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Capstone Project Proposal Draft

Name of student: Amy Byun

Date: March 4th 2024
Teacher: Ms. Lacroix
Capstone strand I have chosen is Product Creation Focus Strand
Proposed title for my project: Crafting a 3D Universe – A Beginner’s Guide to 3D
Modeling a replica of your room.

What is your inquiry question that interests you for further research? It should be a question that
connects with a purpose, passion or personalized area of interest for you. This is a question that
you cannot just google an answer for. Please see examples from your Capstone booklet.
My inquiry question is:

How can I develop effective tutorials by modeling an easy and convenient 3D rooms that cater
to beginners, providing both essential techniques and software usage through social media?

Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question. Explain WHY you are
choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry connect
to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

From Childhood, I was always known as the “art kid”, however, I was also extremely skilled in
academic courses. I have always maintained excellent grades, exceptionally in math and
science, which resulted in my parents having great expectations for me. Due to my father
excelling in his academic studies during his childhood, and attending one of the best
engineering schools in South Korea, my father was determined to create a path for me to
follow in his footsteps. However, despite the high grades and expectations, art was my true
passion. I dedicated hours a day to sketching and exploring the creative field. On my 13th
birthday, my mother gifted me a brand new iPad and an Apple pencil, which fueled my desire
to pursue arts. Delving into tutorials online, I was able to build and grow my skills as a digital
artist. Inspired by the tutorials that have taught me essential skills, and techniques, I aspire to
create tutorials for beginners and help them through new software, like how I was given when
I just started.

Background: What background knowledge/connections/prior learning do you have in this

area of inquiry?

I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember. However, it wasn’t until 7 grade that I
started to explore digital art through watching tutorials. A year later, I received professional
teachings from a professional art teacher, mainly learning the skills of shading and modeling
with clay. Upon moving to British Columbia in 9 grade, I was put into another class by a
private art tutor, who specialized in watercolour and coloured pencils. After 1.5 years, I

eventually settled in a local art studio, where I currently attend. My current studio specializes
in a broad range of art styles and techniques, from traditional to digital art. I was able to fully
commit to art as I regularly attended the classes.

As for connections, I have a broad range of school art teachers, to those who work in the art
field. Art teachers at my studio all have majored in a broad range of art styles, such as
ceramics, 3D animation, fine arts, 2D animation, etc.

Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What
connections does this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals?

My current goal is to enroll in Emily Carr University of Art + Design, pursuing a major in 3D
animation. Since my capstone mainly revolves around the idea of 3D modeling, it is necessary
to master this skill to initiate my animation journey. By creating this project, I wish to not only
help others through my tutorials but also improve my skills in the world of digital art.

Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to
present your project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once
completed. You may use a combination of mediums.
o Electronic portfolio: Prezi or PPT
o Physical portfolio
o Website
o imovie presentation
o YouTube channel

In this project, I’ll utilize both a PowerPoint presentation and an Instagram account to
showcase my product. I’ll be creating a presentation based on future guidelines and
instructions given by Ms. Lacroix later in the semester, along with an Instagram account to
showcase a series of tutorials I’ve created. I plan on covering the reasons, motivations,
inspirations, and progress I have made throughout my journey using my presentation.

Description of my Capstone project. Specific Project Details of the Capstone Project: what
will you research, create, study, produce, solve, investigate? What product will be produced
at the end of this project for evaluation. Write a one-page description outlining your

In my capstone project, I'll be immersing myself in the world of 3D modeling, a digital art style
that’s commonly used in computer animation and the architecture industry. My main objective
is to produce a 3D model of my room, using that as a guide for creating 2 effective modeling
tutorials. These tutorials will serve multiple guides, presenting various elements of 3D
modeling catered towards beginners, ensuring support for those who are interested in
producing their very own 3D style.

To ensure success in my tutorials, I plan to perform an extensive research study into the most
effective methods for creating engaging and educational content. This research will
incorporate numerous strategies and techniques, consisting of story-telling, pacing, aesthetics,
and clarity. Furthermore, I plan to explore the Instagram algorithm to maximize the reach and
interaction of my audience. This will ensure that I can capture the attention of my target
audiences when I release my tutorials publicly. By incorporating this research study into my
capstone project, I will be able to have a complete understanding of what I am creating.

To start this project, I will first familiarize myself with the 3D modeling software “Blender”, by
watching tutorials online. By creating smaller “sample models” such as a donut, I plan to
practice my skills through them and prepare myself for the main project. These tutorials will
provide me with essential techniques, such as colouring, modeling, rendering, lighting, and
texture control, using Blender to its fullest. Additionally, I plan to seek help from mentors who
are extremely skilled in this area. Having an experienced mentor will provide me with constant
feedback and advice as I continue to grow my skills.

As I start to dive into the main creation of the project, I plan to take a picture of my room as a
reference and create a quick sketch of the overall components of my room from every angle
(top, side, back, front).

The core of my project focuses on developing a 3D model of my room, filled with numerous
furniture pieces to provide depth and authenticity to the scene. By applying the skills I’ve
learned through practice, I plan to create smaller models of each furniture and combine them
to create one huge model. Applying elements such as colour, and lighting will be used to
create a finalized image of the product.

As I create my model, the process of creating my tutorials also begins. In the first tutorial, I will
explore the fundamental aspects of 3D modeling, starting with the fundamentals of building
crucial parts such as wall surfaces, windows, and floor covering. Through clear and
informative instructions, I will make sure the audience will be able to follow each step and use
their software features effectively and accurately. In addition to this tutorial, the video will
provide thorough step-by-step instructions for modeling a 3D bed, an essential furniture piece
in any kind of room setup. From forming the cushion to the headboard, audiences will obtain
beneficial understandings and crucial methods used in 3D modeling.

During the 2nd tutorial, I plan to explore deeper into the details of 3D modeling concentrating
on refining the colours and rendering the 3D room. This tutorial will focus on how to play
around with colours, textures, and lighting, which play an essential part in creating a finalized
look. By showcasing these skills, its main focus is for the audience to achieve a complete
understanding of improving their designs through further details and achieving professional-
looking outcomes.

After recording my processes of creating each tutorial, I plan on importing them to my editing
program, CapCut. Through this software, I’m able to create subtitles, cut unnecessary scenes,
and provide background music. This step is essential to ensure that my tutorials do not include
unnecessary information and provide constant entertainment throughout.

The last step to finishing the project is to release the tutorials through Instagram. By creating a

platform through a popular social media app, I wish to reach out to my target audience (3D
artists) and help them through their journey.

As I continue to progress through my capstone project, I plan to constantly keep in contact

with my mentors and keep my progress for my future presentations and exit interviews.

Resources/ Technology/Skills: Make an assessment of the resources, technology and

skills you will need to be able to complete this project. What is your plan to be able to
access/learn all of the resources necessary to achieve completion of this project? Detail
your plans.

Developing a 3D model demands significant time investment, yet the materials needed are
extremely minimal.

When creating my model, I’ll be relying on my computer and “Blender” (3D Modeling
Software), alongside “CapCut” for video editing. Essential skills such as creative thinking, time
management, an understanding of 3D space, and grasping the concept of perspectives, are
necessary in creating a 3D model.

In managing time, I can create schedules and to-do lists to stay organized and set clear goals.
By constantly minimizing distractions and prioritizing tasks, I can use my time efficiently.
Regular communication with my mentors, and learning through tutorials online, I can efficiently
learn the skills necessary to complete this project and create tutorials myself within the time

When creating an Instagram account, each detail must be eye-catching and have a pleasant
colour palette. For example, this can be showcased through my Instagram profile picture,
posts, and bio. Another skill I must keep in mind is to understand my target audience. When
creating a tutorial, I must create beginner-friendly tutorials that cover every aspect of each
element step-by-step.

By utilizing these skills, I am able to create efficient tutorials for beginner 3D artists.

Mentors/Community Connections: What types of mentor(s)/community connections will

you need to help you complete your capstone project? How will your mentor(s) help you?
What is your plan to access the mentorship/community connections necessary for this

As for my mentors, I will need mentors who are experienced in creating digital art or have a
profession within the art industry. I intend to ask my art teachers at my art studio for
mentorship, as they’re extremely experienced in “Blender” and other types of digital art. By
meeting up in-person or contacting them through email, I am able to get the help needed.
Through their guidance, I aim to create tutorials that are not only effective but also beginner-
friendly. Their constant feedback and advices will ensure I will successfully create content that
is both engaging and clear.

Project limitations: What are some project limitations and potential obstacles that you foresee
that might affect progress with your Capstone Project?

Every project comes with its limitations and challenges that must be faced. In the creation of 3D
modeling tutorials for Instagram, I anticipate these three main challenges:

Currently, Instagram has a 90-second video limit. This restriction may impact the depth and
details I wish to showcase through my tutorials. To overcome this, I plan to break down tutorials
into separate parts, ensuring that I can showcase my abilities to the fullest.

The second limitation is investing time effectively, but also towards other commitments such as
school, work, and personal life. Creating a 3D model is extremely time-consuming, requiring an
extreme amount of effort. To overcome this, I will create a healthy schedule and list, allowing
myself to efficiently work but also provide myself with personal time. I am confident in my ability
to break this limitation.

Lastly, maintaining audience engagement on Instagram poses a challenge. When creating a

tutorial, it is essential for the audience to learn but also be constantly entertained. To conquer
this challenge, I plan on adding effects and music in the background in the tutorials to fully
capture the audience’s attention.

Other considerations: List and detail any other related information/ considerations about
your project that you feel should be included in your project proposal.

I am aware of the importance of including all necessary components and elements of 3D

modeling in creating a 3D modeling tutorial. However, given the time constraints, and the
amount of effort that must be invested in the project, I plan on prioritizing certain aspects of
my projects efficiently, but also eliminating others if necessary.


On a BLANK PAGE ADD YOUR REFERENCE LIST. Your list should be written using
correct APA formatting. An example is provided on page 20 of your Capstone booklet.


Castro, J. C. (2012). Learning and Teaching Art Through Social Media. Studies in Art Education,

53(2), 152–169.

Chen, H. (2017). Research on the application of digital media art in animation control based on

Maya MEL language. 45 Hongji Chen.pdf

Eiseman, L. (1998). Colors for your every mood. Google Books.




Kent, B. R. (2013). Visualizing Astronomical Data with Blender. Publications of the

Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 125(928), 731–748.

Paul, C. (2002). Renderings of Digital Art. Leonardo, 35(5), 471–484.

Septiantoro, R., & Widaningsih, L. (2022, March 30). The development of autocad tutorial video

by using Tiktok social media as a learning media in Vocational Highschool 2 Pekanbaru.

Atlantis Press.

Stojanov, I., Ristevski, B., Kotevski, Z., & Savoska, S. (2016, June). (PDF) application of 3DS

Max for 3D modelling and rendering. Research Gate.


Yelinek, K., Tarnowski, L., Hannon, P., & Oliver, S. (2008). Captivate MenuBuilder: Creating an

Online Tutorial for Teaching Software. The Clearing House, 82(2), 101–106.


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