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I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend

He referred to the dates on the tombstone from the the end he noted that first came the date of
birth and with tears in his eyes he spoke the following date. He
said what mattered most of all was the dash between those
years. For that dash represents all the time that they spent alive
on earth. And now only those who loved them knew what that
little line is worth
For it matters not, how much we own, The cars...the house...the
cash. What matters is how we live and love and how we spend
our dash.
Frank Sinatra best describe how Kim spent her dash when he
And now, the end is near and so she will face the final curtain
she'll say it clear she'll state her case, of which she will be certain
she has lived a life that's full she has traveled each and every
highway and more, much more than that she did it her way.
Regrets, she has had a few But then again, too few to mention
she did what she had to do. And saw it through without
exemption. She planned each charted course, each careful step
along the byway and more, much more than that she did it my

Yes, there were times, I'm sure she knew

When she bit off more than she could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
she ate it up and spat it out she faced it all and she stood tall
(even though she was short) and did it her way.
Kim lived her dash her way.

On September 13, 1990 a gem of a girl was born to Gwendolyn

White and Peter Wright they named her Kemesha Kimbole. She
was the only girl born to her mom and so at an early age she took
on the responsibilities of taking care of her younger siblings. She
always spoke of her brothers with pride.
Kemesha attended the Pond Top Early Childhood Institution,
Beulah All Age and Edwin Allen High School. Unfortunately she
did not complete her secondary level education as she became
pregnant at the tender age of 16.
“Reds” as she was affectionately called (a name she didn’t really
liked but she never frowned, she never complained) was a kind
hearted person, she was tender, she was loving she was friendly.
She was pleasant always greeted you with a smile, I often
wondered if she ever had a sad moment because she was always
smiling. Kim was a family person, she loved her family and to her,
family was her first priority.

On November 09, 2006 proud parents Raphel Smith and

Kemesha welcomed their first of three children Kimanda
Samantha Into the world. As young parents they were over
themselves, both not knowing how to care for their young one and
so they relied heavily on their mothers. Kim always spoke highly
of the woman who became her second mother Miss Pauline
(Raphel’s mom).
Kimanda was a replica of her mom quiet and unassuming well-
mannered always greeting you with a smile. Although Kemesha
was a young mother she always instilled good values and morals
in her children. Always reminding Kimanda not to make the same
mistakes she did but to ensure that she completed her education
and have a career.
Kimanda attended Pond Top, Beulah All age, Edwin Allen and
Achievers Institution in May Pen up to the time of her death.

Shara Lee Somi-Ann who was born April 18, 2011 was just like
her dad in mannerism. A member of the community said she had
a conversation with Shara Lee one day when she saw her
chewing her food. She asked her why is it she chewed her food
so many times. Sharalee responded that was how her father
taught her to do it. She loved her father and when he left she
pined after him for a long while. As the middle child Sharalee
took it upon herself to help her smaller sister it was her duty to
take care of her, she was the protector of her brother always
holding him and always watching anyone who held him. Her smile
was beautiful and although she was reserved whenever you
visited her home she would always come out just to say hello and
go back inside.
Sharalee attended Pond Top Early Childhood Institution and
Beulah All Age School up to the time of her untimely death.

Rafaella Paris the third child was born on October 17, 2016. She
was the most outspoken of the three girls. She never met her
biological father in person as he migrated before she was born
but, she was always speaking to him on the phone. Every
opportunity he had he would call his girls.
Rafaella was the entertainer of the family, she was always
dancing. When you visited the home she would be the first to
greet you and she always does so with a smile. She was such a
cheerful child so full of life, she knew everyone and everyone
knew her. She was a mommy’s girl always following her mom
Raffie attended Beulah Early Childhood.

In 20212 Kemisha and Kishawn snr. became involved in a serious

relationship. They could not leave each other alone. They were
always together, like peas in a pod.
Kim and Kishawn snr. welcomed their bouncing baby boy,
Kishawn jr. on July 10, 2020. He was the sunshine of their life.
Little Kishy as we all called him was loved, he had three bigger
sisters who took turns caring for him. He was the pride and joy of
his aunts especially Shelice and I can’t begin to tell about his
grandparents and how they doted on him.

Kim was a very ambitious and a very determine young lady she
would not allow having four children to deter her from pursuing
her dream of becoming a Nurse so she got enrolled at Distinction
College where she almost completed her course of study in
Practical Nursing. O she was such a happy camper when she
was going to school.
Kim and her children stayed with us for only a moment but what
an imprint their footprints has left on our hearts. Members of the
community have been expressing their views freely as to the
persons the deceases were:

Her Landlord and neighbour: Kim always has a prepared smile.

She was well mannered, quiet, disciplin4 and a loving person. Her
death has caused an un-healing wound (it will never be healed)
there is no treatment for this wound.
She was a pleasant person who was never late with the payment
of her rent. She usually paid a week ahead of the due date. A
good tenant, good neighbour who will be sadly missed.

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