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Community Building for First Day of Class: The Astrology Stories

1) Take a moment to review the zodiac chart at the bottom of the document and identify your zodiac
2) Find the area of the classroom where your zodiac chart information is posted.
3) Join others with the same zodiac as you and take five minutes to socialize and get to know each
4) After introducing yourselves to one another, collectively answer the following questions and
assign one person to be the spokesperson for your zodiac group.

Your zodiac group has been assigned to co-author a book together. Answer
the following questions about your book by trying your best to tie it together
considering the qualities and personality traits associated with your zodiac

1) What is the title of your book? What genre is it? Why is the title of your book?

2) What is the major plot of your story? What is interesting about this story?
3) Where does the story take place in your book? (Time, place, year, season)

4) What is the climax of your book? Are there any plot twists?

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