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CS106102CS (Cryptography and Network Security)

Due Date: 25-03-2023 Time: 05.00PM

 Kindly Submit the assignment before due date and time.

 Please do this assignment on your own with appropriate answers and avoid any kind of

1. Alice and Bob want to communicate over an insecure channel. Bob suggests Alice to use the
Elgamal cryptosystem and is about to create his private key and public key. Bob selects p= 2579,
α =2, and a=765 and generates his private keys and public keys using it.
Alice wishes to send “Happy Holi” to Bob, his lucky number is 123. Explain the complete
conversation between Alice and Bob. [ Use A=00, B= 01 and so on]

2. To receive the reply from Bob, (from the conversation in Q1) Alice also send his public key. She
generates her keys using p= 31, α =3 , and a= α mod p . Bob wants to reply “YOU TOO” and he uses
7 as his random key. Show all the steps done by Alice and Bob. [ Use A=00, B= 01 and so on]

3. Q6. Considering p=31 in Elgamal cryptosystem. What is the respective plaintext character for
Ciphertext = (27, 20)?

4. Is hashing and encrypting is same? Support your answer by explaining all features of hashing and

5. When and why do we use SHA algorithms? Explain SHA along with its strength and weaknesses.

6. What is a Cryptographic Hash Family ?

7. Explain the difference between Hash Function, Encryption and Digital signature in terms of features,

speed, complexity, and security.

8. What is the cryptanalysis of a Hash Function on the General Structure of Secure Hash Code?

9. What is the CBC based Hash Function and why it is vulnerable to meet-in-the-middle-attack in

absence of secrete key?

10. Explain the birthday attack where two sets are overlapping.

11. Elaborate the preventions measures from birthday attack and derive a mathematical formula for the


12. Derive a formula for probability of generating the same 128, 256, 2048 bit key for any two users.
13. What will happen with the MD5 collision when we take smallest input values?

14. Can MD5 resist second preimage attack ? Explain with proper terms.

15. Explain About the first ever constructed MD5 collision .

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