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Trabalho de carácter investigativo, a ser

entregue ao Departamento de Letras e

Docente: Dr. Militão



1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................3

2. Flashcards to introduce a reading passage..............................................................................4

2.1 What are flashcards?.............................................................................................................4

2.2 Kinds of flashcards...............................................................................................................4

2.3 The benefits of flashcards.....................................................................................................5

2.4 Practical Suggestions for the teaching of reading using flashcards......................................5

2.4 Activities to use with flashcards...........................................................................................7

2.4.1 Reading sentences..............................................................................................................8

2.4.2 How to introduce a Word from a text................................................................................9

2.4.3 Some other suggestions....................................................................................................10

3. Conclusion............................................................................................................................11

4. References.............................................................................................................................12

1. Introduction

To say that a flashcard is one of the media to develop student information literacy in
which its application includes activities of analyzing, writing and telling stories. Storytelling
is a process of reading that is useful to increase the courage to appear in public. Moreover,
flashcards are a fantastic resource and can be used to present, practice and revise a certain text
passagem vocabulary. Kupzyk et. Al (2011) states that flashcard is a learning media in the
form of a picture card with a size of about 25 cm x 30 cm. Images are displayed in the form of
hand drawings, photos, or existing images attached on the sheets of card. The flashcard
provides advantages in its practicality in making and using. It is easy to remember because the
images are colourful and they attract student’s attention. The flashcard which contains words
or a series of letters can be described through images. This flashcard can be used to introduce
words to subject by using the process of introducing letter sounds. For example, there is a
picture of a book and its written form "book". At first, students are asked to see the picture
and later teacher gives example of how to pronounce it. This is given in order to attract more
attention of students as they may be bored and not interested in the media only made up by
letters (Kupzyk et Al., 2011). So, this Assignment focus on using flashcards to introduce a
reading passage.

1.1 Objectives

1.1.1 General objective

 To understand how helpful the flashcards are to introduce a reading passage

1.1.2 Specific objectives

 To recommend the use of flashcards when introducing a reading passage

 To know the benefits of flashcards

 To figure out the activities which are successful with flashcards

 To know the types of flashcards


2. Flashcards to introduce a reading passage

2.1 What are flashcards?
According to Cross (1991, p.119), flashcard is a simple picture on a piece of card or
paper, which is probably the most widely used visual aids in language teaching. It means that
flashcard is one of media which can help the teacher to teaching English easily. Flash cards in
teaching vocabulary are very simple visual aids and the teacher can make the students more
active during the teaching learning process. On the other hand, Haycraff (1978, pp. 102-106)
states that flashcards are cards on which words and/or pictures are printed or drawn.
According to Dictionary (1995, p.94), flashcard is a card with the word or words and
sometimes a picture down it. Based on discussed above, it can be taken a general view that
flashcards are cards with a word or words, number, or a picture on it for use in the classroom
by teacher and students that help to learn and memorize new words.

Initial reading skill plays an important role in the human life (Praxsis, 2003).
Subsequently, reading is a bridge for students to have interactive and integrated abilities in the
learning process among teachers and students. Therefore, early reading skill is very important
in the education process at school (Levy et al., 2006). Children will face numerous barriers in
the future if the reading ability in the early education unit is considered inadequate (Diamond
& Baroody, 2013). Reading is an activity that can stimulate the children’s’ brain to preform
well. Moreover, through reading, children may are able to attain excellent academic
performance, develop great communication skills, and collect vocabulary that help them to
communicate well (Goodchild, 2006). Likewise, excellent academic performance acquired by
students through reading will assist them to understand other subjects. Initial reading activities
should be given by exciting and interesting media. The ability to read early can be improved
by implementing interesting and eye-catching media (Both-de Vries& Bus, 2010). Kornell
(2009) elucidaste that flashcard is one of the learning media that can be used to improve the
initial reading skills.

2.2 Kinds of flashcards

Haycraff (1978, p.p102-106) states two types of flashcards. They are word Flashcards
and picture flashcards. Word flashcards are cards on which Words have been printed. When
practicing word order, the teacher can use a number of cards representing all the words in a
sentence. The flashcards can be fixed to the board, or given to a student, and arranged
correctly either by the class a whole or individual students. The Word flashcards also can be
used to practice structure. Then, picture flashcards are useful for presenting, practicing and
revising vocabulary or as prompts for other activities – for example, to illustrate the characters
in a dialogue, to help students improvise. Picture flashcards can be used as prompts for simple
substitution drills. Picture flashcards are also useful for identifying verbs on action.

2.3 The benefits of flashcards

The benefits of the flashcard itself are: (a) with flashcards, the teacher can stimulate the
activities of his or her students in order to carry out the implementation of activities involving
the ability in the field of linguistics, (b) flashcards can improve the ability of students to
practice good and effective communication by implementing language skills in expressing
opinions, then with increased individual language skills, they will have no difficulty in telling
a story, and they can improve the quality of individual identification of the problems given on
the flashcard (Pradana & Gerhani, 2019). Besides being used by students, teachers can also
use this flashcard to explore information and new vocabulary (Sitompul, 2013). A flashcard is
in a small shape so it is easy to carry anywhere and has a variety of images and colors that
make students interested In using it. Randomly arranged flashcards are given to students and
then students arrange the Flashcards so they can describe a story. Students write a story and
then tell it. Haycraft (1978, p.102) and Cross (1991, p.120) remarks that there are some
advantages of using flashcards in language teaching:

 Flashcards can be used for associating vocabulary.

 Flashcards are motivating and eye-catching.

 Flashcards can be used for any level students.

 Flashcards can be taken almost everywhere and studied when are has Free moment.

 Flashcards can be arranged to create logical grouping of the target Words.

 Flashcards are cost effective.

 Flashcards provide visual link between L1 and the target language.

 Flashcards also can be used for practicing structure and word order or for a variety of

2.4 Practical Suggestions for the teaching of reading using flashcards

According to Jenkins (2020) “most early childhood classrooms have a display of
the letters of the alphabet. They may be displayed as a chart or on flashcards on the wall.
Children are often given a letter chart/ alphabet chart each to use when they are learning the
letters and recognizing letters in reading or writing”.

1. Once the class has embarked upon the pre-reading program, the teacher begins
introducing reading words using the Whole word or Look and Say approach. At this
point the child does not have the phonic knowledge necessary to sound out words.
This will develop alongside and will soon take preference over Look and say.
2. For the convenience of the teacher, each Sunrise Reader has a word list at the back.
This list gives all the words that are introduces for the first time. The teacher can build
up her collection of flash cards from these lists. (See free downloadable/ printable pdfs
for flashcards at the end of this blog.)
3. The characters and the stories are introduced and discussed. The children learn the
Sunrise characters’ names and identify them visually before reading the books.
4. Make picture posters of each character – pdfs are supplied for this purpose. (Or, if
you have internet/ powerpoint access, powerpoint slides of the characters are provided
for you to use – see downloadable links at the end of this blog.)
5. Make – or print – large flashcards of each character’s names. (Free downloadable pdfs
at the end of this blog.). Introduce one character at a time. You may introduce one
character each day, or you may choose to develop that character for a few days before
introducing the next.
6. Developing characters: See the short video clip available for ideas about how to
develop a character – or read the available blog. It is vital to be enthusiastic when

talking about each character; to refer to the picture in great detail, using questions to
elicit ideas and responses from the children. Your intention is to bring the Sunrise
children alive for your young learners – you have triumphed if they become well-
known friends! Be sure to unobtrusively involve the children using the vocabulary
they will meet in flashcard form and in the text of the book.
7. Matching picture flashcards to word cards: In pairs or threes, learners will have fun
matching the names of the Sunrise characters to the picture cards. Young learners can
also use the character picture cards in role play and oral work, developing the

2.4 Activities to use with flashcards

Flashcards can be used in many ways to introduce and practice Vocabulary, as well as
consolidate, recycle and extend children‘s Language. The following are ways to use
flashcards according to Soberón (2012):

 Flash: Show each flashcard to the children in turn very quickly by Holding it at the
sides between your thumb, index and second finger and ―flashing‖ it or turning it
round very quickly. Children look and guess what it Is. Re-cast and introduce the word
in English as appropriate.
 Slowly, slowly: Choose the flashcards you are going to use and have ready a plain
piece of card the same size. Hold up each flashcard in turn covered completely by the
card at first. Pull down the card to slowly reveal the picture and encourage children to
guess what it is. Children call out the name once they can see enough to recognize the
 Point to: Stick a set of flashcards on the walls round the classroom. Hold up each one
and get the children to say the names as you do this. Give instructions for example:
Point the spider! Children listen, look round the classroom and point to the correct
flashcard as fast as they can.

 Mime the flashcard: Hold up flashcards in turn and say the names. Children do a
mime in response for example they can pretend to eat a particular food (if they are
using food flashcards), imitate a particular animal (animal flashcards) or put on clothes
(clothes flashcards). Then do mimes of different flashcards yourself or invite

individual or pairs of children to take turns to do this. Children watch and call out the

 What’s missing? Stick a set of flashcards on the blackboard. Hold up each one and
get the children to say the names as you do this. Then say ―close your eyes‖ and
demonstrate meaning. When children have their eyes closed, quickly remove one of
the flashcards from the blackboard. Children open their eyes and call out the name of
the missing flashcard.

 Magic eyes: Stick a set of no more than six flashcards in a row on the blackboard. Say
the names and get the children to repeat them two or three times. Then remove the
flashcards one by one. Point to where they were and children repeat the names as if
they were still there.

 Flashcard instructions: Stick a set of flashcards on the walls around the classroom.
Divide the class into groups. Then, give each group instructions in turn for example:
Group 1: Walk to the elephant, group two: Jump to the lion and children respond.

 Repeat if it’s true: Stick a set of flashcards on the blackboard. Point out one of the
flashcards and say the name, if you have said the correct name, children repeat it, if
not they stay silently. This activity can be made more challenging if you say sentences
for example; it is a red tomato.

 Lip Reading: Stick a set of flashcards on the blackboard. Choose one flashcard and
mouth the word silently to the class, children lip read what you are saying and respond
by saying the word out loud.

 Guess the flashcard: Stick a set of flashcards on the blackboard. Secretly choose one
and encourage children to guess which it is asking you questions for example: Is it
red? No, it is not. Is it blue? Yes, it is. Invite individual children to the front of the
class in turn and get them to secretly choose a flashcard while the others guess in the
same way.

 Flashcard story: Give out flashcards you are going to include in the story to the
children in pairs. Invent a very simple story using a puppet or coursebook character or
a child in the class. An example of one using color flashcards is as follows: One day
Jack paints a picture (use mime to convey meaning) He paints with red, he paints with
blues and purple, etc. (naming all the colors). Jenny says, ―What a wonderful picture‖
Jack is very happy. Scruffy the dog is very happy too. He wags his tail like this and oh
dear, he spills all the paint. Now Scruffy is red and purple and (Name all the colors
again). Children listen and hold up the colour flashcard they have got when they hear
the corresponding word in the story.

2.4.1 Reading sentences

Jenkins (2020) says that flash cards can be placed together on the board to show
children how to build sentences. For instance:

Tony and Chisseco

Sentence strips are very useful in the progression of teaching of reading. A sentence
strip may be made or written on the chalkboard/ whiteboard. Making a sentence strip is useful
for repetition, and for activities in small groups when children can practice reading and saying
the words, and matching individual word/flashcards to those on the sentence strip.

Come and look, Kufa Kulipo

 The teacher reads the sentence to the children, pointing at each word.
 The children repeat the sentence two or three times.

The teacher can then match individual flashcards to the sentence

Come and look Kufa Kulipo

 Use the sentences in the reading book. “Jenny can go fast!” “See funny Chipo jump.”
Once the children are confident with the words and how the sentence looks and
sounds, cut the strip up into individual words. (Assign the cutting to the children!)
The children work to build the sentence correctly again. Use the flashcards from the

set as well, ask the children if they can make up their own sentence using the words
they know. Once they start writing, they can copy down the sentences they create.

2.4.2 How to introduce a Word from a text

The teacher introduces the first word with a flash card. She tells the children what it
says, for example, “This word says ‘look’. Look. Can you say ‘look’? What do we look with?
Yes, our eyes. Can you see these two round eyes looking at you here?” (Points to oo in the
word). She can draw two eyes into the word on the chalkboard.

It is very useful if the teacher can devise as many ‘memory hooks’ as possible for the
words. The use of finger play also serves as a memory aid. For example, the children can
‘look’ through the circle made by their thumb and forefinger, repeating ‘look’ over and over.

2.4.3 Some other suggestions

 and – And is a friendly word that joins people and things together. Get the children to
hold hands, place the ‘and’ card above their hands.

 up/down – a see-saw


3. Conclusion

Throughout the assignment , much content concerning to flashcards has been

discussed based on different authors standpoints. flashcards media also have the benefit to
enrich students’ vocabulary so that they have good communication skills. Flashcards focus on
memorizing definitions of terms and producing examples of how these terms are applied to
their daily life (Lin, Mcdaniel, Miyatsu, & States, 2018). Thus, the focus of using a flashcard
is to instill and improve students' ability to enrich vocabulary, enhance the ability to identify,
understand a problem to get a solution, improve writing and reading skills, practice
communication skills and work together with others so that they have good confidence.

What’s more, teachers should bear in mind that there are many types of learners within any
one class. Therefore, teachers should aim to appeal to all the different learner types at some
point during the course. It is particularly crucial to appeal to visual learners, as a very high
proportion of learners have this type of intelligence. Flash cards can be bright and colourful
and make a real impact on visual learners.

4. References

Cross, D. (1991). A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching. London: Cassel.

Diamond, K. E., & Baroody, A. E. (2013). Associations among name writing and alphabetic
skills in rekindergarten and kindergarten children at risk of school failure. Journal of Early
Intervention, 35(1), 20–39.https://doi.org10.1177/1053815113499611

Haycraff, J. (1978). An Introduction to English Language Teaching. England: Longman


Goodchild, R. (2006). Teaching Children: The Joy of Reading. Jakarta: Elex Media

Jenkins, V. (2020) Sight words and using flash cards/ word cards in the teaching of reading.
Retrieved from:

Kornell, N. (2009). Optimising learning using flashcards: Spacing is more effective than
cramming. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23(1), 1297–1317.

Kupzyk, S., Daly, E. J., & Andersen, M. N. (2011). A comparison of two flash-card methods
for improving sight-word reading. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44(4), 781–792.

Pradana, P. H., & Gerhani, F. (2019). Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Flash card Untuk
Meningkatkan Perkembangan Bahasa Anak. Journal of Education and Instruction, 2(1), 25–

Praxis, E. T. S. (2003). Elementary Education : Curriculum , Instruction , and Assessment.

American Educational Research Association.

Levy, B. A., Gong, Z., Hessels, S., Evans, M. A., & Jared, D. (2006). Understanding print:
Early reading development and the contributions of home literacy experiences. Journal of
Experimental Child Psychology, 93(1), 63–93.

Tahir, U. (July 22nd, 2013). Slideshare. Retrieved from Slideshare: vocabulary

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