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Note that the conclusion paragraph is missing from the above 500 words essay example.

The conclusion paragraph assumes a slightly different approach or sentence structure to the body

Its sentences sum up the points in the body paragraphs.

All these elements need to be incorporated in the 500 words essay.

After considering all the above elements, you should focus on length as another are area of concern for
the 500 words essay.

Issues about length are as discussed below.

These issues usually emanate from a common question about the essay’s length.

The question is: 500 words essay is how many pages?

500 Words Essay is how many Pages and Paragraphs?

The 500 words essay is about 2 double-spaced pages.

Usually, 1 double-spaced pages is about 275 words, where 2 such pages would be about 550 words.

For the paragraphs, the 500 words essay could range between 5 and 6 paragraphs, with 2 of these
paragraphs being introduction and conclusion.

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