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How do you stop sexual thoughts or
impulses from arising?
Through analysis and study of what sexuality actually is. This includes completely
devaluing the object of attraction (i.e. the person, thoughts, body parts, etc) to
zero. You can do this by thinking about all the ways that the pleasure derived
from sexuality is merely illusory, not real, and only temporary. When you are
indulging in some form of sexuality, you tend to forget how filthy the human
body actually is. For instance, you forget that every pore and opening in our body
releases waste, which looks and smells awful. If faeces, sweat, and other
discharge smell so bad, imagine how it would be inside the body. In addition, if
there is real pleasure and happiness in physical contact and touch, then there
should be pleasure even when your skin has an open wound or rash, but that is
not the case. Furthermore, any form of dependency is the cause of suffering in
this world, so how can dependency on someone else be the reason for

Analyze and know the real nature of

sexual attraction
Here are some other ways in which you can analyze sexual attraction and see
it as it is, in order to break the belief that there is happiness in sexuality:
 Sex is a latrine; it is wasteful! Here, one gets engrossed and as a result,

new causes are created! If an analysis of sexual act is done, it is like

scratching an eczematous rash! The more you scratch, the better you feel,

but how does it benefit you? You end up digging your own wound, blood

starts oozing and the rash burns even more than before.

 The body is just meat and bones covered with a sheet of silk. If you would

only realize this much, then you will experience apathy towards sexual

desires .

 Not a single one of the five senses like the enjoyment of sexual pleasures.

The eyes do not like to see it so it is done in dark. Its’ smell is not liked at

all. Don’t even talk about its’ taste, it will make you vomit actually! One

wouldn’t like to touch it and yet people believe there is happiness in it! No

one likes it and yet what is the base on which does one go through sexual

act is a surprise! People get involved in it because of popular opinion!

 If you can visualize the entire life of the men or women you are attracted

to, you will be free from the attachment and the attraction. If you visualize

with understanding what he/she looked like in the womb, what he/she

looked like when he/she was born, when he/she was a little baby, when
he/she becomes very old, when paralysis occurs, when he/she is about to

be cremated, you do not need to be taught renunciation.

 Any kind of dependency is the cause of suffering, not happiness. Sex is

completely dependent on someone else. So how can there be any

happiness in it?

 People in these times get tired and bored after running around for the

whole day, they have tension about their job or business or domestic

matters, suffer from much mental tension and so they jump into the mud

of the sexual pleasure to divert from this burning sensation and at that

time, they forget about it’s results (the outcome of sexuality)! After sexual

pleasure, even a great warrior like person becomes feeble like a dead


 If the person you are attracted to, had a burn on their body and pus was

oozing out, would you still be attracted to it? So in reality there is no

happiness in the body parts.

Man has the wrong belief that pleasure exists in sex. Now, if you
experience greater happiness and pleasure in something other than sex,
then you would not seek pleasure in sex. There is no happiness in sex but
there is no other option for the humans in worldly interactions. Otherwise,
who would knowingly open the lid of a gutter? If happiness were there in
sexuality, the emperor kings would not have departed for the search of true
happiness in spite of having so many queens!

It is due to our wrong belief. It is only our belief. There is nothing except for
our belief. Destroy that belief and there would not be anything.

So one must think about how filthy and dangerous sexual involvement is in
order to stop sex and sexual attraction

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