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CLASS 5 (2023-24)


General Instructions:
(i) The question paper comprises five sections A, B, C, D and E. There are 38 questions in the
question paper. All questions are compulsory
(ii) Internal choice has been provided in some questions. A student has to attempt
only one of the alternatives in such questions.
(iii) Section-A consists of question number 1-19. These are MCQ's and Assertion- Reason
questions. They carry 1 mark each.
(iv) Section-B consists of question number 20-25. These are short answer questions which
carry 2 marks each.
(v) Section-C consists of question number 26-31. These are short answer questions
which carry 3 marks each.
(vi) Section-D consists of question number 32-34. These are long answer questions which
carry 5 marks each.
(vii) Section-E consists of question number 35-38. These are case based questions which
carry 4 marks each.

1. Identify the condition NOT required for a seed to germinate-
a) water b) sunlight c) warmth d) air

2. The given figure shows a food chain.

If the wheat plant died, the population of mice would most likely-

(a) Decrease (b) Increase (c) Remain the same

(d) cannot say

3. All the following plants can be propagated by under stem cuttings except

a) Ginger b) Potato c) Rose d) Turmeric

4. Read the following sentences about photosynthesis:

(i) Sunlight, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll and water are necessary.
(ii) Oxygen is absorbed.
(iii) Leaves carry out photosynthesis.
(iv) Chlorophyll helps in exchange of gases
Choose the correct pair of sentences that are true to photosynthesis
(a) (iii) and (iv)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)

5. These are the birds that lived long ago and are no more alive. (1)
a) Kiwi
b) Dodo
c) Passenger pigeon
d) Ostrich
6. Sun appears to move from east to west around the earth. This means that earth
rotates from- (1)

(a) east to west

(b) west to east
(c) north to south
(d) west to north

7. What are the two primary gases that make up the majority of Earth's atmosphere?
(a) Oxygen and Carbon dioxide
(b) Nitrogen and Helium
(c) Oxygen and Nitrogen
(d) Carbon dioxide and Argon

8. Complete the analogy


Orion: .................. :: Ursa minor: Spring

a) summer b) autumn c) spring d)


9. Which statement describes the motion represented

in this model?

a) Earth goes around the Moon, and the Sun goes around the
b)The Moon goes around the Sun, and the Sun goes around the Earth.
c)The Moon goes around the Earth, and the Earth goes around the Sun.
d)The Sun goes around the Moon, and the Earth goes around the Sun.

10. Which of the following is a biomass energy resource?


a) Coal
b) Hydrogen
c) Wood
d) Natural Gas
11. Select the correct comparison among the following:

Inner planets Outer planets

a)Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter Neptune Mercury, Venus,Earth and

b) Made of gases Made of rocks
c) Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and.
d) Have no solid surfaces Have solid surfaces

12. Pasteurization is the process of heating milk

a) above 212°F b) below 221°F c) above 221°F d) below

13. Which of the following statements is/are correct?


(i) Milky Way is a spiral-shaped galaxy.

(ii) Planets have their own light.
(iii) Satellites are small heavenly bodies that revolve around the Sun.
(iv) One revolution of the Earth is completed in about 365 days 4 hours.
Tick the correct option:
(A) (i) and (iv)
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (ii)
(D) (iii) and (iv)

14. The fruits get covered with whitish or orange powder because -
a) it is preserved
b) it is fit for eating
c) it is spoiled
d) it has become tasty

15. Wildlife is continuously decreasing. What is the main reason for this?

a) Hunting and poaching activities

b) National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary
c) Afforestation
d) Air pollution
Questions 16 -19 consist of two statements, namely, Assertion (A) and Reason (R).For
selecting the
correct answer,use the following code:

(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation
of Assertion (A).

(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion(A).

(c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false.

(d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true.

16. Assertion (A): Pole star is used for navigation.


Reason (R): Pole star appears stationary from the earth.

17. Assertion (A): Global warming is a gradual increase in average temperature of the
earth. (1)

Reason (R): Greenhouse effect is causing warming of the earth.

18. Assertion (A): Preservatives are added to food items.


Reason (R): Preservatives inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

19. Assertion (A): Natural gas is an eco-friendly fossil fuel.


Reason (R): It is easy to transport through pipes.

Q20. Draw a neat diagram of constellation Ursa Major.

Q21. Give reason-

i. All seeds do not germinate to form new plants.
ii. Some plants feed on insects.

Q22. a) Give the name of India’s first artificial satellite.

b)State one use of artificial satellites. (2)

Q23. a) “We should not be cruel towards animals.” State one way to
prevent cruelty against animals.

b) Which Act has been passed by the Indian government to protect wildlife? (2)

Q24. Show the cyclic representation of balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in air. (2)

Q25. Mention any two harmful effects of acid rain. (2)

Q26. Identify and label different phases of Moon in the given figure: (3)

Q27. i. Label the diagram:


ii. State the function of each of the above parts of a seed.

Q 28. State the conditions necessary for existence of life on a planet. (3 points)

Q29. By mistake Rohan left a small piece of sandwich on a plate in the corner of a room for 5-6
days. After 6 days,
When the plate was found, the sandwich had cottony growth on it.

a) What was the cottony growth on the sandwich?

b) Is this sandwich suitable for human consumption?

Give reason for your answer.

c) State the reason behind this cottony growth.


Q30. Study the passage and answer the questions-

A food chain is a network of links in a food web. Here, the
producers are consumed by the predators-primary and
secondary consumers. When many such individual food chains
occur in an ecosystem, it is known as Food Web.

In the given Food Web-

a. Identify and write a four-step food chain.
b. Give one point of difference between
a food chain and a food web. (3)
Q31. a) State any one disadvantage of fossil fuel. (3)

b) Write the full form of –

i) LPG

ii) ATF

Q32. a) Name the gas that prevents the upper layers of atmosphere from harmful ultraviolet
rays of sunlight from reaching the earth’s surface.
b) Mention any two ill-effects of ultraviolet rays on living beings.
c) Frame an activity which demonstrates that “Air is required for the process of burning.”
Q33. a) Make a flow-chart on the process of generating electricity from coal.
b) Draw a poster and write a slogan on the topic “Save Energy.”

Q34. a) Give reason:

i. It is important to check the manufacturing and the expiry date of the packaged food item
before consumption.
ii. The kitchen shelves and cup-boards must be kept clean and dry.
b) Enlist any three reasons for spoilage of food.

Q35. Observe the following pie chart carefully and answer the following questions
a) Identify the factor which is having the maximum contribution to air pollution.
b) Identify the factor which is having the minimum contribution to air pollution.
c) Name two gaseous pollutants.
d) Suggest anyone way to reduce air pollution
Q36. Dispersal means scattering of seeds far from the parent plant. It is the mechanism by
which plant seeds are
transported to new site for germination. Plants disperse their seeds to ensure their
survival. Seed dispersal
also make sure that one area does not become overcrowded.

a) Identify the way of seed dispersal in the given figure.

b) Mention two plants which are dispersed by this method.
c) Think what would happen if seed does not spread and remained at one place only.
d) State any two features of the seed which are dispersed by this method.

Q37. Your class is planning a project to create a model of Future city for the coming science
week. Students have decided to show all the renewable sources of energy to display
sustainability in the environment .
a) Mention any 2 renewable sources of energy.
b) Mention any 2 non renewable sources of energy.
c) State any one advantage of using renewable sources of energy.
d) Mention any one difference between renewable and non renewable sources of energy.

Q38. Sailing ships before the 20th century had no refrigeration at all—even canned food
wasn’t invented until 1810. They used to select food that could last a long time like: flour, salted
meats, raisins, dried beans, rice, hard cheeses, pickles, jam and jelly. In this way, they were able
to survive adverse conditions.
a) State the importance of food preservation.
b) Mention any 2 perishable food items.
c) How does salt used in pickles work as a preservative?
d) What method of food preservation will be applied for: i) onions ii) potato chips

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