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Worksheet 1

Student Name: Ayush Pandey UID: 21BCS6143

Branch: CSE AIML - 5 Section/Group: B
Semester: 3rd Subject Name: DBMS

Q1. Create an employee table with fields as – empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate sal, comm,


Q2. Insert 20 rows in the table.

Discover. Learn. Empower.

uysql› inseiinto employee values(8, "Dai’pan", "Salesman", 6, "1998-11-20", 35000, 1200, 3J;
Query 0k, 1 row affetecl C0 . 01 se c
uysql› inseiinto employee values(9, "Ekansh", "Softie Developer", 2, "2001—02—27", 32000, 2000, U;
Query 0k, 1 row affected Cé. 00 sect

values(l0, "Evak", "Advei’tise+ent Desis nei", 11, "1999-01-01", 30000, 2000, 5J;
00 secJ

way s qt > t ns et•t i nI o eM\ pt oy e e values(ll, "Gii•ik", "Design )lanas er", NULL, "1998-01-02", UOOOO, 3000, 5J ;
Q ue ry 0 R , l ro›'i affe ct eel ( 0 00 sec)

vat ite s 1 2, "Ht•ecl haan " , "Sat e silk an " , b , " 20 0 1—02—03 " , 3 0 0 0 0 , 10 0 0 , 3 ;
Q ue ry 0 R , l ro›'i at—I— e ct eel ( 0 0 0 s e c

way s qt > i ns et"t i nI o eM\ pt oy e e vat we s

"Hep a•g " , "CEO" , NULL , " 98 8— Oh—2 9 " , 15 0 0 0 0 , NULL , 1} '
( 13,
uysql› inseiinto employee vat we s ( 15 , "I ne sh " , "COO" , NULL , " 198 9-05-20 " , 1 0 0 0 0 0 , NULL , I}
Query 0k, 1 row af<cted C0 . 0 0 s e c
vat. we s 15,"I s haan " , "TI°acl e f'1anag eI°" , NULL , " 19 9 9—01— 02 " , 9 0 0 0 0 , N U LL , 7} ;

il\y s qt > i ns e •t i nt o eili pt o y e e values(16, "Jaii-aj", "Sales Assistant Managers", 6, "1999-09-09", 50000, NULL, 3);
. 00 secJ

il\y s qt > i ns e •t i nt o eili pt o y e e values(17, "Lekh", "Salesman", 6, "1999-09-08", 35000, 1200, 3J ;

il\y s qt > i ns e •t i nt o eili pt o y e e values(18, "Jihan", "Softviai•e Developers", 2, "2000-10-20", 32000, 2000, UJ ;

il\y s qt > i ns e •t i nt o eili pt o y e e values(19, "Lohit", "Database Developer", 5, "1987-09-09", 40000, 3000, 2J;

mysql› insei’t into employee values(20, "Manbii’""Database User’ Manaser", 5, "1999-09-07"41000, 30002);
Q3. Display employee name and salary of employees having salary greater than 25000.
Q4. Display details of employee who aren’t getting commission.


Q5. Display names of employees whose first name starts with alphabet ‘A’.

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