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Recall and narrate an (only one) experience of being saved by Jesus in the last three
years up to the present. Write in ten (10) simple sentences only. [10 points].

A few years ago, I became sick with dengue. I had to stay home for two weeks.
Luckily, I did not have to get admitted to the hospital since my mother is a nurse and
my case. However, things could have easily turned out for the worst. My mother and I
prayed a lot during those periods; she was a nurse, so she knew well the danger of
suck sickness. Through the power of Jesus, these prayers, my mother and the medical
staff who took care of me were what got me through the sickness. During the illness, I
rarely ate, but my father always made sure I was full and properly hydrated. Often, I
would wake up in cold sweat after a nightmarish fever dream, and my mom would pray
with me to help me calm down. Per se, these prayers may not have combatted the
sickness, but they gave me hope and my mother comfort in knowing that Jesus would
support us during these tough times. Looking back, I thank God that he granted me
such supportive parents and good friends, who all, through His glory and infinite
kindness, were able to get me through that period of my life.

2. Give a name/title to Jesus based on your narrated experience above. What makes you
say Jesus is my (example: friend)? [1 point) Identify three (3) characteristics that
describe Jesus as your (example: friend). [3 points]. Explain each characteristic in
three (3) simple sentences. [9 points]. Total: 13 points.

Jesus is my support.

Answering my calls.

When I prayed for good health, Jesus granted it to me. When I prayed that he would
strengthen me during these tough times, he gave it to me. When I prayed for a
peaceful slumber, he allowed me to do so.

Keeping me optimistic.

Naturally, I felt very lethargic during the time I was sick with dengue, often too tired to
drink and eat. Luckily, my mother’s constant reminders and prayers kept me motivated
to do my best so that I might heal sooner. Jesus kept me optimistic by acting through
those near and dear to me; my parents, for example.

Communicating with me.

During the time I was sick with dengue, I did not have the energy to play the guitar, a
favorite hobby of mine, instead I listened to a lot of classical music. One such piece of
music was “Rēx Tremendae Maiestātis,” which was a section from, ironically, Mozart’s
mass for the dead. It was such a beautiful piece, lyrically and musically, centered
around Jesus’s saving power and sacrifice, that it renewed my gratitude for not only
Jesus as a savior, but also for human talent and skill, no doubt gifts of God.

“Rēx tremendae maiestātis quī salvandōs salvās grātīs.”

“King of tremendous majesty, you who freely saves those worthy if being saved.”

3. Evaluate the name you gave to Jesus based on what you learned in the class. The title
(example: friend) cannot be found in the Bible. What Christological title that is closest
to the one you gave to Jesus? [1 point]. Give three (3) Biblical passages that support
your answer. [3 points]. Explain each passage in three (3) simple sentences only. [9
points]. Total 13 points.

Christological Title: Savior

(John 15:13) “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s

I am often reminded of God’s expression of his undying love through the death of his
Son. And for Jesus to do so willingly shows me that he not only is our savior but also a
friend to all of us. Such a selfless act is what tells me that Jesus is a true friend.
(Hebrews 7:25) “Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God
through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.”

When I prayed to God, directly and through Jesus, I always felt that he listened.
Although he would not grant my prayers immediately, they still came into fruition at the
right time, at the time which God knew was right. Jesus was able to save me; all I
needed to do was seek him out and do my part, much like a reliable support.

(Matthew 11:28) “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you

This passage speaks of Jesus’s openness to those who are burdened. This quality is
what most of us search for in a supportive friend. Jesus exemplifies this by welcoming
all, poor or rich, old or young.


Recall and narrate an (only one) experience of being saved by Jesus in the last three years up to
the present. Write in ten (10) simple sentences only. [10 points].

Sentence 1 /
Sentence 2 /
Sentence 3 /
Sentence 4 /
Sentence 5 /
Sentence 6 /
Sentence 7 /
Sentence 8 /
Sentence 9 /
Sentence 10 /

Give a name/title to Jesus based on your narrated experience above. What makes you say Jesus is
my (example: friend)? [1 point) Identify three (3) characteristics that describe Jesus as your
(example: friend). [3 points]. Explain each characteristic in five (5) simple sentences. [15 points].
Total: 19 points.

Title /
1st characteristic /
Sentence 1 /
Sentence 2 /
Sentence 3 /
2nd characteristic /
Sentence 1 /
Sentence 2 /
Sentence 3 /
3rd characteristic /
Sentence 1 /
Sentence 2 /
Sentence 3 /

Evaluate the name you gave to Jesus based on what you learned in the class. The title (example:
friend) cannot be found in the Bible. What Christological title that is closest to the one you gave to
Jesus? [1 point]. Give three (3) Biblical passages that support your answer. [3 points]. Explain
each passage in three (3) simple sentences only. [15 points]. Total 19 points.

Passage 1 /
Sentence 1 /
Sentence 2 /
Sentence 3 /
Passage 2 /
Sentence 1 /
Sentence 2 /
Sentence 3 /
Passage 4 /
Sentence 1 /
Sentence 2 /
Sentence 3 /

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