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Long time ago, a drop of sunlight fell from the sky and formed a beautiful glowing
flower that has magical powers. A greedy and selfish woman named Gothel used that flower to
retain her youth and beauty. Not so far from the forest, The Queen from a nearby kingdom falls
incredibly ill when she’s pregnant and The King demands his soldiers to find the magic flower.
After they have found it, they immediately give it to the sick queen. Soon after, their daughter
was born named Rapunzel, but Gothel wasn’t impressed with the news. One night, Gothel
decided to keep the power all to herself so she kidnapped Rapunzel and kept her locked up in a

After eighteen years of being locked up in the tower, Rapunzel finally asked her mother
to take her out of the tower. Gothel refuses, “Trust me my dear, Mother knows best,” said
Gothel. The following day, Gothel was sent on a three day journey. BANG!! A sound of a frying
pan that hit a guy that somehow got inside her tower. She tied him up with her hair and got her
pet chameleon named Pascal to wake him up.

Rapunzel: “I’ll give you a deal. You see.. I’ve been dreaming of seeing these.” *points at her
painting of the floating lights. “I’ll give you your satchel back only and only if you help me see
the floating lights.”
Flynn: “Hmph… Deal. I’m Flynn by the way.”

So Rapunzel and Flynn go out from the tower and begin exploring. Then they go to this
pub called Snuggly Duckling and inside were a bunch of scary thugs. At first, those thugs wanted
to capture Flynn as it turns out the palace wanted him for stealing the royal crown that was put in
his satchel. As she tries to free Flynn, one of the thugs named Hook comes right at her.

Rapunzel: “Okay, I don’t know where I am, and I need him to take me to see the lanterns because
I’ve been dreaming about them my entire life! Find your humanity! Haven’t any of you ever had
a dream?”
Hook: “I had a dream once. Despite my looks and a hook as my hand, I’ve always wanted to be a
pianist. And Big Nose has always wanted to find his true love.”

However, one of the thugs found the royal guards which as a result Flynn and Rapunzel
had to escape. With the help of the thugs, they manage to get away from the royal guards. Flynn
reveals his true name, Eugene Fitzherbert. He accidentally gets injured and Rapunzel wrapped
the injury with her hair then began singing the magic song.

Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fate’s design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine

Now that Eugene’s hand was healed, they continue their journey. Time skipped, they
were partying near the palace and they picked up a flag that represents the lost princess. After a
day of fun, they go on a small boat sailing. The kingdom then releases the first lantern, followed
by the rest. Rapunzel was amazed so she was so focused on looking at the floating lights. She
turns around and sees that Eugene is already holding 2 lanterns, her dream did come true. They
held up the lanterns and pushed them to the sky together.

Mother Gothel knows Rapunzel is out of her tower so she sabotages her daughter’s plan
with the help of The Stabbington Brothers but in the end, she got The Stabbington Brothers and
Eugene arrested and she also got her daughter back. Rapunzel’s new dream was crushed seeing
that Eugene was arrested. The next day, Eugene was sentenced to death for the crimes he had
done but that didn't go as planned. Max and the thugs helped him escape and back to Rapunzel to
save her from her evil mother.

In the meantime, Rapunzel observed the flag then looked around the room which made
her realize that she is the lost princess. She leaves her room in shock.

Rapunzel: “I am the lost princess…” *mumble*

Mother Gothel: “Oh, please speak up Rapunzel. You know how I hate the mumbling.”
Rapunzel: “I am the lost princess! Aren’t I?”
She pussed Gothel aside, and in the end Gothel crashed her mirror into pieces.
Mother Gothel: “You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I’m the bad guy.”

Afterwards, Eugene and Max arrived at the tower. “Rapunzel?! Rapunzel let down your
hair!!” shouts Eugene, then surely Rapunzel’s hair falls from the window. After climbing he saw
her, chained and gagged. Gothel then stabs Eugene from behind as Eugene growls in pain as he
falls down then Rapunzel makes a deal with Gothel. “If you let me heal him, I’ll come with you
forever. Just like you wanted.” said Rapunzel. But Eugene cuts her hair with the broken mirror.
Her hair turned brown and lost its power. “No… no no NO!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??!!”
Gothel yelps as she ages rapidly, she stumbles around before falling from the window, turning
into dust as her cloak reaches the ground.

As Rapunzel cried, a teardrop fell directly onto Eugene’s cheek. Turns out there’s still a
little bit of power left on that teardrop that made the wound heals completely. Rapunzel felt
motion coming from Eugene as he slowly opened his eyes and he faintly said “Did I ever tell you
I’ve got a thing for brunettes?”. Relieved, Rapunzel wrapped her arm around him while he did
the same.

In the end, everyone’s dream came true. Hook was now a well known pianist and Big
Nose accidentally found his true love. Meanwhile Rapunzel and Flynn soon got married and
lived happily ever after.

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