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How to Use Curses

Curses, while usually detrimental, are tools for a DM, and a

possible plot hook (or seed) for an adventure for their players
to explore.
When contemplating adding a curse, consider how does
this curse affect the world around it. The curse doesn't need
Curses to affect creatures or land on a global scale, but even a single
afflicted creature can change the dynamics of a small
An optional set of rules for 5th edition community they live in.
D&D It is beneficial, while not mandatory, to also consider who
These are an optional set of rules you as the DM can use to made the curse. This does not mean the creature who cast the
make implement curses in your game. These rules are based curse, but rather the person who first thought up and created
on my own personal opinion of curses, and should be viewed it. It may not add anything mechanically to the curse, but it
as such. does give it more flavor and helps build backstory for future
plot hooks.
What is a Curse? Consider if there is a condition to break the curse. It doesn't
A curse is a powerful form of dark magic created for the sole need to be complex, but it should be clear on what this
purpose of manifesting a negative or undesirable effect to a condition is and how it could be fulfilled.
creature or place. While good and neutral aligned creatures Here are some examples.
can enact these dark magics as well, they are mainly employed A jealous, shyly wizard, unable to confess his love for the
by malevolent or spiteful creatures. An example of this would woman he had obsessed over for years, enchanted his
be Acererak’s death curse from the Tomb of Annihilation crush with a curse. She appeared repulsive around all
adventure published by Wizards of the Coast. other men she loved until he confessed his feelings for her.
It is important to note that players have access to curses too She died alone, unloved.
in the form of spells like bane, eyebite, bestow curse,
contagion, hex, and geas. Depending on how it's used though, A warlock, obeying the whims of her master, defiles the
any spell can be turned into a curse. tomb of an ancient, deceased king and his four knights. On
the next full moon, the deceased would rise from their
graves as revenant, terrorizing the kingdom they once
protected. The only way to undo this curse is to bathe the
undead creatures in the light of a blue moon.
Upon sealing away the dark champion of the sea goddess
Umberlee, she cursed the land in which he was sealed,
raising the tides, and sinking portions of the continent. The
tides continuously rising each year until her champion was
freed from his imprisonment.
Curse Tiers Remove Curse
Similarly to other forms of magic, all curses are not created One cannot speak of curses without speaking of its antithesis,
equally. A curse is categorized into the following tiers: minor, the spell remove curse. When casting this spell, it removes all
major, and ancient. These curses are placed in one of these curses and can break attunement to any cursed item attuned
categories based on the curses effect, duration, and the curses to a creature. This potentially cheapens a powerful element of
casting level as detailed below in the Tiers of Curses table. If a gameplay and makes a curses usefulness at higher levels
curse falls into more than one tier group, place it in the higher nearly impossible with a player character or ally with this
tier. spell. Instead, use this spell similarly to how one would use
dispel magic. When casting the remove curse spell, the caster
will need to cast the spell at the same level or higher than as
the curse was casted at to successfully dispel it. This is
described in detail in the Casted Level column in the Tiers of
Tiers of Curses Curses table.
Curse Casted As an alternative, the DM may choose to make the remove
Level Duration Effect Level curse spell ineffective against certain curses, granting them
does not deal damage, certain conditions to be broken completely. An example of this
Minor Any
may grant condition.
3rd would be killing the original caster or shattering a totem
Up to 10 years
buried near the origin of the cursed area.
deals damage and/or 4th-
Major or until
grants a condition. 6th
deals damage and/or
Indefinite until 7th-
Ancient grants multiple
dispelled 9th
Cursed Land
Cursed lands are probably one of the more commonly known Using Curses on Players
curses throughout the realms, whispered by common folk in Not all players will enjoy being cursed, especially if
tales and gossip. it is spontaneous. Trust between DM and players is
A land curse is, as the name implies, a curse that affects a key in these instances. As the DM, be aware to give
given section of land and taints it with foul magic. These clues or hints to your players in the form of rumors
curses can range from a minor curse and extend upwards to or knowledge gained via NPCs about these curses
ahead of time. If the players choose to go there
an ancient curse. As stated in How to Use Curses, it is afterwards, they have made their own choice to risk
beneficial to think of how such a land curse might have been exposure to said curse and are more accepting of
brought about and why it does was it does. the effects it brings.
These curses can be broken; however, it may require
something a bit more than the average remove curse spell to
do so. The most common way to break a land curse is by
killing the caster or having the caster remove their curse Family Curses
willingly. An alternative method would be breaking the totem More powerful curses exist within the realms, some afflicting
used as the focus of such a curse or using a hallow spell to entire families like a hereditary disease passed through the
sanctify the land and cleanse it of impurities. generations. The way the curse chooses it's victims can vary
Here are a few examples of such curses. widely; a curse could afflict all direct members of the family, a
This curse is placed on a gargantuan statue of three specific generation, when they reach a certain age in life,
monkeys, each covering either their mouth, eyes, or ears when a unique trait manifest within a descendant of the
with their hands. When this curse is activated using a family, and so on.
predetermined command word, each creature within 10 When designing a family curse, it is imperative to also know
miles of the statue, excluding the creature who enacted the it's origins and how it will affect it's chosen victims. This curse
curse, becomes either blind, deaf, or losses the ability to could come from a magical creature, an ancient artifact, a
speak (DMs choice). This curse lasts until the magic is wish gone awry, or the intervention of an angered deity. The
dispelled from the statue with either the wish spell or the effects of the curse and how it meddles in the affairs of it's
remove curse spell cast at 9th level. If the statue is target can be something more minor, but generally are found
destroyed, the curse rebounds on the most recent creature within the vein of a major or ancient curse.
to enacted the curse, and becomes blind, deaf, and losses These cruses are not easily broken, and as such a simple
their ability to speak until reversed by a wish spell. remove curse spell will have no effect on it. This curse can
only be broken by a predetermined condition set by the caster,
All dead creatures within a 1 mile radius rise and become the caster themself, a wish spell, or being cleansed by a deity.
either a zombie or a skeleton when the sun sets on each Here are a some examples of such curses.
day. These creatures will wander within the plagued area,
chasing and attacking any creature they find. A spell the The first daughter born after the curses enactment will be
brings a creature back from the dead will not work in this compelled to beseech the caster, becoming their bride and
area. When the sun rises, these creatures are no longer barring them a successor.
animated and are considered dead once more. This curse Each descendant shall bear only one child, and this child
can only be undone by the hallow spell cast at 5th level or shall kill their parents on the eve of their 16th birthday.
higher as the sun raises.
The 6th son of a 6th son, shall be brought to Asmodeus on
A trickster has visited this place and bestowed the gift of the night of his 13th birthday, becoming a death knight in
trickery and deceit to those who reside in it. All creatures Asmodeus service.
within this area are compelled to lie, steal, and swindle
from other creatures, causing chaos and distrust to plague Each member of this generation shall be stricken with the
this area. A creature who enters this area will become dragon's sickness, causing them to crave gold and wealth,
enticed to these effects after an hour. If a creature leaves killing each other to gain it. When only one remains, he too
this place after being enticed by the trickster's curse, they shall become a dragon, and lay waste to his kingdom.
retain these traits for the next month. This curse can be
undone only by the trickster. You can remove the curse
from a single creature by casting the remove curse spell at
4th level or higher, or suppress the effects with the
protection from evil and good spell.
Curse Effects Bland Taste. All food and liquid become tasteless to the
target, even spices and sauces have no effect on the taste. This
Here are a list of possible curses you as the DM can employ curse can be undone by the remove curse spell cast at 3rd
within your game. level or higher or by the caster.
Bronze Touch. Any non-magical object touched by the victim
of this curse, including food and water, turns to bronze. If the
target touches any silver, electrum, gold, or platinum pieces,
Curse Effects
they are now consider bronze pieces. This curse can be
undone by the remove curse spell cast at 3rd level or higher or
d6 Minor Major Ancient by the caster.
1 Sterile Curse Rapid Aging The Tower Curse of Babel. At the start of each day, a creature affected by
Bronze A Mile in One's this curse must roll a d8: (1) Abyssal; (2) Celestial; (3)
Touch Shoes
Nature's Wrath Draconic; (4) Deep Speech; (5) Infernal; (6) Primordial; (7)
Sylvan; (8) Undercommon. the target can only speak in this
3 Bland Taste Limp Wand Eldritch Horrors language until the next sun rise, and understands anyone who
Stench of Curse of the Blood speaks in this language. This curse can be undone by the
Healing Blight
Moon remove curse spell cast at 4th level or higher or by the caster.
5 Stalker Curse of Babel The Mummies Curse Curse of the Blood Moon. When the eerie red light of the
Lover's Curse of the blood moon illuminates the ground below, evil creatures who
Quarrel Drunkard
Marked Soul are dead shall rise as revenant, retaining all memories and
experiences from their life before. These creatures will seek
vengeance on the person who killed them, dying once more
after they complete their vengeance. If a dead creature died of
natural causes or the person responsible for their death is
also dead, the curse has no effect. This curse can only be
broken by the caster or by use of the wish spell.
Curse of the Drunkard. This creature transforms any liquid
they drink into alcohol. When a creature consumes a gallon of
liquid or more in a day, they must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or become inebriated until the end
of their next long rest. A creature who is inebriated has
disadvantage on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws,
and can only move at half speed. This curse can be undone by
the remove curse spell cast at 4th level or higher or by the
Eldritch Horrors. This creature is cursed to view the horrors
that lay beyond the vail. When this creature sleeps, they travel
to an unknown land filled with aberrations and perceive
everything through one of these beings eyes. When the
creature awakes, they remember everything vividly and must
roll an Wisdom saving throw. On a 8 or lower they gain a
corruption point as detailed in the Credits. This curse last
until someone cast the wish spell to purge the creatures mind
of these memories or the remove curse spell is cast at 7th
Healing Blight. For the next 24 hours, any spell, feature, or
item that normally heals this creature, deals damages to the
target instead, reducing its hit point maximum by an equal
amount. If the creatures hit point maximum is reduced to 0,
they automatically die. This damage is reversed after the
afflicted creature takes a long rest at the end of the 24 hours
or after having the curse dispelled early by the remove curse
spell cast at 3rd level or higher.
Limp Wand. A spellcaster suffering from this curse has a 25%
chance of the spell failing, expending the spell slot in the
process. This curse can be undone by the remove curse spell
cast at 4th level or higher or by the caster.
Lover's Quarrel. This curse effects two or more creatures Stalker The target of this curse is followed by an invisible
who are attracted to one another, causing them to argue and stalker that whispers into their ear, but does nothing else. This
possibly become violent with each other whenever they can creature cannot be seen or heard by anyone else but the
see a creature afflicted by the same curse. This curse can be afflicted. If the invisible stalker is killed, it returns in 1d4
undone by the remove curse spell cast at 3rd level or higher hours. This curse can be undone by the remove curse spell
on each target or by the caster. cast at 3rd level or higher or by the caster.
A Mile in One's Shoes. The creature is magically Stench of Death. This creature appears and smells undead
transformed into a race of the caster's desire, though normally to everyone who sees it, except creatures with truesight. This
it is of the same race as the casters, and the caster chooses a creature is not undead. This curse can be undone by the
life lesson they desire for the target to learn. This change remove curse spell cast at 3rd level or higher or by the caster.
replaces all racial stats and traits. If you gained a feat as part
of a racial feature, it is considered dormant until you are Sterile Curse. The target of this curse becomes sterilized.
changed back. This spell last up to a decade, until the affected This curse can be undone by the remove curse spell cast at
creature learns the lesson the caster choose for them, has it 3rd level or higher or by the caster.
dispelled by the remove curse spell cast at 6th level or higher, The Tower. The target is bound to a spectral tower made of
or by the caster. darkness that no light can penetrate. Any creature can enter
The Mummies Curse. This creatures has trespassed on a the tower freely, but only creatures who aren't targeted by this
mummy lord's sacred tomb and have invoked his curse. A curse can leave it. While inside the tower, creatures can see as
creature who falls victim of this curse is plagued by ominous if in dim light.
signs over the course of the next 10 days, dying at sunset on At the end of each day, each creature inside the tower must
the 10th day as the mummy lord's minions come to collect the roll a d10. The creature subtracts the rolled value from their
deceased creatures corpse as an offering to their master. This hit point maximum, which cannot be regained except by the
curse can be undone by the remove curse spell cast at 7th use of a wish spell or taking a long rest outside of the tower. If
level or higher a creatures hit point maximum is reduced to 0, they
automatically die and their bodies are swallowed by the
Nature's Wrath . An angered druid has cursed these lands, shadows that make up the tower. This creature is revived
invoking the wrath of the wild ones to seek vengeance on 1d10 days later as a loyal thrall to the caster, retaining all
those who wronged him. While a creatures resides in this knowledge and skills they had in life. This curse cannot be
cursed land, all beast and plant creatures are immediately undone by the remove curse spell, and can be dispelled only
hostile towards them, they have disadvantage on animal by the caster, the death of the original target of this curse, or
handling checks to calm these creatures, and spells or effects by the wish spell casted outside of the spectral tower.
that could normally calm the beast or plants are ineffective.
This curse can only be undone by the original druid who
enacted the curse, or by casting the hallow spell every day for Credits:
a month on this land.
Created and designed by \u\o-kra
Rapid Aging. A creature targeted by this curse ages at an
accelerated rate over the course of the next year, aging 10 Art. "Fluch des Chaos" Illustrated by Jason A. Engle
days for each day that passes. The accelerated aging can be ©Wizards of the Coast
Rotten Apples
halted by the greater restoration or remove curse spell cast at Shadowfell Illustrated by Mark Molnar ©Wizards
5th level or higher. of the Coast
Marked Soul. The creatures soul has been defiled by a Thank you GMBinder for creating such a wonderful
fiendish scar which marks them as the enemy of a powerful tool for the homebrewing community.
fiend. This fiend always knows the creatures location, but
cannot see or hear them. The fiend can cast sending at will to "Curses" is unofficial Fan Content permitted under
this creature, and the target receives the message even if on a the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by
different plane. Wizards. Portions of the material used are property
This fiend has advantage on attack rolls against the target, of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast
and deals an additional 1d8 psychic damage whenever it deals L.L.C.
damage to this creature.
If the target of this curse tries to move away from the fiend
while it can see the can see the creature, they must first
succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8
psychic damage and have their movement reduced to 0 until
the end of their turn.
This curse can be undone by the remove curse spell cast at
7th level or higher, the wish spell, or slaying the fiend who has
marked the creatures soul.

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