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English Class Teacher: Mrs. Haloana

Student: _______________________________________________ Grade: __________
Conteúdos: Simple Past (Passado simples); Vocabulário de biografias em Língua Inglesa
Leia o texto abaixo, em seguida responda às questões.
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Creator of Middle-earth1
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, better known as J.R.R. Tolkien, was born
on January 3, 1892, in South Africa. After losing his father at a young age, he
returned to England with his mother and brother.
He got married at the age of 24, in 1916 with Edith Tolkien. Together,
they had 4 children: John, Michael, Christopher, and Priscilla. Tolkien's love
for language and stories began early. He went to Oxford University, where he
studied ancient languages and philology and became friends with C.S. Lewis.
World War I interrupted his studies, and he served in the army.
After the war, Tolkien returned to academics and wrote "The Hobbit"
in 1937. The book's success led to "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, published
in the 1950s. These stories introduced readers to Middle-earth, a world of
elves, hobbits, and epic adventures.
Tolkien had an imaginative writing and he even created languages like
Elvish and that made him a literary giant. "The Lord of the Rings" became a
cultural phenomenon, inspiring movies and shaping the fantasy genre.
Beyond his writing, Tolkien was a respected scholar in languages and medieval literature. He passed
away on September 2, 1973, but his legacy lives on through his timeless stories that continue to enchant
readers of all ages.
1 – Middle-earth -Terra média Lifetime Verbs:
2 – losing - perder To be born – Nascer (I was born)
3 – Ancient - antigas To grow up – Crescer (I grew up)
4 – elves – elf – elfos To have children – Ter filhos (had)
5 – Elvish – língua élfica criada por Tolkien To go to school – Ir à escola (I went to school)
6 – Shaping – moldando To leave school – Deixar a escola (I left school)
7 – Scholar – estudioso To change things – trocar algo (I changed school)
8 – philology – filologia (estudo da criação das línguas) To move – mudar (Moved)

Helen Keller: American educator, advocate for the blind and deaf
Helen Keller was an American
educator, advocate for the blind and
deaf. Keller was born on June 27, 1880,
in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Keller was the
first of two daughters born to Arthur H.
Keller and Katherine Adams Keller.
Keller lost both her sight and hearing at
just 19 months old. Keller's teacher,
Anne Sullivan, helped her make
tremendous progress with her ability to
communicate, and Keller went on to
college, graduating in 1904. During her lifetime, she received many
honors in recognition of her accomplishments. She wrote a book called
The story of my life and it was published in 1905. Keller died in her sleep
on June 1, 1968, just a few weeks before her 88th birthday. During her Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan in 1888
remarkable life, Keller stood as a powerful example of how determination,
hard work, and imagination can allow an individual to triumph over adversity.
After reading the text, answer the following questions:
1 -Where was J.R.R. Tolkien born? Where was Helen Keller born?
2 - What subjects did Tolkien study at Oxford University?
3 – Who was one of Tolkien's friends at Oxford?
4 - What is the title of Tolkien's first major success, and when was it published?
5 – Who was the teacher that helped Helen Keller during her lifetime?
6 – What was the first book Helen Keller published?
7 – When did Helen Keller graduate?
8 – What did Tolkien create?

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the 7 - He _______ to go to school yesterday.
verb in the past. a) didn't went
1 - Where did you _______ for your last holiday? b) didn't want
a) went c) didn't wanted
b) go 8 - I _______ a lot of cake at the party!
c) to go a) eat
2 - What _______ she have for dinner last night? b) eated
a) do c) ate
b) did 9 - They _______ out at the weekend.
c) done a) didn't went
3 - _______ you have fun at school yesterday? b) didn't go
a) Did c) not go
b) Do 10 - My dad _______ all the milk this morning!
c) Were a) drank
4 - Who did he _______ football with last week? b) drinked
a) playing c) drink
b) played 11 - We _______ our grandparents on Sunday.
c) play a) visit
5 - I _______ to the park yesterday. b) visiting
a) go c) visited
b) went
c) wented
6 - She _______ computer games last night.
a) played
b) play
c) player

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