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SDNCOURS CAMEROON 9 ‘commnaniqucr pour gir puisse sSeloigner infiniment de ta terre, de rayon R et de masse M. On donne = G HGTV Ninh? M S981I2 kes 637.106 m0 foncours 2002 Session de juillet ASECNA .A METEOROLOGIE EF DE L’AVIATION CIVILE (EAMAG) CONCOURS DE RECRUTEMENT DES ELEVES TECHNICIENS-CONTROLEURS TECHNICIENS SUPERIEURS (ELNA-MTO) | Eprenvede | Physique | Durée | Sheures | Nbrede pages | 4 ECOLE AFRICAINE E 1 point Repose exams 0 point Abo ake pune = 1 point ion: Los ponses aur questions doivent eee portées str tes feuilhes dessin I- ELECTRICITE ‘On produit des charwes Glectriques statiqu A) in frotiant une baguette le verre avee up dra 1B) Fu agitant ine photodiode ©) Fn frotiant ane baguette dehonite avee une fourrure cle chat Question 1-2 Me champ clectrustatigne eré par tne eh A} Proportionnel a cette distance 18) Proportionnel a I'énergic potentielle ©) Inversement proportionnel au carré dle fa distance, 1) Inversement proportionnel 2 hn iste poncluclle d une distesce donnigy est Te Tus du vecteur champ électrostatique sortant dune suctace fermée (S), contenant ain ensemble de charges éectriques, est égal au quotient par ka permitlivite du vide Io de la some de ees charges Cel Gnoneé porte fe noin de A) Théoreme de taiplace 13) Theoreme ste Cams Cy Loi Ohi 1D) Laide divergence yuestion He vector grafien! Pune surtace déFinit A) La direction perpendiculaire i la surface en itn point de fa surtitee QONCOURS CAMEROON 58 SONCOURS CAMEROON 9 Jn point de la surface ©) Ly champ eleetrique en Questinn 15 Unvaipoke dane lequel iy sc unsiqueinont (rsformation d'snergic électrique en Cnergie ealoritique est anpele A) Dipdle actif By Dipole passit ©) Dipole aeutre nt on mesare a Poise Wun amnparemetre du courant ant valeur instantaine valeur maximale dir eo wy ©) La valeur effieace da coursint ‘gion depours ue de charges tes li Ay Le champs est rictial 13) Le champ Sannule ies Ue chain se resserrent lersqtre i i ©) Le modute dis champ augmente 1) Lintensite du etanp diminue Qu Lia piesorelectricite sur certs corps est proveguee en A) Frotiant ees corps avee autres B) Fse C) Chautlist ves enips 1) Bombardnt ces corps avee des partioules cht ni une cerkaine pression sur ees corps ‘Question 19 Une malle dans em réseau électrique est: AN) Un ensemble de nesnds 18) Un ensemble de branches envertes C) Un ensemble de circuit eectrique 19) Un ensemble de branches formant un eireuit ferme 0 Irocinetiquie des Tois permettent de déterminer facilement les courants qui eircutent dans les dittérentes branches dun réscau Gleetrique, Ce sont les A) Lois d’Ohnt 18) Lois Ampere ©) Loisde Kirchbot? Dans un régime aliermatif sinusoidal, te circuit RLC est relié a une tension. He quaadripdte RLC ainsi Forme peut se comporter comme un flire passe-hande AA) Si le signal de sortie est mesuné aux bores de R 13) Sie signal de sortie ext mesuré aurs bornes de ( ©) Stle signal de sortie est mestré sais hornes de L. GONCOURS CAMEROON 59 SONCOURS CAMEROON 9 Il- MECANIQUE {in abjet ca mousement cincutaire uniforme possete A} Une aeceicration dir dans ie sens da mouvement vers le centre se la trajectoine e dans le sens contisine dhe mosvement Penscun meauvent une unitirmcment ssitie, Jes distinces parcoumues pen. lant des inteevalles de temps evans conscentits Ay Fonucnt une progression aritherique 1B) Forment ane progression esomettiqu ©) Sont gqales ‘ 3 Uh virage de 900 mn de sayin est relevé pour yuvaicune force de fkaltement phslery denne: lowsgi ene Soiture agpocie ee virage A lt vitesse de 38 ms, Ce vi Ay deates 18) 2down’s Uy 6 degres Qnestion LA Parcnt du repos une voiture acestere ef atteint ane vitesse de He ms att bour de 0 Cote phase 11 15 seconds os de 70 ke monte en deus seconds. une voce d’eseatiees haute de 3 metres. 1 puissance moyenne dissipee est AVP S00W bP 1080 W CoP. 750 W Que Cine” boule sphes moayerent de teanskal We 224 J sa masse est Alm 000g By sW0g com Question I-T Faceékération dun corps solide en rotation autour dun axe ixe est proportionne!le A) A la vitesse angus 18) Au moment de fs force par rapport A Paxe CYA kadistance du centre de gravité a Pase Son contr est animé dun que de masse m roale sans plisser Sur un plan horizont reetifigne uniform ala vitesse V binis, Si energie cingtique de fa boule est Oy Questio Pour qu un solide soit cr équilibre cle translation. # faut que A) Le moment résulant des Forees appligq 18) Fa résullante les forees appliquées soit nulle C) Les forces appliguées concouirent au centre de g Une particule A de masse 20 g et animée dune vitesse V = 6 més. heute une particle Bde masse 1 a, Jement au repos. 1 parfaitemment Glastigue. les vitesses Va et Vigdes particules A et B ciatement apres be chow sont respeetivement = AV Va Dis ot Vy = 8 mis B) Vy duvset Vy -Gamis Cy Vas Omisot Vy Wants le chor e GONCOURS CAMEROON 59 SONCOURS CAMEROON 9 ASECNA EAMAC CONCOURS ENTREE A LS EAMAC 2002 Option = Eprenve: | Session : Fechnigigns - Controleurs BL ONA- Mathématiques | juillet Techniciens supéricurs: MIO 2002 Durée : 4 heures Votation des niponses = Repense exacte = +L points © Réponse errone 1/2 point © Absence de reponse : 0 point Indication Les repenses avy questions daivent dice portees sur kes feuilhes Pesamen Exereice basuite (U,) ) estlGlinie par son prender tonne ct par kt relation de recur ace Fy = EE aed pour ant ae On pose pour tout emign 1.V, AL, 60 15) Question L-1: F, estune js 1 ssometrigue de raison y=) et de premier terme = 19 A. 1. Suite arithnsstique de raison r= 2et de premier terme Hy oS C. Suite arithmetique de raison ¢~4 et de premier terme 1, — 19 Question 1-2: Lexpression de E, est Question 13: Lexpression de 1, est 04 Qn 3 Ly omels BYU, =S+ 4 4 Forme © #16 oi rest ume suit Lastiite 1 séerit sons, eluion Ura est: Lecouple (1, 9, ) w(t BV S420 cr 19 Hi 43420 GONCOURS CAMEROON 59 wt | ( _ I bo. 7 | Question 1-5) son 4 MAW. Ys Fe esdentsle £ down at [ay]. B) aa + ona 2 ay] Onestion bb > Fe calcul dey, denne : Question £7) Le vafeul des, denne HG) | (eDGae ts), Exercice, Soit 7 le polyndime détini sur & par PV) NS) AT HAN 6 uation Lt eset PE dome: nd. BO. ot WH-2 Larésolution sie P(X) Mdonnes 4) X-VouX ou X-2 By V =LouX -1ou X: =< on X=2 oWx=3 GONCOURS CAMEROON 59 SONCOURS CAMEROON 9 Faresolution de Pequation 2(I04)' (ny) Fins} 6 0 uit by designe te fogarithme ngperion, aX-touX | ou Xe BY X cou Question Ht Larésolution de Pequation Re HO dusing Xo hy X bo EYN Ind Os consulére bs fonetion fd fe sur fo eefpar A¢e) (1 tz rtny)ot tn de fequithme neperien r HEL Fatimitede £ quand ooo oe est Bor By cio Question HE? Lilimive def quam! <> 0 et ler Bye, oe 3 Locale! de la dérive def lone : Questis arty nx) BY Ax) (12m) Cys) etn Zine {Question HH La yesolution de Féquation | 1 2In 94 donne Deo Beek Gees | Question HLS [a resolution de Péquation Fy ta. 0 donne: [om feof. epee Hed. Byes Cres I Question Hep : Soil ¢ la courbe representative de / Le point Uinterscetion de ka courbe © ange Pune des abseisses est Ay (1.0) ¥) (e 0). ey (lt) GONCOURS CAMEROON 59 SONCOURS CAMEROON 9 7 equation cle fa droite Atangente d fa courbes (au point Pabseisse 0 est 1 5 ¢ ete Bre ade Cree x7 Question 1 ny (Question HLS Line primitive de Jest BGs) xfEinednsk} Oo CL) FE tns-tlny) Delaying sion H19 Sot d Bley HU) at F estune primitive de f ta valourde 4 ext re GONCOURS CAMEROON 59 CONCOURS D'ENTREE A L'EAMAC Niveau Anglais Juillet 2002 2 heures ipreuve: Session: Durée: BAC scientifique des réponses Réponse exaete 11 point = Réponse erronse 0.5 point + Absence de reponse : 0 point kes repamses aus questions doivent sire portées sur es feuiles dPexamen JON L: VOCABULARY EXPREICEL Hastruetions: Choose the wo which best completes the sentence, Ouestion [el RAY MOND is very (_ ) man, and all the girls alive bit, A) Pretty by Wisely darling D) handsome “Will you go to the market ( ye?” asked the with A) Through 1) on with Dy imo Question 13 Tintend i yhome Ay Keep at B) stay a Cheep Py stay CONCOURS CAMEROON 48 SONCOURS CAMEROON 9 Tethers (1 fie nse persans in your car? A} rooms Bi sou Cy place Di space: (Question Lh ¢uestiony 5 IV's pas we hope tw reach DARAR by ( dalter 3 hours f Ab cals By dusk Cydava Dy dark Question F ROFL bought a That on the (ya the towers A) miglle hy outside Cr inside Dy outshirts Question F7 ‘aims are very (at this time of year: shall buy riee instead Ape 1B) precious Chespensive Dy ampopular Question ES ° Weis auch easier wo speun money thas (it Ay tn bey Bh earn Chie catch Dy to reward EXERCICH IE Instructions: Choose the world belonging to the same Homily as the one in capital letters sshich best completes the sentence Question IHL APPLY Heiss the best | 1 for the job. AD Apply 18) application ©) applicant Dy applicable Question 2 PLEASE: , They went to the seaside last week andl had a( time, Ny 13) pleassint €) pleasure D) pleased Question 3 ACCHPL Such a poor level isnot considered () ty pass RAMAC entrance exam, Ay Acceptable By aceept ©) acceptance 1) accept Question 4 DEATH The bite of a viper is) AY Deal 18) death ©) died Dy deaally from the list underneath each sentence, which is most Instructions: Choose the word or group of word: 1/10 she anxlertined int sly apposite in on Hed ms foutbuall player ZINEDINE Zidane descended the stairs slowly. A) Traiseendad By rose ©) climbed 1D) supported Question HID Hots ane of the most perverse characters [ have met CAMEROON SONCOURS CAMEROON 9 Ay Amenible By stubborn Cyudmirable —D) responsible Question 1S AMIN scems to hav AD Sy vata altinity tr the evil pathy with Byaptitude for C)istetion from Dy aversion te Question IL the ane crash! it he deep fiver in the aisport vicinity A) Narrows 18} sinall Cy wide Dy shallow EXERCIC Instructions: Alte ist of possible interpretations ef all or part of the» sentence is given, Choose which interpretation you eonsider appropriate fr each sentent Question IV-i FHL pay you back in your own coin: he said at Last rch of the Following s Ay Promised to pay back the loan 1) dhreatencal to take revenpe Co woul return the same evins 1D) vomed he would be honest (Question 1V-? Peter: Has Muse tendered his resignation? Aahantu: No, he isin hse minds about it From the conversation we know that Muss has decided not 16 resign by hasn't given a thought to the possibility of resigning, Chas been audvised not to resign, DY hasn’Crvally made up his mind. Question IV He was the sp Vrom the sentence we know that he Ay merely repeated what others haat said B) said {)disagroedl with those who spoke bs Question 1V-4 He booked his Night to AMERICA well in advanee. A) He sent his books to AMERICA before he left himself 2) Tle put a book in the passage before he weal to AMERICA CC Tle made his reservation some time before he was due to leave 1d) He reserved a place in the corridor of the AMERICAN Eaibassy. he saidl was out of tune with what others y well things re him, Dp was developing the points ready made EC TION 2: GRAMMAR v Instructions: In cic! of the following sentences there is gap. Alter each sentence thete is a list of words or groups of words Ietlered a. to d.. Choose the one which best completes that sentence: Question V-1 Hold you yesterday that this room (— ) sweeping, and you haven"e done it yet Ajaceds BY willneed — C)hasmeeded 1D) woud have needed Question ¥- He ) be telting the truth, batt don’s think he is. By mast 1) might CONCOURS CAMEROON 48 SONCOURS CAMEROON 9 He said he (Thome ats soon as he had finished, AY pos, By is woing Cy a6 0 D) will wo Cvestion Vl Neither John avr Peter ¢) book Ay fave hit By have their Cy have theme Dy has bis (Question VS Fle bas done absolutely (910 help. Ae nai 1) nothin, Cy none Dray thing Aduestion Vio Thace ants got ¢ pet the books Eneed at dae fib Nya 3) part Cynon Dy some Question V Veanaot bear (to hat awtuf sereeching he calls Mision Bo be listening C)to have listened (Question V8 ( famelderly person te eras the busy PFs vou dev, Chhelping Dy have helped As help 18) to have heen help (Question V9 He promised he would keep us iatormed of this progress sess \ialide the Bi would he CO) ston | Da) has be Question V 10 The whole of Form three will probably go through the esamieations; they have great confidence in) Ardem By themselves Cy shemselves D) their Quesiton Vil Studcits should know that there is () that can he of advantage in vielent demonstration. At tew By some ©) ite Dy a few Question V2 The sanall village has been transformed ( )a modern town Alor By into cyby D) with (Question VoL relke you are looking lor is (Jone comer of my room, AD With Byat C)on Dyin duestion VI The banter wok a steady aim (the animal Aj for Boon C)t0 Dyat Question VIS She was not only unreliable ( ) very wicked. Aga well as By rather she is Cy hut alse Dyand Question V-t6 FAN'TA was very sorry she missed the pienic. Yes she ( ) Ay regretted that she couldn’ go 18) regrets that she can’t go she couldn't go + D) regretted that she can't go. ©) would regeet th Why did't you attend the concert? L would have gone if 1... time A} heave hal 1) would have Cyhave Dy had trud Question VIS ° KOFI is already in bed. He rarely stays up fate Atdoses he 1B) did he Cy docsth Dy will he CAMEROON SONCOURS CAMEROON 9 Question V9 JOHNNY is stippesed to visit me this atertioon, [he ......tell hian f said “hello” Ad coming, Bi comes Cyeame 19) would came: Question V20 OUSMANE wants to get to TOKYO quickly -E would fly JAPAN AIRLINES, ADE Thad been hin BYiNL was hin Cif Dyers him DET am hit SECTION 3: PRONUNCIATION EXERCICE VE FHrom the wonis lettered a, 10 d. choose one word which has the sume vowel sound as the one ynderlined Question VEI bought beet By taht Cr moon Dy hath (Question VEZ rule AL ground 1) good ©) broom 1) blown! # question Vik moon A) Iruit By lost Ove Dy evwurgh Question Vit ead Ad pale By said Oy higin Dy it Question Via fies An work By reach © bad Disit Question VI 6 frank A} steam Br dist CVireat 1) stamp Question VI-T noun 1B) foot ©) shock Down tar A) papal 18) father ©) fruit Dy ram Oi brother Ayeousin 18) short Cesk D) path Question VI-1 know Ay now B) knock ©) work Dy cold Question VI-It tion Ay fire Cy hwart Dy though Question VEZ A} foot Cy beer D) bear Question VEL cur A) lower B) cow Cy saieh D) sun Question VEL young 18) Jround ©) blood 1) road stion V desk Aj piece Bywealth ©) miik Dy meat Question VINO pain 13) head ©) made Dy fine moor A) sought B) foot C) shock D) tour Question VEI8 ram A) papal tar D) brie Guestion I-19. ee \}eousin Bi desk () brother 1) fait Question VI 20 Atdeat B) what Cyto

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