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DATE: March 5, 2024
TITLE: Variation and Natural Selection
AIM: To Investigate Continuous Variation in Humans
APPARATUS: Meter Ruler, 12-inch ruler, pen, marker, paper
What is variation?
Variation refers to the differences or diversity observed among individuals within a population or
among gof organisms. It's a fundamental concept in biology, genetics, and evolution.
What causes variation in living organisms?
Variation in living organisms can be caused by several factors, both genetic and environmental.
Here are some of the main causes of variation:

1. Genetic variation: Genetic variation arises from differences in the DNA sequences among
individuals within a population. This variation can result from several processes, including:
Mutation: Random changes in the DNA sequence due to errors during DNA replication,
exposure to mutagens (such as radiation or certain chemicals), or other factors.
Genetic recombination: During sexual reproduction, genetic material from two parent
organisms is combined to produce offspring with unique combinations of genes. This process
results in new combinations of alleles (different forms of a gene) in the offspring.
Gene flow: The movement of genes between populations through migration or hybridization
can introduce new genetic variation into a population.
2. Environmental variation: Environmental factors can also influence variation among
individuals within a population. These factors include:
Differences in physical environments: Variation in factors such as temperature, humidity, light
intensity, and nutrient availability can influence the growth and development of organisms.
Social and behavioral interactions: Interactions with other individuals within the same species
or different species can affect an organism's behavior, leading to variation in traits such as mating
behavior, territoriality, and social structure.

What are the types of variation? Define each and give an example of each.
1. Genotypic variation:
- Definition: Genotypic variation refers to differences in the genetic makeup (genotype) of
individuals within a population. These differences are based on variations in the alleles
(alternative forms of a gene) present in an organism's genome.
- Example: Consider a population of rabbits with genes for fur color. Some rabbits may have
the genotype "BB," meaning they carry two dominant alleles for black fur. Others may have the
genotype "Bb," carrying one dominant allele for black fur and one recessive allele for white fur.
Still, others may have the genotype "bb," carrying two recessive alleles for white fur. The
presence of different genotypes results in variation in fur color within the population.

2. Phenotypic variation:
- Definition: Phenotypic variation refers to differences in observable traits (phenotypes) among
individuals within a population. These traits can be influenced by both genetic and
environmental factors.
Example: Continuing with the example of rabbits, the phenotypic variation in fur color reflects
the observable differences in fur color among individuals in the population. Rabbits with the
genotype "BB" or "Bb" may exhibit black fur, while those with the genotype "bb" may exhibit
white fur. However, environmental factors such as diet and exposure to sunlight can also
influence fur color, leading to additional variation in phenotypes within the population. In
summary, genotypic variation refers to differences in the genetic makeup of individuals, while
phenotypic variation refers to observable differences in traits among individuals. Both types of
variation play important roles in shaping the diversity of traits within populations and driving
processes such as natural selection and evolution.
How is discontinuous variation represented graphically?
Discontinuous variation, characterized by distinct non-overlapping categories of traits, is
graphically represented using bar graphs or histograms. Each bar denotes a category, with the
height indicating the frequency of individuals in that category.
Firstly, Measure the height of all members of the class. Then, record the results in a table.

Subsequently, use the results to create a range from minimum to maximum height in multiples of

5. Finally, use the data to create frequency table and a histogram



Number of Students Height(cm)

1 179
2 180

3 170

4 179

5 188

6 171

7 187

8 181

9 185

10 168

11 171

12 182

13 176

14 167

15 177

16 168

17 178

18 188

19 180

20 165

21 180

22 168

23 188

Height Range(cm) Frequency

165-169 5

170-174 3

175-179 5

180-184 5

185-189 5

● Controlled: Conditions of Measurements kept consistent
● Manipulated: Students Heights
● Responding: Frequency Distribution of Student Heights

The height range of the group is from 165 cm to 189 cm. The range with the maximum number
of individuals is 165-169 cm, with 5 students. The range with the smallest number of individuals
is 170-174 cm, with 3 students. Human height is considered a trait with continuous variation
because it exists on a spectrum without clear boundaries between categories. It can vary
continuously across a range of values without distinct categories or breaks. Other human traits
that exhibit continuous variation include weight, blood pressure, IQ, and skin color. These traits
vary along a continuum and do not fall into discrete categories.

The collected data revealed a diverse range of heights within the class, as evidenced by the
frequency table. This table demonstrated that there were individuals in each height range,
indicating natural variation among the class members. The frequency distribution showed that
the majority of students fell within the 165-169 cm and 180-184 cm ranges, with smaller
frequencies in the 170-174 cm, 175-179 cm, and 185-189 cm ranges. This non-uniform pattern
suggests that there is no predominant height within the class and that natural selection may play
a role in maintaining this diversity.

The variation in height within the class could be further investigated to explore potential
implications of natural selection. For example, it would be interesting to analyze whether certain
height ranges confer advantages in specific environments or for particular activities. For
instance, taller individuals may have better access to resources such as food or sunlight in
densely populated environments, which could confer a reproductive advantage. Conversely,
shorter individuals might excel in environments with limited resources where agility or
camouflage is advantageous. Additionally, a deeper examination of the genetic and
environmental factors contributing to the observed height distribution could provide valuable
insights into the mechanisms of natural selection operating within the class. This investigation
could shed light on how diverse traits, such as height, are maintained within a population and
how they may be influenced by selective pressures.

Possible errors: Measurement inaccuracies due to human error, like misalignment of the ruler or
misreading measurements. Variations in posture may also affect results.

To minimize errors: Use standardized procedures for consistent measurements. Ensure students
stand straight and align the ruler correctly. Taking multiple measurements and averaging them
can enhance accuracy.

Limitations: Only height is considered, neglecting factors like age, gender, and health status. The
sample size may not be representative of the population. Unassessed environmental factors like
socioeconomic status or cultural influences could also impact height variation.
CONCLUSION: The wide variation in height observed within the class suggests the presence
of natural selection operating within the population. Natural selection, a fundamental mechanism
of evolution, acts upon heritable traits that affect an organism's ability to survive and reproduce
in a given environment. In the context of height variation, individuals with certain heights may
possess advantages or disadvantages in specific environmental conditions or social contexts.
These differential survival and reproductive rates based on height could lead to the observed
variation within the population. Overall, the presence of diverse height ranges within the class
population underscores the dynamic interplay between genetic variation, environmental factors,
and selective pressures. Further investigation into the specific mechanisms driving height
variation and its implications for fitness and adaptation would provide valuable insights into the
process of natural selection shaping the class population.

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