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The Unknown. The abyss. The unease of darkness. Change always terrified me, but more

recently, I have decided that it’s good to not know. Applying to colleges, dating, trying

something outside your comfort zone; these are all new changes and unknowns that you need to

experience in order to grow. I see immense value in exploring the unknown; life isn’t meant to be

planned and stagnant, if it was then we would all be able to see into the future.

Going “Into the Unknown” is not just an exceptional Disney song from Frozen 2 it is a

real experience that people often choose to not experience. On the contrary, Amelia Earheart

chose to dive headfirst into an abyss of unknown, and became an incredible role model as well.

Amelia Earheart as the first female aviator to attempt flying around the world, coast to coast. She

left everyone she knew to see if she could accomplish this daunting feat, unfortunately she never

came home. Somewhere along her unknown journey she is assumed to have crashed. The

unknown can have scary side effects, but I am sure that Amelia Earheart had no regrets. It takes a

brave soul to speak up and act on one's true desires.

Another famous female who spoke for her people, and protected her loved ones from far

away is Esther the Jew. Between 482 and 478 B.C. King Ahasuerus of Persia wanted a beautiful

wife and he hand selected Esther to bestow him her honor. During this time period the Persians

hated the Jews, and the king unknowingly just married one. Esther was taken from her home and

forced into a government that wanted her people exterminated. Esther was secluded in this dark

time, but she found a way to fight for her family. She advocated to the king for the jews, and she

ended up being one of the first female heroines in history. Esther knew what she had to do, and

she exceeded all expectations.

Recently, I have been toeing the line of the unknown. A dear person to me had chosen to

leave me, but not for good. He was, what I thought to be at least, my first and my last love. After

a year everything changed and my world flipped on a random wednesday afternoon. This

machiavellian boy chose to walk away, but left me with the expectation that he will be back

when summer comes to an end. When your love leaves, your vision becomes 20/20 after the

blindness dissipates. You see the truth in how this man is a manipulator and your Prince

Charming is the King of Controlling. When you have loved, truly loved, somebody it is never

easy letting go, especially when they are still calling and beckoning for you to take them back

come September. I’m on a thin wire of choosing to run into the unknown or run back to him. It’s

a scary choice, one that will permanently affect me, but there is something and someone else

who can enrich me. The value of the unknown is real, but the hardest part is the jump and not

looking back. This boy was my safety, but the safety removed himself, and it’s time I move on

for me and to protect me.

The value of the unknown is one that should be discussed more often. It is difficult to

cope with, and no one really likes the dark, but the unknown is life. Amelia Earheart and Esther

the Jew dove into the unknown fearlessly. I’m tiptoeing towards it because I’m healing and

seeing it is what’s right. Life isn’t made to be planned, the ability to see into the future has been

reserved for a superhero in a fairytale. The value of the unknown is exquisite and exciting, in all

of the disappointments and all of its surprises, the unknown is continuously enriching.

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