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1. aging (noun): the process of growing old. 1.

cellular (adj): connected with or consisting

• This aging process involves the skin's of the cells of plants or animals|thuộc về tế
exposure to the sun. bào
• The population aging could lead to a 2. molecular (adj): relating to molecules (the
shortage of labor supply. simplest units of a chemical substance)
2. shift (verb): (of a situation, an opinion, a |thuộc về phân tử
policy etc.) to change from one state, 3. tissue (noun): a collection of cells that
position, etc. to another form the different parts of humans,
• Public attitudes towards same - sex animals, and plants|mô
marriage have shifted in recent years. 4. organ (noun): a part of the body that has a
• They tried to shift the blame onto us. particular purpose, such as the heart or
3. injury (noun): harm done to a person’s or the brain|cơ quan nội tạng
an animal’s body, for example in an 5. immune system (noun): the system in your
accident body that produces substances to help it
• He was lucky to escape injury. fight against infection and disease|hệ miễn
• He died from multiple injuries caused dịch
by the accident. 6. chronic (adj): (of a disease) lasting for a
4. infection (noun): the act or process of long time; difficult to cure|mãn tính
causing or getting a disease 7. inflammation (noun): a condition in which
• The drugs slow down the progression of a part of the body becomes red, painful
HIV infection. and swollen (= larger than normal)
• The rate of infection is highest in the because of infection or injury|tình trạng
south of the country. viêm
5. peak (verb): to reach the highest point or 8. critical level: a level fixed on the basis of
value scientific knowledge, above which direct
• Oil production peaked in the early 1980 adverse effects may occur|hạn mức, giới
• Unemployment peaked at 17 per cent. hạn
6. noticeable (adj): easy to see or notice; 9. female fertility (noun): the ability to
clear or definite produce babies|khả năng sinh sản của phụ
• There is a noticeable difference nữ
between the authentic and the fake 10. near-sightedness (noun): the ability to see
product. things clearly only if they are very close to
• Her scars are hardly noticeable now. you|cận thị
7. nutritious (adj): (of food) very good for 11. chronic disease (noun): bệnh mãn tính
you; containing many of the substances
which help the body to grow
SYNONYM nourishing 12. blood pressure (noun): the pressure of
• The food was both nutritious and blood as it travels around the body|huyết
delicious. áp
• I opted for a nutritious snack and 13. glucose control = nanaging blood sugar:
bought an apple instead of a candy bar. keeping your blood sugar in the healthy
8. critical (adj): extremely important because range
a future situation will be affected by it. 14. diabetes (noun): bệnh tiểu đường
SYNONYM crucial 15. arthritis (noun): bệnh viêm khớp
• The kidneys play a critical role in 16. cancer (noun): bệnh ung thư
overall health. 17. cardiovascular (adj): liên quan đến tim
• Communication is critical for a mạch
successful teamwork. 18. cognition (noun): the process by which
9. emphasize (verb): to give special knowledge and understanding is developed
importance to something in the mind|nhận thức
SYNONYM stress 19. whole grains (noun): ngũ cốc nguyên cám
• His speech emphasized the Examples of whole grains:
importance of protecting the • Brown rice.
environment. • Oatmeal.
• ‘This must be our top priority,’ he • Popcorn.
emphasized. 20. legume (noun): any plant that has seeds in
10. deal with sth: to take action in order to long pods. Peas and beans are
achieve something or in order to solve a legumes|cây họ đậu
21. lean meat (noun): thịt nạc
• How do you intend to deal with this
• A few minor technical problems
will have to be dealt with.
11. associate with: to join or connect together
SYNONYM relate to
• Two reports released this year detail the
ills associated with pollution.
• The visit is associated with building
new relations between two countries.
12. to name a few = so forth...: cách nói vân
vân trong speaking

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