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Technology nowadays has dramatically changed the way how supermarket operate like
paying their bills and buying their needs through online stores. The growing popularity of
electronic wallets, contactless payments, and smartphone banking have made it
necessary to all supermarkets all over the world. All Day Mart is one of those stores in
the Philippines who has been using technology, where is customer buy their needs
through online. They grabbed the chance to offer easy access to customers through
electronic payments where they will have benefit from having an additional mode of
payment. Customers will benefit from this because bringing large amounts of money
can be troublesome and increase the risk of stealing or misplacement. Since pandemic,
All Day Mart is available through internet shopping. The availability of buying of your
home supplies is possible in their stores so that you can save yourself to the hassle
dealing with traffic and to wait in the long lines at checkout counter in the physical store.
Order your groceries online is now the trend for the safety and the comfortability of your
Philippines is one of the countries that had had been affected of Covid-19 since then so
All Day Mart adopt the idea where customers can buy goods through online and deliver
it in their home to reduce the risk of getting sick. Customers can transact online through
a safe, secure, and very convenient channel. Also, AllDay Marts Inc. should continue to
implement environmentally friendly methods like using a colorful bag instead of plastic
bags. Companies who is mindful to the care of our environment can attract investors
and customers, where they demonstrate the concern for the environment and the
benefit of future generations. Respecting to sustainability efforts encourages consumers
to lead a sustainable lifestyle.
The last component of PESTLE analysis is a Legal Factor where is the All Day Mart is
highly regulated with the laws and regulations to protect the safety of food in addition to
same treatment of customers. This means that all grocery and supermarket stores have
to adhere to a rule in order to continue their business. Food safety is one of the
important factors in retail stores. It is to make sure that the customers are receiving safe
food and it will not have a negative impact on the customers when they purchase that
particular food product. This is to ensure that the customers of AllDay Supermarket
Establishments follow government-imposed health and safety rules and regulations.
This can prevent potential health risks for customers and employees. Employees will
receive basic occupational safety training from the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE). Also, the privacy of the customer where the personal information
of the customer is protected. All Day Mart has the consent that is being given to their
customers whenever they are collecting personal information for them to use to know
and to provide them with details and information about their products and services and
to conduct billing processing and other business transactions lastly to provide and
manage products and services for their customers requested.
AI and Plagiarism

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