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Rory, Rory is a Journalist, and as a journalist, she was always looking for the next

big story, and she had a knack for finding it. Whether it was a scandal or a heartwarming
story of resilience, she always found a way to get to the heart of it. Her face would
always be lit up by a bright smile, which seemed to be permanently plastered on her face.
She was a young and ambitious journalist, always one to ask the hard questions and dig
up the real story. But one too many controversial stories and her boss had to give her an
ultimatum - get fired or find the biggest scoop they've ever seen. If it wasn't for her
manager believing in her abilities, she felt she would be out on the streets by now.
Luckily for her, she was about to be given the greatest opportunity yet - the chance to
finally turn things around and prove to her boss, and the world, that she has what it

Introducing Atticus, the heir of a billion-dollar empire. Known for his cold demeanor and
the subject of countless rumors, he has long been considered a mystery to those who
don't know him. Some speculate that he might be arrogant and selfish, while others
believe he might have a hidden side to him. "The boy was shrouded in mystery and
misunderstood by the media, a fact that was only exasperated by the fact that he was a
billionaire. Nobody really knew his story, he was just another face amongst the ranks of
wealthy elites. Who knows, maybe he was just some troubled kid who never got
attention from his parents ever since he was an infant because yknow- famous, rich, and
busy-? Whatever you get it.

What happens when these entirely different worlds collide?

Her fingers hovered hesitantly over the keyboard, thoughts of what came next
running through her head. With a deep breath, she began to type with every little
important things.

The sun had just risen over the horizon, casting a warm glow on the city below. As the
day began, so did the work for its residents - and for one particularly ambitious young
woman, her work was just about to pay off.

Bob's gonna like this for sure she thought as she typed with confidence, back straight like
a ruler. Scanning through every word to find some mistakes that must be corrected, fixing
her eyeglasses as she sighed in relief "I'm done!" She shouted with joy as if she had just
won a world championship cup, plopping down her bed while she glimpsed at the clock
hitting 12 o'clock. She instantly got up and glanced back it again to make sure it was the
right time "Shoot!" She shouted in urgency bolting at her closet as she fixed her hair and
put on her heels, took the papers and rushed her way outside her apartment to the
cramming city of New York.


"Atticus, why can't u understand my point of view?"

"I've already told u, I don't want your stupid company." The boy stood firm, with no
intention of giving in to his father's demands. Despite the fact that he was young, his
convictions were strong and steady. He could not understand why his father was trying so
hard to convince him to inherit his riches.

"I'm doing it for your best Atticus."

"I said I don't want to."

The father and son stood facing each other in silence, tension so thick in the air that it
was almost palpable. The boy refused to compromise, while the father was becoming
increasingly frustrated. But despite the stalemate, neither one of them spoke up. The
silence filled the room, making the situation seem even more intense. It was almost as if
a single word could break the tension, but neither one of them could bring themselves to

"I'm done talking about this."

The boy turns, his footsteps firm as he walks away from the argument and towards his
own life, but the father made no effort to follow. He sat back in his chair, not bothered by
the outcome. He knew the boy would come around eventually, and he was willing to wait
it out. After all, what's a little stubbornness in the face of a lifetime of luxury and
comfort? The boy would be back, he was sure of it.

Clicking her way across the city pavement in her high heels, the woman was in a rush.
Her destination was just around the corner, but every step became more painful as her
heels dug into her soles. She had to push through the pain, she told herself, but it wasn't
easy with every step being a struggle.

Her mind flooded with images of the consequences of being late, of a lecture from her
boss, or even worse, of being fired from her dream job. But it seemed that her heels
weren't ready to give in just yet as she finally reached her destination.

The elevator dings as Rory took a seat at her desk, already stressed out from being late,
her manager walked in - she knew what was about to happen, and her heart sank.

"Rory... we need to have a talk," her manager said, not giving her a chance to speak
before he continued.

"You've been doing great work lately, but that's why this decision is even harder for me...
you're just not fitting in with the rest of our team, and we can't afford to keep you on.
I'm so sorry, Rory."
"Wait what?!" She shouted in shock not expecting this kind of discussion "Wait, wait,
wait sure I was late and I'm so so sorry for it but what?! I didn't even do anything! Bob
please you can't just fire me!"

The manager walked over to Rory's desk again and leaned in close.

"Look, I know you're on pretty rocky ground with me right now. And to be honest, I could
just fire you and call it a day. But there is one more chance I'm willing to give you."

Rory's heart skipped a beat as she waited for the manager to continue.

"The Billionaire's son is in town, and we need you to interview him as part of an
important story."

"I... Thank you! Thank you! I won't let you down"

Rory stood nervously before her manager, feeling a mixture of gratitude and anxiety. She
knew that he was giving her another chance, and she didn't want to mess this up. But the
interview with the Billionaire's heir was a big deal, and she wasn't sure if she could
handle it. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves as she waited for her
manager to speak.

"This is your last chance, Rory," her manager said, his tone stern but his expression kind.
"I believe in you, and I know you can do this. Just don't let me down."

She nodded sternly not wanting to let down her manager as he finally walked out she sat
on her chair nervously thinking how she's gonna interview the heir what if he was a
beast and kill me?! She rationalised No Rory think about your career! Who cares if he's a
monster. Save your career!! She replied to her thinkings while biting her nail What if he
was handsome?? Wait, is he?
Her musings were interrupted by a fuzzy voice "Rory! Rory!" She shook her head as she
looked up to see Brian, her bestmate "Wow girl, is life too hard on u to the point u can't
hear anymore?" He chuckled light as he said so "Anyways girl are you okay?" He asked
her concerned "y-yeah I'm just...on my way to interview the richest Billionaire's heir" She
let out a concerning awkward chuckle as if trying to laugh it out "What?!"
"Omg girl u gotta tell me what he looks like after you interview him!!" Brian squeeled
like a fan boy
"M-mhm...yeah- I heard he was arrogant" She whispered quietly not wanting anyone to
"Yeah I heard too, but you know..gotta love em red flags" He admitted while blowing a
kiss walking away swaying his hips, Rory let out a amused chuckle but then returned to
silence remembering what she has to do. Slumping on her chair at the same time sighing
as she stared at the ceiling contemplating her life choices. what do the heck do I do.


Atticus walked into his room, ready to get some sleep. He hadn't been feeling well all day
and figured some rest would do him good. He closed the door, but when he went to lie
down, his mind was still racing.

He thought about the conversation he had with his father and wondered what he would
do. Should I just agree to take over the family business? Would father be mad if I refused

He rolled over in bed, trying to get comfortable, but his thoughts were too chaotic and he
couldn't seem to relax.

He sure had alot on his mind that he got up and went to their garage to pick out a car
(BMW Z4 Roadstar if you're interested lol) driving to their nearest bar parking the car to
the VIP section, as he got in he could already smell the deep aromatic wood, going to the
billiards section while he met face to face with a friend "what's up dude" He heard Leo,
greeting him back with a nod "Your dad force you again?" "Yeah, it's annoying me" Leo
chuckled "Play it out man" He retorted grinning continuing to play.

Atticus stood by the pool table, watching the game unfold without truly engaging. His
expression was one of deep introspection, as if he was contemplating something very

He studied the billiards, the motions, the angles, and the calculations. Although his
thoughts were somewhere else entirely. He was so focused on his own thoughts that he
didn't seem to notice the game playing out in front of him. Leaning his head back on the
wall as he stared into eternity what the f*ck do I do.

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