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Unit Goals

Learn about marketing research: different types
and current trends

Listening Strategies
• Build background knowledge to understand lectures
• Recognize lecture language that introduces the topic
and plan
• Make predictions based on your background knowledge

Note-Taking Strategies
• Organize your notes into an outline
• Assess and revise your notes after a lecture

Academic Discussion Strategy

• Express your ideas during a discussion

Presentation Strategy
• Use posture, eye contact, and volume to show authority
and confidence

Learn about business ethics

Listening Strategy
• Recognize lecture language that signals a new idea or
a transition in a lecture

Note-Taking Strategies
• Use symbols and abbreviations to represent words
• Summarize the lecture

Academic Discussion Strategy

• Ask for clarification and elaboration during a discussion

Presentation Strategy
• Catch the audience's attention, and introduce
the presentation
5 T EP 1 Listen and Apply New Strategies -
LISTENING Build Background Knowledge to Understand Lectures
Before you go to a lecture, think about what you already know about
the lecture's topic. Complete any reading assignments, and discuss
your reading with classmates. This will help you build background
information and vocabulary that will prepare you for the lecture.

Think about the topic A. Look at these products. Then work with a partner to answer the questions.


1. Look at the list of factors to consider when purchasing a product. Which

factors are most important when purchasing the items in the picture?
a. cost

d. how it looks, tastes, or smells
b. health or safety e. the brand (company name)
c. how well it works f. how it makes you feel

2. Imagine this situation. You are the president of a chocolate company.

Sales of your most popular chocolate bar have decreased sharply this
year. You want to find out what people think about your company and
this product. What are some ways you can do this?

2 CHAPTER 1 New Trends in Marketing Research

Read to build B. Read this marketing textbook chapter on focus groups and how they are
background knowledge used in marketing research.
See page 2

Talking to Your Target Market: Focus Groups

For years, marketing experts have used Focus groups usually start with general
various methods to try to understand why questions about product type. For example,
consumers chose to buy certain products. a question for the high school market could
How do shoppers differentiate one product be, "Which brands of athletic shoes are the
from another? What motivates a consumer to most popular at your school? Why?" Later
choose one brand over another? Marketing the discussion leader may ask more specific
researchers want to understand the decision- questions about a particular brand. Discussion
ons. making processes of consumers. That leaders may ask for opinions directly ("Why do
information can help companies decide how to you buy Nike shoes?") Or they may try to get at
advertise a product or service; it can also help attitudes and beliefs more indirectly ("What do
them design new products or redesign existing you think about people who wear Nike shoes?")
products so that they will sell better. The group's answers tell researchers a lot about
a brand's image-the way people think about
In this chapter we will look at the focus group,
a brand and the people who use the brand. If
a type of group interview. It is one of the main
a lot of students in a school wear one brand of
marketing research tools to find out how people
athletic shoe, this suggests that the brand's
in the target market feel about the particular
image is youthful and popular.
brand, product, or service being researched.
Focus groups allow researchers to talk
For a focus group, researchers usually find
directly with their target market to find out
six to twelve volunteers from their target market
about beliefs, attitudes, and feelings; however,
and bring them together for one or two hours to
participants may not always tell the truth. They
answer questions and to talk about a product,
may avoid disagreeing with others in the group
service, or brand. A skilled discussion leader
or lie to avoid embarrassment.
encourages free discussion but focuses the
conversation on the product being researched. Another reason the results may be unreliable
To do this, discussion leaders ask a lot of open- is that people are not always aware of what
ended questions, not simple yeslno or limited- motivates their buying behavior. Some factors
choice questions. Open-ended questions allow are completely unconscious. In fact, a growing
the group's participants to answer in their own body of research suggests that most people will
ich words and in ways the discussion leader may give rational reasons for their purchases, but
not expect. unconscious needs also influence many buying

UNIT 1 Business 3
Check your C. With a partner, discuss these questions about the reading.
1. Why do marketing experts want to learn about how people make
buying decisions?
2. What is an "open-ended" question? Why do focus group discussion
leaders ask this type of question?
3. Why are some opinions given in focus groups not helpful to marketers?

D. Match the words from the reading with their definitions. Look back at .
the reading on page 3 to check your answers.

1. differentiate a. based on reasonable, logical thinking

2. motivate b. to have an effect on

3. brand c. a picture; an opinion or concept of something

4. target d. to say or show something in an indirect way
5. Image e. directed toward a particular group or person

6. suggest f. to understand the difference between

similar things
7. unconscious g. to cause someone to want to do something

8. rational h. the name of a company's product

9. influence i. not aware of oneself; not knowing

Discuss the reading E. Discuss these questions in a group. Share your answers with
the class.

1. Should a business be more concerned with meeting consumers' needs or

making a profit? Explain your opinion.
2. Choose a popular brand, for example, a brand of clothing, a car, or a
food product. Discuss the target market, the brand's image, and how the
company creates that image.

Review what F. With a partner, discuss three things that you have learned from the
you know reading and from your discussions about marketing research.

1. _

2. _

3. _

4 CHAPTER 1 New Trends iri Marketing Research


Prepare for the G. To help you understand the listening strategy, discuss the situation
listening strategy below with a partner.

If you arrive late to class and miss the beginning of a lecture, what
information might you miss? Why is this information important?

LISTENING Recognize Lecture Language for Topic and Plan

At the beginning of a lecture, a professor usually tells you the topic, or
what the lecture is going to be about. A professor also usually gives
students the lecture plan-a general overview of the material and how
he or she plans to present it, like a map of the lecture.
Listen for the words and expressions that professors use to indicate
the topic. Also, listen for the words and expressions that professors
use to indicate the lecture plan.

or Expressions That Signal the Topic

• Today we're going to talk about .
• What I want todiscuss today is .
• I'll give you an overview of ...
he • Last time we discussed ... , and this week we're going to ...
• In today's class we'll focus on ...

Expressions That Signal the Lecture Plan

• There are a few things we'll be covering today ....
• We'll start out with ... , and then look at .
• I'll be covering two areas in today's lecture .
• First, we'll look at ... , then ... , and finally we'll move on to ...

List more examples H. Work with a partner to think of other expressions that signal the topic or
plan of a lecture. Write your examples in your notebook.

UNIT 1 Business 5
Recognize lecture I. Read this lecture introduction. Circle the topic. Then underline and label
language for topic the lecture language that signals the topic and the lecture language that
and plan signals the lecture plan.

Hi, everyone. Good morning. Last week, if you remember, we discussed

advertising research-the different types, such as motivation research
and studies of ad effectiveness. You should have it in your notes. Well,
this week we're going to talk about product research. There are a few
different types, and we won't go into them all, but I'll be covering two
areas that are the most popular-new product research, to see if people
are interested in a new product that's being planned, and competitive
product studies, products that compete with the product your company
sells. The second one will be really useful for your final class project.

Listen for the topic J. Listen to the introductions of three different lectures. First, listen to each
and lecture plan introduction, and write down the topic lecture language and the topic.
(D..oNLINE Listen to each introduction again, and write down the lecture language
that signals a plan and also the plan.

1. Topic lecture language:

Plan lecture language:

2. Topic lecture language:

Plan lecture language: _

3. Topic lecture language: _

Plan lecture language: _


6 CHAPTER1 New Trends in Marketing Research

label STEP 2
~.__ Take Notes
e that

NOTE-TAKING Organize Your Notes into an Informal Outline

STRATEGY Outlining is one way to visually represent the relationships between
ideas. Space and indentation show which ideas are main points and
which are supporting points. Outlining can help you differentiate main
points from supporting points so that you can study more effectively.

Ie Example Outline from a Lecture on Marketing Research

Kinds of market research

ic. ~untry

e.g. the Midwest

urban area


age / gender



Take notes in A. Read this lecture excerpt, and take notes in outline form in your
outline form notebook.

Marketing is a process that involves many strategies and activities. Today,

I'm only going to talk about two parts-product and pricing. The first
thing a business needs to decide is exactly what product, service, or idea
its customers want to purchase. To do this, businesses must determine
their target market, in other words, who will buy their product. Once a
business understands the target market, it can develop its product to
fit what the target market will buy. Second, after developing a product,
a business must decide on a price for the product. If a product is too
expensive, consumers won't buy it. If it is too cheap, the business won't
make a profit; it won't make enough money.

UNIT 1 Business 7
LISTENING Make Predictions Based on Your Background Knowledge
To help you get ready for new information and to listen more actively,
make a prediction about what the professor will discuss. Base your
prediction on what you already know about the topic.

Make predictions B. Before the lecture, think about everything you have learned and
discussed on the topic of marketing research. What do you expect to
learn from the lecture? Write three predictions below. Compare your
predictions with a partner.

1. I expect to learn more about

2. _
3. _

Watch the lecture C. Watch the lecture, and take notes. Remember to listen for the lecture
language that signals the topic and lecture plan.

Why it was developed:

How it works:



8 CHAPTER 1 New Trends in Marketing Research

Assess your D. Check the statement that best describes how well you recognized the
comprehension lecture language.
I recognized when the lecturer said the topic and lecture plan.
I didn't recognize when the lecturer said the topic and lecture plan.

E. Use your notes to answer the following questions about the lecture.
rr 1. How is neuromarketing research different from other marketing

2. Why do researchers care about which area of the brain is used when
looking at an advertisement or looking at a product?

3. In the cola taste tests, what were the results of the blind taste test?
How did the results change when the brand names were given?

4. Why are some people concerned about neuromarketing research?

NOTE-TAKING Assess and Revise Your Notes

During a lecture, you can sometimes miss an important idea or piece
of information. Read back through your notes after the lecture, and
add any information that you remember from the lecture but didn't
write down. Then compare notes with classmates in a study group.
Revise your notes with information you remember from the lecture
and information from your classmates.

Assess and revise F. Were you able to answer the questions in Exercise E using the
your notes information in your notes? Compare and discuss your notes with a few
other students. Help each other fill in any missing information. Revise
your notes.

UNIT 1 Business 9
- .
STEP 3 I .
.iI DIscuss the Lecture

ACADEMIC Express Your Ideas

DISCUSSION Many professors ask students questions during their lectures or during
STRATEGY class discussions. Also, students are often expected to express their
ideas and opinions with partners or in small groups.
Active participation in class shows that you are interested in and
actively thinking about the course content. It can also help you learn
and remember the new information presented in class.

Phrases for Expressing Ideas

• I think ... • Here are my two cents .
• In my opinion, ... • What I'd like to say is .
• Here's what I think ... • Personally, I believe .

List more examples A. Work with a partner to think of other useful phrases for expressing ideas
during a classroom discussion. Write your examples here.

Practice expressing B. In a group, read and discuss the following questions. Keep the
your ideas conversation going until every student has had the chance to practice
expressing his or her ideas. Use your own ideas or the ones given below.

1. Talk about some specific television ads that you like. Explain why you
like them.
Possible Ideas
The ads for this product always use good music.
The ads are for products that I am interested in.
My favorite celebrity is in the ads.

2. Talk about a new product you have recently bought. Why did you buy
that particular product and that particular brand?
Possible Ideas
good price
celebrity advertising
better quality than others
nice packaging
all my friends have it

10 CHAPTER 1 New Trends in Marketing Research

Discuss the ideas C. Discuss these ideas with your classmates. Remember to use the phrases
in the lecture for expressing your ideas.

1. Describe two print or television ads for similar products made by

different companies. For example, compare ads for two different
clothing stores, two different mobile phone companies, or two different
brands of shampoo. Based on the ads, what is the target audience for
each product? Are the two companies marketing to the same target
audience? How do you know? How does each ad appeal to its target
2. As science helps us better understand how people make decisions,
this information will most likely be used to sell products. What are the
possible benefits of neuromarketing research for consumers? What are
the possible negative consequences?
3. Imagine this situation. Your university has received funding from a
science foundation to conduct a neuromarketing research study among
ideas students. This has created a problem in the university community.
Many people are opposed to the study because they believe that the
information gained from the study could be used to control people
without their knowing it. Others feel this study is a good opportunity for
your university to earn money and for researchers to better understand
how the human brain works. What do you think? Why?
4. Look back at your notes. What was another idea in the lecture that
you found important or interesting? Tell the class why you think it is
ce important or interesting, and ask for their opinions.


UNIT 1 Business 11
Present Your Knowledge

PRESENTATION Use Good Posture, Eye Contact, and Volume

When presenting in English, you want the audience to feel that you
know your topic and have something important to say. It's not only
what you say (ideas and words), but also how you say it. If you want
to gain the audience's attention and trust, you need to go beyond
words and use other non-verbal aspects of communication. Posture,
or the way you hold your body when sitting or standing, needs to
communicate that you are alert and confident in your ideas. Likewise,
eye contact, or looking into the eyes of the people when you talk, will
demonstrate confidence in what you have to say. Finally, speaking
volume, or loudness or softness of your voice, is another tool to show
that you are sure about your ideas and excited to share them.

Check your A. Watch a student presentation in which he describes a recent purchase.

comprehension Answer these two questions.
1. What did the speaker buy?

2. What factors influenced his buying decision?

Notice posture, eye B. Watch the video again. List two behaviors that decrease your confidence
contact, and volume in his message. Think about posture, eye contact, and volume.

~NLlNE C. The student received some suggestions on his presentation and

delivered it again. Watch the new version of the presentation. List two
improvements the student made to appear more confident.

PRESENTATION Posture That Shows Authority and Confidence

STRATEGY • Use a relaxed posture. Stand straight, but don't be too stiff.
• Stand so that you are firmly balanced, don't cross your legs.
• Keep your chin up.

12 CHAPTER 1 New Trends in Marketing Research

PRESENTATION Eye Contact and Volume That Show Authority and Confidence
STRATEGY • Look at everyone, not just the instructor or a few people.
• Don't read. If you use notes, look up frequently.
• Avoid looking at the floor or ceiling.
• Speak loudly enough for people in the back of the room to hear.

List more examples D. Work with a partner to think of other ways to show authority and
confidence. Write your examples here.


Practice using E. In a group, take turns practicing these skills by giving short (l-minute)
posture, eye contact, self-introductions.
and volume
rse, Each person should present twice. The first time, focus on eye contact. As
you are speaking, try to switch eye contact from person to person and keep
eye contact with each person for three seconds. The second time, focus on
posture and volume.

After each presentation, ask for feedback from your group members. Ask
them these three questions:

• Did I make eye contact with everyone?

• Did I use the posture strategies?
• Did I speak loudly enough for everyone to hear?

Give a presentation F. Prepare and deliver a presentation about a recent purchase.

• First, describe ~ product that you have bought recently. It could be a

large purchase, like a computer, or a small purchase, like soap.
o • Then explain your decision-making process. Why did you decide to
buy this product? What factors most influenced your decision-making
process? How is this product different from other similar products you
could have bought?
• Finally, tell how satisfied you were with the product and your decision
to buy it. Are you happy with your purchase? Why or why not?

Use the strategies for good posture, eye contact, and volume to show
authority and confidence when you are speaking.

Before you prepare your presentation, review the ideas and vocabulary
from this chapter.

UNIT 1 Business 13
A. Work in a group. Take on a business issue from several different

Happy Cereal Company is introducing a new product-a cereal called

Healthy Flakes. Healthy Flakes has lots of added vitamins, but also
contains a lot of sugar. A community organization opposes the company's
use of neuromarketing to develop the advertising campaign to promote the
cereal to children. They have arranged a meeting with company executives
to discuss their concerns.
Group members should take on the following roles:

• Community leader: You are concerned about the negative health effects Lea!
on children in the target market (children aged 5-8).
• Business executive of the company: You want to maximize profit for the
• Re
company and shareholders, but also protect the image of the company in
the community.
• Shareholders: You are concerned mostly with earning profits from your
investment in the company. • Pre

In a meeting roleplay, share the perspective and concerns of the role you ACe
are playing. • Gi'

B. Work in a group to conduct a survey about ethics in the workplace. Pre

Conduct a Survey • Us
Take a survey of employees outside of class to find out their ideas
on ethics in the workplace. Use the questions below or create some of Cf
your own. Lea
1. Do you think most company leaders want to do what is best for
themselves, or what is best for their employees? Lis1
2. Do you think your business leader is honest? Do you think your • Re
supervisor is honest? Do you think most of your co-workers are honest? inf

Compile and Analyze Results No1

Return to your group to discuss your results. Compile your results into a • Us
chart, and draw some conclusions.
Share Your Findings • Ex
Share your chart and conclusions with the class. di:

• Cr

Listen to the lecture and complete the summary notes. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each blank.
Main idea 1: (1)______________________
Main idea 2: (2)______________________and some examples
Main idea 3: Future (3)______________________
Main idea 1:
- Advertisers’ finding: + buying decisions not always rational,
+ (4)______________________are stronger than logical reasons
- Main motivations for purchases remain (5)______________________
- Focus groups and surveyshave been usefulbut (6)______________________
àPeople need a more (7) ______________________to understand (8)______________________
Main idea 2:
How it works
- Use machines for (9)______________________. It takes pictures of (10)______________________to
figure out how people are thinking and how they (11)______________________about products, brand
and advertising
- Connect subject to MRI machine –show a picture or (12)______________________
- Look at the picture of the person’s brain and activities going on (13) ______________________
àknow where (14) ______________________ of brain are located
2004 study of Pepsi and Cola
- Blind tasting: volunteers didn’t know (15)______________________à 50% choose Coke, 50% choose
Active brain connected to feeling of reward à brain focused on the real taste
- Brand name given: 75 % choose Coke, 25 % choose Pepsi
Part of brain active connected to self-image or personality à choose Coke due to its brand
(16) ______________________ translates into sales
University of Germany
- Test how men reacted to pictures of cars àback of brain active = brain used to recognize faces
- Men see car designs as (17)______________________
Main idea 3:
- Correctly read pictures of brain activities àunderstand consumer feeling and attitude and predict (18)
- help companies:
o Understand the target markets’ (19) ______________________
o Predict consumers’ needs and desires
Concerns: possible abuse of this method
- More than just meeting the consumers’ needs
- Use information to (20) ______________________ people (political purpose…)
ST EP 1 Listen and Apply New Strategies

Think about the topic A. Look at the newspaper. Then work with a partner to discuss the
questions below.


Local News I Life & Arts I Sports I Business I Clouds and ra 1Oda). At.
HI 84/Low50 ~
P.10 p.19 P.26 p. 39 DetailS p.44 4'/0////0//

The city's Vol. 109
daily since
1873. \!toe !Bailp liulletin ~~B2g
www.dailybulletin.met Morning Edition *** $1.50
Executives found guilty of fraud
Corporate scandal sends
stock market prices down

1. What kinds of crimes do you think business executives are most tempted
to commit? Give some examples.
2. How would you define "business ethics"?

14 CHAPTER 2 Business Ethics

Read to build B. Read this article about corporate scandals.
background knowledge
See page 2

Corporate Crime on the Rise

Undoubtedly, there has been a lot of bad news Investors lost their money, and employees lost not
coming out of the business world in recent years. only their jobs, but also their retirement savings.
2 While people worry about the economy, they
are also concerned about the rise of corporate
Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme
crime. In fact, there is real reason for concern. A
survey of corporations in 54 countries showed Bernie Madoff is famous for one of the biggest
that between 1999 and 2009, there was a sharp cases of fraud in history. For decades, people
rise in corporate crime. Of the more than 5,000 trusted him to invest their money. What they
companies surveyed, 43 percent reported an didn't know was that Madoff was running a Ponzi
increase in fraud. In financial services, such as scheme, a type of fraud in which investors are
banks and investment companies, the increase paid from their own money or by money from
was 56 percent. other investors, instead of from actual earnings.
By the time Madoff was caught, he had taken $65
Why do companies engage in fraud? Mainly,
billion from thousands of investors. In 2009, he
they want to meet shareholders' earnings
was arrested and sentenced to 150 years in prison
expectations, hide the company's financial
for his crimes.
problems, or increase their own earnings.

Mortgage Fraud at American Banks

Accounting Fraud at Enron
The financial crisis of 2008 brought with it
One of the most famous cases of corporate
many new concerns about white-collar crime, this
fraud was the Enron scandal. In 2000, Enron was
time in the banking industry. When banks began
the world's largest energy trader. It employed
to fail, it became clear that many of them had
21,000 people in 40 countries, and it recorded
participated in mortgage fraud. Bank loan officers
sales of more than $100 billion. Then, in December
had lied on loan paperwork about borrowers'
2001, Enron went bankrupt. Enron failed, many
incomes and assets to give them loans that they
say, because of the "get-rich-quick" thinking qn
were not able to repay. Loan officers did this
the part of the company's executives. Reportedly,
because they were paid bonuses for signing the
Enron's executives made bad investments and
loans. Many say the fraud was not limited to loan
borrowed billions of dollars to cover their losses.
officers but involved top-level executives who not
Then, the company's accountants hid these losses
only knew about the fraud, but supported it.
and exaggerated the company's profits. Enron's
executives denied any problems and continued These reports of wrong-doing have left
ppted to collect large salaries and profit from sales many people angry and calling for greater
of Enron stocks. Eventually, Enron was unable accountability. Hopefully our leaders will be able
to pay its debts, and the company collapsed. In to hold corporations responsible for their actions
2004, several Enron executives were arrested and and put a stop to this dangerous increase in
charged with fraud and other corporate crimes. corruption.

UNIT 1 Business 15
Read to build B. Read this article about corporate scandals.
background knowledge
See page 2

Corporate Crime on the Rise

Undoubtedly, there has been a lot of bad news Investors lost their money, and employees lost not
coming out of the business world in recent years. only their jobs, but also their retirement savings.
While people worry about the economy, they
are also concerned about the rise of corporate
Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme
crime. In fact, there is real reason for concern. A
survey of corporations in 54 countries showed Bernie Madoff is famous for one of the biggest
that between 1999 and 2009, there was a sharp cases of fraud in history. For decades, people
rise in corporate crime. Of the more than 5,000 trusted him to invest their money. What they
companies surveyed, 43 percent reported an didn't know was that Madoff was running a Ponzi
increase in fraud. In financial services, such as scheme, a type of fraud in which investors are
banks and investment companies, the increase paid from their own money or by money from
was 56 percent. other investors, instead of from actual earnings.
By the time Madoff was caught, he had taken $65
Why do companies engage in fraud? Mainly,
billion from thousands of investors. In 2009, he
they want to meet shareholders' earnings
was arrested and sentenced to 150 years in prison
expectations, hide the company's financial
for his crimes.
problems, or increase their own earnings.

Mortgage Fraud at American Banks

Accounting Fraud at Enron
The financial crisis of 2008 brought with it
One of the most famous cases of corporate
many new concerns about white-collar crime, this
fraud was the Enron scandal. In 2000, Enron was
time in the banking industry. When banks began
the world's largest energy trader. It employed
to fail, it became clear that many of them had
21,000 people in 40 countries, and it recorded
participated in mortgage fraud. Bank loan officers
sales of more than $100 billion. Then, in December
had lied on loan paperwork about borrowers'
2001, Enron went bankrupt. Enron failed, many
incomes and assets to give them loans that they
say, because of the "get-rich-quick" thinking o,n
were not able to repay. Loan officers did this
the part of the company's executives. Reportedly,
because they were paid bonuses for signing the
Enron's executives made bad investments and
loans. Many say the fraud was not limited to loan
borrowed billions of dollars to cover their losses.
officers but involved top-level executives who not
Then, the company's accountants hid these losses
only knew about the fraud, but supported it.
and exaggerated the company's profits. Enron's
executives denied any problems and continued These reports of wrong-doing have left
ipted to collect large salaries and profit from sales many people angry and calling for greater
of Enron stocks. Eventually, Enron was unable accountability. Hopefully our leaders will be able
to pay its debts, and the company collapsed. In to hold corporations responsible for their actions
2004, several Enron executives were arrested and and put a stop to this dangerous increase in
charged with fraud and other corporate crimes. corruption.

UNIT 1 Business 15
Check your C. With a partner, discuss these questions about the reading.
1. What caused the collapse of Enron?
2. What type of fraud did Bernie Madoff commit?

3. Why did bankers give home loans to unqualified borrowers? What was
the result?

Expand your D. Match the words from the reading with their definitions. Look back at
vocabulary the article on page 15 to check your answers.

1. fraud a. a person who owns stock in a company

2. shareholder b. not having enough money to pay your debts

3. scandal c. a person who has a high position in a business

4. bankrupt d. the expectation that you will be responsible

for your actions
5. executive e. dishonest or illegal behavior, usually by
people in official positions
6. accountability f. the act of tricking or deceiving someone,
usually to get money
_ 7. corruption g. a shocking action, situation, or behavior

E. Circle the phrase with a similar meaning to the underlined idiom.

As a result of corporate corruption, four executives went to prison for

white-collar crime.

a. serious b. business related c. violent

Discuss the F. Discuss these questions in a group. Share your answers with the class.
1. Do you know any other cases of business fraud or corruption? Who was
involved? What happened?
2. Why do you think corporate crime has increased?

3. What do you think should be done to prevent corporate crime?

Review what G. With a partner, discuss three things that you have learned from the
you know reading and from your discussions about corporate corruption.

16 CHAPTER 2 Business Ethics

LISTENING Recognize Lecture Language for Transitions
During a lecture, professors often signal when they are introducing or
changing topics or ideas.
Listen for transitions-the words and expressions that professors use
was to indicate when they are moving to a new idea.

Expressions That Signal a New Idea

• Let me start with. . . • Okay, let's move on to .
at • Let's start by . . . • Next, I'd like to discuss .
• Now let's talk about. . . • Let's look at ...
• Now that we've talked about ...• Now I want to discuss ...
Another way that a professor can signal a transition is to ask a
bts rhetorical question. These questions prepare listeners for the answer.
The professor does not want students to answer.
• How can we explain this? Well, ...
• What does this all mean? Let's look at ...

List more examples H. Work with a partner to think of other expressions that signal a new idea.
Write your examples here.

Recognize transition I. Read the excerpt from a lecture about corporate responsibility.
lecture language Underline the lecture language that signals a transition.

Now that we've discussed some well-known cases of corporate crime,

I'd like to discuss a that was passed to help prevent it: the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Th~ aim of this law was to improve accountability of
corporations and -to prevent future cases of accounting fraud. Let's take
a look at some of its requirements. First of all, it requires companies to
was establish independent audit committees-independent accountants who
are required to report honestly about company finances. It also prohibits
companies from making loans to their executives. In addition, it holds
top executives responsible for any mistakes or false statements on a
company's financial records, and it creates strict penalties for committing
corporate fraud. Finally, it protects whistleblowers-employees who
report fraud within the company. So, what has been the effect of
Sarbanes-Oxley? Well, companies complain that the regulations in
Sarbanes-Oxley are too expensive to implement, and this hurts business.
However, supporters of this law feel that it is necessary for preventing
and punishing white-collar crime. Others argue that even more action
needs to be taken.

UNIT 1 Business 17
I-- Listen to the audio
J. Listen to the beginning of a lecture about the ethical behavior of men
and women executives. Write T for true or F for false for each statement.

1. Corporations with both men and women on the board of directors

set the same ethical standards as corporations led by men only.
2. Women commit more crimes that involve stealing from their
3. Women tend to steal larger amounts of money over longer periods.

Listen for K. Listen to the lecture again. Write down the lecture language that siqnals
transitions a transition. Then listen again, and write down the idea that follows the

1. New idea lecture language:

New idea: _

2. Transition lecture language: _

New idea: _

3. Transition lecture language: _

New idea: _

4. Transition lecture language: _

New idea: _

5. Transition lecture language: _

New idea: _

18 CHAPTER 2 Business Ethics

en STEP 2 Take Notes

Use Abbreviations and Symbols
Because professors often speak quickly, using abbreviations and
symbols will help you keep up with the lecture. Use abbreviations
and symbols in place of full words and phrases to write down
riods. ideas quickly.

Commonly Used Symbols and Abbreviations

equals, is the same etc. and so on
% percent e.g. for example
I or i.e. that is

~ to go down, decrease, lower imp important

t to go up, increase, higher wi with

< is less than w/out without
> is more than sb somebody, someone
+ and sth something
# number bit between

List more examples A. Work with a partner to think of other symbols and abbreviations you
might use in a business lecture. Write your examples here.

f--------- ----
Use symbols and B. Read these sentences from a lecture on business ethics. Take notes in
abbreviations your notebook using symbols and abbreviations to represent words and
ideas. Compare your notes with a partner.

1. A whistleblower is someone who reports that his or her own company

or business is doing something wrong or illegal.

2. For example, Jeffrey Wigard and Michael Woodford are two executives
who exposed corporate crimes.

3. Between 2009 and 2011, the number of workplace theft cases increased
by 40 percent.

4. An auditor is someone who officially examines the tax records of a

business or company-in other words, someone who is required to give
an honest and independent report.

UNIT 1 Business 19
Make predictions C. Before the lecture, think about everything you have learned and
See page 8 discussed on the topic of corporate ethics. What do you expect to
learn from the lecture? Write three predictions below. Compare your
predictions with a partner.

1. _
2. _
3. _

Watch the lecture D. Watch the lecture, and take notes using symbols and abbreviations to
represent words and ideas. Remember to listen for the lecture language
e..oNLINE that signals a transition.


Goals of business ethics:

Why people are concerned with business ethics:

Impact of corruption:

How ethical work environments help businesses succeed:

Things a company can do to promote ethics:

20 CHAPTER 2 Business Ethics

Assess your E. Check the statement that best describes how well you understood the
comprehension lecture language.

I was able to recognize when the lecturer moved to a new idea _

a. all of the time b. most of the time c. sometimes d. not often

F. Use your notes to answer these questions.

1. What is the goal of business ethics?



2. What are two examples of the impact of corruption on companies and

the economy?

3. How can promoting business ethics help a company to succeed?

4. Name three things that can be done to encourage an ethical work


Assess and revise G. Were you able to answer the questions in Exercise F using the
your notes information in your notes? Compare and discuss your notes with a few
See page 9 other students. Help each other fill in any missing information. Revise
your notes.

NOTE-TAKING Summarize the Lecture

A good way to help remember the information in a lecture is to put
the key ideas into your own words. This will also help you confirm that
you understood the lecture and that your notes are complete.
As soon as possible after a lecture, put the key ideas into your own
words and speak them out loud to a study partner or to yourself.

Summarize the H. Work with a partner, and take turns summarizing the main points of the
lecture lecture. Talk for 2-3 minutes only.

UNIT 1 Business 21
STEP 3 .
DIscuss the Lecture

ACADEMIC Ask for Clarification and Elaboration

It is challenging to follow a classroom discussion, but students are
expected to take responsibility when they don't understand what the
professor or a classmate says. Politely ask for clarification when you
don't understand something, or ask for elaboration to find out more
information that will help you understand the topic.

Expressions for Asking for Clarification

• Excuse me, could you say that again?
• Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat it, please?
• Could you please say that a little more slowly/loudly?
• What does ... mean?
• What do you mean by ... ?
• Could you go over ... again, please?
• I don't get what you mean by ...

Expressions for Asking for Elaboration

• Excuse me, what is ... ?

• How does that work?
• Why is that?
• Can you tell me more about ... ?

List more examples A. Work with a partner to think of other useful expressions for asking for
clarification or elaboration. Write your answers here.

22 CHAPTER 2 Business Ethics

Practice asking for B. In a group, read and discuss the questions. Keep the conversation going
clarification and until every student has had a chance to practice asking for clarification
elaboration and elaboration.

Think of a business you have worked in or would like to work in.

• What kind of business is it?

• What kind of work did/would you do?
• How would you describe the work environment (office, retail store, etc.)?
How would you describe your co-workers?
• In what ways could your ethics be tested in this business? Use your
imagination, and think of some possible examples.

Discuss the ideas C. Discuss these ideas with your classmates. Remember to use the phrases
in the lecture for asking for clarification and elaboration.

1. Do you think ethics should be an important part of business decisions?

2. The lecture suggests that companies write a "code of ethics" for their
employees to follow. Imagine you are the president of a company. What
rules would you include in your code of ethics? What would you do to
make your employees accountable?
3. Look back at your notes. What was another idea in the lecture that
you found important or interesting? Tell the class why you think it is
important or interesting, and ask for their opinions.

UNIT 1 Business 23
~-S~TEP4 j
. Present Your Knowledge

PRESENTATION Catch the Audience's Attention and Introduce Your Presentation

When you begin your presentation, it's important to greet your
audience and get their attention. Doing this will signal to your
audience that you are ready to begin, and it will get them interested
in hearing more. Once you have gotten your audience's attention,
it's also important to introduce your topic and provide a plan, or
overview, of the main points you will discuss. This will let your
audience know what to expect, and it will make it easier for your
audience to follow your ideas.

Check your A. Watch a student begin a presentation about a famous case of corporate
comprehension corruption. Answer these two questions.
1. Which company is the presenter discussing?

2. What kind of company is it?

Notice the B. Watch the video again. Look back at the presentation strategy, and think
Introduction about how the speaker catches the audience's attention and introduces
her presentation. Work with a partner to write down two ways the
student could improve her introduction.

~NLlNE C. The student received some suggestions on her presentation and

delivered it again. Watch the new presentation. In your notebook,
list two improvements the student made to the beginning of her

PRESENTATION Techniques for Catching the Audience's Attention

Ask a question to get the audience involved.
• How many of you ... ?
After you ask your question, give the audience time to raise their
hands, and be sure to briefly say what you noticed in their answers.
Provide an interesting fact, definition, or quote.
• Did you know that ... ?
Tell a brief story.
• The other day ...
Show an interesting image or cartoon.

24 CHAPTER 2 Business Ethics

PRESENTATION Phrases for Introducing a Topic and Plan
STRATEGY • Today, I'm going to talk about ...
• I'll begin with ...
• Next ...

List more examples D. In Chapter 1,you listened for lecture language for topic and lecture plan.
What phrases do you remember? Work with a partner to recall language
that you can use to introduce your topic and provide an overview of
your presentation. Write your examples in your notebook. Then check
your answers on page 5.

Practice catching the E. In a group, take turns using the following presentation outline to
audience's attention practice beginning the presentation.
Ethical Behavior of Younger versus Older Workers

I. Common beliefs about age groups and behavior

II. Effect of having more older workers in the workplace
III. Comparison of crimes committed by younger versus older workers
IV. Examples of younger and older workers involved in corporate crime

When you are finished, ask for feedback from your group members on your
greeting, attention-getter, and overview.

Give a presentation F. Prepare and deliver a presentation about a case of business fraud or

• Give the background of the case. When and where did it happen? Who
was involved? What did they do?
• Explain the outc?me of the case. Who did it affect? Did anyone blow the
whistle? Were those responsible held accountable for their actions? How?
• Discuss what you think could have been done to prevent this from
happening. For example, what could the government, company
executives, or employees have done?

At the beginning of your presentation, greet your audience, catch their

attention, introduce your topic, and give an overview.

Before you prepare your presentation, review the ideas and vocabulary
from this chapter.

UNIT 1 Business 25
Listen to the lecture and complete the summary notes. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each blank.
Main idea 1: Goals of business ethics and (1) ______________________
Main idea 2: Why people are concerned about business ethics and (2) ______________________
Main idea 3: How (3) ______________________ from creating more ethical work environment
Main idea 4: Ways to do
Main idea 1:
- Aim: give employees a sense of how to (4) ______________________
- Consider responsibilities of all stake holders: suppliers, employees, shareholders, clients and outside
à Not easy task. Companies have to share interests and (5) ______________________
Main idea 2:
- Reports of corporate fraud and crime
à Business leaders don’t (6) ______________________
- Corruption has big impacts on business and economy
o Impacts on stakeholders: lose jobs, salaries, investments when (7) ______________________
o Impacts on community when violations of (8) ______________________ regulations take place
- Examples of the impact
o Survey in 2002, 70% of investors claim they are (9) ______________________ into a company if
they worry that the company and its executives are cheating
à This hurts the company and (10)______________________
o Reports of corporate corruption make employees doubt the honesty of business executives
§ 91% employees believe that leaders just care for themselves
§ People at the top (11) ______________________ to encourage or discourage ethical behaviors
§ Experts found that there is (12) ______________________ between how employees think
about leaders’ ethical behaviors and their own ethical behaviors
Main idea 3:
- Promoting business ethics helps
o Avoid scandals
o Create better work environment and (13) ______________________
§ companies with honesty attract better employees
§ employees feel more satisfied in work, (14) ______________________ as workers and become
(15) ______________________
àHelp Company(16) ______________________ financially
Main idea 4:
- Develop (17) ______________________ including
o Establishcodes of ethics (i.e. written rules or guidelines)
o Train employees on how to follow the rules
o Survey employees for evaluation
àMake executives become(18) ______________________ for their behaviors
- (19) ______________________ in business schools
àFuture business leaders(20) ______________________of how to behave responsibly before entering

uorleluesord e 6uunp e3uelpne lno^ Llll^ uoddei eleo]l .
A6elertS uolleluosoJd
e 6uunp uotleloqelo roJ Ise pue lsojolul sserdxS .
A6elells uolssnf,slO t!uaPef,V
salou ;noA eztueolo otr leuJJoJ e6ed-1t;ds e esn .
f6elerls 6ul1e1-e1oP
stseqduue ro uolle3lJllel3 loJ uolleLUloJUl l,]s
;o uotltleda.r sleu6ts 1eq1 e6en6uel ernlsel eztu6oce6 .
A6eletlS 6ulue1st1
tu1snpu1 f,lsnu
eql 6ul6ueqt st A6o;ouqrol MoL{ uJee-l
uorlrsueJl o1 suorlsenb lestJoleLlr pue s;eu6ts es61 .
A6alerlS uorleluasatd
uorssnf,srp e ur sreLllo
;o suotutdo oLll ro; ISe pue suotutdo rno^ anlg .
{6eterlS uolssnrstC f,tluopetrV
ernlf,el e ut sp.,lom Ae1 6ut1ou esllf,eJd .
A6elerls 6uulel-aloN
lroddns pue ul -
suorlezrleroue6 ro; e6en6ue; olnllol eztu6oce6 .
A6ete,ttS 6u1ua1st1
Alalros u! asn etpau u1 se6ueqc lnoqe uJee-1 slle
g u3rdvHf
SA \
s!poo *!un
esn erpoN ur spue..rl t u]J_dvHf, 8z
epe8uBrlr tr seq fqr\[
esrcef e^g tsBI eql q pe8ueqJ urpeur Jo esn Jno{ sBq aoH 'Z
eeterusselc rnof Jo 1uq] ot ereduroc
esn urpeu rno.( seop ,,taoH 'elerussulc e qlr,l\ sJe,rsue rno,( e:eduoJ 'I
f*-**_-----r-_------- -_- T
lntr'xi I n lreLue pues Jo peeu
lrii ----".-,_----.1.
l! elrs 6ur>1.rorrnleu
n L-l I lersoseosn
x tr tr T T seue6 oeprn Ae16
tr tr tr I tr aurluo q}eas
(o u tluo)
tr tr tr T I rededsmeu P peeu
I tr T tr n ;ededsaneu e peeu
(eurluo ro CnC)
tr tr tr tr n sernoLU qrleM
tr T T tr tr sernoLU qrleM
(selU orpne)
tr I tr tr T f rsnul ol uolsrl
I tr I tr tr f,rsnLU o] uelsrl
(eurluo ro poprorer)
T n tr tr tr nr qtteM
(lsef,peorq o^rl)
T tr n tr tr n.l_ qf,]eM
iro/v\sue lsoq aql tol xoq aql Itraqf,
46urrno11o1 aql op noA op uolJo ,v\oH 'fentns osn elpoul slql oIeI rV rldol aql lnoqe Iulll
6Z sarpnls elpoN z IlNn
'plJo/u\ {;rep rno Jo asnelag 'lueuureualua pue 'spuau;
;o lred aEre; e /v\ou sr lueuuor^ue lell6lp aqI 'sa^rl 'uotleuJolur 'stnau 01 sselle ,,ataqrur{ue
A;rep rno;o uqy{qr aql;o yed e euolaq seq asn 'aurp(ue.. ro+ paau rno {;sr1es ol salt^ap
lauralul s6urpurl asaqtr uoJJ ralu! uel eM
1eq1 luara+Jrp lueu: uo.t; asooql /v\ou uel aM
'ra)ea/v\ lou 'luereJlrp aq lsnI lqDru sassa:o.rd 'lualualuol aJoru lualuo: ;eltEtp 6utssar:e
6ur>1urq1 'pllo^r\ uJapou eqt roJ ;;11s luepoduut ue e)eu salr^ap aseql asnelaq elpau Jaqlo pue
sr 6ur1se1r1;nu leql anDre sraqlo 're^a/vroH 'sllt)s s/v\eu ol arnsodxa Jno peseerlut aleq a/v\ lpql
6urlurql ra)ee/{ pue sueds uolluanp lauoqs /f\oqs serpnls 'sanrl ,(eprt.ra^e Jno ut a:uasard
qlrrvr aldoad 6urlear: aq Aeu rot^eqaq /v\au stql luelsuol e auolaq ot Plpaul .rotr a;qrssod
1eq1 s1sa66ns qlreesal luala; )selt]lnu o1 ,t1t;tqe lr apeu e^eq slool a;qepod asaL.ll'oslV
Jleql u! aluaplluo, aneq a;doad 6uno{ lsotu 'suttope;d ;o ,(1auen e uor; luauureualua
a1rqp1 {1ar:os .ro; pooE sr srqt }ou ro raqlaq/vl pue 'uorleurolur 's/v\au 1aE am'la^a ueql
;o uorlsanb aql pasrer seq l! pup'a;doad 6unoA aJoN 'uourruo: Al6ursear:ur eJe srappaJ-a pue
6uoue uourruof lsoru sr puarl leuU stql 'slalqe] 'sdolde; 'sauoqdlreus Jo r.uloJ aql
ur s:alnduro: alqeilod 'sralnduo: dollsap
'6u11se1r1;nu saEerno:ua
pue suorsr^3la+ rno [uoJJ elpau]luolllala
qlrq^,\ /v\ lselpeolq aq1 6u1rnp elqelrp^e
1aE A;uo sa:llap
.ra6uol ou aM '6ulsear:ug s!
lOU leUaleu leuorlrppe /v\alA ro sauals
3luoJpala allqou;o ftragren pue asn aql
eq] purqaq oD o1 srarnar^ /vlolle leql sdde
uorupdurol pelearl aneq suer6o.rd uorsrna;a1 'au11 lroqs {ran
a^rl auos 'a;duexa rol 'surJopeld raqlo ro; e ur re;ndod {;aula:1xa 6ururo:aq Jo ,,'lern
lueluol leuortrppe 6urptnord Iq sa:uauadxa 6uro6,. {ro1s .ro 'oaprn 'uler6ord e ut }lnseJ uel
prpeur qlu {asualu; a:our 6utlearr are r.llrrl/v\ 'tueluol raql ol s)url 6uueqs
sraprnord lueluol etpau'I;snoauellnuts osle sJoleerl luatuol erpau.r 'suorlnqllluol
euop aq o1 pauErsap lou are satlt^tlle etpau aluarpne o1 uorlrppe ul 'lsaluol luelel
lsou alrqM 'orpeJ aql uo lr o1 6utualst; a;rqrr uorsr^alal e +o trlnsal aql lraJJe :o uodar srnau
aur;uo 6uos e ol spro/v\ aq1 dn 1oo1 1q6;u P Jo uorlearl aqi ol oap!^ elnquluol o1 sn
nol .16
'auoqdlreus rnoA uo luana 6urlrods ro; alqrssod U epeu aneq satEo;ouqlal /v\eN
lueilodr-ur up Jo etols eql 6ul)raqr pue 'elol a^ltrlE ue e)e+ rurou Iaql 'uoltrPtu.loJul
ure:6o.rd uorsr^alal e 6urqrlervr elrq/{ spuau} +o sre^reler aq]tsnlraDuo; ou ere saluatpne
rno{ lnoqe salepdn aurluo ppar o1 do1del e erpa6 'Aroled;:;Xred fi6u;srar:u; s! elpa6
asn lqErur noI'a;dulexa ro1 'r\parrnruor
:asn erpeu lell6lp ur spuarl lualal
ueql asn o1 sn s/v\olle sell^ep alout ssolle
eluos aJe aJaH 'luauu!Puelue pue uolleuroJul Jo
lueluol lell6lp ot ssallv '6ursearrut st autl alrnos ureu rno se'saurze6eu pue sradedsmau
aues aql le erpau +o sadll eroul ro o/vtJ
se qlns '1xe1 pa:e;dal {;aEte1 e^eq elpau
6urs1-1 'uoruuro) aJour s; 6u;4se1111nu elpaga .
JO SAlrnOS lruorJlela aurlu0 'sn punole pllo/v\ aql
a;dr11nu JoJ lualuol a)eu ol peuels a^eq ' u, ; :ll l:i Jff,fi ::
sroleaJl erpau lueu 'luaudolanap stql i#,:,] f 11
aq1 pa6ueqr seq {6o;ouq:a1 6unuenp v
11 -r--f?--
i$lr rr,!il Jil{.3
7 e6ed ee5
e6palr*ou1 punor6l:eq
'Aepot osn erpatu Jo sf,rlsrJolf,ereLl) oLll uo l;ode; srqt peod 'g pllnq ol peau
osn erpaht ur spuejl t u:lldvHf, os
'asn e!por.u lnoqe suolssn)s!p Jno^ [uoJJ pue 6u!peor aloul nofi
oLll EroJJ poureal oneq no^ leLll s6u!r.ll ooJLll ssnfslp louued e qt!/v\ .0 leqfv\ /t^ol^od
ir(ltuercg;e ssel Jo eJotu >lJo,ta nor( se>1eu 3up1su1r11nur 1urq1 no.( oq 'Z
' secuerredxe rno,( eJeI{S
e euquo oepr.t 7.(ro1s lue1.todrur
ro Su4ledruoc e peJeqs .rg iurerSord uorsr.telel e lnoqe slueuruoc pelsod
re,te no,( eAeH eJeqruoru eouerpne ,(roludtctlmd u no,( eru sr(ervr ]eqzvr uI 'I
'sselr alll r,.lllrvr sJomsue rnof oJeqs -dno;6 e ur suorlsonb eseql ssnfsl6 H or,ll ssnss!c
erurl Jo poued e ur op Surqleuros uo eleruecuoc
ol oler{ no,( slsel Jo }unorue eq} 'q uec nor( elurl Jo lunorue eql 'B
'Surroq 1ee.;
seruqeruos uer sernlcet 'IFdS-UOiIUAJE. Uoqs B qlrlA sluepnls JoC
'ese;qd paurlrapun aql Jo uorlruuap lsaq aLll al)rf, rg
'cle'{ooq'e1cr1re'lueruncop ue}lu,ta
.ro peluud e ur spJo,la yo ,(poq urcru eql 'q reJul '8
esn ol ,(sue ecuepuuoc '4
suorurdo Jo seqrTrqe u,ro .rno,( Jo eJns 8q1eey ,(1esuelur '9
(lsnorres ro,(13uo4s .(rerr 'a ,(puerrncuoc 'g
erur1 eqt 1u Su4srxe ro Surueddeq 'p luerue^uoc ',
eru4 erues eq] lu Surlsrxe .J ernsodxe 'g
e,Luq no,(
uoIlBIuJoJuI eql luoJJ uolsnlsuoc e qceeJ o] 'q lueJsuos 'z
Surqleuros qllla lceluoc ur Sureq ro Suraes 'e txo] .I
'sJo/lrsue;no{ 4raqc ot 6Z e6ed uo Uode,t eull fue;nqecon
le l)eq loo-] 'suolllulJop ror.ll r.llr/vl 6u;pear aql ruoJJ spJo/v\ or,.ll qtrleN .(J rno{ puedx3
'sl1p{s Surlurqt Suorts sdole,tep 3ur1su1r11mu 1uq1 seer8e euo,(re,rg '€
I 'seJrlep eroru eleq.(eq1 esnuceq erpeur erou esn e1doe4 'Z
I 'e,trssed erour eydoed Surdeur sr esn erporu Surseercul 'I
I -
I 'reuued e ql!/vl sro/\irsue ;no[ ssnrsro 'luaualels qf,pa Jol oslel Jol I uolsueqardutor
ro onJl JoJ I otrJ6 '62 e6ed uo yoda; aql lnoqe sluoualels asaql peau .O rnof 4eeq3
ts sorpnts elpoh z IlNn
'sluared ol 3f,ueilodru! lpor6 lo lou s! anss!
slql leql e^allaq ol sn speal slql''''sEuE6 oap!^ u! asualoln fi;1e;redse
'' .'1ua1uor aue6 oap;n lnoqe elpatrr aq1 u; dsraaolluof :;lqnd ro lol e
uaaq seq araql qEnoql uan3 "Aetrd plnof, (aq1 saue6 oap!^ lo adrq aql
liloqp salnr peq sluared rlaql leql p;es a;doad 6unol( ro luarJod g ,{lug
e tdrarxi
'sraad ralddeq rlaql uerll
elporu 6ulsn aut11 arour luads rtaqt' ' ' Xddeq lseal aql aq ol sanlasruaql
pauodar oqri^ sluapnF eql eram i{aql ' ' ' 'atets ssau;ddeq aql uo lsal ol -ro i
pa;ofs oqm a;doad 6uno[;o luaerad 8l leql pan\ol'ls dpnp aug 's6u1pu11 .I:
auros ql!r\ dn s;q1 lreq aul la'I 'arout elpaut esn Addequn are oqiA e;doad
6uno1 'esn elpaur puE suollotuo uaaJvusq uollrauuof e 3q ol sulaas araql :
1 1d:aex3 i e6en6ue;
ornlral yoddns
'uolleuroJur 6u;yoddns Jo uollezt;eleueE e s;eu61s 1eq1 a6en6uel olnllol pue uollezllerouo6
aql ourpopull '6ur>1se1r1lntu lnoqe aJnlrol e uoll sldlecxa asoql pea6 'f az;u6oreg
'aJoq soldurexo
,rnof e11,rp1 'uollezlleloua6 eq1 ro; l,toddns Jo uotlez!leleue6
e 1eu6;s leql suolssoldxa reqlo lo lult.ll o1;eu1;ed e ql!/v\ IJoM 'l :T"r-'"::l"* rrll _
' ' ' Arols e Ll]lM dn srql l3eq aL! ]al .
' ' ' ]eLl] sole]lsuollop slr.,ll .
lel.l] slLl] uJor] JeJUr uP3 ofift o
aslll] ulojJ opnlf,uol oM uef, legM . ' ' oos uec noA edoq I .
isrLll Llror] raJur o^^ ue3
leqM ' o^ellaq o] sn speol slL.ll .
e ro; l.roddnS ro uotleztlelouog e leu6ls leLll suotssa.ldx3
'uorJezrle;oue6 e o1 spee;
uorleLuroJUr 6u rl.roddns oql seL! tleLUos :uotleLUJoJU I 6u tyoddns eq1
oro1oq soLuof, uollezrlerauaO eq1 saLlJtlaLUoS 'satlols pue 'suollenlasqo
'rloreasar LllA sorn]3al laL.l] ut seapt ;e;aue6 Uoddns uelJo s;ossa;old
Uoddng pue suo!lez!lplsuogi xo; a6enSueX ainllal azlu6o:ag SNIN3ISIl .SII
isuorluueldxe prIB selduexe Surtroddns IuoU seepl preueS
eql 11e] no.( uuc ,t\oH 'suepl r(ueru q1r.,tr eJn]oel 3uo1e ol Sutuelsq eJe no1
'uol1senb aLll Ja/v\sue pue leuyed p qll/vl I oloq A6alerls 6ulualsll
uollenlls or..ll ssnrsrp 1{6ele,rls Eutuelst; oLlt puelsJopun no{ dlaq o1 ';1 aql JoJ aredar6 )o
asn erpel ur spuarl t u:ll_dvHf, 72
: uor]uzrleJeua8 JoJ 1-roddn g
:e8en8uel erntJeT ', -
:e8un8uul eJnlceT '€
:uouezrluJausc =
:e8en8uul efipoe-I'Z
:e8en8uel eJnlcel 'I
'Uoddns oql Jo uollez!leJoue6 etlt yoddns lo
ul op olu/v\ pue 'u1e6e ualsrl uaql 'uoddns Jo uollezllelaueE e s;eu61s suo;1ez;1eraua6
1eq1 e6en6uel oJnlf,ol aLll u/r^op olp1111 'u;e6e oJnltrol aql ot uolst-'l .l rol uals!-l
' s,.(upo1q ilp{s tue}rodrm uu sr 8un1sel}ttnry '€
'3rurJ errrBs eql le $lsB] lueJeJUirp
o,4Al uo ?urlro,l ere nor( ueq/( pJuq se eJr,^A,J $lJo,la ureJq JnoI 'Z
',(1,r,ro1s erou rueqt op ,(eqt 'uouo s1se1 e8uuqc eldoed ueql6 'I
'luoulalels qtreo ol lxou oslel lol I1{llllor''rsi.i
I ro onrl roJ I olrJ/r^ ueql '6ur1sellllnl,u lnoqe oJnltrol e ol uols!-l .y olpne oql ol uals!'l
22 sorpnts elpoht z l_lNn
'olu!t asuodsa, uolle}luntutuo3 lnoqP seap! luaral#p ro asnefaq
uoddeq figpsea ue: sdnorE a6e tuatsrJlp uoar$taq uo!le3!unuulo3s!N
'4r;nb se aulll esucldsar slql oas uosrad paSe-alpplw y "palou6;
;aa; rteur aqs 'asuodsar p lot srnoq 8? s11em ra6euaal e ll 'aures aql op
o1 sJaqlo l:adxa r{aq1 pue ':;se111;nur oI a{!l {aq1 asneeoq s1 asuodsar
>;:1nb e lsadxo rtaql uoseot auo "puas Aarl} uoltelluntuulo, ot
asuodsar ro raA sue 1o1nb e lsadxa {spol a;doad 6uno{ X6olouqral ^ue
uoller!untutuo: Jo ltl!tlqEl!eAB pue paads pasEal3u! aq] Jo *r.::.::
'spro/n Ae1 6ursn ),looqolou ;no{ u1 so}ou o),lel
'uollef!unuruot pue A6olout.l?ol tnoqe oJnltrol e UIoJJ 1d;ecxe slLll pead .g spro/n lte>1 alop
:?Ua?i:]!++r? > *3r!, = ISi":|i+il':t{.i
,:*+**r+ - **J.{t l, cr}=d3j. j-i
#iri!?, x#,r't '<+q*;d **#,{.:1. J?iff "r}",/r: t3+!.'+.{; *{} d;i 1Fr{"it't<:.3
*t*"ter;+rt;e{ L{?trt;-r ,lr*l ,{r'*:p<* - r*;t*&iri1:1'r.5 t-,
"aru!* e ls Sllnl*:e auo &Jo snsa* ai,! qalirtr ueq] Xset!]lnul
ar{\ uaqrfl }uai}l}}a ssa} aie ar{,! lei.l* 'lla/y1 A5!Ll} u,ror* ,atut an& us} leLl}ll
'dl)t3!nb alour suiaiqord aL{& op p!no},{aq}'aL&t!} e ee adr{} 8uo uo sn3o}
p;nor {aqtr }l "uar{} op o} ,ra6usl uaq} Xoo} &l 'st!.lalqold tlleu ,o sadA}
*us,rslw uaarvllsq qlia, pue xseq q3l!#r3 ol peq sluapnls j.! leqi puno,
,lteq1 'srualqoid qlei.u q1;rvr;{pn1s e pa}3{!p&ro: ue$1rtrrly1 3o AXlsxanlugl aqg
'ldref,xo oLll le Ur;;;;'
lnoLllrm arnlrel aLll azlreuruns ol salou s,luapnls aql osn 'laulled e
'uorlf 'salou s,}uopn}s auo 1e Iool pue '1d;ecxa atnl)ol slqt peau 'v "=^l:'v--
'of,uoluos e ul oulueaLu aLll
Jo ]soul [enuoc sprom Aa1 eq1
'sqranpe pue'salt]f,etpe 'sq;en'sunou
ore osoqt arn]f,ol oLl] ur seapr eq1 6urpuelsropun loJ (spioM luellodtut
.ro) sp.rom Ae1 eql 6utlrrm uo snf,oJ srole]-alou ]saq eLll 'reaq noA
p;onn Arena elultn o] paou l,uop no[ 'ernlca; e o1 6utue]srl ueL{M
$pro&\ Aax aloN 9N!XV"t-3&6N
esn erpoN ur spuert t u:lldvHtr v2
esrcef 0g tsel eql ur pe8uuqc seq urpeu ot ssecce sr(e.u ee.rqt eJe teql& 'I
'suorlsanb osoLll roMsue ol solou rnoA es61 g
uelJo lou 'p =
seurBeruos ') :
elurl eql Jo lsourq :
euID eql Jo II€ 'B
aienruul oJnlJol
eq] ezruSoceJ o] elqe seA\ I -
oJnl)ol eq1 pezru6oce,r
noA ;;ervr Moq soqrJ3sap uogsuaqerduror
lsaq leql ro/nsue aql altrr3l 'f rnofi ssessy =
'yoddns ro uorlezrlsreue6 -
e s;eu6rs 1eq1 e6en6uel aJnlf,al -
aql Jol uolsll ol Joquourau
'sprom lueyodu.rr lsor.u orll uo
snfol 'Iooqalou rnoA ur solou rx,tHo{ -
alel pue'oJnllol aLll r{rle^A 'o arnlrol or.ll r.lrle A
'€ -
.I =
'tauyed e qlU'A suo;1c;peld
,tno{ areduo3 '/vroloq suo;1c;perd ooJr.ll olUA aarnlral aql urorJ uJeol
ol lcadxa noA op teq1 'Aepol osn erporrt Jo eldol or.1l uo passnrsrp B e6ed eas
pue pauleal aneq noA Eult{tAlona lnoqe Iuttll'olnlrol aq} aJolag rJ suollelpard
It sorpnts etpoN z IlNn
17 e6ed aeg
'A;uo salnurlJJ. ,-Z roJ ),llef 'ornlJal arnlrol
or,.ll Jo slurod uretu oql Eugzgleuurns surnl olel pue 'reu1,ted e ql!/vl IJo/vyH or..ll ozuetrltuns
'se1ou ;noA
oslna6 'uolteuJoJu! 6u!ss!ut Aue ul llry roqlo qree dleg 'sluopnls rotllo
/v\sl e qlr/vl salou rnoA ssnJsrp pue ereduroS aseapl uletu oql Jo no^ 6 e6ed ee5
pur,uoJ o1 q6noue spJo^ Ae1 eq1 aJaM asolou;no[ u! uolleturoJu! solou rno^
eq1 6ursn osrrJaxf u| suoglsenb oLll Jo^ sue ol alqe no^ ere11
I .9 osl^or pue ssassv
6slceJJe e.r.rtrsod eqt Jo eruos
eJ? lurll(\ aosn erperu peseeJcur Jo slceJg:e errrluSeu eql Jo eruos eJu lBql\ ',
eesn urperu req e8ueqc luql
seop .tAoq 'ruoorpeq Jeq ur erpeu ol ssecce seq uosred 8uno,( € ueql& '€
Jo lol e op,(upol eldoed 8uno,( teql reJur sreqsreeseJ plp,(rI ilz
esn erpeN ur spuorl g u:lldvHtr gs =
'oJor..l soldulexo Jno^ olu^ 'suo!utdo loJ :
6ut1se pue 6u1nl6 Jol suorssordxe reqlo Jo Iulr,.ll ol Jouued e qll/vl ),lJoM .V seldruexe orout ls!'l :
asrq] uo e>1e1 rnoA s,leLlM .
'z\es o1 seq xolv ]eq^ reaq ol elll p,l .
a ' lnoqe ;ae; noz{ op Mor.l 'xelv .
e' ' ' ]noqe yurql noA op leL{A .
suorurdg;o; 6ur1sy
' ' ' 'ecuouodxe Auu u1 .
''''auj ol .
' ' oLU ol suleos ]l .
' ' ' 'uorurdo {lu u1 .
" ')u!r{l l .
uo;urdg rnol 6urnr9
'sreql eJetls o] sreL{lo }uem lo slqOnoql ;noA e;eqs o} }uem noA 1eq1
Mol1s o1 suorsse;dxe asn'sroqlo;o suorurdo oql leall o] alqenleA lo
6ur1se.re1ur aq plnol ]t uaLlm saLutl osle ale oraql uotssn3stp e 6uunp
uorurdo lnoA loJJo ol olll plnoM noA ueqnn soLrJll uol;o o.Je alaLll NCIt5Sn3St&
s,,al{*€i 6o srxolugd6r aq} *o* X$V pue etoluld6 tnoA anlgr 3Nb{3(lV3Y
L2 serpnls elpaN z JlNn
'suoluldo JIaq] JoJ sJeqlo ISV'SuIlseJeJuI Jo ]ueuodur
sr lr {uqlno,(,(q.,r,r sselc eql lel63ur1seJelul Jo luegodur punoJ nor(
lBql oJUreI eql uI eepl Jellloue se. a l€rlv\.se]ou rno,( lu Iceq {oo'I
eueJplrqc :no.( ro3 e>1eur no,( plnoa selru Jo puH tuql& 1,lou fq,tr
'lou JI ielerrdordde eJezvr selru eseql4urq1 no,( oC eselru orp eJe,t\ leq.t\
'os JI e'oie 'serueS oeprl 'leu.relul eql 'n1-erpeu;o sed,$ lueJeJJrp
Sursn lnoqe selru e,t.Bq slue:ed.rno,( prp 'dn Surmor8 ere.lo, no,( ueq11 'g
'ureldxg aplro^\
tueporu aq] roJ rueqt Surrederd ut pgdleq Jo InJrurzl{ eroru sI op eldoed
8uno,( tur{t Suqsutltlnur Jo }unorue eql q eseercur eql {uFp no,( oq L
elull 3UO[B o
:Jerpo o {Jo.AA Iooqcs .
{Jo,AA o e.Jrl Iercos .
:e;q rno,(
Jo slcedse 3ur.,r,ro11og eql uo lceJJe elqu8eu ,(ltsour ro e,trlrsod ,(1lsou e
peq sF{] se11 ;s.ree,( eAU ]sel eq] uI peSueqc erpeu Jo esn rno,( seq 'I
'suoruldo ro1 6u;1se pue 6utn;6lo; arnlral aql ul
seserqd oLll osn ol Joquouau 'saleusse;c;noA qlrm seop! osoql ssnrstg ', seop! aql ssnfs!o
afq,tt 6leuoqecnpe/elrleruJoJur lsoru eql sr ,$rrrrlcu erperr qcg./y\.
afqlt 6no,( -ro; Sururetretue lsour eqt sr ,$r,tt1cu Blporu qclqlA.
lser]r^rlce esoq] op oJ esn r(leurrou eldoed op sscr^ep leqd\
asepucep .,ra.eJ lsul eql ul pe8ueqc seIJIArJcu elpetu eseql eluq ,l\oH
Surpeer .
clsmu o1 Suruelsq .
oeprrr 8urqc1un .
:sorJrlrJJe Erporu 8umro11og eql JeprsuoJ 'Z
ltou,(qm .ro .(q11 6sluered
.rno,( ro; ere.u ,(eq} se ,(upol lueuodrul sB slIpIS Surpeer Suorls eJV 'I
'uorurdo ue roJ 6u;1se )o/pue 6utnt6
eelloerd ol orueql e peq seq luopnls A.rene lr1un 6u;o6 uollesJonuot suo;uldo rol 6u;1se
eql dee) 'suollsonb 6u;rno1lol oql ssnrsrp pue peoJ 'dnor6 e ul '8 pue 6u;n;6 aflperd
asn erpeN ur spuorf s u]J_dvHf, It
'uorleluosoJd aLll ur Jeoq no^ 1r,ilrilo 5i$
soseJqd leuolllsueJl o/v\l lsll 'Iooqolou rno^ ul 'ure6e oopl^ oql qrleM .J suoll!suerl aql o)!loN
aesn re>lBeds eql seop urparu Jo sedf] luoreJJrp eerql 1311,\['z
rlnoqe {lB} ro)I?3ds 3ql seop pueJ} erpeu aeu 13ql& 'I {e"
rNrrr{0 {llB
'IOOqOIOU rnOA Ur suollsonb o/vu asoL{l roMsuv uolsuoqardlUo,
'puarl elporu au B lnoqe uorleluosaJd e renllep luopnls e qlleM .8 Jnof IJaqf,)
's6)rntsp asar{} uo 6u;ueddeq gle =
sefk{ }l " " ' eLi{}qd 6tll o3e;qe1 ,{i.s " " sa3lAap a!lq*r,l} itc ses{i }! os '9re} e }E -
outuaddeq stsr4 fiurrll alaq.4 aLIl IELB r^oux no6 'lls^ apals8llar puojl leql -
5c&& asas'rla$} ai!qs!&{ }r'}sqe }eqri& }rr8 'a1sxsa311 Aut u1 pu*,r3 s *! }noqe p"al :
o^ro&r putsJl sirll -{sslltlnul o} olu rcl lensnun lou sf}! leql oas uetr noA
'suJnipollrluaiallp oorrll uc urpau ,o sadAl luaJalJrp Jno; s.leql '5uti{l -
+t, PUrI *si{* Jusuuu,:)y qU{ .f ',ur{* 5UOl{5i.ilr, l}Ul45s -irut}li(I Alll uU
e&e!.$s$et; € Si;rlx6* srnn I 's1q3 6ur*p se,nr' ! a,!En& p{,rb' 'sB&!s 6soL{l uaelta}aq
vrnn !ir.'ad *nr' . ir.rrrr _ '_ rrrnn 6rrrcn
tJu!5tt -
qlru+ }JuE.{Js\,1 ur:lQp Ssrvi l;a}i"u!+ dltlsb dqJ Al}:Jsxd ls sr,ul{tl Lr+ut{
l.usErA I 'AeIo 'Alrs"laarun dru le eseqetPp irP.rqil au;luo aql puE aur6ua
qlreas e*sells oMl-uedo snfioput,ul oMt pEi{ t 'aulluo uollel.-tlrolu! auJos dn =
6ut>locg ser* ; '6ur3t,rm aliqrq 'stsnur otr 6uiuagsi; serv\ | pue 'uc sauoqdpeaq -
drl prq I aw!l ar$es gql 1e puB talnduJo? {LU uo }iodal e 6ur}urhi '?Je) -
e ur 6ur11rs s€rB i(.4cpislseA'$lrtl alcllsn!!r ol a!dutpxe uL' oleqs atrl lo'l -
'6ur{sP?r}tftu! i$ 1:qeq Au.: L!.iee6: lsoLLr paf,i}ou , -ss"t} ur }noqe Sulpea.l
ueeq a^.atr ]€{.iifl "'elpolu tit spugr} 3ua3gj s})A!rel elpeLu J0 ASn $lql =-
-. ^
euu! mvt{
v+ r4ll p,t iAeN" rcr.^" lC} p$e pts5n l }eqlA " " :eUJnO{
'" unlM <t!ll prnsltr lnRftF nl^t r{nva l
, *k5.rr nscfr ! RUri
!-v3!r: M4{r ilrutrv lrurl
nnj( lJle{ ti ,\srlu
'suorlrsuerl aarql are araql laqloue ol eopr
ouo r.uorJ 'suorlrsueJl Jo 'sonoLu raleads aql uaqM x ue IreN 'asn erporu
srq lnoqe uorleluosard s,1uapn1s e uorJ ldraf,xa 6urnnol;o; aql pead .v suolllsuerl af,lloN
'reMSUe llrM
Joleeds eql leLl] suorlsanb 'suorlsanb lef,uolaLlr t.i]rM parldt!r ro
'polels All:arp eq uetr suorlrsuerl .roqlaool posn aje sad^] uorlrsuerl
oMl osor-ll uauo uaaq ]snI a^eL] noA areL.lM lla] leql soueLUurns
o>lll oJouJ ore sraqlo lxou 6urLUof, sr ]eq^ ol eLll lurod suorlrsuer]
aLUOS sntrOJ esol pue parl aLuoraq uef, srouelsrl ^eM oroqM suorleluoserd
roouol ur lueuodur Allerf,adsa are suorlrsuerl uorleluosord oq] Jo
ueld llero^o aL.ll Jo s.]ouolsrl purLUar ol suorlrsuelJ asn uef,.ro>1eods v
rr^ttle!tolt c tPllSle
6S sorpnls elpoN z IlNn
'seepr rnor.^AolloJ eJuerpne eqi dleq
ol seffiJqd IeuoursrmJl esn 'seepr Jnof Uoddns ol saldlllexe pue sI€lep esrl
a,(q,U 6e,Lrlu8eu ro e.trlrsod ll sJ eleJeue8 ut ,$etcos uo pue eJrI
rnor( uo spuel ,^aeu eseql gio lcudurr oql sr ieq^\ 'uorurdo rnor( u1 ielpelu
esn nor( s,(e,,r,r eq] lnoqe Sursudrns lsoru se^\ leql(\ lesn elpelu rno,( lnoqe
uuel no,( plp ler{l(\ :3ur.r,ro11o; eql JeprsuoJ'suollJeueJ rnoz( areqS
ereJJIp ]l prp A\oq ']ou JI 6,t.roq 'os JI 6elperu Jo esn rno,( ur potcoger
(3ur1se14pru pue 'secrlep olrqou',$r,tr1cere1ul) uoder eq] ur spuel eql
erolvrasn Blpelu Jo pJoJar rnoi( o1 godar aql ruo4 sBopl aql 't1ddy
prp ueuo A\oq pu, esn no-( prp Brpeu rBrLV['osn Blpa., rrrf'fir:l"j .
:sselc eql oJ seeJs
eseql uo lroder ol erede;d puu 'p.rocer tnotl eztlleue 'pJBAJelJv 'esn rno,(
tn petcoger em 6Z e8ed uo ..plro A IeIFIC;n9,, ouodeJ eqt ut pessncsrp
spuer1 ,^&eu eqt Jeqteq^\ Jo {ce4 deel osly'tl esn nof 3uo1 lroq pue 'esn
no,( 1uq1| u1(op elu1v[ 's,(ep o,r,r1 Jo euo JoJ esn erpeu rnor( Jolluohl tl
'e!pour Jo osn ;no{ lnoqe uorleluosord e dolene6 g uolleluaserd e sAlO
,(ru puelsrepun Je1eq no.{ pedleq eleq plnoc 1r(e.t euo sI }eIId\ .
auorluluese"rd .(ur ur Jeeq no,( prp serJeruuns .ro sesurqd IeuorlrsuuJl leq,^N .
:uoq] ISV'{ceqpeeJ no,( ea.t8 seterusselc rno,( eleq'qs1ug no,(.regy
'eepr luoJaJJlp e ol onoLu no^ ueqrn ;eu6;s pue AU
azueuuns o1 sase;qd leuollrsuerl asn ('[ leldeq3 ur 91 '6d uo seept rnoA
ssardxa ol e6en6uel pull) '1r ;o uorutdo ,tnol( el;6 '{;;eu;1 '/ aql u!
paueddeq leq/v\ oqprsop 'lxoN 'l! oos ol osor.l, noA Aqrvr pue 'l! rvres noA
uoq^A '/v\es no{ leqan aJeqs '{|1uare; uaos aneLl no{ 1eq1 or^our ro / suolllsuerl s^llrollo
uotstnalol e lnoqe 11e1 'dnor6 e ur leads noA se suollrsuerl 6ulsn ecglreJd .I 6ugsn erl1cer6
'Z[ e6ed uo sro^ sue;noA lceqc uoLll 'Iooqelou ,tno{ u1 sese;qd
otll olu^ 'seop! rnoA rvro;;o; oruorpne eq1 dleq uef leLll;e1deq: lsel oql
uro;1 e6en6uel arnlrol lleJoJ ol;euued e qlliv\ IJoM aJoqureutar noA op
sese;qd 1eq6'e6en6ue; e;n1cal uolllsuerl JoJ pauolsll nofr'7 re1deq3 ul .O seldutexe orour ls!-l
i ' lnoqe leLlM ]nq ' ' lnoqe pe)lel on,om Ae>1O .
aueeur srr.{} soop }eL{M os .
' ' ' ssnf,srp s,lal '}xoN.
r.,&!&lsue*g e geu$gg *pr{& sue!$saxdxg
Listen to the lecture and complete the summary notes. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each blank.

Topic: New trends in (1) _______________________
Main idea 1: new trends in media use
Main idea 2: surprising (2) _______________________
o Media used since waking up (email, TV, (3) _______________________)
o 50 years ago (mid 20th): in USA existed only TV, radio, movies, records, (4)
o Now (21st):
§ Larger (5) _______________________: VCRs, DVRs, CDs, DVDs, computers
§ Online activities: email, (6) _______________________ …
§ Technology is always changing
- Faster
- Cheaper à more owner
- (7) _______________________
- Internet, cable/ satellite technology à people can get (8) information and entertainment mostly
Conclude: media more convenient; life (9) _______________________à children grow up in (10)

New trends in media use

2004 study
o Kids 8 – 18: spend 6.5 hrs/ day doing media-related activities >adults doing full time job/day
o Expose (11) _______________________/ day doing media
o Why spending 6.5 hrs – exposing 8.5 hrs?
àdoing several kinds of media concurrently à new trend: (12) _______________________
§ Music + video games + reading
§ Surf internet + watch TV
à Youth: (13) _______________________ at doing more than 1 task at a time
o Positive or negative impacts: not sure
§ Use more types or media, spend the same amount of time 5 yrs ago
à Use more intensively, increase multitasking
Example: recent study – 26% media time: multitasking
# children have access to media in bedrooms
o In USA, children with VCR/ DVD in room: 1999 – 36%; 2004 – 54%
o Children with TV: 3.5 hrs/ day vs. 2 hrs/ day (children without TV)
o Use other media more
Surprising results
Negative opinion:
o Lower (14) _______________________ and shorter (15) _______________________
o Too dependent on visual media
à No (16) _______________________ long text, hurt school work
Positive opinion:
o Much exposure: prepare for real life
§ Life full of (17) _______________________
§ Live and work in that world
o Good at (18) _______________________, paying attention to interesting things
§ Skill of monitoring, coordinating many tasks at a time = benefit
§ CEOs (19) _______________________, different projects
àMultitasking + confidence with media use = (20) _______________________ for workplace
o Continue to study the changes in media use
o Not infer that the changes are good or bad
Consider how new technology and the ways of using affect kids

Artsnpul trrsnN 6ur6ueq3 oqf 7 U3l_dVHtr OV
'J3.&\su? Jno[ ureldxg
'CJ s.puer4 e Surr(doc ro CIJ pesn u 8ur(nq ruo4 tueJeJJrp
ou sr lI -ro3 8ur,(ed
lnoqlrA\ leuJelul eql JJo clsmu Surpeoluzvroq
:lueurelels 8umro11og eql qq.t\ eer8esrp ro eer8e no,( reqleqm eprce( 'g
esrsnru ol uels{ ol esn nor( op serSolouqcelwLllt\'z
tol uels{ no,( crsnru eq} le8 no,( op ereql& 'I
'reuyed e qll/v\ /v\oloq suorlsenb oLll ssnfs!p uoLlf 'f,!snI'u
ol ualsrl o1 A6olouqral luoJrn, 6ursn euoeuros Jo ernl:1d oql le Iool .V :!dot .,r1
LV serpnts elpeN z IlNn
'peteqop I11oq eq uoLuLuoo fuen e st '6uueqs sl4 se u^ ou) osle
[;erns ;;rnn mel ]q6!l{doc punore sonssr 'crsnLu 'lauJelul eql er^ crsnu 6utntecer pue 6ulpueg
Io uorlnqulsrp pue 6urleur eql ezllercouap ot '1q6u[doc rol ssnssr ou po]eoJc onpq spoq]eu
senurluoc e6e rcq{c oqt sp 'pe"oqe uee{ eq1 u; uoluqll}slp crsnLu ou'oJotu.rol-.lunl
'dots ol e;qrssoduur oq ol suraos uorleurolu! ^
]o eolJ alll 'Ourpeo;unnop 1e641;t pue
^^ol; lq6lr[doc poraprsuoc eq plno^^ leqnn pue p6el
6uueqs e;11 dols ol sUoJJo fulsnpuq eltdseg
{1lengce s! }EqA }noqe seere l(er6 ,{ueu ere
'sua11 ;
ercq1 [epo1 'peepul {Oolouqcel etpotu eu o}
Jeqto pue 'srelsod 'sult1s-t eltl estpueqclau ^
ser;dde nne; lq6u{doc A oq reelcun s,lt asneceq
6ur1;es {q pue socueLuro;red ent; uo.t; [euouu 'yed ur 'pasnluoc erc e;doe6 'susoddo eql
o)1erl ol onurluoo uec 'tutelc {eq1 'suetctsnu en6re euros Uq 'I [uoJl r{euou Outuree }ou
peqsrlqelsf {11see pue r{ldeeqc ctsnuJ.ltaq} ere no[ I {1rnr1ce p6el ,{11ceped e sr srt1} )ult1l
elourold spueq eu sdpq 6u;"reqs e;t; 1eq1 enfue eldoed lsot4 'or.url euos le puogl p ol CC p lo
{eq1 'crsnur 6ur.reqs olg pup Dutpeo;uairop
cnc e peueol eAPq sn ]o lsol.u pue 'uoLuLuoc
eldoed 6urlculser lsup6e ele suetolsnu oulos fuen sr 6urnner^ rolel lol uotst^elol e
uen3 'lueudo;enep ;ect6o;outlcel ilutl pue Ourproceg ape^ olp lou sr pue sl ler.lM '^ el
uo!+Etulolul lo /v\ol] eql pulso.l lll^ secl^ep Llcns lqOu[doc pue]sropun [11n; 1,uop eldoed 1soy11
;ea1 ,teq1 'r(enn srql lq6u{doc o} sUoJJe
s,fu1snpur clsnu eql yoddns 1ou op {6olouqce1 euloql
eq1 ecnpord 1eq1 serueduoc otll lenel oH Ieerq oLlM esoql qslund pue s^ el lq6ui{doc
'6upeqs slU lculsoJ o1 [Ooqouqcel pue sect^op ocJolua ol posn oq plnoLls uoJJo Llcnu oH
{lunces A ou lol 6ur1oo1 slennle st rtlsnput epoun o 1r sr 6uo; A oH apeu^ o oq uec lEqM
'serOo;ouqcel olrlelouur pue eu sanlonut IloA
crsnu eLll '6uueqs elU clsnu e6e:nocstp o1 ^
s^rleo.rc qcnu os lelll ou {;;etcedse '1q6p{doc
'1 .ro1 {ed plnoLls-leurol {ue uo-gcnpold ^
of peleler suoglsenb {ueu ere ereql
eq1 ;o [doc E seq oq^ uosled fuene leleerc
{eq1 slcnpord eq} ruoJ} {euou uree ol olqe oq
plnoqs {aq1 1eq1 e^erloq {eq1 pue 'sseursnq pollec ole 'stulu pue 'slooq 's6ulluted sp Llcns
e sr crsnnl 'smel 1q6r.r{doc .re6uo.tls rol en6re 'seru^rlce o^rlEerc roLllo puB crsnu ol palelor
slqd t iy 11
e d ot d p ryce e;u 1 {yedot d lE ntce le}u I I
lonon oq 'crsnlu Jrotll agouro.rd pue ecnpotd 1eq1
serueduoc crsnu oL1l pue 'suetclsnu lsof\ )rol lo sd^l sn.ll llec eM ')ron onrlearc Jralll
IO ApS pue esn olll moqe suotslcop o)El.u
'uorlelouur e6ernocue ol pepsou seapt
o1 1q6;r le6el eq1 e^Eq lle suerctsnLu pue
,o oll oql lclrlser smel lq6p[doc 6uor1s 1eq1 'srelured's:eu6tsep'srolusnut'uotluonut
lee; {eq1 '1e6e;;t eq lou plnoqs sIJo^ a^t}eerc luecer eJotu e sr eep! ue Outunng 'dtqsreumo o1
Ouueqs pue 6ulpeo;uA op leL.ll e^otloq -ssoutsnq pelelej s^ el lnoqe IlEl sernilnc luarsue luorl
clsnu oql ur lou ueql 1o lsoLu-e;doed {uey1 slxel lserueo aql lo euos '+losl! uorlBzrlr^rs
'sme; {yedotd lenlcslletut selelol^ se plo sE sr suorssessod retllo pue 'esnoLl
1o^o^Aor.l '[1rnr1ce srql ]o lsot4 {epo} ect}cerd e 'puel uA o uec uosred e teqt eap! eLlI
ssau!sn8 clsnlN oql pue fuedou lEnlcollolul
Z o6ed eos
e6pelrnoul punor6lreq
'i el ssaursnq uo )ooqlxal e uorJ ldJof,xa stLll peou rg pllnq ol peou
Irtsnpul )snN 6ur6uellf eq1 7 U3J_dVHf, ZV
tlou fq.^a Jo
,(qlt atl .ro; 8ur,(ed tnoqtr.,ra laurolul oqt Jo crsruu peop.^aop ro 'tr fdoc
puu puer4 B ruou cJ B .^aorroq o1 ,(e4o sr ]r IeeJ no,( oq il] roy 8ur,(ud
lnoqlr^\ crsruu pBolulv\op oi 1(oIr)I no,( eldoed JoJ lr sr uouluoc A\oH 'z
afq6. iee.r8esrp
.ro eer8u no,( oq'1r rog 8ur,(ed lnoqlr.lrr crsruu peop.laop ppol( eldoed
Je.t\e.+ tervrol eJe.ry\ crsmu Surr(nq Jo
lsoc eql JI leql lurqt eldoed eruo5 '1
'sself aql qllrvl sroMsue rno^ areLls 'dnor6 e ur suollsanb eseql ssnrsrc
! Eulpeer aqt ssn)slo
surelqord snorJes 'J suorJBnlrs JeelJun 'q sBepr plo 'B
'uoDnqr4srp 3rsruu ol pelceuuoc
Smmfsffi p8e1,(uuu ere ereq]',ft1snpur crsruu eqt se8ueqc [3o1ouqce1 sy
'urolpl pourpopun aql ol 6urueeur Jeltults e qll/n ese,tqd aLll alrJ!tr rl
pe,(eqo pue pe^\olloJ eJe s.i\\el eJns e>leul ol 'q ezrleJcoruop '8 =
slqBIJ s.euoeuros Jo uorlcnpoJ erp '3 elourord '4
3u11urqt go s,(ezvr meu Sursn J lcrISeJ '9
snoLIeA o1 Suqleuos Surpr,to.rd;o ,(e.,r,r eql 'a elelor^ 's
,(genbe etudrcrtred ot euo.(rea.e ,l\olle ot 'p uonnqr4srp ',
u.,tAorDI Surqleuros e{uru Jo o} 'J lueure8ur;surg
o} 'q
i\\?I eql {Berq ecJolua'z =
Suqteuros IFrII ot 'B el4elouur 'I
'sJoi sue JnoA lraq, o1 1y a6ed uo EurpeoJ or..ll {re;nqe:on
le lreq lool 'suorllullop tloLll Lllr/v\ 6u;peel aql UJoJJ sploM ot.ll qf}eN .o rnof puedx3
Lueql suoddns
oq16 iSurpeolu. aop Surtcrrlser lsure8e slueurnS"re erp Jo erros oru leq1\ '€
6Surreqs elu pue Surpeolunop;o uorurdo s..(rlsnpur Jrsnur eq] sr teqla1 'Z
aJeolcun s.a,ru1tq8rr,(doc aJe ,(qm 't
uogsuaqorduror ,lr
'6ulpee; aql lnoqe suoglsenb osoql ssnrsJp leuUed e LIII7111 ., rnoA >q:eq3
2V serpnts etpeN z IlNn
'l€&{} ,}Arxo !o*}tlQ} Or, $eq iaxqlu }uaurd!nba
aql puB'sasodrnd lebail! puE le$al J6$ *L!aL$dlnba asn lN!& aldead 'sp;&&n
raqlo ii! 'oS',!qel 1q6!"eddo3 alefei& *su op treE1 sa!1l,r!&3s '.{3t 11 asn os;e Saqp
1nq 'A1;e$algi osptA alnqll*$tp pue adctr 01 lsp,Iosa* oap!,E s{il esn aldoad
,{ueru }eq} oni& s€ae }! }eli} ples ,taq1 'rtll€6ai pesn aq LlPl us!*usr{u! eq} }sl!}
srteir,l "{uewars arsqA uaqm X!1e;:adse ' ' ' 'n El eq} lealq 03 susl*{la&aii s*l ir
n,ites $} sl L{}lt{}&l,\
asn aSdoad uaL,n& aruslq o& eou sl 'rtLledLuor r{ue lc Xuog P
'palear3 ;(aqg ;ap.r*:a, seplrl aq* ;o sasn 1e6a;1; aql ro, alqlsuodsa; 6ltrB6sl
*eiu ssr* Atio$ treq} papllap 1,lno3 awsidns 'S'n oql 'tg6l ri! "saiued$i$: :
A6olouq:a3 p$e slpaw uasmleq sallteq le6e1 Auer.u uoag anell a;aq1 .
'aserLld /vlau oL{l
pue'uotltlodal aq1 s;eu6ls 1eq1 a6en6uel e,lnlf,ol aq1 'ase,rqd;eutEtlo aq1 e6en6ue; slnlrol
laqel pue ourllapun 'me; lqEuAdof, lnoqe eJnltral e uorJ ldrof,xa aql pead 'f uollllodor azlu6o:e6
'areq selduexo JnoA oly7111 'stseqdue Jo uollerllllell loJ
uo1111ade,r 1eu6rs leql suolsserdxe ;aq1o Jo ),lultll ol touued e qll/rr\ ),UoM 'l sa;dutexe orour ls!'I
''' :Aean rol1loue leqq Aes oul ]el o ' ' ' st 6ut[es LU,l ]eqm 'oS .
' " 'pres l sv . " 'sr ueotu l leq^ .
" 's! leql- . " 'spro^ roL.llo ul .
slseqdtu3 ro uolle:rlrJell toJ uotllladag ;eu6t5 leLll suolsse;dx3
'of,rml eapl elues aq1 6ul1um ptone pue slutod ]ueuodutt
A;rluapr no{ dleq o} uot}l}ede; leu6ts }ell} suotsserdxa ;o1 uo}sll
'1utod e aztseqduue ;o A;lte;: ol Pesn
uolJo sr uotltleda; stL1f 'sprom lualoJ;tp 6utsn lutod e sleada; ;osse;old
e soLUrlaLuos 'uolleulloJul Mou sl uolleLulolul lle lou 'olnJf,al e ul
uoluladau sleL!6!5 *e{{* a6€n6ue1 s"lt1&34tr az!u6o3a& 9rd8 8{X&Si"X
iuorleruJoJur 3ut1eede; sr rosse;o;d eq] uoq.AA IIel
no.( uec ,lAoH 'sp,ro,AA lueJeJJIp ur lnq 'ocll.t.l uepl eIuBS eql u.tAop elor,tr no.(
oJeq,^ seceld IeJeAos ocrlou no.( 'ernlce1 e JoUB selou -tno,( Sur,tler,ter egq,/y\.
'uotlsenb oql Ja/v\sue pue 'leuyed e Lll!/vl /v\oloq /t6elerls 6uguelsr;
uorlenlrs aql ssnJsrp 'A6e1et1s 6utualsl; ot{l puelstapun noA d;eq o1 .H t,
'tt;1snpu1 ,lsntu eq1 6utEueqc s; A6olouqeal Aervr eq1 MouI no^
lnoqe reJ os poureal eneq nof teull sEulql oaJLll ssnf,slp louued e qll6 'C l"-qT l:i:l_ -
Arlsnpul crsnN ouroueqf, ei]I 7 USIdVHtr VV
:turod peteedeu
:e8Bn8uel ernlceT 'S
:turod peleedeu
:e8en8uel eJruce-I '?
:lurod p3]"edeu
e8enSuel ernlJeT '€
:1urod peteedeg
:e8en8uel emlce-I'Z
:1urod peleedeg
:e8un8uul eJnlceT 'I
'tulod otll soleu rosselo.rd eq1ferrir rurou or,.ll u/rtop olu/'^ ]ilnilo1@.r
pue 'u1e6e uols!l uoql 'sgseqdure ro uorler4rJelr JoJ uorlrlede; s;eu6rs uogllleder
1eq1e6en6uet olnlraloql u^ op alUA 'u1e6e ornlrot oL|l ot ue]srt .l
f"_l_l:lr!T* -
'selp JoleeJc eql ueqa spue uoqcatord tq8r"r,{doc ',(epo1 '€
's8urqt.tAeu eJeeJo ol pelulrloru
,(lurcueug eq p1no,ta sJolulouur os poleeJc sBA\ A\el lq8u[do3 .Z
',fiercos ro; poo8 eJB s,taul tq8rr.(doc 8uo.r1s seer8e euor(reng 'I
'luoualels qseo ol lxou osleJ loJ 1lll1il0-@il'
I ro anrl rol f alll/n uoLll'rvrel 1q6rlfidoo lnoqe oJnl]ol UoLls e ol uolsll 'y olpne oql ol uols!'l
9V sarpnls elpeh z IlNn
'uo!ls^ouur lef, r60louqlel
6u3g:;*gsa; a*e s3r6<xd 1qS1*&do> 1n$qe uresuo3 pue '*ut *o
6u1;eqs Asea aqX *}t,,*eai leLll $a3l&ap aeeajs s& pesJo* 6L!!aq a"re ,{eql l8a}
sarueduuol 3!t 6r&3a!a pue Lr3a& eq& 'luslus: ,{gy6emb aplno;d oA anur}uo}
prle slsll;e aq3 {ed o3 slglo;d asal{* paau rtaq3'{auour BX€Lu ue3 6aq& ss
gq63;itd0: 3:alo;d 01 &Lrsril saluedruo: €lpe&j aq&'aJenri&ros 4113 s6ugq1 g6as
pue alea,is leeli saluBdrus3 sllueJgsaia pue q3a1 p{.!c ' " ' 'st{rl!} pue }ist'!t.u
aryli s*snpoJd a*!lea;: yas &eqa' ' 'sa;uedru$3 lltll$'salusdLuos :!snti.l
axll " " ' saruedwol elpaw Llaan&*aq 3q6no3 6ulaq a;e sal**cq leBal asaq&
'd6o;ouq:a1 r*eu Aq palear3 uaaq aneq seaie de.,S ;e6*1 nnap 'sxea{ 667
ol rasols Jr,* sx*orvl a&lleai3 &sst{l c} Ea!ldde xqEt,l{do: '*nchl'uol}l'l}!}su03
aLlt u! ureop las ewll *e *un6!,!Je aL{} sl slqt 's.lcar{ {L 5er{i 'aut11 dlqs;aumo
'gq6g"rrtdor *& lLrnoLuB treu361,ro a{.{}'csleis pa}!ufi aq} u! }ei{} r{ioux ai!\ puV
'lip pt e 'axnle;anrg ':gsr:ru axll s&3npord a&lleet] 3o dgqs.laurco lnoqe s,3l
ontoul nor{ sy
,,'A3r*do;d !en*)allalu!,0 6ur1:a1o.rd *noqe s1 nneg 4q6;;l(do:
reulred e ql!/vr >lro/v\ rno^ areduo3
ilolel olqenle^ oq plno/v\ looJ no^ 6urqp(ue Jo 'sluatuuro, 'suorlsonb elrrrvr
'Uol aql uO '9, e6ed uo salou s.luopnls auo le lool ueull'ttl6!,tAdoc
Jo sualqord eq1 1o ouros lnoqe ornlf,ol e uroJJ ld;acxe slql peou 'V solou aq1 ezA;euy
t g9!JsL.rJL{"tn6
I{ 6raPu!urex
'sa"4e €y4* at *gaou **wtc ".rn*",t aa1..t64, *vx3
'sLuexo ro; Apnls noA ueqm noA dlaq
llrM oprs lJol oql uo olr.,rltn noA uorleuuroJUr aql ('o.rnlf,ol eLllJo srnoLl
,Z ulr-.lllltn selou rnoA ^ olnor o] orns eg)'eceds IUelq aL1] ut sauel!LUns
pue 'srapuru"rar 'suorlsanb uexe e;qrssod alrm pue selou ;nol( Motnor
'arnl3al oql rauv )juelq eprs lJal aL.ll o^eal lensn se solou aIe] 'aprs
lqOu aq1 uO Lro]]oq o1 do1 uror; eurl e 6urmerp Aq suorl:es om1
olur a6ed eL{l aprnrp'}euJroJ e6ed-1r;ds oL.l} ul salou alrM oj'sLuexe
rol Apnls pue ralel uorleurroJur Mornor A;rsee uef, no^ leq] os salou
.rnoA e6ue;;e o1 Aem ln1asn e sr porllaLu 6u11e1-e1ou e6ed-1r;ds eq1 lclr!t xlc
*e{&,rol ascd-x!lds r *sn 9N!XY-L-31"CIN
Artsnput f,rsn6 6ur6ueL1) al1t 7 dfIdVHf, gV
ueuo ]ou 'p serurJeruos 'J erurl eql Jo lsolu 'q erun eq] Jo IIe 'B
eSen8uel eJnloel eq] ozruSoceJ ol elqu I
- 'e6en6ue; eJnlrol uogsueqerdutoc
eq1 pazlu6ocer noA llom /u\or,.l soqplsop lsoq leql la/\Asue oLll olrrll 'O rnofi ssessy
'lJol or.ll uo sorJetul'Uns
JO 'SluOUr.UOC 'SUollsenb r{pntS Ollrl pue selou ,lno/( /v\olnol 'ltl6u eql uo
salou 6u11e1 pue 6uruelsrl JaUV'spseqdue pue uolle)Uuel, Jol uol1t1ade.t
s;eu6rs 1eq1 e6en6uel aJnl3ol oLll Jol uotstl ol loquouo5 '1eulo; a6ed lilltNo@
-lrlds etlt asn 'Iooqolou rnoA u! solou alel pue 'aJnlrol ot.ll qtrle1 'J arnlsol or.{l qfle/v\
reulred e qll/v\ suorl:gpa,td ;noA areduto3
'^ olaq suoglcrpe;d aorql ollJ7171 aaJnlfal aql uoJJ ureal ol lcedxe noA
op leqM 'A,llsnpur rrsnu aql u! seoueqc 1o :rdo1 or..ll uo possnfslp B e6ed oos
pue pouJeal a^eq noA 6ultlt{,rolo lnoqe 1ugq1 'e;npal aql oloJog '8 suo;1r;pald e1e61
uolae^ouul q1€a > sueat*t
$ uo encoJ.-uracuoc d2 > +ue1yt
' e,ra\eLu AAO' areMa+os) s,oo cluoracap / Lloa!
' 'iioid *1ti"ffi
a;ae vu y e,aelila.te ioI $ -,5-Ana;,ta Cle 1'111
(;iab' Ci,sdrtt' n;19) a,oc el?ew
6o?P e
AaitA K.*6 1t6Ooi teil'l.ej
steaQ OOZ- <- L L awq:6,n
(u.rrU'"+ri cienur) riladaiA tuinlCc;;i,tiini bni;^^o ; Zi.t:6{i(dc;c'di
(ac) aibidd65 RtciUxCCiilta
eAeili idj;;i;N na.lae;-
LV sorpnts elpeh z IlNn
LZ o6ed oos
'A;uo salnuruJ Z-Z Jol Ilej 'sJntrol arnlral
aqt to s1u1od uleu oql Eulzueuuuns surnl olel pue lauued e ql!/v\ ),UoM 'c aqJ ozfPl'rluns to
asrnou 'uorleuroJu; 6u1ss;ur Aue ug ,rJ Jaqlo qseo droH 'rrr;""t*t'r:l:i 6 o6ed aes
i oJ e ql!/rr\ selou ;no{ ssnf,srp pue e;edutol asolou JnoA ur uolleulolu! salou rnofi
aq1 6u;sn oslrJaxf ur suollsanb oLll Jomsue ol olqe noA a;e11
I .J asl^or pue ssossv
'snel 1q?u,(doc Surpre8e.r seruuduroc
crsmu puu serueduroc ,(Solouqcet Jo selrlcedsred tueJeJ+Ip eqt ureldxg 'g
isree,t lueceJ ur pe8ueqc uorlouord suq. aoH 'Z
isrue,( lueceJ
pezneJ./ovrep ueeq rftlsnpul Jrsnur oq] seq.uoq'Surp.rocer SurpreSeu 'I
'suorlsenb osoql ral sue ol solou rnoA asn 'f
f,rsnN 6urOueqtr eq1 t U:lJ_dVHf, gV
'aJoq saldtuexa JnoA allr1 'suollsonb dn-rvro;1o1 6u;1se
Jol pue Eulpuodser Jol suolssordxa raqlo Jo ),lulr,p ol;euued e qllm lro/v\ .V se;durexe arou ls!'l
a leqM " pouorluoLu no^ .
i ' lnoqe aroLu ue3 .
oLU 11a1 noA
a 'Jo pu!) leL.{M .
a'' oror.lM .
a " oqM.
suorlsanO dn-/vlollol
'6uroO uorssn3srp aq1 dael dlaq osle suorlsanb esaLll 'sacuar;edxa
pue seapr s,eldoad JaLllo ]noqe aroLu ureol no{ dleq suorlsenb dn
-Molloj seepr leur6uo oql o3uoroJo: leql suorlsanb pelreqep aJoLU ro
( Jlo 'aueqm 'ileLlm 'ior.lm) ;e:eue6 aq uer suorlsenb osol1l 'seapr
JraLll uo aleroqela
o] s;alllo e6e;no:ua o] suorJsanb dn-nno;1o1 >1se
sluedrcrlred uorssnf,srp an r]oe ']so;elur 6urnzroqs ol uorlrppe ul
IMOM. 'qnL{-qn .
lAenn o5 . eqea^/aqea^'qo .
aA;1ea5 . 'af,tu s,leqI . l
i6ulpplX ar,no1 . 'eas | .
asr.rdrn5 ssa;dx3 o1 tsoJolul sserdx3 o1 t:
(slapurola6) sasuodsa6
6ureq seepr aq] ]noqe s6ur;ae1 ;noA smoqs ]eLl] (rapuroler) asuodsa; e
6ur;ego Aq seapr ,sraqlo o1 5urue1sr1 a;e no,{ leLl} ttnoqs ueJ no crdo}
e ol pelelar secuar;edxe pue'suorurdo'seopr ./ror1l o;eqs s}uedrtryed
ASA&YH&S :::tt.-:
Ourneq Aq Aldeep crdol e a;o;dxe ol sr uorssnssrp e ;o leo6 eq1
uolleroqelg ro* Xsv pue lsaralul s$atdxg 3!&{36Y3V
I_ _
I -
6V sarpnls e!poN z llNn
'suorurdo JrarD JoJ IS3 puu 'SurJsereJur Jo lueuodlur
sr ]r {urqt nof 1(r{n sselc eq} IIoJ eSuEseJelur Jo ]ue]Jodrm punoJ nof
luq] ernlcel eql uI eepr Jeqloue s"a ]?qrv[se]ou rno[ lu {cBq {oo-I
'{Jo1( Jreq} JoJ suercrsruu 8ur,(ed -ro;
Iepou A\eu B r{]lm dn eruoc 'dnoJ8.rno,( uI ecrsnlu Jreql ruo4,(euour uree
.(eql plnoc ,(um .req1o luqlvr 's8uos Jleql 11es Je8uol ou ueJ suerclsnu JI '€
1,]ou fq1| ro,(q16
i,taulelq eqt erl selg crsruu lutf1p eJeLIS ot,(u1o s,tr {uq} nof oq'Z
6r(en srql
crsruu te8 ot "re;erd no,( op ,(q16 6crsmu ot uets[ ,(11ensn nof op A\oH 'I
'seop! .soleussel, rno{ o1 puodse; pue suoglsenb ornlrol or{l u!
dn-rvrollo; Ise ol Joquouo6 'saleursself, .lnoA q11rn seop! asoLll ssnrstq a, seop! oLll ssnfs!o
'sdnor8 Iecrsnu Jo suurcrsmu elrJo,\eJ Jueilnc rno,( 3io euo elueN 't
t 1{,te nor( CJ Jo Suos lsrg eql su. a }zq^ilZ
[l{8noq no,( s8uos Jo uoqcelloc ro Suos tsBI eq] se.^a }uql& 'I
louerd,(u1d eqs seoc :J luepnts
'slecol Sutzeane pue ouurd-pulleq orlueuroJ 'aoIS e sr sIqJ :V luepnls
elr sr Jrsnu Jo puH leq1\rJeq lnoqB r{cruu t.uop I :g }uepnls
'{ee,tn lsey Suos elepv zrreu eqt pepeopl\op I :V tuepus
'6ulo6 uollesJonuoc eq1 dee4 ol uolsll noA se srepurofer asn
ol oJns aE 'oleJoqele o1 nof ISe ue, sroqtuotu ror,.llo or..ll ]eLll os {;;auq suoqlsenb dn-rvro11o1
seap! Jnon olels 'Moloq suorlsenb aLll ssnf,slp pue peoJ 'dno;6 e u; '8 6u;1se ar!lrerd
Artsnpul trrsnl 6ur6ueLlf, eLll t U3IdVHtr Og
'a)uarpne oql LlllM uodder aleor) ol apeur luapnls oL{}
sluoruo^ordr.u! o/vu lsrl 'uorleluosard ou oL|l q)le A 'urP6e lr paJa^llap
^ .c
pue uolleluasoJd aLll lnoqe suollso66ns ouos pontoloJ luopnls aql rlltlildGil
ItlllN0 {'Xl
'oruorpne aql qll/vl uodder s.luapnls oril qll/v\ sr.uolqord o/vu lsr-'l 'o^oqe so!6alerls 6u1pl1nq
xoq AooleJts aql ur uorleuiloJur oLll lnoqe Iu[{I 'ure6e oopr^ eql Ll)leM '8 :ri",.ld"j:?ir_:_I
ileurelq eql Jo esn
s.ueuroly\ pue uetu lnoqe uorsnlJuoc Jeq lroddns re4eeds eql seop A\oH 'Z
tlueJeJJlp lauJolul oql Jo esn s.uoulolY\ pue
ueru eJB zrto11 6r(errrns Jeq ruoJJ .Le.rp re>1eeds eql seop uorsnlcuoc leq/lrl
'suoglsenb oI l asolll Jolv\suv uo;sueqerduror
'osn lourelu; uo fieruns e ]noqe uorleluosoJd e an;6 luopnls p qrle4 iV rno{ 4ceq3
'6urue1sr; are oqM e;doad aLl] r-lllltn en6olerp
e eyrl oroLu uorleluosord rno{ o)elrJ o} ser6eler}s 6urplrnq-1.rodder es;1
'A;esseceu 3r Alue;: ro leeder o1 noA smolle osle ll 'seepr rnoA 6urmo;;o1
sr ef,uorpne aql Jr no^ llo] uef, slueLUenoLlJ peaLl pue suorsserdxo
lertre1 aouarpne 6urn;asqo poluasard seepr oql ol 6urpuodsa; sr
asuorpne aql Moq Ourcrlou A1;ear o1 ]f,eluo3 eAe 6ur>1euu puoAaq oO
{eqg 'Aenn eq1 6uo1e suorlsanb 6ur1se pue e6en6ue; enrsn;cur 6ursn
Aq suorlcauuoc 6u11eu 'aruarpne aq] o] Allcarrp leeds sraluase;d
Ouorlg ,,'Lueql qllm,, lnq ,,ueql ]e,, )le] ],uonn noA leLll of,uopryUof,
rraq] osle lnq '(Z reldeq3 ur pessnf,srp se) uorluolle s,oouorpne oql
ure6 A;uo ]ou leLl] suorqsenb >1se pue sluoL!LUor e)eL! ol noA smo;;e
crdol aq1 ]noqe sIUlr.1l pue smou).1 Apeer;e af,uorpne oql }eLlM lno
6urpur3 uorleluosard e ur seepr ;noA eleorunLuLUotr A1;nlsse:ons o1
A.ressacau sr 'oouarpne;noA qlrm 6urlceuuoc ro 'lrodder 6urp;rng
---J !6n r ra:raa i!6flffeu s{Ev,J
qJ 31b54<
Y+"rr #vvvq
t9 sorpnts etpeh z llNn
'retdeqc sql luo4
,fte1nqucoa. pue suepr eql A\erAeJ 'uoDeJuese.rd.rno,( erederd nor(;eg
'ecuelpnB .rno,( qlra,r
uodde-r 8ur1ee.rc ;og: ser8elerls eql esn 'ssulc eql ol seepr.rno,{ 1uese.r4
'uorleruJoJur eql ruo4 JeJur uec nof suotsnlcuoc
'dno.r8 fletus E ur s]lnseJ;no.( ssncstq
1e;eue8 oeJql uo eprceq
'dno.r8 qcue ruo4 eldoed uet tseel Je ,(1u.rg
pue uelu s€ qcns 'z\\er^relul o1 eldoed;o sed,! o^u esooqJ
'e8esn elpotu ]noqe suollsenb e,tg Jo JnoJ elIJlK
'osn erpaur lnoqe uolleluasord e ran;;ap pue e;edel6 y9:l:l'"::i!,:1i?
iuodder elueJc I ,t\oq o1r(e.u euo sI leq7y\
cilodder poleeJc ,(1e,tr1cege I s.(e.Lr olvrl eJ€ leqd\
:suorlsenb o.lal esaq] ureql {sV
']rodder rno,( uo {ceqpeeJ nof errr8 selerussulc .inor( e,tuq 'qs1ug no,(;egy
atueAe tuql Jo no,( punuer 1I seop ,(qx puu '1r sr Suos teq16 eeJII
rno-,( ur luele Jelncrrede qlr.l\ elurcosse no,( luq] Suos e e,\Bq no,( oq .
tcrsnlu o1 uels{ ol
.(Ie{11 lsour no.( eJe seI]IAIlcB qcrql\ Suunq 1,Jrsnru ol uels11 ,(gunsn no,(
op ueq.ta pue 'ereqTyl ieg ,(pp rno,( ur ,(e1d crsnur seop eIoJ 1eq,4& .
'oruo!pne ;noA qlran yodde; olean ot ser6ele;ls oql oellrel6 'uoglsenb
oql ro/v\sue pue 'dnor6 rnoA ;o luoJJ u! puels la/vrsue rnor{ lnoqe IulLlI uodder 6ul1eerc
-l olaq suollsenb oqt Jo auo sosooqf, luapnls q:e3 'dnor6 e u! IJoA rI orllrerd
'e;eq sa;duexa ;nor{ atlr6'a)uorpne
ue qlrm Uodder oleor) ol sAern raqlo Jo lulql ol;eulred e L{llnrr )1106 .O se;dutexe arout ls!''l
'ueaLU I ]ellnn nnoul noA os ,,'seA,, 6utppou speoll oes
' Aem raL.lloue 1r ure;dxe o1 A;1 aur ]al aoN erealf, leql sl
1 A;ue1: pue '[JJoq] uo ]uoLuluor 'suor]f,eer oouerpne o3rloN .
' ' ' 6ur>1urq1 e;e noz{ leLlm ou)i
'o3uerpne oLil tl]!M Jtrauuof, o1 e6en6uel oArsnl3ur osfl o
' pue ]f,eluof, eAe e1e61 .
e3{re,pnY im*A Ll}livl &xEddex 6uggeax3 *og s*g$aScxpg ta tJ I rlrtna 3t 5 €l(t
'dnor8 ? o1 suorsnlJuoc pue sllnseJ;no,( 1uese.l6
s6u;pu;3 rno1 oreqs
6s8urpug eseql ruo4 u.laeJp eq suorsnlcuoc .(ue ueJ eqclelu sJeqceel
snouel ruo4 sJe,l\sue eq] op,(1eso1c ,to11 'dno.r8 u ur sesuodseJ oql ssnosrq
s6u!pull ,no1 ssnfs!O
ise8uuqc esaqt ur pe,(e1d esn elperu peseercul seq elor teq1\ .
lse8uuqc aqtJo sesnec eqt ere {ulq} no,( op tetpy\
ero{ee.4a ere serllllqe puB sIID{s 13t{A\ .
i;e8uorls eru seltllq" puu sII{s teq1\ .
:suo!lsono olq!ssod
'sesuodser Jleql Jo selou e{el 'o8e sree.( uel sluepn}s pue ,(epo1
slueprus ueelqoq secueJeJJrp eq] lnoqe uleql {sY'srue,( uel ueq} eJolrr JoJ
Surqceel uoeq eler{ or{,l\ sJeqceel lueJeJJrp 01$ lseel }e ol {Ie} o1 e8uerry
'af,ueuroJrod luepnls slro#e
osn erpaI,U poseaJf,u! o^o!laq Aeql,leq1eq/n lno pulJ ol sJot{Jeol /v\al^lalul
'lueuecJoJue ]culs qcns lsure8e
eJe oq.i\\ ,(3010uqce1 .t\eu Jo sJo}ue^ur eql pue lueuecJoJue lq8u,(doc }crr}s
JoJ eJe oqzvr slsrue Surproce.r clsnur ueealeq eleqep e feld-e1o.r'dnor8 e u1
aleqoo e oAeH
'enssr eql Jo seprs qloq uo selou e{e.L 'uo4nqr4srp cISilu uo lueruecJoJue
lq8rrr(doc ]culs Jo slceJ+e erule?eu puu ea.Drsod eql uJolsur"rq 'ssu1c u sy
soloN oIeI pue onssl alll ssnlslo
'uorlnqulsrp ,rsnu uo slq6r.rAdor lflJls 6ugc,to;ua Jo eopt otll oleqog '8 E
1,tou fqm .ro .(q7y1 [e^r]reJ[Je eq uo#e go ed,Q slq] [I^A 'urre1 3uo1 e{t uI o
ilou ,(qm ro ,(ql6 tuoDce eql qtl.^a ee.I8usrp ro eer8e no,(oq .
:suoqsenb 3ur,lo11o; eq] Sutsn suoqcu eql lnoqe suorurdo rno,( ereq5
uolssnfslo e o^eH
'uouce eql8uuel sr oq.^A puB uorlJu eqt ureldxg
s6u;pu;3 rno1 oreqs
'louJolul aql uo {Uedold lenlf,ollalu! lrelo,td ,to f:eltd ]lsnul oulluo
dols ol (filunoc rotlloue ro [;1unoc lnoA u;) suo#a luaroJ Llrleosou 'V
Listen to the lecture and complete the summary notes. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each blank.

Topic: how technology is changing the music industry
Main idea 1: the ways music recorded, (1) ____________________________ have changed
Main idea 2: legal issues
Main idea 3: how to (2) ____________________________ those issues
The changes:
o The major change: (3) ____________________________
§ Most people have computer, popular software, (4) ____________________________
§ Have tools to make , promote and distribute music
o Music production
§ Software for (5) ____________________________
§ Musicians can learn easy-to-use programs and make quality music
§ The (6) ____________________________becomes unnecessary
§ Anyone can make music
o Music promotion
§ Democratized
- Anyone can become a critic on the internet (e.g: post reviews on websites …)
- Weblogs for people to (7) ____________________________, for musicians to discuss music
- Audio blogs/ radio for free download
à anyone can be a DJ
o Music (8) ____________________________
§ Controversial topic for years: how people get and share music
- MP3 downloading (9) ____________________________is popular
- Many sites to get a single song or whole album
- done by File sharing/ P2P: network to connect and (10) ____________________________on
others’ computers
- sharing music between family members and friends exists for a long time
- now sharing can be among people around the world
Legal issues
§ Gray areas in file sharing, most are (11) ____________________________US laws: ownership
and rights to distribute (12) ____________________________in digital world
§ Same tool to record, promote, distribute music; same tool to steal music
o Who to be punished?
§ P2P networks can be used legally
§ (13) ____________________________causes difficulty to legal distribution of information and
§ Facts: - 90% of music downloaded (14) ____________________________
- P2P makes money as people use illegally
§ Statistics: in 2005 in USA:
- 60 million people used (15) ____________________________
- 2.5 billion files of images, videos, software were (16) ______________________; 75% music
How to deal with legal issues
Music making companies:
o Ban the (17) ____________________________with illegal file sharing
o Install security devices:
- Hard to copy and share music
- Protect (18) ____________________________and artists

File sharing sites and technology companies:

o Wrong to restrict technology to (19) ____________________________
o Want free (20) ____________________________
o Sharing leads to technological advances
o Restricting internet sharing: limit file sharing & (21) ____________________________

Other group
o Nothing can be done to (22) ____________________________
o Look to new ways to pay artists and companies
Unit Goals

Learn about alternative medicine and the use of
placebos in medical research and practice

Listening Strategy
• Recognize lecture language that signals a cause or
an effect

Note-Taking Strategy
• Note causes and effects

Academic Discussion Strategy

• Agree and disagree politely

Presentation Strategy
during the discussion
science \'sa1,ms\ A system of knowledge
• Use stress to emphasize key ideas in your presentation
concerned with the study of the physical
and natural world
Learn about artificial intelligence

Listening Strategy
• Recognize lecture language that helps you predict
causes and effects

Note-Taking Strategy
• Use arrows to show relationships between causes
and effects

Academic Discussion Strategy

• Compromise and reach a consensus during the

Presentation Strategy
• Pace your speech by slowing down and pausing after
thought groups
5 1
TEP , Listen and Apply New Strategies

Think about the topic A. Look at the pictures. Then work with a partner to discuss the questions.

1. What is happening in each of these pictures? How are the activities the
same? How are they different?
2. Which qualities in a medical doctor or other health care provider
are most important to you? Rank the following qualities in order of
importance, with 1 as most important.
_ intelligence
_ compassion
_ years of experience
_ training or schooling
_ knowledge of scientific research
_ knowledge of a variety of medicines and treatments
other: ___________________ _

54 CHAPTER 5 The Placebo Effect

Read to bu ild B. Read this homeopathy brochure from a student health center.
background knowledge
See pa g e 2
- - - -'--'-~--- ~ ~~


What Is Homeopathy?
t ,. ~-

Homeopathy is an approach to medicine that

was developed in the 18th century by the German
physician, Samuel Hahnemann. He was unhappy with
the medical treatments most commonly used at that
time . These included blood-letting, in which doctors
would drain blood from the patient , " blistering " or
burning the skin; and feeding patients dangerous
chemicals to cause vomiting . Many of these
treatments did more harm than good.
The word homeopathy actually comes from
the Greek words homoios (similar) and pathos
(suffering). This approach involves prescribing
medicine that copy the symptoms of an illness . For
example , if a patient is complaining of headache ,
the homeopath will find a medicine that is
associated with causing the same symptoms in
healthy people . The theory is that by producing Since scientists cannot analyze or ex plain how
symptoms associated with the illness, the illness it works, most have rejected homeopathy as sham
itself will eventually be cured . This is in contrast to treatment . Still, clinical trials of homeopathic
conventional , or allopathic, medicine , which seeks remedies have provided some empirical evidence
to produce effects that are different from the that homeopathy can produce positive results .
symptoms of the disease or illness. Supporters of homeopathy tend not to be
The classic way to make homeopathic remedies concerned with the physiological mechanisms
is to take one grain of the desired herb or plant behind this phenomenon. They only care that it
and grind it up with ninety-nine grains of milk wor ks for them .
sugar. The solution is further diluted with more In the United States , homeopathy was quite
milk sugar until the thirtieth dilution is reached . popular in the 19th and 20th centuries. Eventually,
Similarly , liquid remedies are diluted with water. In most Americans became biased toward allopathic
the final mixture, it is not possible to detect even a medicine, and today , most trained doctors do not
single molecule of the starting remedy. prescribe or recommend homeopathic remedies .
Because homeopathic remedies often contain Even so, homeopathy has become popular again in
undetectable amounts of active ingredients , recent years. In 2009 , Americans spent $870 million
most scientists say that it is impossible to create on homeopathic treatments, and this number has
well-designed studies of their effectiveness. continued to increase.

Check your C. With a partner , discuss these questions about the reading.
comprehe nsion
1. What is the main theory behind homeopathy?
2. How are homeopathic remedies made?
3. Why do many scientists and doctors reje ct homeopathy?

UNIT 3 Scie nce 55

Expand your D. Match the words from the reading with their definitions. Look back at
vocabula ry the reading on page 55 to check your answers.

_ 1. prescribe a. preferring one side of an argument;

not neutral
2. associated with b. to notice something that is difficult to
see, feel, etc.
3. detect c. a study in which researchers test a
treatment on volunteers and carefully
monitor the effects
4. analyze d. something that happens or exists
5. sham e. relating to how the bodies of living
things work
6. clinical trial f. to recommend a medicine or treatment

7. empirical g. not valid, not real

8. physiological h. based on experiments or practical experience
rather than ideas or theories
_ 9. phenomenon i. connected with something else
10. biased j. to look at the different parts of something
carefully in order to try to understand it

Discuss the E. Discuss these questions in a group. Share your answers with the class.
1. Why do you think people used the common treatments of Hahnemann's
time if they were harmful?
2. Have you ever used homeopathy? If so, did it work for you? If not,
would you consider using it? In what situations?
3. Do you think homeopathy is a sham treatment? Why or why not?

Review what F. With a partner, discuss three things that you have learned from the
you know reading and from your discussions about homeopathy.

1. ----------------------------
2. ----------------------------

3. ----------------------------

56 CHAPTER 5 The Placebo Effect

Prepa re for the G. To help you understand the listening strategy, discuss the situation
listening strategy below with a partner, and answer the question.

Durin g a lecture, the profe ssor talks about many causes and effects. What
language signals would help show the connection between the ideas?

LISTENING Recognize Lecture Language for Cause and Effect

Professors often ex plain things in terms of causes and effects . This is
to help students understand the relationship between different ideas,
ev ents, or phenomena.
Listen for the expressions that professors use to signal causes and
effects .

Causes Effects
• What 's the cause of this? Well , . . . • This leads to . . .
• Why is this? Well, . . . • As a result , . . .
• This comes from (the fact that ) . . . • One effect of this is . . .
• This is due to ... • This results in .. .
• The reason(s ) for this is .. . • Consequently , . . .
• One ex planation is .. . • After [cause]. then . . .
• This is caused by .. . • Because of [cause]. (then) ...
• This came as a result of . . . • If [cause] , then . . .

List more examples H. Work in pairs to think of other expressions that signal causes and
effects. Write your examples here.
Causes Effects

Recognize cause I. Read the excerpt from a lecture on homeopathy. Underline and label the
and effec t lecture lecture language that signals cause (C) and effect (E).
Then , there was a doctor named Samuel Hahnemann who began to
develop his own theory, which was based on three principles : the "law of
similars," the minimum dose, and the single remedy. The law of similars
came as a result of Hahnemann's observations. He noticed that after
taking a strong dose of the malaria treatment quinine, he developed
symptoms similar to the symptoms of malaria. This led Hahnemann
to believe that if a large amount of a substance causes symptoms in a
healthy person, then smaller amounts of the same substance could treat
those same symptoms in an ill person.

UNIT 3 Sc ien c e 57
Listen to the audio J. Listen to a short lecture on alternative medicine. Then write T for True or
F for False next to each statement.

1. Alternative medicine includes conventional practices such as

homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, and chiropractic
2. There has been a rising interest in alternative medicine in western
countries in recent years.
3. Alternative remedies emphasize the use of chemical drugs.
4. "Integrative" medicine offers alternative medicine along with
conventional medicine.

Listen for causes K. Listen to the short lecture again. Write down the lecture language that
and effects signals cause or effect. Then listen again, and write down the actual
cause or effect. Circle the correct label.

1. Lecture language:

Cause / Effect:
2. Lecture language:

Cause / Effect:
3. Lecture language:
Cause / Effect:
4. Lecture language:

Cause / Effect:
Cause / Effect:


58 CHAPTER 5 The Placebo Effect

STEP 2 ~
; Take Notes

NOTE-TAKING Note Causes and Effects

When listening to a lecture in which causes and effects are presented,
list the causes and effects separately under the idea, event, or
phenomenon .

Possible Causes

- people aging; looking for ways to deal w/ long-term health probs .

- recent trend ---> natural products, "safer than chemicals"

- people more individualistic, not accept MDs; more educated,

want to make own decisions

- immigration - East to West (e.g. China)~ bring traditional med.

Effects of Rising Int. in Alt. Med m

- huge i in # of people practicing alt. medicine; "integrative"


- i testing alt . meds. & holding to rules of evidence (e.g . clin trials)

Note causes A. Work with a partner. Take turns reading aloud this excerpt of a lecture
and effects about chiropractic medicine. While one of you reads, the other takes
notes. Then switch roles. When you are finished, compare your notes.
Did you catch all of the causes and effects?

Chiropractics is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on the

relationship between the body structure, .. . mainly the spine, ... and
overall health . Chiropractors try to prevent and treat health problems
by adjusting the spine. Now, many medical doctors and scientists have
dismissed chiropractic medicine as ineffective and even dangerous.
So why is this? One reason is that chiropractic adjustments can cause
serious injuries, especially in the neck and back. Another criticism comes
from the fact that some chiropractors extensively use x-ray photography,
which can harm patients. Some medical doctors criticize chiropractic
treatment because they believe it simply isn't effective, ... it just doesn't
work. Because of these criticisms, the American Medical Association has
consistently opposed the use of chiropractic treatment, and it remains a
controversial issue in the medical community.

UNIT 3 Science 59
Make predictions B. Before the lecture, think about everything you have learned and
See page 8 discussed on the topic of alternative medicine. What do you expect to
learn from the lecture? Write three predictions below. Compare your
predictions with a partner.

1. ---------- - ------------------
2. -- ---------------------------
3. --------- -- ------------------

Watch the lecture C. Watch the lecture, and take notes in your notebook. Remember to listen
for lecture language that signals causes and effects.

Assess your D. Circle the statement that best describes how well you understood the
comprehension lecture language.

I was able to recognize when the professor discu ssed causes or

effects ___ _

a. all of the time b. most of the time c. sometimes d. not often

60 CHAPTER 5 Th e Plac ebo Effect

E. Use your notes to answer these questions.

1. What is the placebo effect? How were placebos used in the past?
How are they used today?

2. What 's the difference between a blind test and a double-blind test?

3. What are three possible causes of the placebo effect?

4. Describe the depression study. What did researchers find as a result

of this study?

Assess and revise F. Were you able to answer the questions in Exercise E using the
your notes information in your notes? Compare and discuss your notes with a few
See page 9 other students. Help each other fill in any missing information. Revise
your notes.

Summarize the G. Work with a partner, and take turns summarizing the main points of the
lecture lecture. Talk for 2-3 minutes only.
See page 21

UNIT 3 Sc ien ce 61
STEP 3 "' .
_IDiscuss the Lecture

ACADEMIC Agree and Disagree Politely

During a group discussion, you can show your understanding of
the topic and the ideas expressed by others by politely agreeing or
disagreeing and adding your own ideas. Agreeing with someone is
a polite way to acknowledge a good point before you expand on it.
A polite way to disagree is to acknowledge a point before you
expla in another view on the topic. Use expressions to politely agree
or disagree with others in a discussion.

To Agree with Others To Disagree with Others

• Yes, that 's true . ... • I see what you mean, but I think ...
• That 's a good point. . . . • Maybe, but ...
• I agree with . . . • Okay, but what about ... ?
• I totally agree . .. . • But don 't you think that . . . ?
• I see your point. .. .
• She/he is right, . . .

List more examp les A. Work with a partner to think of other expressions fo·r agreeing and
disagreeing. Write your examples here.

62 CHAPTER 5 The Placebo Effe ct

Practice agreeing B. In a group, read and discuss the question. Keep the conversation going
and disagreeing until every student has had a chance to practice using the language for
agreeing and disagreeing.

What do you think are the three most important considerations when
choosing a medical treatment? Use the list below or come up with your
own ideas.

_ It is scientifically proven to work.

It has few known side effects.
It is affordable.
_ It has helped people you know.
You understand how it works.
Your doctor recommends it.
_ It is the most common treatment for your condition .
_ It has made you feel better before.
_ It is natural (doesn't involve using chemical medicines).
Other: _______________________ _

Discuss the ideas C. Discuss these ideas with your classmates. Remember to use the
in the lecture phrases for agreeing and disagreeing.

1. What do you think causes the placebo effect? Why?

2. Do you think it is ethical for doctors to prescribe placebos to their
patients? Why or why not?
3. How would you feel if you found out that your doctor had given
you a placebo?
4. The study mentioned in the lecture demonstrated that some people who
were suffering from depression experienced physiological changes
when given a placebo to treat their condition. Why do you think that
happened? What do you think is the best treatment for depression?
5. Look back at your notes. What was another idea in the lecture that
you found important or interesting? Tell the class why you think it
is important or interesting, and ask for their opinions.

UNIT 3 Science 63
STEP 4 ~
Ji Present Your Knowledge

Use Stres s to Emphasi ze Key Ideas
To speak English clearly, it 's important that you stress the key words
in your presentation. Key words are usually content words, such as
nouns, adjectives, and main verbs. Stressing key words will help your
audience hear the words that carry the most meaning. You can stress
a word by making the stressed syllable in that word longer, louder,
and higher than the other syllables . At the same time, reducing or
sho rtening the function, or grammar words in the sentence will help
your audience focus only on your most important ideas.
Notice the stressed syllables in this sentence:
Home Qpathy is an approach to medicine that was developed by
Samuel Hahnemann.

Emphasize key idea s A. Read this short section of a student presentation about homeopathy.
Which words do you think the speaker should stress?

So what are some common homeopathic remedies? One common

treatment is allium cepa, be tter known as red onion . Have you ever
chopped an onion? Yes? What happens to your eyes? That's right .
They get watery. And sometimes your nose starts to drip, just like
when yo u have a cold or allergi es. So beca use onion is associated with
these symptoms-watery nose and eyes- homeopaths often use it as a
treatment for colds and allergies.

Chec k your B. Watch a student deliver a presentation. Answer these two questions:
co mprehension
1. Where is homeopathy used the most ?

2. When did homeop athy begin to become popular in the U.S.?

Not ice how a student C. Watch the video again. List two ways the student could improve the way
emphasizes key ideas he used stress to emphasize key ideas.

64 CHAPTER 5 The Placebo Effect

1 ONLINE D. The student received some suggestions on his presentation and
delivered it again. Watch the new presentation. List two improvements
the student made to the way he emphasized key ideas. Watch the
presentation again, follow along with the excerpt in Exercise A on page
64. Underline the words or syllables that the speaker stressed.

PRESENTATION Strategies for Using Stress to Emphasize Key Ideas

• Stress content words , such as nouns, main verbs , adjectives, and
question words.
• Reduce function words , such as articles , pronouns , prepositions,
conjunctions , and helping verbs .
• Put extra stress on words that show :
Transitions (Next . . .)
New information (One common treatment is . . .)
Contrasting information (On the other hand , . . .)

Emphasize key ideas E. Work in pairs to take turns saying the script from Exercise A on page 64.
Give each other feedback. Did you stress the content words and reduce
the function words? Did you use extra stress to emphasize the new or
contrasting information?

Practice using stress to F. In a group, take turns describing a remedy you have used for a common
emphasize key ideas health problem. Name the remedy and the health problem it is used
for. Then describe how it is used and the effects of using this remedy.
Finally, say why you think it is effective.

To prepare , write the description. Underline the words and syllables that
you should stress. When you deliver your practice pre sentation , try to use
stress to emphasize the key ideas.

When you finish, ask your group for feedback on your use of stress.

Give a presentation G. Research and prepare a presentation about an alternative or traditional

medicine or treatment. Choose a topic from the following list.

acupuncture massage therapy vitamin therapy

diet-based therapy meditation visualization
herbalism reflexology
In your presentation, include information to explain where and when the
treatment was developed , how it works, how it is used, and its popularity.
Also consider any scientific studies that have been done of its effectiveness.

UNIT 3 Science 65
Listen to the lecture and complete the summary notes. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER
for each blank.
Topic: Placebo Effect (PE)
Main idea 1: What PE is and how P has been used
Main idea 2: (1) _________________ of PE
Main idea 3: Studies of PE and questions about the use of Ps in (2) _________________
Main idea 1:
o Meaning
§ Placebo: (3) _________________
Can be sugar pills, therapy or surgery
à Sham treatment, not actively treat the illness
§ Placebo effect: (4) _________________ from taking placebo
à Improvement in health thanks to placebo, not real treatment
à belief helps patients
o How Placebo has been used
§ 1930s – 1940s
- doctor give patients for aches, pains and (5) _________________
- not say that pills not real medicine
- patients feel better
à the act of (6) _________________ gives positive effect
§ Now, used in clinical trials of new drug
- Blind clinical trial:
Ø Volunteer patients with same illness split into 2 groups (one with new drug; one with
Ø (7) _________________ know the splitting, patients don’t know
Ø Purpose: compare the (8) _________________
- Double-blind trial:
Ø Researchers and patients don’t know who takes real drug
Ø Purpose: have (9) _________________ when analyzing results or expectations not affect
- In theory: placebo should bring no effect
- In reality:
Ø in some studies, 30 – 40% patients with placebo have improvements
Ø in some trials: up to (10) _________________
Main idea 2
o Illness takes its (11) _________________
§ feel better when doing nothing for treatment
o (12) _________________ effect happens in patient’s mind
§ Patients expect to improve, they improve
§ According to studies:
- Doctor says that treatment works, placebo works
- Doctor says that treatment might not (13) _________________, placebo is not likely to work
o Therapeutic process
§ Doctors are (14) _________________, attentive à patients feel (15) _________________
§ Placebo effect is psychological, placebo gives actual physiological change
Main idea 3
o Study at UCLA with 51 patients (16) _________________
§ One group with placebo, one group with anti-depressant drug
§ 53% with depressant drug feel better, 38% with placebo feel better
§ Surprising point: detect actual increase in brain activity in patients (17) _________________
§ Results repeat in studies treating many diseases, even (18) _________________ and common
à Chemical change in brains comes from placebo effect, from belief to be better
o What to do with placebo
§ Researchers:
- Placebos bring (19) _________________, may help patients
- Doctors should give patients a try
§ Doctors don’t want to use placebo
- Prescribing placebo is (20) _________________
à Real debate in medical community

--- ----- � -
- - - --
- = - - � -�--�---� -- -

,., CHAPTER 6 Intelligent Machines
� ��1ras�,,,�� :i:::,_...,,tn:':.,,,·:r�

STEP 1 ti •
-� Listen and Apply New Strategies

Think about the topic A. Look at the pictures. Then work with a partner to discuss the
questions below.

1. Describe the different machines in the photographs. What do you think

each is capable of doing?
2. What do you think makes each of these machines "intelligent"?
3. What do you think are the biggest challenges in developing intelligent

66 CHAPTER 6 Intelligent Machines

Lg of,uerf,s s uNn
'srasn uo llalJa lell6oloqr^sd rleql osle sJe^up ueureg 'alerueJ se alron aql panlarrad
lnq asn ,{aql sallon aq} }o spunos aql ,t;uo lou slanup esnelaq 1r 01 uotlleel antleEau e peq
raplsuol suralv(s esaqtr +o slaubtsap 'tlnsal e sV srenup {ueuu 'a:ton palelaua6-lalnduo: e qltm
'aldoad ol Aldde plnorvr Iaql leql suotlepadxa srel paseelel lslu My^18 ueqM 'llsnui 6utleld
pue salnr aues alll 6utsn :alnduol e ol lleal ro s/v\opuuv\ aq1 6uttarvrol .to 6utste: se qlns
llrrvr eqdoad 'sl leqt jsaleJlatru! ;etlos A1;enpe a:e 'suorllun+ uteUal lolluol uala pue 'suotltpuol
saleflalu! elloA lPql /v\ou) /v\ou slaqlJeesau I1ales pue lt1lerl lnoqe uolleuJoJul pue
sEuruierv\ aprno:d 'suo!llaltp antE uer Jel aql
,, ssaua1r1od,. Jo la^el
're^up aql o1 >1eads pue ualsll qloq ol slel
slr Jo alto^ aq1 1o ,,41t;euoslad., aql se qlns
paurue:Eotd seq MNE 'r{ueduo: ler MNE
'sa:ron ratrnduro: ;o s1:adse laqlo ol llle;tuts
eql uol; sauol slql +o a;duexa pooE aug
pear a;doad leql u/v\or.{s osle a^eq setpnls
'uosrad e o1 ,tldde p;nor'rr Aaql sadAloatals aues 'sluaueletrs Pue suotlsanb
aql qll/q patleel a;doad 'alEJ eleual Jo eleu ,srasn ol puodsal pue ualstl otr alqe osle ale
e sp qlns'alton aqtr +o uotleluesaldal ;ens6 sualsrts Iueyl'suel6old 6utulea;-aEenDue;
e lnoqlr/v\ uene lng 'uoslad e lou ':atrnduo: ol saurl auoqd pateuolne tuo.t1 'suotle:t1dde
e o1 6urualsg; ate ,{aq1 leql /v\ou) sJa^ttp 1o { e ur aldoad ol uot}euloJut aptnold
asnelaq reneu tr,uplnoqs lPl eql ul alloA o1 pasn /v\ou are selton lalnduo: 6utpunos
eql Jo ,,lapua6.. aq1 leql sr{es asuas uoulluol -lernteN '6urueau ssardxa o1 dlaq leql seuol
'll pulqaq Euluoseer ou peq ll 'leuotloue pue 'uq1{qr 'q:1rd 'aun1o^ eq} osle }nq
alloA alPuJaJ aql o] uoltr]eeJ eLll 'aDenEuel e jo spunos lPnpt^tput aq1 {;uo 1ou
'salroA ,,eleul.. uaql aneE pue sJel elelnurs ol paeu slstluatls 'a:ton 6utpunos
'suolllatrp 6utntE -lernleu e o1'a6enDue; Jo alnlPU
eqtr pelleral MnE 'llnsel e sV
xa;duror aql ot anp a6ua;1eq: e uaaq sPLl sallo^
alroA ,,aleueJ.. e ql!^^ alqeuo+txolun ela/v\
6urpunos-lernlpu alou qlrn dn 6u;tuo3
'ueql otr punos ,,ll10qol.. lo
leltueqleu llurlsrp e peq ,(aql 'a;qepuelslapun
aJa/v\ selroA I;rea asaql qEnoqlly 'pasn Ilaptrvt
ala/v\ saltoA peleraua6-ralnduo: esaql's0/6I
aql 'spunos alro^ lear Eulssalord l1le1tEtp
pue^g 6urrols Iq sarton IenUtUP aleall otr alqe
era/v\ slsrluar:s 'sralnduol +o asrJ eql qllg
,,'eurqleU{ 6u11ead5,. stq lo} spunos eltoA a}eeJl
o1 s1:afqo raqto pue 'slaquPql elueuosal
'sallstq/v\ pasn ua;adue) uo^ 6ue611o1tr lsttruetls
ueue6ung 's00/I alel aql ul 'eulll aulos T
alrnb .ro1 sautqleu ut salto^ ueLunq /-1
alelnutls o1 palduape aneq aldoa \-[-
Z a6ed ees
e6pelr*ourg pu nol61:eq
'sarrol lertrUrye;o lueutdo;anop oql tnoqe alJlye slql peau ra ptlnq ol peou
sour]reN tua6rllelul 9 u]J_dvHf, 89
[]ou ,(qn ro ,(t1r11esecro^
ueunq e{q punos ol eperu eq plnoqs seorol.relnduoc 4urqt nor( oq 'Z
6eclol elulueJ e luo4 le8 ol re;e.rd eldoed plno.^a uolteuuoJul
;o sed,(1 ]Bql11 eecro,^. eleru B ruo4 e,^.IeceJ o1 re;ard plnoa eldoed
4urqt no.( op uoqeurroJur 3o sed,fi Jeqlo leql& 'ecrol ,,elulu,, B ruo4
suo[ceJrp te8 ot pe"uege;d sJe,t.IJp ueuileC ]uql suoqueru Surpeer eql 'I
'sseltr oql ql!/v\ sJo/r^sue lnofi oreLls 'dnor6 e ur suorlsonb eseql ssnf,slc .l 6ulpeer oql ssnrslo E
ecuBApB 'J elBeJc 'q puelsJepun 'u
'seurqcuru e{{-ueunq q-Ilm-dnEuror- ot peII oABq slsnuelcs 'srce,{ rog
'oseJLld paullJopun oql ol 6ulueeu Jellurs e qll/r^ eselqd oql ol)J!l) 'I
esle Surqleuros
;o ecuereedde ro 1ce3ge eql elueJc ol 'q ecBJJelur '8
lslmd pelceuuoc ,(ueu 3o dn epetu '3 Iensr^ '4
tq8noqt InJerBc :
;o crSoy uo peseq lueu8pnl g esues uoufluoc '9 :
,(enlulncrged u ur Surqleuros Jo {uql ol 'a Suruoseerg
- :
Ieuel€tu .uur elelndrueru
ro eSueqc ol eurr1Juru;o re]nduoc e esn ol 'p errrecred 'V
Surees qll,t\ pelcouuoc 'J xelduoc 't :=
oecueuedxe e3rq uo
- *=:
3ururu.r1 ro Surlooqcs Jou
pesuq suorsrcep elqrsuas e{Bur o},(1g1qu eqt 'q sseco;d '2, :
- --
ruoJJ uor]srruoJur seAreceJ Jo ol uo[euDoJur :
s,(eldsrp ureJSord relnduroc e ,(e,l eql 'B elulnrurs 'I
'sro/nsue rno{ lceqr ol Zg e6ed uo olflue Arelnqeeon :
oql le lreq loo'1 'suorlruuop rlaLll ol 6utpeel oql u! splom oql qrle4 'q rnoA puedx3
6secrol relnduroc ot lceeJ eldoad .^aoq lnoqu relocslp stsEuelcs plp teq & 'g =
es./y\.hlg ur ecro^ ..elBrueJ,, eql o1 lceer eldoed plp ,Y\oH 'z
eseurqJuru ur secro,\ Surpunos-leJnluu elueJc ol Sur8uelptlo ]l sl r(Ut 't E
'6urpeer oLll lnoqe suollsenb osoql ssnrs;p leulred e qll/vl 't rnoA 1req3r t_ :
$ --
Review what G. With a partner, discuss three things that you have learned from the
you know reading and from your discussions about artificial intelligence.

1. -------------------
--- - - - - - - -
2. ---------------------------
- -
3. --------------

LISTENING Predict Causes and Effects

Active listeners anticipate what they will hear next so that they can
organize the information in their minds and in their notes. In Chapter
5, you learned how to recognize lecture language that signals cause
and effect. In this chapter, you will practice using that knowledge to
predict causes and effects in a lecture.
Predict causes and effects to help you think about the relationships
between ideas in a lecture while you listen.

Predict cause H. Read the first part of each excerpt from a lecture on artificial voices.
and effect Underline the lecture language, and label it C for cause or E for effect.
Then make a prediction about what the professor might discuss next.
Discuss your predictions with a partner.

Excerpt 1
Scientists have developed machines that not only speak, but also listen to
and recognize human speech. This has led to ...


Excerpt 2
But because cars can interact with drivers, scientists must consider ...


I. Share your predictions with a partner. Which p· redictions are most

logical? Discuss various predictions with the class.

UNIT 3 Science 69
seurLltrel tueOrlletut 9 Ufl_dvHf, OL
:lceJJe/esn€c pucv
:lceJ+g / esnBJ
:eBenBuBI eJnlce'I 'n
:lseJJo/esnec Ienlcv
:lceJJg / esneJ
:e8En8uul eJn]oe'I 'g
:lceJJe/esnec Ien]cv
- :]ceJJg / osnEJ F_
:eAEnAuuI eJnlJeJ 'z
:tceJ$e/esnec Iunlcv
:lceJJg / esnBJ
:oABnBueI eJnlJe-I 'I
'uolcrpeJd Jnor {ceqc pue 'lceJJe Jo esnec Ienlce
eqt otrr \ 'tdrecxo uels{ puu ule8e Surprocer eq} usts
eqt Jo pue eqt ot
'eluoc o]
uorleruJoJur eq] lnoqe uorlcrpe.rd a oJrJA ueqJ ']caJJe u? Jo esneJ u :lxeu
errr8 o1 rosse;ord eq] lcedxe no,( 1eq.,r,t
elcrrc 'pesned Sutp.rocer eql qll \ o
'euol eql.rueq nor( ueqm SurprocoJ oq] osned a
'lJeJJe Jo esnuc ro; e8en8uel eJnlcel eq] u. aop eJu.lrt 'uelsrl no,( sy a {
:ldracxe qrea roJ sdels esaql rraollol slralla pue
'sJe, ur sof,ron relnduroe uo oJnlrol e uorl sldrarxa rnol ol uolsrl .f sasnP) ro* uals!''l
it =
LL 3ruoLrs t IlNn
'ei,i.rslq 6uc apn;*u1 aou pfp leq$ s6en6us! ,{aq}'6!}{r8nb*suo3
"s6rlppuegsxapuns!&&r ic* raAl*p aE& paluelq ,!$ &Lelslq psldasse te3 aq*
[r! a:!o& eq] uaq^& dd{is[1 ]ou aia6& s.iaelJp ]sq] putts* s,t*E3;€asa, aql 'n
'lo^llp aql
6ugpuegsrap*n "{35n:;p3;p seq ua}** ia}ndu}s3 aq3 '.tc: e }o }!.}aL.i{rs.}!r{e!6
Aslo* aqe Jo asncl*q '3qq1 s! .*€3 € Lr! sasrs& 6u;sn qq:;*t tua;qo;d aury '€
'trualaduo: Ara,'! e$ts qnq 'A;g:ua1x* pun*s e*
pau!&&ila&sp Ss&rr eqL{} a3ro& e cS{}&i} 611,,39 '33nsa,& HsY'&;13e4;os*ad s(43!aA
*LiA *o x*rgeg:adxa ,xlaqa E31€rlr *$ ;s3 c u! a:!s,x aqa *redxa cs;e aldoa6 'g
\ssoq punos ol JB, luB,ta l,uplp --, (.('ullAop
{u$$ r,,
' ' ' fssoq punos ol Je3 Eq* luem 1,1!plp {aql }eq}
seiu slqa Jo, lrose6"r aql s,'un op el6ls plnoqs nolt xult{t t,, Lr! se ,u't,, plollA
aq* asn a3!on *e3 aq1 Su3*eq paplo^e /V\lr{€ *o} a3loll aq* 4o stauFgsap aq& 'I
'sttroJJa pue sasne, l oLls ol smorJe 6ursn selou
oIeI 'sJe, ur sorron Jolnduof, uo oJnlrol e uorJ soluoluas osaql peou rv s^,toJre asn
'lsoJJo eql p)e/uol uo
lurod sAem;e plnoqs Morre ue'A1ue;c rol sMorre asn ol sl salou rnoA eAl
ur s]f,e]Ja pue sosnef, uoo^ ]oq drqsuorle;e; aql o1 Aem aug
sd ! r{s{,} et ae, aH }3esr3 - p r,i e-esn e3 rt1$r..1 s {}} s&to.r.,v as n sNtxvt-3&,alt
saurLlf,eN tuoorllelul 9 dfldvHl zl
'slfolJo pue sosner lr!poJd lilnNd
ol Ail ol roquouou '),looqolou JnoA u! solou olel pue 'ornlfol or.ll Llfle A ', oJnlrol orll qf,le A
L :
.I -
rouued e Llll/t^ suollr!pord =
Jno^ oJedtuo3 '/noloq suollf!pord oorql olu^A aornllol aLll r,uorJ ureol :
ol l)odxonoA op leq11 'olua6llletul lelrlllye Jo eldol or..ll uo passnrs!p B ooed ees =
pue pouJeal oneq noA EurqlAlono lnoqe lulql'ornllol or.ll oloJog .EI suo;p;pard ele14
2L etruor)s t llNn
lZ e6ed aos
'A;uo selnult.l.l 2-Z lol Ilel'olnlf,ol oJnlral
or..ll Jo stulod uteu oql Eulzueututns suJnl olel pue 'Jauued e qlliv\ Ilo/vyg :,11_":i:y:"_:__
'salou Jno^
osrlo6 'uolleruJoJut 6u1sslut Aue ul llu Joqlo qcee dlap1 'sluopnls Joqlo 6 e6ed ees
e Llll/v\ selou lno{ ssnsslp pue e;eduto3 asolou ;noA ut uolleuloJul salou rnofi
^/\OI eq1 6u1sn 3 osllJaxf u1 suotlsenb oLll lo/v\sue ol olqe noA e,te6 osl^6r pue ssossv
6,(epo1 pesn sr IV teql s,(e.Lr eq] Jo eluos eJu ]eql& ',
eql ssud ol e.trnber oulqceru B plno^\ sllDfs e{rl-ueulnl{ luql& '€
itsel Supnl leloJ atll sI leq^\ l,]seJ SulrnJ oql sl leq,& 'z
'qceo Jo selduruxe e^lC iIV o1 seqceorddu ureru oal eql eft ]uql& 'I
'suoglsanb asaLll JoMsue ol solou lno^ es6 '3
ueuo lou 'p serullauros 'J eurD eql Jo lsoul 'q eluE eql Jo IIe 'B
sloeJJe pue sesnuc lcrperd ol eIqB sB1( I
'sl)olJa Pue uolsueqerduoe
sosne) pelerpe,ld no^ 1|er* soqutrsop lsaq leLll luoualels otll olrJll ro rnof ssessy
saurLltreN tueorllatul g ufldvHl vL
'plos eq III^\ 1I 1!\oq puu e{II eq IIr^\ ourqcBru eql lBq.^A uo
snsuesuoc B rlceeJ ol JeqleSol {Jo1v\ pue suorurdo lueJeJTrp Jnor ssnJsrc
6ll ssrue^pe nof III^\ ereql[ .
6ll esrue^pe nof IIr1Y\ rr\o[{ o
l,lsoJ 1r IIrl!\ qcnur rao[{ o
ile>lJ?ru 1e3rB1 eqt sr oq1vl .
lll esn o] elqe eq III^\ oI{A{. .
1,op ol elqu eq 1l III,!\ 18qi . .
ae{rT punos pue {ool }I III^\ lerlv[ .
:suoqsenb eserD JeprsuoJ
eoIH eq eurqcBru rnof plno^r ]eql[eurqcsu lue8{le]ur Jo toqor 1!\eu B
le{JBur pue dolo^ap ol speeu ]Bq] urBel uSrsep e uo oJe no 'seurqcBu
tua8rlletur pue stoqor slles tuqt fuedruoc B JoJ {ro1v\ no,( teq} eur8eurl 'I
'snsuasuof e 6ulqseoJ JoJ o6en6uel oql 6u!sn
orllf,eJd ol otrueqf, e peq seLl luopnls r{;ane lr}un 6uro6 uollesJa^uof osluroJduot e
oql doo) 'suollsonb 6urrnol;o; oql ssnf,srp pue peal 'dnor6 e ul .g EulqreoJ orllreld
'oror.{ soldurexo rnoA olp7111'snsuosuor e 6utqf,eaJ
pue oulsluroJdluotr rol suorssordxa raqlo Jo ),lulLll ol Jouued e qll,v\ Iro/v\ .V solduexo aJoru ls!'l
' ' pep|]ap an,o^^ alrl spunos l! 'os .
as!ql qll/\\ enr; noA ue3 .
a' ' uo aor6e lle oM uetr 'oS .
4uo eerOe Ile upf, oalr eapl auo s,]ellM .
snsuasuo3 e 6utqreeg pue 6ursrluoldr.uo3 JoJ suorssaJdxf
'slurod ouros lnoqe eerOesrp Aeuu s;enprnrpur
eqi qonoql uane 'uo aa;6e upf, ouo^rone 6urqleuos sr osrLr-lo.rdLr.roc
y 'dnorO aq] sluosorder 1eq1 ueld .ro eapr auo qlrnn dn eLUof, pue
sraqLuau dno;6 reqlo oLll qlrm ostruorduuoc ol paeu no^ 'sploM laLllo
ul 'snsuosuof, e Llteor ol paau ue1;o noA 'suorssnf,srp dnotO 6uun6
sn$!.!esi"!e3 e qssa6 paie &s!r,i*ce*dq&rCIp ,.NJ{ Y dY
9L af,uartrs s l_lNn
'suoruldo JIeq] JoJ {sB pue 'Suqselelur .ro lueuodrut
sr lr {uq} no,( r(q,L sselJ eql1e;63u4seJelul Jo lueuodrut puno; no,( :
13q] eJnlcel eql uI BepI Jaqloue se, A leqd['selou rnor( 1e Iceq {oo-I
6r(euour eq] ol qcepe no,( slueruerrnber
Jo suoqrpuoc ]eqA\.'euqceru lue8rlelul uu dolerrep ot ?ur,ftt sr oqA\
]s4uelcs e ol luer8 e Sut,tt8 ro3 elqrsuodseJ sI ssels;no,( eut8eurl
eseulqcsru ,(q ,(po euop eq plnoqs lsrD suellInll /(q
euop .(11uerrnc seIlL^,IJce Jo $IsBl luecgru8ts ]soru eaJql eq] erc leqdt
lwurnq B ueql Jeileq op Je^eu plnoc
eurqcsru e leql sorlllllJe Jo $ISel luecgru8rs lsoru eeJql eq] oJe leqryt 'I
'6u1sltuo,tdtuot Jol sese;qd eq16u;sn ornpol aql u!
snsuosuo3 e qreoJ ol A,rI 'saleursself, lnofi q1;rvr seap! asalll ssntrslc
? seap! oLll ssnfslo
seuqcBru,(q Peureq Sureq eldoed .
,(cerrud rreql 8urso1 eldoed .
euru ee4 qcnu ool Surrreq eldoed.
seurqcuru o1 sqoineql 3urso1 eldoed .
:$Is[u alqpsod
uruel eldoed Surdleq .
s1sq,(ep,ftele ur sueunq Su4stsse .
s1sel Surroq Sururrogled .
s1s4 sno;e8uup Suturrogred .
$IsBl pelecrlduroc Sunuro;red .
sueunq JoJ ]ueruurcuelue ro dtqsuotueduroc Surpt,tord.
:slueuafl alqpsod
'serroqc .rno,( -ro; seldtuexe eAIc '1(oleq ue,tr8 seuo eID JO
suorurdo pue seepr u.uo .rno.( esfl 6soulqceur lue8qlelur Surdolerrep qll,l\
pelercosse 1sr.r lseluer8 eql pue lueueq lseleer8 eql sI {ur-ql no,( op }eql& 'Z
sourr]treN ]ue6tlletul g u:lJ_dvHtr gL
roleods otll orol.l/v\ saf,eld oqf (, qsels e qlr^ IteN 'onoqe ldJo3xo aLll
r.llri 6uole /v\olloJ pue 'u!e6e uotleluasold eq1 qc1e6 '6u;ced Joq ol opptu
luopnls aLll sluouronordurr oml lsrl '1ooqa1ou lno{ u; 'u;e6e l! paJo^tlap
pue uorleluese;d ,teq uo suorlse66ns auuos ponro)oJ luapnls aq1 .61
'6u1:ed ;eq ero;dul plnof, luopnls qceeds ror{ sored
eq1 sAervr oml lsl-'l '6urced s.luapnls or.{l arrloN 'ure6e ooprn aql Lltle7171 ., luepnls e lAorl oclloN
61oq{3ed eql Jo esn ,fte1qnu-uou e go eldruexe ue sr leq^(\ 'z
'I 1r{nr{0{#i
is8urpunorrns rreqt uro4 uortuuJoJur reqte8 sloq>Iced op .roH
:suollsenb o/vrl osaLll Ja/nsuv 'uolleluoso;d eq1 Jontlop luopnls e Llrle^ 'g Jno^ IfaLll
'*aq1 aSeSuesgp
xo gc ascds;p pue 's*:gn*p angr*;dN* 6$!gi.!*p! n$&*rsx le*& &eu! laAela o;
alqe sre sloq{}ed 'eidwexe JoJ 'suelllnq ;o; sno.:e6uep ool aje }eq} stse}
aipueq a3 i{xe1;';au eq},{q pasn A;;ensn a.{e $&*qx3ed 'pasn e.!e s&eelx}qd :
,ueq 1rtoqe Xiei. c& eXlE p,l 'AXaN '*X!! X*e! $a$qx;€d nol( nncu og
*s!.{fi& ;rac*:g
'esned plnoqs raleeds eq1
oror{M ssnrsrq ';au1,ted e qtliv\ pnole ourl puof,as e }t pead 'ecue6r;;e1ur sdnor6 lq6noqt
ler)Urue lnoqe uorleluosold luepnls e Jo uotltros Uoqs sn{l pead .V olu! tlraads op!^l6
'puelsrapun Alrsea uef, o3uorpne ;noA ]eLl] sltun 1n;6urueeu olur
qcaads rnoA eleredas ol pue eced elqelroJLuof, e 1e leads o1 noA dleq
;;rnn sdnorO lqOnoql rage 6ursned'proalr uorlrsuell e se Llf,ns'proan ouo
1sn[ ere Aeql saulrlaLuos ]nq 'sosnelf, to sese;qd letrt]eLuLUer6 uei;o ete
Aeql 'eepr auo LUroJ o1 req1e6o1 oO teqt sprom;o sdno;6 e.le sdno;6
1q6noq1 'sdnor6 lq6noql olur qoeads raLll opr^rp s;eleeds poog
'noA 6urmo;1o1 Alpncrllrp a^eLl llrm ecuelpne ;noA
Aem;aq1r3']seJ ool punos;1rnn qceeds;noA'q6noua asned 1,uop noA
Jl 'Addotlc pue Mols punos 1;rm qcaeds ,tno[ '6uo; oo] roJ ro A;1uanbe.r1
oo1 esned no{ ;1 {1enrloe;1e esned o} ulpol '6ur:ed tnoA qlran dleq o1
'aced e;qelroJLuotr e 1e leads noA 1eq1 1ue1;odur s,]t poolsropun oq oj ...,,
$dmexgr &q6$"!{3&{j" qg;xa r;a*ae*g *neA esed
ii i=
/-l :r*o rs t IlNn
'3urced.rno.( uo {ceqpeeJ JoJ seletusselc "rnor( {sB 'qsmu no,( ueq16 lua
'.re1deqc srp uro4
,fte1nqeco,r. puu suepr aql .rerleJ 'uoDeluese.rd.rno,( eruderd no,(;eg
'eurqcuu srqt Surdolelep ruo4 sre8uup ro surelqord elqrssod pue suuunq
lueueq uBc eurqJBru srql A\otI Jeprsuoc oslv'JoJ pesn sI ll leqd\ pue $lJo.^A lI
,loq ureldxe '1oqor eql equJsep ol uoIlBIuJoJuI epnlJur 'uo4elueserd rno,( u1
,(1eges crlqnd eurorpeu/eJeo qlluel{ uorlBcnpe
esn etuoryleuosred uo4eroldxe suoqecluruuuroc
Suunlcegnueu ]ue{IIurBuelue sseursnq
:seore 6urruo;1o; or..ll Jo ouo u! pasn Jo pedolenap 6uteq
Allueune sl leql loqoJ e lnoqe uolleluosord e arede;d pue qrJeosau 'g uolleluosald e angg
esJeIIU Sursn ro;1es,(ur Sunueder pIo^B I pI(
aseouelues pue sdno"r8 tqSnoqt:ege esned 1 prq
6elqeuoJr.uoc Surced,(ur se7y1
:suorlsenb aeJq] eseql ureql {sV
'Surced;no,( uo {ceqpeeJ no.( e,tr8 selerusselJ ;no,( erruq 'qs1uu no,( regy
,tnoA o1 seepr ;nor{ lueserd ueql 'uo;1dp3sop ;nolt u1 ssarls pue sdnor6 e,t €
tulEnoqt or.ll IJeN '1r 1o uorldtlrsop qde;6e,led-auo e ollr6 '{lleuosted
no^ 1;;eueq plno^ ll /vlor.{ pue'lujoJrod p;noc t! (s)>lsel leqM (oM Iool
plnol oulr.lleu aql leLlm lnoqe lult1l 'loqoJ e u^ o p;no: noA eut6eut; .J
'6u1ced ,tnoA uo Ileqpaal raqto Lltreo o^l9 'gl e6ed uo uolleluasoJd qreads rnofi
luopnls or,.ll ruoJJ ldrecxe aq1 6urpeer surnl olel ;euued e qll1 'a 6u1:ed 03!lJeJd
'spJoM uaomlaq 04tl )o'yO'uJn'qn se qrns'sJellrJ 6utsn ptony.
'z{;r;esseceuun sprom 6utleeda; p!o^V .
'sdnorO lqOnoql lo alpprL! aL{l ur ro A;1uenber1 oo1 6utsned p!o^V.
eql le re6uo; osned.
'af,ualuas e Jo pua
' sartua11e pue
sploJ )oJ '' ' ' luauJleul ctqledoatuoq uoLuLUo) auo) seserqd
(os 'lxau) suorlrsueJl
(' ' ' lnoqe 4lel ol a4!l p,D sosnelJ
:se;duuexe aLUos aJe are;-..1 dnorO lqOnoql e Jo pua oLll le asned .
sdno;g lq6noqg qlle\ qlaad5 rnoA 6u1:e6 N&t&Y.&"?{3SX&d
dn-dvuM J.tNn 8t
'Ietrdsor{ ro crullc IeeJ B ur
stlog 'rCI Sursn 3:o slcedse ]sroa eerqt eqt pue slcedsu tseq eerqt oqt tuaserd
suo;u;d6l rno1 oJeqs
'eler.rdordde ueql\ snsuesuoc pue esrurordruoc;o e8unSuul eql
esn 'sluerun8ru :nor( uoddn5 'sllog 'rq Sursn Jo suoJ pue sord eql ssnosr(
uolssnrslo e oAeH
ol uorlcBeJ r$runururoc ssosse ol JeJnlcsJnuBu eql ,(q perq ueeq e,^'eq
sselc ;nor( pue no^'luelulse^ur e s3 slulrdsoq pue ssrurlc
,$rumuuroc ol sllog 'JC le{Jeru o} JeJnlouJnrruu oql 'eurrl eql Jo
luecred 96 ,(lelerncce slueqed esou8erp o] elqe sel\ sllog 'JCI 'serpnls Jreql
q 'sllog 'J( peuruu Jolcop loqoJ e pedoyerrep eleq sJaqcJeeseJ luql eur8erul
'ssel, e se A1rnr1:e oql op pue'^ oloq oueuofs or{l peou .g
..'surl\,, ureel qcrq, d eprcep pue suoqsenb >1se pn se8pni
eql 'eleqep rno,( regy uetsll IIr1Y\ seSpni eql 'elBqep eq] Suun(
"(lqerec oleqoo e oAeH
'srueet eq1 e8pnl o1
tsrplreqc e pu? suoqsenb e.rederd plnoqs 3 dnorg 'suortrsod:reqt uoddns
ot eoueprle Surreqte8 ,(q e.rederd ppor{s fl pue y sdnorg 'eleqep eqt eroJeg
onssl orll ssnJslo pue soloN oIeI
'oteqap eqt e8pnipue
suorlsenb >Ise IIrl!\ 3 dnor1; pue 'ureql lsure8e en8ru lrtr g dnorg 'soqeculd
Jo osn oqt roJ en8re pzvr y dno.rg :sdno.l8 eeJrp otur sselc eqt ep$l6l
;,soqece;d eqlroserd sJolrop plnoqs :uorlsenb srLlt aleqap ssel, e oneH tV
Listen to the lecture and complete the summary notes. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each blank.

Topic: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Main idea 1: Definition of AI and (1) ___________________ to AI
Main idea 2: (2) ___________________ faced by scientists working in the field
Main idea 3: (3) ___________________ of AI and what scientists hope to achieve in future
Main idea 1:
o Definition
§ AI: (4) ___________________ of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer
o Approaches
§ Create machines that can act/ think (5) ___________________, not necessarily like a human
- (6) ___________________: robotic vacuum cleaner
- do things in (7) ___________________
§ Create machines that can act/ think like human; (8) ___________________; require human-like
- carry on conversations
o How to know that it works
§ 1950, Alan Turing developed a (9) ___________________ (still used to day to test human-like
intelligence of machines)
- A judge in room with computer
- type messages and carries on 2 conversations (computer and human)
- (10) ___________________ to decide which is computer, which is machine
- Computer can (11) ___________________ à machines pass the test
§ Turing thought, by 2000, computer pass the test
§ Until now, (12) ___________________ pass the test
Main idea 2
Why scientists cannot develop human-like machines?
o Reasons
§ Human beings: (13) ___________________; thinking requires too many different skills
à cannot (14) ___________________
o Requirements
§ Need ‘natural language processing skills’ (ability to communicate in a language)
à need human ability to use (15) ___________________
§ Need ‘(16) ___________________ (ability to store what it knows or hears like the brain)
§ Need to (17) ___________________ (use stored information to think and answer)
à need to decide the best thing to do based on (18) ___________________
§ Need to be able to learn
à need to adapt to new situations
o Challenge in the Total Turing test
§ Require (19) ___________________ interface
- Done with video monitor à test ability to (20) ___________________
- Hatch/ door à test (21) ___________________
Main idea 3
o Accomplishments now
§ Robot do (22) ___________________ physical tasks
- clean up nuclear waste, help on (23) ___________________ and in unmanned aircraft
§ Robots in hospital away from city
- robodoc: talk to patients, (24) ___________________
§ play games
- chess
§ use for (25) ___________________
- voice commands in cell phone, computer
§ play games
- chess
o Future hope
§ Have human-like machines
§ Question: should develop intelligent machines?
sornlso6 pueLl pue'sluetue^olu
asn .
'suorssa.,dxe lerceJ se Lltrns sleu6ts leqre^-uou^poq
{6e}e;lS uo!leluasatd
crdol uo uorssncsrp eq1 deey .
{6e}erls uotssnts!G trtulopesv
uorJeLUroJUr eztue6ro ol slstl pereqLunu asn .
{6elerls 6ur>1e1-e1op
lueyodtut st uotleLUloJUI
uoq^ alerrpul teql s;eu6ts leqren-uou eztu6oce6 .
A6ele'tlS 6ulue1stl
secue6t;;a1ug eldl1;nu
1o {roaq1 oql pue slsal etue6!llolu! }noqe ulea"l
I U3rdVH' st1
Are^rlep rnof l.roddns ol slensrn e^r]treJJo esn .
[6a]er]S uolleluasoJd e\
uorssnosrp e 6uunp seepr uA o;no[ uo puedx3 .
{6elerls uolssnf, slg f, !ulapetv
slserluof, pue suosuedLuoc eloN .
{6alerls 6ul>1e1-a1op
slsejlu03 pue 1u
suosueduotr sleuOrs 1eq1 e6en6uel ornlf,al eztu6oca5 . uI'
AEalerlS 6u;ue1sq1
lueurdo;enap ueunq uo lf,aJJo
e;qrssod Jroqt pue sdlqsuorleler 6ur;q;s lnoqe uJee-l
slecg! 3!u n
sdrqsuorleloU 6ulq!S Z U=IdVHf, OB
6,(q.& 6leepl sr {urqt nof op flprel ezrs ]uql& '€
alnJssecons lsoru eql eq ol dn .uo.r81r.t >1urq1no,( op uorplrqc qc1ql . 'Z
eluereJJrp .(eqt ere , doH 6rulrrurs ,(lqeqord ,(eqt
s,(ezvr leqrvr u1 'soloqd eqt ur uaJplrqr eqt Jo spooqplrqc eqt tnoqu {uql 'I ::
€:, ?
'suorlsanb oLll ssnf,srp ol rauued e qll/vl IJoM uaqf 'se.rnltrd oql le loo-'l ,V eldot eql lnoqe lup.ll
t8 {6o;oqc[s6 t llNn
'lueuruorrAuo lno poururrelap sI bursooqc ro] elrellrc ]o los e doleaep
qcnur lv\oq pue peluaqul l.1ecr1eua6 qcee efl\ leql zfioeql oql lsel ol
sr zllrleuosred rno;o qcnur A oq poul osle eAeq sroqcrPosou
aurulelep 01 llncullp sr 1I 'xlnser e 'luecred 0g reqlo eql
s17's6ur1qrs slcelle lueuluorr^ue srql ro} slunocce luouluorr^ue rno eIrqAA
orll ur serluedslp oq uec ereql 'sorlqeuosrad rno uo ocuongul %09
'luouruorl^uo eures eql uI uoAe 'leql e lnoqe eaeq seue6 leq1 eleclpul
e^oqoq ouros'sxueuruolr^uo luorol]Ip solpnls asoql 'dn 6urano;6 e1qan
zfuezl ur pasrer ere lrede posrcr surlvrl slueuruorlAue luorolFp peq z(eqt
IeCrlUOpr leql ro 'slueuruorr^ue ecurs 'seue6 o1 .d.po enp e"re lrede
Jelruils eneq sulaal Ieuloler] pup posrcr surrAl ur solluelrurrs seorer{aA
suraal Iecrluepl leql uolldunsse eql 'lueruuorrlue pue seue6 qloq ol
se qcns 'sraqcreosor urarrl ztq epeur pelncpr+1e oq uPc reqlebol pasrer ore
suorldtunsse oql ]o etuos uorlsenb oq^ suraal ur r{.1rre1nurs ziue 1eq1 sr
sclllrc esoqJ, 'sorpnls ur^Al ]O uorldurnsse JIeqJ'serlrurel luare#rp
1ecr1da{s e-re s1sr6o1oqc.[sd etuog ui posre, pue q1rrq 1e Peleredes orem
'sollrlrqe esoql uI reFurrs ssol ourocoq or{aa suuv\l Iecrluepr qlIA loqleool
z(eq1 e6e suraal Ieurelerl se 'pueq posrcr oro^A or{r^ sur.0/\1 leclluepr
reqlo oql uo 'slll{s leclleulaqleru se peredruoc eneq slsrEoloqcz{sd'suu l
qcns 'solllilqp rleql uI rellufis orour ueeaalaq secuorolFp roJ slunocce
lnq 'ecueJeadde lecrszlqd rroql uI leq^a aurluralep oJ 'serllule] rToql
reFurrs ssal ourocaq z{eq1 'e6e suranl pue surrlAl;o srred 000'8 ro^o
Iesrluopr sE leq} puno] z{eq; ernletu qlm solpnls luarolJrp lereAas
.(aq1 serelurrs ssol ro eJour ourocoq polcnpuoc eneq eloseuulr\I ]o
sula l roqleq.0/\ sI ro.0Asue o1 1q6nos z(1rs-rearu11
oql uror] slsr6oloqcz{.s4
seq [pn1s srq] uorlsenb reqlouY 'slsorolur pue
'o^ol ur 1e; o1 zlpeer ere off\ uoq^ 'sluelel 'ztlqeuosred se qcns 'sgtrl
teou ere oA uroq.o^ uo orour poseq ueurnq z{.uetu;o lueurdolenep eql uo
pue 'uropuer oq 01 sreodde ocloqc luouruorr^uo Io ecuenuur oql sns-raA
slt{l o^olloq sroqcreosor'peolsuI seue6 ]o ocuongur eql oleurrlso
'esooqc ean esnods eq1 ;o -rolctperd ol odoq sreqcreosor 'sdnor6 oall I
poo6 e sr bur6utrqdn rno rou seue6 eseql 6urreduroc z(g '(souo6 rroql
Ino leq$au leql elecrpul sllnsol lo %Og Eurreqs os 's66e luareJlrp
osot{J, 'req ro urrq ,,pe{qslp d1ear1ce,, uror; 6urtuoc) suIA l leurolerl pue
to eleru s,uuvu rroql o1 ,rxuerelJlpur,, (saue6 oures oql Eurreqs os '66e
oJeaa sur#\l el{l JO sprql-ol\al leql pezqrge] ouo urorl 6ururoc) surarrl
punoJ osle .deql 'eldoed 1o s-rred Iecrluopr :suraal 6urz{.pn1s z(q sr
rrropuEr ueql roqlo qceo 01 reIuils suorlsenb osoql loaasue 01 perrl
erour zllluecgru6rs lou ororla surlvrl eaeq slsr6oloqcLsd 1eq1 Lean' eug
1ecrluepr esoql ]o sesnods oql leql esauao rno Lq Pecuonuur oaa ere
puno; Leq;, '-reqte6ol Posrel ereaa r{cnur a oq pue 'luoruuorr^uo euroq
oqA suIAAl Iecrluopl oleur ]o sesnods -rno .r{.q Pecuonuul oaa ore qcnru
eq1 pereduroc sreqcreeser 'srq1 op fl\oH aetllrleFl e IeAo olq ,l n
o;, 'dn 6urnnor6 secueuedxe anblun sdolenep snJo r{ceo uosred , t , t
rno pue seue6 rno uo poseq oleur e ]o puPI oql soururralep leql l, I
Z e6ed eas
o6pol/t^oul Punol6Ireq
'surMl ur satruoleJJlp pue sallllellulls lnoqe alf,lue slql pead rg p[nq ol peau
sdrqsuortelou 6ultqls I U:lJ_dVH3 Zg
's6urlqrs 6uoure solluelrturs anoul noA
lnoqe /eJ os pauJeol eneq noA leqt sEurrlt oorql ssnrsrp leuyed e qfl6 H leqn rl ol^ou
6r(1pueg rno,( ur enbrun
no,( se>1uur luqTyl is8urlqrs .rno.( o1 isluered rno.( o1 no^( Julrurs 1y\oH 'Z
'^\oD[ no,( eldoed;o seldruexe euos eArC i]ou =
,(q,l ro ,(q16;luetuuoJrlue Jno snsJel seue8 Jno ruo4 seruoc ,(lr1uuosred
Jno Jo r{cruu a\orl Surp;e8er s}pseJ qJJBeseJ oql q}rl\ ee.r8e nof oC 'I
'ssel, oLll r,.lllm sramsue;noA oreqs 'dnor6 e u! suollsonb eseql ssnrslq.a oql ssnrslc ==
Surqleuros Jo esnec eqt sB ot turod ol 'f petrrequr '0I- =
esle 8urq1,(ue e{lpn 'I ,$uudsrp '6 =
retcerEqc s.,(poqeuros Jo UBd l,figenb e 'q lecrlde>1s '8 :=
ecueqc .(q uesoqc .ro Surueddeq '3 eJnJBru 'L
- =
prle^ ro erut sl Suqteruos teq] InJlqnop J ruopuur 'g
- =
slue;ed lecrSolorq rnof uro.r; pelraceJ 'o enbrun 'S
- =
pIFIc ot stuered uro.g pessud ere serlrpnb
qcFlr!\ qSno;qt ]ueuodtuoc lucrSolorq eq] 'p o1 elnqullB 'n =
esueJeJJrp 'J JoJ lunoJcB '€
pedola, u,lo;8 ,(1ng euoceq o1 le8u o1 'q \et 'Z =
Surqleuos JoJ uosueJ e errr8 ro ureldxe o1 'e eue8 '1
'sla^ sue rno{ leeqc ot [g e6ed uo olrlye oql Are;nqe:on
le lreq Iool 'suolllulJop Jlor{l r.llr/v\ 6ulpeet oql tuotJ sprom ar.ll t.lrle4 .O rno/[ puedx3
eqcJBeseJ sul&u Jo e,{8q sJeqcJeeseJ errros op susrcrlrJc luq^\ '€
'ureldxg Lepur e Jo ecroqc eq] ecuengur seueS op luelxe leq,l\ oJ 'Z
eABq tuqdt [surl\] ?ur,(pn1s ,(q ureel o1 edoq sreqcreeser op leq yI =:5:
'6u;peer oLlt lnoqe suollsenb osaql ssnrsrp leuyed e qll/v\ ., rno{ 1:aq3
tB AootoqtrAsd ? IlNn
'gll*3 &e3*e3 ieE xucrp 331,,€ uJnqnr Jlcri i&1* pex,p elillete€ 6e;sqJeg exlI
"',{'6 e pers c.Soq enta e} Li&llcl t!s&!t} psti tl}*q pLi* 'g}[ ]o s6s a&{3 }s a3$sp
uesl s 3{3 spuealsnq .,lel{& eaw 'Auan*$*aas}& !€3*i u! pex;o}xA, q1*q ,{*r;3
a€r,a psl*&e:s!p 6ae!& '&& $s a&e aq4 a* Selei A6!i& el6q&&
't{g'i!q 3e selile$e}
d;qsp*** *uqd*6 p.jc },i*q**t'"* *,{e{X,!e€ '*idu;axa lsg i,s!le&t!s i(iSr*1zeu;e
*q aa lme u.*t't* ot'{*& L*&,tlq }€ pa}exedas s&,9,1e} }s sal,:eas 6ucru a;P aJ*E&
'$,rlt Lti sX;lds.laga1 ;eq3 S6a pexlll*,te* aXSulr r l.e,&'1, eLu*3 su!x,* l€3!&!"{epl
's664 a4e"ledes s&xt &* uelaezl!lli** eq* Llrsi, a{rJ<>} 5{Ii,$* 1€u,{a}8i$ ellqA&
'461; ulSaq Saq3 iv'*q El a*tla",e$$!p I l.t!$l* sa!&.Ne>3 s&d6* *i&& 6{'ie uae&1*aq
aluel*&&!p artr3 ":13*S,42&&le:lt! Js " "'';e*;1u*p! pu€ " "':11c662;p ;* "' no
'g*u"ragr;4 e.{!? $1r!ift1
io 56di{} +rv1i eql 'sE}.,lq 58 !l! t Sneqe |'! ln}3& a6en6ue;
:::** ornlfal lserluo)
'lserluof, lo uoslledulol sleu6ts 1eq1 e6en6ue; pue uosuedtuof ,(q,r
ornlf,al oLll laqel pue oulllopun 'sulml uo alnlf,ol e uolJ ldlecxa aLll peau
,I ez1u6o:eg
lseJluoJ uoslreduoJ
'areq sa;dutexo lnoA olll6'(ef,uaJalJlp) lseJluo, pue (fi1le1tu;s)
uosgledutor 1eu6;s leLll suolsso;dxa ;eq1o Jo lulql ol ;euued e ql!/v\ )Uo/v\.H se;dutexa aloul lsll
sr puex
uoaA leq 03uorolJlp aLll . ' . s! .4. 'x oxll .
' ' 'X a)llun . ''' pue qloE .
" ,1.' 'x otlqM . ' Aem aLres oLl] ul .
' ' e.roL!/ssol sl 'y o1 paredLuol . '"'osl^ o)ll .
' ' ' 'pueLl .leLllo oL{l uo . "'Agreltut5 .
lserluol uosl;eduo3
'sof, uarolJlp pue sollljellulls
leuOrs o] osn s;osse;old ]eLl] suolsseldxa pue sploM aLll lo; uolsll
'sernlf,ol 6ut;np suost;eduuof, aleur ual;o slossaJold
$se",&eI03 &*x&w&&s
prJe $u05!ledti.IaS sieu6!g *sk{& 66pm6uetr 6'!n}341 az3u6oaa6 sMtNxl"stx
1,tq8ru4s uolteruroJur eqt dee>1o1op no,( plno, ]BI{n1'Surssncsrp
sr eqs secueJaJJrp pue seIJIJeIIuIIS oql Jo {cEI deol l.uec no,( lnq 's8utql
lueJeJJIp Surlsurtuoc puu SuueduoJ sI JossoJord eqt'ern1ce1e Sutrnq
'uorlsanb aql lamsue pue ';au1;ed e Llllm /v\olaq fiEelells 6u!uets!l
uorlenlrs aql ssntrslp 'A6e1e't1s 6utuelst; aLll puelslopun noA dlaq o1 .g aLll rol eledal6
sdrqsuortelou 6u!tq!S / UfldvHf, Vg
:o8en8uel erruce-I 'i
:e8sn8uel eJrucel '€
:o8en8uel em]Je-l'Z
:eBenBuBI eJnlce'I 'I
'polserluo2 ro poJeduror 6uroq sr leqm u/v\op olu/v\ :xnno@': -
pue 'ure6e uolsrl uoql 'lserluo3 .ro uosueduror s;eu6rs 1eq1 e6enEuel lselluot pue =
otnllal lo sotruelsu! lnoJ lseol le u/v\op atu^A 'ure6e 1d,Ie:xe oql ol uolsrl r)| uoslreduoc rol uols!'t
'Jeqlolu JIoID O1 esolc eJea 'J Jeqlo eql'snorlrquu se,t\ euo '€
'sreqluJ lecrSolorq ]uereJJrp peq 'q reSog pu" rug qlog .Z
'teete) u dole,tep o1 pe133ru1s 'B uorullJ:e8og puu lllg 'I
'yed puooes lrorro,
aql Llll/vl aruoluos q)ea Jo yed 1s.rr1 oLll LlrtBN 'uolurl) ;e6og JoLllorq 1iltril0@
sr.{ pue uolurl3 ll!E luaprsard lnoqe ornlf,ol e tuorl }d;ecxa ue ol uolsr-'l .r olpne oql ol uols!'l
98 ? jlNn
6qol :6pueq ut. ?aAel4 's€rd + ){v Ji.o
^;uBtil ^ss,
a7ailo2 *o ano Vaddoa6 +u2?na6 auana)xa le(}Ll{}€
'raqaoJq oaasolc
uoau1A ae0o4raqae+ ?al? ra.|ae*
gs# t 9f6 lr uroq p00L{pl11e
uoaull) r OH u€*uI|3lird
* ;
a-a? ;reT ?t qaEa' Irya g a?2ng'f, rT r - * - vela l+l1od-1rtgee,acoff6
- - **
eb eyoc'goqna' paddu.t? - 2 -taepnt6 ?oo9-:
raql,oiu ro.lior4 oa a6ola -
?ooltPyqi alnigglp - o.rn
p aOe uoau1)
aebo1 ?aqrewt raqaotlt - .SJel
n"oan;;12 ie6o2 iaQaeS - uroq aro+eq ?al? roqae+ -
gg6L uaoq- 9V6 1" usoq-
ioaillia"tabo>, noCnlSiitid
e^q1 ;re;a;d noA op ualsAs qllLl7171 'uolurll ;e6og pue
llrE tnoqe ornlfol alll r,uorJ salou .sluopnls o/vrl le Iool '.rouUed e qllM .V solou eq1 azl(leuy
'palserluof, pue pereduof, oq o] lurod qcea Ourlsr; Aq;o'ua1r
qtrea roJ sof,uaro1;rp pue serluepurs or1] 6ur1sr; Aq selou rnoA aztue6;o
uer noA'tuoraJJrp lo repLUrs are sLUolr oL.{l MoLl ees {;rsee ueo noA {enn
srLlf 'Ueqr ro ]srl e olur salou JnoA lnd ol Jarsea uelJo s,tr 'pelsprluo3
pue pe;eduuoo 6ureq are ]eq] seapr ]noqe selou 6ur1el uoqg
s*sei*1r63 pL,s sues!"rudauo3 a*eltr{
sdrqsuortetaE 6u!tqlS Z Ufl_dVHO 98
iv'i/ r
'slserluol pue suosrJeduroa sleu6;s 1eq1 e6en6uel otnlfal aql loJ uelstl rlillll0wl
ol roqtuourou 'lsll Jo Ueqf, e 6ulsn solou olel pue 'otnllol oql qrle1 'O ornlral alltrl"m
'Jouued e qllm suorl:rpe;d
rnoA a;eduo) '/v\oloq suorlrgperd aoJull ollJ1 aoJnlf,al aql utoJJ uJeol
B o6ed oos
o1 1:edxa noA op 1eqp1 'sdrqsuollelal 6u11q;s Jo lldol aLll uo passnfslp
pue paureol oneLl noA 6u;qyfuano lnoqe 1utq1 'ern1:ol aL{l oJolag suo;1e;perd a1e1
'ufiAcp *o!,{s sarn aueXd slq
uaqr'^ palllx ssnA aor allqiu saunru! roulLlt q*!!u pBdessa uqot' 'll refv\ plrorl&
ul lq6not uqop'aop rsr.lloJq slLl oXlT 'truapn$ sr3olpalu pue pllel] fi14:;s e
servr opueq raElo aql uo'uqof '1urap;sa*d aq e1 palldse pue fr|le:;tuapBse
palla)xs ai{ 'slua,rpd slq Aq paioAe} spm 'Llos r.!,roqls*!} aql 'aof '*uoJa}J!p
atlnh orom rtaql sAem raqlo lscur u! lng 'ua,.p!!t{, aulu *o 61;we3 e u;
s6u;;q;s tsaplo onm aql se dn ana.l6 {aq& "uolsoq u; d13ule1 Atl1lean* ;
e-e6al;ngrd otu! erroq a,!a/\fr uqof raqlo,lq slq pu€ Apauuay aof qlo8 :
'salou ,,no{ e;edurof, 'por,.lslull oJp non ,";;
'solor l.lrlrms uaLll 'Ueql Jo lsll e 6utsn salou solellotllo eq1 'speel noA
Jo ouo ollr.l1 'pnole ldre:xe slql 6utpeal sulnl olef )ouued e qltrn IJoM 'E
LA 7 IlNn
17 a6ed ae5
'A;uo selnuttrl. 2-Z Jot IleI 'aJnllol aJnlrol
oql Jo slurod uleu oLll 6ulzueuuns sulnl olel pue ,ouued e ql!/rl ),lro A .H :["=y:-'-::_ E
osrnod 'uolreurroJul 6utssgtu ,.ue u1 lllJ Jol.,lo qcee dleg ,*r;""**"r",,:l:i 6 o6ed eas
MoJ B qllli\ solou ;no{ ssncslp pue eledtuo3 asolou ;noA u; uolleuloJu! salou rnofi
oLll 6ursn
I ostf,roxS u1 suollsenb oLll lomsue ol olqe noA ele6 '9 osl^ar pue ssassv
iserlrredsrp eseq] JoJ suoseeJ Jeqlo o. at lseel le erc leql& ',
is8uqqrs uee. aloq serlrredstp
ureldxe o1 dleq ueo repro I{ulq }eq} s,( eerqt lseel te eJe telly\ 't
euerplrqc olpplu Jo enr] ,(1e.reue8 aq o1 punoJ srol{creeser e^Bq leql(\ 'z
ilnJssoccns tseel eqJ elnJsseocns ]soru eq] eq ot puet s8urlqrs qclq1\. 'I
'suollsanb osaql JaA sue ol solou tnoA es6 'g
ueuo lou 'p serurleruos 'J elull eql Jo ]solu 'q eurD oq] Jo IIB 'B
lser1uoc pue uosrreduroc JoJ a8en8uel eJnlcel eql ezruSocer o] alqe seA\ I
'e6en6ue; ornlrol uogsueqerduroc
eq1 pez;uooral no^ lla/v\ /v\otl soqllrsap lsaq lPLlt luauolels aLll olf,lll r3 rno{;sessv
sdrqsuortelou 6u!lqls Z UfIdVHf, 88
B- "
'4tr ..:-'
'aJoLl solduexa rno^ ollJAA 'seopr u/v\o
Jno^ uo ourpuedxe lol suolssardxe ;eq1o lo ),lulr.ll ol ,leuued e qt!/v\ IroM 'V se;druexe alou ls!'l
' se^ Aes o1 6ut{r1 sem I }eqM .
" arolaq pres | ]eLlM o1 6urqlauos ppp aLU lal .
'rerl.rea 6urAes sem.l lellm ol lf,eq oO o1 a1t; p,; .
' seM aroJoq lueal! I lellM .
seapl ui O JnoA uo 6urpuedx3 .to; suotsse;dx3
'11 uo puedxa pue eopt
inoA o] ).1f,eq oO o1 noA dleq 11tm leLll osn uetr noA seserqd utellof, ole
aJoqf 'possed seq urn] rnoA;e11e Aes o1 alrl plnom noA esla Outqlauuos ASSl"VX-tS
Jo>1u!r.{} Aeur noA 'uorssn3srp ssel3 ro dnotO e 6ut;np soLUI}oLlloS
$esp! ue€, Jn&A tr* $susdxx 3!S*A€V3Y
68 A6oloqcAs6 7 IlNn
srlr>ruq,."^^qJ::JIii"rffi l1:?#,1:#;::Tili[',##:[x#
leql ernlJel eq] ul eapr r3q1ou3 se1( luq1v\.selou rnof ]B {ceq {oo-I
lnof tnoqe ,(es 1r lq8rur teql& esl sqt {uq} op fq,^A,
eserro8etBc tuereJJrp rrro4 Jo f.ro8elec repJo-qurq euo Jo eq 01 puel feql
oc 'eJII rnof Jo selull luoreJJlp ruo4 spuauJ lsesolc Jnof lnoqe {uIqJ
euerplrqc ,(1uo lnoqe
,\\oH Lpecllou eAeq no,( 1eq}
oJnlcel eql UI peuorlueu lou
s8urTqrs ]se8unor( Jo'elppru
'lseplo Jo scrlsrJelcemqc fuu
eJeql eJV elnIssscJns lsoru
s8ullqrs .(po pue tsoplo
oJe 'ecueuedxe rnof u1
6sr(u.,r,r leq.^A uI aeJrucel eql
ur peqrJcsep se ,(puru3i"rno,(
ur sSuqqrs eql peouongur
repro qurq sug a,(Iruu; rno,{
ur Jepro qurq;no( sI tuql11 .I
'seapr urvro ,rno^ uo 6urpuedxo JoJ ornlral aql u!
sese;qd oql osn ol roquourau 'soleulsse;t;no[ Ll]tl seop! asolll ssnlslo 't seop! aql ssnrslo
l,tou fq,lrr,ro .(q16 tul1(] e eq o] e>lII no,( p1no16 '7
sruooJpeq eleredes Jo poJer{s
(,ftlunoc4rlrot 1uurs7,fi yc'lueurpeduTesnoq) uolle col 1e crs,(qd
Ie^el etuocul ploqesnoq
sreqrueu fpueg pepuetxe Jeqto pue slue;udpuerS;o elor
:eq1e8ot lueds eurrl
sJeqluelu ,(1ure3 Jo serlrTlqlsuodse.l puB seloJ
sdrqsuorluler plrqc4uerud
sdrqsuo4ele.r 8ulqrs
ezrs ,(pure3t
:,(pruu; u ;o slcedse
3ur.,r,ro11og eqt lnoqe {ulql;,(11uel FopI eq} eqlrJsep no,( p1no,a,r 'I
'rvroleq uenl6
souo ol.ll .ro suogugdo pue seopt urvro lno{ osn 'of,tlre;d o1 ecueqe e
peLl seLl luapnls Arane 111un 6uto6 uotlesloluol aql dao) 'uolssn)s!p
aq1 6u1,rnp tuor..ll uo puedxa uet noA leql os seop! leJoua6 alou q1;rvr seepl lnol uo
uotssnf,slp;no{ uels'suollsanb oql ssnfslp pue pear 'dnor6 e ul .E Eugpuedxe o)llreld
sdrqsuorteteu ougqls / U]l_dvHl 06
'lenstn aLll Jo slutod lueuodLUt
oql ureldxa uaql 'suPd palaqel aq] pue 'lensr^ oL{l Jo uorlezrue6jo
lleJa^o 'ol]!l aLl] 6urcnporlur {q 'sqder6 'sUeqf, ure;dx3.
'alrsoddo aLl] ro 1xe1 1qOrl qlrm punor6>l3eq lrep e asfl .
'lensr^ ;ed seur; 9 ]noqe ol ]xo1 llLUll .
'ezrs ur slurod 7Z ]seal le sr ]eLl] ]xol asn.
eneq no{ eur} oLll ro} slensr^ Jo raqurnu aleudordde ue apnl3ul . r".l:iIt xIa:
'slensrn Jo asn raq of apetu luopnls oql slueuono;dtur oanl
lsrl 'Iooqalou ;noA ul 'uorleluasa;d nneu oql L{trle1 'ure6e }t palontlap
pue uorleluase;d req uo suorlse66ns auos pon tosol luapnls aq1 .l tiiltit0
'slensr^ Jo osn s,luapnls oLll Lllliv\ sure;qo;d o/v\l lsrl 'anoqe xoq slensl^ oA!ltoJloul
{6e1er1s oLll u! uolleuro}ur aL{l lnoqe lulql 'ure6e ooprn oql Ll3le1 tg pue o^lllollo oflloN
iol {eeds eqs plp eldoed ,(ueru ,nr.o11
a{se tuepnts oqt plp suortsenb ,(e,uns eerqt teq1&
:suorlsanb oA l osoql la/v\suv 'sdrqsuorlele.r uolsuaqalduro:
6ur;qrs lnoqe uorleluasord luapnls e uoJJ ld;eexe ue L{trle1 .V rnoA 1:eq3r
'puelsjepun pue oos ol eruorpne
oL{l roJ Asee pue uor}eluosoJd;noA ur uorleLUrolul oql ol luenolar
pue 6urlserolur oq plnoLls slensrn rnoA 'A;anrloa;Ja slensr^ esn oI
'6ursn;uoc ro 6ur1ce;1srp oq uef, Aeql Alrealc peure;dxa ro
peuOrsep ]ou ere slensr^;no{ 1r 'pueL.{ roLllo aLll uO ureldxa o1 luem no{
slurod lue1lodrur eq] reqLuaLuar pue uorleluosard lnoA ezrue6;o o1 no{
dleq osle uef, slensrn peuOrsep-1;aA 'puelsrapun oJ lorsea qf,nLr-t pue
6ur1se:e1ur erolu uorleluese;d ;noA aleiu uec Alenrlce11a s;ensrn 6uts1^1 I Aq I UU a6
rlsrr5lll v^!{rer}s s>l I Ltltl tut ttrc:lt,l
C .:
t6 Aooloqf,Asd t llNn
'sIensIA Jno[ pesn
nof ,^AoI{ tnoqu {ceqpeeJ no,( oAIS o} se]eursselc rnof lse 'qspg nof ueql&
'reldeqc sqt uro4
,ftepqeco,t pue seepr erp,^aer^eJ'uotlelueseld rno,( e"ruderd no,( e-ro3ieg
'ssulc eql 01 seepl rno,( lueserd pue 'slensrl eJeoJo ',(leurg
'pe,(e,r.rns no,( eldoed eql Jo sepnll]le eql qlIA{ }I lseJluoc pue e.rudruoc pue
'crdo1 rno.( lnoqu s.(es qcrceseJ lueJ;nc ] lno puu 'peqsrug eru no,(
ueqA\ ',(ea.rns rno.(;o sllnser et4 ez(leue o1 no,( dleq ,(eu tuql punorS4cuq
,(pue; .ro 'repue8 'eBB su qcns 'sluepuodser.rno,( lnoqe ulep Jetlleg 'eldoed
uot lseel te .a\el^relul uoqJ 'seIIFreJ puu slunplllpur uo ]cedun sll puu
crdol rno,( prcA\ol sepnlrlle s.eldoed ]no pug o] suorlsenb etuos elud\
fu1e,trr 8u1qrs repro qurq
eJnunu snsJo,\ eJnleu ezrs ,(1turu; se{rrueJ pepuelq
seuuruJ IeJnllnc-s soJc uerppqc.(1uo uorldope
:u1|o rnor( Jo euo Jo
scrdo] 3ur,lo11o; eq] Jo euo esootlJ 'sdrqsuorlule.r Suqqts prulvrol sepnlple
s,eldoed ele8rlserrur ol ,(ea,.rns e lcnpuoo 'reuued B qIIIA Jo u,l.t.o rno,( ug
'sdlqsuo;1e1el 6ut;qts
ple/v\ol sopnlllle s,eldoed lnoqe uolleluasord e luesetd pue elede,r6 3 uolleluesard e en;g
'slsnsr^ rnor( uo {ceqpeeJ nor( eruS ol selelusselc rnor( >1sy
I uorpllqc rno{ z ueJplrt{c + rnod
z uarpllqc eerql € uerpllqc eerqJ
I ueJpIIqJ o.^al I uerpllqc oal
I pFIc euo 0 plqc euo
I uerpirqc oN/oJez 0 uerpllqc oN/oroz
splo-ruaa +0t splo-ree^6T8I
lueJplrqc Jo Jeqlunu 1eepl IuuosJed.rno,( sr tuq16 :uoqsenQ r(e.trn5'1
ezrs ,(pue; tnoqe sepnlPly:oldo1,
' o f, u o p n e ,, n oA or :;: J',"'H il ?":%-,Tf:i3, :i: J::
ffil";fi i
,;noA eleut ol"fl slensll oleoJ3 'uolleluoso,ld ;noA 1o yed se Moloq slensll s1llra#o
uolletuJolu! oql luoseJd ;;trvr pue Aeruns e paltrnpuof, oleq no{ eul6eu; '3 6upleu orllreJd
'Iooqolou lnoA u1 se;duexe
lno/( e11.r11
./(lanrltege slenstA osn ol sAean;eq1o Jo ),lulr,ll o1 slled u! Iro A 'O se;dutexe arouJ ls!'I
Listen to the lecture and complete the summary notes. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each blank.

Topic: How siblings (1) ______________________ one another

Main idea 1: What research says about (2) ______________________

First-born children: often very successful

- 50% of US presidents: first-borns
- 45% of (3) ______________________ (1960-1999): first-borns
- 21/ first 23 astronauts: first-borns

Oldest children: more (4) ______________________than younger siblings

à have (5) ______________________

Study about people born b/w 1912-1975:

- Oldest children: more successful
- Only one children: very successful
- Younger siblings: less education

Middle-born children:
- least likely to receive (6) ______________________for education
- least likely to do as well in school
à get least (7) ______________________, have more (8) ______________________at schools and
tend to suffer financially later in life (earn less pay or more likely to work part-time job)
Main idea 2: (9) ______________________

- (10) ______________________à more chance to succeed
- Spend more time alone with parents
à get more attention, more (11) ______________________and more constructive feedback from
à succeed in school & have (12) ______________________in life later thanks to the development
of confidence and (13) ______________________drawn from this environment
à be more mature thanks to higher (14) ______________________ from parents

Middle children:
- grow up in an environment surrounding with other children
à have to (15) ______________________other kids for parents’ attention and
(16) ______________________

Youngest children:
- receive more attention and resource because their older siblings are already (17)
Main idea 3: Factors that can lead to the differences within families and have an effect on development
and success

(18) ______________________:
- Sons: allowed more independence, assigned fewer household chores, less (19)
E.g: father - spend more time with sons and more involve in sons’ activities and schoolwork
à sons have (20) ______________________to be successful

(21) ______________________:
- Some kids – smarter or inherited traits helping them more successful in life

(22) ______________________: even more important than birth- order

- Disparities – more likely to exist in large families & poor families

(23) ______________________:
E.g: divorce or change of family economics (father losing job, death of a family member, house
destruction from a fire, etc)
à affect different children in different ways à affect children’s future success
sotrueorllatul oldrllnN g uSIdvHtr z6

a,(qft rtue8rllotur e.roru ;eedde uerplrqc qclrl1\ '€
aso^rT tlnpe rreqt ur rueqt dleq slpas esoqt Jo qcue IIV( .^aoH (
snorrul rrorn {uo4 Suru-ree1 ueJplrqc eseq} ere sIID{s Jo suos teqla1 'I
'suorlsanb oql ssnf,stp o1 ;au1;ed e Llllm IJoM uoqf 'sa,tn1:rd or{} }e lool .V rldot eqt lnoqe lultll
S6 Aootoqtrfsd ? llNn
'ssoccns ornln] s,pIIJ{c fler{l }o 'ulellpd cgrceds e qcleu 01 s{colq pololoc
rolecrpu orns e se oJocs oI ue ees 01 lou sluored e6uerre to elzznd e req1e6o1 lnd ol z{1r1rqe eql
e6ernocuo slsrEolottrc^sd pue srolecnpo'uoseer se qcns 'uorldec-red p11eds ssosse osp rteq;
srql rod 's1se1 acueEqlelur uI pepnlcur lou ere 'rfuelnqecon pue'z{rorueur'11r>Is Ieclleruoqleru
ler{l sluolet pue sarrlqedec lcurlsrp reqto uo '^lIIIqe 6uruosee-r'e6pe1rrnou4 lereueE 6urpnlcur
luepuedep eroru aq l{eu 'sern11nc luere]Jrp 'sa$g11qedec lerelos ssosse ttrlog 'slsol
ur u{.11ercedse 'elI q ssoccns '}sel euo utq ecueEqlelur relsqca1171 eql pue leulg-proluels
olqeinseeru z$pue euo se ecueEqlelur 1e 6ut:1oo1 oql erp s1se1 ecueElllolur uoururoc oaAtr
.6.q 'dean e aao.rreu ool qcnru ur ecue6qlelur aaolA
u{.eqt teql sI slsel OI }o uslcrlrc leug ouo
'urEel o1 uolle^rlour req 'a^.rn) llaq e 6urnnoqs qdetg
ro srq lceJle [1ean1e6eu pue rtlrcedec lenlcoilelur
anrl s,plrqc e Io luaurssosse esleJ e oleoJc plnoc
arocs ol
srolce; eseql Eur.reprsuoc loN'seEelue,rpesrp
qlra uerplrqc ;o ecue6qlelur eql eleurllsorapun
o1 lou se os 'uorpllqc lenpmrpur Jo sorocs eql
6urzz{.1eue ueq^ poroprsuoc eq pFottrs srolce} uerplrqc
,o raqunN
eseql Jo IIe leql en6re srolecnpo euros
'sserls Ieuorlorue
-ro sseullr [q pepege eq uec ecueturo;red s,pplc
e 'renoerotr I 'eEeluenpeslp e le eq z(eu suelqord
uolluelle oAeq oqfl\ ue-Ipllqc os 'uotlueue r{.ed
pue snco] o1 u{.1r1qe eql slcouer osle s}so} oI
uo ecueurropad 'uroqur lou 'paureol sI 1eql
e6pelanou4 Iernllnc se IIea se 'qleru'ztrelnqecorr'
:e6pe1anou4 perrnbce zipeerp raq ro slq osle lnq 'Uaq e selqruesor edeqs
'6ururee1 ro; epnlrlde s,plIqc e lsn[ lou slcauar oql lurroJ qder6 olur 1nd ore sllnsor eseql ueq6
lsel oI ue uo ocueurro;red leql elels osle 'olecs oql ]o spuo Je^ oI pue reddn oql le 6ur-rocs
zieql 'lueuruorrlua pue 'Iooqcs 'zi11u:ey '^6ololq eJ e pue e6uer elpprru eq1 ur burrocs sluepnls
rreql uo Eurpuedep 'saler luerelJrp 1e dolenep lsour----€./rrnc Uoq e ecnpord sllnsor eql leql os
uerplqc leql lno lurod scrlrrc 'fie Jo lslrd peu6rsep sr sorocs OI Jo uoltelnclec eqJ 'OOI
'ureql uo fiel urrolted ol z(lrlrqe s,pg1c pe11dr11nur 'e6e pnlce s,pilqc oqt ^q
peprzrrp 'lsol
e lce#e uec leql srolceJ z{.uetu 6ur1rc 'ile le slsel eql uo erocs Jelncllred e elelqce^quarplqc lsour
OI 6ursn Io d$pqe^ eql elndslp scrlrc euros 'lce] qcFUV\ 1e e6e oql :luallonb e se polelnclec eJerlu\
u1 'serlqrqedec s,p1r{c e }o ornseour e se seJocs sarocs p1 'rlleur6rro ,,'luerlonb ecue6q1e1ui,, ro;
osoql uo dlneeq oo1 Eurriler lsuteoe uorlnec uorlemerqqe ue zt11en1ce q ,,OL, 'slsol OI
slsr6oloqcz{.sd zlueur lnq 'Iooqcs uI sseccns ro 'slsel ocueSrllelul are slsol epntpde
s,pilqc e Eurlcrperd ur elqeqel ore stsot OI pesn u{.luoururoc lsoru oql 'pooqpllqc 6ur,rn
7 e6ed ae5
'uoJpllLl, rol slsal aluo6lllelul punole AslonoJluo, o6poln ou{ punor6lreq
aql to auos Eulluosard aurzeEeut 6ul1ueJed e uoll olJlue slql peou rg pllnq ol peou
sef,uaorlletut eldrltnN 8 U:ll_dvHf, V6
ereneq setou e{Bl pue ern}3el eq}.^AolIoJ
no,( dleq sleu8rs Ieqrel-uou eseq] plnoc.4.\oH eesn,(11ectd,(1 sre>1eeds
qslEug op sleu8rs leqJe^-uou Jo spur{ leqdyuoueuuoJul ,(e>1 Surzrsuqdure suorsserdxe 1erce; ro se.rnlse8 sesn ueuo.rosse;o:d eql leql ecEouno1
'suoglsenb aLll Ja/v\sue pue louued e ql!/rt /rtoloq l{6elerls 6u;ue1s;1
uollen1s or,.ll ssnf,srp 1{6elerls 6u;ue1s;1 aLll puelslopun nol( dleq o1 '9 "Ilrol "r"i_"jd
'arue6r1;e1ug 6ulrnseau lnoqe suolssnfs!p,lnoA pue 6u;pee,t moul nof
oql urorJ pauJeol eneq noA leqt s6uttlt oorLll ssntstp leuyed e qll6 i{ leqm rv\al^au
tn petcegor lou ore leql serqllqBdec ueurnq Jeqto aruos eru wrq6 'Z
'seldurexe eruos aArC 1,lsel ecue8rllelut ue uo
11o,r\ rrrroJred o1,figrqe Jeq Jo srq ]ceJJe puno.rS4ceq s,plF{c e lq8rur 'I
^\oH 6u;peel
'sself or.ll r..llr/n sro/nsue rnoA oJeqs 'dno;6 e u! suorlsanb eseql ssnrstq 'f aql ssnls!o
lueure8uur:u peleede.r ,(1.rup8e.r e '1 ]surlsrp '6
uJ?eI ol 1urluelod uJoqu Jo eleuut eq] 'q ftrtue '8
,(1r1uepr eleredes ul\o sJr ser{ leq} Surqletuos '3 ]celJer L
Surqleuros;o uorlrsod Jo ezrs eql o] 8ur1u1erJ elndsrp 'g
Surqleuos luese.lder Jo ,laoqs ol 'e ureued 'S
Suqleuros lnoqe uorurdo ue u-lo; ro eSpni ol 'p lerleds 'n
lueJeJJrp ,(Fue1c 'J ,fi5tqedec '€
Surqteuros op ot eIqB Sureq yo ,$genb eqt 'q ssessu 'z
Jo I€rcUJo Surqleuros lsure8e ol 'e epnl4de 'I
'sro/v\sue rnoA lceqe ot 96 a6ed uo olflue oLll ltre;nqeeon
le {req loo-1 'suolllulJop rlaql Lllr/n 6ulpeer oLll UIoJJ splo/r^ ot.ll Llfle4 'O i:_:Ie'dl3
;s1se1 )1Jo sIusIcItIJ, elros ere ]eql11 't
cernsuelu ol peuSrsep s1se1 |1 eJB sertllqe ]eq^ilz
ielmc IIeq eqt aoIIoJ stset ecue8tlletur op .^aoH ie,\rnc IIeq e sI leql11 'I
'6u1peer oLll lnoqe suollsenb osalll ssnrs;p leuyed e qll6 '3 rnoA 1eeq3 :
96 A6otoqf,^sd , IlNn
,,'sJSeJ Q1;o serr.rlceds.led ]ueJeJJIp eoJql ssncslp 11.1,(epol,, 'P
.('relsqcelv[ eql pue leufl-pJoJuels eql aru [Bpo] pesn slse] e{J,, 'J
..LrreerJJ r(1eer e,^a op ]gq.&\ ,,'u?lus,, sr uosJed e IBS e,,\\ ueq&\ 'os,,
'puur{ Jeqlo eql uo 'speeu luepn}s ssessB slooqcs dleq uec slsel oL, 'e-
-6ursse;dxe s1
rosselo.rd oLll eopr tlllm ;eu6ts leqtol-uou Llfeo qrle4 '/v\olaq salonb s1eu61s
aLll peoJ uoLll 'oJnlral e 6utnt6 ,tossa;o,td e 1o soloqd oLll 1P Iool 'l r":f1-j:-1 :_'!:1:':u
'a;eq se;dutexe;no{ olUM'lueuodtut st 6ulqleutos leLll
6urlecrpur .ro; s;eu61s leqJon-uou JaLllo Jo lulLll ol ;euued e qll/vl ),UoM 'H se;dutexe sloul lsll
spuell roLl/srLl qltan sldecuol ]uoloJJlp oM] slse.rluof, pue sa;eduuoc .
sproM Jo
osn 3ruor Moqs lo aztseqdute ol lle oq] ul s)leLu uollelonb soIeLU.
sre6ut; leq/stq uo slutod ]no slunof, .
spueLl roq/sil..,| L.{}^^ eapl ue ro uol}3e ue sazlloquJAs ;o saztseqdula .
:sa;n1se6 sasn rossalo;d eq1
sluopnls preMo] sonouJ ro sluapnls le slool pue sasned .lossoJold aLll
'p;eoq aql uo uotleLulo;Ut o1 slutod lo sall:ltn ;osse;old eq1
lueyodut; s1 6utqletuos leql 6ut1ec;pu1 lo1 s;eu615 leqla^-uoN
'aztseqd uua o] sallslM .losselo;d
aq] ]eql seept A;tluepr o1 noA d;eq ueo s;euOts osotllJo oreMe 6uteg
'uorJeLurolut .to sldacuoc lueuodr.ut eztseqdu;e ;o 1eu6ts ol osn
sre>1eads qstgOu3 1eq1 sleuOts leqran-uou uoLULUof, oL.lJos ele oraql
uoltewto*up 1uetr*odul1 to4 s;euS;5 ieqia/\-uo61 azlu5ola6 9NIha3-tSlf
saf,ueorllotut eldrllnh 8 u3J_dvHf, 96
:eepr ]ueuodrul
:IBuSrs IeqJeA-uoN '9
:Bopr ]uBuodrul
:leuSrs IeqJeA-uoN
:Bepr luuuodlul
:Fu8rs IeqJoA-uoN 'v
:Bepr lueuodu{ =
:leuSrs IeqJeA-uoN '€
:eepr lueuodlul
:IeuSrs Ieqre^-uoN 'z
:Bepr luBuodlul
:pu8rs Ieqro^-uoN 'I
'seop! oLll u/nop alu^ pue
'uge6e qrle A 'seapt lueyodutg olettput ol sasn laleeds oql leql s;eu6ts lllllil{{@l
leqJan-uou oLll u/v\op e1llan 'qclean no{ sy 'oJnlfol uoqs aLll r{fle/v\ .)| ornl)ol otll qrle A
'seseeJcur ecue8
-Uelq pezryels.&rc epq,l 'eurrl JeAo seseeJcep ecueSllletur prnld 'v
'ez(leue puu uoseer o1ftg1qu eqt sr ecueS{Ie}q pezq14s,ft3 '€
'uoIlsIUJOJur puu
stceJ Jo e8pelmoul lu.reue8 s,uos;ed B ot sJeJeJ ecue8qlelur plnld 'Z
Ielel uruuec euo ',Qrlue euo se peugep sr ecue8qlelur IeJeueC 'I
'luoualels Llreo ol lxau osle3 rol I ro on/I roJ I lnrrno@
alu/vr uoql'sllnpe ug aeue61;;e1u1 Eugrnseetu uo arnltrol UoLls e q?le A rf oopln or.{l rltleM -::
L6 A6oloqcAs6 , IlNn
rr'slieuts looq, u€tll ,loqleJ .rsupuls loa,rlsu se arua6!l,olu! lo ad^l
s!rll ol ratar lq6!ut aldogd euos '5on6ea!lo3 pue 's,loqrlElau 'Ea!lltuel Io
spaou sr.ll laaul pue raarpf ro 3tuctl E Eoeueul El *\oq sE qfns'sue;qord
..plronA-lBal,, onlos puE suoltenlls ol ldepe ol rttlllqB sruoslod E ol
srarai-cfuaSlllalu! lef !lreld-33u46!llatu! pllql aql'$lsel pue sustqord
ot srrollnlos lEnsnun pue ,{rau pull ol aldoad sr'/iolle ll 'suollpnlls ,l,r5u u!
o^llgAouu! pue alqlxsE oq o* lu!llqe aql sltalle, aru66!llalu!o^lleal,
'alua6!llalu! a^lleEr3 s! a)ue6!llatu! ro puDl puofss El'll'Elllls Is3!6ol
ptls leqJa^ asn ol puE 'uolle{u,lo}Ll! ssatud ol'uolluaue ol rugld
^ed 'ureal o}
ol ,tl!!lqe aql sapn!3ul sll,lt '/tllual3lrls {u!tll pue 'laqlrloula,
,tl!llqe aql ot srars,t alua6lllstu! 1;il(leuy'a3ua6!l!alu! lerlpeld pue
anllearr'alua6lllalul r;p{leue are asoqt'sauo6oleJ aalql :
otul pap!^!p aq ue3 alua6lllalu! lelll posodord seq E,requre15 yaqo6 i
'solou lnoA a;eduo, 'O"rr,r,r'"r"
no{ ueq11 'soloJ qf,}!/v\s uotlf 'lsll poJaqulnu e 6ulsn solou salel Joqlo
or.ll 'speoJ no{;o ouo olttl11 'ecue6;;;e1u! Jo sruJol aelql s.6lequlo}S uo
oJnltral e uoJl ldlerxe stLll pnole 6u;peel sulnl olel leuued e ql!/n IJo/vyV slsll paroqunu osn
iioibil iia eel.ep''aeiAw;oi iabw 'b'o -
p#J6Er{.rsrr,!pa w wauaepl 'sjiug s s&s#rl e
abValnou4 luab.
ac ue O ylaau 1 p azyle ae R; a ,ffi
eelzznd's#'€?row lM -
aij4eaJCC tainb;
o+ul /v\au
sea?l ivrau -
:s azRleueluoeeoJ o
Ou14u1q+ alqlxay.
L*{ acuaOyleaul
:Xi, ?nlj' L
'seapl uoo^^laq
sdlr.lsuollelar AlruOts o] sluaput 6utsn'1st; e Jo tuloJ oLl] u! uolleLUloJUt
aLl] u^ op alum o] 1n;d1eq s,ll 'osef, slLll ul raqLUoLUoJ ol paau llllln
noA 1eq1 su-tolr palelor Jo seept Jo slstl luasald ueuo lllM slosso1old
LrolteulroJul az!ue6ro ot slsl'l palaqulnN asn 9NtXVr-3rOll
setruaorllotut oldrilnN I uSIdvHf, 86
'uo4eruJoJul luegodurr ol pelceuuoc ,(eqt ,(um eq].ro sleu8rs
IBqJeA-uou eql ezruSoceJ ol elqe s,(uuvrle se.ta I luql eJns Jou ru.I
'Sutrrt8 suzvr
;osse;o;d eq] uo4euJoJul eqt ot esoqt lceuuoc ot elqu s,(e,l1e
J,use,^a 1
lnq 'sleu8rs IBqJeA-uou eql ezruEoceJ o] elqe se,l\ I
'uorteruJoJul tueuodrur qcleJ eru pedleq tl puu leu8rs IBqJa^
-uou € Sursn su,r,r.
rosse;o.rd eql ueql\ azta8ocet o] elqe sul\ I
'acueyoduu! Jo sleu6rs leqJan-uou aq1 azru6orar uolsueqerduoc
ol olqe erervr noA llo/vl MoLl saqrJrsop lsoq leql luaualPls aql ltraql ro ;nod ssassy
lueyodurl ,ro; s;eu61s leqJon-uou ol uollualle l{ed ol Jaqruatuou 'lsrl
paJoqulnu e osn 'Iooqalou rnoA u! solou alel pue'ornlrol or.ll qsle6 .3 ornlral aql qf,leM
';euyed e Lll!/vl
suorlerperd ;noA aredurol '/v\olaq suoglc;peid aoJLlt ollr6 aornlrol
oLll tuorJ ureol ol lcadxe no{ op }eLl^A 'of,uaollletul lo cldot aLll uo B ooed oes
possnssrp pue peor aleq noA 6u;q1[rene ]noqe lulLl] 'ornlrol otlt oroJog .g suo;1:;peld elep '==
66 Aoolorlf,^sd , IlNn
LZ e6ed aes
'[;uo selnulllu ,-Z tol ),llel 'oJnlf,ol arnlfal
ol.ll Jo s1u;od uleur aql Eugzlreututns suJnl olel pue leuyed e qllivl)1lo/vyg aLll ozuerutuns
asl^ou 'uollerurorut 6ulssttu Aue u! ,rt roqlo Ltleo dtoH 'r-d?-:r',,:t:i 6 e6ed aos
A oJ e Llluv\ solou ;no{ ssncsrp pue eleduo3 asolou lno[ u1 uolleuJoJu! solou rnofi ?-.
eq1 6ursn oslrJox3 ut suollsenb aLll Ja/v\sue ol alqe nol[ ele11
f ig asl^or pue ssassv
elnJosn ,(roeqt slql punoJ sJo]ucnpe ,(ueru e,tuq A\oH '€
6secue3qlelur e1dr11nur 5o ,fuoeql eq] Jo sluslclJlrc eql er€ wq/d 'z
'rueqt equcseq iecueSlle]q go sed,fi ue,\es s.reupJeC ere ]uq1yl
'suorlsenb osor,.ll ramsue ol salou tno^ osn 'e
sotrua6rilolut oldrilnN I u3ldvHf, oot
'oroLl soldurexo
Jno^ olu^ 'posnrol uolssnrsrp e Euldool pue ,rdol uo Ifeq uolssnrsrp
e 6u!6uuq roJ suorssaJdxo raqlo Jo lulr.ll ol Jauued e ql!/v\ IJo/v\ .V salduexa arour lsll
' ol >13eq la6 s,lal .
'uorJSonb oql o] >1f,eq ]o6 plnoL.{s oM oq^eN .
a ' ol )f,eq 06 a^^ uel .
JJo 6urua6 ar,a^^ lurQl I o
'trrdo] oL.ll JJo 6ur]]aO er,aM aqAeLU )u!ql I .
':rdol uo pue pasnso; uorssntrsrp aq1 dael ol suorssardxa
6urnnol;o; or.ll osn '1se1 peuOrsse oql a1a;duroc ro suorsnlruoc Aue
qf,ee; o] alqe eq 1ou lqOruu noA 'asran;aL.llo :f,rdo] ;eutOt;o aLl] o]
>1f,eq uorssn)srp eql 6ur;q o1 {r1 Alelr1od plnoqs s}uopnls ror.llo or.l}
'uorlenlrs slq] ul 'crdol uorssnf,srp oql o] paleleJ l,uare leq] seopr dn TA!TUVIF
6uuq Aaql-:rdo1 ;;o 1e6 seuurleuos sluapnls 'uorssnrsrp e 6uun6 ttnlccat.tclft
:1dot uo uorssnrsrq aq1 daay
tgt A6oloqoAs6 7 IlNn
'suorurdo Jrerp JoJ {se puu '3ur}sere}ur Jo lueuodrur
tl {uqt nof ,(I{1Y\ ssel, eq} IIoJ e8uBsere}ur ro luBuodlur punoJ nof
13r{1 erntcel eql q BepI JeIDouu se.^A leq1v[ 'se]ou Jnof ]e {ceq {oo-I 'n
eslueprus Jreql SuISSessB pu? Surqceel ueqzvr
,(roeql silIt Japrsuoc sreqceet pFoqs eseuo qcltl,l\ 'os;1 lsecueSryetul
eldqlmu;o ,(roeqt eql Jo srusrJllrJc eql Jo fuu qlrzvr ear8e no,( 061 '€
'seldurexe eruos oAIC 6Jo ssal eluq Jo ssessod lou no,(
op qclql11 6ssessod no,( >1urqt nof op secue8rlelur eldqpur
eqt Jo tloltlly1 'Z
iecuesqlelurJo eJnseeu elenbepu Jo elsJncc? u? eJe sJSe]
OI,(q pernsueru sflDls eqt >1urq1nor( oq lecue8tlle]ur euuep nor( op ,!\oH 'I
':1do1 uo uolssn)slp otll 6u1dae1 .lo1 arnlfolotll u!
sese,lqd aql osn ol Jaqrrourod 'soleursse;: .lno^ qlt/v\ seop! osotll ssnrslc ', seap! otll ss3:i9
'selduruxe qlt.Lr uoturdo rnor(
goddng a,(q1d.6ueruo1( ro ueru-lue8rqelur eJoru em >1urql nof op oq.a.r
'fJoeql s.JeupJeg ur secue8qlelul Jo sedrt ue,tes IIe Jeplsuoc no,( ueq16 'g
;tuered Y eplro^\
{roA\ eq} ur tlnpu e8e;e,tu oql eluepn}s e8elloc e8erct'e eqJ e}uepnts
looqcs-q8rq e?ercre eql JoJ luelrodur lsoru eql sI tlcltl.,td 'secue8rlelur
eldrlpur;o ,fuoeql s.JeupJ?C ur ecue8rlelur ;o sedr$ uoles eql JO 'I
'oldot uo Ileq uorssnf,s!p otlt 6u!6uUq
ecrleerd uec noA os saturlotuos c1do1 otll tuorl Aerts ol olns og 'e6en6ue;
le6rel eq1 6u;sn erllrerd ol orueLl, e peq seq euoA;ene 1;1un 6uto6 c;do1 uo
uotlesJaluoc eq1 deey '/noloq suollsenb oLll ssnrslp pue peor 'dnor6 e ul .E 6u;[e1s o]!l3erd
sotruaorllatuteldr]lnh I USIdVHf, ZOL
'r..,lsrl6ul Jo LUq]^qr oLl]
lreL! o] pue af,ueuodnrr raql ezrseqduue o] sprom Aa>1 uo ornlse3 .
'seapr 6urlserluoc ro 6ur1sr1 se
qtrns 'suor]f,e ro seapr ezt;oqul(s o] posn se;n1sa6 uoLULUof, uleel .
'af,uepuuof, pue sseurlpuor;J Moqs o1 suotsse;dxo lelse; asn.
sleuSl g !eqtsfr-u6tr{ arxi*}43*x N&t&Y-&8{gSX&d
'uoller!untutuo, leqrol-uou srq ol opeu luapnls oLll sluoutono;dtu1
o/u\l lsll uor..ll'uolleluese;d au oLll LlrleM 'u1e6e ll paJo^llap
pue uorlelueserd slq uo suoglse66ns autos pontosot luopnls aqf lxrrn@
'uorlef,!untuuotr leqJal-uou s,luopnls aqt Lllr/vr sualqo;d orvrl ls!''l 'onoqe sleu6;s
xoq A6e1er1s oLll ur uolletrtrolu! aqt tnoqe 1utq1 'ute6e ooptn oLll qrte6 .a leqro^-uou orlloN
pcqcu:d s.roqlou sq eqlJcsep ot e.tt8 reqeeds eql seop selduexe leq1\. 'Z
6uo snroJ releeds oqt seop ecue8qlelurgo sed,fi eerqt ]BqA 'I
:suorlsanb oml osaLll JomsuV uolsueqerdutor
'roqlour srq lnoqe uorleluasaJd s,1uepn1s e uorJ ldra:xa ue qf,leg .V rnoA 1eeq3
'qsr16u3;o;eleeds anrleu e o)1rl oroL! punos pue Iool Llloq
;lrnn noA 'llnso.r e sV eJron ;noA ut stseqduue eql enordu.l pue 'seapt
lueuodurr ezrseqdue ro ezr;oqurAs 'aruapuuof, ]rqrLlxe 'af,uotpne rnoA
qlran 1;odder L.lsrlqelso noA dleq uec sleuOts leqron-uou en tlf,oJla osn
o1 6uru;ee1 'noA spuelsropun pue san raf,;ed ecuetpne ;noA nnoq o]
elnquluoo osle sarnlse6 pueq pue 'sluouronouu .dpoq 'suotsse;dxe
lelreJ Jno 'A11eq;an-uou euop osle sr elef,runLuLuof, noA ]eL{A Jo t.{f,nN
'yeads noA sp;onn aq1 lsnl ueql aroLu soAloAUr uorle3runL!urof anrlfa;lf
xgeur619 lpq*a&-uery 6sR NOtrvLr{3s3ud
SOt A6oloqcxs4 y llNn
'reldeqc sq] uro4
.(repqeco,t puu seepr oq] aeIAeJ 'uotlelueserd rno,( eJedoJd nof eJoJeg
'ecue8r1e1ur Jeq Jo slq
ete4suouep rcql slueluqsqduoccB Jeq Jo sli{ Jo seldluBxe cglceds epl^ord
'sessessod uosJed sq] lsql ecueS{Ie}u Jo sed,& luereJBilp eql eqrJcsec .
'InJsseccns sr uosJed eql {ulq] nof fquvr ureldxg .
'otlupe noA uos;ed e lo 'rvroul noA euoeutos';;es;noA
oq plnotr 1; 'uosled lnJssoctns e lnoqe uolleluossJd e.ran;;ep pue aledet6 3 uolleluasgrd e aA!$
isleu8rs IeqJel-uou Jo esn ,(ur e,rordurl I ueo rao[{ o
lsleu8rs IeqJel-uou esn I pry ilo.44 .
'Iueql {sv'{ceqpeeJ nor( e.tI3 oJ soJelrrsselc rnor( 1sy
' eql JeAo 1e Sutsee.rcut st .(1ue1ndod.re11. ,U
'sJeJrrrpe pue spueuJ firuu seq eq.laou 1nq'r(qs elrnb servr eq pllqo E Sg o x
i8utzeane lsnlst eqs 'uorurdo .(tu u1 .
'eJrunJ eI{} uI Irysseccns ,(rerr eq o1 enulJuoc IIIA\ eq 1u[D I .
'spuuq rno,( esred 'uosred srql eztuSocer no.(;o ,(uutu z\\of{ o
'c4elqle pue 'lucrsmu 'eltlseJc sI eqs esnsceq InJsseccns sr uosred sI.lJ .
s8urqt o,^41 uo sncoJ ol Suro8 ur,1 'uotleluese:d r(u u1 .
',t\oul[ 1 uos"red InJssecons lsoru eq] lnoqe nor( 11e] ol e{ll p,I ',(upol .
'otrlol rnoA u1 srseqdue
osn osle ol oJns aq 'spJol outzlseqdu.ta uoq^A 'splo/v\ lueyodut;
ezrseqdure Jo seop! ezlloqutfs ol selnlse6 se lla^ se suolsse;dxa lelrel
rnoA lnoqe lultlJ- 'o)ualuas qoee 6u;{es e;tqrvr s;eu6!s leqlol-uou osn
plnom noA moq Eullellsuourop surnl oIeI 'uorleluase,ld rno{ 6uunp s;eu6;s leqran-uou
soruoluos 6urrvro;;o; eq1 6ut{es ale noA eul6eut; 'dnol6 e u! 1106 13 6ulsn er;1eer6
'seopr luelrodurt azlseqdute pue ezt;oqutAs
ol sleu6ls leqJal-uou luoJolltp sesn leleeds oql /u\oq uo snf,oJ 'atull slLll
+ 'uge6e oruo oJnlral al{l t.lclem 'olqlssod 11 '95 e6ed uo s,tervrsue lnor{
Iraqr uaql 'pourea; no{ 1eq1 s1eu6;s o}eJ}suoulop pue lleloJ ol ;auued
e qluv\ IJoA aJoqtueua; no^ op sleuols leqM 'uolleutJolul lueyodtul
Eullef,!pur .ro; s;eu6rs leqJol-uou oulos poutee; noA;eldeqc sltll u! lo!lref 'o :l_9r,o" t::-:lil
dn-dvuM ilNn vot
'dnor8 e ur sllnseJ.rno.,( ssncsrp no,( sB ueqc rnor( esn .
s6u!pu!l rno1 oreqs
iseoueJeJJrp reqt suruldxe >Iuql
no,( op teq^\ el;e1deq3 ur tnoqB pelueal no,( lerD repro quq o] pelsler
scrlsrJelcereqc eql erreq ,(eqt oc eluereJJ:Ip ,(eq] ere ,^AoH eJslIIuIS sSuqqrs
eql eJB sfezvr
leqn uI 'suolsnlcuoo etuos 1!\uJp pue sllnseJ eql ezr(puy.
'stFser.rno,( e{ew o
1o1d no,( qcrq1L ur tJ?qc e
qlnsou ezl(1euy pue elldtuoS
'suorlsenb rno,( ol puodse.r r(eql se selou e{BJ'sJerpo
eq] lnoqe qcee {se osIB pue ';lesreq Jo Jlosurq lnoqe SurlqIS qcue {sV .
/nol^ralul ue ltnpuoS
'sluauqsr;drrtoa]e pue
'slsoJalu! 'sr{l6uerls J!aLlt se qrns 's3!lsyolf,eJeq, ;euosled l!oL{} lnoqe
lno pull 'Aleleredes Alruel roqloue urorl s6u;lqts aoJLll Jo o/vU /v\atlJalul
tos {uqt no,( op ,(q16 6pnsnun }soru eql eJB ecue8rlelur;o sed,$ qclql . .
tuoluluoc lsour eql eJB Iuq] no,( op ecue8r1elul3o sed,fi
qclql& .
itou ,(qa,r ro .(q11 ino,( esrrfuns sllnser eql Jo ,(uu plq .
:suollsonb osoql raplsuo3 'dnor6 e u; s1;nse; lnoA
ssnf,slp pue lsol orll o),lef '1se1 acue6lllatul e puu pue oulluo og
eldllntu '8
'suorlsenb Ja,l\sue pue
{se ol peruderd eg 'dnorE IIBurs e o1 eql lnoqu uor}?ruJoJul lueseJd
e6pelrnouy rno1 lugsoJd
apeq/seq uosred slql ),lulr..ll noA op
eeueErl;e1u1 1o sedft luoroJJrp 1eqry1 6qs1ldtuotrre uosred slqf plp leq/v\
aOl s.uosJod sltlt s! r.{61.1 ,\ oH 'Ol q6!q e q11rvr uosred snouel e Llrreoso6 .V
Listen to the lecture and complete the summary notes. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each blank.
Topic: (1) __________& how our definition can affect the way students are taught and assessed.
Main idea 1: (2) __________
Main idea 2: (3) __________
Main idea 3: its impact on education
Main idea 1:
- IQ: (4) __________– measure of intelligence
- Howard Gardner, a developmental psychologist at Harvard, challenges the (5) __________of IQ
- He believes multiple intelligences cannot be measured by (6) __________
- He came up with a list of 7 types of intelligence
• Linguistic intelligence: learn and use language well (writers, poets, lawyers, etc.)
• Logical-mathematical intelligence: (7) ____________, think logically, analyze & (8)
è These two types are usually (9) _____________ in schools in the forms of IQ & (10)
• Spatial intelligence: recognize & use patterns in space (artists, architects, (11)
• Music intelligence: recognize and compose (12) _____________, tones, and rhythms.
• Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: move and (13) _____________ (athletes, dancers, (14)
• Interpersonal intelligence: understand other people (educators, salesperson)
• Intrapersonal intelligence: (15) _____________, control emotions.

è We use all 7 (16) _____________.

Main idea 2:
- Confuse intelligence with (17) _____________
- No (18) _____________ to measure intelligence
- No way to compare people

Main idea 3:
- (19) _____________schools and teachers to value all students in their own ways.
- Teachers present (20) _____________in various ways (pictures, graphs, model making)
- Evaluate students in different ways (oral reports, projects, etc.)
slurod Ae1 6ut1q6t1q6tq Aq apnlluoJ .
[6e]erlS uo!leluosold
sreqlo Jo
seepr oql 6utse.rqde;ed Aq uotsueqelduoc lleLlf .
[6ele.ltS uotssn)s!O f, !l"uoPe]V
senbtuqcel 6ut1e1-e1ou alrelAod .
sa!6olerls 6u;1e1-a1op
suorlelonb pue sase;qdered
eztu6oce5 .
1eq1 e6en6uel arnltrol
-suorlelro sleuOts
A6aletlS 6ulue1sl-'1
sldecuoc u6tseP Jlseq ulea-1
(,1 uSrdvHf Sf
suorlsenb ocuatpne pue roolJ eq1 uadg .
f6elerlS uotle]uosald
leeds otr Outredeld ere nof ueqrtn
sreL.lto ol elef,tput pue 'slqbnoql rnoA llollol 'esned .
A6elettS uotssnf slG f, !l'rlePef,V
arnl3el e lelJe selou rnoA alelouuv .
{6ate,llS 6u l>lel-eloN
uorlruUop e sleu6ts 1eq1 a6en6uel ernl3el eztu6oce6 .
A6ale;lS 6ulualsl-I
6u1reg Lllra) lstlre pue Ue lltgelE lnoqe uJea-I
6 dSrdvHt
sleoS 1!un
lllJjer9 Jo uv aLlf 6 dfJ_dvHtr gol

Lcuslus persplsuoc aq
rlgJBrB uBc secuelsur ]uq.4a uI eDe se rtUJurB Jo lq3noqt re^e no.( oABH '€
6os {uql no.( op,(r{l(\
6,$runururoc eq] pue s8urppnq;o ecuereedde eql uo ]ceJJe e,rrle8eu e,trlrsod .{ltsour € e^eq tI seoc ;4g;er8 Jo >Iulq} no,( op }eql& 'Z
6s,(ep eseql lI Jo ssel Jo eJolu ees no.( oq
6,fi1c .to pooq;oqq8teu rno,( ur rlgger8 go ed,$ sFI] sl uourrror 'I
tr -a
; =.=
'/nolaq suorlsenb
oLll ssnfslp ol reuued e ql!/v\ Iro/v\ uaql 'r1rge,t6;o e;n1crd oql le loo-'l .V ,!dol orll lnoqe lupll
LOI uorsoc pue liv s IlNn
'A ou uo elou s,lel 'poo6 IJaA'[e16 :pu;1 Josse]oJd
'eu q+l^ pue Jelllo tlceo q]l^
e6e6ue slstue eq1 '[lrunuuuoc Iuu ur eldoed Luoll seOessaul ele [eq1 lOurqlaruos no{ ;;es
o1 6urfu1 lsn[ 1,ue;e {eq1 esneceq &u6etu! orotu o^Eq l11ge.r$ ut se$esseu eq1
'eel6e | :essAp
lBlcleugoo eql o1 esuodsol E Se lce uec tltgel$ ul so$PSSoLU pue spopl eql
'eceds cllqnd eq+ lo lorluo3 e>iel o1 [enn
e sr rlget$ 6ul1ee.rg '[16n se ueLl] ]o lulLll l,uop eldoed uoseol oulos Jo] nq fep e;6uts fuene
puo^A eLll lo I a!^.rno;o yed e Llcnut fuen erc sBepr puE seoeut 1e6e1 eseql
'sI opul^ ul
su6ts 'spleoqlllq 'sletsod-pooqloqqoteu {u ul spull llE }o spB lE )ool I [ep fuene ]ng :eo'l
'utstlePuen lsnl
s,lpql 'llo^ -A1ruelo.rd oulos ro olueu E eltrnrr 1sn[ oqm eldoed )ultll | 'l]l#B16 ;;e 1oY :uouupt'ls
aUE Sl lt;ge.r6 1urq1 no[ 'uouueqs '1ce[qns eq] ol )ceq 1eD s,1e1 :pu!'I
.let;6n uene pue {yrp pUP p|o s}e6 lsnt l! pue .}'Uop {eq1 {1ens61 .}l o^ol'!ol
o+ sotlto pue eldoed lo; [euou ]o tol e s]soc ]l ]nq 'luaueurad eq tou {etu l}U+ele :ocle6l
']t oltl l,uop no{ 1t 1r leno luted slemle uec no{ 'soplseg
.ln;tlnpaq puB sllenrr {er6 {16n e>1eu uec }l 'ouo entltsod e
Inpoloc etou sOurpltnq pue
[;1sor.u s,]l )ulq] I [lunutuoc oLl] lo ocuEleedde aq1 uo ]3oJJo s,tllge;6 6utple6e5 :uouuBt{s
luotssltuled +noqltn peleolc s,l! esneceq
+snf ue eq l,upc ;1;gel6 Ies pue fuepunoq pury leql /\^erp e^ uec oH 'lslue tltgerO eq1
;o uogsseldxa o^lleolc ot{} sl lll}s I lnq '1urod poo6 e s,}pqf :ossef
ll 'pe s; ;1ger6 lultl} 1
(Uedotd s,e;doad ;eq1o e0er.uep ot [e>]o s,]l letl] OutAes ele o^ 'Ue
e^ '^ pl aq1 Outleerq
1l llec oM ll 'UE +l llec l, +nq '1ueulele1s ;ecr11;od e eq lq6rru ]eql
'tusl;epuen Itt
ele no{ 'uo;ss;tuled Slq }noll}ll fUedold s,esle ouootuos uo luted lo e]ll^ no[ 11
s,}r [;;ecrseq 1nq 'tugel6 euos o]eu o] ]uop] 3l]sluE oulos solE] ]l
'lEq] ]ou s,ll 'oN :ocleu\l I
lo ereo 6ur>1e1 s,[poqou o)ll ]ool eole oql sa)eu llll+ErC
aI le lool o1 e^pq o^ plnoqs ,(qM luenn [eql ereqmlue eJp ol olqe oq plnoLls [eql lult{t
eldoed [qnn irnoul ],uop I 'alosefe ue s,1 lA16n Allsotu st s$ulp;tnq uo tlrger$ ]ulq] | :ocJel l
1,''' slqonolllrno^ eue
]l sl +nq
,1,uop eldoed auros i1r e111 eldoed ouos 'lPlsJa^olluoc sl lullele :pu!'l Josselord
#3""fiXt rr punor'v:eq
'sse1: A,ro1s!q tJe aulluo ue uoll uolssnrslp slql pea6 'g pllnq ol peo6
!]!llerc Jo lrv eql 6 u:tJ-dvHt 80t i
'!l!JJeJ6 lnoqe suolssntrstp Jno^ uloJJ pue EulpeoJ moul no{
or.ll rxoJ} pouJeal o^eq no^ leql sEutql ooJr{l ssnrstp lauued e qI^A '0 le-t{rn
e8ursrue^pe tlurll ol s.^ael reAuoIS eq ererp plnoqs eqUJBra
tr-urg ol smel ;e8uo4s eq aroqt ppoqs 6.firunurtuoc e;o ecuuruedde
eqt uo tceJJe erues eqt e,r.eq Sursrge^pe pue ItgJerB t€qt {uFIt no.( oq .7
'tuepnls tuqt qtl,l\ eer8e no,(
,(qm ureldxg 6tsoru qtr,l eer8e no,( op uorssncsrp eq] q tuepus qcFL& .I
'sseltr oql LlllM sla/v\sue lno{ oleqs 'dnol6 e ut suollsonb eseql ssntsto or.ll ssnlslo
enbrun .ro lerceds Surqleuros .J
uouruocun Surqleuros 'q
tu {ool ol lueseeldun Surqleruos 'e
',(lrunururoc eqt q 5ro-S-d-f5 uu sr ]aer1s eql uo e8uq.re8 eqt ilV
'pJol pouruopun aql ol 6ugueau Jelluls e q1/\ ese,lqd aql olrJtf, 'a
Surqleuos Jo stprll oqt $lreur tuqt eu{ eql 'q e8e8ue 'g
esod-rnd uo ftredord Sur8uruep .qo ,h1fietrur'p
lseuoq Sureq;o ,fiqenb eqt J lueueuued '9
,(11euo4oura euoeuos r{lr1v\ lceuuoo ol 'a ,(mpunoq 'g
Surqleuros op o1 ,(poqauros Sumrollu Jo toe oql 'p uotsse.rdxe '7
lueueerEeslp pue uorssncsrp cqqnd Sursnec 't uorssrurred 'g
Jo spJol( olur slq8noql ro s8uqee; 8urynd 'q usrlepuu^ 'z
JoAeJoJ Jo errrrl 3uo1 e ro; 3ur1se1 'e lBrsJe^oJluoc 'I
'sro/vrsue;noA lcaq: ol ZOL a6ed uo 6urpea; aq1 rtre;nqe:oa
le )itreq loo-l 'suotllulJap ltaql qlt^ 6urpea; oql uoJJ spto/v\ oql qlleN ro rnofi puedxS
rreq] ere tuql11 aIe eq uuc ro sr qg;u.r8 teqt e^erleq stuepnts qclq1\ .Z
esuoseer rreqt ere ]url 11 aue tou sr rlUJerB teqt {uqt stuepnts qcrql& .I
'6urpee; oql lnoqe suotlsonb osaql ssnlsrp leulled e qll1 rnofi 1eeq3
6Ot uorsoc pue lrv s J_lNn
"3!tqnd Ja6l€l q3nu., e e6€Sue o$ alqe 58fit1 3! 'Assi slN"l& L'll
'plietdi ,{}Je [.i6!t{,, at4} }o a*fi&;n} €{,!} }$ pcgasu! splns e se einalns ielndad
pasn &,rV {rod '}eq} axll $6u!E*' ' ' 's4o*q 3!ul$? 'saugxe6eut uoltlsel
'sa1neu"r lerndod '6uts11.larpe a111 s6u1q1 uBaur I ;ai&11n3 sseru ,{es I uaq'st
ueau, | 8p *stl&&'ainllns ssc!,!., L&io,,t, [r6Xe] sanbluq3a] pue saulali] pasn
o|oq"le/tr1 {tr}uv *Xil 5}51}}e,4q pa}eai3 pe 3o a1Als aL{} Jo} asn
or.lrr& sl$llie
Blr{ LrJ*a} aq} s! },ty dod '6uue}4 q}lax }sl*je Lic asuat1!}u! 6!q € senn },lY dod
A ldia3xx
'a*aqnn&.lana pe66e1 p{.}e XloA i aN JaAo lle palaAe,,} api '$$!el} 6u166€}
*qJc:${l s;q u51s O1
,ro, rlolluelle elpaLu pue 6uic* la6 o1 &5il* a{{} sem aq ' ' "
asoq3 aq aweuxslu ar{1 6ulueaw 'Lurtuopnasd slt{ senr, Cgt XeI' ' ' 'ggl !4eJ.
pauleu *allrrr^ xJoA ,s{aN y '1116e,16 aq1 Su1:treru se}$ oL{nA uo pasnso} au6 ou
nuaqg aloSag 'a.Inleij6!s s,laa!,rllr e ls* tu,t61 aq* sl 6ei 'X*orrr\ l!alll 6u;56e3
ps*.,els ;taq;'anau 6u1qlawos Sr;1*p pallels ' ' " 's1s11;e 11115e*S sl s;43!i,n
,riqueau i *elNr{i' " 'usx*3lx,ra's0d6L 6;;ea aql u! XJoA ,rll.ah{ $s sA€reqns aq} ul
'suorl!ulJap aql osle pue suolllulJap aqt s;eu6ts
leull a6en6uel alnllol aLll loqel pue aulUapun 'paullap 6ulaq ale leLll a6en6ue; oJnl)gl
spro/v\ aql olfllf, 'r1rge,l6 Aearrqns lnoqe alnlral e [uoJJ sld;acxe aql peou 'l u ot r ! u 6o:t_1
!l:'l,_o,z !
: _
'eleq se;duexe ;nor{ olg7111
'uolllu4op e 1eu61s leql suolssoldxa leqlo Jo ), ol ;euyed e qll/v\ ),Uo/vyH se;dutexe orotu ls!'I,x. '' 'llaM iy Aq ueau I oP ]eqM .
'x llel auos leq^^ ,lo ' ' . ' ' 's! X Aq ueeuu I leq1 .
' ' ro] LUIO] eql sl x . ' ol s]aJer x 'MoN 'x pelles sl s!t-.11 .
' sueaL! x . 'x s! slq] JoJ urra] aql .
e leuOrs ol asn stossa;old leLl] suolssoldxe pue splom alll loJ uelsll
'uteOe LUoLlt euUap lou pue A;re;nOar splonn oq] esn
o] Uels Aeu s.tossa;o;d esnecaq 'oLllll ]sllJ allt uollluUop oq] Llf,letr ol
]ueuodLur sr ]l ulali] oul1ep A1;ensn Aeql 'eutl lsrU oL1] ro+ sprom osaq]
osn srossalo.rd ueqry1 'eele lcalqns aql ul 6utueeu luololllp e eneL1
1eq1 seserqd pue splom lellluJeJ lo sprom Mau asn ualJo srossoJo;d ,{sx&vu&g
t!o!*!utga6 s sieu6!S 3eq& a6cn6uetr a,lr!*341 azlu6o3a6 shm&t3l,5l1
lrlltere Jo uv oqf 6 u3ldvHf, otl
:e8en8uel aJnlce'I
8uglnq:pro1t 'S
:e8en8uel eJnlcel
frolcrpe4uoo :pJo1V[ 'v
:e8en8ue1 oJnlco'I
JeuJnq e Surrleu :pJol& '€
:e8en8uel eJnlceT
dn te8 :pro & 'Z
:e8en8uel eJnlce'I
e:ueE :pro11 '1
'suorlruUap aql umop alrJ/n pue'ute6e ItttXd-...
ualsrl uaLll 'rvroloq surJol pue splom oql loJ uolltu4op e sleu6;s 1eq1 suo!l!u!lop
e6en6uel oJnlrol uA op allr6 'ure6e ldJof,xo oJnl)ol oLll ol uols!-l .y roJ uals!'I
'rruoJ ue ./r.^,eu ? sB Jr puu rlgge.r8 eq] pe{[ clqnd eqI 't
^\BS -
'uec ,(eqt
su sJe,,(enqns ,(ueru su 8ut of :1eo8 ureru ouo eluq sJelul\,(e,Lrqn5 .Z-
'>IroA. aeN ur punoJ ,(1uo sr pggerS e1,$s 1-roa 'I
^\eN -
'luor,uolels Lltrea ol lxau oslel Jol I lo anJl r,urno@,
ro, f olu/vr uaqf 'rluler6 e|{1s Ito /vloN lnoqe 1d;e:xa otn}tol e ol uolst-l .r olpne aql ol uols!']
ttt uorsec pue lrv s llNn
"'' lllt*ei5
,0 s*lA*s &!'!oqa xlBl s{}31 ji&eh{ '}.1€ 3$ sp$rx q}oq 6ulop tl}lle }}!l$uof c
as$ e,usasp cq &nq '}lc l&a,rls }!&ue{'{}ns'an,l1 se &! ses l,usacp aH 'Bures
sq& lcli 5,?! aq '1;e las*?s 6q pa*uar"*;3u1 XSSxo*3s s! Xlen& A*a11e6 s1q
usages*3 aq l'{"
q$ncq3ly'3ual6',lp A*ax se'3,1e A;a13eS pue $le 3aa,!ls }o
$pu!x o,1ri} eq* saas sH '5&s!&*e ;(le,ladeuallles leljslle*lalLl! 3o tl&!&lq!qxa
guegxodwl &ne*alquua!* a3luaiq aq* 3q XJssri slq }!q!qxa 01 uasoe{3 sene sLl
nlre* ul 'slLr!'!asr'!L!i pue salia[!e6 u1 :3;onn s1q Suli;q1qxa pa['c]s
L&Oe u:
aE [iaei&"{1|ew;og pe 6uig{pmls o} pat sltl} '{'*sl^&&,, autsllxplu aq1 6u1sl'l
;a6euaa& € s8fi,1 sr! {Jeqri& 5&aej&5 atl} uo 3;e 511gex6 6u1qe*x: p*Ue}s *t{
"r;4oq Sugop a{*!&rl }311}us3 au 5aa5 at"{ 'pt,Non& aL{} puna}e sa;*a11e6 pue
swnacnui ul peis'3ael&s aql uo q1*q sxcadde 3re sl''{ "o3sl}l"ie*d ue5 u!
pa$eq &$!$r u€ s! a*93id ,{*xeg 'agdwexa *e*
.}ie ruo*} Sau&Lu u'lBB €t*V
;{1;x6agug &l}!rn 3Js eAeur !'Ie3 no6 Xutq} Ieqg 'r'ox*cL* oo* 5! sa$}! sitl} X!'{!li}
slst},*s tX*}€J6 ,{t cuj }l'!€ 'X,{o&& $!q ,lo} Naucu,l cax?* *a,\au eFi '}LIB}'t6dt{'ti
s; $glXuapl ueppl&{ $11,i $erlalleq pue }llqmd 4.4} *1. &u,leu &n*} slt'[ palea'iaJ
JaAaL; sBt{ *1-1 'uollcielxx*a s! }*a xo4 Aaucru Su;4e3 }eq} sa&allaq '*s!}ie X''jt>A
epfs?no aq $s&ul 3s!&ie aql unsauou; ' ' '3lluaqlne aE oa leq& a*sllsq *'dcad
awo5 '&X1x6alu! $t!*,!e &aalas e sanl6 leqr& *noqs uoluldo *o sa3laJa,'lp al€
a;aq1 'plroxa ;3ggex6 aq& ul ?eln3gped r"l; &Je *aalls pue 'lie lnoqs X$!ti1
o*g 'X,lo*n1;e ilst!] &,1 sau,!aq] usl&'!"[ls3
sls!xie aqX 6rm aqa qlftd *lels s1'3[
prie *ia 3o sa16trs &u6Ja**tp le Xooi ssl€ ll,a6& "eaie *$ aq* s,leLi& 'iQ1x6a3u1
l,re *aarlc san16 gertr*i pua '1;e ;o salqdosoli&{d ' ' X;o,vl},,e }n&qe 6ul14u;qg
rlaEi.' " ' seara g uo st13&$ ti!&1 3r1& teln:;3;eel u! pue' ' ' ,&tre1;e* e *e xool
nasinos :
!l,aA& 'a&ues aq3 llc *.ua*e ,taq* ,el 's6*el5 pallun sLll tl! s*g!l,le
g3:ge.r6 ',{31e:141:aels*$}sl}i€ 13111ex6 }noqB Xle} o} 6u1o6 a'{e an'i' AepoX ;
'ZLI a6ed suo!lelouue
uo salou polelouue aqt te lool uaqf 'Molaq ldla:xe alnlf,ol oLll peau 'V oLll or!1oN
'sesself, lnoA lo; s;oo1 Apnls anll3a+Je aloLu aleorf, pue so'ln]f,ol
aLl] ulol; o.,loLu JeqLueue; noA dleq 11rm sseco;d sltll (srels'6o)
sloquAs rot1lo ro 'Oulrof,s.,lopun '6ur1qOt1tl6lq qllM slutod Ae>1 pue seept
ureLU AJtluopl pue salou lnoA .lono peol o] eL!ll oIe] 'aln]f,ol e laUV
'sself, ut palueseld seapl laqluoLual o] st 6ut1e1-a1ou ;o esod;nd aql
saJmSsal x6**e ealoN in&A sh&xw"L-x&6N
ItlJlerc Jo trv aql 6 u:lldvHf, zll
e sleu6ls leql o6en6uel oJnltal oLll roJ uolsll ol loquotuod 'pauJeol o^eq
no^ so!6oleJls 6ullel-olou or.ll 6ugsn selou olel pue 'alnltrol oql t{rle A '3 aJnlral oql qrle^
lauyed e ql!i'^ suo;1c1pald lnoA eteduo3 'suollrtpeld eelql a>1e4
g e6ed ee5
aornltrol aql urorJ uleol ol loadxa noA op leq6 'lllJJel6;o crdol oql uo -'r
possnrsrp pue peoJ eneq noA 6urqyfuere lnoqe 1u1q1 'elnlcal oLll aJoIoE ,o suo;lcgperd ale14
's.oleussell e qllm sel6elells uo!lelouue tno{ aledu"r03 'so}ou osoql u!
s1u1od {e1 pue seap! uletu eq1 ez;seqdtua ol sloqul^s pue'6ul,rocsJopun
'6ur1q6r1q6;q es6 raldeLl) Jollreo ue ut aJnlfol e uloJJ salou lnoA le loo-1 '3 r"1"',1nol"l:!o_uuv
'salou aql u! posn sotEalells uotlelouue oL|l 1sr1 reul;ed e Llll/vl ),lJoM .g salou eql az{leuy
<+Jv/ti t t\Jvd) xJs/v\+JF 6llss
qee 4oaaaaE cMoqa u,anaanwl&aayleb 4+o6 I
ao4,ot|d / au.tA u C{1j\A)
;*; ., r..iy;
,1 ::- . , :.,. .\
(plJorrl +Jy $.ri.ii:;* i"!jlif::- i.-!t.i..{,.iil*i:F11r- i . ._
..,i':.:::.:.: * rr t l; # i:"' i"j: il v
e,,utaqa@ \
,$a6Q) )I
(1rrFa1vr 'r Rtqdo<,ayqd +,:e - seo?l A'/
9t/Zt/Z olz +Jv (v>n) sasl*rv !slgi"e*€3
tlt uorsec pue ]rv s J_lNn
17 e6ed ee5
'[;uo salnutw ,-Z Jol llel 'ornlral arnlral
aql lo s1u;od uletu oLll Eulztleuttuns suJnl olel pue leu1l|ed e qll/t^ )lJoA '! oql az!reuuns
'salou rno{
oslnod 'uolleruJoJul 6ulss;ut ul llll 'loLllo qree dleg 'sluapnls roqlo 6 e6ed ee5
pue eleduol asolou lnor{ u1 uolletuloJu!
solou tno^ ssnfstp^ue
/v\oJ e LlllM selou rnofi
eq1 6ulsn C oslfJox= u1 suollsenb aql lamsue ol olqe noA ala6 .H osl^ar pue ssassv
etuos plp,(qfvf 't
edoqs do4 eqt Buruedo.lo; Surreg qlrey ezrculrc eldoed
l{Jo.taue s,3uue11 qlle) Jo sJrJsrJelceJ?qc eeJq} eJe }3I{r\\
qlle) plp ,lAoq puu 'scllotules eJB leq1\. 'Z
eue sq ur sclJorlues esn 3uuu11
lltgJer8 eloruer ,$g3 1ro1^\eN seop ,(q1n 't
'suoglsenb osoql JoMsue ol solou JnoA osn 'C
ueuo lou 'p selllqeluos 'J eruu eql Jo tsolu 'q eulll eql Jo IIB 'B
suoqruuep ro; e8en8uul eJnlcel eq1 ezruSocer ol elqe s€^\ I
'e6en6ue; alnlrol uolsuaqerduoc
eq1 pezlu6ocel no{ llo/v\ soqprsap lsoq leql luauolels oLll I'ot4l il lnofi ssessy
lIJJere Jo trv aqf 6 dfldvHf, vll
ipe,(uldsrp eq plnoqs 1l {ulqt nof op,(e,l leqm ur pue ereq.^a'Surtured
Supeg qtley leur8rro uu uea.r8 ere,u. .(lrunururoc Jo Iooqcs rno,(;1 'g
'Je.i\\suB rnor( ureldxfl Llru eq uec ro sr qggerS lurqt nor( oq 'z
1,tou {q,u ro,(q16 63uueg qtlex a{II s]srue Jo {ro.^A eqt e{II no,( oq '1
's1q6noq1rar.l ro srq 6ur1oa;1or pue 6ulsned e:1perd ol orueq, e peq seLl
luopnls Arolo lr1un 6uro6 uollesJenuoc eq1 deey 'uolssntrslp eq1 6uunp s1q6noq1 rnoA
suollsenb Jol1lo Ll]eo IsV'suorlsenb eq1 ssntrsrp pue peor 'dnor6 e ul .E 6u;1re;;oa allpeJd
'a,teq se;durexe ,tnor( olUM
'1eeds o1 6uuede;d ro lull.ll ol luor,uotu e poou noA ueqrvr slouolsll
ol olef,rpur leql suolssa,rdxe ;eq1o lo lulr1l ol leuyed e qll/vr IJo/v\ .V sa;durexe orour ls!'l
'IUlql ol leL{M a.rns }ou LU,l .
']uoLuoL! e ro] leql lnoqe ),lurrl] aur lal .
'lurod 6urlsoralur ue s,lPqf .
'uorlsanb poo6 e s,leLll .
'enoqe suorssa;dxe 6ursned al1] Jo auo
qlrA suorssa;dxa eseql aurqLUotr ual;o sJaXeedg '1eeds ol elede;d
pue slqOnoql rnoA azrue6;o noA epqm Almo;s uaql Aeg 'req1e6o1
slqOnoql ;noA 1nd noA e;rqnn ,,au11 Anq,, uef, suorssordxa asaql
slqFnoql ;no1 6ur1:a1;o3
''''oS. " uJLlJLlJH.
" 'Ae>to . " 'lleM .
'1urod reqloue o] o^oLU noA ero;eq ro lqOnoql e Jo elpprLr
eq1 ur esned no{ e;rqnn noA uo snf,oJ elll dea>1 ,,suorsse;dxa,, asoql
s1q6noq1 ;no1 6urnurluol aroJaq 6ursne6
's1qOnoq1 rnoA 1ce1;oc o1
]uaLUoLU e paau noA 1eq1;o leads o1 Ouuedetd ole noA oux sreqlo
1e; o1 s;euOrs leq;on pue suorssa;dxe 6urmolloJ oq1esj '6ur1eeds
poqsruU a;,no{ IU!r.l} o} sraqlo lueM },uop noA 1nq'6urnurluoo a;olaq
esned o] luem noA'seuurl raqlo seepr rnoA ssa;dxa ol peau noA sprom r A{ a vu t -
oL.l] pu!J
pue )4urLll ol aurl erlxa olllrl e paau ]q6!ur noA sauurleuro5
slq6noql rno1 lralloS pus asnpd
stt uorsac pue uv I l_lNn
'suorurdo .sJeqlo JoJ {su pue 'SullseJelul Jo lusuodlul
sr 1r >lurqt no,( ,(qm ssulJ eqt 1e1 iSurlseJelur ro luelrodur puno; no,(
teqt errucel eqt uI BepI Jeqlouu se.^a leq71[ 'se]ou rno.( le {cuq {oo-I ',
7,1ou,(q.Lr ro
areqloue uuq] releq ,(e,lo, euo sI etuoql Jo {uq} no,( op leqrq 6,(epo1 ,,dn
ruoJloq,, pelpc eq plnoc sturoJ ue Jeqto teql& 'cgqnd eqt ot peJe^rlop
uaql puB ,(e.,rn peqsqqelse uu uI peleeJc sr lBq] uB sI IrrJoJ uB ,,uzltop do1,,
u 'lsurluoc q 'plrord u" eqt ot dn esor ueqt puu cgqnd eq] q]I^\ usls sll
1oB 1r leqt Surueoru 'ge;o uuo; ..dn uroJlog,, B pellec ueeq suq pgJeJC '€
;sr(e,,rrr reqlo
ur ,(euoru e{ulu ol JI osn Jo {Jo1( JIeq} les .(eql ueq,,l,r ,$u8elul Jreql esol
slsru€ lurqt no,( oc aecuerpnu .re88rq e Sulqcuer ro ,(euotu Supleur ut
petseretur eroru eq sB & 6>Iulqt no,( op luq16 'cllqnd lereueS eql e8u8ue
puu qceer ot >lJo.^aue sq peluel( lsnl eq ]uqt pIBS 3urm11 'spru4sod
pue suqs-t e{U s}rnpoJd uo >po.tge lnd eq pue 'Sursrpelpu JoJ
{Jo1!\ue peleeJc oq esneceq ,o}no plos,, SulrnH qlle) {uFI} eldoed oruos 'Z
Ltceil sreJrJ,t pgger8 tq8rru,&\oH 6tcueJ eldoed
tq8rur aoH epe^ourer lou e"lezvr r1g;er8 eqt Jr tlnser etll eq {uq}
nof op teq16 61ueds 11e,t\ ,(euoru ]eqt sI 's]ee4s pue s.(e,lqns sll luo4
pUJurB eloruar o1 me,( e srellop uoIIFrr I€reles spueds ,fi13 1ro1^\eN 'I
'ol paou no{ ueqrvr slq6noql lnof 6u11eellotr lo Eulsned lo; arnlral olll ul
saselqd oLll osn ol roquoulou 'soleusse;e lno{ Lllll seopl osoq} ssnrslq 't seop! aql ssnrslo
!]!Jlerc lo trv oLtf 6 uSIdvH3 gtt
' ' sr uorlsonb req/srr]/no^.
atLl6!r jeq] sl ' 6ur1se s.olls/s,eL]/o.r,noA 'o5.
sLn6!&sam& e3.ia!pnV 6urQg,r*13 to* su$!$sa*dxX
'suorlsenb ltnoJ e ro; ouJrl eneLl aM Uorlualle rnoA ro1 noA lueql .
isuorlsenb Aue a;eq1 ery .
€rrrrrria,^. r-avq ttAt tHt \::c!!l
{vvl5 sq+ purupuLJ .vt -t,^r---
'uorleluasord eq1 paL.lsruU oL1s
Aer* aq1 ol apeu tuopnls oLll sluor,uonoldurr o/v\l lsr-'l 'ure6e uorlelueserd
aql pua luopnls or..ll L{f,le1 'uorssntrsrp e pauels pue uorleluasa;d
papua aqs Aervr oLll uo suorlse66ns ouros palrotrar luapnls oLlJ .J {*
lilll[0 ..@
'uorssnf,slp e suels pue uorleluese;d suoglsenb ol rooll
oL{l spuo luopnls eq1 Aervr oql qll/lir sue;qo;d o/vu lsr-l 'onoqexoq eql suedo releeds
[6e1e.r1s oLll ul uorleuJro]ur aLll lnoqe lulql 'u1e6e oaprl oq] qrle rg A sLll ,rlotl oflloN
iecerd eql Jo uorlelerdJelur s,.re>1eeds eql sr luql&
epetecol ecerd eqt sr eJeqr1[
'suoglsenb oA t osoLll Jo/v\suv 'Ue lo lJo/v\ e lnoqe uo;suaqerduroe
uolssn)srp e Uels pue uollelueserd e Jo pua eq1 anr6 luopnls e qrle11 .V rnoAlraq3
'uorssnf,srp oq] Mollol uec euoA;a^o lpql olnsue
o1 uorlsenb qf,ee ozueLulrlns .ro leede.l ol orns oq ,oolJ aq1 uedo pue
opnltruor noA ;e11y 'LUoL1] slserelur leLl] eare ue ]noqe uorleLuro1ul
arouu 1e6;o Ourleads e;am noA alrqm puelsropun 41;n1 1,uprp Aeql
]eq] seapr {;r;e;c ue: Aaql :noA qlrM uor}es;anuoc e ur e6e6ua o1 t
u;oLl] Molle noA roo;; eq1 Ouruedo Jo'suorlsanb 1se o1 eouarpne [=-
eql 6urlrnur Ag 'uorleluasard ;noA Jo puo oL.ll le op ol lueuodLur
A1;er:adsa sl s!q1 uaql qllm uorJoauuo3 e 6urppnq pue of,uotpne olll t::'
6utOe6ue;o aouel;odur! oqj possncsrp an,am 'sreldeq: snorne;d u; aAtagga6 t:
,T'i,JIl, iII> t:
$uo!*sang! asualpr:v AEueg3 pue Joolg aEil uade| ,*&trY&NgsSad I
I -
LLI uorsec pue uv I IlNn
'reldeqc sq] uro4
,fte1nqeco.r, pue Seepr eq] aerleJ 'uorJelueserd rno,( erederd no,( ero;eg
'suorlsenb ol JooU eql Suluedo JoJ selSelers oql esn 'qspg nor( ueqyl
iecerd eqt Jo uor1e1erfue1ur .rno,( sl luql&
iecerd s1qt ul sserdxe ot 8ur,(r] sI lsrue eq] {uq] nof op (s)eept }ulffi
escBsuelceJeqc eseql rlldruexe ecerd stql seop A\oH e{Jodl s,}slue
slq] Jo (ro1oc Jo esn 'seureq] 'e1,(1s ''?'e) scllsuelceJeqo oql eJu le{l[ r
(ino,( o] Surtseretur lI sI fq.r*.) iecerd srp esooqc no,( prp ,(qlA. .
: suoqsanb 3ur.uo11o3t eql JeprsuoJ
'lr ol suorlcuer.rno,( puu
}noqe '1r
{Jo1y\Ue eql uo qcJBaseJ rno,( qloq oJBIIS puB 'ecetd eq}
eJoru ]no puu ptre 'lsrue oql f,q ue Jo {Jo.ld euo esooqc 'lsluu eql qcJeeseg
'surluof ).le6 ,o 'Ae,r1e3 p,reqdeq5 ?(s4ueg se qrns 'lslue loaJls ,to IlUJel6
u/v\oul A1;euolleuletu! ue lnoqe uolleluosoJd e,ren1;ep pue e.ledel6 g uolleluasold e en;9
eouerpne ,(gpe1c ro roog eql uedo I elo.rdrur ot,(elr .
^\oq "i:'r:Till
ecuerpne peUIJeIc Jo JooU eqt peuedo ,(1errr1ce;te 1sr(e.'rn o,lu eJe luq1\ .
:Iuoq] {sV'suo4senb eJuelpnu paglrulc pue JooU eqt peuedo
no.( zvroq uo {c€qpeoJ no,( e,Lr8 IIrl\ seleusselc rno,( 'qs1uu no,( ;egy
'suollsenb oluo!pne 6ulA;t,le;o pue JoolJ eq1; sel6e1el1s
eull ectlcerd 'uaLll 'ofuotpne ,lno{ Iueql'LlslulJ no^ ueqpl '11 o)|ll no^ /iqrvt
ule;dxe pue 'e6eul1 oLll /noqs 'soleussel, Jo dnol6 e Jo luoll ul puels
'oJnlf,olltlf,le Jo Ue;o e:e1d e lo, alls qo6 Jo 'autze6etu 'Iooq e u! Ioo-l '3 JooU alll 6u;uado alll'eld
'alaq se;dutexa ,tnoA olUM 'suollsanb aruo!pnP;e Jo Jooll eq1 uedo o1 s^ervr Joqlo lo ),lu!L.ll ol leuped e ql!/r,r\ IJoM 'O se;dutexa sloul ls!'l
Listen to the lecture and complete the summary notes. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each blank.
Main idea 1: ideas and issues connected with graffiti
Main idea 2: Keith Haring
Main idea 3: (1) ____________ around his work
Main idea 1:
- Graffiti ß Greek (to write)
o The work was done (2) ____________ (illicitly)
- People draw graffiti to (3) ____________ or to express an idea through words or pictures, or both.
- Some people don’t consider graffiti (4) ____________ à people drawing graffiti should be arrested
and punished.
o NYC paid (5) ____________ annually to clean graffiti.
- Recently graffiti (6) ____________ from the art world.
o 1970s, East Coast à (7) ____________ on subway trains and stations.

Main idea 2:
- Keith Haring is fanatical about (8) ____________ on the street & how the young creators use (9)
____________ to connect all parts of the art work.
- He was influenced by (10) ____________.
- He tried to break down (11) ____________ of the art world to bring his art into the public.
- He drew on empty spaces on the walls of (12) ____________ with chalk. He expressed ideas
including death, love, war, birth through semiotics (i.e. (13) ____________).
o Images act like words
o Use specific images to create a (14) ____________ type (barking dogs, crawling babies,
flying spaceships, pyramids, etc.)
- Different symbols in different context convey different meanings.
- Simple but complex ß communicate with pp from different backgrounds
- NYers began questioning who created those à attract (15) ____________ à1982: 1st (16)
- Got global attention à(17) ____________: drug abuse, children
- Started created art for advertising à 1986: (18) ____________

Main idea 3:

- Too (19) ____________: not art anymore, his desire affected (20) ____________, his honest
- He disagreed: another way to gain public attention & make art world larger

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