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Mixed tenses (text based) Recupero **

**1 Completa il testo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi (past tenses).

Last week Sam 0 went (go) to school in his new car. While the class 1_____________ (do) an exercise, the head
teacher, Ms Brown, 2_____________ (come) in. She seemed very angry. She said that a policeman
_____________ (ring) the school saying that a stolen car 4_____________ (see) in the school car park. She said
the car was a red sports car with the number plate JAF67JK. Sam was shocked because it was the number of his

Then he 5_____________ (remember) what had happened at the weekend. On Saturday afternoon his new car
_____________ (disappear) from the road in front of his house. Sam called the police but ten minutes later his
brother drove up. ‘What 7_____________ (you / do) in my car?’ asked Sam. ‘I borrowed it because
I wanted to go to the shops,’ his brother said, ‘I thought you 8_____________ (not need) it’. Sam was so happy
to get his car back that he 9_____________ (forget) to phone the police to tell them that he had his car back.

Now Sam didn’t know what to do. If he 10_____________ (tell) Ms Brown what had happened he
_____________ (be) in trouble but if he 12_____________ (not tell) her they 13_____________ (take) his car
away. He was just about to put his hand up when Frank Marsden put up his hand and said, ‘I 14_____________
(find) the keys in the corridor miss. It’s a beautiful car and I wanted to take it for a drive, it wasn’t really stolen.’
Sam looked in his bag. The keys weren’t there. Frank must 15_____________ (take) the car for a drive without
Sam knowing.

Sam was furious with Frank but then he thought, ‘If I 16_____________ (not say) anything both of us
_____________ (be) in really serious trouble because they’ll think Frank stole the car on Saturday.’ Sam put
his hand up slowly. ‘Please miss, it’s my car. I reported the car stolen on Saturday and forgot to tell the police I
had found it again. I gave Frank the keys so he 18_____________ (can) go for a drive.’
Ms Brown looked confused for a moment and then said, ‘Come with me both of you. We 19_____________
(have) a long chat in my office, you have both got a lot of explaining to do.’

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