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Kaitlyn, Monica, Landon and Lia

MEJO 332 APPLES Agency

(704) 123-4567



CHARLOTTE, N.C. – The Women’s Forum of North Carolina is hosting their April “Lunchtime

Conversation” on April 19, 2021 at 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. This “Lunchtime Conversation,” titled

“Domestic Violence and mental health: inside the pandemic pressure cooker,” is going to be hosted by

Cassandra Rowe, a Health Care Program Coordinator with the North Carolina Coalition Against

Domestic Violence. With the COVID-19 pandemic came an uptick in domestic violence reports across the

nation and, with the nationwide lock-down, having adverse effects on people’s mental health throughout

the country, this conversation hopes to educate the public on the issue.

Virginia Adamson, President of the Women’s Forum of NC, said: “Many women have lost jobs,

become homeschool teachers for their children as well as caregivers for their parents. While the pandemic

rages these women and children may suffer mental health issues exacerbated by restricted access to health

care due to loss of coverage. Domestic violence service providers have reported unexpected costs

associated with the pandemic and increased demands for services. This is truly a pressure cooker for

many women and children.”

April’s Lunchtime Conversation is one of much gravity with topics of domestic violence and

mental health are being discussed. These strange times have affected women in a myriad of ways and the

Women’s Forum of NC wants to spread awareness and offer support to women all across North Carolina.


mental health are being discussed. These strange times have affected women in a myriad of ways and the

Women’s Forum of NC wants to spread awareness and offer support to women all across North Carolina.

Special guest Cassandra Rowe will be speaking about her fight for victims of domestic violence.

She has experience working as a sexual assault crisis counselor at the Rape Abuse and Incest National

Network, RAINN, and as the Healthcare Program Coordinator at the North Carolina Coalition Against

Domestic Violence, NCCADV.

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly elevated the amount of women who have to deal with these

sensitive issues. The Women’s Forum of NC aims for this meeting to help educate women of these issues

and create a safe place for all to feel safe and supported in their experiences, especially during these

uncertain days.

The Women’s Forum of North Carolina provides a vehicle through which women are

effective agents for constructive change by speaking out and taking action on public issues,

through the development of potential women leaders and as a force for the enhancement and

enrichment of the lives of all North Carolina Women. To register for the event, visit!event/2021/4/19/april-lunchtime-conversation-domestic-vio


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