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The Lying Life of Adults Dialectical Journal 1 and 2

Selected passage Analysis

(inc. page #)

“All three of us, to be clear, The Lying Life of Adults is an alternative coming of age story
had not been baptized, all following the life of the young teen Giovanna, and her endeavor into
three didn't know any prayers, the world of self identity. The novel takes a very chaotic tone,
reflecting the chaotic thoughts of a thirteen year old girl. The author
all three had been precariously
utilizes different writing tools to better convey this chaotic tone.
informed about the
One of these tools includes using run-on sentences to mimic the
functioning of our bodies tone of internal monologue and the fluidity of the brain. By
(illustrated books, educational accurately using run-on sentences, the author is able to make the
videos with animated monologue seem more natural or accurate to that of the thought
cartoons), all three knew that process of a teen girl. A run on sentence can seem fast paced,
we should be proud of being jumbled or rambled, but this pace mimics the way that we think, as
we do not think concisely, rather we think linearly, as one
born female, all three had gone
continuous flow of monologue. By utilizing this writing style, the
to first grade not at six but at author can better replicate one’s internal thought process and
five, all three always behaved therefore make Giovanna's character more understandable to the
in a responsible manner, all reader. This style ultimately contributes to the coming of age theme,
three had in our heads a dense which often feels raw, with no filter on the character’s experiences.
network of advice useful for
avoiding the traps of Naples
and the world, all three could
turn to our parents at any time
to satisfy our curiosi-ties, all
three read a lot, and, finally, all
three had a sensible disdain for
consumer goods and the tastes
of our contemporaries, even
though, encouraged by our
teachers, we were well
informed about music, film,
television programs, singers,
and actors, and in secret
wanted to become famous
actresses with fabulous
boyfriends with whom we
shared long kisses and genital
contact.” (25)

“Yes. Yes, your father’s sister is Throughout The Lying Life of Adults Giovanna has to learn to come
an envious woman…” (33) to terms with her femininity and prepare herself to become a
woman. However, as she grows, Giovanna is surrounded by two
contrasting forms of feminine figures: her mother, Nella, and
Vittoria. The contrast between these two characters represents the
two paths women can follow in society: those who follow the
norms and those who choose to rebel. Vittoria choses to rebel
against what society would call the standard for the exemplary
woman. She is vulgar, rude, and promiscuous. However, she is
considered an outcast by those who would be considered “upper
class” aka, her brother. Contrarily, Nella represents the path of a
woman who chooses to follow society's path. She is educated,
married and does not contradict her husband. Giovanna is
surrounded by two conflicting personalities, and in this she has to
decide which path she wants to follow. Will she rebel or will she
follow societal norms.

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