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Sea of Dead Men is a role playing game, based on The Setting
the Forged in the Dark ruleset, about a daring crew The game takes place in the Carrascan Sea, a
This document is a demo for the Sea of Dead
of pirates making their fortune in the lawless tropical ocean lying on the southern edge of the
Men rule set, not a complete game by itself. The
Carrascan Sea. Youʼll start out as a novice crew, known world. Itʼs dotted by chains of small
full game is available for purchase here:
with a ragged ship and a motley gang of sailors, islands, which range in climate from warm
and slowly grow in skill and influence as you beaches to barren rocks and jagged cliffs. Various
navigate a web of rival pirates, occult powers, nations from the northern continents have spent
If youʼve played Blades in the Dark or other
merchant companies, and military armadas. the past century colonizing the Carrascan, and
Forged in the Dark games, this document has all
most of its islands are filled with towns and cities
The flow of the game alternates between the the unique rules youʼll need to play; if anything
flying the banner of one country or another.
charactersʼ daring scores, where theyʼll seize is missing here, you can assume that it works
plunder and strike against their enemies, and the Those islands not filled with colonies are home to the same as in Blades. (You can find a reference
downtime in between, where theyʼll recover and the indigenous tribes of the Carrascan. Some of document for the Blades ruleset at https://
pursue their own goals. these tribes deal peacefully with colonists, while
others fight back against any who enter their
The Characters The full rulebook for Sea of Dead Men provides
territory. Despite their lack of forged steel and
The characters will begin as crew members on a the complete, stand-alone rule set, plus a
powder, their resourcefulness and knowledge of
fledgling pirate ship – an untested, ragtag band of wealth of description for the gameʼs setting and
the islands make them formidable opponents – or
outlaws. Over the course of the game, theyʼll try to factions, a primer on sailing terminology, and
valuable allies.
build their crew into a serious force in the advice for running the game.
Carrascan Sea, and to make themselves rich in the There are also whispers of ancient ruins half-
process. buried on forgotten islands, of impossible
creatures lurking beneath the waves. They say
The Crew Film & TV: Black Sails, by Robert Levine and
that there are some among the island tribes who
The characters arenʼt lone operatives; theyʼre all Jonathan E. Steinberg; Disneyʼs Pirates of the
can perform rituals to bewitch a sailor or restore
part of the same crew of pirates, along with a band Caribbean series; Master & Commander: The Far
a dead body back to life. The official statements
of other sailors. The ship that the characters sail, Side of the World, directed by Peter Weir.
from back north claim that such tales are
and the crew they lead, get their own playbook
superstitious nonsense, but the seafarers of the Video Games: Assassinʼs Creed IV: Black Flag, by
sheet alongside the characters themselves.
Carrascan know all too well how true they can be. Ubisoft; Sid Meierʼs Pirates!; Return of the Obra
Dinn, by Lucas Pope.
Amidst it all sail the pirates, brigands, corsairs,
and privateers who have made the Carrascan their Books (Fiction): Treasure Island, by Robert Lewis
home. The laws of the old world are thin around Stevenson; the Aubrey & Maturin series, by Patrick
This work is based on Blades in the Dark (found
its edges, and no country can spare the resources OʼBrien; The Scar, by China Miéville; Red Seas
at, product
to stamp out piracy for good. As long as they stay Under Red Skies, by Scott Lynch.
of One Seven Design, developed and authored
beneath the notice of the law, thereʼs plenty of
by John Harper, and licensed for our use under Books (Nonfiction): The Sea Roverʼs Practice, by
opportunity for pirate crews to make a fortune in
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Benerson Little; The Pirate Wars, by Peter Earle.
the Carrascan.
Unported license (
Music: Privateering, by Mark Knopfler, or your
favorite sea shanty.
For the most part, Sea of Dead Men uses the same rules as Blades in the Dark, but there are a number of
differences between the two.
The list below covers the various changes that Sea of Dead Men introduces. Some will be described later
on in this document; the less complicated changes are simply provided here. Anything that isnʼt
repeated on a later page will be italicized, to make sure you donʼt you donʼt accidentally skip over it.
Crew Advancement & Upgrades Score & Downtime •
• The crew starts out with a flagship, a special • Traveling between different regions of the
cohort that has a separate harm tracker and an Carrascan Sea costs coin, and risks adding heat
extra set of edges and flaws (see page 12). on the crew (see page 13).
• There are no claims or turf in Sea of Dead Men; the • If the crew doesnʼt have a specific score in
life of a pirate is too impermanent to make any mind, they can hunt in a particular region to
lasting claims. (If you do want to use claims in search for potential prey (see page 16).
your game, theyʼre provided as an optional rule
• Characters can deposit or remove coin from
in the full rulebook.)
their stash directly, 1 for 1, but must spend a
• The crew starts out at Tier I, not Tier 0. downtime action to do so (see page 5).
• Cohorts taking actions outside their cohort • Thereʼs a new downtime action, repair, to heal
type roll dice equal to half their tier, instead of harm to the crewʼs flagship (see page 5).
a flat 0d rating (see page 11).
Heat & Entanglements
• If you lose hold while you have weak hold, you still • The crew has separate heat values for each of
drop down in tier, but you have strong hold in the the six nations who control the Carrascan Sea.
new tier rather than falling straight to weak. When generating entanglements, you decide
which heat value to use based on where the
• Hunting grounds are no longer tied to specific
crew spends their downtime (see page 13-14).
types of scores; instead, they give bonuses
when the crew hunts or gathers information in • Wanted level is now a binary value: the crew is
a particular region (see page 16). either wanted or theyʼre not. Like heat, itʼs
tracked for each nation (see page 13).
• The crew does not automatically add to their stash
when they advance in tier. • When making entanglement rolls, you roll dice
equal to the crewʼs tier minus one, instead of
• The stress costs for Rituals are calculated
using their wanted level (see page 14).
differently (see page 15).
When you Attune, you open your mind to the seaʼs power. When you Navigate, you devise and follow a path to your destination.
You might stare down a shark or a merfolk. You might handle a cursed artifact. You might chart out a course to intercept another ship. You might maneuver to
You could try to sense the winds to predict a shipʼs path (but Navigating might be avoid rocks or cannon blasts. You might find your way in an unfamiliar city. You
better). could try to ram an enemy with your ship (but Blasting might be better).
When you Blast, you strike with explosive force. When you Patch, you repair or modify a structure.
You might unleash a broadside on your foes. You might shoot an opponent in a You might make repairs to your ship during a battle, You might disguise your ship
melee. You might batter down a door or ram a ship. You could try to take down an or fake damage to lure in an enemy. You might construct fortifications. You could
enemy with a precision shot (but Finessing might be better). try to damage a building (but Blasting might be better).
When you Brawl, you engage a target in close combat. When you Skulk, you act stealthily or avoid notice.
You might cut down your enemies in battle. You might hold a choke point. You You might sneak aboard a ship or hide in the shadows. You might ambush a ship
might wrestle an opponent, or beat them down with your fists. You could try to in the darkness or fog. You might attack someone from hiding. You could try to
fight in a formal duel (but Finessing might be better). waylay a victim in the midst of a battle (but Brawling might be better).
When you Command, you compel swift obedience. When you Scan, you observe a situation and anticipate outcomes.
You might intimidate or threaten someone to get what you want. You might lead You might spot a storm or an enemy vessel on the horizon. You might uncover
your crew in a group action. You could use your authority to convince a skeptical opportunities or weaknesses. You might detect a personʼs motivations or intent.
crew of something (but Swaying might be better). You could try to plot out a route through treacherous waters (but Navigating
might be better).
When you Consort, you socialize with friends and contacts.
You might make a good first impression or win someone over with your charm and When you Sway, you influence with guile, charm, or logic.
style. You might find new friends or connect with people who share your heritage You might lie convincingly. You might persuade someone to do what you want.
or background. You could try to influence a rival with social pressure (but You might argue a compelling case that leaves no clear rebuttal. You could try to
Swaying might be better). gain someoneʼs affection or obedience (but Consorting or Commanding might be
When you Finesse, you employ precision or subtle misdirection.
You might pick someoneʼs pocket or open a lock. You might make a long-range When you Vault, you quickly traverse past obstacles.
gunshot. You might duel an opponent with graceful and skilled swordplay. You You might swing on a rope from one ship to another. You might climb a cliff or a
could try to fight in a pitched battle (but Brawling might be better). fort wall. You might dive into the ocean from a great height. You could try to
maneuver unpredictably in combat (but Brawling might be better).
Gain secure access to your stash, and retrieve or Seek medical treatment and heal your wounds. Work on a progress clock, or start a new one.
store coin.
To recover, roll dice equal to the crewʼs tier. Fill in Describe what you do to work towards your goal,
You may add or take out any amount of coin; you the characterʼs healing clock based on the result: and roll the appropriate action rating. Fill in the
can even take out more than the normal limit of 4 clock based on the result:
• 1-3: Fill in one segment
coin that your character can hold, but you must
• 4-5: Two segments • 1-3: Fill in one segment
spend any extra by the end of downtime.
• 6: Three segments • 4-5: Two segments
• Critical: Five segments • 6: Three segments
• Critical: Five segments
Work in your downtime to hone your skills; mark When you fill your healing clock, reduce each
1xp on one of your characterʼs xp tracks. If you instance of harm by one level, removing lesser
have the appropriate crew training upgrade, mark harm entirely, then reset the clock. Any segments
Relieve stress by giving in to your characterʼs vice.
2xp instead of 1. left over are filled in after the clock is reset.
Roll dice equal to your lowest attribute (Insight,
You may only train each xp track once in a single Other characters or contacts can only assist you
Prowess, or Resolve), and clear stress equal to the
downtime. with this downtime action if they have medical
highest number on the dice. A critical result only
training (or the Sawbones ability).
counts as a 6.
When you suffer new harm, the clock is reset.
Gain use of a temporary asset for some duration. If you clear more stress than you had marked, you
overindulge. Choose an complication or problem
To acquire the asset, roll dice equal to your tier. If
from the list below:
itʼs an asset that youʼve acquired before, you get Spend time repairing harm to your flagship.
+1d to the roll. The result indicates the quality of • Attract Trouble: Select or roll an additional
This works the same way as recovering, but note
the asset, relative to the crewʼs tier. entanglement.
that the flagship automatically removes one level
• Brag: Take 2 heat with a nation.
• 1-3: One tier below you of harm at the beginning of downtime; you only
• Disappear: Your character vanishes for a while.
• 4-5: What you would expect for your tier. need to spend a downtime action if itʼs taken more
Play another character until this one returns.
• 6: One tier higher than you than lesser harm.
When they do, theyʼve healed all their harm.
• Critical: Two tiers higher than you
• Burn a Bridge: Offend your vice purveyor or
another contact.
Spend time helping a cohort recover from harm.
• Play With Fire: Do something tremendously ill-
Lower your heat with a specific nation.
Each cohort automatically removes one level of advised, causing a complication or obstacle for
Decide which nation you want to placate, describe harm at the beginning of downtime; taking this the crew.
how you do so, then roll the appropriate action action lets you remove one more level of harm.
If you have any traumas and donʼt indulge your
rating. Reduce heat according to the results: Healing cohorts does not require a roll.
vice, you take stress equal to the number of
• 1-3: Clear one heat If the cohort in question is totally destroyed, you traumas that you have.
• 4-5: Two heat canʼt heal it. Instead, you must replace it by
• 6: Three heat spending 2 downtime actions and coin equal to
• Critical: five heat your tier plus 2.
0. Choose a Crew Playbook 5. Choose a Special Ability 8. Finalize Character Details
The crew playbook you choose wonʼt force you Pick one of the special abilities on the character Choose a name for your character, as well as an
into any specific character playbooks, but it will sheet. If you canʼt decide, take the first one on the alias or nickname if you feel they would have one.
have a significant impact on the tone of the game. list – itʼs placed there as a good default option. Write down a few words for your characterʼs look:
Itʼs best to decide on your crew playbook as a what they wear and how they present themselves.
The Veteran ability, which lets you take abilities
group before you start delving into the characters.
from other playbooks, is off limits for now – your
1. Choose a Character Playbook starting ability must be from your own playbook.
Your playbook determines your characterʼs items,
6. Choose a Close Friend and a Rival
special abilities, and general reputation. Multiple
Choose one of your characterʼs contacts as a close
characters can have the same playbook.
friend or ally, and mark the upward facing arrow
Youʼll have the option to take abilities from other next to their name; choose another as an enemy
playbooks as you advance; the choice of playbook or rival, and mark the downward-facing arrow.
defines your characterʼs starting point, but itʼs up
7. Choose Your Vice
to you where they go from there.
Choose your characterʼs vice from the list below,
2. Detail Your Heritage and write down a few details. For instance,
Choose a heritage and jot down a note about your “Luxury: Fine Sallician clothes”, or “Obligation:
characterʼs upbringing and family history. For Bedridden husband in the Castaways”.
instance, “Revelle: Family of farmers, offered land in
• Faith: Youʼre devoted to a god, spirit, ancestor,
the Carrascan”, or “Waturey: Chieftainʼs daughter”.
or other religious figure.
The next page has a description for each heritage. • Gambling: You crave risky decisions and games
of chance.
3. Detail Your Background • Luxury: You enjoy expensive or ostentatious
Choose a background and fill in a detail or two
displays of opulence.
about your characterʼs life before they turned to
• Obligation: Youʼre dedicated to a cause, family
piracy. For instance, “Military: Disgraced naval
member, organization, or something else that
officer”, or “Underworld: Tobacco smuggler”.
makes demands on your time.
4. Assign Action Ratings • Pleasure: You find gratification from lovers,
You start with 3 points of action ratings already food, drink drugs, art, or some other hedonistic
assigned based on your playbook. Add four more: experiences.
one point to an action that reflects the characterʼs • Stupor: You seek oblivion in the abuse of drugs,
heritage, one for their background, and two more working or fighting to the point of exhaustion,
wherever you like. or drinking to excess.
• Weird: You experiment with strange rituals,
At the start of the game, you canʼt have any action
commune with dark powers, or observe bizarre
rating higher than two dice (unless a special
customs and taboos.
ability states otherwise).
Valdesia Revelle Sallice
The empire of Valdesia once spanned practically A small kingdom rapidly gaining power on the The people of Sallice venerate explorers and
the entire world, but in recent years its star has world stage, Revelle is known for its beautiful adventurers, and seek to win renown for
begun to fall. Valdesians are raised to value craftsmanship and religious fervor. Its nobility themselves and their families. The merchant
discipline and hard work, and their merchant and and priesthood are hotbeds of intrigue, while the houses that rule Sallice do their best to stay
naval vessels enforce a strict hierarchy. common folk esteem honor and forthrightness. disentangled from other nationsʼ political affairs,
but compete bitterly among themselves.
The city-states of Meghra follow the Dakhir faith,
worshiping the Twin Goddesses of earth and sky
rather than the monotheistic religion of the other
colonial nations. They periodically suffer raids
from ambitious Revellan nobles, and in return
send fleets of corsairs to disrupt their enemiesʼ
trade routes.
A fallen desert kingdom, the once-great nation of
Segamba has been pushed to the breaking point
by brutal civil wars and Valdesian raids. Many
Segambans have left their home in search of a
better life in the Carrascan, only to find
themselves easy pickings for raiders and slavers
from other nations.
Most indigenous people in the Carrascan belong
to one of the Waturey tribes. With the arrival of
the other nations in the Carrascan, most Waturey
tribes were displaced from their homes into less
habitable islands, and many saw their people
captured and sold into slavery.
The Ourogan tribes are warlike seafarers,
resistant to colonization and hostile to most
outsiders. Many sailors believe theyʼre cannibals
who eat the corpses of their fallen enemies, but
the few souls who have traded with Ourogan
villages claim that this is mere superstition.
Standard Items Commander Items Reaver Items
• A Blade or Two: A standard set of one-handed • Fine Rifle: An exquisitely crafted firearm, • Fine Brace of Pistols: A staggering quantity of
melee weapons. Perhaps a heavy cleaver, a accurate at long range but slow to reload. guns – you wonʼt need to worry about reloading.
rapier and dagger, a pair of cutlasses, or a long • Fine Pair of Pistols: Two handguns made for • Fine Hand Weapon: A finely crafted one-
knife. accuracy and efficiency. handed melee weapon of your choice. Perhaps
• A Firearm: A heavy gun, held in two hands. • Fine Navigational Tools: Tools built to the a perfectly honed cutlass, a trusty hammer or
Perhaps a musket, rifle, or blunderbuss. highest standards, much more precise and axe, or a vicious dagger.
• A Pistol: A one-handed, single-shot firearm. accurate than other instruments. • Fine Heavy Armor: A sturdy and lightweight set
Slow to reload, but useful as a club once itʼs • Documents: Writs of sale, correspondences, of armor. (Takes up only 1 load instead of 2).
been fired. royal proclamations, and other interesting • Scary Weapon or Tool: A intimidating hand
• A Large Weapon: A two-handed melee weapon. papers youʼve collected – forged or otherwise. weapon or tool. Great for threatening someone,
Perhaps a staff or a boarding pike. • Personal Memento: A memory of the life you though not always better in a fight.
• An Unusual Weapon: A curiosity or tool turned left behind. • Manacles and Chain: A set of heavy manacles
into a weapon. Perhaps a whip, an oar, a and chain, suitable for restraining a prisoner or
Mariner Items
belaying pin, a chain, or a small anchor. using as an improvised weapon.
• Fine Bottle of Rum: A few steps up from the
• Armor: A thick leather tunic, worn under a coat
swill that most of your crewmates drink. Great Scoundrel Items
or shift. Heavy Armor adds metal plates or
for making friends quickly. • Fine Concealed Weapon: A small dagger or
bands for extra protection, plus leather bracers
• Fine Carpenterʼs Tools: A well-made set of pistol, easily hidden about your person.
and shoulder guards. You can expend your
sturdy and reliable tools, molded to your hand • Forgery Kit: Sets of paper, ink, and wax
armor to resist harm without taking stress.
by years of use. allowing you to imitate official documents.
• A Bottle of Rum: Good for celebrating victories,
• Fine Explosive: A potent and reliable bomb. • Loaded Dice: A set of bones subtly altered to
steadying nerves, or drowning sorrows. Safer to
• Trained Pet: A small animal, perhaps a monkey favor particular outcomes.
drink than water, in most cases.
or parrot, trained to obey your commands. • Lockpicking Tools: Picks and skeleton keys to
• A Crude Explosive: A simple grenade that
• Warding Talisman: An amulet strung with circumvent most kinds of locks.
generally explodes when you want it to. Can be
beads or feathers to ward off occult dangers. • Sleeping Powder: Tasteless, colorless powder
thrown in combat, or placed with a timed fuse.
that can be slipped into food or drink. Enough
• A Musical Instrument: A flute, concertina, Occultist Items doses for a dozen or so targets.
fiddle, drum, or other small instrument. • Fine Whalebone Knife: A razor-sharp blade,
• A Torch or Lantern: A simple oil lantern, or a carved from the bones of a long-dead creature. Swashbuckler Items
torch; something thatʼs held in one hand, burns • Fine Warding Talisman: A charm that keeps • Fine Blade: A magnificent one-handed sword,
slowly, and gives off light. away some of the oceanʼs darker powers. Not well balanced and finely sharpened.
• Climbing Gear: Rope, grappling hooks, iron made with exceptional materials, but still much • Fine Set of Clothes: A well-tailored outfit,
pitons. Enough to get you up a cliff or a wall. more potent than the usual trinkets. expensive enough to blend in with nobility.
• Carpenterʼs Tools: A hammer and nails, a saw, • Fanciful Map: An old map that charts out • Fine Bottle of Wine: A particularly excellent
a coil of rope, a jar of pitch. Good for repairing impossible locations, noting landmarks and vintage. Smells and tastes exquisite.
a ship, or sabotaging one. treasures that canʼt possibly exist. • Fine Musical Instrument: A perfectly built
• Navigational Tools: Tools to figure out where • Occult Focus: A small trinket that helps you instrument, a work of art in itself.
you are and where youʼre headed. A sextant, a direct your magic. • Improvised Weapons: Whatever you find at
compass, a spyglass, a set of maps. • Trained Pet: An animal that does your bidding. hand when a fight breaks out.
1. Choose a Crew Playbook 2. Choose an Initial Reputation 6. Assign Crew Upgrades
The crew playbook determines the crewʼs general Decide how the other sailors and pirates of the Each crew playbook comes with two upgrades
aesthetic and theme, as well as the xp triggers and Carrascan Sea view your crew: Ambitious, Brutal, pre-selected; choose two more upgrades, from the
special abilities theyʼll use. Daring, Honorable, Professional, Savvy, Subtle, or general or playbook-specific lists.
Strange. What reputation have you gained, in the
If you pick the Loyalists or Phantoms playbook, Decide on two factions that you crossed paths
short time youʼve sailed together?
decide on your crewʼs loyalty or dark purpose with when you acquired these upgrades:
(respectively). The crew will earn xp when they bolster their
• One faction helped you get one of the upgrades.
Loyalists: Loyalty Take +1 status with them, or pay 1 coin to get
3. Describe Your Flagship +2 status instead.
If you choose the Loyalists playbook, pick what
You begin the game with a single ship under your
nation you serve from the list of heritage options: • Another faction was thwarted when you gained
command. Even if you end up amassing a fleet,
Valdesia, Revelle, Sallice, Meghra, Segamba, an upgrade. Take -2 status with them, or spend
that ship – your flagship – will still be a defining
Ourogan, or Waturey. 1 coin to get -1 status instead.
part of your crew.
Besides the obvious fictional impact, this will 7. Choose a Favored Contact
Decide what the shipʼs original purpose was, and
determine the names and nationality of your Mark one contact on the crew sheet who is a close
how you acquired it. Describe the look of the ship
crewʼs contacts. Check the reference sheets for a friend, long-time ally, or partner in crime.
– what shape is the figurehead? What flag do you
list of contact names for each loyalty option.
fly? What features distinguish it from others of its Decide on two factions who are connected to this
Phantoms: Dark Purpose kind? contact:
If youʼre playing a crew of Phantoms, choose one Assign the flagship two edges and one flaw from • One faction also has a good relationship with
option for the dark purpose to which your crew is the lists on the playbook sheet. them. Take +1 status with that faction.
bound. Youʼll gain xp when you work towards that
4.Describe Your Sailors • Another faction is enemies or rivals with the
purpose or struggle against it.
Flesh out the crew of your flagship using the contact, and therefore suspicious of you. Take
• Corruption: You must subvert and defile a normal cohort rules: determine their cohort type -1 status with them.
particular target, twisting it into a dark (Adepts, Killers, Knaves, or Rovers) and assign them
Optionally, you can choose to increase both status
reflection of its former self. 1 or 2 edges and an equal number of flaws.
changes to +2 and -2 status.
• Devastation: Youʼre sworn to wreak destruction
5. Choose a Special Ability
and chaos. 8. Choose Your Hunting Grounds
Pick one of the special abilities on the crew sheet.
• Protection: You must keep someone or Look over the map of the Carrascan Sea, and pick
If you canʼt decide, take the first one on the list –
something safe from harm. one of its regions to be your hunting grounds.
itʼs placed there as a good default option.
• Redemption: You became Phantoms when you Youʼll get a bonus die when you hunt for prey or
performed some act of unforgivable evil, and The Veteran ability, which lets you take abilities gather information in this region.
you must now try to redeem yourselves. from other playbooks, is off limits for now – the
9. Name Your Flagship
• Servitude: You are bound to the service of some crewʼs starting ability must come from its own
Choose a name for your flagship, and by extension
dark power. You go where they tell you, and playbook.
for the crew itself. This could be the name that the
perform whatever tasks they command.
ship had originally, or one that the crew gave it
• Vengeance: Youʼve been wronged somehow,
when you first took ownership.
and you seek revenge on the perpetrators.
• Armor: Your flagshipʼs hull is reinforced to • Training: This upgrade lets you earn 2 xp Unlike in Blades in the Dark, each characterʼs stash
make it significantly more durable. This allows instead of 1 when you train a particular xp track is a very literal, physical stockpile where they can
you to resist physical harm to the ship without during downtime. You can take this upgrade store their ill-gotten gains.
paying stress, just like the Armor item that once for each of the four xp tracks on the
The fictional details of the stash are yours to
characters can use. character sheet: Insight, Prowess, Resolve,
decide: your stash might be the classic chest of
and Playbook.
• Boltholes: Your flagship is filled with nooks and treasure buried on a deserted island, or a trusted
crannies useful for concealing illicit cargo. You • Mastery: Your crew reaches the pinnacle of ally at the edge of the Carrascan whoʼs promised to
can hide your loot well enough to thwart all but skill. With this upgrade, PCs may advance their hold onto your loot, or an account with a secure
the most thorough searches. action ratings to 4d, past the normal cap of 3d. Revellan bank. However it looks in the fiction,
Gaining mastery costs four crew upgrades. your stash is always inviolable. Regardless of the
• Coffers: Your flagship has a secure strongbox,
fictional situation, the coin in your stash will
allowing you to store up to 8 coin instead of the • Quality: Each quality upgrade improves the
always be safe whenever you come to check on it.
usual 4. A second upgrade increases the storage quality of one aspect of the flagship, or one
capacity to a total of 16 coin. particular type of item carried by the crew. You The price for this security is ease of access: it
can improve the quality of your flagshipʼs takes a downtime action to securely and secretly
• Hidden Cannons: Some of your flagshipʼs gun
cannons, hull, rudder, or sails, potentially access your stash (see page 5). Once you reach it,
ports are concealed into the side of the hull,
boosting your position and effect in situations however, you can put in or take out as much coin
allowing the ship to pass as one less heavily
when those parts of the ship play an important as you need. Thereʼs no cost or tax for doing so;
role. You can also improve the crewʼs charts you get 1 stash for every 1 coin you put in, and
• Oars: Your flagship is fitted with long oars to (Navigational Tools), gear (Climbing Gear, vice versa when you take coin back out.
propel it forward when the winds die down, Carpenterʼs Tools, Torches & Lanterns, etc.), or
along with benches and portholes on a lower weapons (explosives, blades, and firearms).
deck to let the crew easily row them. (You can
• Cohort: A cohort is a single expert NPC in your
still try to row the ship without this upgrade,
employ, or the crew of a ship. Acquiring or
but it will be slow and awkward to do so.)
upgrading a cohort costs two crew upgrades; to
• Overgunned: The railings on the flagshipʼs gain a ship cohort, you may also need to spend
upper decks have been torn down and replaced coin in order to get your hands on the actual
with more cannons, increasing your firepower. ship. For more details, see the Creating a Cohort
section on the next page.
• Prow Ram: The prow of your flagship is
reinforced and braced to resist direct impacts,
allowing you to ram enemy vessels while taking
only minimal damage yourself.
• Specialty Shot: Your flagship is stocked with
specialty ammunition for your cannons – chain
shot, grape shot, etc. – in addition to the normal
round shot. Taking this upgrade again provides
incendiary cannonballs.
A cohort encompasses either a ship and its crew, Expert Cohorts Edges
or a single expert NPC under your command. An expert is a single highly-skilled individual in • Fearsome: The cohort is terrifying in aspect
Each cohort has a cohort type, which describes the crewʼs employ. and reputation.
their particular specialties, and a set of edges and • Independent: The cohort can be trusted to
There isnʼt a fixed list of cohort types for experts;
flaws to flesh out their personality. make good decisions and act on their own
instead, write down a word or short phrase that
initiative when they donʼt have direct orders.
Creating a Cohort describes their area of expertise. For instance, an
• Loyal: The cohort canʼt be bribed or turned
The crew starts with one ship cohort, to represent expert might be a Marksman, Surgeon, or Explorer.
against you.
the other pirates who sail on the PCsʼ flagship.
An expert gains a bonus die when they perform • Tenacious: The cohort wonʼt be deterred from
Recruiting a new cohort during the game costs
an action that matches their cohort type. a task.
two crew upgrades. If youʼre adding a ship cohort
and you donʼt have the actual ship yet, youʼll need Ship Cohorts Flaws
to spend 8 coin to get your hands on a craft. A ship cohort represents both the physical ship • Bloodthirsty: The cohort is excessively violent
itself and the sailors who pilot and maintain it. and cruel.
To create a cohort, run through these steps:
The crew starts with a single flagship, a special • Gutless: The cohort is soft-hearted and
• Choose whether youʼre adding a single skilled kind of ship cohort with some extra mechanical cowardly.
expert to your crew or recruiting an entire ship traits (see the next page), but over time you can • Unreliable: The cohort canʼt always be
of pirates. recruit other ships to sail under your command. depended on.
• Wild: The cohort is drunken, debauched, and
• Choose a cohort type to represent the cohortʼs To gain a ship cohort, you must have possession of
area of expertise. the physical ship you want to crew and sail. If you
donʼt have a good way to find a ship in the fiction, Cohort Harm & Healing
• Assign one or two edges and as many flaws.
you can spend 8 coin to buy one from a mostly- Cohorts suffer harm in much the same way as PCs
Modifying a Cohort reputable source. do. A cohort can suffer four levels of harm, with
You can add an additional cohort type to one of one harm slot for each level:
When you gain a ship cohort, pick a cohort type
your cohorts by spending two crew upgrades.
from the list below: • Lesser harm - Weakened. Reduced effect.
Using a Cohort • Moderate harm - Impaired. -1d for actions.
• Adepts: Shamans, arcanists, and soothsayers.
When you send a cohort out to achieve a goal, • Severe harm - Broken. Canʼt act without help.
• Killers: Butchers, brawlers, and cut-throats.
make an action roll; determine the position and • Fatal harm - Destroyed. Dead or disbanded.
• Knaves: Rogues, adventurers, and jacks of all
effect level as normal, based on their potency,
trades. Cohorts recover one level of harm for free each
quality, and scale versus their opposition.
• Rovers: Seafarers, voyagers, and navigators. downtime. A PC may spend a downtime action to
If the cohort is doing something that fits in their remove an additional harm level.
Regardless of type, all cohorts have a basic level of
cohort type, they roll dice equal to the crewʼs tier.
skill at piracy - they can competently sail the ship When a cohort is destroyed, it can be replaced;
When they act outside of their skillset, their dice
or hold their own in battle. spend two downtime actions, and coin equal to
pool is half the crewʼs tier, rounded down.
the crewʼs tier plus 2. The cohort returns with all
Some crew upgrades add the Elite tag to ship
If a PC is working directly with the cohort, they its harm cleared.
cohorts of a certain type; this gives them +1d
can lead a group action; you can either roll
when they take actions that match their type. To replace a ship cohort, you need to find another
Command, or whatever action matches the task.
ship you can claim (or pay 8 coin to buy one).
Your crew begins the story with command of one Flaws Flagship Harm
ship: your flagship. Though you can acquire other The flagship gets one flaw from the list below: The flagship has the same kind of harm tracker as
ships later on, the flagship is always the lead ship the player characters. This tracks physical harm to
• Cramped: The layout of the ship, both above
in your armada. This flagship is, in some ways, the ship; harm to the sailors on board is tracked
and belowdecks, is tight and constrained.
another character on the crew, as important to the with the normal cohort harm track.
• Distinctive: The flagship has highly visible and
story as any of the PCs.
memorable features, making it harder to The penalties for harm to the flagship are the
The flagship is represented as a ship cohort, but conceal its identity or pass undetected. same as for the PCs: reduced effect, -1d, etc.
has more mechanical depth than the other ships • Finicky: The flagship has quirks that only a few
These penalties apply to any character who takes
you command. It has a second set of edges and people understand; any others will have
an action where the flagshipʼs harm would apply,
flaws that represent the quirks of the ship itself, in difficulty sailing it.
in addition to any penalties from the characterʼs
addition to those of its sailors, and you can spend • Heavy: The flagship turns slowly and doesnʼt
existing harm. However, a character can only take
crew upgrades to improve it in various ways. It sail as well into the wind, though it can still
the same penalty once. For instance, if both the
also has a fleshed-out harm tracker like the PCs reach great speeds with the wind at its back.
ship and the PC have taken lesser harm, the PC
do, and a repair clock to reflect how it recovers • Standardized: The flagship was built to a
would only have the effect level of her roll reduced
from harm between scores. standard design, the same as countless other
once, not twice.
ships of its type. Most other captains will be
Flagship Edges familiar with the capabilities of the ship and the Repairing the Flagship
The flagship gets two edges from the list below:
layout of its decks. Like other cohorts, the flagship automatically
• Fast: With the right wind, the flagship can recovers from one level of harm during each
Some of these flaws are the direct opposites of
make exceptional speed. downtime phase.
potential edges – for instance, Large vs Cramped
• Inconspicuous: The flagship can easily blend
or Nimble vs Heavy. Use common sense and avoid Any remaining damage to the ship must be dealt
in with other ships, and doesnʼt immediately
contradicting details about the flagship that have with using the repair downtime action, which
stand out as a pirate vessel.
already been established. works just like the recovery action for the PCs.
• Imposing: The flagship is naturally
intimidating. Unlike the shipʼs edges, its flaw has no strict If the flagship is completely destroyed, it cannot
• Large: The flagship is a little larger than other mechanical effect. Instead, the GM should use it be repaired or easily replaced; the crew must find
ships of similar make, allowing it to fit more to adjust the shipʼs quality when determining the another ship to be their new flagship.
sailors and more cannons on board. position and effect of a roll, or as part of a devilʼs
Changing Flagships
• Lucky: The flagship inexplicably seems to bargain.
To gain a new flagship (whether your current one
catch the wind and waves in just the right ways
is destroyed or just feels obsolete), you must gain
to dodge cannon fire or sail through storms.
access to it in the fiction. This could come from a
• Nimble: The flagship steers easily and can
score, a long-term project to refurbish an old ship,
rapidly change its heading.
or a favor from another faction, but you canʼt just
The flagshipʼs edges can give the crew a free +1d spend coin for it.
on actions where they would be helpful, like an
Choose new edges and a flaw for the new flagship.
assist maneuver but with no stress cost. If the
It keeps all the crew upgrades of its predecessor,
flagship gives a bonus die to a roll, no other PC can
and starts out with no active harm.
assist the roll.
Travel Costs Nations Wanted
When you travel between different regions of the Each NPC faction is associated with one of six If you fill up any nationʼs heat track, the crew is
Carrascan Sea, you must spend 1 coin for each nations that control the Carrascan Sea: Valdesia, now wanted by that nation. Its forces are intent
new region you enter, representing the supplies Revelle, Sallice, Pirates, Occult, and Outcasts. Only enough on your capture that theyʼll hunt you
and rations that you expend over the course of the the first three are nations in the literal sense; the down no matter where you flee, and theyʼll send
journey. others are groups of factions with shared goals or serious firepower to make sure you donʼt escape.
Additionally, you run the risk of being spotted by When youʼre wanted by a nation, you can no
unfriendly eyes. When you enter a new region Each nation has a heat track, which denotes how longer reduce your heat with that nation by any
and you have more than 3 heat with the nation much the PCs have raised that nationʼs ire. As you normal means. Instead, you must execute a score
who controls that region, you take an additional 1 take more heat with a nation, theyʼll start to make in order to appease or redirect their ill will: frame
heat with them. If you travel through multiple it more and more of a priority to bring your crew another crew for your crimes, negotiate a truce,
regions belonging to the same nation, each new to justice. arrange for trouble to flare up elsewhere, or any
region can add additional heat. other operation that makes sense in the fiction. If
When you reduce heat, it affects only a single heat
the score is successful, clear the wanted status
These costs only apply when you travel from one track; you decide which nation you appease.
and reduce your heat with that nation to 3 heat
region to another; sailing within a single region
Heat (plus any additional heat from the score).
can be done for free.
After each score, decide which nation was most
You can travel between regions during any phase inconvenienced or hurt by the crewʼs actions. The
of the game: as part of a score, in downtime, or in PCs take heat with that nation based on the nature
free play. of the operation, starting with a general sense of
the score:
Dangerous Travel
By default, itʼs assumed that the crewʼs voyages go • 0 heat for a smooth and quiet score.
smoothly; the characters are all skilled sailors, • 2 heat for a contained score.
more than capable of handling bad weather and • 4 heat for a loud and chaotic score.
minor incidents off-screen. • 6 heat for a wild score.
That said, if something is obviously dangerous or Adjust that baseline value as follows:
troublesome about the route that the characters
• Add +1 heat if the scoreʼs target is high profile
take, the GM can choose to frame a scene where
or well connected.
the PCs must confront that danger.
• Add +2 heat if the score dealt a serious blow to
The GM is responsible for clearly telegraphing any this nationʼs interests.
risks associated with a journey or a specific route. • Take -1 heat (minimum 0) if the score occurred
It should never be a surprise when the characters far from the nationʼs territory.
find themselves in danger during a voyage, and if
If the score helped the interests of another nation,
possible they should have the opportunity to take
reduce the crewʼs heat with that nation by -2 heat.
a safer route.
If the PCs happened to serve multiple nations at
once, reduce heat with each nation they aided, but
only by -1 heat.
Heat 0-3 Heat 4-5 Heat 6+ Wanted
1-3 Crew Troubles or Ship Disrepair Crew Troubles or Patrol Challenge or Flipped Flipped or Bounty
4-5 Threats or Cooperation Probing or Rivals Restless Depths or Raid Restless Depths or Outnumbered
6+ Probing or Stowaway Cooperation or Sabotage Outnumbered or Bounty Assault or Leviathan

The Entanglement Roll Entanglement List • Probing: A neutral or enemy faction starts looking
To generate an entanglement, roll dice equal to • Assault: A nation decides that itʼs time to put you for information on your crewʼs movements and
the crewʼs tier minus one, and use the relevant down. They send a small fleet, or a comparable weaknesses.
heat value (see below) to interpret the results on force, to do away with you once and for all. • Raid: An enemy faction launches an outright
the table above. Each space in the table lists two • Bounty: A nation puts a hefty price on your head – attack. Either back down from the fight (lose hold),
different potential entanglements; use whichever enough money to make even hardened pirates or go to war with them.
one makes the most sense for the fiction. consider turning you over. • Restless Depths: One or more supernatural
• Cooperation: A contact or allied faction asks you creatures find their way to your ship. Find a priest
Determining Heat for a favor. Agree to help them, or lose status with or an occultist to banish them, or deal with the
The PCs have six different heat values, showing
them. situation yourselves.
how much theyʼve damaged the interests of each
• Crew Troubles: Your crew or cohorts cause trouble • Rivals: Another faction tries to recruit some of
nation in the setting (see the previous page).
– either with other factions, or within the crew. your crew or contacts. Scare them off, allow them to
At the beginning of downtime, the crew decides Lose face, make an example, or find some other way steal your people, or fight back.
what region of the Carrascan theyʼll spend their to deal with the situation. • Sabotage: An enemy faction tries to damage your
downtime in. When you roll their entanglement, • Challenge: A crew member publicly makes a claim ship, either quietly (fraying the riggings, boring
decide which nation controls that region or area, for the captaincy of your ship, or threatens to do so holes in the hull) or overtly (trying to light it on fire
and use the crewʼs heat with that nation. if their demands arenʼt met. or taking potshots at the sails).
• Flipped: One of your contacts or allies cuts ties – • Ship Disrepair: The ship is damaged by rocks or
If the PCs have filled one of their heat tracks and
itʼs too dangerous to be associated with you right storms and needs to be fixed. Pick a part of the ship
are wanted by any nation, use the Wanted column
now. (hull, sails, rudder, etc.) – that part has reduced
in the table, no matter where they spend their
• Leviathan: A great beast rises from the sea, its quality until the ship is next repaired, or until the
downtime. When a nation decides it wants your
intentions unclear. end of the next score.
head, thereʼs nowhere you can run.
• Outnumbered: Two or more enemy factions put • Stowaway: Someone creeps on board your ship as
their differences aside to deal with you, launching you prepare to set sail. Make a fortune roll to see if
a combined attack. you discover them in the attempt, or if they remain
• Patrol: An enemy faction sends ships to scout your hidden until youʼre in open waters.
last known location. Lie low until they lose interest, • Threats: Another faction tries to intimidate you, a
evade them, or confront them. friend or contact, or one of your vice purveyors.
Rituals are large-scale workings of occult magic, Performing a Ritual Ritual Stress Costs
carried out over multiple hours or days. A ritual is a complex piece of magic, and takes Performing a ritual costs some amount of stress,
time to cast. A ritual canʼt usually be completed determined by the GM during its creation. This
Only PCs who have taken the Ritual ability may
from start to finish during the duration of a single cost should be based on the scale and potency of
learn or perform rituals, though some rituals may
score. Most rituals are completed as a single the ritual, subject to the GMʼs discretion.
allow the uninitiated to act in a supporting role.
downtime action, but very powerful rituals may
• 1-2 stress for a weak ritual: a minor effect that
Learning a Ritual require even more time to set up; these can be
touches a small area or a few people for no
When a PC first gains the Ritual ability, they represented as a long-term project.
more than one or two minutes.
automatically learn a single ritual, but they can
Some rituals allow you to “prime” the magical • 3-4 stress for a moderate ritual: an effect lasting
learn or create other rituals over time.
effect, binding it inside a token of some kind or an hour or two that affects a dozen or so people
Learning or creating a new ritual requires finding temporarily holding it back; this allows you to give or the space of a large clearing.
a source that can grant you knowledge of the the final incantation to release the effect later on. • 5-6 stress for a significant ritual: a powerful or
magic associated with that ritual. This could be an long-lasting effect that reaches from one island
If a ritual is especially dangerous or troublesome
old arcane text, training from another shaman, or to another or covers a large buildingʼs worth of
to perform, you might need to make an action roll
even a week spent half-submerged listening to the space or people.
(usually with Attune) to see if it brings about any
tides. Some sources may require you to complete • 7-10 stress for a powerful ritual: an especially
unpleasant consequences.
a long-term project or a score in order to gain the potent effect covering a small village or an
knowledge you seek. entire shipʼs crew, targeting someone in a
distant region, or lasting for up to a few weeks.
Once you have found the source for a ritual, you
• 11-16 stress for a devastatingly strong ritual,
may start a long-term project to learn the ritual.
too immense for any one occultist to perform
This usually requires an 8-segment progress
alone: an effect that spans an entire island or
clock. As part of this process, the player and GM
city, channels terrible powers, or endures for
take turns asking and answering questions to
months at a time.
define the details of the ritual.
Some rituals may allow other characters to
• The GM asks: What does the ritual do, and what
contribute stress on behalf of the primary caster.
about it is uncanny or strange? The player
PCs can contribute any amount, but they must
spend one additional stress beyond what is added
• The player asks: What must I do to perform the
to the ritual. NPC cohorts can contribute an
ritual, and what is its cost? The GM answers.
amount of stress equal to their tier if their cohort
(The following sections have guidelines to help
type lends itself to ritual magic, or half their tier
with this answer.)
otherwise (rounded down).
• The GM asks: What new belief or fear does
knowledge of this ritual instill in you? The player If the ritual has other difficult costs or conditions,
answers. for instance requiring a mermaidʼs scale or a dark
and moonless night, the GM may reduce the stress
You can ask these questions once when you start
cost at their discretion by up to 4 stress. This
or complete the clock, or spread them out over
should never make the ritual trivial to perform.
time as the character works through the ritual.
Sometimes the crew wonʼt have a specific target in Then, roll using the regionʼs security rating to Hunting Grounds
mind – theyʼll just sail out looking for a ship they decide how well that cargo is defended. When you create your crew, youʼll choose one
can take, without caring what faction owns the region of the Carrascan Sea to be your hunting
• 1-3: A vulnerable target. Inexperienced sailors, a
prize or what cargo they might find. Seeking out a grounds. This is a region that your crew knows
skeleton crew, a weak or damaged vessel.
target of opportunity is referred to as hunting. particularly well, where youʼre most comfortable
• 4-5: Standard security. A full complement of
operating as a pirate vessel.
Hunting Costs sailors and cannons, or at least whatʼs normal for
Lingering in a region and searching for a prize a trading ship. You gain two benefits when you act within your
incurs the same costs as traveling into that region • 6: Significant defenses. A military escort or hunting grounds:
(see page 13): the PCs must pay 1 coin for especially well-armed ship.
• When you hunt for a prize within your hunting
supplies, and they might take heat with the nation • Crit: Overwhelming force. Multiple warships, a
grounds (see previous sections), you add +1d to
who controls the region. If the crew is already full man-of-war, or an ambush by an enemy
the regionʼs wealth rating when you roll to see
sailing through the region as part of a longer faction.
how valuable a target you find. (You donʼt get a
voyage, however, they can hunt for targets of
Use the results of the two rolls to come up with corresponding benefit to the security roll; you
opportunity along the way for no extra cost.
some fictional details for the prize. A valuable can sniff out richer prizes, but that doesnʼt help
Generating the Target target with weakened defenses might be a you with their defenses.)
The GM decides what target the crew finds by treasure ship thatʼs come down with plague or
• You get +1d when you gather information in or
making two fortune rolls, using the traits of the been damaged by storms; a meager prize with
about the region. This can help you plan your
region (see page 17). high security is likely a navy patrol or a crew of
scores, stay up to date on the regionʼs factions,
rival pirates. The random tables in the reference
First, roll using the regionʼs wealth rating to or pick up on key details during the middle of a
sheets can help you brainstorm details about the
determine how valuable the targetʼs cargo is. If the tense scene.
prize or its cargo.
crew is operating within their hunting grounds,
You arenʼt obligated to take on scores only in your
add +1d to this roll. Attacking the Target hunting grounds. If the target of a score is located
Once the prey is generated, the group can begin
• 1-3: A meager prize. Enough cargo to pay for the elsewhere, or if you just happen to be on the other
the score. As with other scores, the players must
shipʼs expenses, but less than youʼd expect from a end of the ocean and donʼt want to make the
decide on a plan to attack the target and provide
merchant ship. (About 4 coin in payoff) journey, you can hunt or raid in any region you
the associated detail – maybe theyʼll try an all-out
• 4-5: An average score. A hold full of trade goods, like. The crew will be most comfortable working
assault, or run up the black flag to scare their prey
with a few minor valuables. (About 8 coin) inside their hunting grounds, but the whole of the
into submission, or wait until nightfall for a raid
• 6: A major score. Perhaps multiple ships sailing Carrascan Sea is yours for the taking.
under cover of darkness. From there, the GM
together or a single ship with especially valuable
makes an engagement roll to see how the initial
cargo. (About 10 coin)
approach goes, and then the action begins.
• Crit: A unique opportunity. Gold and gems,
occult artifacts, or state secrets. (About 12 coin in Alternately, if the crew doesnʼt think the prize is
payoff, assuming the cargo can be sold) worth the risk, in most cases they can just let the
target sail past. The PCs can keep hunting if they
want, paying the costs again and looking for a
more attractive score; otherwise, they can head
back to port and figure out a different target.
The Agostine Isles (Sallice): The breadbasket of Salliceʼs colonies, filled
with lush farmland and dense forests.
Climate: 3 | Wealth: 2 | Security: 2 | Occult: 2
The Brightwater Isles (Valdesia): A beautiful and vibrant destination for
visiting nobility, home to rich merchants and dedicated officers.
Climate: 4 | Wealth: 4 | Security: 3 | Occult: 1
Carrowan (Outcasts): The untamed frontier of the Carrascan Sea, a vast
continent filled with high mountains and thick jungles.
Climate: 2 | Wealth: 1 | Security: 1 | Occult: 3
The Castaways (Valdesia): A once-prosperous region struggling with the
depletion of its natural resources.
Climate: 2 | Wealth: 1 | Security: 1 | Occult: 2
Greater Cuiverra (Revelle): The hub of Revellan culture in the Carrascan,
boasting great temples and monuments to rival the old world.
Climate: 3 | Wealth: 3 | Security: 3 | Occult: 2
The Hollows (Occult): A desolate and haunted chain of islands, filled with
occult dangers and devoid of settlements.
Climate: 0 | Wealth: 1 | Security: 0 | Occult: 4
Lesser Cuiverra (Revelle, Sallice): A pastoral region of small farms and
villages, trapped in a stalemate between Revellan and Sallician colonists.
Climate: 3 | Wealth: 2 | Security: 2 | Occult: 1
New Valdesia (Valdesia): The Valdesian governmentʼs stronghold in the
Carrascan; a bastion of trade, politics, shipbuilding, and corruption.
Climate: 2 | Wealth: 3 | Security: 4 | Occult: 1
The Southern Reach (Outcasts, Pirates): A distant sprawl of rocky islands,
home to displaced indigenous tribes and the pirates of Pelican Rock.
Climate: 2 | Wealth: 1 | Security: 2 | Occult: 2
Vespoliʼs Gate (Sallice): The first colony founded in the Carrascan, now a
crowded mercantile hub.
Climate: 4 | Wealth: 3 | Security: 4 | Occult: 0
The Windward Isles (Outcasts): A formerly bountiful island chain wracked
by a volcanic eruption, now used as an outpost by Meghran corsairs.
Climate: 1 | Wealth: 1 | Security: 3 | Occult: 2
Pirate Factions The Zephyr (2W) A swift ship with impossibly good Valdesian Factions
The Pirate Council (4S) The five most influential luck in picking its targets. Imperial Navy (6W) Fleets of disciplined soldiers
captains of Pelican Rock, who maintain order on the The Gadfly (1S) A privateering ship that habitually and skilled officers.
island and command its forces in times of war. lurks near Revellan trade routes. Langdon & Grey (4S) A Valdesian trading company
The Shipwrights (4W) Expert carpenters and The Laughing Bastard (1S) A versatile crew of with a monopoly on trade in the Carrascan Sea.
sailors responsible for the maintenance of Flotsam. merry swashbucklers. Brightwater Isles Citizens (4W) Inhabitants of the
The Duchess (3S) An infamous crew of raiders, The Sirena (1S) A crew of pirates that recruits new Brightwater Isles.
newly arrived in the Carrascan and looking to make hands from the ships they capture. The Redcliff Company (3S) Established arms
their mark. The Furie (1W) Inexperienced pirates on the lookout dealers, looking to expand into other markets.
The Ospreys (3S) Flotsam's peacekeeping force, who for a big score. New Valdesia Citizens (3W) Inhabitants of New
live up in the masts and riggings of the city. The Northern Wind (1W) Fugitives running from Valdesia.
The Razor (3S) A notorious pirate ship known for the crown's justice on a stolen ship. The Viceroy (3W) A navy ship given full authority
daring raids and cunning ambushes. to maintain order in Valdesiaʼs colonies.
The Retribution (3S) A Segamban crew that targets The Wolves (3W) A savage band of pirate hunters.
slaving ships. The Torn Banner (2S) A navy ship posing as pirates
The Silver Hand (3W) A privateering vessel to spy on other nationsʼ privateers.
bolstered by informants and spies throughout the Castaways Citizens (2W) Inhabitants of the
ocean. Castaways.
The Windrunner (3W) A crew of rovers who swoop
Revellan Factions
in after storms to snatch up weakened targets.
Revellan Navy (5S) A rapidly growing fleet of loyal
The Armistice (2S) A veteran crew of pirates
Revellan soldiers.
seeking revenge for their slain captain.
The Seven Stars (5S) A council of priests and
The Falcon (2S) An upstart crew pursuing renown
governors controlling Revellan policy in the
and influence by any means necessary.
The Red-Handers (2S) Masked mercenaries and
Greater Cuiverra Citizens (3S) Inhabitants of
killers for hire.
Greater Cuiverra.
The Requiem (2S) An honorable crew led by a
Knights of Abrandus (3S) An order of zealots
fighting a perennial war against the Meghran
The Revenge (2S) Valdesian sailors who were left to
die after a battle at sea, now sworn enemies of the
Ministry of Trade (3S) Revellan officials who
sponsor merchant expeditions.
The Bleeding Dove (2W) A ship crewed by vicious
The Golden Lilies (3W) An elite squadron of the
killers, who fly a distress flag to lure their victims in.
Revellan navy, mostly drawn from the nobility.
The Hangmanʼs Noose (2W) A resolute crew that
The Starlight Vigil (2S) Maleurite missionaries
preys on corrupt merchants and other pirates.
spreading Revellan doctrine across the Carrascan.
The Plain Devil (2W) Enterprising privateers with
Lesser Cuiverra Citizens (2W) Inhabitants of
a letter of marque from every nation.
Lesser Cuiverra.
Wreckers (2W) A gang of former pirates who lure
The Whispering Breeze (1S) Agents of the
ships to their doom with false signal lights.
Revellan monarchy, who keep tabs on the colonies.
Sallician Factions Occult Factions Outcast Factions
House Pavoni (5S) The powerful family that Drowners (4W) Dead sailors returned to a strange The Makote Pact (3W) An organization of Waturey
controls most of Salliceʼs colonies. semblance of life. tribes, banding together for survival and defense.
House Camillieri (4W) A disgraced noble family The Circle (3S) A collection of occultists working Meghran Corsairs (3W) Zealots launching raids
trying to regain their power by controlling Carrascan together to influence events in the Carrascan. and disrupting trade routes throughout the
trade. The Maelstrom (2S) A ghost ship perpetually Carrascan.
The Monarchi (3S) High-end bounty hunters, hired surrounded by storms. Southshore Maroons (2S) Segamban and Ourogan
by Salliceʼs elite. The Sisterhood of the Depths (2S) Sea-witches of refugees claiming territory in southern New Valdesia.
Vespoliʼs Gate Citizens (3W) Inhabitants of noble birth, trying to harness the oceanʼs power. The Stormʼs Children (2S) Ourogan raiders
Vespoliʼs Gate. The Undying (2S) Waturey tribes who are inhabited targeting the colonists who settled in their former
Agostine Isles Citizens (2S) Inhabitants of the by the spirits of their ancestors. homes.
Agostine Isles. The Calming Tide (2W) A sea cult that adopts and Southern Reach Natives (2W) Indigenous
Seekerʼs Guild (2S) An organization of explorers trains occultists who struggle to control their magic. inhabitants of the Southern Reach.
and adventurers, searching for glory and renown. Fort Crimson (2W) A former slave colony whose The Path of Embers (2W) A network of indigenous
House Carrascos (2W) A separatist movement prisoners swore a dark pact to win their freedom. spies who infiltrate and sabotage slave plantations.
hoping to create an independent Carrascan territory. The Terminus (2W) A crew of ghostly sailors Castaways Natives (1S) Indigenous inhabitants of
Brightflower Guild (1S) Explorers who scour the roaming the Hollows. the Castaways.
Carrascan Sea for orchids and other valuable flora. The Harbingers (1S) An apocalyptic cult that The Woodworms (1S) Waturey saboteurs who rob
Cascabel Guild (1S) Skilled blacksmiths renowned worships leviathans. and capsize ships docked on nearby islands.
for their cannons. Carrowan Natives (1W) Indigenous inhabitants of
There are no special rules for naval combat in Sea Scale and Spotlight Setting the Stage
of Dead Men. The standard mechanics of action Actions and consequences in ship battles can play Itʼs all too easy to start a battle by describing two
rolls and fictional positioning, which govern most out at either of two different levels: the ship level, ships out in open waters, with nothing around and
situations, apply to naval maneuvers and cannon a zoomed-out view of how the ships maneuver no weather to speak of. That may be realistic, but
fire just as well as they do to actions on land. around each other and exchange cannon fire, and it can get stale after a few scores.
the character level, which zooms back in on the
The PCsʼ individual actions can be resolved using To keep things interesting, consider adding some
people on board those ships. The ship level might
action rolls or fortune rolls; maneuvers taken at scenery for the ships to deal with. Naval battles
have actions like firing a broadside or trapping the
a larger scale might require rolling for actions donʼt have quite as many options for set dressing
enemy ship against a cliff; the character level can
from the crewʼs cohorts, or using a group action as battles on land, but any environmental factors
feature actions like shooting at an enemy officer
to resolve a broadside volley or boarding party. you can add will make the scene more engaging.
or putting out a fire belowdecks.
The rest of this page gives some advice on running You might add shallows, cliffs, or rocks to the
An ideal ship battle should shift back and forth
interesting battles at sea. scene, or have it take place near an island or close
between these two levels. Actions taken at the ship
to a well-armed fortress. Bad weather can also be
Managing Complexity level can become abstract and boring; if you give
a great tool for creating dynamic battles: thick fog
The factors that go into position and effect for a them consequences at the character scale, you
can limit visibility, and storms or high winds will
battle at sea can be quite simple or very complex, can build excitement and spread the spotlight
force each side to fight with the weather as well as
depending on how much your group is interested across the whole group.
the enemy ships.
in naval tactics and nuances of sailing. If you want
A failed Navigate action, for instance, might mean
to factor in details like wind speed and direction, Ship Details
that the enemy fires a barrage of chain shot that
thatʼs great – you can fold that into potency or Keep in mind the particular traits of each ship in
cripples the mast and inflicts moderate harm to
quality. If you arenʼt an expert in naval combat, or the battle. The crewʼs flagship has edges and flaws
the ship. Not only does this hamper the ship on a
you just donʼt care about those details, thatʼs fine that reflect its unique qualities, but other ships
tactical level, but it provides fodder for action on
too. You can often run a more exciting scene when donʼt have the same mechanical depth; itʼs up to
the character level: suddenly there are shattered
youʼre not bogged down in the minutia. the GM to keep their strengths and weaknesses in
pieces of wood raining down, sailors tangled up in
mind when making decisions about position and
You can also avoid focusing on the tactical parts of the riggings, and the Scoundrel in the crowʼs nest
a ship battle altogether. If your players like duels is now stranded on a collapsing mast.
with cutlasses and pistols rather than chain shot As the GM, make an effort to be transparent about
Itʼs a little harder to have actions at the character
and cannons, you can resolve the sailing elements how other ships rate against the PCs. The more
level roll back up to affect the big picture, but itʼs
of a score with one or two rolls and focus instead information they have, the better they can plan. If
just as important. Besides dealing with the fallout
on the PCs as they dramatically board their prey an enemy ship is sluggish and riding low in the
from actions at the ship level, characters can pick
and fight on its deck. water, or if itʼs naturally fast or overloaded with
off important enemy leaders, raise fake signals, or
cannons, the crew should be able to notice, and
As with any situation, you can zoom in or out on a use setup actions to help their crewmates. The
they can use that information when they decide
nautical battle as you like. A high-stakes skirmish PCs can also lead their sailors in a group action,
their approach to the battle.
could require the crew to fill a progress clock or taking charge of a gun crew or boarding party to
two in order to subdue their foes; a less important act with additional scale.
battle might be resolved in a single action roll.
Pirates in the Carrascan Sea pirates tend to Flotsam Pelican Rock
congregate in a few pirate havens, communities The floating city of Flotsam, as far as most folk Legend has it that Pelican Rock was founded when
out on the fringes of society that operate well clear outside the Carrascan are concerned, is nothing a single pirate crew, its name now lost to history,
of civilized laws. These havens are built to support but a legend. No reputable ship has ever seen it, escaped a crew of bounty hunters by making a
piracy, offering all the supplies and vices that a after all, and the explorers who go out searching mad scramble into the Southern Reach. There,
crew can ask for. for it every year come back empty-handed. In past the jagged rocks and sharp cliffs, the crew
truth, though, Flotsam is entirely real: a veritable found a small, defensible cove and decided to
There are three significant pirate havens in the
armada of ships lashed together into a floating claim it as their own.
Carrascan Sea: Flotsam, No Manʼs Land, and
colony of scoundrels and neʼer-do-wells.
Pelican Rock. Decades later, Pelican Rock has grown from its
The city is rumored to be protected by powerful humble beginnings into the largest pirate haven
No Manʼs Land magic that wards off any unwelcome visitors. in the Carrascan. Itʼs filled with pirates returning
The island known to sailors as No Manʼs Land has
Many of Flotsamʼs enemies have tried to locate the from their latest voyages, sailors looking to join up
no official name, and does not appear on any map.
floating city, but none have ever found it. Long- with a new crew, and enough fences, carpenters,
The island is a haven for spies, privateers, pirates,
term residents of Flotsam, on the other hand, gain and purveyors of vice to keep the island in
and unscrupulous sailors: a neutral ground where
an instinctive sense of direction that leads them business. Anything a pirate might need – rope,
crews from all nations can drink and gamble
back to the city no matter how far it drifts. lumber, ale, information, a good brawl – can be
together, away from the watchful eyes of their
found somewhere in Pelican Rock.
colonial masters. Flotsam operates under a kind of cheerful
anarchy, with no real laws or government. What The crews who call Pelican Rock home are led by
The “land” portion of No Manʼs Land is a tiny islet,
little order exists in the city is maintained by a the Pirate Council, an informal collective of five
barely extending above the waterline and
gang called the Ospreys, who run a protection pirate captains. Membership in the Pirate Council
surrounded by a submerged sand bar. The islet
racket over most of its shops and merchants. is fluid, enforced only by the strength of those
itself holds the havenʼs larger buildings, foremost
Outside their turf, anything goes: murder, theft, holding it: to join, one must simply make a claim
among them a sprawling tavern called the Mizzen,
and sabotage are commonplace events. for one of its five seats, and force any opposition
while the rest of the town is built of ramshackle
to back down.
structures resting on long stilts above the water. The one unwritten rule that every resident of
Flotsam follows, though, is a strict taboo against The Pirate Council holds its meetings in a cave
The sand bar extends far enough out that most
open flame. Instead of torches and candles, the dug into the side of a cliff – once a natural
ships canʼt sail close to the islet itself; visitors are
cityʼs residents carry thick metal lanterns that formation, now a carved-stone room furnished
forced to lay anchor just past the shallows and row
leave no chance of breaking and lighting the with all the comforts of a palace. The cave holds
the rest of the way in. This quirk of terrain creates
wooden decks on fire. six stone seats set around the table; five are simple
a natural perimeter of anchored ships that act as a
and utilitarian, made for the council members to
warning system should the town ever be attacked. Maintenance of the city is performed by the
sit in, while the sixth is an elaborately carved
Shipwrights, a collection of skilled carpenters. In
While all governments officially deny knowledge throne, with inscriptions that reserve it for a
exchange, they demand a toll of supplies from
of any such place, No Manʼs Land is an open secret “Pirate King”. That seat stands empty, as a symbol
every ship that enters the city. Those who pay the
among the officers and spies who operate in the of the piratesʼ contempt for monarchs and
toll have the Shipwrightʼs guarantee of relative
Carrascan. A port where sailors of all nations dictators; if any ambitious soul ever tries to claim
safety for their cargo; the rare ships who refuse
mingle freely creates a unique opportunity for it, the usual ban on violence is set aside and the
are turned away from the docks, usually pursued
espionage, and behind the chaos and revelry lies a offender is unceremoniously shot.
by a few opportunistic pirate crews.
thriving market for information and rumors.
Listed below are a set of opportunities, rumors and hooks that you can use to introduce potential scores and add background events to the world. Each list
is tailored for a specific crew type, but you can feel free to mix and match.

Loyalist Opportunities Marauder Opportunities

Opportunities for Loyalist crews will usually tie into the nation they serve. Marauder crews are built for violence – to threaten it, and inflict it. Their
These can be explicit orders from the crewʼs superior officers, unofficial opportunities generally involve an incentive for a fight, or prey thatʼs been
requests from their allies, or just rumors that they happen to stumble on. rendered vulnerable to attack.
1. Your nationʼs navy is planning a large offensive; they need a separate force 1. A crew of Meghran corsairs has washed up onshore after a vicious fight with
to harass the enemyʼs lines of communication prior to the attack. Revellan troops. Theyʼre in bad shape now (and could easily be wiped out);
once they recover their strength, theyʼll be looking for allies for a
2. One of your nationʼs spies has been uncovered by an enemy; a pirate raid
would be the perfect cover to extract the agent without risking a diplomatic
incident. 2. A nearby colony was recently struck by a terrible plague, rendering it nigh-
3. Privateers loyal to another nation have been mouthing off to your crew.
3. War is brimming between two nations, and both sides are looking for
4. A convoy of diplomats is headed to the Carrascan to negotiate a truce
privateers to recruit.
between two of your nationʼs enemies.
4. The governor of a nearby colony has been stockpiling gunpowder and
5. A rival officer in your nationʼs military comes to you with a score thatʼs too
munitions in preparation for a raid on the islandʼs Ourogan tribes.
good to be true.
5. A band of maroons is planning an assault on a wealthy plantation, and
6. One of your navyʼs ships has recently deserted and turned pirate. They need
they need some extra firepower to ensure it goes smoothly.
to be found and brought in as an example to would-be defectors.
6. A small flotilla of merchant ships is headed to a Sallician gold mine to pick
7. A recent treaty will force your nation to move some of its ships out of a
up a major shipment.
contested region, and they need a few privateers to pick up the slack.
7. An influential merchant is preparing for a voyage, escorted by a huge
8. A crew of pirate hunters from another nation have started making a point of
convoy of warships. Nobody knows where theyʼre bound, or their cargo.
tracking down and capturing enemy privateers.
8. Another pirate captain has a tip on the location of a treasure fleet, but their
9. A fortress belonging to your nation has just been seized by an enemy; it
crew doesnʼt have the strength to take on the prize alone.
must be retaken immediately, before the new occupants have time to rebuild
its defenses. 9. A pirate crew recently sailed back into port, terribly damaged after a prize
managed to turn the tables on them. The pirates couldnʼt win the battle
outright, but they managed to inflict heavy damage as they fled; another
crew might be able to sail out and finish the job.
Phantom Opportunities Renegade Opportunities
Scores for Phantoms will vary widely depending on the dark purpose of the Opportunities for Renegade crews are an mixed bag of plot hooks and tip-
specific crew: a ship sworn to the protection of a certain relic will take on offs, chances to outwit other factions or to go on daring adventures.
very different missions than one whose goal is simple destruction. The
1. Another pirate crew is bragging about a lucrative score theyʼre about to
opportunities in this list mostly introduce new supernatural powers or
attempt. They donʼt plan to leave for a day or two, though…plenty of time
events, which the PCs can either oppose, support, or exploit.
to beat them to it.
1. A castaway rescued from a deserted isle is covered in strange tattoos and
2. Rumors around port say that a certain pirate captain is a spy who sells
scars, and keeps babbling about a “great storm”.
intelligence to pirate hunters. The powers that be want the traitor dealt
2. A ship that was lost at sea years ago suddenly returns to port, its crew with, one way or another.
haggard and sunken-eyed. They refuse to talk about what happened to them
3. Two pirate captains have started feuding, and their crews are brawling in
or where theyʼve been all this time.
the streets.
3. The howling winds that haunt the Whispering Rocks have suddenly gone
4. A band of explorers is headed to a remote island to search for valuable
orchids and other treasures. Theyʼre in need of protection, but none of the
4. An enslaved child on a nearby plantation has manifested supernatural legitimate colonies will supply any troops.
powers and escaped into the wilderness.
5. A nearby colony has fallen victim to a string of Ourogan raids; the colonyʼs
5. Another crew has been receiving strange nightmares and visions for weeks governor is fleeing to safer shores, along with her family and all their
on end. Theyʼre willing to pay whatever it takes for someone to help them. valuables.
6. A group of explorers has unearthed a strange relic; they plan to bring it back 6. The lone survivor of a navy ambush needs passage back to the site of the
to the civilized world for thorough study. battle, to retrieve a hidden stash of plunder from the wrecked ship.
7. Deep beneath the waves, a long-slumbering leviathan is beginning to wake. 7. A powerful pirate captain is looking for a lost artifact, hidden away on a
Those attuned to the ocean have begun to experience splitting headaches remote island.
and terrifying visions as the leviathan exerts its influence.
8. A disgraced aristocrat from the old world is fleeing to a colony in the
8. A particular ship has been sitting in port for months now; its sailors Carrascan, hoping for a life of luxury and relative obscurity.
complain that theyʼre hounded by swarms of sea creatures any time the ship
9. A friendly pirate ship was just captured, and its crew is scheduled to be
ventures into open waters.
hanged at the end of the month.
9. Another occultist reaches out to your crew, offering an exchange of services.

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