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Needs: Physiologic Integrity

3. The clinic nurse is performing a prenatal

assessment on a pregnant client at danger

andpreeclampsia. Which clinical sign is not

included as a sympandm of preeclampsia?

a. Edema

b. Proteinuria

c. Glucosuria

d. Hypertension

Glucose inand the urine is not one of the three

classic sympandms of preeclampsia. The first sign

noted by the pregnant client is rapid weight gain and

edema of the hands and face. Proteinuria usually

develops later than the edema and hypertension. The

first indication of preeclampsia is usually an

increase in the neonatal blood pressure.

PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: 521

OBJ: Nursing Process Step: Assessment MSC: Client

Needs: Physiologic Integrity

4. Which intrapartal assessment should be

avoided when caring anda client with HELLP


a. Abdominal palpation

b. Venous sample of blood

c. Checking deep tendon reflexes

d. Auscultation of the heart and lungs


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