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Guide for beginners in paid EDIT

traffic arbitrage. Part 2.

Machine Trans
@aksholt • June 26, 2021

first part • second part • third part

Campaign window

Let's get down to the most important and at the same time simple step. Let's
create our first campaign in PeerClick, get a link to which we will send traffic, check
its performance and get acquainted with the tracker statistics.

Let's go to the "Campaigns" tab. Click the "Create" button on the top left. Before
we will open the creation and settings window:

We have a free plan, so not all options will be available, but that's okay. What is
there is enough.

Let's go through the settings on the left side of the window:

Campaign type: Redirect. Allows multiple offers

change them, apply targeting rules and rotate landing pages.

Direct - the same, but without landing page rotation.

Purpose: Path. A default option that allows us to flexibly customize the campaign.
URL - traffic is sent directly to the affiliate offer, without settings. I advise you to
always select "path" - this allows you to change the settings on the fly, without
recreating the campaign, which is what we need when working with the source. Flow
and MyTarget - we will not encounter them in this tutorial. For the selected vertical, this
is not necessary.

Campaign name is the name of your campaign in the tracker. Consists of two parts,
GEO and the name that you add as you like. On the right in the field there is a choice
of color, which it will be displayed in the tracker. This is how I do it:

Orange - I'm testing, gray - in progress, green - converts well, red - burnt out. It is
better to make names such that you understand what is spinning with you.

Country. As is clear, this is the country to which you will merge. From this field
comes the substitution of the prefix in the first part of the name.

Group. They are created in the tracker settings. Necessary for a more convenient
display of data. Not required. I have added two: "Started" and "Stopped" and filter
campaigns respectively started or stopped ON SOURCE. In push notifications,
conversions can arrive much later than the stop of the ad itself, therefore, in order not to
display them in statistics,
but also not disable in tracker i use this trick.

Traffic source. Here we select the traffic source we created earlier ( The
tracker begins to understand and accept the postback, the macros necessary for this
are substituted into our link. Mandatory item.

Referrer hiding is not available on the free plan. Required if you want to hide your
affiliate link url.

Cost type. CPA - allows you to enter a cost per conversion, we will not use.
CPM, CPC - cost per miles/cost per click, cost per 1000 impressions/clicks. When
setting up in some networks, we can set the cost of the campaign based on a fixed
amount for 1000 ad impressions, or on the basis of the cost of one click on it. What we
need. Needed to keep track of your expenses. RevShare we reviewed earlier. It is
used when choosing offers working on this payment model. We will not use Auto and
No costs if we do not want to spoil ourselves

statistics monitoring.

The amount of costs is the same amount that we need to set. You can choose the
currency. Usually dollars are used, but if any source is used, for example, in rubles,
then we indicate them, and the tracker itself
converts everything on the fly.

Loss of traffic. Often, on some types of traffic, it happens that clicks do not arrive to
you in full. There is such. Then we can set the percentage of losses so as not to bring
down our statistics.

Tags. They are used for the convenience of filtering information.

Text explanation. You can write whatever you want, for your convenience. For example,
save your blacklist, or the campaign launch date.

Let's go to Traforce and take some mainstream offer, for example, to the UK.
Select the "Mainstream Dating" filter and our GEO in the dashboard:

Let it be #237 [WEB+MOB] What they offer us: for registration
from a mobile device, a payment of $ 1.8, the SOI model. Fits.

Scroll down and copy our link (Tracking link):

As you can see, this offer does not involve pre-landers, so we take the url as it
is and return to PeerClick. First, let's set the general campaign settings.

We expose it like this (except perhaps for a group, if you did not create it):

We do not touch the number of costs yet. We will indicate them after we place a bet
on the source. Now it doesn't matter.

In the right part of the window, we will configure the path of our traffic. Where the
person will go after clicking on the link that we will receive at the end of our work.

Put the "Direct link" checkbox, thereby disabling pre-landers and click "New

Please note that we are creating a DEFAULT path, i.e. the one that the user will go
to by default, without conditions.

Specify the name of the offer and its ID. You can make the name whatever you
like, but I recommend something similar to mine. So then it’s easier to look for them in
the affiliate program, if necessary.

Next, we insert the link that we took in Traforce and only after that we select the name
of the affiliate program itself, thus the {clickid} macro is automatically substituted for our
link. Be sure to check to see if this happens. Then we put the country. All as in the

After making sure that everything is in order, click the "New offer" button. Now we have it
in the tracker. It remains to add it to the stream. Click "+Offer" and put a checkbox in front
of it:

Click add and check again what happened:

It remains only to click the "Create" button and the job will be done. Be sure to create,
and not "Create and close", because we did not make another control
verification, namely, they did not check on which domain the link is hanging on.

Click "Create" and go to the "Tracking" tab, which will become available:

Make sure that the previously linked domain is selected, and if not, set it in the "Domain"
list yourself. Next, you can copy the campaign URL - this is exactly the link for which we
did all this. This is what we will insert in the settings of our advertisement.

After that, you can click "Save and Close". Congratulations. The first tracker
campaign has been created!

In the tracker, in the "Campaigns" tab, it looks like this:

If you want to use the rules, right-click on the name and select "Edit". You will return to
the previous settings screen. See on the right side "Rule Based Path"? Click "+ Rule" and

screen will pop up:

Set the name of the list of rules, put the country United Kingdom, language -
English, go to the device tab and select mobile phones and tablets, then click the
"Confirm" button:

You will be returned to the previous screen, but everything is different there.
Remember, I emphasized that we are setting the DEFAULT path? Users who do not
comply with our rules will pass through it, but those who answer them will go where
we tell them. Let's do it.

(In this example, we will send both of them to the same site).

Select "Direct Link", we don't use pre-landers, do we? And click "+ Offer" - everything
is exactly the same as the first time. Select offer #237. That's it,
who meets the criteria set by us will get only on it, the rest

along the default path. There can be several rules, and they can all lead to different
places (remember the table from the first part of the manual).

Let's delete the rules by clicking on the trash can next to the list name and
Let's look at another example - split testing.

Split testing is the use of two or more offers in a rotation in order to identify the most
converting one that is beneficial to us. To do this, just like I wrote before, add offer #76
Cindy Matches - PPL $3.2 US/GB/CA/AU/NZ/ZA - Dating Mainstream - DOI.

The second time I will not describe in detail, consider that this is your practical
part. Find him on Traforce and repeat the steps.

It should turn out like this:

Please note that there are percentages opposite the names. This means that all traffic
coming from the default path will now be distributed 50/50 between these two offers.
You can change these values on the fly at any time, even after your ad launch, including
adding new offers and deactivating old ones. G=Flexibility.

Disable rules, click "Save and Close":

Now we are absolutely ready to advertise!

Congratulations. The most difficult part of the manual is over!


ATTENTION! Here we will spend money. If you do not have a starting $ 50,
then you can not read further.

So we finally got to our source. Let's register:


What is Push.House (PX in the common people)? This is an advertising platform for
push notifications, with good working conditions, not the highest cost per click for
many GEOs, and good converting traffic. All this, of course, given the low price of entry.
The minimum balance replenishment amount is $50, in the official chat you can wait for
a promotional code for an additional $10-15, or ask your personal manager for it.

By tradition, some lyrics: what is push advertising, why is it better for a beginner and
how does it work?

You have probably seen offers to subscribe to push notifications in the browser more
than once. By agreeing, you are more likely to be included in the database of such PX
platforms. Next, you begin to receive various advertising
notifications - increase a member, feel women, place a bet and many more

and while you are looking for how to get rid of all this, at the other end of the
provider, an affiliate like us is quietly rubbing its paws.

Someone might think that no one clicks on such ads and immediately unsubscribes
from them, but no, it works. The percentage of ansabskrib is minimal, the percentage of
conversions from such sources is at a consistently acceptable level (if you choose the
right platform).

Here are some important advantages:

• easy setup of advertising campaigns

• the ability to quickly test countries and destinations

• low entry threshold

• quick passage of ad moderation

• the ability to advertise offers that are prohibited in other types of networks

• availability of both mobile and desktop traffic

Of the minuses, one can note the ability to quickly drain the budget with the
wrong approach, high competition, insufficient flexibility of settings, relative to
other advertising methods.

In my opinion, push notifications are the perfect way to start moving towards paid arbitrage. It
is 10 heads lighter than facebook, 6 heads lighter than, 3 heads lighter than ubt,
and a head easier than direct advertising, given the volume of traffic in such networks.

Judge for yourself, a short title (30 characters), short text (45 characters), an
ad icon (192 x 192px) and a main image (492 x 328px) are all you need to get
started. Almost Twitter in the world of advertising!

Let's open the window for creating our campaign in PX right from the doorway
and make sure that even a child can handle it. This is how it looks like:
Machine Trans
Name, our link from the tracker, setting the country, device and the creative itself (the creative is the text + image

of the ad, our advertising lure).

In addition, there are settings for the schedule of impressions:

Here we can choose the time when our push will be sent. We also have the opportunity to set a budget, add

black / white lists to show ads only on the sites we need, feeds (additional sources of third-party traffic that

we will not use) and a couple more


I am sure that anyone can do it without even a hint! No matter how. It is in the combination of all this nonsense

that the devil lies.

But first, you need to replenish the cabinet.

On the left in the drop-down menu, select "Finance" - "Top up". The payment window will open. PH accepts

money as follows:

As it was written above and can be seen in the screenshot, the replenishment amount is from $50, or 3610ÿ on

the day this manual was written. You will also have an input field available

promo code, which, like mine, will disappear after the first application.

There are two types of promo codes issued in the PX support chat: deposit and not. The former are activated

upon replenishment, the latter before replenishment.

I think it makes no sense to describe the process of throwing money. If you've ever paid online, you'll be

fine. If not, at the top, next to the PX logo, there are contacts for your personal manager. Write to him, he will

help you.

By the way, if you click on the contacts, a list with the moderator's telegram will drop out. It is he who needs to

shout if your advertising campaign was rejected, it behaves strangely, or hangs on moderation for a long time.

Don't disturb the manager

these questions.

We will assume that you have replenished. Let's continue.

You probably noticed that on the left side of the menu we have three types of advertising campaigns

available: PUSH, IN-PAGE and IOS-PUSH. We will use only PUSH - these are notifications arriving on

users' mobile Android devices. You can view traffic volumes by selecting the "Network volume" item a little higher.

Let's see what we have there in our UK:

In the table, we see the minimum CPC we can set, the recommended CPC, the maximum CPC, and we

also learn that yesterday there were 134,000 clicks from mobile and almost 14,000 from desktop devices via

push notifications across the entire PX network.

The volume of traffic suits us quite well, but what about the cost? Suppose we will set the minimum wage. This

means that one click (and PH only works on the CPC - Cost Per Click system, remember what I wrote earlier)

will cost us 1 cent. We have a conversion amount of $1.8 on one offer and $3.2 on another, so we take $1.8. It

turns out that in order for us to break even, we need to get 1 lead from 180 clicks on our advertising. It's possible,



Advertising in push notifications is based on the principle of an auction. Whoever bids the most gets more

traffic and the traffic itself is fresher and better.

More or less like this:

Why is it so? The reason lies in the fact that fresh users who have entered the database are not yet very

tortured by push notifications and so far respond to ads better than those who have been in the database for a

long time. Accordingly, the platform evaluates them more expensively. Also, the higher the bid, the higher your


in the sort list.

It turns out that in order for us to get more expensive, high-quality traffic, we need to go above the minimum

price? Yes. Do we need it at all? Not

not at all and not always.

Our task is to get the maximum conversions, which means that even if we

we will buy out all the fattest subscribers from and to, but at the same time we will not be interested

them, we will pay dearly, but we will get zero. The beauty of push ads is that there are real people on the

other end, and if they realize that they are interested in your offer, they will convert. So the biggest and

perhaps the most important


Above, I already wrote what it is. I repeat, in our case this is a text part + an enticing image. What can be

displayed on an ad in the dating vertical? Obviously girls. Here it is worth stopping in more detail.

It's no secret that different nations love different madams. Some prefer Asians

advanced years, other young red-haired Scandinavians, the third Slavs of all

ages. How to know which lady will attract more attention? For help

porn is coming.

There is one obscure educational site called pornhub. Having sorted there by the country that we will fill in,

you can make

understanding of the tastes of the local population.

You can go a simpler way, this site has a statistics section:

review Not the most recent stat, true, but quite sufficient for work. Let's open it and see what is there with

our tested GEO:

What we see interesting: The British love to watch girls of their nationality and Indians. In second place

is the Milf category, they are searched for by search and check in the categories on the site. From the

entire list of favorite porn models, only one blonde. Quoted lesbians.

It turns out interesting, right? Creo is drawn right away:

Porn star

Well, or something like that. If we were to drive to an adult offer, it would most likely work, but we have a

mainstream - what should we do?

Of course, we will try to test this Creo later, everything shoots. But in the mainstream, it is necessary to give the

user a hook so that he understands that the girl in the photo is real, interested in him and really ready to do what

is written. So it is necessary to give trust - to make the client trust what he sees. There are many different ways, I

will describe a few:

• Photos taken at the workplace

Creo spun on Romania

• Selfies

It is pouring now on a tricky landing

• No photoshop, only the naturalness of the frame, no picture poses

Cast to this day

Create confusion. For example, "why didn't you call me back yesterday? Here is my number 442345*****":

Showed good results on past campaigns

If there is a 35+ girl on Creo, you can create the appearance of having children. This hasn't scared anyone

for a long time, quite the contrary.

The photo must be unpopular. No actresses, politicians, etc. Ideally from FB, Instagram, Twitter, it

is quite possible to use VK, Flickr.

Images with flags, coats of arms, symbols of countries are prohibited, but you can take a photo against the

background of the sights of the country of the offer, it is good to trigger the colors of the flag in clothes, cult

sports, for example:

Lana Del Rey - xs, like a star.

Don't be afraid to get creative during the testing phases. You must be different from everyone.

Remember, thousands of people are pouring into these same offers, and all Creos are similar. Ad

recipients develop ad blindness over time. You need to grab, attract. And far from always this is done with

the help of half-naked young beauties. Shoots like this:

Perfectly converted on my GEO

If your imagination fails you and you run out of ideas, you can go the most stupid way, in my opinion. Use spa

services. They will help you see which creatives are currently in rotation across networks. Most of them are paid,

but if you can't do without them, try this free one. It's delayed and not perfect, but you can get used to it.

While talking about service links, here is a great translator that I myself use. It will help you too. And

here is a forum where you can pull photos of naked people and not very "bahin" for nothing, directly in sets,

without registration and SMS. Use on health.

Speaking of the text component of Creo. You can and even need to use local slang. Also, do not forget

that English is different in different countries. Americans don't speak like Brits, no matter how they teach us

that in school. There are common expressions, terms used in specific locations. In addition, remember that

a 40+ woman will not address a man the same way as a schoolgirl, consider the age range. It's scorching

very easy for the locals.

Imagine that a girl of 19 writes to you: "Good evening, highly respected citizen. Unusually struck by your beauty."

Or a grandmother over 60: "What's the price, man, like a shaker? Let's tear sour and fit!" Example

understandable, I think.

One of the best ways to compose a text is to imagine what phrase you, as a man, triggered on the network

yourself. It is unlikely that if a young lady writes to you with the offer "to gasp right now here" you will somehow

react. Remember, at one time VKontakte was littered with pictures in city publics: "I saw you on a tram, bus, on

a deer, but did not dare to approach?" That's what it was. Look for similar approaches. Put yourself in your place

the recipient smokes.

I hope it's clear about Creo. We will deviate a little from what I wrote above and at the start we will use three

of these. Just like you, I will test them as part of the training. Previously not used:

Let's try to play on hints. not milf

Let's go for the masculine. MILF

Let's discuss the lesbo theme and pile on the trash

Let's create a campaign in Push.House.

Open your personal account in PX, in the menu on the left, click PUSH - "Create campaign". Fill it out

as shown in the screenshot:

In the title, it is desirable to use the same naming as in the tracker, so that there is less confusion when there

are a lot of campaigns. In the link field


if you forgot where it is, you can get it, for example, by right-clicking on the name of the campaign in PeerClick

and selecting "copy link" - it will be copied to the clipboard. Please note that the link already contains all the

macros necessary for tracking.

We write the title and text the same as we thought up earlier. Emoticons are in

text field, to the right of the text.

We upload our photo both as an icon and as the main photo, only

framing differently.

We set GEO: Great Britain, we do not touch the cities.

Device: Mobile. There is less traffic on desktop.

Devices: install the latest versions of the Android OS. If there is little traffic, you can add the rest.

Browser language - according to our GEO - English.

Cost per click - lowest possible

Subscription age - everything. If you decide to choose more recent followers,

the price will automatically increase.

Let's go further:
Machine Translated by Google

We set the show time in an hour, except Sunday. Push notifications

are sent out unevenly throughout the day, in addition, clicks can reach as far as

as long as the user does not click on the push. Betting all day doesn't make much sense.

Some strategies involve betting on the whole day, or only on the evening, or 2/2. The most
profitable - it turns out tests. Most conversions usually come in the evening.

We continue:

Advertising limit. Here we can put restrictions on the campaign in order to stop it in time
and prevent budget drain at the testing stage. We set a limit of 180 clicks. Remember, this is
the cost per conversion. Some test up to the cost of two - whichever is more convenient.

The uniqueness of the campaign - "by domain". The rest of the settings are not for us.

Ad 18+ put "yes". We have dating traffic - everyone we are looking for is there.

MUST put the checkbox "Stop after moderation"! This means that our campaign, after
approval, will not start by itself, but will fall into the stopped ones. We can double-check
everything if something goes wrong. In the future, we will run it manually.

Allow feeds - remove the checkbox. Feeds allow you to get more traffic, but there is a lot of
garbage. It is necessary to carefully filter and make a blacklist of what is better to do on large
budgets, and it is better not to do it at all.

Click the "Save" button. The creative went to moderation. Congratulations!

While it's there, let's create the remaining two campaigns. We won't do it all over again. Just
copy them and change Creo. Go to the "Inspection" tab

Click here and duplicate:

On the new copy, press the pencil, the one next to the duplicate button, and change the creative in
the campaign to another one that we decided to use:

MUST put the checkbox "Stop after moderation"!

We repeat the same thing one more time and create the third campaign. Do it yourself.
Check everything carefully before sending it for moderation. She is
takes an average of 10 minutes during the day, up to several hours at night and on weekends.

If the process takes a long time during working hours, write to the moderator, indicate the
campaign number and the problem.

When a campaign changes status, it moves to the corresponding tab. Also pay attention to the
colored label - this is the status. Especially important is the nasty blue-green, "budget limit".
Sometimes traffic stops and you don't understand why. It's just that this color is very close to the
color of the active campaign marker. Keep in mind.

After waiting for moderation and passing it successfully, we go to the "Stopped" tab. To
start opening, you must press the button:

DO NOT FORGET to enter the cost of a click in the tracker. Open the campaign settings in
PeerClick, right-click on the name, change:

We check that the CPC cost type is selected and set the number of costs = $ 0.01

I also recommend that you write to the Traforce manager before the start, send him a link
to your campaign and ask him to do a test conversion. The link is to the left of
the start button. If everything is in order and income is displayed in PeerClick, then we are
handsome and ...

We have launched our first test! We are great fellows!



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