the expression ‘Lord’s Day’ are pastors, elders or deacons.
in all cases where it appears. But the calling. Phoebe ministered as a patron- meant Sunday, therefore it means the Those who support the ordination of
Dean’s statement that the variance in ess to the needy, and Paul ministered as a same thing in Revelation 1:10. It must women to pastoral leadership have done
translation ‘shows a strange bias against preacher of the gospel. be borne in mind that the latter mean- a masterful job spreading the idea that
women in ministry’ is an unsubstantiat- ing of a word or expression does not if one does not believe in women’s ordi-
ed personal assumption. I rather doubt Broad and always convey its earlier meaning. nation to pastoral leadership then one
that our present attitudes toward wom- Narrow Meaning As I have pointed out in my book, does not believe in women in ministry.
en in ministry have been influenced by It cannot be overemphasized that in Reflections on Women’s Ordination, But this is an argument that is devoid of
a woman whose name is tucked away in the New Testament the word ‘minister’ there is a place for ministering women in substance, a phantom argument if you
the epilogue of Romans. When I recent- (diakonos) has a broad meaning (Mat- the church! One would have to be blind please. I do not know a single comple-
ly told several of my members that I was thew 23:11; Mark 9:35; John 12:26) and not to see that women were strongly mentarian who is opposed to women
writing a newsletter article on Phoebe, a narrow one (1Timothy 3:8-13; Philip- involved in ministry in New Testament ministering or serving in various capac-
most of them asked: “Who is she?” pians 1:1). In the narrow sense, the word times. And, as has been well document- ities in the church.
Further, there is no persuasive evi- describes the church office of ‘deacon’ ed by egalitarians, many women have
dence that the King James Version which was instituted when the seven been involved in ministry in the history Illogical Assumptions
influenced the NASB and ESV trans- deacons were set apart by the laying of the Seventh-day Adventist Church as Now let’s attempt to answer our last
lators. The publishers of the ESV have on of hands (Acts 6).1 But in a broader well. But women’s involvement in min- question: If the office of deaconesses
stated: “Each word and phrase in the sense, as we have already seen, the word istry does not mean that they were set did exist in the apostolic church, did
ESV has been carefully weighed against describes one who ministers or serves,
the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and a quality that should characterize all
Greek, to ensure the fullest accuracy and the members of the body of Christ, be 1 Some Adventist egalitarians have questioned whether the seven who were set apart in Acts 6 were actu-
clarity and to avoid under-translating or ally deacons. Ellen White leaves no room for doubt. Regarding the election of the seven she states: “This
they male or female, ordained or not advice was followed, and by prayer and the laying on of hands, seven chosen men were solemnly set apart
overlooking any nuance of the original ordained, be they Phoebe or Paul. for their duties as deacons.” AA 89 Ellen White also explicitly mentions that Philip was one of the seven
text.” Similar statements could be quot- There is no unquestionable evidence deacons and Stephen was ‘the foremost of the seven deacons’ (AA 106, 97). The Spirit of Prophecy makes
ed from the publishers of the NASB. a distinction between ministers, elders, deacons and regular church members such as in the following
in the text of Romans 16:1, 2 that Phoe- quotation: “The responsibility of representing Christ to the world does not rest alone upon those who are
And why does the Dean mention only be was a deaconess in the narrow sense ordained as ministers of the gospel. Each member of the church should be a living epistle, known and read of
the NASB and ESV? Other reputable of a church office or a ‘minister’ in the all men. A working church will be a living church. Those who are elected as elders and deacons should ever
modern versions such as the NIV con- be on the alert that plans may be made and executed which will give every member of the church a share in
sense that we use the word today. It is active work for the salvation of souls. This is the only way in which the church can be preserved in a healthy,
sistently translate the word diakonos as to be noted that those who believe that thriving condition.” RH, March 24, 1891

20 21
Does this make sense to you??
Me neither. to help the male apostles in the adminis- 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5; James 5:14;
trative matters of the church. If deacon- Hebrews 13:7; 1 Peter 5:1-4). Although
esses did exist, the Apostolic Constitu- there is post-apostolic evidence that dea-
tions clearly indicate that their function conesses were later nominated to aid the
was to serve the female constituency deacons in the work for the female con-
of the church under the leadership of stituency of the church, there is no clear
the male deacons, and they were to be New Testament evidence that they were
ordained by the male bishop. ordained to the office of deaconess. Fur-
It is important to underline that thermore, the post-apostolic evidence
when the Jerusalem Council met to clearly indicates that the female deacon-
the deaconesses serve in positions of • Conclusion: Therefore Phoebe was make decisions which affected the esses were ordained by the bishop/over-
pastoral leadership such as apostles and ordained and served in the office of entire church, it was the apostles and seer and were under the authority of the
elders/overseers? We have hinted at the elder/overseer the elders who represented the church male deacons.
answer to this question in the previous (Acts 15:2, 4, 6, 22, 23). There is no men- If Phoebe was a deaconess, her role
section but let’s pursue it further. Clearly the major and minor prem- tion of ‘deacons’ or ‘deaconesses’ among was to help the apostles, elders and dea-
Let’s suppose, for the sake of argu- ises in this syllogism are true, but the the leadership. Further, as I have shown cons who were the leaders of the church.
ment, that Phoebe was an ordained dea- conclusion does not logically follow. elsewhere, Ellen White makes it crystal The text in Romans clearly states that
coness in the sense of a church office. The only logical conclusion would be clear that all the leaders at the Jerusalem Phoebe was Paul’s helper; not he hers.
Would it really have any relevance that Phoebe could serve as a deaconess. Council were men. So it is illegitimate to use the name of
in the discussion on whether women On the basis of my research, I believe Phoebe to argue that there were women
should be ordained to pastoral leader- that there might be a sliver of evidence Summary & Conclusions in positions of pastoral leadership in the
ship? Not at all! The role of Phoebe in in Scripture (possibly the disputed The reason for the election of deacons apostolic church. Deaconesses, perhaps!
the church of Cenchrea is immaterial text of 1 Timothy 3:112 and Phoebe in is clearly explained in Acts chapter 6. Pastors and elders/overseers, none!
to the discussion of the ordination of Romans 16:1, 2) that there were dea- The text tells us that seven males were
women to positions of pastoral leader- conesses in the apostolic church. There selected from a pool of males to be a
ship. In the New Testament Church, the is also evidence in early post-apostolic support group for the 12 male apostles
offices of deacon and overseer/elder are church history to indicate that women who were the leaders or officers of the
clearly distinct from one another. Being served in such an office. Furthermore, church at that time (Acts 11:30; 14:23;
a deaconess and assistant to the deacons it has been well documented that Ellen 15:2, 4, 6; 15:22, 23; 16:24; 20:17; 21:18).
in the church is one function and being White acknowledged the office of dea- Later on, the church organization was
an apostle or an elder/overseer is quite conesses and that women were ordained further perfected and male elders were
another. to this office in Adventist history (for selected and ordained as leaders of local
Look at the following syllogism and documentation see Arthur N. Patrick, churches and regions (1 Timothy 5:17;
“The Ordination of Deaconesses,” The Pastor Stephen Bohr
ask yourself if it makes logical sense:
Adventist Review, January 16, 1986)
• Major Premise: In the New Testa- But, as we have shown above, female 2 Here is one example: “They were most likely either the wives of the deacons or a group of female deacons
ment women were ordained to the deaconesses were distinct from male (cf. Phoebe, Rom 16:1). A case can be made for either of these two options, with a slim advantage falling to the
office of deaconess deacons. According to Acts 6, seven first. But being dogmatic about either view is unwarranted by the exegetical data” (from Bible Knowledge
Commentary/Old Testament Copyright © 1983, 2000 Cook Communications Ministries; Bible Knowl-
• Minor Premise: Phoebe was a woman male deacons were elected and ordained edge Commentary/New Testament Copyright © 1983, 2000 Cook Communications Ministries. All rights

22 23
the axons that not only protects and main- plex brain functions possible at the speed
tains these long yet extremely thin cellular of thought. Without the myelin sheaths
“electrical wires,” but they also become a covering every axon, normal brain func-
powerful electrical accelerator that gives a tion would not be possible.
tremendous boost to the electrical impulse There are a number of devastating
traveling down this wire. demyelinating diseases where the myelin
From each oligodendrocyte there are is destroyed and the affected areas become
lots of little protrusions reaching out in basically non-functional such as in mul-
all directions and making contact with tiple sclerosis. Myelin is necessary for the
the axons that are passing through its electric circuits of the mind to rapidly send
location. Wherever one of these contacts their electric messages. And it is the cell
an axon it flattens out and wraps around bodies of the oligodendrocytes that sup-
the axon. It spirals around and around the port all of their attached myelin segments
axon making a flat multi-layered sheath keeping them functioning properly. The
of myelin. Myelin is about 80% lipids and areas of the brain that are mainly com-
20% protein. Each oligodendrocyte will posed of axon cables connecting one part of
reach out and build about 50 of these little the brain to another appear white because
myelin sheaths protecting and insulating of the myelin and are referred to as white
the axons passing near it. Together with matter, while the grey matter is composed
by Milton Teske, MD all of the other oligodendrocytes in the mainly of neuron cell bodies rather than
brain they will insulate all of the axons myelinated axons. Oligodendrocytes are
Your brain has about 100 billion neurons But the brain isn’t all neurons. About of the brain with thousands of little seg- also responsible to control and regulate
in it. Some have described the brain as a half of the cells in the brain are various ments of myelin insulating each axon. the electrolyte fluid surrounding neurons
giant computer, but the more we under- support cells whose function is to protect But the most important function of keeping it just right.
stand about the function and structure and nourish and help the neurons so they these myelin sheaths is to speed up the
electrical impulses traveling through
of neurons the more we are beginning to can carry on their complex and vital elec-
the axons. Electrical impulses normally
Creating Oligodendrocytes
realize that each neuron is actually like an trical activities. We won’t begin to describe Oligodendrocytes develop from oligo-
entire computer and the brain like a net- all of the various types of support cells and travel across the surface of the neurons as
dendrocyte precursor cells or OPCs.
work of 100 billion computers all wired their functions here today but will focus sodium ions rush in through little sodium
These OPCs can be turned on and trans-
together. The cables connecting this net- our attention on just one type of support channels in the cell membrane then potas-
formed into oligodendrocytes that then
work are called axons and points of con- cell called an oligodendrocyte. sium ions rush out restoring the electri-
send out their connecting arms and wrap
nection are called synapses. There are over cal potential. This is an extremely rapid
their myelin sheaths around the axons.
100 trillion of these synapses. The com- process with cells repeatedly firing every
bined function of this computer network
The Oligodendrocyte millisecond if needed. But in order to
Embryological the oligodendrocytes are
The oligodendrocytes are located through- the last type of cells to be formed in the
is where you create every thought you send electrical impulses even more rapidly
out the entire brain and spinal cord. Their newly developing brain.
think and store every memory you have. across longer distances within the brain,
job is to protect and care for the trillions When a baby is born there are only a
Every emotion you experience, every sight myelinated axons are used. The myelin
of connecting cables called axons that con- few regions of the brain that are myelin-
you see, every fragrance you smell is expe- acts as an electrical conductor with the
nect all of the neurons. Without these vital ated and have oligodendrocytes. As the
rienced here. This network controls the electric impulse jumping from one seg-
support cells doing their job of maintain- baby grows and the mind develops, more
movement of your muscles; it controls the ment of myelin to the next at nearly the
ing and speeding up the electrical impuls- OPCs are switched on and turn into oli-
beating of your heart and every breath you speed of light. Thus the electrical messages
es it would be impossible for the brain to godendrocytes, thus myelinating more
take. Here it is that the soul communes fly from one part of the brain to the other
function. They accomplish their job by areas of the brain. By age 25 – 30 the
with the God who created it. at nearly instantaneous rates making com-
providing a special insulating wrap around brain is fully myelinated.
24 25
Myelination is an tions. As it becomes many beneficial effects, rejuvenating and riencing sunlight, this bright level of light
important part of more advanced, it is restoring our brain energy for the next will stimulate the formation of melatonin
intelligence. Neu- often referred to as day. But now we know that there are also in the pineal gland that will be saved up
roscientists have dementia. slow, but powerful, transforming effects and all released at night to help put your
found a direct cor- of deep sleep as well. It is sleep that turns brain into a good, sound, sleep pattern.
relation — people Remyelination the switch allowing OPCs to turn into If you must spend the day indoors or
with more white The good news is that oligodendrocytes that are so necessary to if through the natural processes of aging
matter have higher God designed the body with the restoring or maintaining our myelinated you have a decreased production of mela-
IQs. Researchers have ability to heal and be restored. While axons at their peak function. tonin, you can supplement by taking 3mg
found that rats raised in an it does not appear that the damaged So, whether you are recovering from of melatonin at bedtime on a daily basis
enriched environment with lots mature oligodendrocytes can grow new acute or chronic demyelinating disease or to help restore more youthful sleep cycles.
of different stimuli and experi- myelin segments even if they do survive just wanting to maintain a good healthy
ences will develop more white matter. white matter you now know the secret
the initial injury, OPCs can proliferate
— deep, sound sleep. Sleep is the key to
The Essential Oligodendrocyte
and be switched on and be transformed While we often speak in awe about the
making new oligodendrocytes which
Demyelinating into new oligodendrocytes that can grow
will keep your axons well myelinated and
neurons of the brain, they would be a
(de-my-eli-nating) Diseases new arms and new myelin segments and useless tangle of cytoplasm without the
thus remyelinate the axons. This results in running at peak speed.
The demyelinating diseases can be divid- constant supporting efforts of the oli-
ed into two categories. The first category increased conduction speed and a return godendrocytes. Speed of thought and
is those diseases where some specific to normal function. This spontaneous Getting A Good Night's Sleep action is made possible only by this
agent (like a specific antibody) targets remyelination has been well documented. What is the biggest disrupter of deep amazing, specialized cell whose action
the oligodendrocytes such as in the case Of course we must correct the under- sleep in the world today? Caffeine — cof- is just to support the neurons in their
of multiple sclerosis. As the cells are lying disease process that is causing the fee, tea and sodas. And not just too much jobs. So in the church today some may
destruction of the oligodendrocytes. For — even one cup of coffee in the morning
destroyed and the myelin disappears, the be oligodendrocytes. They may not
conduction speed is lost and serious dis- many demyelinating diseases, lifestyle will prevent the neurons in your brain make the leading decisions or perform
ability is the result. changes have been shown to be very effec- from going into the deep sleep waveforms
the heroic action, but both brain and
The second category is found in those tive. Coming back to God’s simple, whole the next night.
plant food diet with exercise and the muscle would be useless without their
conditions where some generalized dis- “Coffee is a hurtful indulgence. It tem-
elimination of all toxic and inflamma- porarily excites the mind to unwonted
constant supporting efforts.
ease process results in loss of white mat- But regardless of which part of
ter. The most common is ischemia, the tory substances can stop the underlying action, but the after-effect is exhaustion,
cellular destruction. Then spontaneous prostration, and paralysis of the mental, Christ’s church you are called to be,
decreased flow of blood, oxygen and you will need all your oligodendrocytes
nutrients due to atherosclerotic narrow- remyelination can occur. moral, and physical powers. The mind
becomes enervated, and unless through fully myelinating the pathways of your
ing and dysfunction of the blood vessels. brain if you are to
This gradually decreased blood supply How Do You Switch On An OPC? determined effort the habit is overcome,
the activity of the brain is permanently faithfully do your
results in a gradual diffuse decrease in the Recent studies just published in the Jour-
lessened. … The habit of drinking tea and part in God’s
amount of myelination seen in the brain nal of Neuroscience by researchers from
coffee is a greater evil than is often sus- final work on this
and is referred to as white matter disease. the University of Wisconsin appear to
This is frequently seen on CT scans of the have discovered the secret of how to pected.” Christian Temperance and Bible earth.
brain in middle age and older brains. switch on OPCs transforming them into Hygiene, pp. 34-35
We often think of this white matter dis- oligodendrocytes that can remyelinate Melatonin is a hormone made in the
ease as just a natural part of aging, but it is the axons. Sleep is the answer. During pineal gland in the very center of the
really the result of common lifestyle related deep sleep, the genes responsible for this brain. One of its many functions is to help
disease processes. The result is a gradual transformation are turned on. put the neurons into their sleep cycle.
During the day if you are outdoors expe- Milton Teske, MD
dulling and slowing of the mental func- We have always known that sleep has
26 27
God’s name used in curse gosh (gä sh)
words. God feels so strongly a euphemism for “God” used to
about this that the third com- express surprise or give emphasis
mandment says, “Thou shalt
not take the name of the LORD jeez (jēz)
thy God in vain; for the LORD
an abbreviation of “Jesus” used
will not hold him guiltless that
show surprise or annoyance
taketh his name in vain.”2
While most Christians won’t
use God’s name as a swear
word, many take His name in
vain euphemistically—without “Have Mercy”
even realizing it. Check this out. The words “Lord, have mercy” are
In the early 1600’s, a religious reform found in Scripture in two places. First
movement called Puritanism was gain- in Psalm 123:3 as the Psalmist’s heart-
ing ground in England. Because of this, felt cry to God, and second in Matthew
in 1606 the English government passed 17:15 when a desperate father pled with
a law against using the name of God or Jesus to heal his demon-possessed son.
Jesus ‘jokingly or profanely’ in plays.3 Blind Bartimaeus also called at the top
To avoid hefty fines, writers like Shake- of his lungs, “Jesus, thou Son of David,
speare began using “minced oaths” have mercy on me!”
(euphemisms for curse words) in place Before a preacher brought to my
of God’s name. The use of minced oaths attention the power of these words in
became so popular, that when a general Scripture, at times I flippantly used
It may be hard to find we use, and say only what is in line with ban on swearing was enacted in Eng- them in conversation with friends and
a Christian who really believes there is the purity of the gospel. land, people were already taking God’s fellow pastors. We had simply failed to
nothing wrong with swear words. But The book of Isaiah contains an inter- name in vain through euphemisms. recognize that this is one of the most
what about slang? Here in part two, esting verse: “Woe unto them that call Many “minced oaths” are still with heartfelt prayers in God’s word, and
we’ll focus our attention on slang and evil good, and good evil; that put dark- us today. For example, “Gee” or “Jeez” should not be exclaimed unless used as
minced oaths, while seeking to discern ness for light, and light for darkness.”1 I was first used in 1598, and “My Gosh”4 just that — a genuine prayer.
God’s will for us. believe this passage applies in a second- in 1757! Another one popularized by After all, God’s name is synonymous
ary sense to slang words. Think about it. Shakespeare was “gadzooks.” It takes with His character. After giving Moses
Slang Back in the 80’s, if something was great it the place of the blasphemous statement, His law, God actually, physically came
Slang is a normal part of every language, was called “bad.” Then in the 90’s it pro- “God’s hooks,” referring to the nails in down in a cloud (to veil His brightness
and there’s nothing wrong with much of gressed to “wicked,” until finally in the Jesus hands on the cross. Words like for Moses’ protection) and proclaimed
it. For example, we call potatoes “spuds” 2000’s words like “sick” and “nasty” were “heck” and “darn” fall under this catego- His name! He said, “The LORD, The
or ask someone “What’s up?” However, being used to describe good things! ry as well. To illustrate how tolerant we’ve LORD God, merciful and gracious, long-
many don’t realize that some common become to bad language, history clues us suffering, and abundant in goodness and
slang words carry sexual or other vulgar Taking God’s Name in in. In 1941, a U.S. federal judge actually truth, keeping mercy for thousands…”6
threatened a lawyer with contempt of Mercy is clearly identified with God’s
connotations. As Christians we need to Vain and Minced Oaths court for using the word “darn”5! holy name.
think about the meaning of the words Believe it or not, some people only hear
28 29
Visit our website for additional
items on sale in English & Spanish.
euphemism ('yo͞ofə,mizəm) Sale ends June 31.

an indirect word or expression

substituted for one considered to be
too blunt when referring to something
unpleasant or embarrassing

A Coal from the Altar aged! The story didn’t stop there for Isa-
God’s desire for us is simple: “Let your iah, and it doesn’t have to stop here for
speech always be with grace…”7 His you. “Then one of the seraphim flew to
word also says, “He who loves purity of me, having in his hand a burning coal
heart and has grace on his lips, the king that he had taken with tongs from the The Time Is At Hand DVD Set The Wise Shall Understand DVD
will be his friend.”8 This is true for the altar. And he touched my mouth and Set with Study Notes
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King of kings as well! When Isaiah saw said: Behold, this has touched your lips; 2QTR14SPCL2. . . . . . $73.99 $59.99
a vision of the King of kings, so over- your guilt is taken away, and your sin
whelmed with His glory, he exclaimed, atoned for.”10
“Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man Praise God that He is just as willing
of unclean lips … for my eyes have seen to remove impure slang and swearing
the King, the Lord of hosts!”9 from our speech as He was to purge
Maybe you feel like Isaiah. Maybe Isaiah’s lips. All He is waiting for is our
you recognize that your speech is below permission. Will you let Him cleanse
His high ideal for you. If so, be encour- your lips today?

1 Isaiah 5:20 KJV

2 Exodus 20:7 KJV
3 Exploring the Prophetic by Taj Pacleb The Greatest of All the Prophets
authority.20110810104316930 TTIAHDVDSET-9 . . . $119.00 $99.00 BKTGOATP . . . . . . . . $17.99 $14.99
5 Ashely Montagu, The Anatomy of Swearing (2001), p. 298.
6 Exodus 34:6 NKJV
7 Colossians 4:6 NKJV
8 Proverbs 22:11 KJV
9 Isaiah 6:5 ESV
10 Isaiah 6:6-7 ESV

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2. What was transpiring as Jesus told the parable, which made it even
more vivid? __________________________________________
_________________________________________________ (COL 405)

3. How do the marriage customs of the day help us comprehend the

meaning of this parable? “The bridegroom goes forth to meet his bride
and bring her to his __________. By torchlight the bridal party proceed from
________ father’s house to his own, where a ___________ is provided for the
invited _______________.” (COL 405)

4. To which period of history does the parable of the ten virgins partic-
ularly apply? “He [Jesus] told His disciples the story of the ten virgins,
by their experience __________________ the experience of the church that
shall live ____________ before His second coming.” (COL 406)
Note: The immediately preceding context of Matthew 25:1-13 indicates that Ellen
White’s time frame is correct. In Matthew 24:36-51 Jesus had been teaching the
disciples about His second coming.

The Symbols of the Parable

1. What is represented by the lamps in the parable? “By the lamp is
represented the ____________ of God.” (COL 406; Psalm 119:105)

2. What is symbolized by the oil? “The oil is a symbol of the Holy

_____________.” (COL 407; Zechariah 4:1-14)

Lesson 16 Matthew 25:1-13

The Great Controversy, pp. 613-634
Christ's Object Lessons (COL), pp. 405-421
3. Why are the ten young women called “virgins”? “They are called
virgins because they profess a __________ faith.” (COL 406; II
Corinthians 11:2)
In our last lesson we studied how the parable of the ten virgins was exemplified in the
Millerite Movement of 1843-1844. In our lesson today we will analyze the broader
fulfillment of this parable with those who will live upon the earth immediately before
the second coming of Jesus.
4. What do the two classes of virgins represent? “The two classes of
watchers represent two _______________who _____________
to be waiting for their Lord.” (COL 406; Matthew 25:13)

The Setting and Timing of the Parable

5. How does the Holy Spirit accomplish His work on earth? “So from
the __________ ones that stand in God’s presence His Spirit is

1. Where was Jesus when he told the parable of the ten virgins? “Christ
and his disciples were seated upon the Mount of ________.” (COL 405)
__________________ to the human instrumentalities who are conse-

34 35
crated to His service.” (COL 408)
Note: Ellen White is here commenting on Zachariah 4. In the light of this chapter, 5. What texts of Scripture does Ellen White employ to prove the point
she made in question number four? ____________________
______________________. (COL 411)
it is clear that the Holy Spirit performs His work on earth through the ministration
of the angels. It is in this sense the Spirit is omnipresent.

6. What type of service to God do the five foolish virgins render? “Their

6. Whom does the bridegroom represent? “And he said unto them, service to God degenerates into a _____________.” (COL 411)
Can ye make the children of the ____________________ fast,
while the ____________________ is with them? But the days will come, The Shutting of the Door and the Delay
when the bridegroom shall be ____________ away from them, and then Why couldn’t the wise virgins give of their oil to the foolish virgins?
shall they fast in those days.” (Luke 5:34-35) “But character is not ___________________. No man can believe for
Note: The context makes it very clear that the bridegroom in this passage is Christ. another. No man can receive the Spirit for another. No man can impart to an-
He was present with the disciples of the Pharisees and He would be taken away from other the character which is the fruit of the Spirit’s working.” (COL 412)
them upon His ascension.

Wise and Foolish Virgins 2. What verse of Scripture does Ellen White employ to back up the as-
sertion in question number one? _________________ (COL 412)

1. In what way were all ten virgins similar? “In the parable, _______
ten virgins went out to meet the bridegroom. _______ had lamps and
vessels of oil. For a time there was no __________________ between them.
3. Was there a time in the past when it became impossible to “purchase”
the oil of the Holy Spirit? “My Spirit shall not ______________
strive with man, for that he is also flesh: Yet his days shall be an hundred and
… _______ have a knowledge of the Scriptures. All have heard the message twenty years.” (Genesis 6:3)
of Christ’s near approach, and confidently expect His appearing.” (COL 408)
Note: The one hundred and twenty years of probation was the time during which

2. Though all ten virgins had lamps (the Bible), in what sense were the the Holy Spirit could mold and transform the character. After this period the Holy
foolish virgins different? “They are _______________ of the Holy Spirit would not be available to the pre-flood race.
Spirit. __________________ the Spirit of God a knowledge of His word
is of no avail. The ______________ of truth, unaccompanied by the Holy
Spirit, cannot ________________ the soul or sanctify the heart.” (COL 408) 4. What happened when Noah finished the task of preaching? “And the
Lord __________ him [Noah] in.” (Genesis 7:16)
Note: The Holy Spirit was withdrawn and the door was shut. No longer could

3. How did the foolish virgins regard the truth? “They have a regard
for the truth, they have ________________the truth, they are
_________________ to those who believe the truth; but they have not
people respond to the wooing of the Holy Spirit’s voice. Yet it did not begin to rain
at the precise moment the door was shut. Seven days transpired before destruction
was unleashed. In the interim the faith of Noah and his family was severely tested.
______________themselves to the Holy Spirit’s working.” (COL 411)

4. How were the foolish virgins similar to the “stony ground” hearers
in the parable of the sower? “This class are represented also by the
5. What is represented by the closing of the door in the flood story and
in the parable of the ten virgins? “The great final _________ comes at
the close of human ________________, when it will be too late for the soul’s
stony-ground hearers. They _______________ the word with readiness, but need to be supplied.” (COL 412)
they fail of assimilating its __________________.” (COL 411)

36 37
6. What great event will reveal whether a person has been truly trans-
formed by the Word through the power of the Holy Spirit? “So now, a
sudden and unlooked-for _______________, something that brings the soul
lay? “The season of distress and _______________ before us will require a
faith that can endure weariness, _____________, and hunger–a faith that
will not_____________ though severely tested. The period of probation is
face to face with _____________, will show whether there is any real faith in granted to all to prepare for that time.” (GC 621)
the ___________________ of God.” (COL 412)
Note: There can be no doubt that Ellen White is referring to the universal death
decree in Revelation 13:15 as the “unlooked-for calamity, something that brings the 12. How will we be able to stand in the midst of the excruciating de-
lay? “Only those who have been _________________ students
of the Scriptures and who have received the __________ of the truth will be
soul face to face with death.”
shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world captive. … To all

7. What sobering remark does Ellen White make about the final plight the ______________ time will come. By the sifting of temptation the genu-
of the five foolish virgins? “All claim to be ________________. All ine Christian will be revealed.” (GC 625)
have a __________, a _____________, a lamp, and all profess to be doing
God’s ________________. … Five will be found surprised, dismayed, out- Lighting the Path to the
side the banquet hall.” (COL 412) Bridegroom’s House
8. How does Ellen White describe those who come to the time of trou-
ble without the necessary character preparation? “Those professed 1. What is represented by the virgins who light the way to the bride-
groom’s house? “So the ________________ of Christ are to shed light
into the _________________ of the world.” (COL 414)
Christians who come up to that last fearful conflict ___________________
will, in their despair, confess their __________ in words of burning anguish,
while the wicked exult over their distress.” (GC 620)
2. What is represented by the shining light of the lamps? “By
________________ in their hearts the principles of His word, the

9. Why won’t Jesus allow the “foolish virgins” to come into the wed- Holy Spirit develops in men the ____________________ of God. The light of
ding supper? “Its light would fall on ______________eyes, its His glory–His character–is to shine forth in His followers.” (COL 414)
melody upon ___________ ears. Its love and joy could awake no chord of
________________ in the world-benumbed heart. You are shut out from
heaven by your own ________________ for its companionship.” (COL 413) 3. When Moses asked God to show him His glory, how did God re-
spond? “And he said, I will make all my ________________ pass
before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and

10. What biblical indication do we have that those who hear the will be _________________ to whom I will be gracious, and will shew
words of doom “I know you not,” actually claimed to be Chris- ________________ on whom I will shew mercy.” (Exodus 33:18-19)
tians? “Many will say to me in that day, __________, Lord, have we not
prophesied in thy ___________? And in thy ___________ have cast out
devils? And in thy _____________ done many wonderful works? And then 4. What is represented by “midnight” in the parable? “The coming of the
bridegroom was at midnight–the _________________ hour. So the
coming of Christ will take place in the darkest hour of this _______________
will I profess unto them, I ____________ knew you: depart from me, ye that
work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:22-23) history. … The great ________________ will develop into darkness deep as
midnight, impenetrable as sackcloth of hair.” (COL 414)

11. As in the time of Noah, will God’s people experience a delay

in the coming of the bridegroom? How will they face this de-

38 39
5. What will this “midnight” darkness bring upon God’s people? “To
God’s people it will be a night of trial, a night of ________________,
a night of _________________ for the truth’s sake. But out of that night of
_________ earthward to men. If all were willing to receive, all would become
filled with His Spirit.” (COL 419)

darkness God’s light will shine.” (COL 414-415)

13. How will we reveal that the Spirit is truly present in our lives?
“The _______________ of the Spirit will be shown by the

6. In what sense will the world be in its greatest darkness before Jesus
comes? “It is the darkness of __________________ of God that is en-
________________ of heavenly love.” (COL 419)

shrouding the world. Men are losing their knowledge of His ______________.
It has been misunderstood and _________________." (COL 415) 14. What will characterize the true religion of Christ? “The reli-
gion of Christ means more than the ________________ of sin;
it means ______________ away our sins, and filling the vacuum with the

7. What is the last message which will be imparted to the world by

God’s people? “The last rays of merciful light, the last measure of
______________ to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of
___________ of the Holy Spirit. … It means a heart emptied of ________,
and blessed with the abiding presence of Christ.” (COL 420)

___________.” (COL 415)

15. What must God’s people not strive to do? “Christ does not bid
His followers _________ to shine. He says, ________ your light

8. What symbol did Jesus employ to illustrate His mission and that of
His followers? “I am the __________ of the world. . . . Ye are the
___________ of the world.” (John 9:5; Matthew 5:16, 16)
shine. If you have received he grace of God, the light is in you. Remove the
________________, and the Lord’s glory will be revealed.” (COL 420)

Candidates for Heaven

9. In practical terms, what does it mean to be the light of the world? “Prac-
tical work will have far more effect than mere ___________________.
We are to give __________ to the hungry, ________________ to the naked, 1. What will happen when we reflect God’s glorious character? “And in
currents of praise and thanksgiving from the many __________ thus
and _______________ to the homeless.” (COL 417) won to God, glory will flow ___________ to the great Giver.” (COL 420)
Note: The moon not only reflects the glory of the sun to earth but in the process,

10. How many people must be reached with the light of God’s glo-
ry? “From no ________, rank, or _________ of people is the
light shining from heaven’s throne to be excluded.” (COL 418)
it glorifies the sun from which it received its light. The same is true of us. When the
character of Jesus shines upon us, we reflect His glory and bring honor and glory to
His name (see Matthew 5:16).

11. How can we become light bearers for God? “But no man can
____________ that which he himself has not ______________.
In the work of God, humanity can _______________ nothing. No man can
2. What will happen when we are in constant communion with God’s
glory? “They are prepared for ___________; for they have heaven in
their ______________.” (COL 421)
by his own ___________ make himself a light bearer for God.” (COL 418)

12. What is heaven’s most precious gift and why do we not receive
it? “In the great and measureless gift of the Holy Spirit are con-
3. What is Jesus waiting for in His people? “Christ is ______________
with longing desire for the manifestation of ______________ in His
church. When the _______________ of Christ shall be _______________
tained _______ of heaven’s _______________. It is not because of any reproduced in His people, then He will come to ____________ them as His
_______________ on the part of God that the riches of His grace do not own.” (COL 69)

40 41
2014 Summit Registration Form
October 30 to November 2, 2014
Thursday 7:00pm to Sunday 12:00pm
Location and Lodging: Tenaya Lodge
1122 Hwy. 41, Fish Camp, CA 93623
800-635-5807, Option 2 (Use Group Code: 30R29B)
$135/night + tax
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Event registration ends Oct. 20, 2014. No on-site registration.

Registration Includes 5 Hearty Vegetarian or Vegan Meals
(9:30am Breakfast Buffet & 4:00pm Dinner Buffet Fri.-Sat.)
_____ 300/Adult 13+ (Earlybird Rate ends May 31)

_____$325/Adult 13+ (June 1 through Sept. 22)

_____$350/Adult 13+ (Sept. 23 through Oct. 20)
_____$65/Person All Ages (Sabbath Only, both meals)
_____$0/Sabbath Only, no meals (Must Pre-Register)
Pre-payment plans are available, if paid within the registration price
date deadlines denoted above.

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___________________________________ $_______________

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42 43

Across Down
6. What is the English meaning of the 1. What was the first thing that God
Greek word "gospel"? created?
7. Who was the brother of Jacob? 2. She was the first Woman
8. One of the miracles performed by 3. Who wrote the Book of
Jesus. He turned water into ____. Deuteronomy?
10. Which bible book tells us: "Believe on 4. Which tribe did Moses belong to?
the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be 5. Which Gospel mentions the Star of
saved"? Bethlehem?
11. What was the name of the Sea where 9. How many people were on
Jesus calmed a storm? Noah's Ark?
13. Which tribe of Israel did Jesus 12. Which Gospel tells the Parable of the
belong to? Prodigal Son?
14. This Kings wife was called Jezebel 13. Which book says, "I am the Good
15. What language was the New Shepherd"?
Testament written in?

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