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460 Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 102 (1991) 460-469

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam


Sub-aerial denudation of passive margins" regional elevation

versus local relief models

M . A . Surnmerfield
Macrogeomorphology Research Group, Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 9XP, UK
Received April 18, 1990; revised version accepted August 22, 1990


Variations in denudation rates, which are an important factor in the modification of the sub-aerial topography of passive
margins, have frequently been modelled as being proportionate to regional elevation. To be valid, this assumption requires
that mean slope gradient and the related property of local relief show a strong positive relationship to regional elevation since
slope angle is a primary determinant of denudation rate, Analysis of the relationships between these variables based on the
1 : 250,000 scale topographic map coverage of southern Africa demonstrates that regional (modal) elevation explains only 0.5%
of the variance in mean sine slope gradient and only 0.14% of the variance in local relief (measured over 15' x 15' areas).
These results demonstrate that regional elevation cannot be used to predict denudation rates for passive margins, such as those
of southern Africa, where a dissected coastal zone is separated from a high interior plateau by a major escarpment. On the
basis of a previous regression analysis relating local relief to sediment and solute transport by rivers the data for southern
Africa indicate denudation rates of > 80 m Ma-1 over much of the coastal zone and < 20 m Ma-1 across most of the
elevated interior. Extrapolation of these results over geological time, however, necessitates either assumptions about the local
relief of palaeotopography or independent evidence of long-term denudation rates.

1. Introduction tional unloading can apparently itself give rise to

significant topographic effects along older margins
Studies of passive margins have traditionally if there is a sustained difference in denudation
focused on the tectonic and thermal aspects of rates across the margin [6].
rifting and on the associated offshore sedimentary In quantifying the effects of denudation it is
record which has proved so valuable in recon- clearly important to use models which replicate, at
structing rifting histories and evaluating tectonic least in broad terms, the morphological evolution
models. Recently, however, there has been a grow- of real passive margins, but developing such mod-
ing appreciation of the importance of the sub- els is problematic. This is partly because of the
aerial morphology of passive margins because of inherent variability in the initial topography
the constraints that topography can place on formed by rift-related tectonics and the wide range
mechanisms of continental rifting [1-5] Neverthe- of climatic, lithological and relief factors which
less, the topography of passive margins is not can affect the subsequent modification of passive
simply a reflection of tectonic processes since, margin morphology by denudational processes.
where sub-aerially exposed, they will be subject to There is, however, the additional problem of the
at least some degree of modification by denuda- lack of empirical data documenting spatial varia-
tional processes. Consequently, an understanding tions in denudation rates over time scales which
of the spatial and temporal patterns of denudation encompass passive margin evolution. This is in
which characterize passive margins is critical if stark contrast to the detailed record of the subsi-
their morphology is to be correctly interpreted in dence behaviour of the distal zone of passive
relation to tectonic models. The denudation of margins provided by offshore sedimentary se-
passive margins is also of considerable importance quences.
because flexural isostasy in response to denuda- In the relatively few studies in which denuda-

0012-821X/91/$03.50 © 1991 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


tion has been specifically incorporated into 3. Regional elevation denudation models
tectonic models of passive margin development it
has usually been assumed to be a simple function Regional elevation denudation models are de-
of regional elevation [3,7-10]. By analyzing the scribed by:
relationships between regional elevation, relief and
E, = EI)~ e - t
mean slope gradient I demonstrate here that this
assumption is invalid for the passive margins of where E t is elevation at time t, E 1 is initial
southern Africa and is also unlikely to be ap- elevation, t is time since denudation began and )~
propriate for other morphologically similar mar- is a denudational (decay) constant. Various de-
gins. I also argue that the marked spatial discon- nudational (erosional) constants have been used
tinuity in denudation rates which apparently char- depending on the assumed long-term rate of de-
acterizes many passive margins is much more ade- nudation.
quately modelled as a function of local relief rather Although some researchers acknowledge that
than regional elevation. mathematical convenience is a major reason for
employing the assumption in geophysical models
that denudation rates are proportional to regional
elevation [8,13], others have attempted to justify
2. Terminology
its use on empirical grounds. Scheidegger [14,
p.132], for instance, has suggested that precipita-
Several investigations of passive margin tecton- tion increases with height in some areas, although
ics, along with' m a n y other studies which consider present process measurements indicate that total
denudation in relation to tectonics, reveal consid- precipitation alone is not a critical determinant of
erable confusion over the terminology employed denudation rates [15]. Withjack [16], on the other
to describe morphological variables. More specifi- hand, has pointed to the positive relationship be-
cally, in some cases there is an apparent confusion tween relief and denudation rates, and has gone
about, the meaning of the terms relief and eleva- on to infer a similar relationship with respect to
tion, with some researchers apparently regarding regional elevation on the basis that areas of high
them as synonymous [11,12]. Given that the dis- elevation are generally associated with areas of
tinction between these terms is critical to an un- high relief. In other cases the assumed relationship
derstanding of the relationships between topogra- between regional elevation and relief seems to be
phy and denudation rates it is important that they based on a misunderstanding of empirical studies
are clearly defined. examining the association between relief and de-
Elevation refers to altitude above a given datum nudation rates. Pitman and Golovchenko [7], for
(usually mean sea level), whereas relief refers to a instance, have interpreted the work of Ahnert [17]
difference in elevation at a particular horizontal as indicating that denudation rates are propor-
scale. Where the average elevation over an area tional to regional elevation, although this study
rather than a point elevation is being referred to, actually established a relationship between de-
the term regional eleoation is appropriate. The nudation rate and mean relief (estimated from
term relief is sometimes used loosely to describe local relief over 20 x 20 km sample areas).
the difference in elevation between interfluves and Numerous theoretical and empirical studies
valley bottoms. When referring to a difference have demonstrated that denudation rates (at least
between m a x i m u m and minimum elevation over a for fluvial systems) are highly dependent on slope
small, specifically defined area the term local relief and channel gradient [15,18,19]. Moreover, as
should be used. The term denudation is also pre- Ahnert [17] has shown, mean slope gradient is
ferred to erosion in describing the transfer of strongly correlated with local relief (at the 20 x 20
material from continent to ocean since, by includ- km scale). If, in turn, it could be demonstrated
ing mass movement and solute transport as well as that local relief and regional elevation are also
sediment removal, the former encompasses the closely related then the assumption that denuda-
totality of exogenic processes that lead to a lower- tion rates are proportional to regional elevation
ing of the ground surface. would be supported. Surprisingly, given the m a n y

studies that have implicitly made this assumption, 4. Analysis and results
there has been no previous attempt to assess rela-
tionships between regional elevation, mean slope A high-quality, photogrammetrically compiled
gradient and local relief at the sub-continental topographic map coverage makes southern Africa
scale relevant to geophysical studies. an excellent location for evaluating the relation-

16E 20E 24E 28E 32E





16E 20E 24E 28E 32E

2500 -< 3000

2000 -< 2500
1500 -< 2000
1000 -< 1500 0 100 200 300 400 500
I J ± J
500 -< 1000
0 -< 500
I_ Oceans / Areas outside coverage

Fig. 1. C o o r d i n a t e p l o t o f m o d a l e l e v a t i o n (m) f o r s o u t h e r n A f r i c a .

ships between these morphological variables in a escarpment [20,21]. The 1:250,000 topographic
passive margin setting. The morphology of much maps of the Directorate of Surveys and Mapping
of the region is also typical of a number of other of South Africa (which also covers Lesotho and
passive margins and their hinterlands being char- the bordering regions of adjacent territories) were
acterized by a dissected coastal zone separated used. This map series has a contour interval of 50
from an elevated continental interior by a major m with an estimated minimum accuracy of less

16E 20E 24E 28E ;32E





16E 20E ~4E 28E 32E

1500 +
1000 -< 1500
500 -< 1000
250 -< 500 I
100 -< E50 0 100 200 300 400 500
L • 2 I I
50 -< 100 km
0-< 50
~Oceans / Areas outside coverage i

Fig. 2. C o o r d i n a t e plot of local relief (m) for s o u t h e r n Africa.


than 20 m. For ease of data collection a latitude- resulting data were converted to sine values since
longitude grid was used since, at the relatively low the force of gravity acting on slopes is propor-
latitude of southern Africa, the resulting latitudi- tional to the sine of the slope gradient [17].
nal variation in grid area is relatively small. A Figure 1 maps modal elevation and reveals the
1 5 ' × 15' grid was selected which produces grid steady westward decline in regional elevation from
dimensions ranging from - 2 3 × 27 km at lati- a m a x i m u m in the vicinity of the (underplated?
tude 35°S to - 2 6 × 2 7 km at latitude 22°S. [2,23]) Lesotho Highlands in the southeast. Super-
These dimensions are therefore comparable to the imposed on this sub-continental scale trend is a
20 × 20 km sample areas used by Ahnert [17]. narrow coastal zone of low elevation. Around 50%
Modal elevation, local relief and mean slope of the whole region covered lies between eleva-
gradient were estimated for each of 2132 15' × 15' tions of 1000 and 2000 m, and only 20% (entirely
areas. Modal elevation was used to characterize confined to the coastal zone) is below 500 m.
regional elevation and local relief was derived Local relief shows a more complex pattern but in
from the difference between the m a x i m u m and general the highest values occur around the margin,
minimum estimated elevation in each grid area. especially in the Lesotho Highlands and in parts
Mean slope gradient was determined after the of the Cape Fold Belt flanking the south coast
method of Wentworth [22]. The frequency of con- (Fig. 2). The lowest values outside the small area
tour crossings per unit length of transect was of the Mozambique coastal plain included in the
measured over four orientations ( N - S , E - W , study area are found in the interior, particularly in
N W - S E and N E - S W ) in order to minimize bias the north across the southern margin of the
due to preferential orientation of topography. The Kalahari Basin.

Local Relief (m)




1800 + +
+ ÷
++ + ÷

++ + +
1600 + ** *
+ +
÷ + + + + + +
+ +
+ • + ++
¢ + +÷ ÷. * +~+
1400 + ~+ +
÷+ +
+ ÷
*+ +
÷ +÷ + + + + ÷ ~ + +
• , + ÷~+ + + +, ~* * ++ +
+ + +
1200 ,+ ~ * ~ + +

÷ *** ++ 2 +*
÷,+ ++ + + ÷ ~ .+
1000 + ~ ++ ÷+*+ ** + ~ , +÷ ++~ **~, + + ~
~+*+ +÷~ + + +, % + ,+*+ +* + ÷ + + +++ ++÷+ * +
+ ++** ~+* ** + +

÷ + ++ ~ + .~iL..~ ~ .~ :~ + + + ~+~++ +* .

400 *+ + +*+ + t+ + +

200 t~
0 , .* ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 0.025 0.05 0,075 0.1 0.125 0.15 0.175 0.2 0.225 0.25 0.275 0.3 0.325 0.35 0.375
Sine Slope

Fig. 3. S c a t t e r g r a m of sine slope ( x ) a g a i n s t local relief ( y ) . E q u a t i o n of the regression h n e is y = 4597.24x + 152.74. The regression
line does n o t pass t h r o u g h the origin because of a slight c u r v i l i n e a r t r e n d in the relationship.

Mean slope gradient (sine slope) shows a very originally much larger basalt plateau which has
similar spatial distribution to local relief and this been reduced to its present size by escarpment
results in a close relationship between the two retreat. It is now deeply dissected by the head-
variables (Fig. 3) evident in the product moment water tributaries of the Orange River and at the
correlation coefficient (p) of 0.870. If modal scale used here it has a high local relief which is
elevation is plotted against mean slope gradient, not typical of the much more extensively exposed
however, an extremely low correlation is produced underlying Karoo sedimentary sequences lying to
(p = 0.071) with only 0.50% of the variance in sine the west.
slope being explained by modal elevation (Fig. 4).
Similarly the obvious spatial mis-match evident in 5. Discussion
Figs. 1 and 2 is reflected by a similarly low corre-
lation between modal elevation and local relief Given the dependence of denudation rates on
(p = 0.037; variance in local relief explained = local relief and mean slope gradient, the absence
0.14%) (Fig. 5). of a relationship between modal elevation and
The tendency for high modal elevation ( > 2000 either mean slope gradient or local relief estab-
m) to be associated with both high sine slope and lished in this study clearly demonstrates that at
local relief which is apparent in Figs. 4 and 5 can the sub-continental scale denudation rates are not
be accounted for by the particular morphology of proportional to regional elevation in southern
the region covered. Significant areas over 2000 m Africa. Morphological similarities between the
in the study area are confined to the Lesotho passive margins of southern Africa and other
Highlands. This is a small erosional remnant of an elevated passive margins such as eastern Australia,

Sine Slope

÷ +
0.325 + ÷

÷ ÷
0.3 ÷

÷ + ÷ ÷ +
0.275 ÷
+ +
+ + ++
÷ + + ÷ ~ + + +

0.25 + :~ +
÷ + ÷ + ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷
+ ÷
0.225 +
:~ +
+ + ÷
+ +
÷ ÷ + + :[ +
0.2 * + * i ÷!c +;~ , +
÷ + +
$ ÷ ÷
+ + ~, + ++÷ ÷ ~÷ @
0.175 + * ÷ + ;t * ÷ ~ +

+ $ ÷ t

0.15 , ÷ 4'I
, * +* ÷ ÷ :t .~ .. # ÷ :~ * ÷ t +

+ * .~ $ * I÷ :~ . + $÷ * # ++
Q.125 , ÷÷ +_ ,

; + ÷t
÷ +'*÷~|*:~t.* ÷÷ ~ + + ÷ ÷
+ ÷ ~+ +*
0.075 "--{,, ! ÷ f , %, +
~ .~
÷* !÷ ;
o ÷ ~

0 200



I..' H,1a
. . ,.,

1000 1200

1400 1600 IB00 2000 2200 24-00 28'00 3000

Modal Elevation (m)
Fig. 4. Scattergram of modal elevation against sine slope.

~cal Relxet ( m )


1800 ' , + +
+ +
÷ +
+ +
¢ +
1600 ~ +
+ + 4-
++ + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
1400 ~ ÷ +
4- + +
+ + + ÷ + ÷
+ + ÷

+ + +~ +
+ + ÷ + +

1ooo " ..,. * ' ÷'I; " +


+ + I + + +

i , I'~i
+ + @ ~" t + +

200 ~: t , ** ~*~+ , +' , +

~ + +~ + + +

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000
Moda] E l e v a t i o n ( m )
F i g . 5. S c a t t e r g r a m o f m o d a l e l e v a t i o n a g a i n s t l o c a l relief.

eastern South America and the flanks of the Red meaningful denudation rates requires detailed and
Sea strongly suggest that this conclusion is of reliable stream load records from non-anthro-
general significance. pogenically affected catchments with allowances
The high correlation established here between being made for climatic and lithological variabil-
mean slope gradient and local relief supports the ity. This is problematic for southern Africa be-
earlier finding of Ahnert [17] and indicates that cause of the obvious anthropogenic modification
local relief measured over limited areas can be of denudation rates in some areas [24,25] and the
used as a surrogate topographic index of erosive possible impact of the mobilisation of Quaternary
potential at the regional scale. This is an im- sediments [26]. Nonetheless, it is interesting to
portant finding because the estimation of mean apply the general relationship established by
slope gradient at the regional scale is extremely Ahnert [17] in order to gain an approximate idea
time consuming and can only be determined where of how natural denudation rates m a y vary over
high-quality topographic maps are available. Lo- southern Africa. He has in fact suggested various
cal relief by contrast can be easily measured from regression equations based on different assump-
topographic maps and can also be readily de- tions about relative rates of stream incision and
termined from m a x i m u m and minimum elevation interfluve lowering, but taking the basic relation-
values contained in global topographic databases. ship d = 0.1535 h, where h is mean local relief (m)
If local relief is an adequate surrogate measure and d is denudation rate ( m m k a - ] ) , gives the
of mean slope gradient what is the relationship denudation rates m a p p e d in Fig. 6. This plot
between local relief and denudation rate? Accu- indicates a marked contrast between high denuda-
rate calibration of local relief-denudation rate tion rates ( > 80 m M a ~) in the coastal zone
models for the purposes of estimating geologically which reach a m a x i m u m along the Great Escarp-

ment and the Cape Fold Belt, and low rates ( < 20 rate of 55 mm ka -1 which can be calculated from
m Ma -1) over much of the high interior plateau. the mean sediment yield data of Rooseboom and
The mean local relief for all 15' × 15' areas is 461 Harmse [26] for the upper Orange Basin.
m and this gives an overall mean denudation rate Although this analysis has indicated probable
of 71 mm ka-1. This figure is comparable to the spatial variations in present-day patterns of de-

1rE 20E 24E 28E 32E





16E 20E 24E 28E 32E

200 -< 340

160 -< 200
120 -< 160
80 - < 1 2 0
40 - < 80 0 lO0 200 300 400 500
] I L J
20 - < 40
10 - < 2 0 km

0 - < 10
O c e a n s / Areas oulside coverage

Fig. 6. Coordinate plot of variations in estimated denudation rate (mm ka-1) f o r southern Africa constructed by calculating for each
15" × 15' area rates based on local relief estimated from the relationship derived by Ahnert [17] between denudation rate and mean
local relief for mid-latitude drainage basins.

n u d a t i o n , care m u s t be t a k e n in the l o n g - t e r m zone a n d < 20 m M a - I over m u c h o f the i n t e r i o r

e x t r a p o l a t i o n o f these results. T h e extent to which plateau. E x t r a p o l a t i o n of these rates over geologi-
this k i n d o f m o d e l is a p p l i c a b l e over geological cal time, however, requires a s s u m p t i o n s a b o u t the
time scales d e p e n d s o n the degree to which we can m a g n i t u d e a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n of local relief associ-
m a k e r e a s o n a b l e a s s u m p t i o n s a b o u t the m a g n i - a t e d with p a r t i c u l a r p a l a e o t o p o g r a p h i e s , o r inde-
tude of local relief a s s o c i a t e d with different p e n d e n t evidence of l o n g - t e r m d e n u d a t i o n rates,
p a l a e o t o p o g r a p h i e s . S o m e researchers, for in- such as that which c o u l d b e p r o v i d e d b y fission
stance, r e g a r d the G r e a t E s c a r p m e n t in s o u t h e r n t r a c k data.
A f r i c a as a p r i m a r y m o r p h o l o g i c a l feature d i r e c t l y
r e l a t e d to the b r e a k - u p of G o n d w a n a [27], a n d Acknowledgements
this i n t e r p r e t a t i o n has also b e e n a p p l i e d to o t h e r
passive m a r g i n s [20]. If this view is correct it
1 w o u l d like to t h a n k A n n e T a l b o t a n d C r a i g
w o u l d b e p o s s i b l e to infer spatial changes in local
Y o u n g for their assistance in d a t a c o m p i l a t i o n ,
relief over time in r e s p o n s e to e s c a r p m e n t retreat.
a n d M i k e A d a m who also g e n e r a t e d the G i m m s
R e c e n t results f r o m a p a t i t e fission track analysis,
m a p plots. I a m also e x t r e m e l y grateful to F r a n k
however, d o n o t s u p p o r t a simple m o d e l of escarp-
A h n e r t for his review of the d r a f t version o f the
m e n t retreat b e c a u s e they i n d i c a t e significant
p a p e r . This research was s u p p o r t e d b y N E R C a n d
p o s t - r i f t i n g d e n u d a t i o n , at least locally, i n l a n d of
T e x a c o Inc. a n d c o m p l e t e d d u r i n g t e n u r e of a
the p r e s e n t l o c a t i o n o f the G r e a t E s c a r p m e n t [28].
S u p p o r t R e s e a r c h F e l l o w s h i p f r o m the R o y a l
C l e a r l y the d e t a i l e d a p p l i c a t i o n of d e n u d a t i o n
Society of E d i n b u r g h .
m o d e l s b a s e d on local relief to the q u a n t i f i c a t i o n
of rates a n d p a t t e r n s o f passive m a r g i n d e n u d a -
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