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The 50 most fundamental
discoveries in genetics,
each explained in half a minute

Jonathan Weitzman
& Matthew Weitzman

Rodney Rothstein
Thomas Bourgeron
Robert J. Brooker
Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo
Alain Fischer
Edith Heard
Mark F. Sanders
Reiner A. Veitia
Jonathan B. Weitzman
Matthew D. Weitzman

Steve Rawlings
This paperback edition published in the UK in 2020 by
Ivy Press
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ISBN: 978-0-7112-5238-7
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
CONTENTS 46 Centromeres & Telomeres 106 Profile: Archibald Garrod
48 The Cell Cycle 108 Genes & Immunodeficiency
50 Cell Divison 110 The Genetics of Autism
112 The Genetics of Cancer
52 Genes & Genomes
54 GLOSSARY 114 Technologies &
56 What is a Gene? Experimental Approaches
58 Jumping Genes 116 GLOSSARY
60 Gene Splicing 118 Model Organisms
62 Genotype & Phenotype 120 Genetic Fingerprinting
64 Gene Expression 122 Genetic Testing
6 Foreword 66 Profile: Barbara McClintock 124 Genetic Maps
8 Introduction 68 Mutations & Polymorphisms 126 DNA Sequencing
70 DNA Damage & Repair 128 Profile: Jacques Monod
12 History & Concepts 72 Genome Architecture 130 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
14 GLOSSARY 132 Genome-Wide Association
16 Mendel’s Laws of Heredity 74 Epigenetics Studies (GWAS)
18 Darwin & the Origin 76 GLOSSARY
of Species 78 Genes & Environment 134 Therapeutic Promise
20 DNA Carries the 80 Genomic Imprinting 136 GLOSSARY
Genetic Information 82 DNA Methylation 138 Gene Therapy
22 The Double Helix 84 X-Chromosome Inactivation 140 Personalized Genomics
24 Cracking the Genetic Code 86 Chromatin & Histones & Medicine
26 Profile: Rosalind Franklin 88 Profile: Conrad Hal Waddington 142 Synthetic Biology
28 The Central Dogma 90 Non-Coding RNA 144 Profile: J. Craig Venter
30 The Human Genome Project 92 Twins 146 Genetically Modified Organisms
148 Cloning
32 Chromosomes & Cells 94 Health & Disease 150 Stem Cells & Reprogramming
34 GLOSSARY 96 GLOSSARY 152 Genome Editing
36 The Cell Nucleus 98 Sex
38 Chromosomes & Karyotypes 100 Developmental Genetics 154 Notes on Contributors
40 Mitochondria 102 Behavioural Genetics 156 Resources
42 The Human Y Chromosome 104 Dominant & Recessive 158 Index
44 Profile: Thomas Hunt Morgan Genetic Diseases 160 Acknowledgements
Rodney Rothstein

Genes are the building blocks that assemble in a

myriad of combinations to create all forms of life on our planet. Genetics,
and our understanding of genes, touches many aspects of our everyday
lives – including the replication of cells in our bodies and the production
of sperm and eggs for reproduction, as well as complex issues that affect
society such as creation of genetically modified organisms and the use
of gene therapy technologies. Furthermore, doctors today are beginning
to base diagnoses and treatments on their patients’ genetic data.
To some, the word ‘genetics’ conjures up frightening images of
Frankenstein’s monster and Jurassic Park. To counteract these fears, it is
important for us as scientists to communicate our discoveries and share the
science of genetics in a way that is understandable to the general public. It is
clear that wider knowledge of the underlying principles of genetics will help
demystify this important area of science and also elevate the level of public
discussion of potential ethical issues. My colleagues Matthew and Jonathan
Weitzman, themselves natural genetic clones, together with the authors of
this book present fifty 30-second pieces that distil the essentials of the world
of genetics. These pieces give the reader an insight into how this field grew
from Gregor Mendel’s studies of inheritance through to the discovery of
DNA as the genetic material, right up to the present of whole genome
sequencing and into the future of genetic diagnosis and gene therapy.
In the end, genetics should not be feared. As we learn more about
the relationships between genes, as well as their interactions with the
environment, we can look forward to an exciting new era where our
quality of life will be improved. The engineering of healthier food, the
application of synthetic biology to facilitate the production of drugs and
other compounds, and the delivery of better health outcomes through
precision medicine, will all positively affect our lives.

6 g Foreword
Jonathan Weitzman & Matthew Weitzman

Few scientific disciplines have captured the human

imagination like the field of genetics. Perhaps we are fascinated by it
because it tackles questions at the very essence of who we are and what
gives each of us our personal identities: What explains why we look like
our parents? What makes us different from our brothers and neighbours?
And what will we pass on to the next generation? These questions are
as old as humankind, but a century ago a science was born that would
provide unexpected insights, make unprecedented progress and challenge
the ways we think about heredity.
The twentieth century was a whirlwind roller coaster ride, with biomedical
promises and ethical challenges at every turn. The painstaking observations
of Gregor Mendel allowed him to define some basic rules for the inheritance
of characteristics (or traits). The rediscovery of his work at the turn of the
century set the stage for exploring what is transmitted from one generation
to another and how traits are determined. This new science would require
new words to describe it. The British biologist William Bateson coined the
term ‘genetics’ (from the Greek ‘to give birth’) to describe this new science
of heredity in a personal letter in 1905 and then a year later publicly at the
Third International Conference on Plant Hybridization in London. Soon
the words ‘gene’ and ‘genome’, ‘genotype’ and ‘phenotype’ were born.
Strong personalities abounded in this new field, all keen to uncover the
mysteries of heredity. There would be moments of great achievement, like
the ingenious cracking of the genetic code, or the discovery of the double
helix – the beautifully simple structure of the DNA molecule that would
become an icon. The twentieth century closed with one of the most
exciting challenges in modern biology: a race, comparable to the race to
put man on the Moon. Never before had so many geneticists from around
the world worked together on a project with such scope and ambition.
The international Human Genome Project set out to decrypt the three
billion letters that make up the human genome – the Book of Life!

8 g Introduction
There is no area of biology that has not been profoundly impacted
by modern genetics. Much of the progress in the field was due to the
extraordinary speed with which new technologies emerged to address
challenges. The realization that the way DNA and genes work is the
same across the animal and plant kingdoms opened the door to a
menagerie of experimental modelling systems. Discoveries in single-celled
bacteria, the common baker’s yeast or the lowly fruit fly provided clues
to the underlying rules of genetics. Indeed, the functions of pieces of
DNA could be tested by transferring genes from one organism to another.
Researchers learned how to sequence, copy, synthesize and engineer
DNA molecules, often exploiting the machines (or enzymes) that Nature
herself had taken millennia to perfect. This extraordinary progress led
to breakthroughs in understanding human diseases and the promise
of a new type of genetic medicine. But the promises also brought fears
and inspired macabre fiction and fantasies.
Progress continues at a breathtaking pace. Human genomes are
being sequenced in their thousands, gene therapy is finally correcting
errors to save peoples’ lives and gene editing has reached unprecedented
levels of precision. The field of genetics has moved from an esoteric
science of abstract concepts, to a series of technologies that will impact
our daily lives. In this book we set out to share our excitement at this
wonderful adventure and to demystify the science that sometimes
hides behind its jargon. The words ‘gene’ and ‘DNA’ have crept into
our everyday speech, but it is often unclear what they really mean. It
is important to explain what genetics can and cannot say about who
we are. The molecules and the enzyme machines that copy, interpret
and protect our genomes are all microscopic, but their impact on society
is gigantic and in 30-Second Genetics we want to equip general readers
to participate in the debate about how genetics and genetic information
will be used by society and by generations to come.

Introduction g 9
About this book
In 30-Second Genetics experts from around the globe guide us
through the jargon of modern genetics from gene to genome, from
the deciphering of the genetic code to the sequencing of the human
genome. Here specialists demystify the terms and the concepts, and
make us wonder at how much we have learned about genetics and how
much we still have to discover. 30-Second Genetics presents each topic
in a clear and concise single page. The main paragraph, the 30-Second
Theory, is complemented by the 3-Second Thrash, which gives a quicker
overview – the key facts in a single sentence. And the 3-Minute Thought
fleshes this out, adding intriguing aspects of the subject. Each chapter
also contains the biography of a pioneer in the field – the men and women
who contributed to our understanding of modern genetics. The book
begins with a presentation of the historical and conceptual foundations
of this new science. It then plunges into the details, first by explaining
the roles of chromosomes and cells through to the level of genes and
genomes, before discussing the emerging field of epigenetics, which
studies genetic effects that are not encoded in the DNA sequence of an
organism. The health and disease chapter places these molecular events
in the context of physiology and the bodily processes that are associated
with disease. No discussion of genetics would be complete without a
description of the progress in technologies and experimental approaches.
The book ends with some predictions of how these technologies might
impact our lives and medicine in the near future.

10 g Introduction

alleles Alternative variant forms of a double helix The double-stranded structure

gene that result from a mutational change of DNA. The two strands of DNA are wrapped
in DNA sequence or expression of the around each other like a twisted cord.
gene. Alleles can be recessive, meaning
they only have an effect when there are DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid is a long molecule
two copies, or dominant, where a single that carries the genetic information and
copy is enough to have an effect. transmits inherited traits. DNA is found in
the cells of all prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
amino acids Water-soluble organic
compounds that are the building blocks to gametes Specialized cells for sexual
make proteins. There are around 20 amino reproduction. Male gametes are sperm
acids. Ten cannot be made by the human cells and female gametes are egg cells.
body and so must be included in the diet:
they are called essential amino acids. genes Units of heredity, located on a
chromosome. Genes consist of DNA, except
chromosomes Long strings of double- in some viruses where they are made of RNA.
stranded DNA that carry genes and the Particular genes control specific cellular
genetic information. In eukaryotic cells processes – for example, genes can control
(those with a discrete nucleus) the cell division and cell suicide.
chromosomes are in the nucleus and
composed of DNA, some RNA and proteins. genome Complete set of genetic material
A prokaryotic cell (one without a discrete in an organism or a cell. Genomics is the study
nucleus) has a single chromosome made of an organism’s genome, focusing on its
of DNA and a very small amount of protein. evolution, function and structure.

codon Genetic information is coded in locus (pl. loci) Position of a gene on a

triplets of DNA that encodes triplets of chromosome. Different alleles of the
messenger RNA (mRNA) nucleotides. Each same gene occupy the same locus.
string of three mRNA nucleotides is called
a codon and each codon codes for a
different amino acid used to make the
corresponding protein.

14 g History & Concepts

mutation Change in DNA sequence RNA Ribonucleic acid, a molecule that is
or gene structure that can result from made in all living cells and is important for
substitutions of bases of DNA or the synthesizing proteins and for regulating
rearrangement, deletion or addition genes. RNA is normally made by copying
of sections of genes or chromosomes. one strand of the DNA. Messenger RNA
(mRNA) is a copy of DNA that contains
nucleotides Building blocks used to the information to make a protein. In some
make DNA or RNA. Strings of nucleotides viruses, RNA rather than DNA functions
are called nucleic acids. In DNA there are as the carrier of genetic information.
four nucleotides (referred to by the letters
T, C, G and A) and in RNA there are four species Group of organisms whose members
ribonucleotides (U, C, G and A). Nucleotides can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
are also called bases. DNA bases can be ‘Species’ is the eighth category in the scientific
paired: A pairs with T, and C pairs with G. classification system, beneath ‘genus’.

polymer Long molecule made up of transcription Process for turning DNA

simpler building blocks (monomers). DNA genetic information into RNA. This is
is a polymer chain made up of strings of done by an enzyme machine called RNA
nucleotides. Proteins are polymer chains polymerase, which builds an RNA polymer
made up of strings of amino acids. Proteins using the DNA as a template.
are sometimes called polypeptide chains.
translation Process for making proteins
replication Process of exactly copying using genetic information in messenger RNA.
DNA, usually for doubling the DNA before The ribosome is a large protein machine that
a cell divides to make two new cells. moves along the mRNA and reads mRNA
Replication involves an enzyme machine codons. The ribosome links amino acids
called DNA polymerase that copies each to make a protein chain.
strand of the DNA to make a precise
complementary copy of the DNA molecule.

Glossary g 15
the 30-second theory
Gregor Mendel uncovered the
laws of heredity while experimenting with
garden peas. He bred plant lineages in isolation
3-SECOND THRASH for many generations so that their offspring RELATED TOPICS
The random encounter had various identical visible properties. Then See also
of an egg and a sperm cell CHROMOSOMES &
he crossbred plants with different visible
carrying only one allele KARYOTYPES
of each gene explains
properties, for example plants with purple page 38
why the alleles split off flowers with plants with white flowers. In the DNA CARRIES THE
independently. This is first generation, only plants with purple flowers GENETIC INFORMATION
known as Mendel’s first page 20
were obtained. After crossbreeding these plants
law of inheritance.
again he observed that one-quarter of the new
plants had white flowers and three-quarters 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
3-MINUTE THOUGHT of them had purple flowers. To explain this, GREGOR MENDEL
When we consider 1822–84
Mendel concluded that they resulted from Moravian-Silesian monk
the separation of alleles
that specify different
the transmission of pairs of factors, which who discovered the laws
of genetic inheritance
characteristics, things determined visible traits according to the laws
get more complicated. of probability. The character purple flowers, 1848–1935
When the relevant genes
which dominates in the first generation, is said Dutch botanist who
are located on different rediscovered Mendel’s laws
chromosomes, or are to be dominant (P) compared to white flowers, of heredity in the 1890s
distant enough on the which is recessive (p). In humans, blue eye colour
same chromosome, they is recessive and brown eye colour is dominant.
split off and lead to more 30-SECOND TEXT
complex proportions than
Mendel’s factors are now known as alleles, Reiner Veitia
one-quarter/three-quarters. which are variations in the DNA sequence that
This is Mendel’s second specifies traits. By extension, one can speak
law. Both laws went Two recessive alleles
of dominant or recessive alleles. These alleles
unnoticed until they were (pp) result in a recessive
rediscovered at the end
are alternative sequences of a locus (Latin for trait, whereas two
of the nineteenth century. ‘place’), which in many cases can be loosely dominant alleles (PP)
equated to a gene. More than two alternative or a dominant and a
alleles can exist in a population. recessive allele (Pp or
pP) will result in the
organism expressing
16 g History & Concepts a dominant trait.
the 30-second theory
Where do we come from? Why
do we have limbs and eyes? Such questions
were considered to be outside the realm of
3-SECOND THRASH science until Charles Darwin published his RELATED TOPIC
Darwin’s book is a magnum opus On the Origin of Species in See also
masterpiece of observation GENES & ENVIRONMENT
1859. Darwin’s view of life is now called the
and creative thinking; page 78
it profoundly changed
theory of evolution. Briefly, it states that some
how humanity conceives of the traits that differ between individuals
its origins. within a population can be transmitted to the 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
next generation. The individuals who are best 1823–1913
adapted to the environment in which they British naturalist who
conceived the theory of
Like other scientific live are most likely to survive, reproduce and evolution at the same
time as Darwin
explanations, the theory pass on their heritable characters to future
of evolution is challenged generations. In this way, populations change THEODOSIUS DOBZHANSKY
and refined by new facts. 1900–75
Although the core of the
over time, adapting to their environment; this Russian-American geneticist,
theory presented by can eventually lead to new species. Darwin’s famous for stating that
‘nothing in biology makes
Darwin is still valid today, ideas conflict with the intuition that humans sense except in the light
certain parts have been of evolution’
are distinct from other animals or with the
refuted (for example, the
belief that species remain invariant over JERRY COYNE
diversification of species 1949–
resembles a meshwork time. His book ignited huge philosophical American biologist who
rather than a branching actively promotes the theory
and religious debates, some of which are still of evolution in books and blogs
tree, as he suggested) and
others (such as the origin
ongoing. The discovery of genes, genetics
of life) remain enigmatic. and DNA in the 1920s–60s provided new
support for Darwin’s theory. This led to today’s 30-SECOND TEXT
Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo
modern theory of evolution, which is central
to our understanding of the living world.
Darwin's theory of
evolution by natural
selection is one of the
most revolutionary
ideas in the history
18 g History & Concepts of science.
the 30-second theory
The history of the discovery of
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) can be traced back
to the work of Friedrich Miescher, who isolated
3-SECOND THRASH a substance he termed ‘nuclein’ from the nuclei RELATED TOPICS
Experiments in the 1940s of white blood cells in the late 1880s. This See also
formally demonstrated THE DOUBLE HELIX
substance is composed of proteins and what
that DNA is the molecule page 22
that carries the genetic
we now know as DNA. Its former name, coined
information of most by Richard Altmann, was the generic ‘nucleic page 24
known organisms. acid’. Later on, Frederick Griffith showed that
a substance derived from disease-causing page 36

(pathogenic) bacteria could change non-
The history of the pathogenic bacteria into virulent forms.
discovery of DNA and Griffith’s experiment was continued by Oswald 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
its structure is tainted JOHANNES FRIEDRICH
Avery, Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty. MIESCHER
by injustice. The results
They destroyed everything but the DNA of 1844–95
of Avery, MacLeod and Swiss physician and biologist
McCarty were largely pneumonia-producing bacteria. After this who first identified nuclein
and nucleic acids
unrecognized and drastic treatment, DNA could still transform
unaccepted. In another
non-pathogenic into pathogenic bacteria. OSWALD AVERY, JR.
famous example, Watson 1877–1955
and Crick built their famous Only the destruction of DNA prevented this Canadian-born American
double-helix model based transformation and this demonstrated that physician who demonstrated
that DNA is genetic material
on pictures of DNA's it was the DNA that carried the genetic
structure that were PHOEBUS LEVENE
obtained by Rosalind
information. In the meantime, Phoebus Levene 1863–1940
Franklin and Maurice had identified the components of DNA: the American biochemist who
identified the components
Wilkins. Franklin died at 37 bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, a of DNA
and her vital contribution sugar molecule and a phosphate group. All these
to the story has been
downplayed until recently.
discoveries paved the way for the unravelling
of the chemical structure of DNA by Rosalind Reiner Veitia
Franklin, Maurice Wilkins, James Watson and
Francis Crick in the early 1950s. DNA's basic components
include the four bases
adenine, cytosine,
20 g History & Concepts guanine and thymine.
the 30-second theory
The function of DNA depends
on its structure. DNA is composed of building
blocks called nucleotides, which consist of a
3-SECOND THRASH deoxyribose sugar, a phosphate group and one RELATED TOPICS
The discovery of the of four bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine See also
molecular structure of DNA CARRIES THE
(G) and cytosine (C). Nucleotides link together
moment in genetic and
in long chains known as polymers, and each page 20
molecular biology research. is specifically paired with a nucleotide on the THE CENTRAL DOGMA
opposite strand: A always bonds with T, and page 28
C bonds with G. In the early 1950s there was WHAT IS A GENE?
a race to work out how these base pairs fit page 56
Francis Crick and James
Watson first described together into a three-dimensional structure.
the structure of a Rosalind Franklin, working with Maurice Wilkins
double-stranded DNA 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
at King’s College London, beamed X-rays FRANCIS CRICK
molecule as a ‘double helix’
through crystals of the DNA molecule to gain 1916–2004
in the journal nature in British biophysicist who
1953. Two linear strands insights into its structure. This X-ray diffraction co-discovered DNA’s structure
with James Watson
run in opposite directions technique produced an image that suggested
and are connected into a
DNA molecules form a helical shape. James ROSALIND FRANKLIN
twisted helical structure. 1920–58
The sequence of the bases Watson and Francis Crick, who were working English chemist who generated
in each strand makes a at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, saw the crucial X-ray diffraction
images of the DNA molecule
digital code that carries this image and realized that it provided a critical
the instructions for life. JAMES WATSON
clue to the structure of DNA. They developed 1928–
a chemical model for the DNA molecule, and in American biologist and
co-discoverer of DNA’s structure
1953 were the first to propose that its structure
is that of a double helix. Further research into
the structure revealed the mechanism for base 30-SECOND TEXT
pairing, and explained how genetic information Matthew Weitzman

can be stored and copied in living cells.

Watson and Crick won
a Nobel Prize in 1962
for discovering DNA's
22 g History & Concepts double helix structure.
the 30-second theory
Working out the encryption rules
to crack a code is the romantic job of spies and
secret agents. But researchers also had to be
3-SECOND THRASH pretty cunning to work out how information RELATED TOPICS
DNA information in genes encoded in the DNA sequence is turned into See also
is organized into triplet DNA CARRIES THE
the string of amino acids in proteins. The
codons, where three letters GENETIC INFORMATION
of the DNA encode for
genetic code is the rulebook for translating DNA page 20
one amino acid in the information into protein information. The code THE CENTRAL DOGMA
resulting protein. is extremely similar among all living organisms. page 28
As there are four ‘letters’ called nucleotides in DNA SEQUENCING
DNA (A, G, C and T) and these need to code for page 126
Because there are 64 20 amino acids, it quickly became clear that the
possible combinations code had to involve at least three letters. That
of three letters, there is gave 64 possible combinations, but which one GEORGE GAMOW
an inherent redundancy. 1904–68
For example, there are four
corresponded to which amino acid? In the 1960s
Ukrainian-American physicist
codons that correspond researchers performed pioneering experiments who hypothesized that the
genetic code might be made up
to the amino acid Alanine to prove that a triplet code (called a codon) of three letters (nucleotides)
was responsible for each amino acid. The in DNA
This means that the third
letter can change without code-cracking break came when they used a MARSHALL W. NIRENBERG
affecting the code. This is cell-free system and put in RNA molecules with
American biochemist who
called a silent mutation. a long string of just one letter. Using a synthetic cracked the first codon to
Researchers use the word begin solving the puzzle
chain of nucleotides called ‘poly-uracil’ they of the genetic code
‘degeneracy’ to refer to
this redundancy in the deduced that UUU was the code for the amino
genetic code. acid phenylalanine. Then it was just a matter
of working out the other combinations. Today, Jonathan Weitzman
with the full table of 64 combinations, any
student can predict a protein sequence
from DNA code.
The three-letter
DNA code contains
the information for
24 g History & Concepts making proteins.
25 July 1920 1946 1953
Born in London, England Earns a PhD in Physical The April issue of the
Chemistry at the journal nature publishes
University of Cambridge three papers on the
1938 structure of DNA; one
Studies at Newnham from Franklin’s team,
College, University 1946–50 one from Wilkins’ team
of Cambridge Learns X-ray and the third by Watson
crystallography in and Crick
crystallographer Jacques
Mering’s laboratory
in Paris 1954-56
Works on tobacco mosaic
virus and the poliovirus
While working in John
Randall’s laboratory at 16 April 1958
King’s College, London, Dies of ovarian cancer
produces X-ray
photographs of DNA
Crick, Watson and
1952 Wilkins share the Nobel
Her student Raymond Prize in Physiology or
Gosling takes the Medicine
landmark ‘Photograph
51’ of DNA
The Royal Society
establishes the Rosalind
Franklin Award for
outstanding contributions
to science, engineering
or technology

26 g History & Conceptual Foundations


Rosalind Franklin was born in Maurice Wilkins also worked in the same
1920 in Notting Hill, London, into an affluent laboratory. He showed molecular biologist
Jewish family. She excelled at sciences and James Watson one of Franklin’s crystallographic
attended St Paul’s Girls’ School, one of the few pictures of DNA. Having seen her data without
girls’ schools in London that taught chemistry her knowledge, Watson and his colleague
and physics. She decided to become a scientist Francis Crick used it to solve the structure
when she was 15, against her father’s wishes. of DNA. As Watson candidly wrote, ‘Rosy,
Enrolling at Newnham College, Cambridge, she of course, did not directly give us her data. For
graduated in 1941 with a degree in chemistry, that matter, no one at King’s realized they were
and later received a PhD in physical chemistry in our hands.’ Watson and Crick used Franklin’s
from the same university. photo when they published their findings in
Franklin played a key role in what is perhaps nature in 1953. Franklin’s photograph has been
the greatest achievement of molecular biology: called one of ‘the most beautiful X-ray
the discovery of the structure of DNA. Her photographs of any substance ever taken’.
story is one of competition, expertise and After leaving King’s College, Franklin
controversy, told one way in James Watson’s focused her efforts on the study of viruses,
book The Double Helix and in a very different including tobacco mosaic virus and poliovirus.
way in Anne Sayre’s book, Rosalind Franklin In the summer of 1956, Franklin became ill with
and DNA or Brenda Maddox’s biography ovarian cancer. She died less than two years
Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA. later in Chelsea, London, at the age of just 37.
In the autumn of 1946, Franklin was Four years after her death, James Watson,
appointed at the Laboratoire Central des Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins were awarded
Services Chimiques de l’Etat in Paris, where the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. As
she learned the method of X-ray diffraction the prize is not awarded posthumously, Franklin
from crystallographer Jacques Mering. With did not receive the credit she deserved for her
this technique she created pictures of DNA contribution. The recent increase in awards and
molecules using X-rays when she returned to buildings that carry her name has reinstated
England in 1951 as a research associate in John Franklin as one of the forgotten women
Randall’s laboratory at King’s College, London. heroes of genetics.

Robert Brooker

Rosalind Franklin g 27
the 30-second theory
The ‘central dogma’ of molecular
biology describes the transfer of information
from DNA to RNA to protein. It was first
3-SECOND THRASH articulated by Francis Crick to explain information RELATED TOPICS
The central dogma of transfer from one polymer molecule with See also
molecular biology describes DNA CARRIES THE
a defined ‘alphabet’ to another. In this way
the flow of genetic GENETIC INFORMATION
information: DNA has the
the ordered sequence information is faithfully page 20
information to make RNA, maintained. Replication is the process of CRACKING THE GENETIC CODE
which has the information copying DNA, in which information from page 24
to make protein.
the parent DNA strand is transferred to the NON-CODING RNA
daughter strand. Transcription is the process page 90

3-MINUTE THOUGHT by which information from DNA is transferred

The central dogma into messenger RNA (mRNA). Translation is
describes the faithful 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
the process whereby the sequence of mRNA FRANCIS CRICK
transfer of genetic 1916–2004
information from nucleic
is used as a template to synthesize proteins.
British biophysicist and
acid to protein. DNA These newly synthesized polypeptide chains co-discoverer, with James
Watson, of the structure of
information can be copied are then processed, folded and modified to DNA, who coined the term
into messenger RNA
form functional proteins. The central dogma ‘central dogma’ to summarize
through the process of the flow of genetic information
transcription. Proteins states that there is a directional flow of from DNA to RNA to protein
are synthesized using sequence information, and that information HOWARD TEMIN
the information in mRNA cannot be transferred from protein to protein 1934–94
as a template in the process American virologist
termed translation. Today
or from protein back to nucleic acid. Discoveries who discovered reverse
transcriptase, the enzyme
we know that there is a from viruses have shown that RNA can be that turns viral RNA into
good deal of information replicated into RNA, and that RNA can be proviral DNA
in DNA and RNA that is reverse-transcribed back to DNA, but there
not used to make proteins
but instead regulates
is no evidence for reversible transfer of 30-SECOND TEXT
genome function. information from proteins to DNA. Matthew Weitzman

Genetic information
is transcribed from
DNA to RNA, and then
28 g History & Concepts from RNA to protein.
the 30-second theory
The Human Genome Project is
probably the biggest collaborative project
ever undertaken by biologists. It is biology’s
3-SECOND THRASH equivalent of the Apollo programme that took RELATED TOPICS
The Human Genome humans to the moon. The genome is all the DNA See also
Project sequenced all the WHAT IS A GENE?
that contains all the genes in a cell. Laboratories
DNA letters in humans and page 56
made the sequence freely
from around the world joined forces to map and
available for all to study. understand all the genes in humans. Following page 124
much debate in the 1980s, the US National
Institute of Health (NIH) launched the Human page 126
The generation of the first
Genome Project in 1990, expecting it to last
human genome took 13 at least 15 years. The project began by making
years, involved thousands a map of the 23 human chromosomes. This 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
of researchers around the JAMES WATSON
was followed by ordered sequencing of human 1928–
world and cost billions of
dollars. DNA sequencing
DNA in research centres around the world. American molecular biologist
and co-discoverer of the DNA
technology continues to In 1996, the leaders of the project drafted the helix, who was the first person
to have his genome sequenced
increase in speed and ‘Bermuda Principles’ to encourage the sharing
accuracy and decrease in
of all genetic information. The rapid increase J. CRAIG VENTER
cost and time required. 1946–
Today it takes just hours to in the efficiency and speed of DNA sequencing American biotechnologist who
founded Celera Genomics, the
sequence a human genome technology accelerated the project. Sequencing company that raced the Human
and costs less than $1,000. the human genome became a race in 1998, Genome Project to the finish line

when the private company Celera Genomics set FRANCIS COLLINS

out to sequence the genome at the same time. 1950–
American geneticist who led
The first draft of the human genome sequence the Human Genome Project
at the NIH
was published by both the public and the private
projects in 2001. The complete sequence
published in 2003 showed there are around 30-SECOND TEXT
20,000 human genes encoded in a genome Jonathan Weitzman

that contains three billion letters. The Human Genome

Project is one of the
largest biology projects
30 g History & Concepts of all time.

alleles Alternative variant forms of a chromatid Copy of a chromosome formed

gene that result from a mutational change when DNA is copied for cell division. The pair
in DNA sequence or expression of the of two chromatids (called sister chromatids)
gene. Alleles can be recessive, meaning are held together by the centromere.
they only have an effect when there are
two copies, or dominant, where a single chromatin Complex formed along the DNA
copy is enough to have an effect. in eukaryote cells. Chromatin is composed of
proteins called histones as well as non-histone
ATP Adenosine 5’-triphosphate, a proteins. The structure of the chromatin plays
molecule composed of the nucleoside a key role in regulating gene expression.
adenine, the sugar ribose and three
phosphate groups. ATP is a small cytokinesis Division of the cytoplasm of
compound that is the main carrier the parental cell to generate two daughter
and store of energy in the cell. cells. Distinct from the division of the nucleus
(mitosis or meiosis).
centromere Condensed region of the
chromosome that holds together the cytoplasm Total contents of a cell contained
chromatids when cells divide by mitosis. within the outer cell membrane. In eukaryote
The centromere is the site of assembly of cells the cytoplasm is all the contents outside
the kinetochore so that the chromosomes of the nucleus.
can be separated into two daughter cells.
eukaryote Organism composed of one
checkpoint proteins Group of proteins or many cells with a distinct nucleus and
that monitor and control the progression cytoplasm. There are also living cells with no
of the eukaryote cell through the cell cycle. nucleus, such as bacteria, called prokaryotes.
At several critical points in the cell cycle,
the checkpoint proteins ensure that the histones Family of small proteins that
conditions are met to move on to the are associated with DNA in eukaryotic cells.
next phase of the cycle. They behave like Many are grouped together in balls of proteins
a precise quality-control assessment to called nucleosomes. This packaging of DNA
allow cells to divide. by histones helps to organize the genome
and control gene expression.

34 g Chromosomes & Cells

kinetochore Complex of proteins nuclear matrix Network of fibres inside the
that assembles on the centromere cell nucleus that organize genetic information
during mitosis. The kinetochore creates within the cell.
a link between the chromosomes and the
microtubules, so that the chromosomes nuclear pores Protein complexes that span
can be dragged to opposite poles of the the envelope surrounding the nucleus. There
dividing cell. may be as many as 2,000 in the nucleus of
vertebrate cells. They allow the transport
mitochondrion (pl. mitochondria) of molecules in and out of the nucleus.
Organelles in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic
cells that produce most of the chemical organelle Specialized substructure inside
energy of the cell in the form of ATP, the cell with a specific function. Examples of
earning them the title ‘the powerhouse organelles within eukaryotic cells include the
of the cell’. They are bound by a double mitochondria that generate energy for the cell
membrane and contain their own genome, and chloroplasts that perform photosynthesis
referred to as mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). in plant cells.
Dysfunction in mitochondrial function
or mutations in the mtDNA can lead shelterin Protein complex that protects
to major human diseases involving the the telomeres at the end of chromosomes
metabolism and are collectively called from DNA repair mechanisms. In the absence
mitrochondrial diseases. of shelterin, the unprotected telomere can
look like broken DNA to the cell, leading to
mitosis and meiosis Specific types of cell catastrophic attempts to repair it.
division in eukaryotic cells. Mitosis involves
the condensing of the DNA into visible telomere Special structure at the end of
chromosomes and division of the nucleus the chromosome. In eukaryotic the enzyme
to create two identical daughter cells with telomerase is needed to maintain telomeres
the same amount of DNA and chromosomes at each cell division.
as the parent cell. Meiosis involves two
rounds of nuclear division to produce four
cells, each with half the amount of DNA.
Meiosis generates eggs and sperm.

Glossary g 35
the 30-second theory
The nucleus is like the brain
(or headquarters) of the eukaryotic cell:
it stores information, receives external and
3-SECOND THRASH environmental messages and controls the RELATED TOPICS
The nucleus is the central appropriate responses. The cell nucleus See also
compartment inside a CHROMOSOMES
is a compartment inside a cell that contains
cell that contains the & KAROTYPES
genetic material.
the chromosomes surrounded by a double- page 38
membrane called the ‘nuclear envelope’. CELL DIVISION
Nuclear pores provide a passageway for page 50
3-MINUTE THOUGHT the movement of chemicals in and out GENOME ARCHITECTURE
At one time, scientists
thought that the
of the nucleus. In most human cells the page 72

chromosomes were nucleus contains 46 chromosomes, made

randomly distributed up of DNA and proteins that compact the
within the nucleus, 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
chromosomes so they can fit inside the ANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK
tangled up like a plate 1632–1723
of spaghetti. But we
nucleus. The primary function of the cell
Dutch microbiologist who
now know that protein nucleus is the protection, organization, developed improvements in
microscopy that allowed him
filaments form a nuclear replication and expression of the genetic to observe the nucleus in the
matrix that organizes
material. The cell nucleus also processes blood cells of salmon
the chromosomes
within the nucleus. Each information it receives from other parts of FELICE FONTANA
chromosome is located the cell and makes decisions that will alter Italian physiologist who
in a distinct, non- the cell’s structure and function. For example, is credited with being the
overlapping chromosome first to observe a sub-nuclear
territory, which is visible
if there are many nutrients around the cell it structure called the nucleolus
in the slime from an eel’s
when cells are coloured will send signals to the cell nucleus and the skin in 1781
with dyes that label nucleus will respond by turning on genes
specific chromosomes. that are necessary for digesting nutrients.
The nucleus is a control centre that stores 30-SECOND TEXT
Robert Brooker
all of the information necessary for correct
cell structure and function.
The nucleus stores
genetic information
and controls the
36 g Chromosomes & Cells functions of the cell.
the 30-second theory
Chromosomes are microscopic
particles that bear a cell’s genetic material. In
bacteria, chromosomes are usually composed
3-SECOND THRASH of a small circle of DNA and proteins. In more RELATED TOPICS
Chromosomes contain complex organisms with several chromosomes, See also
the DNA of an organism CHROMATIN & HISTONES
such as ourselves, the DNA is condensed with
in a highly condensed page 86
form. The full set of
proteins called histones. DNA, histones and
chromosomes in each other proteins constitute the chromatin. In page 124
organism is known as eukaryotic cells, such as ours, the chromosomes
the karyotype.
are located inside the nucleus. Humans have
23 pairs of chromosomes, with more than 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
3-MINUTE THOUGHT 2 metres (6 ft 6 in.) of DNA packed within each 1817–91
A chromosome is literally cell. Of these pairs, 22 are called autosomes Swiss botanist who reputedly
observed chromosomes for
a ‘coloured body’. They or homologs. They are similar copies of each the first time
were discovered (as
bodies reacting to specific other that may serve as a back-up of genetic HEINRICH VON
colourants) before DNA information. The remaining chromosome pair WALDEYER-HARTZ
was first described. comprises the X and Y chromosomes, called German anatomist who coined
Chromosomes can be easily
‘sex chromosomes’, because they determine the term ‘chromosome’
stained when condensed.
The staining test creates the sex of an individual. The entire set of WALTHER FLEMMING
a pattern of bands so chromosomes is called the karyotype, which 1843–1905
German biologist who founded
that each chromosome is is studied during cell division at the moment cytogenetics as the study of
distinguishable, allowing the karyotype
the creation of a map
when DNA has been duplicated. At this instant,
called an ideogram. In each chromosome has two condensed copies
humans, alterations such of its genetic material known as the chromatids. 30-SECOND TEXT
as a chromosomal inversion During cell division, the mother cell transmits Reiner Veitia
(when a segment of
chromosome is reversed one chromatid of each chromosome to the two
end to end) can be easily daughter cells. A failure in this process leads Chromosomes
detected by looking at to an abnormal number of chromosomes, as are located inside
the karyotype.
is often seen in cancer cells. the cell nucleus.
They are formed of
condensed strings
38 g Chromosomes & Cells of DNA and proteins.
the 30-second theory
Inside the nucleus of human cells
are 46 chromosomes carrying over 22,000
genes, the so-called ‘nuclear genes’. But these
3-SECOND THRASH are not the only genes in human cells. Outside RELATED TOPICS
Mitochondria have their the nucleus, the cells of animals and plants See also
own chromosome and THE CELL NUCLEUS
contain several dozen organelles known as
genes. These produce page 36
proteins that work with
mitochondria, each with multiple copies of their
proteins created by the own separate genome. Human cells contain page 50
genes in the cell’s nucleus about 100 mitochondria, each containing
in the synthesis of the DOMINANT & RECESSIVE
about five copies of the chromosome – so in GENETIC DISEASES
cellular energy-producing
compound ATP. total there are 500 copies of each mitochondrial page 104
gene. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encodes
different numbers of genes in different
organisms. There are 37 genes on the human RICHARD ALTMANN
Mutations of mitochondrial
mitochondrial chromosome, 14 of which encode 1852–1900
genes can impair ATP German pathologist who
production and these proteins. Human mitochondrial proteins work first identified mitochondria
and proposed that they
mutations cause several with proteins from nuclear genes to produce had cellular functions
hereditary disorders.
the essential energy-generating compound
Mitochondrial diseases EUGENE KENNEDY
are classified as ‘non- ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Sperm do not & ALBERT LEHNINGER
Mendelian’ for two contribute mitochondria during fertilization – 1919–2011 & 1917–86
reasons. First, these American biochemists who
the transmission of mtDNA is exclusively via co-discovered the process
diseases are exclusively that produces the compound
matrilineal – they only pass
the mother. Millions of years ago the ancestors ATP in mitochondria
from mothers to children. of mitochondria were independent single-celled
Second, unlike Mendelian organisms. At that time they probably invaded
genetic diseases, which the ancestral cells of plant and animal cells. 30-SECOND TEXT
involve mutation of one Mark Sanders
or both copies of a gene,
Once internalized, the ancient invaders and their
mitochondrial diseases host cells slowly evolved a symbiotic relationship
usually appear only after that has led these former invaders to become
many mutant copies of a
integral to the survival of animal and plant cells. Mitochondria sit
gene are present in cells.
outside the cell nucleus
but also contain their
40 g Chromosomes & Cells own genome.
the 30-second theory
In many animals and plants, the
sexes are genetically determined. For instance,
in most of these organisms the presence of
3-SECOND THRASH two X chromosomes drives the development RELATED TOPICS
X and Y chromosomes of a female animal or plant. In contrast, males See also
derive from a standard X-CHROMOSOME
have an X and a Y chromosome. Y chromosomes
pair of chromosomes that INACTIVATION
underwent a divergence
exist in mammals, plants and many other page 84
process triggered by the organisms, such as insects. The X chromosomes SEX
appearance of a male- are generally large and full of genes, whereas page 98
determining gene on the Y.
the Y chromosomes are smaller and carry few
genes. Although the Y chromosomes in plants
3-MINUTE THOUGHT and animals do not originate from a common CLARENCE MCCLUNG
The degeneration process ancestor, the logic of their evolutionary histories 1870–1946
of the Y chromosome American biologist
is the same. The X and Y chromosomes evolved who discovered the role
has been slow. It has lost of sex chromosomes
thousands of its original from a pair of identical chromosomes through in sex determination
genes through evolution. a process of differentiation linked to the
However, most of the now appearance of the male-determining gene
essential genes on the
on the Y. Once the Y chromosome emerged, 30-SECOND TEXT
Y are present in several Reiner Veitia
back-up copies. Since the other alleles important for male reproduction
divergence of humans and accumulated around the sex-determining
chimpanzees, the human region. Subsequently, chromosomal
Y chromosome has not lost
a single gene. This means
rearrangements prevented the exchange of
that the Y will still be genetic material between the ancestral X and
around for millions of years Y chromosomes. This process accelerated the
to tell the story of the male You have a 50/50
evolution of the Y chromosome, which lost
lineage of humankind. chance of being born
most of its genes and seems to be on its way male (XY) or female
to disappearing. The Y chromosome is the (XX). Y chromosomes
genetic heritage transmitted from fathers determine sex but do
to sons for millions of years. not contain genes that
code for vital functions
– these are found on
42 g Chromosomes & Cells the X chromosome.
25 September 1866 1890 1915
Born in Lexington, Receives his PhD from Publishes his book
Kentucky, United States Johns Hopkins University The Mechanism of
Mendelian Heredity

1886 1891–1904
Graduates with a Professor at Bryn 1919
bachelor of science Mawr College Elected foreign member
degree from the State of the Royal Society
College of Kentucky 1904–28 of London
Professor of
experimental zoology
at Columbia University 1922
Delivers the
Croonian lecture at
1909 the Royal Society
Begins his pioneering
work on the fruit fly
Drosophila melanogaster 1928–41
Professor at California
Institute of Technology
Establishes the Fly
Room at Columbia 1933
Awarded the Nobel Prize
in Physiology or Medicine

4 December 1945
Dies at the age of 79

44 g Chromosomes & Cells


Thomas Hunt Morgan pioneered graduate students to rear fruit flies in the dark,
work using the simple fruit fly Drosophila as hoping to produce flies whose eyes would
a genetic model to establish the key role of atrophy from disuse and disappear in future
chromosomes in inheritance. Born in 1866 in generations. Even after many consecutive
Lexington, Kentucky, United States, Morgan generations, however, the flies appeared to
had an intriguing ancestry: he was a nephew have no noticeable changes despite repeated
of Confederate general John Hunt Morgan and attempts at inducing mutations by treatments
the great-grandson of Francis Scott Key, author with agents such as X-rays and radium.
of the words to ‘The Star Spangled Banner’. After two years, Morgan finally obtained an
Morgan showed a great interest in nature interesting result when a true-breeding line of
and natural history from an early age, and Drosophila produced a male fruit fly with white
during his childhood he collected birds, birds’ eyes rather than the normal red eyes. Morgan is
eggs and fossils. He started college at the age said to have carried this fly home with him in a
of 16, receiving his bachelor’s degree at the jar, put it by his bedside at night while he slept
University of Kentucky, and a PhD at Johns and then taken it back to the laboratory during
Hopkins University. the day. It was this white-eyed fly that allowed
From 1891 to 1904, Morgan was a professor him to confirm that a gene affecting eye colour
at Bryn Mawr College, a women’s university in fruit flies is located on the X chromosome.
near Philadelphia, where he taught biology Morgan concluded that red eye colour and X
and natural sciences. In 1904, he joined (a sex factor that is present in two copies in
the staff at Columbia University and there the female) are combined and have never
he established the ‘Fly Room’ to determine existed apart.
how a species changed over time. Morgan was In 1928, he left Columbia University and
largely responsible for establishing the fruit became professor of biology at the California
fly (Drosophila melanogaster) as a model Institute of Technology at Pasadena (Caltech).
experimental organism to study genetics. He established a Division of Biology there that
Morgan carried out a particularly influential has produced no fewer than seven Nobel Prize
study that confirmed the chromosome theory winners. In 1933, he was the first geneticist to
of inheritance. In work leading up to his most receive a Nobel Prize. He remained at Caltech
famous studies, Morgan engaged one of his until his death in 1945, at the age of 79.

Robert Brooker

Thomas Hunt Morgan g 45

the 30-second theory
When the cells in our bodies
divide, the chromosomes need to copy
themselves. The resulting chromatid pairs
3-SECOND THRASH are held together by a structure known as RELATED TOPICS
Each chromosome has the centromere, which assembles a complex See also
a constriction point called CHROMOSOMES
motor that segregates chromosomes during
the centromere that helps & KARYOTYPES
segregate chromatids
cell division. A protein complex called the page 38
during cell division. Each kinetochore attaches to the centromere and CELL DIVISION
also has telomeres that helps it pull the chromatids to opposite ends page 50
protect chromosome ends
of the cell during division. In this way the DNA DAMAGE & REPAIR
from deterioration.
chromatids end up in separate daughter page 70
cells. When a chromosome is replicated, the
3-MINUTE THOUGHT enzymes that duplicate DNA cannot continue
When the cell divides it 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
to the end of the chromosome (the ends of ELIZABETH BLACKBURN
is important that daughter 1948–
cells have the same number
each chromosome are called the telomeres).
Australian-born biologist who
of intact chromosomes. This poses the challenge to the cell of how discovered that telomeres have
a specific DNA sequence
There are two chromosome to copy the complete chromosome without
structures that help to
losing the sections at the ends. This is solved JACK SZOSTAK
achieve this: the telomeres 1952–
at the ends and the internal by repeating end segments, which cap the British-born biologist who
centromere. The telomeres end sequence to prevent deterioration. The showed, with Blackburn,
that telomeres protect ends
prevent loss of essential telomeres are replenished by the enzyme from destruction
genetic material from the
telomerase. Telomeres and telomerase play CAROL GREIDER
ends, and the centromere
important roles in human disease. Telomere 1961–
allows the daughter
American biologist who, with
strands of replicated shortening is associated with ageing diseases. Blackburn, discovered telomerase
chromosomes to segregate Telomere dysfunction or shortening can lead to
into daughter cells.
genomic instability, and occurs when a tumour is
developing. Telomerase can extend the lifespan Matthew Weitzman
of cells and is increased in cancer cells.
The centre of a
chromosome is known
as the centromere. Its
46 g Chromosomes & Cells ends are the telomeres.
the 30-second theory
The adult human body contains
somewhere between ten trillion and 50 trillion
cells. That’s more than 10,000,000,000,000!
3-SECOND THRASH It is almost an incomprehensible number. Even RELATED TOPICS
The four phases of the cell more amazing is the accuracy of the process See also
cycle involve cell growth THE CELL NUCLEUS
that generates these cells. Virtually every cell
and DNA replication and page 36
result in cell division to
in your body contains chromosomes that have
create two daughter cells. basically identical DNA sequences, except for a page 50
few rare mutations. The cell cycle is the process
by which a mother cell divides to produce two page 112
The progress through the
daughter cells. It is a highly regulated process
cell cycle is highly regulated in all species because it must ensure that cell
to ensure that all the division occurs at precisely the right time and 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
chromosomes are intact LELAND HARTWELL
without errors. The cell cycle involves cell 1939–
and that conditions are
appropriate for a cell to
growth, DNA replication and cell division. It American yeast biologist who
identified the fundamental
divide. Checkpoint proteins is orchestrated in four phases: G1, S, G2 and role of checkpoints in cell
cycle control
delay the cell cycle until M. In the G1 phase the cell decides to divide,
any problems are detected
dependent on the presence of the proper PAUL MAXIME NURSE
and fixed. If problems 1949–
cannot be fixed, cell signalling factors, growth hormones and a English Nobel Prize-winning
geneticist who identified the
division is aborted. sufficient supply of nutrients. During the S key proteins for the transition
If checkpoint proteins phase the cell copies all its genetic material from one phase of the cell cycle
become mutated, quality to another
control is defective and
and synthesizes DNA. During the G2 phase,
the cell cycle can result the cell prepares itself for division. In the final
in undesirable genetic M phase the cell nucleus divides, and the two 30-SECOND TEXT
changes that cause daughter cells separate by a process that is Robert Brooker
additional mutations
or cancer.
known as cytokinesis.
The cell cycle happens
in four phases, which
are shown here next to
the orange (G1), green
(S), blue (G2) and pink
48 g Chromosomes & Cells (M) arrows.
the 30-second theory
Living organisms grow and
reproduce by cell division. Every day, cells
in our bodies divide to give two daughter cells,
3-SECOND THRASH both of which inherit the genetic material and RELATED TOPICS
Mitosis and meiosis are the small cell compartments (called organelles), See also
cell division processes that THE CELL CYCLE
such as mitochondria, from the mother cell.
generate the daughter cells page 48
that make up the tissues
There are two different types of cell division:
of our bodies, as well as mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis generates daughter page 112
our reproductive cells. cells that are identical to the mother cell, while
meiosis produces gametes (egg and sperm cells)
for sexual reproduction. Before mitosis, the cell 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
Cell division is a highly copies all its DNA and most of its components 1848–1920
regulated process. to make sure that the daughter cells will receive German zoologist who is
credited with the discovery
Chromosome segregation the same amount of DNA and proteins. By of mitosis
to the daughter cells is
key to the success of
contrast, meiosis shuffles the DNA and creates OSCAR HERTWIG
cell division. In cells reproductive cells that contain half the amount 1849–1922
German zoologist who
generated by mitosis, if a of DNA. In humans, most cells contain 46 discovered meiosis
chromosome lags it results
chromosomes, whereas the gametes contain
in one daughter cell with
only a single copy of that only 23 chromosomes. When an egg and
chromosome (instead of a sperm fuse to create a baby, each cell
Reiner Veitia
two) and three copies of contributes half of the DNA material. When
that chromosome in the
other daughter cell. Errors
one of the gametes has an abnormal number
in mitosis can lead to of chromosomes (for example, an extra copy
cancer cells, which have of chromosome 21), the resulting individual
unregulated cell growth. also has an abnormal chromosomal count
(in this case known as ‘trisomy 21’).
During mitosis, all the
DNA contained in the
cell is copied to create
daughter cells that
are exact replicas
50 g Chromosomes & Cells of the mother cell.

base excision repair (BER) Cellular on its evolution, function and structure. The
mechanism that repairs damaged DNA genome must be very carefully monitored
throughout the cell cycle. BER removes to make sure any errors are detected and
small errors in the genome to protect corrected. This is referred to as maintaining
against harmful mutations. genome integrity.

chromatin Complex formed along the DNA genotoxic Property of chemicals that
in eukaryotic cells. Chromatin is composed damage the genetic information within a cell
of proteins called histones as well as by causing mutations in the DNA. Genotoxic
non-histone proteins. The structure of chemicals can kill cells or cause diseases
chromatin plays a key role in regulating such as cancer.
gene expression.
genotype DNA sequence of a cell or the
eukaryote Organism composed of alleles carried by an organism that determines
one or many cells each with a distinct a specific characteristic (called a trait or a
nucleus and cytoplasm. There are also living phenotype) of that cell or organism.
cells without a nucleus, such as bacteria,
called prokaryotes. germ cell Biological cell that gives rise to
the gametes for sexual reproduction. Germ
exons and introns Messenger RNA is cells undergo meiosis, followed by cellular
edited by a process called splicing that differentiation to produce mature gametes,
removes introns and maintains parts called either eggs or sperm. Gametes contain the
exons. The exons are joined together to genetic information that will be transmitted
make the mature mRNA and this information to the next generation.
can be used to create proteins. The genome
is the complete set of genes and the mRNA (messenger RNA) Molecule that
complete set of exons is called the exome. represents a copy of DNA and that contains
the information to make a protein. One strand
genome Complete set of genetic material of the DNA of a gene is transcribed into a
in an organism or a cell. Genomics is the mRNA copy that is translated to produce a
study of an organism’s genome, focusing protein. The mRNA contains the information
for encoding a functional protein.

54 g Genes & Genomes

natural selection Process through somatic cells Biological cells that form
which the organisms best adapted to the main body of an organism. There are
their environment survive and reproduce. more than 200 different types of somatic cell
Natural selection is a key mechanism in in the human body and these make up all the
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. different organs and tissues. Somatic cells are
not transmitted to the next generation and
nucleotides Building blocks used to are distinct from germ cells and gametes.
make DNA or RNA. Strings of nucleotides
are called nucleic acids. In DNA there are splicing Editing of the newly transcribed
four nucleotides (referred to by the letters messenger RNA to remove introns and paste
T, C, G and A) and in RNA there are four together exons. Splicing is performed by a
ribonucleotides (U, C, G and A). Nucleotides large protein machine called the spliceosome.
are also called bases. DNA bases can be Splicing is a way in which the cell can generate
paired: A pairs with T, and C pairs with G. different proteins from the same gene by
editing together different exons.
phenotype Observable characteristics
or traits of a cell or an organism (such transcription Process for turning DNA
as shape, development, biochemical genetic information into RNA. This is done
or physiological features or particular by an enzyme machine called RNA polymerase
behaviours). The phenotype is influenced that builds an RNA polymer using the DNA
by the genotype within the genome. as a template. Transcription profiling involves
measuring the amount of RNA for every gene
silencing Regulation of a gene by shutting in the cell.
down its expression. As cells only use a
fraction of their genes at any given time, transposons DNA sequence that can change
the rest of their genes are repressed its position within a genome. Transposons
or silenced. Cells have mechanisms to are sometimes called transposable elements
activate or silence genes at precise times. or jumping genes. Scientists have learned
Researchers can use these silencing to exploit transposons – for example, the
mechanisms to reduce gene expression ‘Sleeping Beauty transposon’ system is used
in the laboratory or even to treat disease. in genome engineering.

Glossary g 55
the 30-second theory
Genes can explain part of the
differences between us – whether we are tall
or short, whether we have brown or blue eyes
3-SECOND THRASH and why we resemble our parents. Your mother RELATED TOPICS
A gene alone is an inert gave you half of her genes, and your father half See also
DNA molecule with no DNA CARRIES THE
of his, so that each of us carries a completely
effect. But changing one GENETIC INFORMATION
gene into another within
unique collection of genes (with the exception page 20
an organism can produce of twins, who share identical genes). So why JUMPING GENES
a visible difference. does a daughter have the curly hair typical of page 58
her father? Because she received the ‘curly hair’ GENE EXPRESSION

gene from her father and because ‘curly hair’ page 64

A human being carries as is usually dominant over the recessive gene for
many genes in its genome ‘straight hair’. Genes are detected through trait
as a small nematode worm. 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
differences. They correspond to distinct DNA WILHELM JOHANNSEN
Many species (including
sequences at a given chromosome location. 1857–1927
the mouse, the pufferfish, Danish botanist who coined
red clover, onions and Research into how genes can affect visible traits the terms ‘gene’, ‘genotype’
and ‘phenotype’
wheat) appear to have led to a second definition of the word ‘gene’:
more genes than humans
it is also a stretch of DNA that is copied into WILLIAM BATESON
do. Therefore, the 1861–1926
complexity of life is not a ribonucleotide molecule or a protein, with British biologist, the first
simply determined by a known function. For example, the keratin to coin the term ‘genetics’
the number of genes. gene is used to produce the keratin protein that THOMAS HUNT MORGAN
makes up our hair. In mice, dogs and humans, 1866–1945
American biologist who won
a single mutation in the DNA sequence of the the Nobel Prize for his findings
on genes and their location
keratin gene can explain the difference between on chromosomes
straight hair and curly hair.

Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo

Your genes give you

many of your physical
traits, including hair
56 g Genes & Genomes colour and texture.
the 30-second theory
Transposable elements or
‘jumping genes’ are DNA sequences that can
move to other sites in the genome. They were
3-SECOND THRASH first described by Barbara McClintock, who RELATED TOPICS
‘Jumping genes’ are observed changes in the colour of corn kernels See also
sequences of DNA that can DNA CARRIES THE
resulting from moving genes. They can move by
move or ‘jump’ from one GENETIC INFORMATION
location in the genome
‘copy and paste’ (where the original remains in page 20
to another. its location) or ‘cut and paste’ (where the original GENE THERAPY
moves to the new location). Transposable page 138
elements, known as ‘transposons’, make up a GENOME EDITING
Transposable elements
large fraction of the human genome. Most of page 152

(transposons) are DNA the transposons are inactive, but when active
sequences that can change they can affect the health of the genome,
position in the genome. 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHY
resulting in mutation and disease or altering BARBARA McCLINTOCK
They make up roughly
how neighbouring genes behave. Transposons 1902–92
half of the human genome American cytogeneticist who
and are important for the can also drive the evolution of the genome discovered that genes could
move from place to place on
workings and evolution of by shuttling DNA to new locations and thereby a chromosome; she received
the genome. They can also
generating genetic diversity. They have been the 1983 Nobel Prize in
be exploited as tools to Physiology or Medicine
modify the genome of adapted as tools for biologists to mutate and
cells or of a living organism. tag genes throughout the genome, enabling
identification of the genes responsible for 30-SECOND TEXT
Matthew Weitzman
specific traits. The principle of ‘jumping genes’
has also been harnessed to insert DNA
sequences into the genome. The ‘Sleeping
Beauty transposon’ is a synthetic DNA
transposon resurrected in 1997 from a fish McClintock's work on
genome; it has been used as a tool to insert transposable elements
specific DNA sequences into genomes of in maize wasn't fully
vertebrate animals during gene therapy. recognized and
accepted by the field
until over 30 years after
58 g Genes & Genomes her initial discoveries.
the 30-second theory
Information coded in the DNA
sequences of genes is used to produce proteins.
The first step is the transcription of the DNA
3-SECOND THRASH sequence of a gene into a messenger RNA RELATED TOPICS
Gene splicing modifies the (mRNA) molecule. A surprising discovery several See also
initial mRNA by precisely THE CENTRAL DOGMA
decades ago was that most of the genes of
removing introns and page 28
joining exons together to
animals and plants are ‘split’: they have parts
create an mRNA that can that contain information to code for proteins page 56
make a protein. and parts that do not. The protein-coding
segments of genes are called exons. They page 64

are separated by long sequences that do not
Protein-coding RNAs are encode protein information, called introns. The
much shorter than the DNA mRNA first transcribed from a gene contains all 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
sequences of genes that RICHARD ROBERTS
the exon and intron sequences. But the introns 1943–
encode them. In some
cases, up to 90 per cent of are then removed by a process called gene British biochemist and
molecular biologist and
the initial mRNA is intron splicing and the exons join together in the right co-discoverer of ‘split genes’
sequence that is removed order to create the final mRNA. One can imagine PHILLIP SHARP
to form the protein-coding 1944–
the initial mRNA as a mixture of meaningful
mRNA. Some genes have American molecular biologist
just one or two introns, words (exons) and gibberish (introns). Gene who discovered that most
genes are ‘split’ into exon
whereas others have splicing changes the initial mRNA reading and intron segments
several dozen introns. ‘thisiscmhazdbwthewayqtrncdbgenestalk’ by
Gene splicing enzymes THOMAS CECH
precisely identify and
removing the gibberish and joining the meaningful 1947–
remove introns by locating words together to generate the final message American biologist who
described gene splicing
the unchanging mRNA of the gene reading ‘this is the way genes talk’.
sequences at the ends Alternative splicing removes different introns
of introns.
and joins exons to make different protein 30-SECOND TEXT
Mark Sanders
variants from the same gene. Gene splicing is
an exact process that precisely removes only
intron sequences from mRNA. Gene splicing errors
can play a role in
genetic diseases and
60 g Genes & Genomes may lead to cancer.
Exon Intron
the 30-second theory
Most organisms within a
population are different from each other.
These differences are mostly due to underlying
3-SECOND THRASH genetic variations. The genotype of an individual RELATED TOPICS
The genotype of an describes its genetic make-up, be it at the See also
individual determines GENES & ENVIRONMENT
single-gene or whole-genome level. Most
its phenotype, through page 78
interactions with the
animals can carry a maximum of two versions
rest of the genome and of each gene – or alleles. The combination of page 92
the environment. such alleles across the genome is unique to each
individual and constitutes its genetic fingerprint. page 120

Only identical twins, developing from one
The genotype (G) for fertilized egg, share the same genotype. Yet
a particular gene does even they bear differences, owing to small 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHY
not always lead to the variations that appear after their conception. 1857–1927
same phenotype (P).
This depends on the
The phenotype is the set of observable or Danish botanist who coined
the terms phenotype and
interaction of the relevant measurable characteristics of an individual, genotype to distinguish
heredity from its results
alleles with other alleles such as the colour of the eyes, height and
elsewhere in the genome,
so on. For example, in garden peas, the
which can reduce or
enhance the phenotype. character white flowers (the phenotype) is 30-SECOND TEXT
determined by the genotype pp (homozygous), Reiner Veitia
But the environment
(E) can deeply influence whereas the underlying genotype for purple
the expression of the
genotype. This is described
flowers is PP or Pp (heterozygous). Identical
in the following formula: variations (genotypes) in two individuals may
Everyone's genotype
G + E + GxE → P produce the same phenotype, but this is
(G = genotype, E = is unique and shared
not always so, because the phenotype is the
environment and by nobody else. The
GxE = their interaction).
manifestation of the interactions between only exception to this
the genotype and the environment. is identical twins,
who share practically
identical genotypes,
although their
phenotypes (physical
62 g Genes & Genomes traits) may still differ.
the 30-second theory
Nearly all the cells in your body
share the same DNA, yet each cell type is
equipped for a specific biological function.
3-SECOND THRASH It turns out that not all your cells read all the RELATED TOPICS
Each cell expresses only genetic information in the genome at the same See also
a fraction of all the genes THE CENTRAL DOGMA
time. Your DNA contains all the information
in the genome so that it page 28
makes the right proteins
needed to make more than 25,000 different
for its cellular needs. proteins, but each cell makes only the proteins it page 56
requires to function and will ‘read’ just a fraction
of all the genes at a given time. To make a page 62
Today researchers have
protein, cells have to ‘transcribe’ the DNA
sophisticated technologies information into RNA and then ‘translate’ it
to measure all the into the protein. Researchers say that genes 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
thousands of genes that JACQUES MONOD
are either expressed (turned ‘on’) or repressed 1910–76
can be expressed at the
same time. By performing
(turned ‘off’). Upstream of each gene there is a French geneticist who worked
out how genes are expressed
gene expression profiling, piece of DNA called the promoter, which works by studying gene repression
in bacteria
they can make predictions like a kind of switch to turn transcription on or
about the identity of a cell
off. There are many regulatory mechanisms to ROGER KORNBERG
and the functions of the 1947–
genes that are expressed make sure that the switch is on at the right time American biochemist who
pioneered work into the
together. Some essential and that each gene is expressed at the right molecular machinery that
genes are expressed in level for that particular cell function. There turns genes on
most cells, whereas others
are expressed only in very
are particular proteins that can recognize the
specialized tissues. switches and regulate the amount of RNA 30-SECOND TEXT
produced. The cell can also control gene Jonathan Weitzman
expression by determining how quickly the
RNA is degraded.

Heat maps, such as

those shown here,
are used to study how
genes are expressed
64 g Genes & Genomes in various experiments.
16 June 1902 1933–34 1970
Born in Hartford, Receives a Guggenheim Becomes the first woman
Connecticut, United States Fellowship to train in to be awarded the
Germany with geneticist National Medal of Science
Richard B. Goldschmidt
Carries out her 1981
undergraduate and 1936–41 Publishes her seminal
graduate work in the Serves as assistant study The Chromosomal
College of Agriculture professor at the Constitution of Races
at Cornell University University of Missouri of Maize

1941–92 1983
Works in the Department Receives the Nobel Prize
of Genetics at Cold in Physiology or Medicine
Spring Harbor, where
she discovers
transposable elements
Publishes her book
1944 The Discovery and
Becomes only the third Characterization of
woman to be elected to Transposable Elements:
the National Academy The Collected Papers
of Sciences and the first of Barbara McClintock
female president of
the Genetics Society
of America 2 September 1992
Dies after a brief illness
at the age of 90

Commemorated – with
John von Neumann,
Josiah Willard and
Richard Feynman – on US
Postal Service American
Scientists postage stamps

66 g Genes & Genomes


Born in Hartford, Connecticut in When McClintock proposed the existence of

1902, Barbara McClintock was an independent transposable elements in 1951, her theory was
young girl from the start, who early in life met with great scepticism. Some geneticists
developed what she later called a ‘capacity to could not accept the idea that genetic material
be alone’. She was eager to study science at a was susceptible to frequent rearrangements.
time when few women attended college. A keen They were convinced that genetic material was
sportswoman, she began her scientific career highly stable and had a permanent structure.
as a student at Cornell University, where she Over the next decades, however, the scientific
received her BSc in botany in 1923. Her interests community realized that transposable elements
quickly focused on the structure and function are a widespread phenomenon.
of the chromosomes of corn plants. Barbara McClintock liked to be alone
During her long scientific career, and spent countless hours examining corn
McClintock identified many unusual features chromosomes under the microscope. Not
of corn chromosomes. She is best known only was she technically gifted, but she also
for discovering segments of DNA that can had an impressive theoretical mind that
move from one site in a chromosome to challenged conventional wisdom. Much like
another, called transposable elements. They Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin, she was
are also called ‘jumping genes’, because clearly well ahead of her time. McClintock
they are inherently mobile. In one of her corn was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or
strains, she noticed that a particular site in Medicine in 1983 for discovering ‘mobile genetic
a chromosome had the strange characteristic elements’, more than 30 years after her original
of showing a fairly high rate of breakage. findings. She was the first woman to be the sole
McClintock termed this a mutable site. In winner of this prize. She also received many
one of her strains, the mutable site caused the other honours, including the National Medal
kernels to be speckled. By studying speckled of Science from President Nixon in 1970, and
corn kernels and observing microscopic was made a foreign member of the Royal
chromosomes, McClintock showed that the Society in 1989.
mutable site could move from one chromosomal She died of natural causes at the age of 90
site to another. It was a transposable element. in Huntington, New York, on 2 September 1992.

Robert Brooker

Barbara McClintock g 67
the 30-second theory
All DNA molecules, whether part
of a gene or not, are subject to changes via
mutation. These changes may be small (the
3-SECOND THRASH addition or deletion of a single DNA base RELATED TOPICS
Mutations change the pair or several base pairs) or large (duplication See also
or elimination of a chromosome segment, or
are one reason why the page 62
members of a population
changes in the number and structure of
differ from one another chromosomes). Mutations can occur in germ page 70
and they are required for cells (sperm or egg cells in humans) or in somatic
evolution to occur. DOMINANT & RECESSIVE
cells (those that make up all body tissues). GENETIC DISEASES
Mutations are rare, occurring once per million page 104

3-MINUTE THOUGHT bases in the average human cell division cycle.

Mutations are usually They can result from spontaneous chemical
harmful to the organism 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
changes of DNA bases or from environmental SEWALL WRIGHT
if they change the function 1889–1988
or the production of the
factors such as chemical or radiation exposure.
British mathematical biologist
protein encoded by a While rare and sometimes harmful, mutations and a founder of the field of
population genetics
given gene. Thousands are also essential, as they result in the inherited
of different human
genetic variation that forms the basis of HERMANN MULLER
hereditary disorders 1890–1967
affecting almost every evolutionary change. A genetic variant is called American biologist who
aspect of our physical a ‘mutant’ when its frequency in a population demonstrated the mutagenic
power of radiation
characteristics are caused (the number of copies of the mutant in every
by gene mutations. BRUCE AMES
Occasionally, however,
100 copies of the gene) is less than one per cent. 1928–
a mutation may change When evolution acts to raise the frequency American biochemist who
developed a test to determine
the protein product of of a mutant above one per cent it is termed if a compound causes mutations
the gene in a way that a ‘polymorphism’, meaning ‘many forms’. The
is beneficial. Through the
action of natural selection
presence of two or more polymorphic alleles
on such beneficial mutants, in a population is most often the result of Mark Sanders
polymorphisms can evolve mutation followed by evolution that increases
in populations over
the frequency of the mutant allele. The mind-boggling
many generations.
diversity of life on Earth
is the direct result of
68 g Genes & Genomes genetic mutations.
the 30-second theory
DNA is damaged by constant
assault from inside and outside the body and
cells must do everything they can to maintain
3-SECOND THRASH the integrity of the genome. DNA can be RELATED TOPICS
The human genome is damaged by reactive metabolites, oxidation, See also
under constant attack THE CELL CYCLE
radiation, genotoxic chemicals, ultraviolet
and a complex apparatus page 48
monitors for DNA
light or even by the normal copying process.
damage and maintains These areas of damaged DNA negatively affect & POLYMORPHISMS
genome integrity. fundamental cellular processes: they can cause page 68
mutations that change the coding genes in the THE GENETICS OF CANCER

genome or rearrangements that change the page 112

Every day there are structural integrity of the chromosomes. Cells

thousands of potentially must recognize and repair the damaged DNA
devastating injuries to 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
to prevent chaos in the genome. A complex HERMANN MULLER
the human genome.
apparatus constantly surveys the genome to 1890–1967
An intricate machinery American geneticist who
recognizes and repairs repair any damaged DNA. Specialized proteins discovered that X-rays could
mutate and kill cells
damaged areas of DNA. act as sensors to alert the cell to DNA damage.
DNA damage that is not
The signals then recruit enzymes that remove RENATO DULBECCO
repaired correctly can 1914–2012
result in mutations and damaged sections of DNA. Depending on the Italian-American virologist who
instability that can lead type of damage, different sets of enzymes and discovered that repair enzymes
could rescue damaged DNA
to life-threatening repair pathways are selected. Some inherited
diseases such as cancer, TOMAS LINDAHL
neurodegeneration and
disorders arise from mistakes in the genes 1938–
premature ageing. that produce these enzymes. When the repair Swedish-born scientist who
discovered the machinery that
pathways are defective or switched off, genomic carries out base excision repair
instability accumulates and leads to cancer.
The cancer cells also become reliant on the
remaining repair pathways, and this makes them Matthew Weitzman
vulnerable to drugs that target the intact repair
pathways. Your DNA can be
damaged by exposure
to UV light and by
70 g Genes & Genomes smoking tobacco.
the 30-second theory
In a mammalian cell, 2 metres
(6ft 6in.) of DNA is packaged into a nucleus that
is just a few thousandths of a millimetre wide.
3-SECOND THRASH This packaging is not random; genomes have a RELATED TOPICS
Genomes are not randomly specific architecture. Physical interactions within See also
organized in space, but THE CELL NUCLEUS
or between chromosomes play important roles
have specific architectures page 36
that allow efficient
in the regulation of genes, replication of DNA
packaging of genetic and in maintaining the stability of the genome; & KARYOTYPES
material into a small genome architecture may be both a cause and a page 38
volume while facilitating
consequence of these functions. The packaging CHROMATIN & HISTONES
gene expression and other
genome functions. begins when DNA wraps around specific proteins page 86
to form chromatin. The chromatin forms a fibre
that folds upon itself into loops of various sizes
– from a few thousand nucleotides to large CARL RABL
Genome architecture is 1853–1917
dynamic: the chromosome
loops of several hundred thousand nucleotides.
Austrian anatomist who
structures are not These loops are important for regulating genes, first proposed in 1885 that
chromosomes are organized
permanent and some but little is known about how they form and into distinct regions within
regions may fold and
how they affect genes. Loops are found in the nucleus
unfold over time. This
is generated by proteins many organisms, including flies and bacteria. THEODOR BOVERI
that bind to chromosome Chromosomes are also compartmentalized
German biologist who coined
sequences; these include into different ‘active’ or ‘inactive’ chromatin the term ‘chromosome
structural elements territories’ in 1909
domains. Stretches of the genome near the
that enable long-range
interactions or folding, and nuclear membrane tend to be repressed (non-
also regulatory elements active) while others in the centre of the nucleus 30-SECOND TEXT
that determine when and contain active genes. Biologists first defined Edith Heard
where genes are expressed.
The organization of
regions of chromatin more than a century ago.
chromosomes in the Modern technologies show that the genome Geneticists are still
nucleus determines architecture is a scaffold that allows DNA to trying to define the
how genetic information
be correctly interpreted and copied. complex influence of
is used by the cell.
genome architecture
on how and when
72 g Genes & Genomes genes are expressed.

active or silent genes Process for epigenetics Study of the relationship

determining which genetic information between genotype and phenotype and the
is used in a cell at a given time. Each cell investigation of effects that do not involve
uses only a fraction of the genes for its changes in genome sequence. The term
biological functions, so the genes are either was coined by Conrad Waddington in the
active (transcribed into mRNA) or silent 1940s to refer to ‘the branch of biology
(transcription is repressed and no mRNA which studies the causal interactions between
is made). genes and their products, which bring the
phenotype into being’. A contemporary
discordance Discrepancy between definition is ‘the study of heritable changes
genotype and phenotype that can be seen in genome function that occur without
in identical twins when they have the same a change in DNA sequence’.
genetic material but may exhibit different
genetic traits. Discordance in disease in epigenetic modifications Changes to DNA
identical twins can help to evaluate the or associated proteins that affect the way the
influence of environmental factors. genome behaves, without directly changing
the DNA sequence. These changes include
DNA methylation Modification of DNA by DNA methylation and modifications of the
the addition of methyl groups (one carbon histone proteins by methylation or other
atom with three hydrogen atoms). DNA chemical changes. Epigenetic modifications
methylation changes the function of the can have a dramatic effect on gene expression
DNA without changing the sequence. and lead to repression of certain genes, called
Most DNA methylation is on the cytosine epigenetic silencing.
base and it often reduces gene expression.
epigenome The complete set of epigenetic
enzyme Molecule that acts as a biological events in an organism or a cell, including DNA
catalyst, accelerating chemical reactions in methylation and histone modifications. The
the cell. Most metabolic processes in the state of the epigenome affects the structure
cell need enzymes and enzymes can modify of chromatin and the function of the genome.
protein functions and copy DNA. The study Unlike the genome, which is relatively static,
of enzymes is called enzymology. the epigenome can change dynamically over
time and may be altered by the environment.

76 g Epigenetics
eukaryote Organism composed of nucleosomes Basic unit of DNA packaging
one or many cells with a distinct nucleus in eukaryotes, made up of DNA wrapped
and cytoplasm. There are also living around a ball of eight histone proteins. This
cells without a nucleus, such as bacteria, organization resembles beads on a string
called prokaryotes. when viewed with an electron microscope.

gene dosage Number of copies of a pronucleus (pl. pronuclei) Nucleus of a

particular gene in a genome. Most genes sperm or an egg cell during the process
exist in two copies. This is not the case of fertilization, just before they fuse. Each
for some genes in males, as they have only pronucleus carries one set of chromosomes
one copy of the Y chromosome and one that will combine in the nucleus of the new
copy of the X chromosome. As women fertilized cell to constitute the full double
have two copies of the X chromosome, set of chromosomes.
there is a gene dosage inequality between
the sexes. Gene dosage can also be linked pyrimidines and purines Circular compound
to disease if patients have deletions of containing rings of two nitrogen atoms and
parts of the genome or an extra copy four carbon atoms. In DNA two of the bases
of one chromosome (called trisomy). are pyrimidine structures: cytosine (C) and
thymine (T). They pair with the other bases
genotype and phenotype DNA sequence that are related structures called purines:
of a cell or an organism that determines guanine (G) and adenine (A).
a specific characteristic (called a trait
or a phenotype) of that cell or organism. telomere Special structure at the end of the
chromosome. In eukaryotic cells the enzyme
histones Family of small proteins that telomerase is needed to maintain telomeres
are associated with DNA in eukaryotic cells. at each cell division.
Many of the histones are grouped together
in balls of proteins called nucleosomes. X and Y chromosomes Specialized
This packaging of DNA by histones helps chromosomes that are responsible for
to organize the genome and control gene sex-determination. In humans, women have
expression. The combined DNA and two XX chromosomes, whereas men have
proteins is referred to as chromatin. one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.

Glossary g 77
the 30-second theory
The environment is defined as
the conditions that surround an organism.
When you plant a flower in the garden, you
3-SECOND THRASH realize how important the environment is to RELATED TOPICS
Genes provide the genetic its proper development: when planted in the See also
information to create traits WHAT IS A GENE?
right place and given the proper care, flowers
(phenotypes) and the page 56
environment provides
flourish; the wrong environmental conditions,
signals that affect how the such as too much heat or cold, can have a page 62
programme is executed. devastating effect. The existence of every living
organism, including flowering plants, is based GENETIC DISEASES

on its genes and the environment in which it page 104

The human genetic disease lives. Both of these factors are indispensable for
phenylketonuria (PKU) is life on earth. Genes provide the information to
an example of the interplay 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHY
generate traits, and the environment provides ROBERT GUTHRIE
between genes and the
nutrients and energy that can influence the 1916–95
environment. Most people American microbiologist
have two functional copies traits. For example, plants have genes that who developed the neonatal
heel-prick test that is used
of a gene that encodes encode proteins that can connect chemicals to to screen newborn infants to
the enzyme phenylalanine
make colourful pigments in flowers and fruits. determine if they have PKU
hydroxylase. But some
people inherit two To make such pigments, plants get chemical
defective copies and have components from their environment – rainwater 30-SECOND TEXT
PKU. If PKU patients follow and the soil, for example. In addition, they need Robert Brooker
a standard diet containing
phenylalanine in childhood,
the right amount of sunlight, which provides
they develop severe mental the energy needed to turn the chemicals into
impairment, defective pigments. Put simply, the environment can
teeth and foul-smelling The environment
have a crucial influence on the way that
urine. But if they have a plays a vital role in an
restricted phenylalanine
genotype gets turned into phenotype. organism's survival
diet they develop normally. and development.
The same plant would
fare very differently
when planted in a warm
garden to how it would
78 g Epigenetics in a hot desert.
the 30-second theory
Diploid organisms are those with
two sets of chromosomes – one inherited from
the mother and one from the father. For most
3-SECOND THRASH genes, both parental copies are expressed RELATED TOPICS
Although both parents (turned on) similarly. However, in a few cases, See also
contribute equivalent DNA METHYLATION
one copy is silent (inactive) and the other is
genetic information to page 82
the fertilized egg, the
active depending on which parent it was
chromosomes carry a inherited from. This is known as genomic INACTIVATION
parental imprint and imprinting. It was first discovered by geneticists page 84
can behave differently
in the 1970s and 1980s when they observed that SEX
depending on their
parent of origin. individuals with two copies of a chromosome page 98
from the same parent had features of disease.
In the 1980s, scientists tried to create both
maternal only (gynogenetic) and paternal only BRUCE CATTANACH
Genomic imprinting is
(androgenetic) diploid individuals by bringing 1932–
found in fungi, plants and British geneticist who
animals, but how and why together two female or two male pronuclei in discovered that two copies of
chromosomal regions inherited
the parental origin of a mouse eggs and then transferring these eggs from the same parent can lead
gene should be important
into a foster mother. These eggs did not develop to abnormalities
is mysterious. In mammals,
epigenetic modifications, normally, even when they had the same sex AZIM SURANI
such as DNA methylation, chromosome complement. This was because & DAVOR SOLTER
1945– & 1941–
are established during some genes are imprinted, with their expression Kenyan-born and Yugoslav
cell division and lead to geneticists who discovered
differences in expression
depending on the parent (maternal or paternal) that both the paternal and
of imprinted genes. from which they were inherited. For maternal maternal genomes are essential
for normal development
Imprinting illustrates imprinted genes, the maternal copy is silent
how important appropriate and the paternal copy is active, and paternal
gene dosage can be.
In humans, parental
imprinting is the opposite. We now know that 30-SECOND TEXT
Edith Heard
duplications of imprinted there are 100 or so imprinted genes. There are
genes can affect growth, many theories as to why imprinting evolved,
behaviour and create a
but no one yet knows for sure. The loss of normal
predisposition to cancer.
genomic imprinting can
lead to diseases such as
80 g Epigenetics Prader-Willi syndrome.
the 30-second theory
DNA is made up of four building
blocks, called nucleotides. But one of the
nucleotides, cytosine, can be modified –
3-SECOND THRASH leading to a change in the way it is read. The RELATED TOPICS
Methylation is a chemical modification is the addition of a CH3 methyl See also
modification that changes GENE EXPRESSION
group to the carbon atom at the fifth position
DNA functions and page 64
provides clues about the
in the pyrimidine ring, creating 5-methylcytosine.
specific characteristics and This modification (methylation) changes the page 80
history of a given cell. function of genome sequences. For example,
when the promoter region of a gene is
methylated it normally leads to repression 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
DNA methylation is a (turning off the promoter switch) and less 1932–2014
modification that subtly transcription of the gene. DNA methylation is British molecular biologist,
changes ‘letters’ or one of the first to suggest that
essential for normal development in mammals DNA methylation could be an
nucleotides in DNA. important mechanism for the
It is a bit like accents in and is critical for many epigenetic events, such control of gene expression
languages like French or as genomic imprinting and X-chromosome
Spanish. They change the inactivation. DNA methylation levels may also 1945–
way words are read and Kenyan-born geneticist who
change during the body’s ageing process and discovered genomic imprinting
their meaning, without
changing the order of the contribute to many types of cancer. There are and its link to parent-of-origin
DNA methylation patterns
letters themselves. Just as enzymes that methylate DNA in specific regions
a mistake in an accent can ANDREW PAUL FEINBERG
and enzymes that can remove the methylation 1970–
change the meaning of a
sentence, so changes in
mark. Mutations in both these classes of American scientist who
discovered that changes in
DNA methylation can have enzymes lead to severe human diseases. And DNA methylation are involved
severe consequences, there are proteins that can specifically recognize in turning genes on or off in
cancer cells
leading to disease. DNA when it is methylated. There are now many
techniques to identify methylated DNA in the
laboratory. DNA methylation patterns are 30-SECOND TEXT
Jonathan Weitzman
characteristic of different types of cells and
different developmental histories.
DNA methylation
changes the way the
82 g Epigenetics genome functions.



the 30-second theory
Chromosomes carry genes and
are the basis of heredity. Having the right
number of chromosomes and the right levels
3-SECOND THRASH of gene expression is essential for life. In most RELATED TOPICS
The silencing of one X mammals, females are cellular mosaics, because See also
chromosome means that CHROMOSOMES &
they use either one X chromosome or the other
females have patches KARYOTYPES
of cells that express the
X in any given cell, rather than simultaneously page 38
paternal X chromosome expressing genes from both parental X THE HUMAN Y CHROMOSOME
and others that express the chromosomes. Why? Males and females differ page 42
maternal X chromosome.
because of their sex chromosomes: females SEX
have two Xs, males have one X and one Y. page 98

3-MINUTE THOUGHT X-chromosome inactivation in females balances

Animals evolved different out these apparent differences and equalizes
strategies to manage gene 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
the gene dosage. During development, each CLARENCE ERWIN McCLUNG
dosage inequality between 1870–1946
sexes. In mammals,
female cell shuts down the expression of nearly
American biologist who
females shut down one X all the genes on one of its two X chromosomes. discovered that chromosomes
play a role in sex determination
chromosome. In contrast, Usually, the choice of which X chromosome from his study of locusts
the fruit fly Drosophila
to inactivate (either the paternal or maternal X)
doesn’t turn off genes MARY LYON
in females, but rather is random, but once the choice is made the 1961–2015
increases the expression inactive chromosome state is maintained in British geneticist who first
proposed X-chromosome
of genes on the single X all daughter cells. British geneticist Mary Lyon inactivation, which was
chromosome in males designated Lyon’s law in 2011
until they reach the levels
discovered X-chromosome inactivation when
in females. The worm she noticed the patches of different-coloured
C. elegans achieves the fur in female mice whose coat colour gene 30-SECOND TEXT
balance by halving the exists in two versions (alleles) that were on the X Edith Heard
expression of genes on
both X chromosomes
chromosome. She proposed that cells expressed
in females. either one or the other allele, rather than both
being expressed at the same time.
Patches of different-
coloured fur are a result
of the X-chromosome
84 g Epigenetics inactivation process.
the 30-second theory
The length of all the DNA in a
human cell is about 2 metres (6 ft 6 in.). This has
to all be squeezed into a nucleus that is around
3-SECOND THRASH ten microns (that’s ten-millionths of a metre) RELATED TOPICS
Eukaryotic DNA is wrapped wide. That sounds like one mighty challenge. To See also
around balls of proteins GENE EXPRESSION
accomplish this, DNA must be packaged 10,000
to create a highly packaged page 64
structure resembling beads
times. Eukaryotic cells wrap their DNA around
on a string. balls of proteins called nucleosomes, which page 72
look like beads on a string under an electron
microscope. The nucleosomes are composed
Histone proteins can be
of eight proteins called histones. The DNA
modified in complex ways wraps twice around each nucleosome and 1843–1905
that affect the way DNA makes close contact with the histone proteins. German cytologist who first
observed chromatin structures
is accessed by eukaryotic This packaged DNA is called chromatin, and its when he stained cells with
cells. Some of these basophilic dyes
modifications can predict
structure helps the cell to organize its DNA
whether genes are while also protecting against damage. But it ALBRECHT KOSSEL
expressed or silenced. poses a formidable problem of accessibility German biochemist who
Researchers call the sum discovered the proteins around
when the cell wants to read the DNA and which DNA is wrapped
of all these modifications
the ‘epigenome’. Different regulate gene expression. By modifying the
cell types have different histone proteins, the cell creates some areas
epigenomes and can of the chromatin that are more accessible or 30-SECOND TEXT
express different genes. Jonathan Weitzman
‘open’ than others. In these open chromatin
regions the genes can be expressed and in
the closed-up regions the genes are often
silenced. Today, researchers are mapping these
chromatin regions to understand how genome An astonishing
organization impacts gene expression. amount of DNA is
packed into each of
your cells. You have
many millions miles
of DNA in your
86 g Epigenetics entire body.
8 November 1905 1926 1947
Born in Evesham, England Graduates in geology Becomes professor
from Sidney Sussex of Animal Genetics
College at the University at the University of
1908 of Cambridge Edinburgh, Scotland
Spends the first three
years of his life with
his parents on a tea 1931 1957
plantation in India Works with Hans Publishes his book The
Spemann in Germany on Strategy of the Genes
experimental embryology in which he describes in
depth his thoughts about
the epigenetic landscape
Works in Thomas
Hunt Morgan’s fly 1958
genetics lab in California, Elected to the
United States American Academy
of Arts and Sciences

Publishes his book 1960
Organisers and Genes Publishes Behind
Appearance: A Study of
the Relations Between
1940 Painting and the Natural
Elected fellow of Sciences in this Century
the Royal Society

Edits the four-volume
work Towards a
Theoretical Biology

Founds the Centre for
Human Ecology

26 September 1975
Dies in Edinburgh, Scotland

88 g Epigenetics

If Gregor Mendel is considered Henry Moore and John Piper. He was a prolific
the father of genetics for his pioneering writer, publishing a series of books in which he
work defining the laws of heredity, then proposed new concepts, invented new words
the father of epigenetics is undoubtedly (such as epigenotype and cheode) and refined
Conrad Hal Waddington. His early training in his ideas about developmental biology.
embryology fed his interest in how organisms But his greatest legacy is probably his
develop from a single fertilized cell into the concept of the epigenetic landscape. This
complex form of the mammalian embryo. From is captured by a painting in one of his 1940s
friends and colleagues he learned about the books in which the visual metaphor of a
ideas emerging in genetics at a time when the landscape is applied to the development of an
molecular features of genes were still uncertain. embryo: at the top of a mountain sits a single
He performed early experiments on frogs and ball representing the fertilized egg, the
fruit flies trying to understand developmental multipotent stem cell. He proposed that as the
biology. But he is best known for coining the cell descends the mountain its developmental
word ‘epigenetics’ in the 1940s to define the potential becomes more and more restricted –
‘branch of biology which studies the causal its cellular identity is fixed (he used the word
interactions between genes and their products ‘canalized’) by the path it takes and the valleys
which bring the phenotype into being’. He it enters. He added another painting that
wanted this new field to create an intersection proposed a view behind the landscape in which
between classic embryology, modern genetics a series of interconnected pegs and guy ropes
and evolutionary theory. (representing genes) determined the terrain.
Known affectionately as ‘Wad’ to friends More than half a century later, researchers are
and ‘Con’ to his family, Waddington moved now defining the molecular details that control
with ease from one discipline to another. He epigenetic events. As with so many visionary
befriended geneticists such as Gregory Bateson concepts in biology, it may be years before we
and Theodosius Dobzhansky, as well as understand the details of the mechanisms that
philosophers and contemporary artists like explain epigenetic mysteries.

Jonathan Weitzman

Conrad Hal Waddington g 89

the 30-second theory
RNA studies have been full of
surprises. When Francis Crick proposed the
central dogma of molecular biology to explain
3-SECOND THRASH protein synthesis, he positioned RNA as a RELATED TOPICS
RNA does a lot more messenger (called mRNA) that was important See also
than just copy DNA THE CENTRAL DOGMA
for translating genetic information in the DNA
sequences in order to page 28
make proteins. In fact,
into proteins. But in recent years we have
most RNA molecules discovered many groups of RNA molecules page 46
regulate genome with several roles other than that of messenger.
function, rather than X-CHROMOSOME
Indeed, the vast majority of human RNA INACTIVATION
code for proteins.
molecules (maybe as much as 98 per cent) page 84
do not contain information for coding proteins,
3-MINUTE THOUGHT but are called non-coding RNA (ncRNA). So
RNA molecules can do 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
what do all these non-coding RNAs do? They CARL RICHARD WOESE
so many things and
seem to be important for fine regulation of 1928–2012
seem much more American microbiologist who
versatile than DNA. the expression and the function of the coding proposed the ‘RNA World’
hypothesis in 1967
This led to the ‘RNA RNA. For example, small RNAs called tRNA are
World’ hypothesis,
important for translating the mRNA information SHIRLEY M. TILGHMAN
which proposes that 1946–
RNA appeared on and ribosomal RNAs are part of the big machine American molecular biologist
Earth before DNA that makes proteins. Non-coding RNAs can who identified mysterious long
non-coding RNA, termed H19
and proteins, and that be very short, like the RNAi molecules that
RNA is the origin of CRAIG C. MELLO &
life on Earth. Today,
interfere with normal gene functions. Or they ANDREW Z. FIRE
researchers exploit these can be very long, like the Xist molecule that 1960– & 1959–
American biologists who
non-coding functions can inactive the whole X chromosome in females discovered RNA interference
of RNA to make new or the RNAs that help cells to maintain their
experimental tools and
develop novel ways to telomeres. All organisms, from simple yeast
to humans, have evolved clever ways to use 30-SECOND TEXT
treat disease.
Jonathan Weitzman
RNA molecules to regulate their genomes.
Non-coding RNAs have also been linked to Woese hypothesized
many diseases, such as cancer and autism. that all life on earth
today descends from
90 g Epigenetics RNA-based lifeforms.
the 30-second theory
Twins have mystified people for
centuries – think of the biblical brothers Jacob
and Esau who were said to have battled in
3-SECOND THRASH the womb, or Romulus and Remus, mythical RELATED TOPICS
Monozygotic twins have founders of Rome. Having two identical persons See also
nearly identical genomes, GENOTYPE & PHENOTYPE
challenges what makes us unique or different.
offering a powerful tool page 62
to study the impact of the
Identical Monozygotic (MZ) twins are always
environment versus genetic of the same sex, whereas fraternal dizygotic page 78
effects on human traits. (DZ) twins are genetically no more similar than
siblings. MZ twinning accounts for only about page 102

0.3 per cent of pregnancies. But the frequency
Twins can be either of DZ twins is variable, and is influenced by diet,
identical (monozygotic, maternal age and fertility treatments. There 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
MZ) coming from a single CHANG & ENG BUNKER
is a genetically linked tendency to release two 1811–74
fertilized egg that splits
into two, or fraternal
eggs to produce DZ twins, but no evidence for Thai-American conjoined
brothers who were the original
(non-identical or dizygotic, genetic MZ twinning. If the fertilized egg divides ‘Siamese twins’
DZ) from two fertilized later in development, it can lead to conjoined FRANCIS GALTON
eggs, in which case they 1822–1911
twins that share body parts as well as genomes.
share only 50 per cent of British scientist who pioneered
their genes. By studying MZ twins are natural ‘clones’, with virtually twin studies and coined the
term ‘nature versus nurture’
pairs of MZ and DZ twins, identical genetic inheritance, so any differences
researchers can distinguish (known as discordance) point towards
inherited genetic effects
from environmental
environmental factors. Studies of MZ twins 30-SECOND TEXT
influences and can find separated at birth help researchers to find Jonathan Weitzman
non-genetic determinants non-genetic causes of behaviour or disease,
of diseases. as many human traits have a strong genetic
Identical twins have
influence. Studies have also shown that MZ provided opportunities
twins become increasingly different with age, for geneticists to study
and environmental influences could explain the influence of the
some disease discordance. environment on the
human body. Non-
identical twins are
92 g Epigenetics as alike as siblings.

alkaptonuria Rare inherited genetic diseases, however, only occur when both
disease in which the body cannot process copies of the gene have mutations. If the
the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine. two copies of a given gene are different the
The disease is caused by a mutation in the child is heterozygote; if they are the same
gene for an enzyme called HGD. If the child the child is homozygote.
inherits two mutant copies, one from each
parent, chemicals (alkapton) accumulate in brain synapses Critical functional elements
the urine, turning it a dark colour that can of the brain. Synapses are the points of
be detected at birth. communication between the brain cells
(called neurons). The brain contains billions of
autism Neurodevelopmental disorder neurons and each is connected by synapses to
involving difficulties in social interaction, thousands of other neurons. The human brain
communication and behaviour. Children are may contain as many as 100 trillion synapses.
normally diagnosed before the age of three Some synapses excite the neighbouring cell,
years old. Asperger syndrome is a milder while others can be inhibitory. Changes in
form, with normal language and intelligence. synapses are important for the brain’s
capacity to learn and remember.
autoimmunity A phenomenon in which
the immune system of an organism acts circadian rhythm Biological process that
against its own healthy cells and tissues. maintains daily oscillations of about 24 hours.
Diseases caused by aberrant immune The 24-hour rhythm is set by an internal
response are called autoimmune disease. biological clock that is influenced by
Examples include coeliac disease and type environmental conditions.
one diabetes.
haemoglobin Protein containing iron that
autosome Chromosome that is not one of is responsible for carrying oxygen around
the sex chromosomes (X or Y). Autosomes the body in red blood cells. Haemoglobin
exist in pairs, each carrying the same carries oxygen from the lungs or the gills
genes. Autosomal dominant diseases are to the tissues of the body. Mutations in
inherited when one copy of a gene on an the haemoglobin gene cause diseases such
autosome is mutated. Autosomal recessive as sickle cell disease and thalassemia.

96 g Health & Disease

Hox genes Group of similar genes that immunodeficiency State in which the
control the body plan of an embryo from immune system cannot manage to fight
head to tail. The Hox proteins determine infections. It can be caused by extrinsic
the segment structure in the embryo, such factors, including viral infection or poor
as legs, wings in flies and vertebrae in nutrition, but some people are born with
humans. Mutations in the Hox genes can intrinsic defects in their immune system
create body parts and limbs in the wrong – making them susceptible to infections.
places along the body. In many animals, the Severe combined immunodeficiency is an
organization of the Hox genes along the extreme case in which both and T and B
chromosome is the same as the order of lymphocytes are affected.
their expression along the length of the
developing embryo (called collinearity). lymphocytes White blood cells in the
vertebrate immune system. Lymphocytes
HPV and cervical cancer Human come in different flavours, including natural
papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that has killer cells (NK cells, which kill foreign and
been linked to cervical cancer and genital cancer cells), T cells (which can also kill)
warts. It is typically sexually transmitted. and B cells (which make antibodies).
HPV is one of the most important
infectious causes of cancer and may Online Mendelian Index of Man (OMIM)
contribute to five per cent of diagnoses. Catalogue of human genes and genetic
In HPV-induced cancers the virus DNA can disorders and traits, with free information
integrate into the DNA of the host cell, on Mendelian diseases and over 15,000 genes.
wreaking havoc with the mechanisms that It is particularly focused on the relationship
control normal cell growth and division. between phenotype and genotype.

immunity Body’s biological defences to Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)

fight infection and disease. The immune Variation in a single nucleotide at a specific
system involves two components: the position in the genome, where each variation
innate and the adaptive. The former is present to some degree within a population.
recognizes foreign substances and reacts, SNPs cause many diseases, especially if
while the latter involves the system of the two variants affect protein structure
lymphocyte cells that eliminate pathogens. and function.

Glossary g 97
the 30-second theory
Sex occurs in many different
organisms, ranging from bacteria to plants and
animals. Most species exist in two alternative
3-SECOND THRASH forms known as sexes. Even in bacteria the idea RELATED TOPICS
Sex allows for sexual of sex is similar to what is observed in more See also
reproduction and increases THE HUMAN Y CHROMOSOME
complex organisms. Organisms of different
genetic variability because page 42
the egg and sperm cells
sexes produce the gametes: males produce
carry complementary sperm in animals or pollen in plants, females page 50
information from produce the ova or eggs. These are the carriers
genetically distinct parents. X-CHROMOSOME
of genetic information from each parent to their INACTIVATION
offspring. Maternal and paternal gametes fuse page 84

3-MINUTE THOUGHT to produce a cell that will develop into a full

The separation of the organism. To keep the number of chromosomes
sexes may have evolved constant within a species, each gamete must AUGUST WEISMANN
from hermaphroditic 1834–1914
organisms able to produce
carry half the amount of DNA of the organism.
German evolutionary biologist
male and female gametes. The process that reduces the amount of DNA is who proposed in 1889 the
evolution of sex to create
This separation led to called meiosis. The sex of an organism is often variation among siblings
a specialization of the
genetically determined. However, there are
sexes to produce only CLARENCE ERWIN McCLUNG
one type of gametes. many organisms in which sex is determined 1870–1946
The driving force of sexual by environmental conditions. In other cases, American biologist who
discovered the role that
reproduction is that it the same organism can be first male and then chromosomes play in
helps spread combinations sex determination
of advantageous mutations
female and vice-versa. And some can even be
through the blending male and female at the same time. The latter
of the genetic material are called hermaphrodites. Most female 30-SECOND TEXT
from both parents. This mammals, typically have two X chromosomes Reiner Veitia
helps organisms face a
changing environment.
whereas males have XY chromosomes. The Y
chromosome carries the gene that triggers In humans, sex is
maleness. In other animals, such as birds, females determined as female
have the ZW chromosomes and males are ZZ. if we are born with two
X chromosomes or male
if we have an X and a
98 g Health & Disease Y chromosome.
the 30-second theory
How does a simple egg cell
transform into a complex organism made of
diverse cells such as neurons, blood cells or skin
3-SECOND THRASH cells? Developmental biologists have devoted RELATED TOPICS
As organisms develop, they a great deal of attention to the problem and See also
switch the correct genes on DARWIN & THE
discovered that part of the answer lies in the
or off at the right time and ORIGIN OF SPECIES
in the right place.
genes within our genome. The gene pool of page 18
an organism is set up at fertilization and does SEX
not change over time (with rare exceptions). page 98
3-MINUTE THOUGHT Therefore, all the cells in our body carry the BEHAVIOURAL GENETICS
Certain genes (called the
Hox genes) are expressed
same set of genes. But, how can cells be so page 102

in stripes spanning the different? Differences arise from variations in

body from head to tail gene activity: for example, the haemoglobin
and determine the various 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
gene is switched on in red blood cells, while CHRISTIANE
body parts from anterior
to posterior. Amazingly,
photoreceptor genes are switched on in eye NÜSSLEIN-VOLHARD
these same genes are neurons. Developmental genetics is the study German biologist who,
important for specifying of how genes are turned on and off to control with Edward Lewis and Eric
corresponding body parts Wieschaus, won the 1995
the growth and development of an organism. Nobel Prize in Physiology for
in humans, mice and flies. her work on genes controlling
In developing mammal embryos a gene called development of the fruit fly
HOXD3 is switched on in a special group of cells, SEAN B. CARROLL
turning them into neck cells. Some of these 1960–
American biologist who argues
cells will become neurons and others muscles that morphological evolution
or vertebrae, depending on which other genes mostly arises through changes
in gene expression
they switch on or off. Whether a cell turns
on a gene, or not, depends on its position, its
internal state and the external signals it receives. 30-SECOND TEXT
Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo

During development,
the right genes must
be switched on or off
for the various cells
100 g Health & Disease and organs to form.
the 30-second theory
Studies in fruit flies were the first
to reveal the effects of genetic variation on
behaviour. Genetic mutations produce proteins
3-SECOND THRASH with abnormal functions that disrupt the RELATED TOPICS
Genetic variation development of normal behavioural responses. See also
influences behavioural MUTATIONS & POLYMORPHISMS
For example, studies of the circadian cycle
variation, but the levels page 68
and mechanisms of genetic
identified mutations that altered the functions
involvement in behaviour of the daily biological clock. Researchers also page 78
variation in humans are found mutations that disrupt brain synapses
largely unknown. TWINS
and affect learning and memory. Mutations in page 92
fruit flies have even been linked to courtship
3-MINUTE THOUGHT and mating behaviours. Behavioural genetic
Genome-wide association studies in humans are particularly challenging 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
studies (GWAS) seek because of the many environmental factors 1822–1911
to establish statistically
significant associations affecting human behaviour. Studies comparing English intellectual whose
ideas about heredity of success
between a variant and a identical and non-identical twins can indicate led to the now discredited
eugenics movement
trait. They can identify possible genetic influences. Studies determine
regions of the genome LEE EHRMAN
the concordance of twin pairs – that is, the
that contain genetic 1935–
variants influencing human percentage of pairs in which both twins share American geneticist who
described the relationship
behaviour. For complex a trait. Higher concordance in identical twins between genotype and
behavioural abnormalities compared to non-identical twins suggests a reproductive success in fruit
like schizophrenia, flies, paving the way for research
hundreds of variants
genetic influence. Studies of concordance for into the genetics of behaviour

are associated with the autism, depression and schizophrenia found

condition. Identifying the 30–70 per cent among identical twins compared
genes near the variants 30-SECOND TEXT
to 5–15 per cent for non-identical twins. These Mark Sanders
that influence human
behaviour is the next and results imply moderately high levels of genetic
most difficult challenge. influence. This effect could involve many genes,
with the influence of each being relatively small.
How individual genes
contribute to complex
behavioural traits is
102 g Health & Disease largely a mystery.
the 30-second theory
More than 10,000 human genetic
diseases are caused by mutations of single
genes. These diseases are inherited as
3-SECOND THRASH ‘Mendelian’ traits because their inheritance RELATED TOPICS
Genetic diseases caused follows the laws of heredity first described See also
by mutations of single MENDEL’S LAWS OF
by Gregor Mendel. Many genetic diseases are
genes on autosomal HEREDITY
chromosomes or X
inherited through mutations of genes carried page 16
chromosomes are inherited on autosomal chromosomes – the chromosome DNA CARRIES THE GENETIC
following the laws of pairs numbered one to 22 in humans. Autosomal INFORMATION
heredity described by page 20
genes can have either of two homozygous
Gregor Mendel and
by later researchers. genotypes (for example, AA and aa) or the MUTATIONS &
heterozygous genotype (Aa). Autosomal genetic
page 68
diseases are inherited as dominant traits when
3-MINUTE THOUGHT one mutant allele is enough to have the disease.
Mutations in human
genes that are responsible
Diseases are autosomal recessive when two 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
for diseases are relatively mutant copies of an allele are needed. Some 1866–1945
rare. When mutant allele genetic diseases are also caused by mutations American geneticist who
frequencies are polymorphic, described inheritance of genes
of genes on X chromosomes. Females have on the X chromosome based
it is likely that natural on Mendel’s laws of heredity
selection is responsible two Xs and can have either of the homozygous
for their frequencies. genotypes or the heterozygous genotype. VICTOR McKUSICK
For example, the X-linked dominant genetic diseases are caused 1921–2008
life-threatening condition American physician and human
sickle cell disease occurs
by a mutant allele on either X chromosome. geneticist who established a
catalogue of human genetic
in the homozygous aa X-linked recessive diseases require two mutant diseases that has become the
genotype. In malaria-rich alleles on both female X chromosomes. In Online Mendelian Index of
Man (OMIM)
environments, however, contrast, males have just one X, which expresses
heterozygotes (Aa) better
resist the disease than
the trait corresponding to the X-linked allele he
do AA homozygotes. carries. Thus, regardless of whether the X-linked 30-SECOND TEXT
Mark Sanders
Natural selection mutant allele is recessive or dominant, a male
maintains both alleles
who carries the mutant allele has the disease.
A and a in populations.
Genetic mutations can
cause many thousands
104 g Health & Disease of different diseases.
1857 1899 1914–18
Born in London, England Appointed physician at During the First World
the Hospital for Sick War, serves as consulting
Children at Great physician to the
1880 Ormond Street Mediterranean forces
Graduates from the (until 1919)
University of Oxford in
natural science 1902
Publishes The Incidence 1918
of Alkaptonuria: a Study Appointed
1885 in Chemical Individuality Knight Commander
Obtains a bachelor of
medicine degree from the
University of Oxford 1908 1920
Delivers the Croonian Named Regius professor
Lectures on ‘Inborn of medicine at the
Errors of Metabolism’ University of Oxford
to the Royal College of
Physicians in London
Serves as vice-president
1910 of the Royal Society
Elected fellow of the
Royal Society
Awarded the Gold Medal
of the Royal Society
of Medicine

Dies of a heart attack
in Cambridge, England

106 g Health & Disease


Archibald Garrod was a born and diseases such alkaptonuria, albinism,

investigator. He was destined for biomedical cystinuria and pentosuria (sometimes referred
science from the start: his older brother Alfred to collectively as Garrod’s tetrad). This new
Henry was a zoologist and his father was the concept did not immediately attract the attention
eminent doctor Alfred Baring Garrod, who of physicians, who were not interested by rare
had discovered the link between uric acid inherited traits, and geneticists, who were
metabolism and gout and pioneered rheumatoid divided between biometricians and Mendelians.
arthritis research. After studying medicine at Garrod advocated taking results from basic
the University of Oxford, Archibald began his research into account in medicine. Together
medical research exploring rare disorders such with Sir William Osler, a physician and medical
as alkaptonuria, a congenital condition in which educator, they were at the origin of the
the colour of urine turns black. He collected Association of the Physicians of Great Britain.
urine and family histories from his patients. One of the objectives of this association was
Influenced by his colleague William Bateson and to facilitate the publishing of a new type of
the emerging new understanding of Mendelian medical journal, to record basic research that
inheritance, Garrod came to the hypothesis that had no direct clinical application.
metabolic variations that he called ‘chemical The advances in medical genetics owe more
individualities’ could explain such rare conditions. to Garrod’s curiosity as an investigator than to
In 1902, he published his findings in a book, The his sensitivity as a physician. It was said that his
Incidence of Alkaptonuria: a Study in Chemical bedside manner was limited to his interest in his
Individuality, which presented the first case patients’ urine samples. But this combination
of recessive inheritance in humans. This new of careful family and sample analysis has done
concept led to the identification of inherited a great deal for our understanding of genetic
metabolic error and started the whole field diseases. Today, the causes of more than
of medical genetics. 4,800 Mendelian traits have been identified
In 1908, Garrod delivered his Croonian in humans. Thanks in part to Archibald Garrod,
Lectures to the Royal College of Physicians medical doctors together with basic genetics
on ‘Inborn Errors of Metabolism’. These are researchers are now exploring new treatments
considered a landmark in the history of for these genetic diseases by exploring how
biochemistry, genetics and medicine. He ‘chemical individualities’ are influenced by
used Gregor Mendel’s law of gene segregation the interaction of genetics, epigenetics and
to explain the transmission of human traits environmental factors.

Thomas Bourgeron

Archibald Garrod g 107

the 30-second theory
Geneticists have discovered
300 genes that are mutated in diseases of
the immune system. The incidence of such
3-SECOND THRASH mutations is 1 in 3,000–4,000 live births. A RELATED TOPICS
Although they are rare, high proportion of individuals with mutations See also
there are many monogenic DOMINANT & RECESSIVE
show clinical symptoms of immunodeficiency,
diseases of the immune GENETIC DISEASES
system – ones controlled
highlighting the key roles of these genes in page 104
by a single gene. These immune function. Immunodeficiency disorders THE GENETICS OF CANCER
can predispose people to predispose patients to infections, autoimmunity page 112
infections, autoimmune
(when the body launches immune response
and inflammatory diseases,
allergies and cancer. against its own healthy cells and tissues),
inflammation, allergies and cancer. Some ROBERT ANDERSON ALDRICH
patients suffer from a broad susceptibility to 1917–98
3-MINUTE THOUGHT American paediatrician
many different microorganisms, as in severe who showed that an
Research into the immunodeficiency syndrome
molecular defects causing
combined immunodeficiency (SCID), while first identified in 1937 by Alfred
immunodeficiency can others have a surprisingly narrow spectrum Wiskott was passed from
generation to generation
also teach us how the of infectious susceptibility. All aspects of the through the X chromosome.
immune system works, and The disease is known as
immune response can be affected, including Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
highlights the components
of the immune system that both innate and adaptive immunity, although
protect us from infections. immunodeficiency diseases frequently affect 1922–2003
One example is the the latter. The most common genetic defects American physician who is
regarded as a founder of
enzyme Activation Induced
Deaminase (AID), which
affect the production of antibodies by B modern immunology and led
the team that performed the
is required for making lymphocytes, with the next most common first successful bone marrow
transplant in 1968
antibodies. Another is involving T lymphocyte and phagocytic cell
the discovery that the deficiencies. Early diagnosis of these disorders
genetic defects that impair
interferon g production
is important for appropriate treatment, 30-SECOND TEXT
also cause selective which may include protein replacement, Alain Fischer
predisposition to cell replacement, gene therapy and targeted
mycobacterial infections.
modulation of inflammation and autoimmunity.
Genetic defects can
affect several cell types
108 g Health & Disease of the immune system.
the 30-second theory
Autism affects more than
1 per cent of the world’s population. People with
autism have atypical social and communication
3-SECOND THRASH skills and restricted interests – and they exhibit RELATED TOPICS
The genetics of autism repetitive behaviour. Autism is not a discrete See also
differs from one individual DOMINANT & RECESSIVE
condition but rather a spectrum of behaviours.
to another, but most of the GENETIC DISEASES
autism-risk genes regulate
Autism rarely emerges in isolation; it usually page 104
brain connectivity. coexists with other psychiatric and medical GENES &
conditions, including intellectual disability, IMMUNODEFICIENCY
epilepsy, sleep disorders and gastrointestinal page 108
People affected by autism
problems. More than 100 risk genes for autism
range from individuals with have been identified. For some individuals, a 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
no verbal language skills single mutation is enough to develop autism LEO KANNER
to those with Asperger 1894–1981
(especially in individuals with both autism and Austrian-American psychiatrist
syndrome who have high
cognitive functions. Most
intellectual disability). In contrast, the genetic and physician who published
the first cases of patients
of our knowledge on the architecture is more complex in some with autism
genetics of autism comes individuals, involving more than 1,000 genetic HANS ASPERGER
from studies of apparently
variations, each with a low effect, which 1906–80
monogenic forms of autism Austrian paediatrician who
(those controlled by a additively increase the risk of autism. Many reported the first patients
of the risk genes are key regulators of brain with Asperger syndrome
single gene). Mice with
these mutations display connectivity regulating the contact between
atypical social interaction
and ultrasonic vocalization.
neurons (the synapses). Changes in any of these 30-SECOND TEXT
Neurobiological studies proteins can increase or decrease the number Thomas Bourgeron
show that synaptic and strength of the brain’s synapses and,
plasticity – the property ultimately, connections within the brain. Current
of synapses to respond to Autism is a complex
environmental stimuli –
research on autism explores the role of these spectrum condition
is different in people genes during brain development. This knowledge that can involve many
with autism. should improve diagnosis, care and integration genes. Often these
into society for individuals with autism. genes are responsible
for managing the
connections between
110 g Health & Disease synapses in the brain.
the 30-second theory
Cancer is a terrible disease and
one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
It occurs when normal cells of the body lose
3-SECOND THRASH control of their cell cycle, so that they divide RELATED TOPICS
Cancer is the most common without stopping and spread around the body. See also
human genetic disease, THE CELL CYCLE
Rapidly dividing cancer cells can form growths
affecting young and old, page 48
rich and poor alike.
called tumours; benign tumours do not spread,
whereas malignant tumour cells can invade POLYMORPHISMS
other tissues (a process called metastasis). page 68
3-MINUTE THOUGHT Cancer is a genetic disease that results from DNA DAMAGE & REPAIR
Although some cancer
mutations are inherited,
changes in the genes that normally control page 70

most cancers are caused how cells grow and divide. There are hereditary
by genetic changes that cancer syndromes, called germline mutations,
occur during an individual’s 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
in which genetic changes are inherited from THEODOR HEINRICH BOVERI
lifetime. Infections may
parents and can be passed on to children. 1862–1915
be responsible for as many German biologist who first
as one-fifth of all cancers. But most cancers result from genetic changes proposed the cellular processes
that cause cancer
Experts predict that that occur over one’s lifetime. These are called
more than 30 per cent
somatic mutations and can be due to errors ALFRED GEORGE KNUDSON
of cancers could be 1922–2016
prevented, by reducing during cell division or mutations caused by American physician who first
tobacco smoking, exposure to chemical substances (such as hypothesized how accumulated
mutations lead to cancer
improving healthy living tobacco smoke) or radiation (such as UV rays).
and immunization against HARALD ZUR HAUSEN
viral infections. Cancer
Cancer mutations can activate genes that push 1936–
genetics has taught us cells to divide, called oncogenes. Alternatively Nobel Prize-winning German
virologist who discovered that
a lot about how normal the mutations can inactivate genes that prevent HPV can cause cervical cancer
cells divide and grow. cell growth, called tumour suppressor genes.
Knowing which genes are affected in a tumour
can help doctors to tailor the treatment for Jonathan Weitzman
a particular cancer. Genetic information also
predicts cancer risk for other family members.
Understanding the
genes involved is key
112 g Health & Disease to cancer treatment.

allelles Alternative variant forms of a cystic fibrosis Genetic disease that principally
gene that result from a mutational change affects the lungs (as well as some other
in DNA sequence or expression of the tissues). Patients have difficulty breathing
gene. Alleles can be recessive, meaning and frequent lung infections. The disease is
they only have an effect when there are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.
two copies, or dominant, where a single Parents can be carriers as they have only
copy is enough to have an effect. one copy of the CFTR gene that is mutated,
whereas patients received two mutated
apoptosis Cell-suicide programme found copies, one from each parent.
in multicellular organisms. It is a highly
regulated process involving biochemical DNA markers Gene or DNA sequence from a
events that cause cell death. It is important known location on a chromosome that is used
for development; billions of cells can die to identify individuals or species.
every day in embryos and children. It is
also used to remove damaged cells. DNA microarrays Miniature technology to
measure the expression levels of many genes
chromosome pairs Long strings of DNA simultaneously or to study multiple regions of
that carry genes and genetic information. a genome. Specific pieces of DNA are used as
In eukaryotic cells (those with a discrete probes and are spotted on a solid surface and
nucleus) the chromosomes are in the then samples of DNA or RNA are tested to see
nucleus and composed of DNA, some where they stick (or hybridize). Microarrays are
RNA and proteins. A prokaryotic cell sometimes called ‘DNA chips’.
(one without a discrete nucleus) has a
single chromosome made entirely of DNA polymerase Enzyme that synthesizes
DNA. Autosomes are chromosomes DNA from nucleotides, the building blocks
that are not sex chromosomes (X or Y). of DNA using a strand of DNA as a template.
Autosomes exists in pairs, each carrying Cells use DNA polymerase to duplicate their
the same genes. genome before cell division. Researchers
use DNA polymerase in the lab to copy pieces
of DNA for cloning experiments.

116 g Technologies &

Experimental Approaches
DNA sequencing Technology to determine genotype and phenotype The genotype is
the precise order of nucleotides (A, G, C the DNA sequence of a cell or an organism
or T) within a DNA molecule. The initial that determines a specific characteristic
methods were slow and laborious, but (a phenotype) of that cell or organism. The
modern methods are rapid and automated. phenotype is the observable characteristics
DNA sequencing is now used extensively of a cell or an organism (such as shape,
in medical diagnostics, biotechnology and development, biochemical or physiological
forensic science. features, or particular behaviours).

eukaryote Organism composed of nucleotides Building blocks used to

cells with a distinct nucleus and cytoplasm. make DNA or RNA. Strings of nucleotides
There are also living cells without a nucleus, are called nucleic acids. In DNA there are
such as bacteria, called prokaryotes. four nucleotides (referred to by the letters
Eukaryotes can be unicellular, such as T, C, G and A) and in RNA there are four
yeast. Or they can be multicellular, such ribonucleotides (U, C, G and A). Nucleotides
as humans. are also called bases. DNA bases can be
paired: A pairs with T, and C pairs with G.
feedback loops Auto-regulating system
in which the output of a pathway is used recombination frequency Measure of the
to regulate the initial process, thereby genetic distance between two loci in order to
creating a circuit or loop. Feedback loops create a genetic linkage map. Recombination
can be negative or positive, either frequency is the frequency of a single
curtailing or reinforcing the signal. chromosomal crossover event between
two genes during meiosis.
genome The complete set of genetic
material within an organism or a cell. single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
Genomics is the study of an organism’s Variation in a single nucleotide at a specific
genome, focusing on its evolution, position in the genome, where each variation
function and structure. is present to some appreciable degree within
a population. Many diseases result from SNPs,
especially if the two variants affect protein
structure and function.

Glossary g 117
the 30-second theory
All living organisms use DNA as
their genetic material, so we can learn a lot
about genetics by studying almost any species.
3-SECOND THRASH Studies in non-human species serve as models RELATED TOPICS
Non-human species are for understanding development and biological See also
invaluable as tools in the GENOTYPE & PHENOTYPE
processes in other organisms. They are also
laboratory for exploring page 62
gene functions.
useful for exploring the underlying mechanisms
of physiology and disease in humans. Model ORGANISMS
organisms are selected because they are easy page 146
3-MINUTE THOUGHT to maintain and breed in the laboratory. Some
Researchers use model
organisms to perform
have particularly short life cycles, so several
genetic screens, searching generations can be studied quickly. Researchers THOMAS HUNT MORGAN
for genes that affect also choose model organisms with traits that 1866–1945
specific phenotypes. American geneticist who
are easily measured, such as body size and used the fruit fly D. elanogaster
The experiment can also be to show that genes are
done the other way round,
lifespan. There are now many model organisms carried on chromosomes
by creating genetically in laboratories. One of the first was the
modified model organisms bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli), which was 1927–
in the laboratory and
used to decipher the basic mechanisms of gene South African-born
looking at the outcomes on biologist who proposed
different traits. The latter regulation. Single-cell organisms such as ‘baker’s the nematode worm
C. elegans as a model for
is called ‘reverse genetics’. yeast’ Saccharomyces cerevisiae helped scientists neuronal development
The consequences of gene to understand genetics and cell biology. Human
mutations and biological PAUL MAXIME NURSE
mechanisms are often
proteins that control the cell cycle can even 1949–
replace those in yeast. The fruit fly Drosophila English geneticist who showed
conserved across species. that the genes that control
melanogaster has proved invaluable for studying cell division are conserved
from yeast to humans
developmental processes. And the roundworm
Caenorhabditis elegans taught us how cells die
by a conserved, programmed suicide process. 30-SECOND TEXT
Jonathan Weitzman
Mice with specific gene mutations are studied
as powerful models for human diseases. Certain species of
fruit fly, frog and
worm are all used
118 g Technologies & as model organisms.
Experimental Approaches
the 30-second theory
Our fingerprints are unique to
each of us, and the same uniqueness is found
in our DNA. Like detectives at a crime scene,
3-SECOND THRASH geneticists use different types of polymorphic RELATED TOPICS
The analysis of a few genes DNA sequences to capture the genetic See also
with specific characteristics MENDEL’S LAWS
fingerprints of people and animals. The DNA
is sufficient to generate OF HEREDITY
unique genetic fingerprints
sequences used in genetic fingerprinting are page 16
for paternity testing, crime carefully selected to ensure that each gene MUTATIONS
scene analysis and the has many alleles and that the frequencies of & POLYMORPHISMS
identification of remains. page 68
all alleles are known in all populations. The
genes selected each have one allele inherited
3-MINUTE THOUGHT from each parent. Genetic fingerprinting is 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
The British geneticist used to identify paternity in disputed cases. ALEC JEFFREYS
Alec Jeffreys first 1950–
Any fingerprinting allele that a child does not British geneticist who
recognized the potential
of genetic fingerprinting inherit from the mother must come from the developed the first genetic
fingerprinting methods and
in the 1980s to prove father. This means when the father’s genotype applied them to cases of
disputed paternity and to the
a familial relationship is tested, any non-maternal allele carried by analysis of crime scene material
in a case of disputed
the child must exist in the father’s genotype.
paternity and to identify PETER NEUFELD
the person responsible Genetic fingerprinting can identify human or & BARRY SCHECK
in rape and murder cases. animal remains, or biological material collected 1950– & 1949–
American lawyers who
Jeffreys’ original approach at a crime scene. Forensic scientists determine founded the Innocence Project,
was developed to include an organization dedicated
standardized and
the genotypes for each fingerprinting gene to exonerating wrongly
and then calculate the probability that a person convicted people by applying
reproducible genetic DNA fingerprinting
analyses of many genes. carries the particular set of genotypes for all
Today it is used worldwide genes tested by multiplying the frequencies
for all circumstances 30-SECOND TEXT
requiring individual of the genotypes. Often, the probabilities
Mark Sanders
genetic identification. obtained are so small that effectively only
one person in the world has a particular
set of genetic fingerprinting genotypes. Genetic fingerprinting
has many uses,
including establishing
120 g Technologies & a person’s paternity.
Experimental Approaches
the 30-second theory
Genetic tests look for mutations
in DNA or for abnormalities in blood proteins
that indicate genetic diseases. Genetic testing
3-SECOND THRASH is conducted at different ages and for different RELATED TOPICS
Genetic testing seeks to reasons depending on the particular case. It has See also
identify gene mutations, MUTATIONS
been routine in hospital clinics since the 1970s.
abnormal blood proteins & POLYMORPHISMS
or chromosomal changes
Prenatal genetic testing usually examines either page 68
that are associated with DNA or chromosomes, looking for mutations. DOMINANT & RECESSIVE
genetic diseases. Chromosome analysis looks for extra or missing GENETIC DISEASES
chromosomes or chromosome segments. page 104

Newborn genetic testing examines blood taken PERSONALIZED
Genetic tests can detect from babies in the first day of life, looking for
page 140
abnormalities in proteins, signs of around 50 rare but treatable genetic
chromosomes or genes, diseases. Some genetic diseases in newborns
but this information must
be interpreted by experts
can be treated by diet and medication to 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
and carefully explained to prevent disease symptoms or to reduce disease 1916–55
patients or families. Some severity. Genetic testing in older patients can American microbiologist who
genetic diseases detected developed the 'Guthrie Test'
confirm a clinical suspicion of disease, identify to detect the treatable genetic
in newborns can be treated disease phenylketonuria (PKU)
immediately. In some which mutation a person carries or identify in newborn babies
cases, the detection of persons who are heterozygous carriers of a gene
a mutation and clinical mutation. Ideally, genetic testing can identify 1950–
disease diagnosis might
lead to additional testing
people at risk for carrying a disease-causing American former director of
the Human Genome Project
of other family members mutation before any disease symptoms appear. who made many contributions
to our understanding of
to see if they carry the For example, genetic testing for mutations genetic diseases
same mutation. The increasing the risk of certain cancers can change
identification of a mutation
linked to cancer risk
the way doctors treat patients. Today, some
offers the chance to personalized genomic companies are proposing Mark Sanders
closely monitor for direct-to-consumer genetic tests.
disease development.
Testing in foetuses and
newborn babies can
reveal the presence
122 g Technologies & of genetic diseases.
Experimental Approaches
the 30-second theory
Maps offer useful tools to
navigate landscapes. Genetic maps provide
a guide to how the genes are laid out on a
3-SECOND THRASH chromosome. Genes that are far apart from one RELATED TOPICS
A genetic map gives the another or located on separate chromosomes See also
order of genes and the MENDEL’S LAWS
obey Mendel’s law of independent assortment.
distance between genes OF HEREDITY
on a chromosome.
But genes that are near one another on the page 16
same chromosome are genetically linked and do THE HUMAN GENOME
not separate independently. The alleles of linked PROJECT
3-MINUTE THOUGHT genes on a chromosome tend to stay together page 30
Genes were traditionally
thought of as units of
during hereditary transmission. The alleles of GENETIC FINGERPRINTING
page 120
heredity that influence linked genes are only separated when they are
physical traits. But many reshuffled during recombination between
different segments of chromosome pairs. Geneticists determine the 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
DNA can be genes. For
example, the human
frequency with which alleles of linked genes THOMAS HUNT MORGAN
genome contains millions are transmitted together and the frequency of American geneticist who first
of locations at which recombination that separates them. In general, hypothesized genetic linkage
variation of single base
the higher the frequency of recombination ALFRED STURTEVANT
pairs occurs between 1891–1970
different people. These between a pair of genes the more distant
American geneticist who
so-called single nucleotide they are from one another. Lower recombination devised the first genetic map
polymorphisms, or SNPs, frequencies correspond to genes that are THE INTERNATIONAL SNP
are transmitted just like the
genes that control physical
closer together. Geneticists use recombination MAP WORKING GROUP
traits. SNPs are genetic frequencies to estimate the distance between International consortium that
DNA variations that were genes and the order of genes along a mapped over 1.4 million SNPs
in the human genome
extensively used to chromosome. Like the cities and towns located
generate detailed genetic
maps of chromosomes and
along a road, the genes on a chromosome are
they helped place the mapped by their order and distance. Genetic 30-SECOND TEXT
Mark Sanders
genes on these maps. maps played a critical role in the first genome
sequencing projects. Like geographic maps,
genetic maps show
where key landmarks
124 g Technologies & (the genes) are located.
Experimental Approaches
the 30-second theory
Imagine a story that is one million
pages long with 3,000 letters per page. That’s
the story of your DNA. The DNA molecule is
3-SECOND THRASH a long string of letters called nucleotides. At RELATED TOPICS
DNA sequencing each position there are one of four letters: A See also
technology allows THE DOUBLE HELIX
for adenine, T for thymine, G for guanine and
researchers to determine page 22
the order of the nucleotide
C for cytosine. A four-letter alphabet may seem
letters in DNA. simple, but consider that your DNA is three PROJECT
billion letters long. These letters make up the page 30
many different genes that control your traits. MUTATIONS &
DNA sequencing has been called the most POLYMORPHISMS
If you compared the page 68
DNA sequences between important tool in molecular biology. Sequencing
two Japanese people or technology can determine the order of
between a Japanese person nucleotides along the DNA. Thousands of 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
and a Norwegian, the
differences between both
researchers and clinicians sequence DNA to FREDERICK SANGER
pairs would be around study how genes work and to understand how British biochemist who
0.15 per cent. The value for changes in the letters cause diseases, such as invented one of the first
methods for sequencing DNA,
the first pair (Japanese–
cancer and cystic fibrosis. DNA sequencing also earning him the Nobel Prize
Japanese) might be a in Chemistry in 1980. He also
little lower (say, 0.14 per provides information about the level of genetic won it in 1958 for work on
the structure of proteins
cent) and the other pair variation in selected populations. In 2015,
(Japanese–Norwegian) researchers sequenced the DNA of more than WALTER GILBERT
might be a little higher 1932–
2,500 people from around the world and American biochemist who
(say, 0.16 per cent),
but both pairs would compared the order of their letters. The results pioneered DNA sequencing
techniques and promoted
be remarkably similar. showed that, genetically speaking, humans the Human Genome Project
Relatively little additional are extremely similar to each other. If you pick
genetic variation is
observed when comparing
two unrelated people at random, their DNA
individuals from sequences differ by only 0.15 per cent. In Robert Brooker
populations that are other words, our DNA sequences are 99.85
geographically separated.
per cent the same. DNA sequencing
determines the precise
order of the nucelotides
126 g Technologies & A, T, G and C.
Experimental Approaches
9 February 1910 1938 1945–76
Born in Paris, France Marries archaeologist and Works at the Pasteur
orientalist Odette Bruhl Institute in Paris,
where he conducts
1928 his famous studies
Begins his studies in 1941 on gene regulation
biology at the Sorbonne Receives doctorate from
(University of Paris) the Sorbonne
Becomes an honorary
1942–45 foreign member of the
Enters the French American Academy of
Resistance movement Arts and Sciences
during the Second World
War, eventually becoming
chief of the national staff 1965
Awarded the Nobel Prize
in Physiology or Medicine

Publishes his famous
book Chance and
Necessity: Essay on
the Natural Philosophy
of Modern Biology

Becomes director of
the Pasteur Institute

31 May 1976
Dies of leukaemia
and is buried on the
French Riviera

128 g Technologies &

Experimental Approaches

Jacques Lucien Monod was born utilizing genes when lactose is absent from
in Paris in 1910 to an American mother and a the environment. For this work, Monod was
French father, Lucien Monod – a painter who awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or
was an intellectual inspiration to Jacques. Medicine in 1965, sharing it with colleagues
In 1928, Monod started his studies in biology François Jacob and André Lwoff, who studied
at the Sorbonne, but soon came to realize that gene regulation in viruses.
biology education there was lagging behind Monod is also famous for proposing that a
contemporary research. He indicated that he certain type of RNA acts as a genetic messenger
also learnt a great deal from others, a few years to provide the information for protein synthesis
older than himself, outside of the university, from the DNA to the ribosome. He hypothesized
that contributed to his true understanding that this RNA, which he called ‘messenger RNA’
of biology. He went on to obtain his science (mRNA), is transcribed from the nucleotide
degree in 1931 and later began to work on sequence within DNA and then directs the
bacterial growth, starting again at the Sorbonne synthesis of particular polypeptides (protein
in 1937 and receiving his doctorate degree in chains). This proposal was a remarkable insight,
1941. Monod had deep political convictions considering that it was made before the
and during the Second World War he was active isolation and characterization of mRNA
in the French Resistance, becoming chief of molecules in the laboratory.
staff of operations for the Forces Françaises Monod was also an accomplished musician
de l’Interieur and coordinating parachute and a thoughtful writer. In 1970, he published
drops ahead of the Allied landings. his philosophical essay ‘Chance and Necessity’
After the war, he joined the staff at the that discusses the process of evolution and the
Pasteur Institute in Paris, where he famously essential role of enzymatic feedback loops to
discovered how genes are regulated – that explain complex biological systems. Monod
is, how they are turned ‘on’ and ‘off’ in stated his belief that the ultimate aim of science
response to environmental changes. Monod is to ‘clarify man’s relationship to the universe’.
and his colleague François Jacob studied how In 1971 Monod was appointed director of the
genes in bacteria are regulated by lactose Pasteur Institute, where he worked until his
(a type of sugar) in their environment. They death from leukaemia in 1976. He is considered
identified a key regulator, known as the ‘lac by many as one of the founding fathers of
repressor’, which is able to turn off lactose- molecular biology.

Robert Brooker

Jacques Monod g 129

the 30-second theory
PCR stands for ‘polymerase
chain reaction’, a laboratory technique that
copies DNA in a test tube. PCR is used to clone
3-SECOND THRASH genes and to make many copies of a particular RELATED TOPICS
Polymerase chain reaction DNA region. Researchers begin with a sample See also
of DNA, such as chromosomal DNA from a
technique that makes page 120
many copies of DNA in
human cell, and add short DNA sequences
a defined region. (called primers) that bind on either side of the page 122
gene they want to copy. The test tube also
contains nucleotides (the building blocks of page 148
PCR works because each
DNA) and DNA polymerase (the enzyme that
strand of DNA contains the connects nucleotides to make long DNA
sequence information to polymers). The DNA polymerase enzyme is 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
make a reverse copy. PCR is often isolated from bacterial species that 1918–2007
used in labs to learn how a
gene works and to identify
live in hot springs and can function at high American biochemist who won
the Nobel Prize in Physiology
mutations that cause temperatures. PCR involves three steps: first, or Medicine in 1959 for his
discovery of DNA polymerase
disease, as well as to clone the chromosomal DNA is heated to separate
genes from one species KARY MULLIS
the DNA into its two strands; next, the primers
into another and create 1944–
transgenic organisms for bind to each DNA strand as the temperature American biochemist who is
largely credited for developing
the pharmaceutical and is lowered; third, the temperature is slightly the technique of PCR, for
biotech industry. PCR is raised, and DNA polymerase uses nucleotides which he won the Nobel Prize
even used at crime scenes in Chemistry in 1993
to amplify tiny amounts
to synthesize new DNA strands in the defined
of DNA from blood stains region, thereby doubling the amount of DNA
or hair roots. fragment between the two primers. These three 30-SECOND TEXT
Robert Brooker
steps are repeated many times in a row, which
is why the method is called a chain reaction. In
just a few hours, PCR can increase the amount
of DNA by a billionfold. PCR works by heating
and cooling DNA
strands at specific
temperatures to start
130 g Technologies & a chain reaction.
Experimental Approaches


the 30-second theory
Any human genome contains
thousands of variations in the sequence of DNA
compared to anyone else’s genome. This makes
3-SECOND THRASH every individual unique. However, there are RELATED TOPICS
Genome-wide association segments of DNA, with exactly the same See also
studies take advantage of GENETIC MAPS
sequence, that are shared by groups of people.
the close association of page 124
specific genetic markers
Most differences in the DNA sequence do not
to DNA variations that modify characteristics such as height, weight & MEDICINE
alter our characteristics and so on. But some DNA changes do have an page 140
or phenotypes.
impact on traits and these can be embedded
within DNA phrases that we are able to read.
3-MINUTE THOUGHT Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) use DAVID BOTSTEIN
GWAS measure the the differences between individuals to map 1942–
association of hundreds American biologist who
the genetic causes of given traits. Using DNA proposed a method to
of thousands of genomic construct genetic maps that
DNA markers to specific microarray technologies, researchers measure paved the way for the
characteristics such as the presence of hundreds of thousands of DNA association studies
susceptibility to a disease, variants in the genome. Many of these are ERIC LANDER
height, weight and so on. 1957–
changes in just one letter of DNA at a specific
Often the associated DNA American geneticist who
changes only explain a position. These are called single nucleotide recognized, with David
Botstein, the potential of DNA
small percentage of the polymorphisms (SNPs). SNPs are used as DNA markers to study complex
phenotypic variation – markers because they can be next to a gene human traits and diseases
for example, 1 cm (0.4 in.)
of human height or 2.5
responsible for a particular trait. For example,
per cent of susceptibility comparing individuals with different heights, we 30-SECOND TEXT
to develop a disease. might observe that shorter people have an A at Reiner Veitia
The accumulation of a given SNP position, while taller people have
small effects can have a
significant impact on the a G. If genetic analysis shows that an individual At a given DNA position
phenotype. Such studies has a G, then he or she is more likely to be taller. there are variations
are applicable to plants GWAS apply this to the whole genome to find in sequence between
and animals.
variants associated with traits and diseases. individuals. These
differences might be
related to a phenotype,
132 g Technologies & such as height.
Experimental Approaches







computational modelling Use of a either eggs or sperm. Gametes contain the

computer to simulate the behaviour of genetic information that will be transmitted
a biological system. Computer models can to the next generation.
be useful to understand how systems are
constructed and to test what happens induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) Stem
when they are perturbed. The use of cells that were generated from normal adult
computational approaches in biology cells by a process of reprogramming. iPSC can
is called bioinformatics. be differentiated into different cell types.

CRISPR-Cas9 Latest technology for lentiviral vectors Modified viruses that are
precise genome editing. The CRISPR used to deliver genes for gene therapy. They
(‘clustered regularly interspaced short are RNA viruses (for example, HIV) that can be
palindromic repeats’) and Cas9 system was engineered to carry genes that are delivered
discovered in bacteria, where it acts as a when the virus infects the patient cells.
primitive immune system to protect against
invading genetic material from viruses. Its metagenomics Study of genetic material
ability to recognize precise DNA sequences obtained from environmental samples. DNA
and cut them had been exploited to sequence analysis reveals the hidden diversity
engineer a powerful tool for cut-and-paste of microscopic life and the microbial world.
techniques on eukaryote genomes. Metagenomics has expanded rapidly due to
the falling price of DNA sequencing technologies.
expressed sequence tags (EST) Short
subsequence of a cloned cDNA that can nucleases Enzymes that cut DNA. Researchers
be used to identify gene transcripts for have engineered these natural enzymes so
quantification and for gene discovery. that they can target specific DNA sequences
They are relatively short fragments that for genome editing. For example, Zinc-finger
represent bits of expressed genes. nucleases (ZFNs) use a special protein domain
that recognizes precise DNA sequences.
germ line Cell that gives rise to the Researchers use ZFNs, together with TALEN
gametes for sexual reproduction. Germ and CRISPR-Cas9 technologies, to cut-and-
cells undergo meiosis, followed by cellular paste DNA sequences and edit genomes.
differentiation to produce mature gametes,

136 g Therapeutic Promise

oncogenicity The capacity to induce adult stem cells can normally only generate
tumours. Genes that induce cancer are cells for specific tissues.
called oncogenes. Genes that prevent
tumour formation are called tumour TALEN Enzymes that cut specific sequences
suppressor genes. of DNA. Their full name is ‘transcription-
activator-like effector nucleases’ because they
oocyte Female gamete (egg) or germ cell are made by fusing transcription proteins to
involved in reproduction. It is produced in nucleases. They can be engineered to cut any
the ovary during female gametogenesis. desired DNA sequence and have become a
Cloning experiments use ‘enucleated eggs’, powerful tool for genome editing.
which are oocytes in which the nucleus has
been removed. transgenic organism Animal or plant
generated by introducing a foreign gene
pluripotent Capacity of a stem cell to (a transgene) or DNA. The transgene can
give rise to several different cell types. change the characteristics (phenotype) of
Pluripotent cells can generate all of the cell the organism. Sometimes referred to as
types that make up the body. Embryonic genetically modified organisms and the source
stem cells are considered to be pluripotent. of much public debate about safety issues.

somatic cells Biological cells that form virus Small infectious agent that can
the main body of an organism. There are replicate only inside living cells. Viruses can
hundreds of different types of somatic cell infect all types of life, including animals and
types in the human body that make up the plants and bacteria. The study of viruses is
organs and tissues. Somatic cells are not called virology. Viral particles, called virions,
transmitted to the next generation and contain genetic material (DNA or RNA) and an
are distinct from germ cells and gametes. outer protective coat called the capsid. Most
viruses are so small that they cannot be seen
stem cells Undifferentiated cells that can with a normal light microscope.
differentiate to generate more specialized
cell types. Embryonic stem cells can
generate all the different cells in the
embryo (they are pluripotent), whereas

Glossary g 137
the 30-second theory
When researchers realized that
some diseases are caused by mutations in single
genes, they proposed that gene therapy could
3-SECOND THRASH be used to correct the problem gene with a RELATED TOPICS
Gene therapy inserts normal copy. It might even be possible to add See also
genetic material into GENES & IMMUNODEFICIENCY
genes to change the properties of a given
cells to confer new page 108
characteristics, to correct
cell. In most cases gene therapy uses a vector
genetic diseases or to (delivery agent) to transfer the therapeutic & MEDICINE
strengthen defences gene into the target cell. Viruses are the most page 140
against cancer.
effective vectors, because they persist and GENOME EDITING
can often also integrate into the host genome. page 152

3-MINUTE THOUGHT There are still obstacles to efficient and safe

Recently, researchers gene therapy, including the difficulty of making
developed innovative sure the genetic material is safely put to use LUIGI NALDINI
tools (called engineered 1959–
nucleases) that can cut the
and that the genes do not provoke an immune
Italian doctor who developed
genome at very specific response in the body or lead to the formation of lentiviral vectors to be used
in gene transfer
positions, promising new tumours. So far, gene therapy has successfully
possibilities for precise treated inherited conditions of the haematopoietic
intervention into the
genome. These molecular system (the organs that make blood), including 30-SECOND TEXT
machines make it easy to severe immunodeficiencies and leukodystrophies Alain Fischer
disrupt a gene or add DNA (genetic diseases that affect the brain, spinal
in a specific place. Such
cord and the peripheral nerves). And progress
strategies could correct
a genetic disorder by was reported in gene therapy of haemophilia B
replacing the mutated DNA and inherited retinal dystrophies (which causes
with a normal sequence, progressive blindness). Gene therapy of the
while leaving the gene in
its physiological context.
future will benefit from technological advances Viruses invade cells
in vector design and production. Gene therapy and can integrate their
is making progress to treat more complex DNA into the host cell's
diseases, such as cancer. genome. This makes
them ideal as a vector
(or delivery agent)
138 g Therapeutic Promise to use in DNA therapy.
the 30-second theory
The Human Genome Project
fuelled the emergence and development of DNA
sequencing technologies, which can efficiently
3-SECOND THRASH decipher the sequence of any genome. The cost RELATED TOPICS
Personal genomics and of sequencing a human genome has dropped See also
personalized medicine THE HUMAN
dramatically, from billions of dollars two decades
promise to improve GENOME PROJECT
individual treatment
ago to just $1,000 today. This progress makes page 30
because we now have it possible to access the sequence of our own GENETIC TESTING
access to the human genomes. Whether we like it or not, we live in page 122
genome sequence at
an era of personal genomics and the quantified GENETIC MAPS
a reasonable cost.
self. A genome sequence gives access to our page 124
past, but also, to some extent, to our future.
3-MINUTE THOUGHT Our DNA carries genetic variations from our
Access to individual 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
ancestors and tells us something about their J. CRAIG VENTER
genome sequences at 1946–
an affordable cost raises
origins. Other variations are not neutral and
American biologist who
numerous ethical issues. can have consequences for our health. ‘Reading’ played an important role in
the race to sequence the
Analysis of genomic the genome can provide clues about where human genome
sequences is closely
we come from, but also about risks of
regulated by law in many FRANCIS COLLINS
countries to avoid any developing a disease, depending on the 1950–
potential genetic influence of the environment and other gene American geneticist and leader
of the Human Genome Project
discrimination. Having variants. A practical application of personal
access to our own genome
genomics is ‘personalized medicine’. Until
sequence can also be
stressful. In a few clear- recently, most drugs were prescribed on the 30-SECOND TEXT
Reiner Veitia
cut cases, a specific DNA assumption that they would be effective
variation is likely to impact for everyone. But by analyzing the genome
our health. But, in most
cases DNA variations only
sequence of an individual we can select more
imply a potential risk. appropriate therapies and tailor dosages Understanding an
to prevent adverse side-effects. individual's genome can
allow doctors to tailor
specific treatments
for a range of diseases,
140 g Therapeutic Promise including cancer.
the 30-second theory
Synthetic biology is a relatively
new field and scientists have many different
definitions of what it is. One underlying theme
3-SECOND THRASH is the application of engineering principles to RELATED TOPIC
Synthetic biology the components of a cell, to elicit a particular See also
involves the rational design CRACKING THE GENETIC CODE
action in response to an input. Advances in
of biological components page 24
and systems, based
biotechnology and the computational modelling
on knowledge of the of biological processes enable us to manipulate MODIFIED ORGANISMS
biochemistry and functions existing genetic or biochemical pathways or page 146
of natural organisms.
to create artificial ones. These engineering
techniques hold for molecules, cells, tissues
3-MINUTE THOUGHT and organisms. For example, designing an STÉPHANE LEDUC
The advent of synthetic enzyme that is capable of cutting DNA at a 1853–1939
biology raises ethical French biologist and chemist,
specific sequence could be considered synthetic first to use the term ‘synthetic
questions. There are
concerns about potential
biology. The replacement of a DNA or protein biology’, in 1910

threats to the health of component in a living organism by a non-natural GEORGE CHURCH

living organisms or the component is also synthetic biology. Bacteria American geneticist who has
environment if an
that shine light in response to a chemical in the played important roles in the
engineered molecule or fields of personal genomics
organism were to escape culture medium or bacteria able to kill tumour and synthetic biology
from a research laboratory. cells are also products of synthetic biology.
There are also concerns The common underlying theme is that the
about the fairness and 30-SECOND TEXT
the (in)appropriateness
universality of the genetic code allows scientists Reiner Veitia
of owning patents on to engineer new DNA sequences that will confer
a living organism and new properties to the recipient cells. This
its components. emerging discipline raises hope – because it
is now possible, at least in principle, to create Synthetic biology is
living organisms for many new applications. being used to create
artificial nucleic acids,
which could help
scientists to answer
questions about the
142 g Therapeutic Promise origins of life itself.
14 October 1946 1975 1995
Born in Salt Lake City, Receives PhD in Sequences the first
Utah, United States physiology and bacterial genome
pharmacology from UCSD

1972 1998
Receives his degree 1976–84 Founds Celera
in biochemistry at the Member of the faculty at Genomics, Inc.
University of California, State University of New
San Diego (UCSD) York, Buffalo
26 June 2000
Jointly announces the
1984–92 mapping of the human
Section chief at the genome, with Francis
National Institute of Collins of the NIH
Neurological Disorders
and Stroke at the
National Institutes 2001
of Health (NIH) in Publishes first
Bethesda, Maryland draft of the human
genome sequence

Founds the Institute for 2002
Genomic Research Becomes president of the
J. Craig Venter Institute,
and the CEO of Human
Longevity, Inc.

Introduces a
synthetic genome
into a bacterial cell

The geneticist J. Craig Venter Human Genome Project coordinated by

is a pioneer of DNA sequencing technologies Francis Collins. In 2001, both the private and
who played a major role in the first attempt at public initiatives simultaneously published the
sequencing the entire human genome. He has first draft sequence of the human genome.
been challenging and provoking the genetics Venter’s other key accomplishments include
community for more than two decades, the sequencing of the first bacterial genome,
questioning established approaches and Haemophilus influenza, and the first living
driving technology innovation. This earned organism in 1995. In his early days at the NIH,
him the title ‘Gene Maverick’. Venter developed novel methods for tagging
Born in 1946 in Salt Lake City, Utah, Venter genes by focusing on expressed genes that
studied at the University of California, San represent a small percentage of the human
Diego, then in 1976 was appointed assistant genome. These sequences, called ESTs
professor at the State University of New York (expressed sequence tags), led to massive gene
at Buffalo. There his research focused primarily discovery and raised legal questions about
on receptors involved in cell signalling. From whether these new genes could be patented.
1984–92, as section chief at the National Venter and his collaborators have also studied
Institute of Neurological Disorders and environmental DNA samples, creating a new
Stroke at the National Institutes of Health, field called metagenomics. In 2010, his research
he developed gene tagging methods. team made a synthetic DNA molecule and
Leaving the NIH in 1992, Venter became transferred it into a bacterial cell, thereby
founder and chairman of the board of The creating the first self-replicating bacterial
Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), a cell constructed entirely with synthetic DNA.
not-for-profit genomics research institution. Venter was listed in 2007 and 2008 in Time
In 1998, Venter joined Applera Corporation magazine’s top 100 most influential people
and became president and chief scientific in the world, and in 2010 New Statesman
officer of the newly founded Celera Genomics, magazine listed Venter as among the world’s
which focuses on genetic sequencing and 50 most influential figures. He is a member
related medical and biological information. of prestigious scientific organizations
Celera’s corporate motto was ‘Speed Matters’. including the National Academy of Sciences,
These events led to a sequencing race between the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Celera and the National Institutes of Health-led and the American Society for Microbiology.

Robert Brooker

J. Craig Venter g 145

the 30-second theory
Imagine a mouse that gives off
an eerie green glow like a jellyfish or a bacterium
that makes human insulin. Although it sounds
3-SECOND THRASH like science fiction, researchers have actually RELATED TOPICS
A GMO is any organism learned how to exchange genetic information See also
whose genetic material has GENE THERAPY
to create these examples of genetically modified
been altered using genetic page 138
engineering techniques.
organisms (GMOs). Gene cloning and gene
engineering techniques enable the introduction page 148
of genetic material from one species into
another to create genetically modified bacteria, page 152
Although GMOs are
rigorously tested for their
animals or plants. When a GMO has genetic
safety, there has been material from a different donor species, it is
considerable public debate called a transgenic organism. The mouse that 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
about them. Some gives off an eerie green glow is a transgenic & STANLEY COHEN
advantages of GMOs 1936– & 1935–
include healthier crops that
organism: researchers cloned a gene encoding
American biotechnologist
require less pesticides, a green fluorescent protein (GFP) normally and American geneticist who
in 1973 made the first GMO
plants with improved expressed only in jellyfish and created a by removing an antibiotic
nutritional value or the
transgenic mouse that now expresses GFP resistance gene from one
production of expensive bacterium and inserting it into
drugs like human insulin and shines green like a jellyfish. Today many another bacterium, enabling
that bacterium to survive in
in bacteria. Some economically important examples of GMOs the presence of the antibiotic
disadvantages might are in the field of agriculture. These include RUDOLF JAENISCH
include allergies and the
threat of genes spreading
Bt-corn and Bt-cotton, which carry a gene from 1942–
American geneticist who
to other organisms. the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. This gene created transgenic mammals
encodes a toxin that kills corn borers and other by introducing foreign DNA
into early mouse embryos
insects. These Bt varieties of plants produce
the toxins themselves and are resistant to many
types of caterpillars and beetles. 30-SECOND TEXT
Robert Brooker

GMOs can have many

benefits, despite being
146 g Therapeutic Promise a source of controversy.
the 30-second theory
The word ‘clone’ means to make
many identical copies of something. In genetics,
the term ‘gene cloning’ refers to making a
3-SECOND THRASH molecular copy of a gene. Genes can be cloned RELATED TOPICS
Cloning makes many copies using a laboratory technique called polymerase See also
of something and can be WHAT IS A GENE?
chain reaction (PCR) (see page 130), in which
performed at the level of page 56
a gene, a single cell or a
the copying is done by an enzyme called DNA
whole organism. polymerase. An alternative way is to insert a page 92
gene into a plasmid (a circular DNA molecule
that can copy itself independently of a cell’s REACTION (PCR)
Researchers have created
chromosomal DNA) and then put the plasmid page 130

clones of many mammalian into a living host cell, such as a bacterium or

species, including sheep, yeast cell. When the host cells divide and
cows, mice, goats, pigs 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
increase in number, many copies of the cloned JOHN GURDON
and cats. In 2002, the first
gene are made, too. But cloning can also be at 1933–
pet (a cat) was cloned. English biologist who
It was named CC (after the level of whole cells or even whole organisms. pioneered transplanting the
nucleus from a tadpole cell
the chemical symbol for Identical twins are clones that develop from the into an enucleated frog egg.
carbon) and nicknamed
same fertilized egg. This cloning happens by His famous experiments in
‘Copycat’. The cloning the 1960s earned him the
of mammals has many accident, when a fertilized egg divides into title ‘the Godfather of cloning’
and a 2012 Nobel Prize
practical applications, two cells that separate from one other, each
including maintaining developing into a person with the same genetic IAN WILMUT
agriculturally valuable 1944–
livestock and endangered
material as the other. Researchers developed English embryologist who
with his colleagues at the
species. However, a ways to clone whole mammals in the laboratory. University of Edinburgh
complete ban on human They removed the DNA from oocytes and then produced clones of sheep
using DNA from somatic cells
reproductive cloning was fused the oocyte with a cell from the individual
issued in many countries
and research in this field to be cloned. This process is called reproductive
is highly regulated. cloning and the first cloned mammal was a 30-SECOND TEXT
Robert Brooker
sheep named Dolly.
Since Dolly, other
mammals have been
cloned, including pigs,
148 g Therapeutic Promise horses and deer.
the 30-second theory
All organisms have specialized
stem cells that have the capacity to make many
different cell types. Stem cells replenish organs
3-SECOND THRASH when cells die or need to be replaced. For RELATED TOPICS
Stem cell research hopes to example, most of the cells in our intestines are See also
recreate specialized organs DEVELOPMENTAL GENETICS
lost and replaced every few days. But can any
from any cell in the body page 100
and regenerate new tissues
cell in our bodies change itself into another cell
to restore functions type or are cells programmed for just one cell page 148
affected by the ageing type? Researchers were surprised to discover
process or disease.
that almost all the cells in our bodies have the
capacity to change into all other cells and have 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
3-MINUTE THOUGHT a spectacular capacity to be reprogrammed. 1933–
One of the most important Studies in the 1950s and 60s demonstrated that British developmental biologist
who demonstrated that
conclusions from stem cell the nucleus of a cell could be reprogrammed the nuclei of differentiated
experiments was that the intestinal cells can generate
genome is present and
by transferring it into an unfertilized egg that into all of the cell types
has had its nucleus removed. Indeed, these when reintroduced into
intact, in almost every an enucleated egg
somatic cell, not just in the ‘cloned’ eggs can even develop into embryos
germ line that normally SHINYA YAMANAKA
and sometimes to a fully grown adult. In 2006 1962–
transmits it to the next
generation. However, what scientists discovered the special conditions for Nobel Prize-winning
Japanese stem cell
has really caught public cell reprogramming. They identified a cocktail researcher who created
attention is the idea that ‘induced pluripotent stem
of just four proteins that, when introduced into (iPS) cells’ after introducing
induced pluripotent stem four reprogramming factors
cells and adult stem cells
a cell, could generate ‘induce pluripotent stem’ into mouse fibroblasts
are potential elixirs of life (iPS) cells. These stem cells have tremendous
that we can use to replace potential because they can be differentiated
tissues worn out by old age in a dish to create many types of cells and 30-SECOND TEXT
or destroyed by disease. Edith Heard
tissues. These iPS cells are used to study how
development works, to model human disease
and to produce cells and organs for regenerative
medicine and tissue therapy. Stem cell research may
lead to promising new
treatments for diseases
150 g Therapeutic Promise and major injuries.
the 30-second theory
Using engineered enzymes to
edit genomes is a new approach that promises
to transform genetic studies and treatment
3-SECOND THRASH of genetic diseases. It uses molecular tools RELATED TOPICS
The revolutionary to modify the genome at targeted points. This See also
technology of genome GENE THERAPY
is achieved by creating site-specific enzymes
editing engineers the page 138
genome by targeting
called ‘nucleases’ that establish DNA breaks
modifying enzymes to at defined sequences in pieces of DNA: these page 142
specific DNA sequences. include targeted Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs)
and transcription-activator-like effector
nucleases (TALEN). These approaches link a 3-SECOND BIOGRAPHIES
Researchers can now cut non-specific DNA cutting enzyme to proteins & JENNIFER DOUDNA
and paste genetic material that recognize specific DNA sequences. An 1968– & 1964–
with unprecedented French microbiologist and
alternative technology is based on the microbial American chemist who in 2012
precision. Enzymes
targeted to specific DNA
CRISPR-Cas9 system that harnesses RNA- adapted the CRISPR system to
take advantage of a synthetic
sequences in the genome programmed targeting of a nuclease to a guide RNA that directs the
Cas9 enzyme
can be used as ‘molecular specific DNA sequence. All these approaches
scissors’ to generate FENG ZHANG
introduce a specific double-strand break in DNA 1982–
site-specific breaks.
These breaks allow at a defined point in the genome. Once the Chinese-born biomedical
scientist who in 2013 harnessed
insertion or deletion of genome is broken, repair enzymes can disrupt the CRISPR-Cas9 system
genomic sequences that or replace DNA sequences at or near the point for genome editing in
can inactivate genes. eukaryotic cells
Alternatively, new DNA can
where the cut was made. The ability to modify
be provided to replace the the DNA sequence of a single cell or even whole
endogenous gene with a organism in a targeted fashion allows studies 30-SECOND TEXT
targeted modification. Matthew Weitzman
that assess the impact of the change on the
phenotype. Targeted nucleases also facilitate
gene therapy for inherited disorders, the goal Using engineered
being to replace defective genes with normal enzymes to edit
alleles at the same natural location to correct genomes is an exciting
the genetic mutation. new approach that
could lead to major
152 g Therapeutic Promise medical advances.

Jonathan B. Weitzman is a professor of Rodney Rothstein is a professor of
Genetics at the Université Paris Diderot Genetics & Development and Systems
and founding director of the Center for Biology at Columbia University Medical
Epigenetics and Cell Fate. Jonathan teaches Center. He is well known for his studies on
classes in genetics, epigenetics and stem DNA double-strand break repair and methods
cell biology to students of all ages and he to edit genomes. His honours include the
directs the European Masters’ in Genetics Genetics Society of America 2009 Novitski
programme. His research focuses on Prize, Doctor honoris causa in Medicine,
understanding gene regulatory networks Umeå, Sweden, and election to the American
and epigenetic contributions to disease. Academy of Arts and Sciences and the
National Academy of Sciences.
Matthew D. Weitzman is a professor at the
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School CONTRIBUTORS
of Medicine, and runs a lab in the Children’s Thomas Bourgeron is a professor at the
Hospital of Philadelphia. Matthew has a Université Paris Diderot in Paris. He leads
background in virology and molecular biology, a research group at the Institut Pasteur
and he studies the intersection between which gathers psychiatrists, neurobiologists
virus infection and genome integrity. He and geneticists together to study the biology
has lectured around the world and organized of the social brain. One of his main findings
numerous scientific meetings on viruses, has been the identification of a synaptic
genome integrity and gene therapy. pathway associated with autism.

Jonathan and Matthew are identical twins.

154 g Notes on Contributors

Robert J. Brooker received his PhD in Edith Heard is a British geneticist, working
genetics from Yale University in 1983. At on X-chromosome inactivation, with a long-
Harvard, he studied lactose permease, the standing interest in epigenetics, nuclear
product of the lacY gene of the lac operon. organization and chromosome structure.
He continued working on transporters at She is director of the Genetics and
the University of Minnesota, where he is a Developmental Biology Unit at the Institut
professor in the Department of Genetics, Curie in Paris and Professor of Epigenetics
Cell Biology and Development. He is the and Cellular Memory at the Collège de France.
author of several undergraduate genetics She is also a Fellow of the Royal Society.
textbooks, including Genetics: Analysis &
Principles, 6e, and Biology, 4e, published Mark F. Sanders has been a member of the
by McGraw-Hill Education. faculty in Molecular and Cellular Biology at
the University of California, Davis since 1985,
Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo is a biology where he focuses on teaching genetics. He
researcher at the Institut Jacques Monod has also taught genetics at the University of
in Paris. Her team studies the mutations Cambridge and the University of Vienna. Mark
responsible for differences between species is the lead author of Genetic Analysis: An
in order to better understand our evolution, Integrated Approach published by Pearson.
past and future. She received the CNRS
Bronze Medal and was elected ‘Young Reiner A. Veitia is a professor of Genetics
Woman Scientist’ of the year, 2014, in France. at Université Paris Diderot. His research
focus is primarily the genetics of female
Alain Fischer is Professor at Collège infertility and ovarian malignancies. He has
de France, Paris, founding director of also actively explored the molecular and
the Imagine Institute. He is a specialist theoretical bases of genetic dominance. He
of genetics and immunology notably of is the current Editor-in-Chief of the journal
primary immunodeficiency diseases and Clinical Genetics and a member of non-
gene therapy. governmental association Academia Europaea.

Notes on Contributors g 155



A Life Decoded: My Genome: My Life Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach

J. Craig Venter Mark F. Sanders and John L. Bowman
(Penguin Books, 2008) (Pearson; 2nd edn, 2015)
A Monk and Two Peas: The Story of Gregor Here Is a Human Being:
Mendel and the Discovery of Genetics At the Dawn of Personal Genomics
Robin Marantz Henig Misha Angrist
(Weidenfield & Nicolson, 2000) (Harper Perennial, 2011)
Chance and Necessity: An Essay on the Nature via Nurture: Genes, Experience
National Philosophy of Modern Biology and What Makes Us Human
Jacques Monod Matt Ridley
(Fontana, 1974) (Harper Perennial; new edn, 2004)
Creation: The Origin of Life / On the Origin of Species
The Future of Life Charles Darwin
Adam Rutherford (Oxford University Press; rev. edn, 2008)
(Penguin Books, 2014)
Redesigning Humans: Choosing
Epigenetics: How Environment Our Genes, Changing Our Future
Shapes Our Genes Gregory Stock
Richard C. Francis (Houghton Mifflin, 2003)
(W. W. Norton & Company, 2012)
Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA
Francis Crick: Discoverer Brenda Maddox
of the Genetic Code (Harper Collins; new edn, 2003)
Matt Ridley
The Double Helix: A Personal Account of
(Harper Press, 2006)
the Discovery of the Structure of DNA
Genetics: Analysis and Principles James Watson
Robert R. Brooker (Penguin Books; 2nd rev. edn, 1999)
(McGraw-Hill Education; 6th edn, 2016)

156 g Resources

The Eighth Day of Creation: The Makers

of the Revolution in Biology A free website for students, educators and
Horace Freeland Judson interested citizens that offers up-to-date
(Cold Spring Harbor Press, 1979) information on genetics and biotechnology.
The Epigenetics Revolution
Nessa Carey A primer on the 75 experiments that have
(Icon Books, 2012) defined modern genetics, complete with
animations, interviews and more.
The Gene: An Intimate History
Siddhartha Mukherjee
(Scribner Book Company, 2016) A free resource with a wide range of
explanations, activities and experiments aimed
The Language of Life: DNA and the
at anyone with an interest in genetics.
Revolution in Personalized Medicine
Francis S. Collins
(Harper, 2010)
The website of the National Human Genome
Research Institute which participated in the
The Panda’s Thumb: More
Human Genome Project.
Reflections in Natural History
Stephen Jay Gould
(W. W. Norton & Company, 1980)
A genome browser for vertebrate genomes that
The Selfish Gene supports research in comparative genomics, and
Richard Dawkins provides tools for studying genome evolution,
(Oxford University Press, 1976) variation and regulation.
The Triple Helix: Gene, Organism,
and Environment
OMIM is the Online Mendelian Inheritance in
Richard Lewontin
Man, providing an online catalogue of human
(Harvard University Press, 2002)
genes and genetic disorders.

Resources g 157

A Charpentier, Emmaneulle 152 evolution, theory of 18, 68 Good, Robert A. 108

active genes 76, 80 checkpoint proteins 34, 48 exons 54, 60 Gosling, Raymond 26
Aldrich, Robert Anderson 108 chromatids 34, 38 expressed sequence tags (EST) Greider, Carol 46
alkaptonuria 96 chromatin 34, 38, 86 136, 145 Griffith, Frederick 20
alleles 14, 16, 62 chromosomes 14, 38, 116 Gurdon, John 148, 150
Altmann, Richard 20, 40 see also X/Y chromosomes F Guthrie, Robert 78, 122
Ames, Bruce 68 circadian rhythms 96, 102 feedback loops 117
amino acids 14 cloning 148 Feinberg, Andrew Paul 82 H
apoptosis 116 codons 14, 24 Fire, Andrew Z. 90 Hartwell, Leland 48
Asperger, Hans 110 Cohen, Stanley 146 Flemming, Walther 38, 86 Hausen, Harald Zur 112
ATP 34, 40 Collins, Francis 30, 122, 140, 145 Fontana, Felice 36 heamoglobin 96
autism 96, 102, 110 computational modelling 136 Franklin, Rosalind 22, 26–7 Hertwig, Oscar 50
autoimmunity 96 Coyne, Jerry 18 histones 34, 38, 86
autosomes 38, 96, 116 Crick, Francis 22, 27, 28 G Holliday, Robin 82
Avery, Oswald, Jr. 20 CRISPR-Cas9 136, 152 Galton, Francis 92, 102 Hox genes 97, 100
cystic fibrosis 116 gametes 14, 50, 98 Human Genome Project 30,
B cytokinesis 34 Gamow, George 24 140, 145
base excision repair (BER) 54 cytoplasm 34 Garrod, Archibald 106–7
Bateson, William 56, 107 cytosine 82, 126 genes 14, 56 I
behavioural genetics 102 active/silent 76, 80 ideograms 38
Bermuda Principles 30 D environment of 78 immunity 97
Blackburn, Elizabeth 46 Darwin, Charles 18 expression 64 immunodeficiency 97,
Botstein, David 132 developmental genetics 100 gene dosage 77 108, 138
Boveri, Theodor 72, 112 discordance 76 gene therapy 138 induced pluripotent stem cells
Boyer, Herbert 146 DNA 14, 20 imprinting 80 (iPSC) 136, 150
brain synapses 96 damage & repair 70 splicing 55, 60 International SNP Map Working
Brenner, Sydney 118 double helix 14, 22 see also Hox genes Group, The 124
Bunker, Chang & Eng 92 methylation 76, 82 genetic code 24 introns 54, 60
Bütschli, Johann 50 sequencing 117, 126, 145 genetic diseases 104
DNA markers 116 genetic fingerprinting 120 J
C DNA microarrays 116 genetic maps 124 Jacob, François 129
cancer 112 DNA polymerase 116 genetic testing 122 Jaenisch, Rudolf 146
and HPV 97 Dobzhansky, Theodosius 18 genetically modified organisms Jeffreys, Sir Alec 120
Carroll, Sean B. 100 double helix 14, 22 (GMOs) 146 Johannsen, Wilhelm 56, 62
Cattanach, Bruce 80 Doudna, Jennifer 152 genome 14, 72 jumping genes (transposons)
Cech, Thomas 60 Dulbecco, Renato 70 editing 152 55, 58, 67
Celera Genomics 30, 145 genome-wide association studies
cell cycle 48 E (GWAS) 102, 132 K
cell division 50 Ehrman, Lee 102 genomics, personalized 140 Kanner, Leo 110
cell nuclei 36 enzymes 76 genotoxic chemicals 54 karyotypes 38
cell reprogramming 150 epigenetics 76, 89 genotype 54, 62 Kennedy, Eugene 40
central dogma 28 epigenome 76, 86 germ cells 54, 136 kinetochore 35, 46
centromeres 34, 46 eukaryotes 34, 38, 77 Gilbert, Walter 126 Knudson, Alfred George 112

158 g Index
Kornberg, Arthur 130 N RNA 15, 24, 28 viruses 137, 138
Kornberg, Roger 64 Nägeli, Karl von 38 non-coding 90 Vries, Hugo de 16
Kossel, Albrecht 86 Naldini, Luigi 138 see also messenger RNA
natural selection 55 Roberts, Richard 60 W
L Neufeld, Peter 120 Waddington, Conrad 76, 88–9
Lander, Eric 132 Nirenberg, Marshall W. 24 S Waldeyer-Hartz, Heinrich von 38
Leduc, Stéphane 142 non-coding RNA 90 Sanger, Frederick 126 Wallace, Alfred Russel 18
Leeuwenhoek, Antonie nuclear envelope 36 Scheck, Barry 120 Watson, James 22, 27, 30
van 36 nuclear matrix 35 sex, determination of 42, 98 Weismann, August 98
Lehninger, Albert 40 nuclear pores 35, 36 Sharp, Phillip 60 Wilkins, Maurice 22, 27
lentiviral vectors 136 nucleases 136, 152 shelterin 35 Wilmut, Ian 148
Levene, Phoebus 20 nuclei 36 silencing 55 Woese, Carl Richard 90
Lindahl, Tomas 70 nucleosomes 77, 86 silent genes 76, 80 Wright, Sewall 68
Lwoff, André 129 nucleotides 15, 22, 126 single-nucleotide polymorphisms
lymphocytes 97 Nurse, Paul Maxime 48, 118 (SNPs) 97, 117, 124, 132 X
Lyon, Mary 84 Nüsslein-Volhard, Christiane 100 Sleeping Beauty transposon X chromosomes 42, 77, 84
system 55, 58
M O Solter, Davor 80 Y
MacLeod, Colin 20 oncogenicity 137 somatic cells 55 Y chromosomes 42, 77
McCarty, Maclyn 20 Online Mendelian Index of Man species 15 Yamanaka, Shinya 150
McClintock, Barbara 58, (OMIM) 97 splicing 55, 60
66–7 oocytes 137 stem cells 137, 150 Z
McClung, Clarence 42, 84, 98 organelles 35 Sturtevant, Alfred 124 Zhang, Feng 152
McKusick, Victor 104 Osler, Sir William 107 Surani, Azim 80, 82
meiosis 35, 50 synthetic biology 142
Mello, Craig C. 90 P Szostak, Jack 46
Mendel, Gregor 16, 124 personalized genomics 140
Mendelian traits 104, 107 phenotype 55, 62 T
Mering, Jacques 27 phenylketonuria (PKU) 78 TALEN 137, 152
messenger RNA (mRNA) 28, 54, pluripotent cells 137 telomeres 35, 46
60, 129 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Temin, Howard 28
metagenomics 136, 145 130, 148 Tilghman, Shirley M. 90
methylation 76, 82 polymers 15, 22 transcription 15, 28
Miescher, Johannes Friedrich 20 polymorphisms 68 transgenic organisms 137, 146
mitochondria 35, 40 pronucleus 77 translation 15, 28
mitosis 35, 50 purines 77 transposons (jumping genes)
model organisms 118 pyrimidines 77 55, 58, 67
Monod, Jacques 64, 128–9 twins 62, 92, 102, 148
Morgan, Thomas Hunt 45, 56, R
104, 118, 124 Rabl, Carl 72 V
Muller, Hermann 68, 70 recombination frequency 117, 124 vectors 138
Mullis, Kary 130 replication 15, 28 Venter, J. Craig 30, 140,
mutation 15, 24, 40, 68, 112 reverse genetics 118 144–5

Index g 159

Jonathan Weitzman and Matthew Weitzman

dedicate this book to Claire-Cipora and Sharon,
with whom they juggled their genes.

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160 g Acknowledgements

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