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I believe students construct knowledge based on personal experiences.
This is where students are actively engaged in learning, instead of
passively. I focus on the active process, which is personal and unique for
each student. I believe students learn from hands on, active, engaging
curriculum. Giving students freedom of choice is essential. It creates
responsibility, ownership, and engagement. Open-ended and deeper-
level questioning allows for more growth than rote learning facts (which
there is a select time and place for).

I believe students learn and grow when they form personal connections.
Strengthening connections with me as their teacher, their peers,
hobbies, goals, can all influence their learning. Students learn best
when they feel connected to what they are learning, from someone they
connect with, surrounded by others they are connected to. I can create
exciting, relevant material to connect with and engage students in
lessons and provide opportunities for them to connect with others in
groups. Opportunities to collaborate is important, especially at this
crucial social point in the student’s lives.

My mission is to inspire and empower students to grow in responsibility, kindness, and
critical thinking as they take ownership of their development as students, citizens, and

I will create a safe, encouraging classroom space where students feel comfortable
taking risks. I will imbed necessary soft skills for students to learn to become responsible
citizens and kind friends. I will create opportunities in the classroom for students to grow
in their leadership skills. I will present opportunities throughout the curriculum to push
students to go deeper and think critically about material. Students will be held
responsible and given new responsibilities. We will have collaboration opportunities
based on inquiry to grow our learning.

Core Beliefs
Teaching students to be responsible, respectful citizens is just as important as
teaching them core skills(Math, reading, etc.)
Students will learn and grow the most when they are pushed outside of their comfort
We all have the capability to learn and grow as intellectuals.
Everyone deserves a fair opportunity to better themselves and further their
Treating your peers with kindness is just as important as receiving an A.
Teachers should always do what is in the best interest of their students/class to
learn and grow.
Building relationships in the classroom is essential to every classroom and for every

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