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Imagine working out, looking better, and getting stronger, with your bodyweight alone.

No weights, no machines or any other equipment is required, but only your own

My project is about a type of sport called "Calisthenics".

"Calisthenics" refers to all types of training using only your own bodyweight.

Studies have shown that Calisthenics is much better for your health than lifting heavy
weights in the gym.

Surprisingly, you can build as much muscle mass as you would with weight training or power
lifting with your bodyweight alone.

In Calisthenics, unlike in many other sports, the main objective is usually achieving
impressive skills.

Those skills are characterized by movements that improve both your strength and flexibility.

A few examples of Calisthenics skills, using only your own bodyweight, are splits, back
bridges, handstand push ups, single leg squats or even one arm pull ups.

In Calisthenics, due to not using weights as an advantage, the progress is known to be much
slower than in the gym.

Here you gain something called "relative strength", which means getting stronger
proportionally to your bodyweight, unlike "absolute strength", which means being able to lift
more weight in general.

I think people that might find interest in my project are beginners that are new to working
out and want to start with it.

I believe this is a much better method to train and a safer and easier way for beginners to
start working out.

I did my research about this topic using some information from Wikipedia, but mostly from a
website of a retired gymnast called steven low, which writes many interesting scientific
articles about bodyweight training.

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