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(c) Discuss whether it is always possible for a government to achieve a high rate of economic
growth. [10]

(a) Explain what is meant by a recession. [2]
(b) What is meant by productivity? [2]

Economic Growth in Uganda
In 2007 there were 27.7 million people in Uganda. It was reported that by 2025 the population
was expected to almost double, making Uganda the country with the fastest increase in
population in the world. There was concern that with limited employment, health care and
education in Uganda, such an increase in population would result in increased poverty.
However, the President of Uganda said that the country was under-populated and that the
population increase would result in a bigger internal market and a larger workforce which
would improve economic prospects and economic growth.
(a) Explain what is meant by economic growth. [4]
(b) Discuss why many countries aim to increase economic growth. [4]
(d) Discuss whether you agree with the President of Uganda that an increase in population
causes an increase in the workforce which would improve economic growth. [6]

As Eastern European economies continue to grow, companies are recording an increase in
profits. Public and private sector investment are expected to rise as trade barriers are reduced.
(a) What is meant by economic growth? [3]
(b) Discuss whether economic growth is always advantageous. [7]
(c) The article says economic growth rose by 3.8%.
(i) Define what is meant by economic growth. [2]
(ii) Explain the link between a rise in investment and a rise in economic growth. [4]
(d) An aim of government policy is to achieve economic growth. Explain what benefits
economic growth can bring to a country. [6]

(d) Discuss how an increase in car production through the establishment of a new plant might
affect a country’s Gross National Product. [7]

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