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Quality Control Process

Normally, quality testing is part of every stage of a manufacturing or business

process. Employees frequently begin testing using samples collected from the
production line, finished products, and raw materials. Testing during various
production phases can help identify the cause of a production problem and the
necessary corrective actions to prevent it from happening again.

Customer service reviews, questionnaires, surveys, inspections, and audits are a

few examples of quality testing procedures that can be used in non-manufacturing
businesses. A company can use any procedure or technique to ensure that the final
product or service is safe, compliant, and meets consumer demands.

QC Is Different by Industry
Quality Control (QC) is an indispensable aspect of various industries, ensuring
that products and services adhere to predefined standards. In the manufacturing
sector, QC involves rigorous inspection and testing of raw materials, intermediate
components, and final products to maintain consistent quality and minimize defects.
In the food industry, QC guarantees the safety and integrity of consumables through
thorough testing for contaminants and adherence to health regulations. In the
pharmaceutical sector, QC plays a critical role in verifying the potency and purity
of drugs, ensuring they are safe for consumption. Additionally, in the software
industry, QC involves extensive testing of applications and programs to identify
bugs and errors before release, guaranteeing a smooth user experience. Across all
industries, QC is a fundamental process that enhances customer satisfaction, boosts
efficiency, and fosters a reputation for reliability.

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