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While steering a course of 228°(T) Olands Sodra Grund Racon light (56° 04'N 016° 42'P) was last
sighted at 2100 hrs., when visibility was 5-M only. At 2200 hrs. Utklippan It. (55° 57N 015° 41'E) was first
sighted, visibility remaining the same. Current was known to be setting 013° (T) at 2.5 knots throughout,
Find the vessel's position at 2100 hrs. and 2200 hrs. and also the time and position when Utklippan light
will be last sighted.

2. A vessel steering 080° (T) experiencing set of 275° T observes the following:

At 0930 hrs

Abbekas Lt (55° 23' N 013° 37' B) bore 338° T

1000 hrs

Y Stad (S) (55° 25' N 013° 49 E) bore 358° T

1045 hrs

bearing of Kasehuvud (55° 22' N 014° 04' E) was taken and the position

line passed through the intersection of the two bearing obtained at 0930 and 1000 hrs of Abbekas and Y
stad respectively.

Find (i) Course and Speed made good

(ii) Position of the vessel at 0930 and 1045 hrs.

3. A vessel sailing out of Kariskrona harbour observes Uthangan Lt (56° 01' N 015° 47' E) to bear 090° (T)
at 2000 hrs when visibility reduced to zero. Find the safe courses to steer to pass 6 nm North of
Hammerode Lt (55° 18° N014° 47' E) when the current was setting 315°

(T) / 1.0 kts through out. When was the final course alternation made?

4. A vessel at anchor observes the following compass bearings

(a) Christianso (S) Lt. (55° 19'N 015° 11'B)

:065° (C)

(b) Svaneke

Lt. (55° 08'N 015° 09'E)

:161° (C)

(c) Hammerodde Lt. (55° 18N 014° 47'B)

:284° (C)

Find the vessel's position and the deviation on the ship's head.

5. A vessel having a draft of forward 5 m, aft 6 m wishes to cross a shoal marked 3 m on the chart with an
underkeel clearance of 1 m. Find the earliest time on the rising tide of 16".

April, 1992 that she can do so. (Port- Port Hedland, Australia ATT - VOL. I).
6. Write short notes on;

a).Chart Datum b) Negative surges c) Seismic sea waves d) Seiches e) Bore or Eagre

7.At 0800 hrs, A vessel steering a course of 290° (T) observes forward of beam Chritianso (S) Lt (55° 19° N
015° 11’ E) to be 6 nm. At 0930 hrs it observes Simrisham iso WRG (55° 33.5° N 014° 22° E) to bear 310°
(T). If the current was setting 330°(T)/2 kts through out, find the position of the vessel at 0800 hrs.

8.A vessel while steering a course of 232° (T) observes the following bearings of Utklippan Lt. (55° 57’N
015° 42’E) : 1900: 282° (T), 1930: 311° (T), 2015 : 023° (T). If the current is known to be setting 020° (T),
find the position of the vessel at 1900 and 2015 hrs. Also find the course and speed made good.

9.what do the following symbols and abbreviations means:

10. What do the following chart symbols indicates:

11. What does following symbols mean:

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