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The story of Fyodor Dostoyevsky entitled the “Crime and Punishment” is a novel that
centers on the interior conflict of a young man who came with a decision of killing a pawnbroker
in order for him to take the money. He also ends up killing his sister and on the latter he suffers
from guilt for what decision he did. He then confesses his crime and he was sent to prison in

1. Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov – he is the main character in the novel. A former student,
his role in the story was protagonist. Raskolnikov suffers from extreme poverty, living in a
cramped attic at the top of an apartment building.
2. Marmeladov - An alcoholic public official whom Raskolnikov meets at a tavern.
3. Sonya- Marmeldov’s daughter. She was forced to prostitute herself in order for her to provide
the needs of herself and the rest of her family.Raskolnikov’s love with whom the young man
shares a meaningful relationship. Sonya is a down-to-earth lady however, she still maintains a
strong religious faith.
4. Dunya- Raskolnikov’s sister.
5. Alyona Ivanovna- An old, withered pawnbroker whom Raskolnikov kills. Raskolnikov calls
Alyona Ivanovna a “louse” and despises her for cheating the poor out of their money and
enslaving her own sister, Lizaveta.
6. Lizaveta Ivanovna- Alyona Ivanovna’s sister. Lizaveta is simple, almost “idiotic,” and a
virtual servant to her sister.
7. Razumikhin - Raskolnikov’s friend
8. Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladov - The consumptive wife of Marmeladov
9. Pulcheria Alexandrovna - Raskolnikov’s mother.
10. Petrovich Luzhin - Dunya’s fiance
11. Zossimov - Raskolnikov’s doctor and a friend of Razumikhin
12. Zamyotov- a young police detective
13. Svidrigailov- Dunya’s former employer who is obsessively attracted to her.

The story takes place in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Introduction/exposition : The novel immediately begins with an insight or introduction of
the main protagonist, Raskolnikov's mental state and plans. Alyona, the pawnbroker is shown,
through the eyes of Raskolnikov and his intentions of killing her, as a plight on society and
someone Raskolnikov has determined to be unworthy to continue living. He goes further by
indicating that through her death, good will come - he will be able to perform good acts with
the money he steals from her after he has killed her.
Rising action: Raskolnikov ponders his situation a while longer before determining a plan and
committing to the follow through.
Climax : The climax of Crime and Punishment happens very near the beginning of the novel
with the murder of the old pawnbroker and her sister.
Falling action : The falling action coincides with the fall of Raskolnikov. Such as the love
interest in Sonya and the painter's false confession to the murders, Dostoevsky shows
Raskolnikov's mental instability, his true motives for the crime and his delirium and illness.
Denouement/ Resolution: Once Raskolnikov confesses to the murders, he found the sense of
peace and calm to himself.

Alienation is the primary theme of Crime and Punishment. Raskolnikov sees himself as superior
to all other people. He sees other people as a tool and uses them for his own will. After
committing the murders, his isolation grows because of intense guilt his conscience doesn’t let
him live in peace.

The author uses the third person point of view.

Having a social division can be seen in the novel, there is a gap between the poor and rich
The consumption of beer can also be seen in the novel. Beers are not considered alcoholic
beverage in Russia.

In every action there is a consequence intake. Don't make a decision that you think you'll regret
at the end.
Think before you act.
The truth will set you free.
SANTIAGO NASAR - The protagonist of the story. He was killed the day after Angela
Vicario's wedding.
ANGELA VICARIO - The dishonored bride.
PEDRO VICARIO - The more serious of the two twins. It is his idea to kill Santiago Nasar.
PABLO VICARIO - He is the twin who insists that the twins go through with the crime.
BAYARDO SAN ROMAN - The man who marries Angela Vicario.
PURISIMA DEL CARMEN - The mother of Angela Vicario.
PONCIO VICARIO - He is Angela's father.
PLACIDA LINERO - Santiago's mother.
MARIA ALEJANDRINA CERVANTES - An elegant whore with eyes like an "insomniac
PRUDENCIA COTES - Pablo Vicario's finance.
IBRAHIM NASAR - Santiago's father, an Arab.
VICTORIA GUZMAN - The Nasars' cook. She had an affair with Ibrahim Nasar when
she was a teenager.
CLOTHILDE ARMENTA - The proprietress of the milk shop where the Vicarios wait to kill
DON ROGELIO DE LA FLOR - Clothilde Armenta's husband.
DIVINA FLOR - Victoria Guzman's daughter.
MARGOT - The narrator's sister
CRISTO BEDOYA - A friend of the narrator's and of Santiago Nasar.
LUIS ENRIQUE - The narrator's younger brother.
Bayardo and Angela on the night of their wedding.
FATHER AMADOR - The local priest, who forgets to warn Santiago Nasar about the plot
against him.
COLONEL LAZARO APONTE - The lazy Colonel who fails to prevent Santiago's murder
FAUSTINO SANTOS - The local butcher who alerts a local police officer that the Vicario
brothers are talking about murdering Santiago.
YAMIL SHAIUM - An Arab man who warns Cristo Bedoya about the Viacrio twins' plan to
murder Santiago.
FLORA MIGUEL - The pretty, but uninteresting woman that Santiago Nasar was betrothed to
NAHIR MIGUEL - The father of Flora Miguel. He is the one who warns Santiago that the
Vicario brothers are waiting to kill him.
XIUS - A widower who owned the most beautiful house
MERCEDES BARCHA -The narrator's eventual wife (and the name of Gabriel García
Márquez's real wife). The narrator proposes to her at Angela and Bayardo's wedding party.

The story takes place at the small Colombian coastal town

Bayardo San Román meets and marries Angela Vicario.
Rising Action
Bayardo returns her to her home because she's not a virgin.
Angela confesses that she lost her honor with Santiago Nasar.
Pedro Vicario and Pablo Vicario get knives to kill Santiago.
Coincidences prevent Santiago from hearing about their plan.
Santiago's mother bars the front door to her house.
The Vicario twins butcher Santiago at his front door.
Falling Action
No one in town can explain why Santiago was not warned.
Angela refuses to divulge with whom she lost her virginity.

Ritual, powerlessness of women, importance of cultural traditions like honor

The narrator tells the story in first person point of view

1. When Bayardo San Roman first comes to town, he decides to marry Angela Vicario. His
courtship of Angela demonstrates the rituals of Latin American marriage culture. The purpose of
this courtship ritual is not to cause the lovers to fall deeper in love but rather to shows the man's
2. Personality determines their family and wealth.
3. Women had to remain pure until marriage. If a women wasn't pure she would be degraded
even more than she already has.

Human life is considered the most valuable possession a person could have therefore taking other
lives would be considered the worst of all sins. They defended their family by murdering
someone. No one has the right to kill someone, only God has the power to take back the life that
he gave to us.

PYGMALION- young sculptor who despises women but become infatuated with an exquisite
statue of his creation
GALATEA- figure of a beautiful young woman sculpted in ivory by Pygmalion
APHRODITE/ VENUS- she's responsible for transforming the statue into a real woman.

Ancient Cyprus, an island nation in the eastern Mediterranean south of Turkey

The story of Pygmalion and Galatea begins with Pygmalion himself, a sculptor from the island of
Cyprus. After seeing the Propoetides being punished by Venus and turned into prostitutes. As
such, Pygmalion devoted his time to his work, and began a new project, in which he was
sculpting a woman, whom he named Galatea, out of ivory. As he progressed, and his chisel
strokes became softer and more precise, he realized that Galatea was perfect, and that he was
falling in love with it. When he had finished, Pygmalion began to bring the stat e gifts which he
thought women would like: glass beads, fine cloth, seashells, and pretty flowers. One day, at a
festival for Venus, the most celebrated day in Cyprus, Pygmalion prayed at the altar for the gods
to give him a wife like his ivory statue. When he returned home, Pygmalion kissed the statue,
and it turned into a woman with the exact same likeness. Finally, when Pygmalion married
Galatea, Venus presided over the rituals, ensuring a long and happy marriage for the two of
During the whole story, even though he said he would never get married, Pygmalion was
troubled with the fact that he fell in love with a statue.
Pygmalion is prepared to ask the goddess to find him a maiden like the statue, but instead, Venus
turns the statue into his perfect maiden.

The main theme of Pygmalion’s myth is the artist's love in his own creation. As he
become infatuated with his work he begins to treat it as if it is a real person.

The point of view of this play was in third person PoV.

Gods reward those who are humble, deferential and thankful.

You can't always get what you want. It's true, sometimes just by trying you can get what you
need, but that's not always the way it works. If you want something you should work for it just
have determination and faith.


In the title Uncle Tom's Cabin, Uncle Tom refers to the nickname of the story's main character,
the heroic enslaved Tom. The cabin where he lives with his family as the story opens, before he
is sold to pay off his owner's debts, is the plantation's spiritual center for the enslaved people and
a place of comfort for all.

UNCLE TOM - A good and pious man, Uncle Tom is the protagonist of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
Even under the worst conditions, Uncle Tom always prays to God and finds a way to keep his
AUNT CHLOE - Uncle Tom’s wife and the Shelbys’ cook.
ARTHUR SHELBY - The owner of Uncle Tom in Kentucky, Shelby sells Tom to the cruel Mr.
Haley to pay off his debts.
EMILY SHELBY - Mr. Shelby’s wife, Emily Shelby is a loving, Christian woman who
does not believe in slavery.
GEORGE SHELBY - Called “Mar’s George” by Uncle Tom, George is the Shelbys’ good-
hearted son.
GEORGE HARRIS - Eliza’s husband
ELIZA HARRIS - Mrs. Shelby’s maid, George’s wife, and Harry’s mother,
HARRY HARRIS - Eliza and George’s son, a young boy.
AUGUSTINE ST. CLARE - Tom’s master in New Orleans and Eva’s father
EVA - St. Clare and Marie’s angelic daughter
MISS OPHELIA - St. Clare’s cousin from the North
MARIE - St. Clare’s wife, a self-centered woman
SENATOR AND MRS. BIRD- An Ohio couple who help Eliza
TOM LOKER - a slave hunter
MR. HALEY - The slave trader who buys Uncle Tom and Harry from Mr. Shelby.
TOPSY - a little slave girl whom St. Clare buys for his cousin
SIMON LEGREE - Tom’s ruthlessly evil master on the Louisiana plantation.
CASSY - Legree’s (slave) mistress and Eliza’s mother
EMMELINE - A young and beautiful slave girl whom Legree buys for himself, perhaps to
replace Cassy as his mistress.
The main settings of Uncle Tom's Cabin are the states of Kentucky and Louisiana.

Shelby agrees to sell Uncle Tom and Harry to Haley.
Rising Action
Eliza escapes with Harry to Ohio.
George also runs away, heading to Canada.
George, Eliza, and Harry are reunited and reach Canada.
Uncle Tom is sold to Augustine St. Clare.
After Eva and Augustine die, Tom is sold to Simon Legree.
Uncle Tom is beaten to death.
Falling Action
Cassy finds daughter Eliza, and Emily finds brother George.
The Shelby’s free their slaves; the Harrises move to Liberia.

It explores the question of slavery in a fairly mild setting, in which slaves and masters
have seemingly positive relationships. The theme of Uncle Tom's Cabin, is the conflict between
the evil of slavery and the good of Christian love.

Uncle Tom's Cabin is told mostly from the third-person point of view, but sometimes the story is
told in the second person. In some cases the narrator is a real person giving subjective
observations on events.

The novel seeks to unmask the horrors of slavery, revealing the brutalities that those who
had not witnessed them could never have imagined, the terrors that those in the thick of it
struggled to deny. To show that everyone has equal rights and there is no difference
between (race) black and white.

Slavery is indeed a very cruel and evil institution that should be abolished.
Always pray and believe to God and find a way to keep your faith on him.

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